Cheadle Heath Primary School You can keep up to date with our latest news, reviews, newsletters, photos etc on our website at or via twitter @CHPSchool 1st April 2015 Issue 16 HMI monitoring report Building on the success of the LA review and positive feedback received, I am delighted to share with you headlines from the HMI report which was published today. It is longer and more detailed than expected but has a clear positive tone and shows the school in a good light, recognising how far we have travelled. The report serves as a great boost for our hard working, diligent staff as it recognises the progress made. Headline quotes include: Pupils were a credit to their school. The positive ethos in the classrooms reflects pupils’ considerate, good behaviour and keen attitudes to learning. Staff and leaders are working very hard to implement improvements and to provide a good quality education for the pupils. Given the level of staff turnover, it is a tribute to leaders and the team of staff that the school operates smoothly. The quality of teaching is improving, not only as teachers become more experienced and settled into life at the school and meeting leaders’ expectations, but also through the professional development they receive. Actions to improve the key areas of teaching, pupils’ writing, and leadership and management, particularly of subject leaders and the Governing Body, are proving effective. [The Chair of Governors] is confident, experienced, and keen to move the school forward During the visit, the subject leaders for writing and mathematics showed a good grasp of subject-specific detail in the scrutiny of writing displayed in classrooms and corridors around the school and of problem solving in pupils’ mathematics books respectively. Our next steps forward: As we were not given any additional actions, we will continue to develop and build on the progress made including building on teaching where, on occasions, it is less than good. As HMI report, “Now is the time to recognise what has been achieved so far, to embed the stronger systems and better practice, and continue to encourage, support and challenge all in the school’s community in order to make the improvements sustainable.” Well done #teamchps! The full monitoring report can be found on our website here and on the Ofsted website here. April Fooled Children in Year 6 looked horrified today when I told them that a terrible error had come to light when submitting annual holiday dates to the local authority, and as a result they wouldn’t actually be finishing the term tomorrow. The Easter Holidays would be reduced by a week and only start next Friday! Well, Y6 fell for it - hook, line and sinker – until the April Fool was revealed at 11.59am! Ohhh, the howls of protest, the wailing and gnashing of teeth at the thought of it … and that was just the staff! Fortunately (for us all!) this was just my April Fool’s Day trick for 2015. So, sorry Year 6, we will indeed be finishing tomorrow! If you have any comments or queries you can contact the school office on 428 2476 or email me via [email protected] Cheadle Heath Primary School You can keep up to date with our latest news, reviews, newsletters, photos etc on our website at or via twitter @CHPSchool Sporting success Musical success The 2015 Greater Manchester Winter School Games was held last week and comprised of 34 competitions in 13 different sports across a number of iconic sporting venues from across Greater Manchester. Our gymnastics teams had qualified through the local borough competitions to represent the borough and 16 th enthusiastic gymnasts from Y2 – Y6 went along on 24 March to represent our school, and borough, in the key step gymnastics competition with pride and determination! Many congratulations to Evie (Y6) and Ellie (Y5) who have recently taken their music exams and both passed with merit. Grades are a national examination and the standard is extremely hard but due to lots of determination, practise, hard work (and a heap of talent thrown in too!) Evie passed Grade 2 violin and Ellie passed her Grade 1 flute. Well done girls! Another Cheadle Heath success! The Key Step Gymnastics programme was produced to provide a simple competition structure that combines basic movement and agility skills in a fun, friendly and progressive way. The children enjoyed the Opening Ceremony at Sport City before being transported via the team coach to National Cycling Centre where they competed against nine other North West boroughs as cyclists whizzed around the velodrome! The ten boroughs in the final were us (Stockport), Manchester, Rochdale, Oldham, Bolton, Bury, Wigan, Trafford, Salford and Tameside. As you can see, to be selected to represent your borough at this level was a fantastic achievement! On the day all our gymnasts performed beautifully and we scooped podium places for all teams! Each team represented STOCKPORT in their own age category so podium placing for all was an incredible moment! 2 place overall to the Y1 / 2 team Ella, Annabel, Heather, Alfie & Harry 1 place (yes, really!) to the Y3 / 4 team James, Lucy, Megan, Kai & Paisley 3 place overall to the Y5 / 6 team Abigail, Olivia, Callum, Hayden, Megan & Ellie 2 nd It’s in the news! Children spend six hours or more a day on screens Heads' threat to parents over computer games False allegations can blight teaching Parents rarely spot child obesity Y6 SATs arrangements 2015 National tests and teacher assessments for Y6 will be undertaken to a national timetable week beginning th Monday 11 May 2015. Tests, tests, tests… Date th Monday 11 May th Tuesday 12 May st Wednesday th 13 May rd Thursday 14 May nd place to Y5 / 6 individual competitor Olivia Well done to all the competitors on wearing our kit and smile with pride. Huge thanks go to our top coach Mrs. Burgess (and her able assistant Mrs. Callaghan!) who prepared the teams so well! th Levels 3-5 English reading test Level 6 English reading test Levels 3-5 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Level 6 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Levels 3-5 mental mathematics test Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 1 No level 6 tests timetabled for this day Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 2 Level 6 mathematics Paper 1 Level 6 mathematics Paper 2 It’s not GR8! If your child has a mobile phone, please ensure you monitor it closely if they have access to the internet and social networking. We have had a number of phones brought into school in UKS2 recently which contravenes our school policy and have had reason to contact a number of parents about inappropriate use. May I also remind parents that the age restriction of Facebook and Instagram is 13! None of our children are 13 yet many have these accounts. They have therefore opened those using false dates of birth. Please stop, think and talk to your child about how they use technology including who they’re contacting and what messages are sent. The majority of parents have been very supportive and appreciated our actions in resolving any issues but, it serves as a timely reminder that our children are still young and don’t often think through the implications before they act. It’s a girl! Ms Mycroft welcomed a bouncing baby girl, Isla Rose, th into the world on Thursday 26 March weighing a healthy 8lb 11oz. Mummy, Daddy and baby happy, healthy and very much in love! If you have any comments or queries you can contact the school office on 428 2476 or email me via [email protected] Cheadle Heath Primary School You can keep up to date with our latest news, reviews, newsletters, photos etc on our website at or via twitter @CHPSchool News from our English lead… News from our Maths lead… In English, our main focus this year has been focussing on raising standards in writing and we have linked Alan Peat’s exciting sentences’ to this throughout school to ensure consistency and development. We have had a really positive response from the children since the introduction of ‘Big Maths’ and we have already started to see progress being made through our weekly, ‘Big Maths Beat That’ challenges. Your child should now be bringing home their previous weeks test papers to allow them the opportunity to practise any missed questions. Please support your child in doing so and take time to celebrate their scores with them. We have very recently embarked on an exciting new project to inspire and showcase some of the fabulous writers we have here at Cheadle Heath Primary School. We have a school portfolio on a worldwide website called Lend Me Your Literacy and within the school portfolio each year group has their own area to showcase their writing each week. The writing is then published and shown, potentially to a worldwide audience and open to comments. We have already found this to be a motivational and inspirational tool, giving our children a real purpose for writing, with a real audience to view it! Anybody and everybody can comment on the children's writing and we'd love you to help keep our children motivated. Simply create yourself a free account here and click on our portfolio. All comments and submissions are carefully monitored and moderated before they are posted on the site to ensure cyber safety is adhered to at all times. In addition to Lend Me Your Literacy (LMYL), Key Stage Two continue to use their own class blogs to promote and share their writing on a regular basis. The blogs are a great way for you to see the ongoing work of your children in class and have an input. Unlike LMYL, where just a few pieces of work are shared each week, the blogs contain submissions from all the children in the class. The blog is an extension of the children's English book and is a way for them to share their writing. Its use is not restricted to the classroom or to the tasks directed by the teacher. Each child has their own unique login and password and can submit writing on any subject at any time. Similarly, you can view and comment on children's work to praise and encourage and in fact we would love to recruit some parent helpers from each of the KS2 classes who would be willing to commit a small amount of time each week to commenting on the children's writing. If this is something which might interest you please contact your child's class teacher and they can organise a school account and 'code name' for you. As you can see, lots is happening and there are lots of opportunity for you to look at and support your child’s learning online so please have a peek and help motivate our children by leaving a comment. They do go back to check! Alongside developing writing we have also introduced a new scheme called TELL phonics to give additional support to those pupils who need it and we are introducing a new reading assessment to ensure that pupil’s progress is clearly tracked and monitored. Phew! It’s very busy! For any further information, advice or please contact our English Lead, Louise Johnston Homework Review Thank you to those parents who completed the homework review survey. The findings will be analysed over half term and feedback given in the summer term. We recently brought a new resource, Numicon, to support our children’s learning in Maths and it has been very well received, particularly by our younger children. Numicon is a very colourful, multi-sensory maths approach which helps to raise achievement in maths. From a very early age children recognise numbers in the environment such as on the bus, their house number, their age and talk about ‘I’ve got two sweets / teddy bears / footballs etc.’ but they don’t always know what the numbers represent. Once a child knows the sequence of numbers, they can begin to understand what the numbers mean e.g. "Two is one plus another one". "One less than 5 is 4" "That one more than 6 is 7" Numicon is designed to give children a sound start to their maths understanding by making numbers ‘real’ to children. It allows them to visualise each number and access numbers in a practical way to give children the understanding of number ideas and number relationships that is essential for success in maths. Children's early experiences of maths have a huge impact on their later achievement, so playing with Numicon Shapes helps young children learn about number ideas and how numbers fit together. We provide opportunities for children to become familiar with Numicon from Nursery and we are already noticing improvements in children’s understanding of number and use it to support counting skills, addition, pattern work and many other areas of maths. With problem-solving, reasoning and fluency being the key aims of the Primary National Curriculum 2014 for mathematics, Numicon facilitates these aims by: Developing fluency by using a visual, practical base to develop conceptual understanding and fluent recall. Helping children to reason mathematically through the use of concrete objects and spoken language to explain and justify. Supporting children as they strive to become confident problem-solvers We are going to give you the opportunity to buy a small set of Numicon shapes next term at a reduced price to support learning at home and we will be sending out support sheets with more ideas and tips for using Numicon at home. For any further information, advice or please contact our Maths Lead, Carrie Anne Knibbs If you have any comments or queries you can contact the school office on 428 2476 or email me via [email protected] Cheadle Heath Primary School You can keep up to date with our latest news, reviews, newsletters, photos etc on our website at or via twitter @CHPSchool Gentle reminder time Unfortunately it has come to our attention that some adults are using foul and abusive language on school grounds in front of our children. Can we ask that you refrain from such language especially as we do not want our children to copy or imitate this kind of behaviour. Under no circumstances must any adult approach a child who they do not have parental care for whilst on school grounds. If you have any concerns or witness this happening please can you make a member of staff aware. Just a reminder that we do not administer medicines which have not been prescribed. Any medication that has been prescribed by a doctor, and where the prescription states that the medicine needs to be taken four times a day, must be in its original container with the pupils name on and the necessary medical form completed. You can obtain this form from the school office. We have had several complaints from parents about the number of people who are smoking close to the school gates. Please have consideration for the children going out of the gates at the end of the day who may not want to be surrounded by cigarette smoke. Attendance matters With just one day left of this half-term, we still have 149 rd pupils who have 100% attendance from half term on 23 February – and that’s despite chicken pox & a sickness bug spreading like wildfire amongst our younger children! For the whole year so far, there are 44 pupils with 100% attendance so well done to the following children who appear in alphabetical order of surname: Nikita Harry James Matthew Dylan Ruby-Mae Vicky Olivia Megan Joshua Dilan Ryder Jasmine Olivia Millie Alex Joshua Daniel Adam Megan William Casey Leah Ava Cobi-Lee Jake Connor Daisy Molly Jessica Annabel Lilly-Pearl Isabella Imogen Abbie Lucian Giorgio Isabella Max Noah Connie Abbie George As for each class, here are the attendance rates year to date (the figures in brackets are this half term to date): Year Group % year to date % in the Spring term Children with persistent absence Pearl Reception 92.39% 95.51% 8 in Reception Sapphire Reception 95.70% 96.26% Year 1 95.72% 95.14% 95.29% 96.17% 95.57% 96.01% 95.70% 97.39% 95.60% 96.08% 2 97.29% 96.90% 2 95.99% 95.03% 4 95.71% 95.42% 2 Class Jet Ruby Year 1 Year 2 4 in Year 1 Scooters – it is great that more of our children are coming to and from school by bike or scooter, rather than car. However, can you please remind your children not to ride their scooters in the playgrounds before and after school. Topaz Please ensure that all school items (uniform, PE kit, lunch/drink stuff, footwear) are fully and clearly labelled with your child’s name. Also we ask parents to check periodically that their children haven’t brought home the wrong one! Opal We have accumulated lots of lost property again. If your child has lost items of clothing please check the tables outside after school tonight and tomorrow as we will be sending lost property for recycling during the Easter holidays. Thank you to all parents who have tried so hard to ensure your child is happy and healthy and at school as much as they can be. We’re really happy with the fact there is 1 class with attendance rates above our target of 97%. For the whole school, our spring term attendance is 95.52%. This is ok but could be better. We promote a sense of pride in the school and ask for your support in upholding our dress code. It is strongly recommended that the following clothing should be worn: Black Trousers (Long or Short) or, for girls, Pinafore Dress or Skirt School sweater or cardigan, White shirt or white polo shirt (Summer) green and white gingham dress White or Grey Socks with dark shoes Trainers are NOT school uniform Studs only and no jewellery, make up or nail varnish Amber Amethyst Aquamarine Emerald Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 2 in Year 2 Individual attendance lower than 85% is regarded as persistent absence and we always refer to the local authority educational welfare officer but from September 2015, attendance lower than 90% will be regarded as persistent absence. The welfare officer will arrange a meeting with you to support and advise families where attendance is too low. This is currently a massive 24 children in total! This must improve as it is affecting our children’s education and progress. I mentioned attendance in Head Lines Issue 14 and the importance on being on time, all day, every day! It’s simple … taking a term-time absence affects your child’s attainment. There will be a prize for all children with over 97% attendance at the end of the summer term. If you have any comments or queries you can contact the school office on 428 2476 or email me via [email protected] Cheadle Heath Primary School You can keep up to date with our latest news, reviews, newsletters, photos etc on our website at or via twitter @CHPSchool Community Event Congrats The recent colouring competition has been won by Jennifer, Aquamarine, Y5, with runners up Ben C and Chloe, Y5. Jennifer wins a £15 Toys R Us voucher, runners up both win £10 Toys R Us vouchers so pop along to the Cheadle Heath Community Centre on Essex th Avenue, known locally as the Pavilion, on Saturday 4 April between 1 – 3pm and see the centre be officially renamed in honour of Rose Walker. The prize giving is expected at around 2pm. Thank you to all the children who took part, the committee really enjoyed seeing their art and all entries will be displayed on the day of the event. Vacancy We have a vacancy for a midday assistant. We need someone who would like to help supervise children in the dining room and playground on a rota system. The shift begins at 12.00 for one hour and 15 minutes. You would be joining a team of midday assistants whose role is very important and valued by the school and ensures the well-being of our children at lunchtimes. Induction training will be given and the job is subject to safeguarding checks. If you are interested and would like further details, please contact Ms Stronach, our school administrator or me via the school office. Nursery entry point change From after the holidays Nursery 1 and 2 will come into the building via the same door that KS1 and Reception enter through. This is to save parents walking round the building and crossing the outdoor area. Parents are asked to bring their children into the building to help with their coats etc. and change library books and then leave via the same door and encourage the children to walk independently through the gate into Nursery. Any questions please ask Mrs Chow, Mrs Staples or Mrs Carding! Thank you! Happy Holidays! This is the last Head Lines of the term. The school closes nd at 2pm tomorrow, Thursday 2 April and reopens on th Monday 20 April. Have a great holiday! Christine Meekley & the staff at #teamCHPS Term dates 2014 – 15 School starts on the morning of: nd Tuesday 2 September 2014 th Tuesday 4 November 2014 th Monday 5 January 2015 rd Monday 23 February 2015 th Monday 20 April 2015 th Monday 8 June 2015 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 School finishes at the end of the day on: rd Thursday 23 October 2014 th Friday 19 December 2014 at 2pm th Friday 13 February 2015 th Thursday 2 April 2015 at 2pm nd Friday 22 May 2015 th Friday 24 July 2015 at 2pm School will be closed on the following INSET days which have been placed at the start/end of existing holidays for your convenience – th 1 Friday 24 October 2014 rd 2 Monday 3 November 2014 th 3 Tuesday 13 January 2015 th 4 Monday 27 July 2015 th 5 Tuesday 28 July 2015 th th Y6 SATs take place 11 – 15 May 2015. It is essential that pupils are in school for these. Term dates 2015 – 16 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 School starts on the morning of: rd Thursday 3 September 2015 rd Tuesday 3 November 2015 th Monday 4 January 2016 rd Tuesday 23 February 2016 th Monday 18 April 2016 th Monday 13 June 2016 School finishes at the end of the day on: rd Friday 23 October 2015 th Friday 18 December 2014 at 2pm th Friday 12 February 2016 st Friday 1 April 2016 at 2pm th Friday 27 May 2016 th Thursday 28 July 2016 at 2pm School will be closed on the following INSET days which have been placed at the start/end of existing holidays for your convenience – st 1 Tuesday 1 September 2015 nd 2 Wednesday 2 September 2015 nd 3 Monday 2 November 2015 nd 4 Monday 22 February 2016 th 5 Thursday 5 May 2016 Y6 SATs TBC If you have any comments or queries you can contact the school office on 428 2476 or email me via [email protected]
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