Weekly Newsletter ~ No. 27 16th April 2015 Dear Parent/carer, I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter break and were able to take advantage of the lovely weather in the second week. Welcome to our new children who have joined nursery. Please would new parents to the school park cars safely with consideration for others at the beginning and end of the school day. A guidance map is attached for parking and would parents particularly note the following arrangements; 1) The parking space in front of the blue barn must be left free in mornings for cars to use as a drop off zone for older children to walk down to school. 2) Pupils in Early Years and Year 1 may be collected at 3.15pm in order to free up parking spaces for parents coming just before the end of school to collect older children. Your co-operation would be greatly appreciated. Well done to the winners of the Spring Bonnet competition. This was an excellent event, congratulations to all children for their superb efforts. Please find attached ‘Summer term - Dates for your Diary’, details of these events will be provided nearer to the time in the newsletter, we will keep you informed of any additional dates. Please also find attached a copy of this terms school lunch menu, please inform Mrs Bentley if you wish to change your child’s lunchtime arrangements for this term. Fundraising for the Rainbow Trust continues with year 5 children holding a ‘pre-loved’ teddy sale on Friday 17th April at break time, teddies will be priced at 20p for small, 50p for medium and £1 for large teddies. There will also be a ‘Guess the name of the toy monkey’ competition, priced at 10p per guess. Thank you children for your commitment to raising funds for charity. Yours faithfully, Mr D Parker FOOTBALL CLUB - Tuesdays 3.30-4.15pm years 3,4,5,6 with Mr Whitworth until half term NETBALL CLUB - Monday 3.30-4.15pm years 3,4,5 & 6 with Mrs Timiney GARDENING CLUB - Monday lunch time, years R, 1 & 2 PTA - FEWSTON TEAS & SPONSORED WALK - Weekend of 25th & 26th April - Thank you to those who have returned slips offering help with this event, please help with time or baking if you can! There will be meeting for volunteers on Friday 17th at 2.30pm in the Askwith Arms, please come along if you are free or contact Caroline Wilson 07766 510092 for more information. Please also return the Sponsored Walk slip. Spare letters available in the office. PTA - BAGS 2 SCHOOL Next collection Wednesday 29th April. De-clutter your wardrobes & raise money for the school! LOCAL ACTIVITIES - DANCING AT THE OTLEY MAYPOLE - Friday May 1st, 5.00 - 7.00pm - The Buttercross Belles invite parents to bring their children to celebrate May Day, demonstration dances followed by a chance to join in, contact [email protected] WE ARE COLLECTING SAINSBURY’s ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS! Please bring any you collect into school. Thank you! TERM DATES - School closed for May day - Monday 4th May School closes for half term - Friday 22nd May at 3.30pm School re-opens - Monday 1st June School closes for summer - Monday 20th July at 2.00pm Headteacher: Mr D Parker Tel: 01943 462896 Email: [email protected] www.askwith.n-yorks.sch.uk
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