Chalmers The United Church of Canada Deist Atheist What do we Believe in Common Anymore? Pantheist Third Sunday of Easter 10:30am Welcoming us are Mary and Peter Carlson April 19, 2015 For the Children: upstairs in the Children’s Ministry area. Infant Nursery and Child Care for children up to 3 years with Joy Yen. Spirit Alive! for children 4 years and older, participating in the worship service today, with Margaret Moncrieff. Hearing Devices, Large Print Bulletins and More Voices Hymn Books are available from the Greeters. Song Books: VU Voices United MV More Voices Kindly turn off ringers on all electronic devices. The Prayers of the People List Thanksgiving and Intercession requests for persons ill (with permission) and for global, national and local concerns on the Prayer sheet provided on the Prayer Desk at the south back wall of the sanctuary. Requests are brought to the Communion Table with the Offering and included in Prayers of the People. Gathering MUSIC FOR CENTERING AND REFLECTION Fantasia in B flat major ‐ G. P. Telemann COMMUNITY LIFE ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP stand PROCESSIONAL HYMN VU 688 O Day of God, Draw Nigh PRAYER OF FAITH a Celtic form of prayer We rise today in the white light of holy mystery breaking out in a sacred spectrum of grace. We rise today with the maker of the blues of the sky. To our souls draw nigh. We rise today with the creator of the blues of the waters. Wash us. Renew us. We rise today with the source of the blues of emotion. Sound notes of joy in us. We rise today with the Christ of the Easter sunrise. Glow fire of love in us. We rise today with the Christ of red lifeblood. Be the saving stream that flows in us. We rise today with the Christ of the red firelight. Kindle wisdom and wise speech in us. We rise today with the spirit of the greening of the earth. A new season dawn in our souls. We rise today with the spirit of the greening of youth. Gently guide their way. We rise today with the spirit of the greening of our faith. Fruit of the Spirit be our food. We rise today with the blues, the reds and the greening from the holy three of the colours of heaven. White light of justice Shine upon us! White light of peace Shine upon us! INTROIT MV 130 Rise Up, Rise Up Word Elaine Bailey Through sacred text we meet the Living God. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path. 1 Peter 3: 13 – 18 This is wisdom for us. And we are thankful. The Fabric 2 stand HYMN VU 623 Dear Weaver of our Lives’ Design The Belief SOLO Simple Gifts ‐ Shaker Hymn, arr. John Coates Jr. Additional verses by Joyce Merman. Katharine Smithrim, soprano Children go to Spirit Alive! Giving Thanks PRESENTATION OF GIFTS OFFERTORY Andante in A minor ‐ Joseph‐Hector Fiocco stand SONG OF DEDICATION from VU 540 Grant us, God, the grace of giving, with a spirit large and free, That ourselves and all our living we may offer faithfully. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER Matthew 6:9‐ 13 Pray then in this way, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one. Amen stand RECESSIONAL HYMN VU 586 We Shall Go Out with Hope of Resurrection stand BENEDICTION a Celtic prayer form The road rise up to meet us. The wind be always at our backs. The sun shine warm upon our faces. The rains fall soft upon our fields. Until we meet again, Godde hold us. POSTLUDE Recessional, Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag ‐ Dietrich Buxtehude Participants Fabric, Tibetan Prayer Tree Jan Elliott Sound Tech Simon Kerr Coffee Hosts Outreach Committee: Wendy Lloyd, Monika Holzschuh Sator, Jim Smith Counters Mary and Peter Carlson, Doug Reid 3 Today Lunch with Drew: After the service, teens join in the Pizza Lunch to talk about how we worship. Come with appetites, opinions and questions! Spirit Alive! and Youth United Margaret Moncrieff, Coordinator of Children and Youth Ministry Next Sunday April 26th, Bruce Elliott explores Spirituality and Science with the youth. This Week st Apr. 21 The Tuesday Noon Discussion Group meets at Church House studying the book From Age‐ing to Sage‐ing. Brown bag lunch. Tea provided. All ladies welcome. Our Worship Life in the Easter Season th Apr. 26 We welcome our emeritus minister, the Rev. Dr. C. Wayne Hilliker, leading worship. May 3rd We welcome our Pastoral Care and Visitation associate, the Rev. Nancy Clarke, leading worship. May 10th Mothers’ Day The Flute Choir plays on the theme of Dry Bones. May 17th The Limp Dance. Jacob Wrestles with an Angel. Readings: 1 John 4:16b – 21 and Genesis 32:22 – 32. May 24th Pentecost Sunday Communion Chalmers Community Potluck Supper May 24 at 5:30 pm in MacCallum Hall, hosted by the Women of Chalmers group. We join together in celebration welcoming the new spiritual leader of the Islamic Society of Kingston, Imam Sheharyar Shaikh and friends of the Muslim community. We can accommodate 40 people from Chalmers and 40 from the Islamic Centre. A sign‐up sheet will be posted beginning of May. June 7th 12:30pm Picnic at City Park! June 14th Service of Confirmation followed by our Annual General Meeting. 4 ... this Summer June 28th – July 26th Five Sundays worshipping together at Chalmers with friends of Sydenham Street United Church. August 2nd – 30th Five Sundays worshipping together at Sydenham Street United Church. ... this Fall The Hilliker Preaching Lectureship Weekend Oct. 24, 25 with guest the Rev. Bruce Sanguin, Cosmologist and Theologian. The InterChurch Refugee Partnership Syrian Refugee Sponsorship: As a member of the ecumenical partnership, Chalmers, together with several local churches, is in the process of bringing to Kingston as refugees an extended Syrian family of eight who are at high risk. The father of the core family with three children has been targeted for assassination for his refugee work with both sides of the conflict in the al Yarmuk Palestinian camp in Damascus. His parents, a liberal coupling of an Alaite (Shiite) Muslim and a Sunni Muslim, represent the division conflicting Syria today. The immediate need for sponsorship of this family is $80,000. Cheques may be made out to Chalmers United Church, for which income tax receipts will be provided. Please mark the designation “Syrian Refugee Fund” clearly on the cheque or envelope. Marilyn Braden and the Rev. Dr. Stanford Lucyk are the Chalmers’ representatives. The offering from our Shared Good Friday Service to this initiative was $2,565.20. The Women of Chalmers have also donated $1,000 towards the Fund. Thank you for your compassionate response. ♦ United Church of Canada Comprehensive Review: Find out about the radical changes that the United Church of Canada is proposing. You can read about it at‐review‐report. ♦ Volunteers Needed! Chalmers cannot exist without volunteers. Volunteers are the foundation and fabric of our ministry together ‐ essential to the management of Chalmers’ affairs and to ensure that activities are in keeping with our Mission, Vision and Values. With the vast changes happening within the United Church of Canada, we anticipate exciting changes in volunteer opportunities at Chalmers. You are needed to be part of this. Currently about 50 people of our faith community volunteer for various activities. Some of these people have been volunteering for many years and we wish to honour their service and their desire to use their giftedness and ability in other areas now. Here’s where you come in ... by offering just a little time. It will take a lot of people to keep things running smoothly at Chalmers, and to help us all to adapt to the changing world around us. Learn more by contacting Mary‐Stewart Ross. 613‐384‐0952 or [email protected] ♦ Book Table: Peruse the great titles on the Book Table in the foyer into MacCallum Hall. You are invited to contribute novels or children’s books for others to enjoy. 5 Caring ‐‐a living, healing, sustaining reminder of Chalmers community of faith and Jesus Christ‐‐ Rev. Nancy Clarke – Acting Chair, Mike Hartlin – Keeping in Touch Luncheon and Visitor, Joan Hughes ‐ Visitor, Elma Lank – Sunday Welcome, Rosemary MacLachlan – Cards, Isabel McLeod – Flowers Co‐ordinator, Doreen Morrison – Secretary and Visitor, Rev. D. Strickland Keeping aware of pastoral needs: If you know of persons in hospital or care facility, ill at home or needing contact, please contact: Rev. Nancy Clarke 613‐384‐4698 [email protected] Rev. Drew Strickland 613‐546‐3263 ext.226, emergency cell 613‐876‐0118 [email protected] Flowers: If you wish to place flowers in the sanctuary in memory of a loved one, please fill in an envelope found under the Memorial Book at the back of the sanctuary, and place on the Offering Plate; or call Isabel McLeod 613‐546‐2809. Flowers are then delivered to persons hospitalized, ill, shut‐ in, grieving or needing contact. Flowers in the sanctuary are placed To the Glory of God from the Houlden Yen Families. In March, donations were made in memory of: Bonney Clarke Jean McNair Linda Hodge Rob Renoy David Rutenberg Givings 2015 Please consider what you can do to help meet our agreed upon Budget/Goal, for Chalmers activities. Budget Actual $265,000 Giving Envelopes Check at the back of the sanctuary to see if your Envelopes are still there. If there are none there for you and you would like some, please call the Church Office. Thank you. $ 66,250 March Budget $ 60,061 March Year-to-Date Finance Committee Louise Adam, Elsa Bock, Wilmer Hill, Doug MacLean, Doug Reid, Joan Simeon 6 Communication Nicole Brisson, Mary Carlson, Juliet Huntly, Jane MacEwen, Helen MacIntyre, Mary‐Stewart Ross Stay connected to everything going on at Chalmers! Visit our Facebook page and Like us. Wish to submit items to share? Questions? Let's stay connected! Contact Nicole Brisson [email protected], 613‐876‐524 The Rev. Drew D. Strickland MINISTER 613‐546‐3263 ext.226 emergency cell 876‐0118 [email protected] The Rev. Dr. C. Wayne Hilliker MINISTER EMERITUS David Melhorn‐Boe MINISTER OF MUSIC 613‐546‐3264 david.melhorn‐[email protected] The Rev. Nancy Clarke PASTORAL CARE AND VISITATION 613‐384‐4698 [email protected] Margaret Moncrieff CHILDREN AND YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR 613‐546‐3263 ext.223 [email protected] Mary‐Stewart Ross MODERATOR, COORDINATING COUNCIL OF ELDERS 613‐384‐0952 [email protected] Carol Sleeth ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 613‐546‐3263 ext.222 [email protected] Ivan Brandsma CUSTODIAN 613‐542‐9012 [email protected] Chalmers United Church 212 Barrie St, Kingston ON K7L 3K3 P 613‐546‐3263 F 613‐546‐3340 E [email protected] Sundays 10:30am Live‐Online at 7
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