8-23 WOGLCH CIS 2015 - C

World Organizations Dealing with Global
Challenges (Spring)
3rd & 4th Year Content-specific Advanced Level Research,
Discussion, Presentation and Writing
Course description
This is what students will see IF they read the course handbook
This course is for students who want to use English to learn about legal,
political, business and other issues.
In this course we will focus on researching and critically understanding the role
of different global organizations in dealing with global issues that people in the
world face in the 21st century. You will research global organizations such as
Greenpeace, Doctors Without Borders, Human Rights Watch, The World Bank,
and various United Nations agencies such as UNICEF and UNESCO to analyze
their positions, policies and priorities in addressing different global issues such
as environmental pollution, famine, health, and poverty. Through the semester,
you will research organizations of interest to you, as well as develop your ability
to look at those issues and organizations critically and to decide what actions
can also be taken locally to resolve such global issues. The course will help you
develop your vocabulary for talking about global issues, as well as different
academic skills including note-taking, discussion and presentation.
この授業では、21 世紀の世界が直面する地球規模の問題に取り組む国際組織の役
割について調べ、批判的に学びます。国際組織 (グリーンピース、国境なき医師団、ヒ
の、これら組織のポジション、政策、優先事項を分析します。1 学期を通じ、各自興味
(1) Attendance of 80% or more, (2) active participation in class activities, and (3)
weekly preparation of 1-2 hours outside class are required to pass this course.
この授業の単位を得るためには(1) 80%以上出席し、(2) 授業に積極的に参加し、(3)
毎週 1-2 時間の準備をすることが必要。
For key approaches to teaching and learning in this course, see the
‘Common Areas of Focus’ page in your Teachers Information Pack
for this course
• Use multiple sources of English information for research
• Student choice of research issues
• Student-centered activities
• Presenting and exchanging information in small groups of 2-4
for this course
Class Schedule
• Frequent rotation of pairs and groupings
This may be read by students BUT teachers
can adapt it and make a more specific class
schedule for their students
• 2-3 cycles of research, discussion, presentation and writing
• Online on the taught-in-English website:
• On paper in the Teachers’ Room
Week 1: Course introduction, explanation of course requirements, goalsetting
Weeks 2-13: Two or three cycles of background reading and research,
discussions, presentations and writing on issues of students' choice
related to world organizations dealing with global challenges
Week 14: Reflection and self-evaluation/assessment
Week 15: Class survey and review of the semester