MICHAEL OKPARA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, UMUDIKE KILLERS TO EDIBLES A KEY TO SUSTAINABLE LIVESTOCK AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 22nd INAUGURAL LECTURE Delivered by PROFESSOR SUNDAY NDUBUEZE UKACHUKWU (RAS) B.Agric., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Nig.) PROFESSOR OF ANIMAL NUTRITION 1 TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page …………………………………………………………………………… 1 ………………………………………………………………… 2 Protocol ………………………………………………………………………… 4 Preamble …………………………………………………………………………. 4 1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 5 2. About Nutrition …………………………………………………………. 6 …………………………………………. 6 …………………………. 7 3. The Interdependence Issue ………………………………………………… 8 4. Quest For Alternatives ………………………………………………… 8 Table of Content 5. 6. 1. Nutrition and Its Growth 2. Discipline of Nutrition Schematized 1. A Worrisome Scenario ………………………………………… 8 2. Alternatives: The Solution …………………………………………. 9 3. The Killer …………………………………………………………. 9 1. Definition …………………………………………………. 9 2. Evolution ………………………………………………….. 9 3. Actions …………………………………………………. 10 4. Classification ………………………………………………… 10 5. Specific Example of ANFs and Toxicants ………………… 10 6. Specific Effects of Some Specific ANFs ………………… 11 KillersTo Edibles (The Processes and Methods) …………………………. 12 1. Common Processes And Methods …………………………………. 12 2. Specific Methods For Specific ANFs ………………………… 14 ………………………………………………………… 17 1. Full-fat Soyabean In Broiler Diets ………………………………… 17 2. Mucuna: Little-known, Poison-laden But Has Great Potentials As My Contributions Ingredient In Broiler Diets ………………………………………… 22 …………. 23 1. Toxicity Of Raw M. cochinchinensis Extract 2. Chemical Evaluation Of Raw And Processed M. cochinchinensis … 23 3. Effect On Animal Organs And Products …………………. 26 4. Processing With Additives; Supplementation And Optimum Inclusion Level 5. …………………………………………. 29 ………………… 30 Mucuna Forage And Seeds For Rabbits 2 3. 4. Other Oil Seed Protein Ingredients In Poultry Nutrition ………… 31 1. Cotton Seed Meal ………………………………………… 31 2. Castor Oil Bean ………………………………………… 32 3. Baobab Seed ………………………………………… 33 Composite Cassava Meal And Other Tubers As Ingredients In Livestock Feeds 5. ………………………………………………… Solving The Problem Of Poisons In The System And The Environment … 34 35 1. Agricultural Wastes And By-products ………………… 35 2. Mitigating Greenhouse Gases Emission ……………….. 36 3. Mitigating Oxidative Damage ………………………… 37 7. Conclusion And Recommendation ………………………………………… 39 8. Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………… 40 9. References …………………………………………………………………. 42 3 KILLERSTO EDIBLES: A KEY TO SUSTAINABLE LIVESTOCK AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROTOCOL The Vice-Chancellor and Chairman of this occasion Deputy Vice-Chancellor Other Principal Officers Deans and Directors Professors Heads of Departments Members of the University Senate Other members of the academia Distinguished Guests My Lords – Spiritual and Temporal Great Umudykes Gentlemen of the Press Ladies and Gentlemen PREAMBLE I am highly delighted to stand here today to deliver this 22nd inaugural lecture that ushers me unto the highly exalted professorial chair – this is a great enthronement. My joy today is predicated on a number of issues that make the occasion unique. My very humble background never gave a clue to what is being celebrated today. My fellow students at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka who saw me swim through the ocean of penury would be thoroughly astonished to hear that I took further step in the academic ladder. Also, today is the fulfillment of my expectation to shame Satan with whom I made a bet that my academic pursuit would never be scuttled in spite of his vow to stop me with the big whip – poverty. Also, my inaugural lecture comes up as the 2nd amongst all the pioneer young lecturers that started here on either Assistant Lecturer or Lecturer II status (I started as AL). It is also the 2nd in the Department of Animal Nutrition and Forage Science and the 5th in the College of Animal Science and Animal Production. I am therefore happy to welcome you to this unique ‘classroom’ where the only right or privilege you have is to listen but never to ask questions nor make contributions. The lecturer has the sole right and privilege to teach, propose, make prognosis, argue and conclude. He does this based on the wealth of knowledge he has gathered while he voyaged through his profession to become a general. Vice-Chancellor Sir, it is a known fact that Man depends on animal for special need of nourishment while animals look up to man for quality or balanced diets. Balanced diets are essential for animals to 4 yield their full potential as animal products, which are needed in the diets of man for his healthy living. It also goes without saying that a healthy workforce is a sine qua non to national development. It is becoming increasingly difficult to meet the nutritional needs of farm animals because of two principal reasons – (1) scarcity, high demand and cost of conventional feedstuffs, (2) competition between farm animals, man and industry for the scarce commodities; and the animal is the most disadvantaged among the competitors. This scenario has forced the Animal Nutritionist to embark on a search for alternative feed ingredients that are rarely consumed by man or useful in the industries. Most of these alternatives are rather poisonous materials. Vice-Chancellor Sir, my chosen theme for this inaugural lecture is KILLERS TO EDIBLES: A KEY TO SUSTAINABLE LIVESTOCK AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. It is a summary of my contribution to knowledge in my profession, where I have essentially focused on seeking for means of converting the poisonous alternatives (Killers) to non-poisonous quality novel feeds (Edibles) in order to maintain a sustainable livestock sector for the wellbeing of man and development of our nation. 1.0 INTRODUCTION According to Wadhwa and Bakshi (2013), by 2050 the world will need to feed an additional 2 billion people and require 70 per cent more meat and milk. This increasing future demand for animal products will impose a huge demand on feed resources. Sustainability of feed production systems is being challenged due to biophysical factors, which include food - fuel - feed competition, on-going global warming and frequent and drastic climatic vagaries, as well as increased competition for arable land and non-renewable resources. The keys to sustainable livestock development include efficient use of feed resources, and enlargement of the feed resource base through a quest for novel feed resources, particularly, those not competing with human food. The challenge of getting edible food from a poisonous material has been reported even in the Bible. Moses in Exodus 15: 23 – 25 healed bitter water and it became sweet and healthy, Elisha healed a water source causing death and barrenness and it became pleasant in II Kings 2: 19 – 22. Most Christians and Bible students quote the riddle of Sampson in Judges 14: 14 – “From the eater came something to eat, from the strong, came something sweet.” This aptly captures my theme – “KillersTo Edibles”. The eater and the strong are the killers from which we get something to eat and something sweet which are the edibles. Also, in II Kings 4: 38 – 41, a pot of stew prepared from wild gourd (a poisonous herb) caused death among the guild of prophets but Elisha processed it into harmless nutritious pot of stew for the relish and nourishment of the prophets. 5 The animal nutritionist has been in an age-long search for alternative sources of feed, having taken cognizance of the fact of the food-fuel-feed competition and the fact that the animal has always been on the losing end. He even goes to the kitchen, gutter, refuse heaps, waste bins, and forests in his quest for these alternatives, including poisonous materials which he processes into nutritive harmless materials. Hence, our leading theme for discourse today – “Killers To Edibles.” 2.0 ABOUT NUTRITION 2.1 NUTRITION AND ITS GROWTH Nutrition as a profession has grown and progressed from the stand point of common sense to complex science. It had its beginning as an art, the foundation of which was a blend of instinct, habit, experience, folklore, and conjecture (Lloyd et al., 1978). Nutrition remained essentially an art until the chemist became interested in the nature of foods. Food was described in terms of chemical entities or groups of entities with unique nutritive properties. It was then discovered that not all foods contain every necessary nutrient and that in most foods the proportions of the various nutrients are inadequate to the body’s needs. Following on the heels of this was the finding that by appropriate combinations of foods the assortment of nutrients in the diet could be made to approximate the body’s needs. As time progressed, more professions became interested in nutrition and joined the team. The physiologist became interested in the workings of the nutritional machinery. He explored the area of elucidation of the physiology of such functions as digestion, muscle movement, reproduction, and lactation, especially when it included the pertinent chemistry, and this made it possible to relate diet to health and performance. Also, nutritional deficiency states could now be assigned causes, and be corrected by amending the diet. The endocrinologist and enzymologist joined the nutrition team and made clear the important role of the endocrine system in regulating, and of the enzyme system in catalyzing, the metabolic processes involved in utilization of the energy and the nutrients of foods. Some questions still remained unanswered and hence constituted embarrassing gaps. The microbiologist joined the team to proffer answers to the question of why the difference in the ability of the carnivore, omnivore, and herbivore to utilize foods of high cellulose content, and even the variability of individuals within these groups. The nutrition team still kept expanding. The geneticist and the mathematician (statistician) found roles to play in order for the nutritional questions to be answered satisfactorily. The genetic make-up of the animal determines its response to the nutritional treatments; and the statistician contributes in the conduct of efficient research and the analysis and description of the findings of nutritional researches. 6 2.2 DISCIPLINE OF NUTRITION SCHEMATIZED The Webster’s Dictionary definition of nutrition sees nutrition as “the series of processes by which an organism takes in and assimilates food for promoting growth and replacing worn or injured tissues.” This innocent-sounding definition and our discourse in the preceding section portray animal nutrition as a montage of several biological disciplines grouped around the age-old arts of homemaking and husbandry. This schematization gives us idea of the areas covered in the formal training that a qualified animal nutritionist must undertake. An animal nutritionist must have working understanding of the contributions to be expected from each of these disciplines. A strong point to be noted here is that nutrition research today requires collaborative effort as nutritionists no longer hunt alone. All the listed disciplines therefore, form the foundation upon which nutrition rests. They work together to achieve the following functions of the discipline of nutrition, which are: 1. To understand the nature of the nutrients 2. To grasp the way in which they perform their roles 3. To perceive the consequences of their deficiency or of their imbalance in the diet, 4. And to be able to prepare nutritionally adequate diets. 7 3.0 THE INTER-DEPENDENCE ISSUE As has been already noted, man looks up to animals for special part of his nutrition while animals look up to man for provision of their balanced diets. Majority of the ingredients (feedstuffs) required by man to formulate these balanced diets come from the crops. Others are animal products and industrial (manufactured or synthetic) products and by-products. The industries depend on the crops and animals for their fibres. Hence, in animal production, particularly animal nutrition, there is intrinsic inter-dependence between the animal, man and the industry. Crops Labour Crop products +byproducts Manure Forage Farm Animals Animal Products Food + Feed Ingredients Fibre Farm Inputs Food + Feed Ingredients Man Industrial Products & Byproducts Industry Balanced Diet Fibre 4.0 QUEST FOR ALTERNATIVES 4.1 A Worrisome Scenario The demand for livestock products is rapidly increasing in most developing countries. However, many developing countries have feed deficits. Feed (with feeding) is the highest single cost input in animal 8 production. In poultry and piggery it is about 70 – 80% while in other livestock it is about 45 – 64%. This is made complex and complicated by competition among human, the industry and farm animals for the same food items as either food for man, fibre for the industry or feed for animals (that is, the food-fuelfeed competition). The issue of competition is majorly occasioned by scarcity of the feed resources. Factors causing the scarcity include rapidly growing human population that is not matched by growth in food production, shift from agrarian economy to oil-based economy, abandonment of farming for white-collar jobs, urbanization and rural-urban drift by the younger generation, just to mention this few. 4.2 Alternatives: The Solution One of the ways of getting round the problems of scarcity and competition is by looking for alternative feedstuffs. The new unconventional alternate feed resources could play an important role in meeting this deficit. Such unconventional resources can act as an excellent source of nutrients and help to bridge the gap between demand and supply of feedstuffs for livestock. In addition, their use can reduce the cost of feeding, giving higher profits to farmers. However, most of the novel or alternative feedstuffs are laden with problems that militate against their utilization, prominent among which are the presence of antinutritional factors and toxicants as part of their natural composition. So, the dangerous nature of the problem is that the “killers” are natural components of the feedstuffs; and the feedstuff that is laden with these “killers” does not show it by its looks. 1. The Killers 4.3.1 `Definition A major problem of alternative feedstuffs is that they contain factors that interfere with the utilisation of dietary nutrients. These factors, which cause depressions in growth and feed efficiency and/or affect animal health, can be defined as anti-nutritional factors (ANFs). In plants and seeds these ANFs primarily act as biopesticides or defences. 1. Evolution In order to survive, plants have developed defences against herbivorous animals and birds, microorganisms (moulds, bacteria) and viruses during evolution. Furthermore, plants compete with other plants for light, water, and nutrients. The production of secondary metabolites (including lectins and toxic peptides) is of ultimate importance as a defence strategy in this contest (Rosenthal, 1982; Harborne, 1993; Wink, 1988, Wink, 1992; Wink, 1993a). The seedling is the most vulnerable life stage in the plants' life cycle; therefore it is not surprising that many species are well equipped with anti-nutritional factors and other substances in their seeds. 9 Considering the evolutionary background of ANF as either antiherbivore or antimicrobial compounds, ANFs have been selected during evolution as biologically active components. 2. Actions These factors interfere with the utilisation of dietary nutrients in a variety of ways, including reducing protein digestibility, binding to various nutrients or damaging the gut wall and thereby reducing digestive efficiency. These compounds can be either acutely toxic (such as some lectins, cyanogenic glycosides, non-protein amino acids (NPAAs) or alkaloids), unpalatable (such as saponins, tannins, NPAAs, or bitter alkaloids), or "anti-nutritive". The “anti-nutritives” reduce growth and fitness of the consumer by: nutrient complexation (e.g., by phytates), metabolic inhibition (e.g., NPAAs, cyanogenic glycosides, isoflavones, alkaloids) or reduction of digestion (e.g., through protease inhibitors, lectins, or oligosaccharides). 3. Classification ANFs can be classified in various ways. A classification, based on their effects on the nutritive value of feedstuffs and on biological responses in animals, is given here: 1. Factors that have a depressive effect on protein digestion and utilisation (trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors, lectins or haemagglutinins, polyphenolic compounds, non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) and saponins). 2. Factors which have a negative effect on the digestion of carbohydrates (amylase inhibitors, polyphenolic compounds, NSP-s, flatulence factors). 3. Factors which have a negative effect on the digestion and utilisation of minerals (glucosinolates, oxalic acid, phytic acid, gossypol). 4. Factors which inactivate vitamins or cause an increase in the animal's vitamin requirements (antivitamins). 5. Factors that stimulate the immune system (antigenic proteins). 10 Generally, these substances include proteolytic inhibitors, phytohemagglutinins, lathyrogens, cyanogenetic compounds, compounds causing favism, factors affecting digestibility, saponins, goitrogenic factors and alkaloids (Gupta, 1987). 1. Specific examples of ANFs and Toxicants Some specific examples of the ANFs and Toxicants are: Lectins Protease inhibitors Alpha-amylase inhibitors Tannins Flatulence factors (Oligosaccharides and isoflavonoids) Antigenic proteins Phytic acid Vicine and convicine (Pyrimidine glycosides) Saponins Glucosinolates Oxalic acid Gossypol Alkaloids Sinapins Non-starch polysaccharides (including some Oligosaccharides and isoflavonoids) Cyanogenic glycosides Non-protein amino acids (Liener, 1962; Gupta, 1987) 2. Specific effects of some specific ANFs are as follows: Lectins Reduce digestibility of true protein and of other nutrients. Stimulate the proliferation of bacteria in the intestinal lumen. Protease inhibitors (trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors) Activities of trypsin and chymotrypsin are reduced. Hypertrophy of the pancreas. Tannins Nutrient digestibility is depressed. Reduce feed intake, increase damage to the gut wall, toxicity of absorbed tannins and reduced absorption of some minerals. Direct effects on the liver and possibly other organs. Phytic acid 11 Low bio-availability of phosphorus present in phytic acid. Form complexes with a variety of minerals, including calcium, copper, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, selenium and zinc, thus reducing the availability of these nutrients. Interfere with the activity of endogenous enzymes and digestibilities of nutrients other than minerals. Vicine and Convicine Cause haemolytic anaemia in man. In birds, they result in a decrease in egg weight and size, weaker egg shells, an increased number of blood spots in the egg, and a decrease in fertility and hatchability of eggs. In pigs they have been related to reduced reproductive performance. Saponins Haemolyse red blood cells. Depress growth performance in both poultry and swine. 1. KILLERSTO EDIBLES (THE PROCESSES AND METHODS) 5.1 Common Processes and Methods More generalized processes and methods of reduction or total elimination of the effects of ANFs (the killers) in feedstuffs so that they are transformed into safe products for consumption (edibles) by man and animals include: 1. Post harvest processing Cooking for inactivation of lectins and protease inhibitors. Low molecular weight compounds are leached out into the cooking water, to be discarded afterwards. All these simple techniques have been "invented" by man (even without a profound knowledge of the underlying toxicology) to make legume seeds more palatable and digestible. 2. Chemical detoxification This involves rendering antinutrients in the seeds inactive by mild acid hydrolysis. Example is the degradation of canavanine to deaminocanavanine, a well known untoxic deamination product of canavanine (Rosenthal, 1972; Enneking et al., 1993), under alkaline conditions. This has already been successfully employed for the processing of the canavanine containing seeds of Canavalia ensiformis (Obizoba and Obiano, 1988). Some other antinutrients can be rendered inactive by mild acid hydrolysis. 3. Fermentation 12 The use of fermentation as an integral part of food detoxification processes is widely practised (Ochse, 1931; Horsfall, 1987; Salih et al., 1991). A wide variety of fermented foods are produced and eaten around the world (Yokutsuka, 1991; Campbell-Platt, 1987; Reddy and Salunkhe, 1989; Ukachukwu et al., 2000). Fermented foods can be prepared at both industrial and the household scale. Fermentation simultaneously gives flexibility in the manipulation of flavour, texture and colour of the raw material. 4. Germination This kind of processing reduces the contents of oligosaccharides and of other N-containing ANFs, and it serves to improve the palatability of soybeans, pea and lentils. 5. Detoxification by ruminants Some grain legumes like Vicia and Lathyrus spp. can be used as supplemental feeds for ruminant production, which is another form of post-harvest detoxification. The gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) of these animals have adapted to the grains and have become biological factory for detoxifying the ANFs in the grains. 6. Elimination of ANFs through genetic modification The identification of alkaloids and non-protein amino acids (NPAAs) as the major anti-nutritional principles present in Lupinus and Vicia seeds, respectively, now allows for the selection of genotypes with low levels of these factors, thus enabling the development of more palatable and less toxic cultivars. The selection of genetic material with contrasting levels of anti-nutritional factors is also ideally suited for the elucidation of their biological functions (as shown for the example of bitter versus sweet lupins). The general aim is a selection of non-toxic and palatable genotypes requiring efficient screening techniques to expedite the quantitative detection of individual ANFs for the selection of improved grain legume cultivars. 7. Seed specific deletion of ANFs It is possible to select strains of legumes which no longer accumulate ANFs in their seed, but still maintain their synthesis in the rest of the plant. In this case only the seeds and seedlings need additional protection but not the whole plant. This selection would work in instances in which ANFs are produced in the leaves but transported to the seeds or in which all parts of a plant produce a certain ANF but not for a seed specific synthesis. In the first instance, selection is directed towards plants in which the translocation via the phloem is blocked and the other instances towards an organ specific inhibition of biosynthesis. 8. Genetic engineering options If the gene which encodes a toxic protein is known (e.g., a lectin) or the key enzyme of a biosynthetic pathway leading to alkaloids, saponins, NPAAs etc, genetic engineering offers a set of methodologies to down-regulate or to knock out the respective activity. Strategies include the expression of antisense mRNA, of gene targeting, and of synthetic oligonucleotides or ribozymes. 13 Also the introduction of new traits into a crop plant, such as new lectins or proteins rich in methionine/cysteine can be achieved by appropriate molecular techniques. Although these strategies look straightforward in theory, their utilisation and application for a specific problem are often more complicated and tedious. Obstacles are often encountered in that relevant genes have not been detected so far which is usually the situation for biosynthetic enzymes of ANFs. If a time-, developmental and organ specific expression is required, then promotor sequences need to be known for a particular plant - and again these data are usually not available for the crop of interest. Transformed plants need to be regenerated which is a severe problem in most legumes. Several target enzymes could be envisaged for NPAAs or alkaloids. 9. Can "anti-nutrients" be even useful? The so called "anti-nutrients" of legumes have biological functions. They are important in the physiology of seedlings as N or C storage compounds and to facilitate nutrient uptake and rhizosphere establishment. They exhibit defence functions, being toxic to animals and sometimes even to microorganisms, viruses and other plants. Some ANFs, like lupin alkaloids, can be important for the fitness of plants and constitute relevant resistance factors. There are also examples which show that certain levels of ANFs in legumes might be even beneficial to human health. The negative dietary impact of affluence can be held at bay through inclusion of grain legumes (cholesterol lowering properties, dietary fibres, trypsin inhibitors). The phenylalanine derivative, ß-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-L-alanine (L-DOPA) is important for the therapy of Parkinson’s disease (Kempster et al., 1993). Canavanine is an inhibitor of soluble nitric oxide synthesis and has recently been found to be useful in treating experimental endotoxaemic shock in rats. Lupin alkaloids, such as sparteine, have been used as antiarrhythmic and uterotonic therapeutics. Also other lupin alkaloids exhibit similar activities which could be used either as pure compounds or in mixtures (Wink, 1993b). Isoflavonoids which inhibit tyrosine protein kinases might be interesting as anticancer agents. Poly-phenols exhibit anti-cancer, anti-microbial (pathogens), anti-oxidative and immune-stimulating effects in vertebrates and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. 1. Specific Methods For Specific ANFs Some elimination/reduction methods are specific to some anti-nutritional factors and only few common ones are considered here. 1 Lectins 14 As lectins are quite unstable to heat, heat processing appears to be an effective means of inactivating lectins. 2 Protease inhibitors - trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors Trypsin inhibitors are less susceptible to heat than lectins. However, and as shown in Table 1, a moderate heat treatment is an effective means to inactivate soya bean trypsin-inhibitor activities (TIA). However, heat treatment needs to be conducted under closely controlled conditions to avoid reducing the availability of amino acids, particularly lysine. Table 1: Effcet of alternative heat treatments on lectin and trypsin inhibitor activity in phaseolus beans 3 Tannins Some of the depressions in performance due to the intake of tannins could be overcome by: i) increasing dietary protein levels. ii) development of a physiological means by animals and humans that consume high tannin diets to counteract the adverse effects of tannins. iii) Addition of chemicals (such as polyethylene glycol) that have high affinity for tannins in the diet, iv) Soaking of feedstuffs in water or alkaline solutions, v) Anaerobic fermentation or vi ) germination of seeds. 15 Texture Particle density Moisture content 16 Rejection Removal of restrictive factors, Improvement of texture, Dehydration, Ensilage, Fermentation, Extrusion, Pelleting, Storage Quality Test Oxidative rancidity Anti-nutritional factors Toxins Microbial spoilage Moisture Fat ANIMAL PERFORMANCE Feedstuff status formulation Experimentation Processing Restrictive Factors Digestibility ent of a potential feed ingredient into feedstuff status ternative raw materials and feed formulations for a profitable livestock enterprise. National seminar resource infrastructure. Organised by Greenwoods Ventures Ltd and Imo State ADP held at Imo 3 - 25 Wastes Residues Wild crop Animal product Adaptability Availability Free of Competition Metabolisable Energy Bio-availability Bioassay Substitution Levels Acceptability 5 PROTEIN FAT FIBRE ASH NFE …………… ENERGY Amino Acid Profile Biological Value 4 Phytic acid The use of exogenous phytases to enhance phosphorus digestibility is now common practice in countries where the contribution of animal agriculture to environmental pollution is a concern. Vicine and Convicine The only feasible solution appears to be selection of varieties with low contents of vicine and convicine. 6.0 MY CONTRIBUTIONS Two Professors made me – Professor F. O. I. Anugwa who supervised my M.Sc (24 years ago), and Prof. Festus C. Obioha under whose supervision I obtained my Ph.D (14 years ago). Since then I have worked assiduously and relentlessly to seeing to the actualization of the issues raised by today’s inaugural, that is, how to convert killers to edibles as a key factor in support of sustainable livestock industry in Nigeria, which will in turn lead to sustained national development. My efforts have been geared towards developing novel feeds and feedstuffs as alternative feed resources which will be available and cheap, thereby leading to reduced cost of production of animal products. This, of course, will make these animal products (which are quality and indispensable protein) available and affordable by Nigerians, especially the rural populace. Accessibility of the people to these quality proteins will ensure a healthy workforce that will positively contribute to the development of our nation and economy. REMEMBER: A healthy mind in a healthy body is needed for sharp brains; and sharp brains are sharper and cuts deeper than strong sharp swords. We need sharp brains to sharply discern our national problems and proffer solutions. 6.1 FULL FAT SOYABEAN IN BROILER DIETS My attention was drawn to the worth and problems of soyabean as I rendered my national service in the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Moor Plantation, Ibadan. On coming back to the University of Nigeria for my M.Sc. programme, I elected to investigate into the use of Full fat Soyabean as “Feedstuff” in poultry diets. 17 Soyabean has been described as wonder crop, miracle golden bean, pearl of the century, the meat that grows on vines, the protein hope of the future and the salvation crop (IFSP, 1988; Abasilim, 1989). It is of multi-dimensional usage and has high nutritional value (Oyenuga, 1968). Yet, it is bedeviled by toxic, stimulatory and inhibitory substances like trypsin-inhibitors, chemotrypsin-inhibitors, lipoxygenase, heamaglutinin, phytic acid, gastrogenic materials, etc. These factors have limited and inhibited effective use of soyabean as both food and feed. The most important anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) in soyabean are the trypsin- and chemotrypsininhibitors. In researches we conducted, we compared the effect and reversibility of the effect of dietary raw, toasted, cooked full-fat soyabean and soyabean meal as well as the influence of age of chicken and duration of feeding on their sensitivity to raw soyabean (Ukachukwu and Anugwa, 1995 & 1999; Ukachukwu, 1996; Ukachukwu et al., 1997) There was no problem with the intake of raw soyabean as dietary raw soyabean was consumed as much as diets without or with processed soyabean. However, serious problems were associated with the utilization of raw or improperly processed soyabean. Trypsin-inhibitor in raw soyabean inhibits activation of trypsinogen and chemotrypsinogen to trypsin. This brings about subsequent inhibition of intestinal proteolysis in chicks fed raw soyabean. The final effect is shown in significantly depressed body weight, daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio (Ukachukwu and Anugwa, 1995; Ukachukwu, 1996) Table 2: Effect of dietary soybean on performance of broiler starter birds Parameters Treatment codes R C M +SEM Initial weight(g) 86.0 83.2 85.2 - Final weight(g) 788.6b 941.7a 971.1a 23.30* Daily feed intake(g) 60.8b 59.9b 65.3 b 0.83* Daily weight gain(g) 20.1b 21.0a 25.3a 0.50* Feed conversion ratio 3.03b 2.49a 2.58a 0.05* 18 Protein efficiency ratio 1.59b 1.85a 1.91a 0.03* Mortality (%) 5.00 6.67 5.00 - Values on the same row having different superscripts are significantly different at *P<0.05, **P<0.01. Ns = No significant difference R = raw full-fat soyabean, C = cooked full-fat soyabean, M = defatted soyabean meal Dietary raw soyabean produced no clinical signs in broilers but caused significant enlargement of the pancreas at starter phase. However, the enlargement was not significant at the finisher phase. The enlargement at the starter phase was due to hyperplasia of the acinar cells. The hyperplasia could have arisen from insufficiency of the pancreatic enzymatic function which ended up in necrosis and fibrosis of the organ after sometime. It is heartening to note that raw soyabean does not produce microscopic lesions in other organs outside the pancreas (Table 3). 9 9 9 9 1 C-R 9 2 9 9 9 20 w 9 1 9 2 R-C 20 0 2 3 2 w (R) 1 9 19 3 1 1 9 T-T 2 9 3 1 T-C 4 3 2 Toasted 20 20 2 3 2 9 9 1 3 C-C 5 Cooked 3 20 1 20 (C) Cooked (T) Toasted 2 3 2 3 9 20 3 6 2 9 20 1 9 9 9 9 1 3 2 3 M-M 1 M-C 8 7 Meal 4 2 20 3 20 (M) Soyabean Meal 4 2 3 Schematization of Experiments with Soyabean Subjected to Different Processing Methods Table 3: Mean live weights, daily weight gain, and mean percentage + weights of various organs of birds Treatment Parameter R C M SEM Starter Live weight(g) 788.60b 941.72a 971.05a 23.29* Phase Daily weight gain (g) 20.07b 24.02a 25.31a 0.44* Pancreas (%) 0.54a 0.27b 0.26b 0.21* Liver (%) 2.01 2.62 2.09 0.60 Spleen (%) 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.17 Kidney (%) 0.74 0.91 0.73 0.42 Proventriculus (%) 0.41 0.49 0.41 0.15 Heart (%) 0.49 0.46 0.45 0.21 Empty gizzard (%) 2.65 2.41 2.19 0.28 Means in the same row not followed by the same letters are significantly different at 1% (**), + Expressed as percentage of whole cassava weight, R = raw soybean-based diet, C = cooked soybean-bean based diet, M = soybean meal-based diet, SEM = standard error of mean The non-significant enlargement of pancreas at the end of finisher phase was in the presence of severe growth depression in the chicks. The reduction in size of the pancreas at this stage could be due to necrosis, maturation of the fibrous tissues or increased tolerance of the birds to the toxic effect of raw soyabean (Ukachukwu et al., 1997). 20 By employing heat-treatment (toasting and cooking) in the processing of soyabean, there was significant improvement in all the performance parameters mentioned above over that of birds fed the raw soyabean based diets, with the cooking method proving superior to the toasting method. Cooking is a simple processing technology that is adaptable by poor rural farmers and feedmillers. Properly cooked full-fat soyabean proved to be as safe as conventional defatted soyabean meal and even more cost effective (Table 4). Influence of age of broiler chicks and duration of feeding on their sensitivity to raw soyabean was assessed. It was concluded that age of chicks was more important in influencing sensitivity of broiler chicks to raw soyabean diet than duration of feeding raw soyabeans. Age had a greater influence on daily feed intake, daily body weight gain and feed conversion ratio than duration of feeding. Broiler chicks showed susceptibility to the growth-depressing effect of raw soyabean diets irrespective of the age at which they started consuming the diets but older birds earlier conditioned to a normal diet exhibited more sustained sensitivity than younger birds that were not fully conditioned to a normal diet. The adverse effect of feeding raw soyabeans to starting broiler chicks on their growth rate was not permanent but reversed by switching over to cooked soyabean diet during the finisher phase (Ukachukwu and Anugwa, 1999) (Tables 5, 6 and 7). Table 4: Effect of dietary soybean on economics of production Diet Parameters RSB TSB CSB SMB SEM Starter mash 6.83 6.97 7.01 13.98 - Finisher mash 7.56 7.67 7.70 12.66 - Starter mash 48.89 49.88 50.12 100.00 - Finisher mash 59.73 60.55 60.82 100.00 - 20.69b 18.33c 17.45c 36.07a 0.57* Actual cost (N)/kg feed Relative cost (%) Cost (N) of feed/kg weight gain Starter phase 21 Finisher phase 25.86b 23.01b 23.49b 39.50a 0.86** Average 22.28b 20.67c 20.47c 37.79a 0.17** Starter phase 31.12b 39.59a 39.95a 25.65c 1.14** Finisher phase 27.78ab 36.90a 35.91a 20.91b 2.74** Total 58.90b 76.49a 75.86a 46.55c 2.69* Gross margin (N) from weight gain a,b,c Means on the same row not followed by the same letter are significantly different at 5% (*) or 1% (**), N = Naira (Nigeria’s official currency) Table 5: Performance of broiler chicks at starter phase R C SEM Daily feed intake,g 60.87 60.05 1.08 Daily weight gain, g 19.30b 20.58a 0.40* Feed conversion ratio 3.21a 2.90b 0.02* a, b values within the same row having different superscripts differ significantly at 5% level (*) Table 6: Performance of broiler chicks at finisher phase R-R R-C C-R C-C SEM Daily feed intake (g) 114.60 117.37 118.72 125.56 3.49 Daily weight gain (g) 31.61b 39.59a 30.01b 41.10a 1.44* Feed conversion ratio 3.62b 2.96c 3.95a 3.04c 0.09* a, b, c: values on the same row having different superscripts are significantly different at 5% (*) Table 7: Correlation coefficient (r) between age in days (X1) and length of period of feeding of raw soybean (X2) to response parameters (Y) during the finisher phase. Response parameter Age in days Length of feeding (Y) (X1) Raw soybeans (X2) Daily feed intake (g) 0.87** 0.14ns Daily weight gain (g) 0.72** 0.57* Feed conversion ratio (g feed/ g gain) -0.59* -0.56* ** Significant correlation (P<0.01), * significant correlation (P<0.05), nsNon-significant correlation. 6.2 MUCUNA: LITTLE-KNOWN, HEAVY-LADEN BUT HAS GREAT POTENTIAL AS INGREDIENT IN BROILER DIETS 22 In the west tropical flora, there are many little-known and under-utilized plants, especially legumes. These legumes are potentially of high nutritive quality. However, the quality is compromised by their high content of anti-nutritive factors. A thing worthy of note is that most of these anti-nutritional factors are themselves proteins and they infest mostly the proteins as well as inhibit the activities of specific enzymes that drive the metabolism of proteins (Ukachukwu et al., 1999; Balogun and Fetuga, 1989). Mucuna is a big family that belongs to the little-known or neglected tropical legumes. Two prominent members of this family have attracted our attention, and they are (1) Mucuna cochinchinensis and (2) Mucuna sloanei. Mucuna cochinchinensis is locally called “agbara-ocha” (Ibo). It has flowers and fruits with nonurticating hairs and is cultivated in parts of southern Nigeria by some rural populace to whom it is a resort legume food, consumed in circumstances of famine or scarcity of other popular legumes; in most parts however, it grows as wide crop and the seeds are not utilized ( Ukachukwu and Obioha, 1997; Okigbo, 1975; Hutchinson and Dalziel, 1954). It is a short-term legume crop, and has high agronomic potential with a yield of about four tonnes of seed per hectare; and it resists most pests and diseases and some strains of nematodes of legumes (Ene-Obong and Carnovale, 1992; Hashim and Idrus, 1977; Takahashi and Ripperton, 1949). Mucuna cochinchinensis also has high nutritional potential with a reported content of crude protein of about 27% and total digestible nutrient (TDN) of about 80% in the seed (Oyenuga, 1968). However, raw seeds of M. cochinchinensis have been reported to contain various natural components, which are toxic and inhibit their utilization. These include trypsin-inhibitors, hemagglutinin, cyanide and tannins. Others are dopamine, L-DOPA, antivitamins, serotonin and phytic acid (Liener, 1969). 6.2.1 Toxicity of raw M. cochinchinensis extracts 23 Ukachukwu et al. (1999) drenched 6 broilers of 21 days of age, averaging 500g body weight, phosphate buffered saline extract of raw Mucuna. The birds were divided into six groups of six birds each and drenched with 6 doses of the extract at 2000, 1500, 1000, 500, 250 and 0mg/kg body weight and observed for 24hrs. Soon after the administration of the extract, the birds became dizzy and the intensity of the dizziness was more in birds that received higher doses. Birds that received the high doses (500-2000 mg/kg) also produced diarrheic droppings whose intensity was also higher for the birds on the higher doses. The dizziness suggests some kind of effect of the toxic elements in the extract on the central nervous system (CNS) of the birds, and there are the dopamine, L-DOPA, antivitamins, serotonin and phytic acid (Skerman et al., 1988). Dopamine and L-DOPA have direct influence on the CNS while antivitamins, serotonin and phytic acid have indirect influence through their interference with energy transformation and metabolism, thereby causing some neurological derangement. The inhibitory substances in the extract, especially hemagglutinin and saponin may have caused the diarrhea. 6.2.2 Chemical evaluation of raw and processed M. cochinchinensis In a series of studies, we established the chemical composition of raw M. cochinchinensis and compared it with what happens when the seed is subjected to different processing methods (Ukachukwu and Obioha, 1997a, 1997b, 2000, 2007; Ukachukwu et al., 1999, 2000; Udensi et al., 2001). Raw M. cochinchinensis was found to be moderately high (on dry matter basis) in crude protein and gross energy (Tables 8 and 9). It is low in calcium and phosphorus. It is also low in cyanide but high in hemagglutinin, L-DOPA, trypsin-inhibitor and tannin (Ukachukwu and Szabo, 2003). Though the proximate composition would suggest that M. cochinchinensis is a potential feedstuff, combined effects of these identified antinutritional factors could make the Mucuna bean unacceptable as feedstuff. This called for suitable locally adaptable methods that could be employed in processing Mucuna to safe form. Table 8: Proximate Composition, Mineral Constituent and anti-nutritional factors content of raw seeds of Mucunacochinchinensis 24 Component Composition,% Entire Seed Cotyledon Testa Nutrient in testa as % of Nutrient in testa as % seed wt nutrient in seed Crude protein 30.06 30.85 24.26 2.85 9.48 Ether extract 4.52 3.10 15.15 1.78 39.38 Crude fibre 9.04 4.16 45.70 5.37 59.40 Ash 4.52 4.49 4.77 0.56 12.39 Nitrogen-free extract 51.86 57.42 10.12 1.19 2.30 (a) Proximate Components (%of DM) (b) Mineral Constituent Calcium, mg/g 0.08 Phosphorus, mg/g 1.07 Magnesium, mg/g 0.15 Sodium, mg/100g 0.93 (c) Anti-nutritional factors Cyanide (HCN), mg/kg 40.0 Hemagglutinin, Hu/g 4267 Trypsin inhibitor, mg/g 7.47 Tannin, mg/g 5.54 Hu=Hemagglutinating units; mg= miligramme; g= gramme; kg= kilogramme; kcal=kilocalorie; DM=Dry matter. Table 9: Levels of anti-nutritional factors and proximate composition of Mucunameal made of raw beans and from beans subjected to 90 minutes boiling in water, and boiling with addition of 4% wood ash, trona or Ca(OH)2. Compound Raw Water Trona Wood ash Ca(OH)2 L-DOPA (%) 6.15 2.10 2.28 2.20 2.25 Trypsin inhibitor (TUI mg-1 sample) 31.82 20.32 20.98 23.93 26.22 Tannin (mg g-1) 16.98 13.00 15.30 15.10 15.50 Crude protein (%) 31.06 30.96 30.66 30.86 30.81 Crude fibre (%) 9.44 8.20 8.06 8.16 8.03 Ether extract (%) 4.53 4.50 4.49 4.50 4.49 Ash (%) 4.53 4.53 4.59 4.59 4.58 Nitrogen-free extract (%) 50.48 51.81 52.20 51.89 52.09 Gross energy (Kcal g-1) 4.61 4.56 4.55 4.54 4.56 TUI = Trypsin units inhibited. 25 Three thermal processing methods were investigated, viz: toasting, boiling and boiling with pre-soaking (Ukachukwu and Obioha, 1997 and 2000; Ukachukwu et al., 1999). They had varying degrees of effectiveness in reducing the anti-nutritional factor load of the seeds thereby improving their nutritive value. Boiling proved most effective, followed by boiling and soaking while toasting (a dry heat treatment) had the least effect (Table 10). When different time durations of subjecting the seeds to the different processing methods was investigated, it was obvious that boiling for 90 minutes, toasting for 60 minutes and boiling 12 hour-soaked seeds for 60 minutes produced the highest level of detoxification in their respective groups (Ukachuwu and Obioha, 2000) (Table 11). The various processing methods also had effect on the bioavailable energy of their respective products (Ukachukwu et al., 1999). The true metabolizable energy (TME) yields of the heat treatments were similar (69.6 – 70.9%) while the raw seeds yielded only 22.83% (Table 12). Flours of M. cochinchinensis and M. utilis subjected to toasting, boiling or boiling after fermenting were assayed for their physiochemical properties. The results show that the beans flours could be used to improve the nutritional and functional qualitie of most cereal and root/tuber food products (Table 13). Table 10: Anti-nutritional factor content of raw and heat-treated M. cochinchinensis seeds Thermal Processing Methods Anti-nutritional factor Raw Toasted Boiled Soaked-and- boiled SEM Hydrogen cyanide (mg/kg) 40.00a 35.00b 30.00c 27.00c 1.384* Hemagglutinin (Hu/g) 4267 4267 2133 2133 _ Trypsin-inhibitor (mg/g) 7.47a 4.92b 4.25d 4.60c 0.037* Tannin(mg/g) 5.54a 4.37d 4.98c 5.30b 0.045* mg: milligram; g: gram kg: kilogram; Hu: Hemagglutinating unit abcd Means on the same row having different superscript are significantly different at P<0.05(*) Table 11: Effect of various time durations of the different thermal treatments on the antinutritional factors of M. cochinchinensis 26 Treatments Anti-nutritional Factors Raw Boiling time (min.) Toasting time (min.) Boiling time (min.) of 12 hour Pre-soaked seed 30 60 90 30 45 60 30 45 60 Trypsin inhibitor (%) 0 43.11 44.18 45.39 34.14 34.14 40.03 38.42 39.50 40.70 Tannin (%) 0 10.11 21.12 21.12 21.12 20.40 19.86 4.34 3.07 29.43 Haemagglutinin (%) 0 50.02 50.02 75.00 0.00 0.00 50.02 26.58 75.00 75.00 Cyanide (%) 0 25.00 37.50 47.50 12.50 12.50 17.50 32.50 42.50 50.00 Values represent percent reductions due to the various time durations of the different thermal treatments Table 12: Effect of Processing Methods on the True Metabolizable Energy (TME) of Mucuna cochinchinenssis (Kcal/g) Treatments GE TME TME as percentage of GE Raw 4.60a 1.05b 22.83 Toasted 4.31c 3.00a 69.61 Soaked-and-boiled 4.53b 3.19a 70.42 Boiled 4.54b 3.22a 70.93 SEM 0.018* 0.13** Means on the same column not followed by the same superscripts are statistically different from each other at ** (P<0.01). GE = Gross energy; Kcal/g = Kilocalories per gramme; SEM = Standard error of means Table 13: Functional properties of Mucuna dehulled flours of different varieties Bulk Density (g/cm3) Water absorption Fat absorption Capacity (g/g) Capacity (g/g) Emulsifying Capacity (%) Foam Capacity (%) Gelation (%w/v) RAMCF (Raw) 0.47c 1.6c 2.6a 3.9a 57a 5a ROMCF (Roasted) 0.63a 1.8bc 2.0b 3.2c 22b 15b BMCF (Boiled) 0.60b 2.8b 2.1b 2.4b 4.0d 15b FBMCF (Fermented and Boiled) 0.58b 2.0b 2.0b 3.8c 8.0c 2.0c RAMUF (Raw) 0.48a 1.8c 1.8a 35a 14.0a 15a ROMUF (Roasted) 0.59a 2.0c 1.7a 6.0c 8.3b 20b BMUF (Boiled) 0.52a 2.8c 2.0a 34a 10.0b 20b FBMUF (Fermented and Boiled) 0.59a 3.5a 1.8a 11b 9.0b 20b Varieties Mucunacochinchinensis MucunaUtilis abc Means with the same superscripts (in the different varieties) in the same column are significantly different (P≤0.05) 27 6.2.3 Effect on animal organs and products The result of the toxicity study of M. cochinchinensis on broilers indicates that the raw seed extract is not acutely toxic. This does not preclude the fact that prolonged feeding of the seeds would be chronically toxic. The effect of prolonged feeding of raw Mucuna seed-based diet on organs and hematological conditions of broilers were assessed. Significant effect (P<0.05) was observed only in liver (Table (Table 14), suggesting that liver is a target organ of the toxic factors contained in the bean. Liver is a primary organ responsible for metabolism of any toxic elements that have been absorbed into blood circulation. If complete detoxification of the toxic factor(s) takes place in this organ (liver), they could get to other organs in less toxic or virulent form. Thus they would place so less a demand on the functionality of these organs that their morphological integrity would not be interfered with. One of the toxic factors implicated in M. cochinchinensis bean is hemagglutinin (Ukachukwu and Obioha, 1997). And liver is a target organ of this toxic component (Ikegwuona and Bassir, 1976; Stead et al., 1966; Salgakar and Sohonie, 1965). Inclusion of M. cochinchinensis even at 2g/kg caused significant reduction (P<0.05) of both red blood cells (RBC) and packed cell volume (PCV) of blood (Table 15). Ologhobo et al. (1993) had implicated hemagglutanin for such effect, hence we can conclude that hemagglutanin is a prime suspect. Diets formulated with M. cochinchinensis subjected to different heat processing methods were fed to broilers and their effects on organs and broiler products observed (Ukachukwu et al., 2003). No significant (P>0.05) differences were observed in all the organs examined except the liver where the raw M. cochinchinensis-based diet caused depression in weight of the organ ((Table 16). Significant (P<0.05) improvement of RBC and PCV and non-significant improvement of Hb were also observed. Table 14: Effect of prolonged feeding of Mucuna cochinchinensis on the carcass characteristics of broiler chicks TREATMENT Organ# 0% 0.20% 0.40% 0.80% 1.60% SEM Dressed, % 54.88 (66.85) 55.49 (67.85) 54.67 (66.52) 55.25 (67.52) 56.99 (70.29) 1.29ns Kidney, % 5.09 (1.10) 4.73 (0.70) 4.71 (0.70) 4.59 (0.60) 4.79 (0.70) 0.24ns Spleen, % 2.40 (0.18) 3.39 (0.41) 2.72 (0.23) 2.07 (0.13) 2.12 (0.14) 0.48ns 28 Liver, % 8.52 (2.18) 8.39 (2.12) 8.10 (2.00) 7.33 (1.73) 7.54 (1.63) 0.37ns Pancreas, % 2.96 (0.27) 2.87 (0.25) 2.94 (0.27) 2.45 (0.18) 2.43 (0.18) 0.19ns Heart, % 3.62 (0.40) 3.90 (0.46) 3.78 (0.44) 3.96 (0.48) 4.01 (0.49) 0.20ns Lungs, % 4.13 (0.52) 4.23 (0.55) 4.90 (0.76) 4.64 (0.67) 3.94 (0.48) 0.22ns Means on the same row followed by the same superscript are significantly the same at * (P<0.05) or ** (P<0.01) # All expressed as percentage of live weight of chicks Note: Figures in parentheses are the untransformed or original figures while the ones outside the parentheses are the transformed figures using Arc Sine Transformation method Table 15: Chronic toxicity effect of raw Mucuna cochinchinensis on the haematological conditions of broiler Parameter 0% 0.20% 0.40% 0.80% 1.60% SEM PVC, % 39.43 (40a) 36.67 (36b) 35.46 (34bc) 35.06 (33bc) 33.41 (30c) 0.52** Hb, g/100ml 12.60 11.83 11.40 11.20 10.40 0.42ns RBC(x103) 296a 227b 219b 217b 152c 7.67** Means on the same row followed by the same superscript are significantly the same at * (P<0.05) or ** (P<0.01) Note: Figures in parentheses are the untransformed or original figures while the ones outside the parentheses are the transformed figures using the Arc Sine Transformation method. Table 16: Effect of Toasting, Boiling and Soaking-and boiling of Mucuna cochinchinensis on the carcass characteristics and haematological conditions of finisher broilers Treatment RMD TMD CMD SMD NMD SME Dressed wt, % 54.94 (66.96) 55.18 (67.42) 55.73 (68.31) 55.61 (68.08) 55.61 (68.08) 0.44ns Kidney, % 5.41 (0.89) 5.35 (0.87) 5.29 (0.85) 5.32 (0.86) 5.29 (0.85) 0.13ns Spleen, % 2.69 (0.22) 2.63 (0.21) 2.56 (0.20) 2.56 (0.20) 2.50 (0.19) 0.12ns Liver, % 8.60 (2.24c) 9.33 (2.63b) 9.66 (2.82a) 9.64 (2.81a) 9.68 (2.83a) 0.06* Pancreas, % 3.29 (0.33) 3.19 (0.31) 3.03 (0.28) 3.03 (0.28) 2.98 (0.27) 0.10ns Heart, % 4.40 (0.59) 4.40 (0.59) 4.29 (0.56) 4.29 (0.56) 4.29 (0.56) 0.04ns Lungs, % 4.83 (0.71) 4.80 (0.70) 4.69 (0.67) 4.69 (0.67) 4.69 (0.67) 0.09ns PCV, % 34.10 (31.44) 36..51 (35.40) 38.28 (38.38) 38.14 (38.13) 39.12 (39.83) 0.49ns Hb, g/100ml 9.81c 11.09b 12.83a 12.83a 12.94a 0.21* RBC (x103) 169c 287b 293a 294a 297a 6.33* Means on the same row not followed by the same superscript are significantly different from each other at * (P<0.05) or ** (P<0.01); ns = Not significant. RMD, TMD, CMD, SMD and NMD represent raw, toasted, boiled, soaked-and-boiled and Mucuna-free (control) diets Note: Figures in parentheses are the untransformed or original figures while the ones outside the parentheses are the transformed figures using the Arc Sine Transformation method. 29 Histopathological changes were observed consistently in liver sections of the broilers fed diets containing the Mucuna beans. Liver sections of the broilers fed diet containing no Mucuna beans were devoid of histopathological changes (Plate 1). Liver sections of broilers fed diets containing soaked-and-boiled Mucuna beans had mild infiltration of mononuclear cells into the perivascular and periductular spaces in the portal areas (Plate 3). These same changes were observed in the liver sections of broilers that were fed boiled Mucuna-based diet, though the condition was milder. Feeding of toasted Mucuna-based diet to broilers caused distortion of the lobular architecture of the liver, vacuolation and necrosis of hepatocytes in the periportal areas (Plate 4). Diets containing raw Mucuna caused wide area of periportal necrosis with some mononuclear cells infiltration, while the centrilobular areas showed vacuolation and degeneration of hepatocyte (Plate 2). Plate 2: Liver section of broiler fed diet containing raw Mucuna (RMD). Note wild area of periportal hepatocytes necrosis (right) and centrilobular zone of hepatocytes degeneration (left). (H and E stain, x320) Plate 1: Liver section of broiler fed diet containing no Mucuna (NMD). Note normal lobular architecture, hepatocytes and sinusoids. (H and E stain, x320.) Plate 3: Liver section of broiler fed diet containing soaked-and-boiled Muc[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an 30 6.2.4 Processing with additives; supplementation and optimum inclusion level Processing methods involving trona, calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] and wood ash additives were employed for processing Mucuna beans for broiler diets. Of the three additives used in processing Mucuna as feed ingredient, wood ash additive was more effective in reducing the content of antinutritional factors in Mucuna than trona and Ca(OH)2 additives. Also, wood ash-treated Mucuna-based diet allowed better performance of broilers than trona or Ca(OH)2 treated Mucuna-based diets. Supplementation of wood ash-processed Mucuna-based feeds with vitamin B6 depressed broiler performance at the beginning but later, there was no clear trend. Based on weight gain, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio, inclusion of wood ash-processed Mucuna could go as high as 30% with or without vitamin B6 supplementation. However, supplementation with vitamin B6 proved to be either detrimental or have no clear impact in this study. In another study by Ukachukwu et al. (2007), supplemetaion with graded levels of methionine improved the utilization of protein of 10% boiled M. cochinchinensis-based broiler starter diets. Also, equal utilization values of the experimental diets imply that there is no economic advantage in using higher methionine supplementation levels. Therefore, a 0.25% methionine supplementation level in 10% boiled M. cochinchinensis-based diet is recommended (Table 17). In another study by Ukachukwu (2007), optimum inclusion level of boiled M. cochinchinensis and its replacement value for soyabean meal in broiler diets were assessed. Replacement of soyabean protein by boiled M. cochinchinensis at 19% and 38% for starter and finisher phases, respectively, is recommended. This translates to 9.36% and 14.4% inclusion levels of boiled M. cochinchinensis in starter and finisher broiler diets, respectively (Table 18). Another revelation here is that the inclusion level had a cost sparing effect such that the highest inclusion level resulted in production of the cheapest diet and lowest cost per unit of weight gain. 31 Other studies involving Mucuna sloanei (Ukpo) revealed that starter broilers can tolerate up to 7.29% inclusion of the raw bean (Ekwe et al., 2013a). Also, soaking-and-boiling was adjudged the best processing method for efficient utilization of the bean (Ekwe et al., 2013b). Table 17: Performance of starter broiler chicks (0-5 weeks of age) fed boiled Mucuna cochinchinensis-based diet at graded levels of methionine supplementation Parameter Methionine supplementation level 0% 0.25% 0.50% 0.75% 45 45 45 45 Final liveweight (g) 592d 951b 888c 985a 9.96* Daily weight gain (g) 15.8c 25.9b 24.1c 26.8a 0.29* Daily feed intake (g) 48.8c 54.5b 56.0b 61.4a 0.69* Feed conversion ratio 3.1a 2.1c 2.3b 2.3b 0.02* Protein efficiency ratio 1.6c 2.3a 2.1b 2.1b 0.01* Initial weight (g) s.e.m. Means in the same row followed by the different letters are statistically different at P<0.05, * P<0.05. Table 18: Overall effect of dietary inclusion levels of boiled Mucuna cochinchinensis on performance of broilers at both starter and finisher phases (M. Cochinchinensis was included to replace soyabean protein at five levels: L1, 0%; L2, 19.04%; L3, 38.06%; L4, 57.25%; L5, 76.27%) Parameter Treatment diet L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 s.e.m. Initial weight (g) 97a 98a 100a 98a 100a 0.36 Final liveweight (g) 2150a 2145a 2134a 2118b 2111b 3.02 Weight gain (g/day) 36.7a 36.6a 36.3a 36.1b 35.9b 0.19 Feed intake (g/day) 86.8a 86.8a 87.5a 87.9a 87.8a 0.91 Feed conversion ratio 2.4a 2.4a 2.5a 2.5a 2.5a 0.02 Protein efficiency ratio 2.0a 2.0a 2.0a 1.9a 1.9a 0.02 Cost/kg feed (N)C 26.1a 25.3a 24.4a 23.6a 23.7a Cost/kg weight gain (N)C 63.5a 61.7b 60.1bc 58.5c 56.4c 0.60 Means within each row followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P<0.05.. CThe exchange rate of Nigerian Naira (N) to the dollar (US$) was N120 to $1 at the time of submission. 6.2.5 Mucuna forage and seeds for rabbits We also compared the performance of growing rabbits fed Mucuna or Centrosema forages as green feeds, and concluded that Mucuna forage is a better green feed for rabbits than Centrosema leaves (Ojewola et al., 1999) in terms of the growth performance and digestibility of nutrients (Tables 19 and 20). 32 Ukachukwu and Osuagwu (2006) included raw M. cochinchinensis seed meal in the diets of growing rabbits and up to 10% inclusion level could not result to significant depression of apparent digestibility of nutrients, total digestible nutrients and apparent metabolizable energy (Tables 21 and 22). Table 19: Performance of growing rabbits fed Mucuna cochinchinensis and Centrosema pubescens as green feeds Parameter FD Average forage intake, g FDM FDC SEM 16.76a 13.97b 0.33 Concentrate diet intake alone, g/day 47.40 47.87 44.55 1.26 Concentrate diet + forage intake, g/day 47.40b 64.63a 58.52a 0.06 Initial body weight, g 1017.00 850.00 1025.00b Final body weight, g 1608.30c 1866.70a 1675.00b 0.69 Weight gain, g/day 14.08c 24.21a 15.48b 0.26 Feed conversion ratio 3.36b 2.67c 3.79a 0.08 FD = Formulated diet; FDM = Formulated diet + Mucuna; FDC = Formulated diet + Centrosema; SEM = standard error of means; abc, Means on the same row having different superscripts are statistically different (P<0.05) Table 20: Effect Mucuna and Centrosema forages on the apparent digestibility of nutrients Dietary treatments Parameters (%) FD FDM FDC SEM Dry matter 51.04b 67.61a 58.93ab 4.44 Crude protein 50.85b 73.18a 67.97a 3.39 Crude fibre 52.02b 65.41a 56.62ab 3.37 Ether extract 40.88c 83.28a 63.30b 3.69 Nitrogen-free extract 51.89 61.32 56.09 6.79 FD = Formulated diet; FDM = Formulated diet + Mucuna; FDC = Formulated diet + Centrosema abc , Means on the same row having different superscripts are statistically different (P<0.05) Table 21: Apparent digestibility coefficient (%) of diets containing graded levels of M. cochinchinensis by growing rabbits Constituents (%) A B C D E SEM Dry matter 91.59a 90.02ab 89.19ab 87.17bc 84.23c 1.36 Crude protein 93.98a 92.91a 90.76ab 89.49bc 86.68c 1.05 Crude fibre 92.59 92.51 88.09 87.19 85.07 1.31 Ether extract 94.54a 92.25b 92.07b 91.94b 87.54c 0.57 Nitrogen free extract 93.37 92.54 91.54 90.71 89.70 1.08 33 Energy 92.70 90.07 88.73 88.00 87.15 1.33 Digestible energy (Kcal/g) 4.26 4.17 4.11 4.08 4.09 0.08 abc Mean on the same row with different superscript are significantly different (P<0.05) SEM = standard error of mean Table 22: Energy Metabolism and TDN of Rabbits Fed M. cochinchinensis-based Diets Treatment DE TDN AME (Kcal/g) A 4.26 88.98a 2.68a B 4.17 87.93ab 2.61a C 4.11 86.45ab 2.58a D 4.08 84.57b 2.45b E 4.09 74.87c 2.46b SEM 0.08 1.04 0.05 abc Mean on the same column with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05) SEM = standard error of mean 6.3 OTHER OIL SEED PROTEIN INGREDIENTS IN POULTRY NUTRITION 6.3.1 Cottonseed meal The greatest problem of the use of cottonseed meal lies in its content of gossypol, a toxic phenolic compound that inhibits the enzymes pepsin and trypsin, thus interfering with protein digestion (Tacon, 1997; Rhee, 1993), and consequently depresses growth performance of livestock. For the purpose of chelating the cottonseed gossypol, screw pressed cottonseed meal was treated with iron (II) tetraoxosulphate (IV) and used for graded level replacement of soyabean. One hundred percent (100%) substitution of soyabean, translating to 29% inclusion of iron-treated cottonseed meal in broiler diet, resulted in similar final body weight of the birds and gave higher marginal revenue from the broiler production (Ojewola et al., 2006). 6.3.2 Castor oil bean Major limitation to effective use of castor oil bean in animal production is its content of anti-nutritional factors and toxins. The principal toxin is ricin. Others include lectins, Ricinus communis agglutinin, hydrogen cyanide and oxalates, ricinine and castor allergen. 34 An emerging situation in Cross River State led to production of castor oil bean for its oil. Safety of dietary utilization of residue after oil extraction became a challenge to be investigated. Ukachukwu et al. (2011) administered extracts of defatted raw castor oil bean to broilers and observed that the single lethal dose of the defatted raw bean in g/kg after 48 hours of oral administration fell to 4g/kg from reported figure of 14g/kg. This means that defatting increases the toxicity of castor oil residue. This is possible because of the absence of the attenuating effect of the oil. Also, the extraction of the oil leads to concentration of its constituent toxins and anti-nutritional factors, which synergize to bring about quicker and greater toxic effects. Castor seed meal (CSM) was thereafter subjected to three thermal processing methods, viz: toasting for 30 minutes (CSMT), boiling for 40 minutes (CSMB), and boiling for 30 minutes followed by soaking for 48 hours (CSMS). The three methods drastically reduced ricin level (which is the principal toxin) but toasting was not as effective as boiling and boiling-and-soaking (Nsa and Ukachukwu, 2009). This reflected in the growth performance of broilers when the products were formulated into their diets (Nsa et al., 2010). Also the three products were formulated into pullet diets in replacement of soyabean meal by Nsa et al. (2013). It was observed that CSMB and CSMS can totally replace soyabean meal without any detrimental effect on egg production, external and internal egg qualities. However, soaking after boiling did not add any advantage to boiling alone in any of the above parameters. Complete replacement of soyabean meal with boiled CSM in laying diet as feed ingredient would result in substantial cost saving. 6.3.3 Baobab seeds Major anti-nutritional factors in Baobab seeds are hydrogen cyanide, tannin, oxalate, alkaloids and phytates. However, it has fairly good chemical composition and can serve as an alternative protein ingredient in livestock feed (Ukachukwu et al., 2011). When the raw seeds were included in broiler diets, the birds could tolerate the raw seeds up to inclusion level of 10%. Boiling as a processing method significantly reduced the anti-nutritional factors by good percentage of 65% (tannin), 33.87% (oxalate), 35 46% (hydrocyanic acid), 64.57% (phytic acid) and 37.91% (trypsin-inhibitors). This reflected in the performance of the birds when the processed meal was formulated into their diets. 6.4 COMPOSITE CASSAVA MEAL AND OTHER TUBERS AS INGREDIENTS IN LIVESTOCK FEEDS Cassava is ranked the sixth most important crop in the World in terms of area planted and level of production. Nigeria is one of the World’s largest producers of cassava. Cassava therefore, is the best possibility for overcoming the chronic scarcity of feed in the livestock industry. However, use of cassavabased products in monogastric animal feeding is limited because of the many problems that bedevil 36 cassava products. These include poor texture, microbial contamination, low protein level, dustiness and their content of cyanogenic glucoside (HCN), thereby depressing performance and causing crop impaction and irritation of respiratory tract. To get round these problems, we developed a product - composite cassava meal and evolved a rapid processing method to shorten the long period usually involved in the traditional methods of processing cassava (Okereke et al., 2012). Whole cassava roots were flaked to increase surface area to hasten dewatering/fermentation process and aid fast drying. The flakes were subjected to varying pressing/fermentation periods and dried for three days thereafter. 24 hours press duration gave HCN level that is below toxic level. The reduction was 83.79% compared to the product not subjected to any pressing. Another problem that arises from utilization of cassava lies with management of the resulting wastes and by-products. Cassava peels, leaves, and discarded stems (very old and tender parts) are thrown away and they constitute environmental hazards/pollution. Only very few are utilized as feed materials for ruminant animals. A novel cassava product - composite cassava meal (CCM) was developed to circumvent the identified problems. The composite cassava meal (CCM), made up of whole tuber, leaves and discarded stems, was assayed for its proximate composition and true metabolizable energy (TME), as well as assessment of its utilization by broilers, laying birds and rabbits (Ukachukwu, 2005; Ukachukwu, 2008; Okereke et al., 2008; Ukachukwu et al., 2011). CCM contained average of 10.40% crude protein, 23% crude fiber, and 2.20 Kcal/g TME. 60% replacement of maize with CCM in broiler diet did not depress broiler performance. Supplementation with palm oil and/or methionine further improved performance. Inclusion of 20% CCM in layers diet did not depress average total egg/bird, feed conversion/dozen egg and average hen day production, while higher inclusion levels encouraged smaller yolk size. The small yolk size is welcome since egg yolk cholesterol is one of the most concentrated sources of dietary cholesterol. Such eggs with small-sized 37 yolk may be more desirable for people prone to arteriosclerosis or cardiac problems than eggs with large yolks. 30% partial replacement of maize and wheat offal with CCM in weaned rabbit diets did not depress performance. Composite cassava meal therefore, was adjudged a potential feedstuff for monogastric animals. We also assessed the nutritive value of Hausa potato (Solenostemon rotundifolium) meal using rabbits (Okereke et al., 2012). It was discovered that inclusion of up to 30% of the meal in replacement for maize did not have any deleterious effects on the growth performance of rabbits; instead there was increase in growth of the rabbits. 1. SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF POISONS IN THE SYSTEM AND THE ENVIRONMENT 6.5.1 Agricultural Wastes and By-products Some Animal Agriculture activities contribute to pollution of the environment and even the internal system of the animal or humans. Most of the wastes and by-products of agriculture, including animal farms, are carelessly thrown away and they constitute environmental hazards/pollution. Examples include poultry waste, cassava peels, rice husks, wheat offal and palm kernel meal. In their natural forms, only very little of them are made use of as feeds and manure. Others, not properly disposed, constitute environmental hazards and pollution. However, transformation of these by-products into a friendly material will mean adding value to otherwise waste, and saving the environment from pollution. Also, a rational use of these by-products to formulate diets that meet nutrient specifications of farm animal species will lead to efficient egg, meat and milk production expected to result in considerable reduction in the current high price of livestock feed. In consideration of the above, we fed wheat offal, rice husk and palm kernel meal to turkey poults (Ojewola et al., 2000, Ukachukwu et al., 2003). The results showed that palm kernel meal and wheat offal 38 could be included at 20% level in the diets of turkey poults without depressive effects on their performance. They also had cost-sparing effect on the production. Rice husk also had depressive effects on the performance parameters. We also tried upgrading cowpea haulm as feedstuff using pleurotus species (mushroom) for its biodegradation (Nwokennaya et al. in press). The high lignin and fibre contents of cowpea haulm were significantly reduced by the mushroom action, thereby improving their nutritive value for livestock feeding. We also assessed the utilization of brewers dried grain by pigs and concluded that the optimum inclusion of BDG (in pig diet) that will produce no adverse effect on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen retention is 35% (Amaefule et al., 2003). Nutrient digestibility and N retention are strong indicators of protein and energy utilization. Another work was done on the influence of poultry waste-cassava peel based diets on milk yield and composition of White Fulani cows. The conclusion is that cassava peel and poultry waste would be effectively harnessed to provide cheap and sustainable supplement for grazing cows and other ruminants on range in Nigeria (Ndubueze et al., 2006). 1. Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emission Modern animal feeding operations and management systems encourage greenhouse/toxic gases (gtg) emissions, and hence environmental pollution. In broiler pens, gtg typified by pungent odour pose health risks to workers and reduce animal performance. We incorporated Thais coronata, a sea food waste that could itself constitute environmental hazard but has high adsorption property, in broiler diets to determine its odour-reducing effect in poultry house (Ukachukwu et al., 2013). Non-activated Thais coronata at 0.05% dietary inclusion level had the highest odour reduction effect. Therefore, Thais coronata waste can be considered as environmentally friendly feed additive for odour reduction in broiler farms. 39 Brooding and rearing of poultry birds and some livestock like pigs and rabbits involve use of fossil fuel. The application of fossil fuel based systems such as kerosene poses problems and constitutes severe health hazards to both attendants and chicken/livestock as a result of toxic gas emission. This contributes highly to the loss of huge capital and high mortality rate experienced in poultry production. To get round this problem, we compared the effect of kerosene and passive solar brooding systems on the performance of broiler chickens (Okonkwo and Ukachukwu, 2004). Birds under the passive solar energy brooding system performed better in terms of body weight, growth rate and feed conversion ratio than birds in the kerosene brooding system. Kerosene-fired heaters emit greenhouse gases, which are environmentally unacceptable, as well as gases that could cause respiratory problems to the chicks (Oladipo, 1999, Iloeje, 2000, Obioha, 2000). Production of these gases, perhaps was a source of discomfort and could not make for a conducive environment to encourage optimum performance of the chicks. Passive solar energy brooding technology does not appear to be associated with the production of any of the gases that have intrinsically hazardous effects on the birds or on the environment (Okonkwo et al., 1992, Iloeje, 2000, Obioha 2000). 6.5.3 Mitigating Oxidative Damage There is need to protect edible fats and oils from oxidation, which is a major factor for their quality deterioration. Also, there is need to protect the body cells of consumers from oxidative damage by mopping up and bonding free radicals with anti-oxidant. Monodora myristica (Ehuru, Ibo) has been reported to have anti-oxidative property among other properties (Nakatani, 2000, Krause and Termes, 2000). We investigated the anti-oxidative properties and nutritive potential (Ukachukwu et al. 2012) of 40 the seed of Monodora. The result shows that the seed is high in fat, and oil is a very strong solvent for important vitamins like vitamins A and E, which confers on the seed the potentials of having antioxidant activities. Using the oil extract of Monodora at various levels, we monitored the development of rancidity in soyabean for 28 days (Ukachukwu et al., 2012). Deterioration due to oxidation started in all the treatments. However, the oxidation did not reach actual rancidity level in any of the treatments until the 21st day. In the 8000 ppm treatment, rancidity was never reached even up till the 28th day. The rate of increase of the peroxide value decreased as the concentration of Monodora myristica seed extract increased at week one, two and on the average basis. The implication of the observed rate is that increasing the seed extracts in a medium increases retardation of oxidation or rancidity in that medium. This means that higher concentrations of Monodora myristica seed extract have greater ability to check or retard rancidity of oil. It was observed that chelating and scavenging activity as well as the reducing power of the Monodora myristica extract increased as the concentration level increased. The scavenging, reducing and chelating effects are the three factors that predict anti-oxidative activities. The reduction activity implies that the test seed extract acts as an electron donor and can react with free radicals, converting them to more stable state. The scavenging and chelating effects of the test seed extract imply that the extract can protect the body cells of consumers from oxidative damage by mopping up and bonding with free radicals. It is then recommended that the use of Monodora myristica as feed additive should be encouraged since it can protect oil rich feed from early rancidity and protect the body cells against oxidative damage. 7.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 41 1. Nigeria’s population is rapidly increasing and this makes the demand for livestock products to also rapidly increase. 2. The increase in demand for livestock products imposes a huge demand on feed resources and calls for sustainability of feed production systems. 3. Feed with feeding constitutes the highest single cost input of 70 – 80% and 45 – 64% in production of poultry, pig and other livestock, respectively. 4. Availability of feeds and sustainability of feed production systems are challenged by scarcity and competition for available feedstuffs by man, industry and animals. 5. Necessity is now placed on the Animal Nutritionist to make frantic search for alternative feed resources; and such feed resources must be of high quality and free from competition by man and the industry. 6. Tremendous successes have been made in this regard. Many neglected and under-utilized tropical legumes have been investigated and methods of processing them into safe and edible forms confirmed. 7. However, most of the research results are yet to be transformed into physical products that can be utilized by animal farmers and feed millers. Most of the results are in the researchers’ drawers and laptops, while others are, at best, on the pages of journals. 8. Governments, manufacturers and our millionaire entrepreneurs and industrialists are being looked upon to take up the challenge of transforming these research results and prototypes into concrete products that are consumable by animal farmers and feed millers. 9. This will contribute to making animal products more available and affordable to meet the increasing demand for livestock products by the increasing population. 42 10. Affordable livestock products are needed in the diets of man for his healthy living, and, healthy workforce is a sine qua non to national development. 8.0 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I am deeply indebted to my late father, Mr. Frank Nnadi Ukachukwu and my mother, Mrs. Mercy Chinenye Ukachukwu, who made all efforts at seeing me become educated in life. My eldest brother – Elder Emeka Ukachukwu took up the challenge of training me when my parents got to their wits end. My elder brother – Mr. Joseph Ugochukwu Ukachukwu (JUGOO-RANSON) came into the scene to see me through my M.Sc. programme at a time I needed it direly. My younger sister, Mrs. Chinyere N Ekeorji is presently taking care of my aged and sick mother and this has given me the much desired respite for concentration on my career. The entire Ukachukwu family and my maternal family (the Nkah family), especially Mr. Okwudiri Nkah, are fondly remembered for their cheers and warmth as I moved on the academic ladder. Uncle Nduchekwa Mgbeokwere and Deacon Kelechukwu Nick Madu were the only ones who congratulated me on gaining admission and encouraged me to push on in my chosen career when every other person jeered at me for electing to study Animal Science. Mr Ambrose C. Anyanwu, one of the three Anyanwu’s who authored an Agricultural Text Book for secondary school, was my mentor in this chosen profession of Animal Science. He made me feel proud and to see a bright future in this profession. My Supervisors at the University, Prof. F.O.I. Anugwa (for B.Agric. & M.Sc.) and Prof. F.C. Obioha (for PhD), both of blessed memory, were professors per excellence and true fathers who steered up faith in me and gave me direction in my career pursuit. Prof. G.C. Okeke is a motivator, a mentor/role model from a distance. He has been a source of great inspiration to me. As a pioneer academic staff in MOUAU, I have worked under four Vice-Chancellors and I have benefitted from all of them. I salute all of them, especially Prof. O.C. Onwudike who made me 43 understand that there is great gain in serving with dedication and sincerity. He is a great technocrat and an accomplished academic. My colleagues in the College have been great friends. The healthy competition among us has been the source of motivation to all of us. No wonder there has been rapid growth in our career - all of us who started together as Assistant Lecturers are now Professors. Life was hard and the future appeared bleak for many of the first crop of lecturers that came to Umudike. We became bonded together in suffering but shared hope in love. By so doing, we encouraged one another and forged on to the great future that lay ahead of us, which is this present time. Worthy of mention here are Professors J. A. Mbanasor (a hope-builder), G. I. Onwuka (an encourager), K.U. Amaefule (a friend in need who is a friend indeed). Others are Drs. E. N. Nwachukwu (a good adviser), S. C. Akomas (a sister and friend indeed), Prof. Gbolagunte Sunday Ojewola, and a host of others. My Christian brethren are worthy of recognition. I have an array of them in the Chapel of Revelation, typified by Dr. and Pastor (Mrs.) J. G. Ikeorgu, Prof. S. O. Emosairue, Dr. & Dr. Mrs. K. C. Ekwe, Prof & Dr. Mrs. Ike M. Nwachukwu, Mr. & Mrs. Uzoije Nwandikor, Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Nwaokoro and many others. My brethren of the Scripture Union extraction are also worthy of recognition - at Ikwuano Zone led by Okezie Amaefule, at Umuahia Area led by Elder Okorie Kalu Oke, and at Okigwe Region led by Engr. Dr. B. C. Okoro and Pastor John Nwaoha. Our able and amiable National Secretary – Prof. M. O. Iwe has been a source of great inspiration. My SUCF Regional Committee members in the persons of Prof. Mrs. J. Ogwo (the ex-chairman and my predecessor), Dr. P. Onoh, Dr. Mrs. C.A. Ekemezie, Dr. Kingsley Obi, Sister Enyichi Nkasi and Rev. Tony Okoronkwo and the student leaders are also acknowledged. My Church leaders of the Methodist extraction are also recognized. Rev. Ndeke Dimanochie and Engr. & Mrs. Rich Onyeaso are true uncles and great fathers to my family. My community leaders and colleagues here present are acknowledged. I have a plethora of graduates who are evidence of my academic investments in human capital at PGD, B.Agric., M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. They should please stand up to be acknowledged. 44 Vice Chancellor Sir, kindly, permit me to acknowledge the woman of the golden voice, a woman with impeccable English language and perfect diction – Prof. Mrs. N. Oke. Madam, “Jidekwa Nke I ji”. I have a wonderful woman for a mother-in-law – Mrs. Chinyere N. Mgbenkemdi. Her home with her children (my brothers- and sisters-in-law) has been a haven and a hideout in times of turbulence. My coin-laws – Mr. Sunday Nzeh, Engr. Emma Okoli and Engr. Obinna Onyekere are trustworthy, dependable and indeed, “nwanne-di-na-mbas”. I salute all of you. Our wonderful God took out time to create a woman of great virtue and perfect form, a chocolate beauty and allowed her to happen on earth for me to find and cleave unto in order to find favour before God. She is a great critic, a director, a motivator and a true support – Mrs. Obioma Grace Ukachukwu. We have the blessings of God that make rich and add no sorrow with them as the fruit of our loins – Precious Mmezunkwa Esther (a 4th year EE student at FUTO), Chukwuebuka Beston Ndubueze,( my CBN, a 100L ME student at MOUAU), Joshua Chizurumoke Ndubueze, (an SS1 student of Caray College), and Onyinyechi Pearl (the baby of the house, a primary 2 pupil at We Care Schools), and last but not the least, my first son (an adopted son) – Mr. Izuchukwu. Vice Chancellor Sir, ladies and gentlemen, my very essence of living derives from one source - God. He made me what I am today. 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