SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES BARBARA BARTELL MEMORIAL RUNDAY SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2015 PRESENTING SPONSOR - $5,000 The Presenting Sponsors will receive top billing on RUNDAY brochures and applications, a special banner will be displayed at the event, company logo will be featured on our website’s homepage for three months and printed on the race t-shirts. All news releases and publicity connected with the race will feature this support. The banners will also be displayed at CNGCS with the RUNDAY banner for approximately 45 days prior to the event. GOLD SPONSOR - $2,500 (START LINE, FINISH LINE, FUN RUN) Gold Sponsors will be featured on the start, finish line or fun run banner; their logo will be printed on the race tshirt and the race brochures/applications. Gold sponsors will be recognized in all news releases and publicity connected with the race. Gold sponsors will be invited to have their banner on display at CNGCS with the RUNDAY banner, for approximately 45 days prior to the event. SILVER SPONSOR - $1,000 Silver Sponsors are invited to participate at the event with giveaways, banners, etc., and are featured in the RUNDAY application and will be recognized at the event. Silver sponsors will be recognized in news releases and in our newsletter. BRONZE SPONSOR - $500 Bronze sponsors are invited to participate at the event with giveaways, banners, etc. Bronze sponsors are recognized on signage at the event and in our newsletter. HOSPITALITY SUPPORTER - $350 The runners are treated to refreshments after the race, including soda, bagels, and fresh fruit. Hospitality sponsors are recognized on signage at the event and in our newsletter. WATER STATION SUPPORTER - $200 Water stations are located at the start/finish line and at additional locations on the course. A water station supporter is recognized on signage at the event and in our newsletter. 1/10th MILE SUPPORTER - $100 Each 1/10th mile supporter will be recognized with a lawn sign at the event. Mile supporters will also be recognized in the newsletter. SPONSORSHIP FORM Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Title/Organization ____________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Telephone (_____)____________________E-Mail Address ____________________________ Yes! We want to be part of the Barbara Bartell Memorial 5K RUNDAY! Sponsorships: Presenting Sponsor $5,000 Gold Sponsor $2,500 Silver Sponsor $1,000 Bronze Sponsor $ 500 Hospitality Supporter $ 350 Water Station Supporter $ 200 1/10th Mile Supporter $ 100 Total Amount $________________ Make Check Payable to: Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Services 950 South Oyster Bay Road, Hicksville, NY 11801 Please charge my: Visa MasterCard Corp. Card: Yes No Card # _________________________________________________________Zip Code: _________ Exp. Date _______________ Cardholder Name (please print) __________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________ Date_______________ For more information: (516) 822-6111 x265 Fax: (516) 396-0553 Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Services, Inc. is a 501(c) (3), non-profit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. A copy of our latest annual report may be obtained, upon request from Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Services, Inc. 950 South Oyster Bay Road, Hicksville, NY 11801 or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau at 120 Broadway, 3rd Floor, NY, NY 10271. Registration does not imply endorsement, recommendation, or promotion by the state. Sponsorships are tax deductible less the fair market value. Please consult with your tax advisor for details.
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