Knit and Felt Pot of

Twilleys of Stamford
Knit and Felt Pot
Knit & Felt Pot with Knitted Flowers
in Twilleys of Stamford freedom wool
Pot (finished size after felting) - 57 x 15 cm
(22 x 6 in) approx.
Please note: Felting is an inexact science therefore the size given is approximate.
Flower - 8 cm (3 in) diameter
Leaf - 12 cm ( 5 in) length
[Photographed using Freedom Wool Shade 401 Cream (Pot), 438 Raspberry (Flowers) and 433
Meadow (Leaves)]
Pair each of 10mm (UK 000 - USA 15) and 15mm (USA 19) knitting needles.
Unless the yarn specified is
used, Twilleys cannot accept any
responsibility for the finished
Yarn quantities are approximate
as they are based on average
Before felting: 7½ sts and 9½
rows to 10 cm (4 in) measured
over stocking stitch using 15mm
alt - alternate; cm - centimetres;
cont - continue; foll - following;
in - inch(es); K - knit; mm millimetres; P - purl; rem remain(ing); rs - right side; st(s) stitches; st st - stocking stitch (rs
rows k, ws rows p); tog together, ws - wrong side.
NOTE: Please be aware the
knitted pot will be much larger
than the finished size. Once
washed, as given in these
instructions, it will felt to size.
Using 15mm needles, cast on 91
Beg with a K row, work in st st
throughout as follows:Work 4 rows, ending with a ws
row 5: (rs) [K7, K2tog) 10 times,
K1. 81 sts.
Work 1 row.
row 7: [K6, K2tog) 10 times, K1.
71 sts.
Now work 23 rows without
shaping, ending with a ws row.
Shape Base
row 31: (rs) [K5, K2tog] 10 times,
K1. 61 sts.
Work 3 rows.
row 35: [K4, K2tog] 10 times, K1.
51 sts.
Work 3 rows.
row 39: [K3, K2tog] 10 times, K1.
41 sts.
Work 1 row.
row 41: [K2, K2tog] 10 times, K1.
31 sts.
Work 1 row.
row 43: [K1, K2tog] 10 times, K1.
21 sts.
Work 1 row.
row 45: [K2tog] 10 times, K1. 11
Work 1 row.
Break yarn and thread through
rem 11 sts. Pull up tight and
fasten off securely.
Sew back seam. Hot machine
wash completed pot at 60°,
ensuring there are other items in
the washing machine (such as a
few old towels). Once washed
and whilst still damp ease/pull
into shape, turning top over as
required. Leave to dry naturally.
Once dry decorate as desired.
Knitted Flower (not felted)
Using 10mm needles cast on 5
Cont straight in st st until work
measures 30 cm (11 in).
Cast off.
Fold and twist to form flower.
Work some small stitches into
the back to secure.
Knitted Leaves (not felted)
Using 10mm needles cast on 4
Cont straight in st st until work
measures 12 cm (5 in).
Cast off.
Gather up both ends.
Stitch flowers and leaves onto
pot and decorate centre of
flowers with a bead or button.
Thomas B Ramsden & Co (Bradford Ltd), Netherfield Road, Guiseley, West Yorkshire, LS20 9PD
Tel: 01943 872264, Fax: 01943 878689, E Mail: [email protected], Web Site: