An Independent Review of Members’ Allowances (Part II) For the Members of the West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority And Transport Delivery Committee ______________________________ A Supplementary Report to the Third Report By Declan Hall PhD March 2015 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members Executive Summary Role All Members Basic Allowance Chair Transport Delivery Committee Chair Finance Delivery & Performance Monitoring Committee Chair Putting Passengers First Committee Basic Allowance SRAs Payable Numbers Payable 4,060 Total Per Member (BA+SRA) 19 Max Sub Total Payable 77,140 4,060 19,836 1 23,896 19,836 4,060 10,910 1 14,970 10,910 4,060 10,910 1 14,970 10,910 Lead Members Chair Partner Engagement, Petitions & Appeals Sub 4,060 6,612 3 10,672 19,836 4,060 2,727 1 6,787 2,727 Main Opposition Group Leader 4,060 5,951 1 10,011 5,951 Sub Total: BA Payable 19 77,140 Sub Total: SRAs Payable 8 70,170 Total Payable 147,310 It is also recommended that: Other SRAs No other Special Responsibility Allowances are payable except those specifically recommended in this review. WMITA Members The seven Members of the WMITA continue to receive a Basic Allowance of £12 per year. No SRAs are recommended for WMITA Members. Confirming the ‘1-SRA only’ rule The 1-SRA only rule is adopted for the TDC Members. Travel & Subsistence Allowances - Within West Midlands Metropolitan County There is no change to the current rates payable and the terms and conditions for which Members can claim travel and subsistence allowances. Declan Hall PhD 2 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members Indexation The Basic Allowance and SRAs are not indexed. The travel and subsistence allowances are indexed as follows: Subsistence Allowances: o Indexed to the maximum rates that are applicable to WMITA Officers Travel Allowance – Mileage Rates: o Indexed to HMRC approved mileage rates for motor vehicles, motor cycles and bicycles Travel Allowance – Other Indexed to the maximum rates that are applicable to WMITA Officers Implementation of Recommendations The allowances and changes proposed in this review are implemented from the date of the WMITA annual meeting on 20 June 2015 when the TDC will be established. Declan Hall PhD 3 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members AN INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF MEMBERS ALLOWANCES (PART II) FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE WEST MIDLANDS INTEGRATED TRANSPORT AUTHORITY AND TRANSPORT DELIVERY COMMITTEE BY DECLAN HALL PhD Context of the Review 1. This review is the second part of a 2 part review of allowances for the West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority (WMITA) and Members that will be appointed to its transport committee. The first part of the review was undertaken in May-June 2014 to reflect the changes in how the WMITA was organised and transport function delivered. That review was acknowledged to be an interim position as the WMITA continues to evolve and the relationship between the ITA and its transport committee was further developed and clarified. 2. In particular a review of the WMITA and the operation of Centro led to a more defined delineation as to who, ITA and Centro, is responsible for what particularly in respect of policy and strategy activities so as to improve transparency and accountability and simplify governance structures. 3. The major impacts have been in relation to Centro Members. It has been agreed starting from the date of the annual meeting 2015 that Centro Members will be reconfigured as the Transport Delivery Committee (TDC) Declan Hall PhD 4 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members with a revised terms of reference that more clearly separates strategy and policy from delivery and refocuses the ITA and TDC on their respective areas of responsibility. The ITA has not changed; its members will still be the 7 Leaders of the WM metropolitan councils. The TDC will be a delegated committee of the ITA and will have fewer Members, going from 27 Centro Members to 19 TDC Members. The TDC will also have a slimmer set of structures as follows: 4. Chair of TDC Chair of 2 standing committees, each of whom will be called upon when required to stand in for the Chair in the absence of the latter 3 Lead Members with thematic responsibilities 1 Sub Committee 1 Opposition Group Leader The WMITA will continue to have the full powers of the current ITA but the new Constitution and Scheme of Delegation for 2015/16 will better reflect the ITAs overall responsibility for formulating and determining transport policy and strategy, including responsibility for appointing the Chair of the TDC and determining the form of the TDC (including the creation of any Committees/Sub Committees). The TDC will have an enhanced operational role to ensure that Centro is focused on its delivery role in respect of transport services and projects in the West Midlands. The changes in governance arrangements require a new allowances scheme to reflect the new roles and responsibilities of the Members appointed to the TDC. Terms of Reference 5. The terms of reference for this supplementary review are to make recommendations to the WMITA on the level and scope of the Basic Allowance and Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs) for Members appointed to the new Transport Delivery Committee of the ITA (formerly Centro Members). 6. The recommendations will reflect the new operating arrangements and delegated terms of reference agreed by the WMITA at its meeting of the 28 th January 2015 (Centro Members Joint Committee Review – Future Operating Model) and the outcome of the last review which identified the need for ‘a further mini-review, completed in time for the 2015 Annual Meeting, when a more informed view will be discernible, in the light of experience of how the WMITA and Centro Members operate in practice’. The Regulatory Context 7. There is no requirement, unlike in the constituent councils, to have an independent remuneration panel, or even an independent review, to consider and determine allowances for WMITA Members and TDC Members. Declan Hall PhD 5 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members However, the WMITA has commissioned this independent review of allowances in the spirit of transparency and openness by ensuring WMITA members' allowances are subject to a similar level of external scrutiny and placing the review at arms' length which adds robustness to the allowances scheme. 8. As with part 1 of the review the operative legislative framework remains sections 1-3 of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (SI 1021) (or the 2003 Regulations) that apply to joint authorities. The 2003 Regulations give the WMITA the express powers to determine its own scheme of allowances. 9. In the absence of a requirement to seek external independent advice the 2003 Regulations require that before a joint authority: Makes or amends a scheme that authority shall have regard to the recommendations made by any independent remuneration panels in relation to … [the nominating councils].1 10. In effect, the IRPs for the nominating councils, by acting as proxies, are the means by which the allowances schemes of joint authorities are subject to a degree of scrutiny, as well as the basis for benchmarking. However, the 7 statutory Panels for the West Midlands councils make recommendations for their respective council and not for the WMITA and the TDC. Thus, the requirement to pay regard to the recommendations of Panels of the nominating councils is also by extension taken to mean the actual allowances schemes that are in place, which in turn arise out of the recommendations of their local remuneration panels. 11. Nonetheless, to ensure that the WMITA is in compliance with the 2003 Regulations it is confirmed that in arriving at the recommendations contained in this report the review in accordance with the 2003 Members' Allowances Regulations, paragraph 19 (2) has paid regard to the most recent IRP Reports and 2014/15 allowances schemes of the nominating councils as follows: 1 Birmingham: Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel, October 2013 Coventry: Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel Meeting,15 May 2013 Dudley: Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel on Members' Allowances, July 2013 The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (SI 1021), 19 (2), May 2003. Declan Hall PhD 6 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members Sandwell: Report of the Chair of the Independent Remuneration Panel on Members' Allowances, 19 May 2009 Solihull: Report to Solihull MBC by the Independent Remuneration Panel. February 2010 Walsall: Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel on Members' Allowances: October 2014 Wolverhampton: Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel, November 2013 12. This review through its deliberations and consideration of the wider evidence has fulfilled the Authority’s regulatory requirement to pay regard to the allowances schemes and recommendations of the statutory independent remuneration panels for the West Midlands nominating councils, in determining its new allowances scheme. 13. The 2003 Statutory Guidance on Members' Allowances ((2003 Guidance) also applies to the WMITA. As such, as far as practically possible this review has followed the spirit of the 2003 Statutory Guidance on Members' Allowances, unless there is a valid WMITA related reason not to do so. The Review 14. West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority appointed Dr Declan Hall, a former academic at the Institute of Local Government, The University of Birmingham, who is now an independent consultant specialising in reviewing Members’ allowances and support, including national, regional, and subregional bodies as well as principal councils, to undertake this independent review. 15. The Review was supported and serviced throughout by the following Officer: Dan Essex: Governance Services Manager, Centro Methodology 16. The reviewer visited the offices of Centro in Birmingham and the Civic Centre Wolverhampton on the following occasions: 3 February 2015 23 February 2015 Declan Hall PhD 7 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members 17. The purpose of these visits was to meet with a range of Members and relevant Officers. The meetings with Officers were to obtain briefings and background information on the relevant changes in the governance structures of the WMITA for 2015/16. The meetings with Members were to obtain a qualitative sense of their prospective roles and responsibilities within the new governance structures. The interviews were discursive in nature, in that statements and views expressed were took to their logical conclusion, thus posing not simply questions but also positions for Members to consider for their validity and robustness. See Appendix 1 for all Members and Officers consulted and Appendix 2 for full range of written material reviewed. 18. As per statutory requirements, the review has paid regards to the nominating councils’ allowances schemes (see Appendix 3 for comparative summary). Also, for further benchmarking purposes, the allowances schemes of comparable authorities, namely the relevant Combined Authorities Transport Committees were reviewed (see Appendix 4 for comparative summary). Key Messages – anticipating the impacts of the governance changes 19. While knowledge of what the changes in the WMITA governance structures cannot by definition be gained until there has been experience of the new roles and relationships the fact that the changes are the conclusion of an ongoing reform process means that a firm indication is already in place. What is clear is that the WMITA is determining policy and strategy and setting the priorities for WM transport and Centro Members are more focused on delivery. This division will be more transparent and clearly delineated with the new delegated TDC. 20. The review has to be cognisant of current intentions framed within the context of how the new TDC will differ from the current Centro Members and in the clarification of their respective roles and relationship. In particular, if the past is a guide it will impact on TDC Members in a differential fashion, with the remaining ordinary Member having an enhanced role at the TDC. Recognising the current economic context and role of review 21. While the recommendations have not been driven by the need to find savings the main message that came through from the interviews was that that the current economic context cannot be ignored – there is little point in making recommendations that bear no relationship to economic constraints within which the Authority has to operate; otherwise, the review is simply making aspirational recommendations. The recommendations need to have support of the WMITA whose Members will make the final decision on the allowances payable to the TDC Members. 22. This key message also came through during the first part of the review, consequently the recommendations resulted in a savings of £36,641 on the Declan Hall PhD 8 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members actual spend on allowances for WMITA in 2013/14. If the recommendations of this report are adopted they will result in at least a further savings of £42,327, creating a total savings for 2015/16 of £78,968 compared to the actual cost of allowances 2013/14. WMITA Members - Recommendations 23. The 2003 Regulations require that a Basic Allowance is paid to WMITA Members. In particular, the 2006 Statutory Guidance paragraph 9 (which also applies to joint authorities) states that: Each local authority must make provision in its scheme of allowances for a basic, flat rate allowance payable to all members of the authority. The allowance must be the same for each member. The allowance may be paid in a lump sum, or in instalments through the year. 24. As with principal councils the 2003 Regulations (paragraph 5. 1) enable joint authorities to pay SRAs but it is not a requirement. 25. It was never the intention that that the Leaders of the 7 WM councils should receive a Basic Allowance but to comply with the 2003 a notional Basic Allowance of £12 per year was recommended in part 1 of the review. Although the WMITA will have more clearly defined responsibilities and continue to have ultimate responsibility for strategy and policy there was no evidence received to suggest that the current arrangements should be altered. 26. Thus, to be fully compliant with the 2003 Regulations it is recommended that the Basic Allowance (£12) paid to the 7 Members of the WMITA remains unaltered. 27. It is noted that all the WMITA Members/Leaders have chosen to forgo their Basic Allowance, which is their right. 28. It is not recommended that any WMITA Members are paid an SRA. The Transport Delivery Committee - Triangulating the Basic Allowance 29. In arriving at an appropriate Basic Allowance for TDC Members, the triangulation approach has been utilised. This employs 3 different means to arrive at a Basic Allowance and the range produced by triangulation provides an indication of where the BA should be that is robust. Recognizing the impacts of reduction in number of Members Declan Hall PhD 9 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members 30. The reduction from 27 Members on the Centro Members Joint Committee to 19 on the TDC will not in itself mean that there will be a corresponding increase in workload; the relationship is not that linear. The workload required of the TDC Members will not be reduced in any significant way but the way it is conducted will be changed, mainly through a more stream lined governance arrangements, with fewer sub committees and task and finish sub committees and at the level of the full TDC itself. Consequently the case to simply assign the all the inherent savings in having fewer Members to the BA for TDC cannot be made - there should be efficiency savings. 31. In sizing the efficiency savings it has been assumed that through having 30% fewer Members on the TDC compared to Centro Members efficiency savings will be substantial and 30% (£8,892) of the total savings (£29,640) by the reduction in Members should be added to the current Centro Basic Allowance for the 19 TDC Members, which equals £4,173. The 2003 Statutory Guidance Approach 32. The 2003 Statutory Guidance lays out how to arrive at the Basic Allowance. As the Basic Allowance is primarily a time-based allowance then an estimation of the time required to fulfil the role of TDC Member needs to be determined, typically expressed in days per year, which is then multiplied by a rate of remuneration. The number of days expressed by interviewees indicated that a reasonable expectation was up to 3 days per month which has been translated into 35 days per year. The operative rate of remuneration has historically been based on the average gross daily salary paid to all full time employees in the West Midlands, which in 2014 was £116 per day. This produces the following Basic Allowance: 35 days per year X £116 per day = £4,060. Benchmarking the Basic Allowance for TDC Members 33. To complete the triangulation process cognisance has been taken of the typical Basic Allowance paid in similar authorities, which in effect are Members of the other Combined Authority Transport Committees (CA TCs). 34. As Table 1 below shows, a Basic Allowance in the range of £4,060 - £4,173 would place TDC Members (all other things being equal) slightly below the current average (£4,426). However, for benchmarking purposes the 2 comparator authorities have traditionally been the WYCA Transport Committee and the GM/AGMA TfGMC. The mid-point between the BA paid in these 2 transport committees is £4,162 - which is statistically on par with levels arriving at by the other 2 approaches. 35. In arriving at the recommended Basic Allowance for TDC Members the lowest figure (£4,060) has been adopted the most readily defendable. Declan Hall PhD 10 Independent Review of Allowances 36. WMITA & Centro Members It is recommended that TBC Members are paid a Basic Allowance of £4,060 for 2015/16. Table 1: Basic Allowance and Chairs Remuneration - Metropolitan Transport Committees 2014/15 Comparator Authority Basic Allowance Chair's SRA Chair's Total Remuneration LCRCA The Merseytravel Committee £5,675 £24,308 £29,983 £24,425 £28,250 SCRCA Transport Committee GMCA & AGMA TfGMC NECA TNEC NA £3,825 NA WYCA Transport Committee £4,500 £24,800 £29,300 WMITA Centro Members Committee £3,705 £24,480 £28,185 Mean £4,426 £24,503 £28,930 Lowest £3,705 £24,308 £28,185 Highest £5,675 £24,800 £29,983 Chair of the Transport Delivery Committee 37. The establishment of the TDC as a delegated committee of the WMITA will in all likelihood have the greatest impact on the role of the Chair, not necessarily in terms of workload but responsibility. Although the Chair will continue to contribute to policy development the new scheme of delegation will more firmly put the WMITA in the driving seat, e.g., the WMITA will appoint the TDC Chair and ask for policy contributions from the TDC Chair as directed. Moreover the TDC Chair will no longer chair the Policy Coordination & Development Committee (Centro Members) as an equivalent committee will no longer exist. 38. Yet, the TDC Chair will still be required to oversee all operational matters and will remain the ‘public face’ of public transport across the county. Consequently the Chair will continue to have a high visibility in respect of speaking on transport matters across the West Midlands. 39. In exploring the prospective role of the TDC Chair there was a strong view that it was not on a par with the Leader of the WM district councils but it was generally accepted it would be larger than a Wm council Cabinet Members role. The TDC Chair will have a great sub regional aspect to it and unlike a Cabinet Member will have a central co-ordination function regarding Declan Hall PhD 11 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members operational issues and a public leadership role (albeit with no executive powers). 40. Bearing in mind the perception of the role of the TDC Chair the recommended SRA as been arrived at by basing it at the mid point between the mean SRA paid to the WM Leaders (£27,058) and WM Cabinet Members (£13,834), which equates to £19,836. It is noted that this SRA would leave the TDC Chair as the lowest paid compared to Chairs of the other CA TCs. Chairs of the 2 Standing Committees 41. The 2 TDC standing committees will be constituted to address operational issues both externally and internally. The formal post of Vice Chair will no longer exist and the Chairs of the 2 standing committees will be called upon to stand in for the TDC Chair as directed. No evidence was received to indicate that the variation in the roles of the Chairs of the 2 standing committees of TDC would be so significant so as to merit a differential SRA. 42. Their SRAs have been arrived at in accordance with an approach outlined in the 2006 Statutory Guidance (paragraph 76), namely the 'pro rata' approach in that they have been assessed as a ratio of the Chair's SRA - this approach is typically used in the constituent councils and other CA TCs. In this case there are 2 elements to their role Chairing their respective committee: Standing in for the Chair: @ 50% of the TDC Chair's SRA @ 5% of the TDC Chair's SRA 43. Thus in arriving at the recommended SRA for the Chairs of the 2 standing committees a ratio of 55% applied to the TDC Chair's recommended SRA, which equals £10,910. 44. The recommended SRA for the Chairs of the Finance, Delivery & Performance Monitoring and Putting Passengers First Committees is £10,910. Lead Members (3) 45. The Lead Member system will be retained although the number will be reduced from six to three Lead Members with responsibility for the following operational topics: Fair, Accessible & Sustainable Transport Rail & Metro Transport Network Declan Hall PhD 12 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members 46. The Lead Members will not have any formal decision making powers but they will work closely with relevant Officers, providing a political steer as well as feeding back issues of concern to the TDC and relevant standing committee as required. It is also expected that Lead Members will also be appointed to relevant outside passenger stakeholder bodies. 47. Currently, the SRA for Lead Members is set at a pro rata of 33% of the Chair's SRA and no evidence was received to change that ratio. 48. The recommended SRA for the three Lead Members is £6,612. Chair of the Partner Engagement, Petitions & Appeals Sub Committee 49. The Partner Engagement, Petitions and Appeals Sub Committee will be retained, broadly in its current form and with its current remit. It will be a sub committee of the Putting Passengers First Committee. This post is not normally paid in other CA TCs; the only other CA TC that pays such a post is on the Merseytravel Committee with an SRA of £2,660. This figure has been adopted as a guide in arriving at the recommended SRA for the Chair of the Partner Engagement, Petitions and Appeals Sub Committee. Thus the recommended SRA for the Chair of the Partner Engagement, Petitions and Appeals Sub Committee has been arrived at by assessing it at 25% of the reporting committee Chair's SRA, in this case the Putting Passengers First Committee, as is typically done in principal councils. 50. The recommended SRA for the Chair of the Partner Engagement, Petitions & Appeals Sub Committee is £2,727. Leader of Majority Opposition Group 51. The current SRA (£8,070) for the Leader of the Majority Opposition Group was arrived at by placing it on a par with the SRA paid to the Centro Lead Members, which was assessed at 33% of the Centro Chair's SRA. Benchmarking shows that this level is high, the average SRA is £7,740 in the other CA TCs. However, the average is not reflective of comparative practice. The SRA for the Leader of the Majority Opposition is low (£2,660) while in GMCA/AGMA TfGMC and WYCA TC pays the 'Opposition' Leader higher than that currently paid at Centro Members. The higher SRAs in TfGMC and WY TC can largely be explained by the fact that they are also designate Deputy Chairs in their respective committees and in the case of TfGMC the Leader of the Majority Opposition Group chairs a standing committee. 52. This will not be the case for the Leader fo the Majority Opposition Group for the TDC. Moreover, as with TDC Chair the remit of the Leader of the Majority Opposition Group will be refocused primarily on operational issues. Consequently the SRA for the Leader of the Majority Opposition Group has Declan Hall PhD 13 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members been reassessed at 30% of the Chair's recommended SRA, which equates to £5,951. 53. The recommended SRA for the Leader of the Majority Opposition Group is £5,951. Other Special Responsibility Allowances 54. No other Special Responsibility Allowances are recommended. Confirming the ‘1-SRA only’ rule 55. The 2003 Members Regulations do not prohibit the number of SRAs a Member can receive. However, all of the West Midlands constituent councils have in place a ‘1-SRA only’ rule, in that where a Member holds more than one remunerated post only one SRA is payable. The same rule is currently in place for Centro Members and it is the practice adopted by all the nominating councils. 56. It is recommended that the Transport Delivery Committee adopt the 1SRA only rule Travel & Subsistence Allowances 57. No evidence was received to indicate that the current rates including terms and conditions that Centro Members can claim in respect of travel and subsistence allowances require revising for the TDC. 58. It is recommended that the current conditions and maximum rates that TDC Members may claim travel and subsistence for attending approved duties outwith the West Midlands Metropolitan County are maintained. Indexation 59. The Basic Allowance and SRAs are not currently indexed. While there was some divergence views regarding indexation, on balance there was a stronger view that there was no need to change this policy on the basis that the 'freezing' of allowances has been the norm in the nominating councils. 60. It is recommended that the Basic Allowance and SRAs are not indexed. 61. On the other hand, travel and subsistence costs are linked to external benchmarks and as they are reimbursement of costs actually incurred it is only logical they are indexed where appropriate. Declan Hall PhD 14 Independent Review of Allowances 62. WMITA & Centro Members It is recommended that the travel and subsistence allowances are indexed as follows: Subsistence Allowances: o Indexed to the maximum rates that are applicable to WMITA Officers Travel Allowance – Mileage Rates: o Indexed to HMRC approved mileage rates for motor vehicles, motor cycles and bicycles Travel Allowance – Other o Indexed to the maximum rates that are applicable to WMITA Officers Implementation of Recommendations 63. It is recommended that the allowances and changes proposed in this review are implemented from the date of the WMITA annual meeting on 24 June 2015 which is when the TDC will be established. Declan Hall PhD 15 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members APPENDIX ONE: Members and Officers who contributed to the Review Members: Cllr K. Hartley: Vice Chair of WMITA (Birmingham) Cllr R. Horton: Lead Member - Rail & Metro, Centro (Sandwell) Cllr T. Huxstable: Main Opposition Group Leader (Birmingham) Cllr R. Lawrence: Chair of WMITA & Leader of Wolverhampton Cllr R. Linnecor: Lead Member Centro (Birmingham) Cllr J. McNicholas: Chair of Centro Members (Coventry) Cllr R. Worrall: Chair of Finance, Delivery & Performance Monitoring Committee (Walsall) Officers: Geoff Inskip: Chief Executive, Centro Dan Essex: Governance Services Manager, Centro Keith Ireland: Clerk to the WMITA & Chief Executive Wolverhampton Laura Shoaf:2 Strategic Director for Transport, WMITA Chris Tunstall: Interim Director of Policy and Strategy, WMITA 2 Laura Shoaf was interviewed via telephone on 23 February 2015 Declan Hall PhD 16 Independent Review of Allowances WMITA & Centro Members APPENDIX TWO: Written Information Reviewed 1. Review terms of reference 2. Centro Members’ Allowances Scheme – (2014/15) 3. D. Hall, Third Independent Review of Allowances for Centro Member WMITA, June 2014 4. Chris Tunstall, "Centro Members Joint Committee Review - Future Operting Model", 28 January 2015 5. Schemes of Allowances (2014/15) for 7 nominating District Councils in West Midlands, namely Birmingham Coventry Dudley Sandwell Solihull Walsall Wolverhampton 6. Allowances schemes (2014/15) for the 5 other CA TCs, namely: Merseytravel Transport for Greater Manchester Committee West Yorkshire Transport Committee 7. Office of Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): SI 2003 No. 1021, The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, 7 April 2003 8. Department of Communities and Local Government and HMRC, New Council Constitutions: Guidance on Consolidated Regulations for Local Authority Allowances, 5 May 2006. Declan Hall PhD 17 APPENDIX THREE: BENCHMARKING - WEST MIDLANDS NOMINATING COUNCILS BA + Executive + Scrutiny SRAs Nominating Councils 2014/15 BA Leader's SRA Total Leader Deputy Leader Cabinet SRAs Planning Chair Regular Scrutiny Chairs Opposition Leader Birmingham £16,267 £50,352 £66,619 £37,764 £28,197 £14,803 £12,689 £12,689 Coventry £13,001 £23,401 £36,402 £16,898 £10,402 £6,503 £6,503 £3,899 Dudley £9,393 £23,482 £32,875 £11,741 £7,045 £7,045 £4,697 £4,697 Sandwell £10,619 £26,278 £36,897 £23,650 £15,768 £13,139 £8,751 £1,314 - £9,197 Solihull £7,688 £19,200 £26,888 £9,216 £7,688 £6,144 £6,144 £7,688 or £3,840 Walsall £10,481 £21,694 £32,175 £14,167 £10,857 £7,057 £7,057 £7,057 Wolverhampton £8,980 £25,000 £33,980 £20,000 £16,880 £15,000 £10,000 £15,000 Highest £16,267 £50,352 £66,619 £37,764 £28,197 £15,000 £12,689 £15,000 Lowest £7,688 £19,200 £26,888 £9,216 £7,045 £6,144 £4,697 £3,899 Mean £10,918 £27,058 £37,977 £19,062 £13,834 £9,956 £7,977 £8,668 West Midlands Met Councils Declan Hall PhD 18 APPENDIX FOUR: BENCHMARKING - OTHER ITAS/TRANSPORT COMMITTEES Benchmarking ITAs & CA TCs - BA & SRAs Payable 2014/15 Chair District Liaison Chair or Lead Main Committee Comparator Authority Basic Allowance Chair'' SRA Chair's Total Remuneration Vice Chair LCRCA The Merseytravel Committee £5,675 £24,308 £29,983 £9,975 £4,433 £24,425 £28,250 £10,300 £10,300 SCRCA Transport Committee *GMCA & AGMA TfGMC NECA TNEC Deputy Chair Main Committee Chair Minor or Sub Committee Leader Main Opposition Group £2,660 £2,660 NA £3,825 £1,255 £10,300 NA ** WYCA Transport Committee £4,500 £24,800 £29,300 £9,920 WMITA Centro Members Committee £3,705 £24,480 £28,185 £17,136 £8,078 Mean £4,426 £24,503 £28,930 £11,833 £7,604 £7,740 Lowest £3,705 £24,308 £28,185 £9,920 £4,433 £2,660 Highest £5,675 £24,800 £29,983 £17,136 £10,300 £10,300 £1,575 £9,920 £3,797 £8,078 * TfGMC: has 3 Vice Chairs, including the Opposition Leader, and each chair a main committee ** WYCA TC: has 2 Vice Chairs including the Opposition Leader Declan Hall PhD 19
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