(PDF, Unknown) - Charlestown Band of Pirates

Bylaws of the Charlestown Band Booster Association
Article I
This organization shall be known as the Charlestown Band Boosters Association.
Article II
The band program as referred to in these bylaws shall include the bands and color guards at the
Charlestown High School and Middle School.
Article III
Purposes of the Association
Section I: The purpose of this Association shall be to act as a service organization for the
Charlestown High School and Middle School band and color guard programs.
Section II: The Association will strive to establish effective contacts and to build cooperation
among those responsible for the success of the band program including band and color guard
members, band directors, school authorities, parents, and the community at large to the end
that the band departments may be maintained at the highest possible level of proficiency and
Section III: The Association will encourage talented students and give financial assistance as
necessary in order that they may participate in the band and color guard programs.
Section IV: No substantial amount of activities of the Association shall be the carrying on of
propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. This organization shall not
intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements) any political campaign on
behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.
Article IV
Section I: All parents or guardians who have children in the band or color guard programs and
Band Alumni shall be eligible for membership of this Association.
Section II: Teachers and other interested persons are eligible as associate members to attend
meetings, lend support, and participate in the programs of this Association. Associate members
shall not be eligible to vote and shall not be eligible to be elected or appointed as officers unless
otherwise specified in these Bylaws.
Section III: A voting member of this Association must be registered and listed on the membership
roster. The membership roster shall be regularly updated and maintained by the Secretary. Any
member failing to attend meetings or to participate in organization activities for the period of
one year shall be removed from the membership roster, but may be reinstated upon request.
Article V
Section I: Regular meetings shall be held monthly with date, time and location set at the prior
meeting. Meeting times shall be posted electronically or by means deemed appropriate by the
Association Membership.
Section II: Special meetings may be called by order of a majority of the Association Membership
present at a general meeting.
Section III: Association Officers shall establish its meeting schedule as necessary to conduct the
business of the Association.
Section IV: The Association shall meet at least eight times per year.
Article VI
Operating Year
The operating, fiscal, and membership year shall be from June 1 to the succeeding May 31.
Article VII
Duties of Officers
Section I: President: The President shall preside at all regular meetings and special meetings. The
President shall appoint all standing committee chairpersons. The President shall be an Ex-officio
member of all committees. The President shall coordinate the Association’s activities with the
school authorities and the band directors and assure that the activities are incorporated on the
school calendar.
Section II: Vice President: The vice president shall assume all duties of the President in the
President’s absence.
Section III: Secretary: The Secretary shall prepare and maintain accurate records of all meetings
and special meetings. The Secretary shall maintain a membership roster and provide registration
forms. The Secretary shall take care of Association correspondence.
Section IV: Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect all monies received by the Association and shall
keep accurate financial records showing itemized receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer will
assist and cooperate in any audit of the Treasurer’s books. The Treasurer shall maintain and
regularly update a membership roster. The Treasurer shall provide all documents as requested by
the school corporation.
Section V: Sergeant-At-Arms: The Sergeant-At-Arms shall assure that all members act in proper
manner at all meetings and functions of the band.
Article VIII
Election of Officers
Section I: Notice of elections and ability to nominate for officer positions shall be announced
prior to elections.
Section II: Nominations and election of officers shall be held at the regular meeting in May of
each year.
Section III: Any member nominated for an office must be a member of this Association per these
Bylaws and must be present to accept the nomination or have submitted to the Secretary a
written acceptance signed by the nominee.
Section IV: Voting method shall be determined by majority of Association members in
attendance at the May election meeting.
Section V: In the event that an elected officer is unable or unwilling to complete the term of
office, the remaining officers shall call a special election to fill the vacated position at a meeting
of the general Association.
Article IX
Installation of Officers and Terms of Office
Section I: Officers will be installed during the May meeting by the previous year’s President at
which time they will assume the duties of the office.
Section II: Each Officer shall serve for a period of one year. Officers may succeed themselves if reelected.
Article X
Section I: This Association is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational
purposes within the meaning of 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section II: Upon dissolution of this Association, its assets shall be disposed of exclusively for the
purposes of the corporation or distributed to such organizations organized and operated
exclusively for charitable purposes which shall, at the time, qualify as an exempt organization
under section 501(c)(3), or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local
government, for a public purpose.
Section III: No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of or be
distributed to any director, employee, or other individual, partnership, estate, trust, or
corporation having a personal or private interest in the Association. Services actually rendered
and reimbursement for expenses actually incurred in attending to the affairs of this organization
may be compensated.
Section IV: The Band Director, Treasurer, and Band Booster President shall submit a written
Budget to the Association Membership in August of each year. The budget must be approved by
a two-thirds majority of those members present at the meeting.
Section V: Each budget shall be broken down into line item expenditures.
Section VI: Any line item expenditure in excess of 5% or $50.00, whichever is greater, beyond the
approved budget must be approved by two-thirds of the officers.
Section VII: Expenditures outside of the approved operating budget must be approved by twothirds of the officers.
Section VIII: Band Camp registration fees should be paid in full by the final date as set forth in
camp registration information. If special agreements need to be formulated for an individual
band student, the band director may be contacted for assistance.
Article XI
A quorum shall consist of five Association members present at meeting set forth by these Bylaws.
Article XII
The Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting provided the proposed amendment has
been presented and discussed at a preceding regular meeting. An amendment must pass by a
two-thirds majority vote of the members present in order to be ratified.
Revised 4/22/2015
Ratified 5/14/2018