Cowl Measurements Materials Panda Magnum Glimmer 8 ply 100g balls

Circumference (approx)
Width (approx)
Panda Magnum Glimmer 8 ply 100g balls
Quantity (colour 4)
Use only the yarn specified. Other yarns are likely to produce different results.
• 1 pair 5.00mm (UK 6) knitting needles or size needed to
give correct tension.
• wool needle for sewing seam.
This Cowl has been designed at a tension of 19 sts and 34 rows to
10cm over garter st, using 5.00mm needles.
Check your tension carefully.
If less sts to 10cm use smaller needles, if more sts use bigger needles.
Note – This Cowl is worked on larger needles and at a looser
tension than usually recommended.
For abbreviations and more on knitting techniques,
please see our website.
Using 5.00mm needles, cast on 40 sts.
Work 2 rows garter st.
Beg Patt –
1st row – Knit.
2nd row – K1, * yfwd, K2tog, rep from * to last st, K1.
3rd row – Knit.
4th row – K1, * K2tog, yfwd, rep from * to last st, K1.
5th row – Knit.
6th row – As 2nd row.
Work 4 rows garter st (every row knit).
Last 10 rows form patt.
Cont in patt until Cowl measures approx 120cm from beg (or to
near end of ball), ending with 2 rows garter st.
Cast off loosely.
To Make Up
DO NOT PRESS. Using a flat seam, join cast off and cast on edges
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This publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction in any form
(including photocopying) without prior permission from Australian
Country Spinners will lead to proceedings being brought to restrain
any infringement. We have made every effort to ensure that these
instructions are accurate and complete. We cannot however
be responsible for variations in individual work, human error,
typographical mistakes or if yarn, other than the recommended
Panda yarn is used.
For Australian residents If you need help with your pattern,
please phone 03 9380 3888
or Toll Free 1800 337 032
(9am to 4pm Mon - Fri E.S.T.)