Chalmers The United Church of Canada Easter Day 10:30am April 5, 2015 Welcoming us are Mike Hartlin, David Holden, Faye Irving For the Children: upstairs in the Children’s Ministry area. Infant Nursery and Child Care for children up to 3 years with Joy Yen. Spirit Alive! for children 4 years and older with Margaret Moncrieff. Today “Faces of Easter” Godly Play experience and an Easter egg Hunt! Hearing Devices, Large Print Bulletins and More Voices Hymn Books are available from the Greeters. Song Books: VU Voices United MV More Voices Kindly Turn Off Ringers on all electronic devices. The Prayers of the People List Thanksgiving and Intercession requests for persons ill (with permission) and for global, national and local concerns on the Prayer sheet provided on the Prayer Desk at the south back wall of the sanctuary. Requests are brought to the Communion Table with the Offering and included in the Prayers of the People. Gathering COMMUNITY LIFE ANNOUNCEMENTS "InterChurch Refugee Project" Rev. Dr. Stanford Lucyk MUSIC FOR CENTERING AND REFLECTION Rhapsody ‐ William Osborne Clara Troje, clarinet EASTER PROCLAMATION Margaret Moncrieff Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Hallelujah! stand PROCESSIONAL HYMN VU 158 Christ Is Alive PRAYER OF FAITH INTROIT Haec est dies ‐ Jacobus Gallus (Handl) with Queen’s Brass Quartet “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Alleluia!” stand HYMN MV 121 Hey Now! Singing Hallelujah! Children go to their program Word Rev. Dr. Wayne Hillker Through sacred text we meet the Living God. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path. 1 John 1 , 3 responsive We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life. We declare to you the eternal life that was with God. This life was revealed to us. We testify to it. Our fellowship is with God and with Jesus Christ, so that our joy may be complete. We proclaim to you that God is light. In God there is no darkness at all. If we confess our sin, God who is faithful and just will forgive our sin, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we walk in the light, as Christ is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. See what love God has given us that we should be called children of God. That is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. What we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: When Christ is revealed we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. 2 Luke 24: 1 – 12 The Gospel of Resurrection. Thanks be to God. ANTHEM Christ the Lord Is Risen Again ‐ John Rutter SERMON Did you know it was me? Rev. Drew Strickland Giving Thanks PRESENTATION OF GIFTS OFFERTORY REFLECTION Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag (Op. 65, No. 25) ‐ Sigfrid Karg‐Elert THE INVITATION OUR COMMON FAITH New Creed of the United Church of Canada We are not alone. We live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and is creating, who has come in Jesus,the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new,who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the Church: to celebrate God’s presence, to live with respect in Creation, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God. stand COMMUNION HYMN VU 168 The Risen Christ PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING … With the whole creation we lift our hearts in praise, singing SANCTUS AND BENEDICTUS 3 … Together we sing the mystery of our faith ACCLAMATION … For this we remember, this we believe On Friday Christ died. On Easter Christ rose. Today Christ lives forever! THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory Forever and ever. Amen SHARING BREAD AND WINE Communion is received by bread or gluten‐free wafers, and grape juice in individual cups. Come down the centre aisle to serving stations. Return to your seat by the side aisles. A serving station is in the balcony. To receive at your seat, please raise your hand to a server. The choir sings: VU 181 Midnight Sharpness, Starfields, Fading VU 176 Who Is There On This Easter Morning VU 180 Christ Is Risen, Yes, Indeed PRAYER stand RECESSIONAL HYMN VU 178 Because You Live, O Christ stand BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Clara Troje, clarinet Allegro molto (Concertino, 2nd movement) ‐ Giuseppe Tartini 4 Participants We express our deep appreciation this Easter Day to the following university students for their special musical offerings: Steven Bruch Trombone, Queen’s Engineering Physics, 4th year, Calgary Alberta Lindsay Hasegawa Trombone, Queen’s Electrical Engineering, 2nd year, Stratford Ontario Dylan Hay Trumpet, Queen’s Chemical Engineering, 4th year, Barrie Ontario Elly McWatters Trumpet, Queen’s Liberal Arts and Science, 2nd year , Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Clara Troje Clarinet, McGill Music, 1st year, Kingston Ontario Sound Tech Coffee Hosts Counters Nichola Trinh Outreach Committee: Bill and Cathy Galt, Monika Holzschuh Sator Jane McEwen, Joan Simeon Giving Envelopes: Please check at the back of the sanctuary to see if your Envelopes are still there. If there are none there for you and you would like some, please call the Church Office. Thank you. Communication Nicole Brisson, Mary Carlson, Juliet Huntly, Jane MacEwen, Helen MacIntyre, Mary‐Stewart Ross Visit our Facebook page Like us and you’ll receive updates about everything going on at Chalmers! Let's stay connected! Announcements ♦ Thank you to Blaney’s Florists for the gift of the Easter lilies. ♦ Noon The Tuesday Discussion Group meets at Church House studying the book From Age‐ing to Sage‐ing by Rabbi Zalman Schachter – Shalomi. Brown bag lunch. Tea provided. All ladies welcome. ♦ The Eleanor Neil Lunch Bunch meets on Friday April 10th at noon at Greco’s, 167 Princess St. For reservations, please call Dorothy Stewart at 613‐544‐1244. All ladies welcome. ♦ The Joint Men’s Group meets 11:30 am Tues. Apr.14th at Mino’s Village Restaurant, 1762 Princess St. Bruce Hutchinson will speak on Mining the Data ‐ What Can We Learn? All men and women of Sydenham St. and Chalmers congregations are welcome. Wishing to attend or have questions? Contact Meikle Turner 613‐542‐7744, [email protected] during Easter Week, that seating arrangements can be made. Members of the Joint Men’s Group tour of The Isabel Bader Centre is Sunday Apr. 26 after Worship Services. ♦ Volunteers Needed! Committees are necessary to manage Chalmers’ affairs and to ensure that our ministries are in keeping with our Mission, Vision and Values. About 50 people of our faith 5 community are part of Chalmers committee life and have served on several for many years. They need a break, and our help. Please contact Mary‐Stewart Ross 613‐384‐0952, [email protected] to learn more. ♦ The 2015 United Church of Canada Comprehensive Review. Find out about proposed changes‐review‐report ♦ Book Table: Peruse the great titles on the Book Table in the foyer into MacCallum Hall. You are invited to contribute novels or children’s books for others to enjoy. Spirit Alive! and Youth United Margaret Moncrieff, Coordinator of Children and Youth Ministry Today in Spirit Alive: The Easter Story and Easter Egg Hunt! Spirituality and Science: Bruce Elliott will lead a discussion with youth in Grades 7 and up on Sunday, April 19 during the service. Come and join this engaging discussion! Lunch with Drew: On Sunday, April 19 after the service, there will be a pizza lunch with Drew. We will talk about worship. Come, bring your thoughts and questions! Caring ‐‐a living, healing, sustaining reminder of Chalmers community of faith and Jesus Christ‐‐ Rev. Nancy Clarke – Acting Chair, Mike Hartlin – Keeping in Touch Luncheon and Visitor, Joan Hughes ‐ Visitor, Elma Lank – Sunday Welcome, Rosemary MacLachlan – Cards, Isabel McLeod – Flowers Co‐ordinator, Doreen Morrison – Secretary and Visitor, Rev. D. Strickland Keeping aware of pastoral needs: If you know of persons in hospital or care facility, ill at home or needing contact, please contact: Rev. Nancy Clarke 613‐384‐4698 [email protected] Rev. Drew Strickland 613‐546‐3263 ext.226, emergency cell 613‐876‐0118 [email protected] Flowers: If you wish to place flowers in the sanctuary in memory of a loved one, please fill in an envelope found under the Memorial Book at the back of the sanctuary, and place on the Offering Plate; or call Isabel McLeod 613‐546‐2809. Flowers are then delivered to persons hospitalized, ill, shut‐in, grieving or needing contact. Flowers in the sanctuary are placed in loving memory of Enid and Alan Richardson and 6 Kenneth and Catherine Richardson The Rev. Drew D. Strickland MINISTER 613‐546‐3263 ext.226 emergency cell 876‐0118 [email protected] The Rev. Dr. C. Wayne Hilliker MINISTER EMERITUS David Melhorn‐Boe MINISTER OF MUSIC 613‐546‐3264 david.melhorn‐[email protected] The Rev. Nancy Clarke PASTORAL CARE AND VISITATION 613‐384‐4698 [email protected] Margaret Moncrieff CHILDREN AND YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR 613‐546‐3263 ext.223 [email protected] Mary‐Stewart Ross MODERATOR, COORDINATING COUNCIL OF ELDERS 613‐384‐0952 [email protected] Carol Sleeth ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 613‐546‐3263 ext.222 [email protected] Ivan Brandsma CUSTODIAN 613‐542‐9012 [email protected] 7 Chalmers United Church 212 Barrie Street, Kingston ON K7L 3K3 P 613‐546‐3263 F 613‐546‐3340 E [email protected] Sundays 10:30am Live‐Online at Church House Office Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 3pm. The office will be closed Good Friday and Easter Monday. 8
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