Page 1 / Hoss and his wife (Tomasita) posed for a photo with Armanian High Flyer during 2015 NPA Grand National Show. The Pigeon belongs to Terry Gier. From: CCPC Secretary Hoss Aghazeynali PO BOX 25504 Fresno, CA 93729-5504 Page 2 Dear Members and Non-Members; For 2015 officer elections, we had only 11 members vote, the same number of votes for 2014. See following pages for the new officers and board members. Thanks for the members participating. I hope we can improve our members vote for next year. As usual if any ideas please contact me or come to the meeting. For 3 May 2015 Bi-Monthly Meeting: I like to invite all the new and old members and public to participate in our second annual spring pigeon swap meet. Thanks to Mou for his idea and members voting to continue the swap meet during each spring for the last two years. We are going to raffle several nice items including club donated items (feed, feeder, etc.) and donated items from the members. Please bring friends, family, kids to have a nice day with us and talk pigeon and enjoy hot-dog and drinks. Bring your lawn chair too. There is going to be lots of fun. Share your Photos and experience with our club: I invite members and public to send articles, photos, and any other personal experience to CCPC. I’ll publish your items in our newsletter and post them in our website. Your name will be automatically entered in our bi-monthly raffles for prizes if you are a member, if not, we’ll give you one year of free membership. You do not have to be present. I will let you know if you win the raffle item. Thanks, Hoss Aghazeynali CCPC Publicity Director and Secretary My E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Phone number: 559-801-3192 (cell) Fax Number: 559-325-1725 My mailing address: PO BOX 25504, Fresno, CA 93729 Page 3 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA PIGEON CLUB (CCPC) All Breeds Pigeon Club Est. 1946 Whats New for Pigeon Lovers!!! In 2015 2015 NPA Grand National Show Jan 29-31 Oct 30-Nov 1 2000 E. Convention Center Way 2015 Cavalcade Ontario, CA Fresno Fairground 4 Oct 2015 CCPC Bi-monthly meeting See below for location 3 May 2015 Bi-monthly Meeting See below for location 2 August 2015 CCPC bi-Monthly Meeting See below for location 7 June 2015 CCPC CCPC Annual Picnic Location: Ken's place CCPC 3 May 2015, at 1:30 PM, Meeting Location: 73 E Jefferson Avenue, Fresno, CA 93706-5926 (Fresno Pigeon Racing Club Building) Page 4 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA PIGEON CLUB ANNUAL SPRING PIGEON SWAP MEET ALL ARE INVITED WHEN: SUNDAY MAY 3RD 2015 WHERE: FRESNO RACING PIGEON CLUBHOUSE 73 E. JEFFERSON FRESNO, CA TIME: 1:30 PM Show will begin after the meeting Bring pigeons for trade or show Bring pigeon related items for raffle Trophies will be awarded for Young Birds Club will have many raffle items There will be hot-dog and chips and drinks for sale COME ON OUT FOR AN ENJOYABLE DAY! BRING KIDS, FAMILY, AND FRIENDS Call Hoss @ 559-801-3192 for more info Page 5 Ken Larrey Stu Hutchison Hoss Aghazeynali Nancy Gorton President Elect Positions: Mou Ser Vang Jesse Moua Bill Gorton Hoss Aghazeynali Page 6 Minutes of CCPC bi-monthly election meeting held on 8 February 2015 1. Meeting called to order by Ken, Club President in Fresno Racing Pigeon Club (FRPC) Building 2. Hoss and Ken, updated members on 2015 NPA Grand National Show 3. Minutes for Approve 7 Dec 2014 were approved ….Approve 8 Feb 2015 Minutes 4. March Financial Report for CCPC by Nancy: 1/29/2015---CCPC balance was $12,439.82 Nancy will update the April balance______ $56 paid for ccpc mail box, $115.27 for newsletters for election edition 5. Correspondence: a. Frank and Shane mailed several articles to Hoss 6. New news: a. Several members attended national show including Ken, Hoss, Terry, Henry, Dennis, Jimmy, Frank, Shane, Tony. Several member also showed and judged pigeons 7. Newest Members : returning member John Leatherman from Morgan Hill a. Note: Thanks to Stan to reaching out to old members and encourage members returning 8. Open Discussion on 2014 Cavalcade. Discussions on any Items related to Cavalcade and any suggestions to improve. 9. New Items Discussed in the February Meeting: a. Mou suggested to raise the entry fees…Floored for next meeting----Members Voted to Increase the Entry fees for Cavalcade to $4. b. Mou suggested to meet every month…Floored for next Meeting----Members did not vote for frequent meeting--c. Votes for new officers were counted and announced. See attachment. d. Hoss updated members to pay for their ads and membership---Dennis Paid but Jesse has not paid for his 2015 membership and 2015 ad. e. Hoss informed the membership about a letter from Henry Davis regarding 2014 Cavalcade. i. Ken assigned Dennis to head an investigation and Board members to evaluate the letter. ii. Hoss suggested Ken to remove Jesse as a Board member during investigation. Ken agreed. f. Hoss to arrange all the swap meet plans for March meeting include food, etc… 10. New Items to discuss in April Meeting: a. Update on Dennis’s investigation. b. Stu to discuss several item for improving club c. Hoss postponed the swap meet for April due to personal reasons Page 7 Note: there were no Officers Meeting this period…but Hoss talked with Dennis regarding Henry’s Letter. Stu talked with Hoss about ideas for improving club. Hoss contacted Ken for update him of recent club issues. ___________________________________________________________________ Pigeon Facts: Pigeons are incredibly complex and intelligent animals. They are one of only a small number of species to pass the ‘mirror test’ – a test of self recognition. They can also recognize each letter of the human alphabet, differentiate between photographs, and even distinguish different humans within a photograph. Pigeons are renowned for their outstanding navigational abilities. They use a range of skills, such as using the sun as a guide and an internal ‘magnetic compass’. A study at Oxford University found that they will also use landmarks as signposts and will travel along man-made roads and motorways, even changing direction at junctions. Pigeons are highly sociable animals. They will often be seen in flocks of 2030 birds. Pigeons mate for life, and tend to raise two chicks at the same time. Both female and male pigeons share responsibility of caring for and raising young. Both sexes take turn incubating the eggs and both feed the chicks ‘pigeon milk’ – a special secretion from the lining of the crop which both sexes produce. Pigeons have excellent hearing abilities. They can detect sounds at far lower frequencies than humans are able to, and can thus hear distant storms and volcanoes. Despite the social perception as dirty and disease-ridden, pigeons are actually very clean animals and there is very little evidence to suggest that they are significant transmitters of disease. Pigeons and humans have lived in close proximity for thousands of years. The first recordings of this date back to Mesopotamis, modern Iraq, in 3000bc. Although pigeon droppings are seen by some as a problem in modern society, a few centuries ago pigeon guano was seen as extremely valuable. It was viewed as the best available fertilizer and armed guards would even stand by dovecotes (pigeon houses) to stop others taking the droppings. Pigeons can fly at altitudes up to and beyond 6000 feet, and at an average speed of 77.6 mph. The fastest recorded speed is 92.5 mph. Thanks to Stan Hullender for researching and providing this article from: Page 8 Guadalupe Loft Bill & Nancy Gorton (209) 966-5552 SPACE AVAILABLE $20 per year Contact Hoss Aghazeynali (559) 801-3192 Visalia, Ca. 559-625-4691 E-mail: [email protected] SPACE AVAILABLE $20 per year SPACE AVAILABLE $20 per year Contact Hoss Aghazeynali Contact Hoss Aghazeynali (559) 801-3192 (559) 801-3192
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