RADA Cutlery (Made in the USA) is being sold
by the Adult Christian Ed Class. There is a
display box available in Fellowship Hall with all
of the knives and other kitchen utensils that are
available for sale. Please see Shirley Cerzullo in
between services if you are interested in
All are invited to participate in Fellowship Club.
Fellowship Club sponsors social gatherings of
retired persons and all others whose
employment does not prohibit them from
participating. Open to ALL community
residents, the club provides programs that are
entertaining and educational. Luncheon
meetings are the second Thursday of the month
and cost $7.00 Fellowship Club will not be
meeting in July and August. We will resume
our luncheon meeting on Thursday, September
10th at 12:00. Enjoy summer!
Doesn’t it just make you feel good when you
walk into a room and someone with a cheery
smile says “Good Morning” to you? If you’d be
interested in being a greeter for either of our
weekly Worship Services, please put your name
on the list in the Narthex. Be THAT person and
share your happiness with your friends at
We are always looking to add your talent to
Centenary’s Praise & Worship Team and/or
the Traditional Choir. We are on the
summer schedule through September;
however there are plenty of opportunities to
share your talent for special music
throughout the summer. Contact Dave
Shover at (717) 343-8831 or via email at
[email protected]
Currently we are in need of
these items in our Food Bank:
canned fruit, applesauce,
pudding, tomato soup,
vegetable soup, tuna, pancake
mix & syrup, rice mixes, Pop
Tarts, spaghetti and cereal.
And this is how we derived at our church’s new
It was visioned by our Leadership Team,
unanimously Approved by Church Council and
adopted by our church on Vision Sunday, June 28,
By Pastor Brian
But, it is not just a pretty saying to place on
Jesus’ most significant teachings center around the
theme of love.
It is a vision that we need to live into and proactively
live out.
When asked to give the greatest commandment in the
law, Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all
your mind. This is the greatest and first
commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall
love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Mt. 22:36-40)
Following Jesus is not just a belief system; it is not
just about professing words, it is an action. Jesus
said, “if you continue in my word, you are truly my
disciples; and you will know the truth and the truth
will make you free.” (John 8:31-32)
And then the night before he died on the cross, he
had one final conversation with his disciples. I call it
his “deathbed conversation” because it’s the
conversation you have with loved ones when you
know you will never be able to talk to them again.
Therefore, you impart the most important teachings.
You leave your legacy in these conversations.
“Loving God…Loving Our
Neighbor…Loving One Another”
We have to be intentional in reflecting our vision – to
God, to our neighbor, to one another.
Grace and Peace,
And this is what Jesus said:
“I give you a new commandment. That you
love one another. Just as I have loved you, you
should love one another. By this everyone will know
that you are my disciples. If you have love for one
another.” This message was so important to Jesus he
stated it again later in the conversation.
So, three of the most important commandments Jesus
ever gave were this:
Love God.
Love our neighbor.
Love one other.
Pastor Brian
In 1998, Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo, two
graduates of the 1997 Women’s Leadership
July’s Take Out Meal will include Pulled Pork
with roll, macaroni and cheese, baked beans,
cole slaw and fruit cup. Orders can be placed
until Monday, July 27. The cost will be $8/meal
and can be picked up Friday, July 31 between
noon and 5:00 pm.
Institute at The Hartford Seminary in Hartford,
CT gave birth to a ministry as a result of their
experience in the program of Applied Feminist
Spirituality under the direction of Professor
Miriam Therese Winter, MMS.
Care and the love of knitting (and crochet) have
been combined into a prayerful ministry that
reaches out to the hose in need of comfort and
solace. Many blessings are knitted into every
shawl. The knitter begins each shawl with
prayers for the recipient. Intentions are
continued throughout the creating of the shawl.
When the shawl is completed it is offered a final
ritual before being sent along its way.
As this gift has been sent along, some recipients
have continued the kindness by making one
themselves and passing it onto someone in
need. Thus, the blessing is rippled from person
to person, with both the giver and receiver
feeling the unconditional embrace of a
sheltering, mothering God!
Some uses for the shawls include: folks
undergoing medical procedures; as a comfort
after a loss, during bereavement, prayer or
meditation, commitment or marriage
ceremonies, birthing, nursing a baby; as a bridal
shower gift; leading ritual, during an illness and
recovery; ministering to others or just
socializing……There are endless possibilities!
To make a shawl personal, the giver or the
recipient may want to adorn the shawl with
beads, shells, feathers or charms. A blessing or
ritual maybe offered when the gift is presented.
For additional information about this program,
please see Sherry Reynolds.
On Saturday, September 12th, we will be
sponsoring a Fall Tea: beginning at 11:30 am
and ending at 2:30pm, the guest speaker will be
Mary Klaus. Mary, a regular contributor to The
Patriot News for more than 30 years, has
traveled on many mission trips and will be
sharing some of her experiences with us.
We will also be hosting a silent auction.
Watch the weekly bulletins for more
information or contact Karen Hoover for
additional information.
Through the summer we will be selling Sheetz
coupon booklets for $10 each. In each booklet
will be a variety of Sheetz coupons that are
good at any Sheetz store. The booklets will be
for sale during church events and can also be
purchased in the office Monday-Friday 10-2pm.
Also stay tuned for additional fundraisers
throughout the summer. We will also be
hosting another Premier Jewelry Fundraiser
Party on Sunday, August 2nd. And mark your
calendars now for the Fall Fashion Show on
Saturday, October 10th! Seating will be limited!
Thank you to everyone
for your prayers, cards
and thinking of me
during my recent
surgery. Also, thank
you to those who
wished us a Happy 40th
**Eloise Dreese
For the month of August, we will be holding an
Eat-In OR Take Out Meal on Saturday, August
22, 11:30am-2:30pm. Preorders are
encouraged and are due by Monday, August 17.
The cost will be $8/meal. Choose between
Spaghetti with red OR white sauce and
meatballs OR Spaghetti with meat sauce with
green peppers and onions. A tossed salad,
bread and fruit cup will also be included.
**Orders can be placed through the church
office, by signing up in the Narthex or by
contacting Karen Hoover.
Do you enjoy working outdoors? We are
currently looking for volunteers to help with the
yard work around the exterior of the church
and parsonage. Grass cutting, weed whacking,
and gardening experience is not necessary…we
will train you! Contact Larry Beard or Sue Shuey
for more information.
Be the Difference
By Dani Rice
Almost seven years ago, my grandmother,
Anne Ritter, passed away from pancreatic
cancer. Up until her diagnosis, she was a
relatively healthy person….physically and
spiritually. With receiving the news of her
illness, Nan’s faith never waivered. She was
given approximately six months to live and she
lived almost another year and a half. After her
first round of chemotherapy, Nan looked at me
and said “I’m not done yet, Dani Becky”, which
she so affectionately had called me my whole
life. My reply to her, “No you certainly are not
because you still have a lot to teach all of us”.
Each family gathering we attended became
nostalgia sessions with Nan, as my sister,
brother and I eagerly wanted to absorb as many
memories and as much knowledge as we could.
Nan was the kind of person that put everyone
else first. Her family, her friends, everyone
else’s needs and desires took precedence over
her own. A month before she passed, we
received the phone call to come to Maryland and
see her, as she wasn’t expected to make it
through the weekend. Upon our arrival to the
hospital, we looked at our loving grandmother
lying before us so weak and were still taken
aback by the fact that she was concerned about
her grandchildren having dinner that evening.
Nan adamantly informed my dad to go do some
grocery shopping for us. Even on her death bed,
she was focused on others.
That weekend with my family we were
forced to accept the inevitable, Nan was leaving
us soon. My Dad called me back the hall to my
Nan’s desk and he handed me a book that he
told me that she wanted me to have because she
always said that out of the all of the
grandchildren, this book would serve me the
most purpose. The book is entitled “Be the
Difference”. And anytime I feel I need some of
Nan’s guidance, I refer to that book.
How important are you? More than you
think. Nothing of any consequence happens in
this world unless someone like you decides to
make it happen. And rarely do any of us act
entirely on our own; we act in concert. Just as
Rogers needed Hammerstein, you need
someone, and someone needs you. “To make a
difference,” wrote Maya Angelou, “is not a
matter of accident, a matter of casual occurrence
of the tides. People choose to make a
difference.” It’s all about your choice. While
some say, “I don’t think, I don’t care, I don’t
know, I don’t count,” others always bring their
hearts to the work and participate to the hilt.
They change and contribute what they can. And
by giving their personal best to their piece, they
make a significant difference for us all.
Great things are a series of small things
brought together with flair, passion, precision
and care. “How we perform as individuals,”
wrote Harry Gray, “is how we perform as a
nation.” It’s true. Every company, community,
project or movement is really just the sum of its
parts. Deciding to be a great part is a choice
each of us makes every day. And the sum total
of those decisions ultimately comprises the
meaning and significance of our lives---the
difference we make. Celebrate your power and
potential. The place you are in needs you today.
No one else can contribute your unique
combination of talents, energy, insights and
ideas. What you do does make a difference.
You’re in control of your corner of the world.
Brighten it. You can.
Sometimes you need to experience hurt,
disappointment or emotional pain to truly realize
how much of a difference you can make. Your
faith in yourself becomes evident to yourself and
to others. Share it. Be the difference.
Jim Reynolds
Heather Wolfgang 7/2/00
Ruth Anne Evans 7/3/44
Evanee Ellenberger 7/2/2009
Amber Stonbraker 7/4/1995
Mary Kuhns 7/5/1924
Eloise Dreese 7/6/1940
Carl “Pete” Moyer 7/9/1931
Elle Murdock
Bob LaVia 8/1/1947
Karen Beatty (8/3/1967)
Sarah Partin 8/5/1988
Lehman Kapp, Jr.
Elmer Rice
Marcia Newcomer
Peter Galen
Jackie Tindal
Larry Neal 7/16/1943
Chris Sulzer 7/17/1951
Shirley Cerzullo 7/18/1941
Suzanne Szekeres
Ron Mohn, Jr. 7/21/1959
AJ Hartwick 7/22/2009
Janice Willis
Jim Rohacek
Shayla Lee (8/15/96)
16th Lorraine Hagenberger
Melodie Roy 8/20/1951
Adam Stonbraker 7/23/1997
Carolyn Brooks
Janice Rohacek
Donnalee Gray
Joan Lange
Emilee Ellenberger 8/23/87
Dan Jorich
Bonnie Brackbill
Karen Reisinger
Dick Evans 7/27/43
Brenda Wiley
Grey Beatty (7/29/1993)
31st Elizabeth Hollern 7/31/1954
Stephen Norbrey
8/7/71 Diane & Larry Beard
8/9/69 Jackie & John Rowan