For Board Meeting of April 23, 2015 Agenda Item # I.1 MEMO TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: ALLAN POLLOCK, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORT Issue Shall the Board report on their committee participation and meetings attended? Background and Findings Board members are appointed to local, regional, or national committees. Board members also present testimony at public hearings on specific issues as the need arises. After these meetings, public hearings, or other activities attended by individual members on behalf of SAMTD, time will be scheduled for an oral report/update. The following activities have designated board member representation: Board/Committee Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (MWVCOG) • Special Transportation Fund Advisory Committee (STFAC) • Mid-Willamette Area Commission on Transportation (MWACT) • Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study Policy Committee (SKATS) • Oregon Metropolitan Planning Organization (OMPOC) • Salem River Crossing Oversight Committee • Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) • Recommendation Receive and File Proposed Motion None 04-23-15 I.1 RPT Board Committees.Docx 4/17/2015 1:58 PM Director(s) President Thompson Alternate: Director Krebs President Thompson Alternate: Director Hammill Director Kelley Alternate: Director Krebs Director Krebs Alternate: Director Kelley Director Krebs Alternate: Director Tarter Director Krebs Alternate: Director Tarter Director Evans Alternate: Director Coy Salem Area Mass Transit District Board Work Session March 16, 2015 Courthouse Square – Senator Hearing Room 555 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301 MINUTES PRESENT: Vice-President Bob Krebs; and Directors Brad Coy, John Hammill, Marcia Kelley and Steve Evans; ABSENT: President Jerry Thompson and Director Kate Tarter Staff Allan Pollock, General Manager; Sue Dreier, Chief Operating Officer; Steve Dickey, Director of Transportation Development; Paula Dixon, Director of Administration; SueAnn Coffin, Contracted Transportation Manager; Gene Schaefer, Medical Transportation Administrator; Andrew Cooper, Safety & Loss Control Specialist; Kristian Sorensen, Technology Services Support Analyst; Jency Rosasco, Administrative Assistant; and Linda Galeazzi, Executive Assistant Guests Brent Standridge, TripLink Call Center Manager; Bill Holmstrom, Budget Committee Board 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice-President Bob Krebs called the meeting to order. 2. DISCUSSION a. TripLink Contracted Transportation Update 5:37 PM 5:37 PM Staff report: pages 1-2 of the agenda Presented By: SueAnn Coffin and Sue Dreier Ms. Coffin and Ms. Dreier provided the Board with an update on the status of the TripLink Call Center. There was a lengthy discussion with questions and answers about the need for improvements at the call center and what is being done to make those improvements. The District is currently going through the RFP process for a new phone system. The system should be in place by June 30, 2015. An additional day was scheduled for calls at the TripLink call center and additional customer service representatives and a scheduler were hired to meet the demands of the increased volume of incoming calls. As a result, an amendment to the current contract with MV Transportation will need Board approval due to the increase in costs as well. The Board received updates on the status of the contracted transportation programs after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in January 2014. District staff continues to work closely with the Coordinated Care Organization (CCO), Willamette Valley Community Health (WVCH), on the reconciliation of the trips and trip rates. Staff responded to questions about each CCO setting their own rules; and having separate operational rules for Medicaid and feefor-service rides, etc., which have to be billed separately. Assessments and/or 100% in-person interviews will be added with the help of a contractor to meet requirements of the Paratransit Plan adopted by the Board in 2013. A grant provided by Minutes of Board Work Session Salem Area Mass Transit District March 16, 2015 – Page 1 the Federal Transit Administration will initially fund this requirement. Also, an RFP was released in February and closes on March 27th for the operation of CherryLift, CARTS and RED Line transportation services. Questions were asked about call center staffing to cover the phone calls. Another important factor considered was keeping turnover as low as possible. Staff explained why there was a need for a new phone system after exhausting all other options working with the current vendor. The cost for a new system, like a voice over system, would probably be month to month but the District does not have a long term commitment with the current vendor. b. Record of Board Service Hours for Insurance Purposes 6:10 PM Staff report: pages 3-4 of the agenda Presented By: Andrew Cooper Mr. Cooper explained that the District’s workers compensation carrier, State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF), requires actual hours of service be submitted by Salem-Keizer Transit’s board of directors in order to determine a premium rate for Board member coverage. To meet this requirement, Board members will complete a monthly record of service hours that will be given to the District’s executive assistant. These service logs will be compiled into a yearly report and provided to the Safety & Loss Control Specialist for submission. c. Transit Lobby Day – Wednesday, April 8, 2015 6:20 PM Staff report: Oral Report Presented By: Allan Pollock Mr. Pollock announced that the Oregon Transit Association (OTA) is hosting Transit Day at the Capitol on Wednesday, April 8th and members of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) will partake in Stand Up For Transportation Day on April 9th to highlight and advocate for the need for a long-term, sustainable and reliable federal transportation funding bill. Governor Brown has been asked to designate this national transportation day with a proclamation. Board members who plan to attend should RSVP to the executive assistant. Senator Lee Beyer, the Chair of the Senate Committee on Business & Transportation will speak and individual meetings with legislators will be scheduled both in the morning and afternoon. Board members received a schedule for the days’ events. d. Moving Forward Phase II Update 6:23 PM Staff report: Oral Report Presented By: Allan Pollock Mr. Pollock announced the plans that are being made as a result of the Board’s action at the February 26th Board meeting to direct the General Manager to seek out additional community input as proposed, and provide a report to the Board at the May 28th meeting. Print media, community mailers and electronic “blasts are being published to announce a series of open houses and a survey to gather feedback on the Moving Forward Phase II plan and funding opportunities. Emails will be sent to neighborhood association chairs to announce the open houses in their areas and there will be a press release in social media to support that. Board members suggested other ways to advertise for community feedback by sponsoring activities and having staff at events to present the materials or gaining permission to access free private social networks to tell the District’s story to get feedback. Staff has also been researching the Minutes of Board Work Session Salem Area Mass Transit District March 16, 2015 – Page 2 top 25 employers in the service area and working to identify where to have community open houses based on the trip generators. 3. GENERAL MANAGER COMMENTS Staff report: Presented By: 6:35 PM pages 5-8 of the agenda Allan Pollock a. Calendar Review of Upcoming Board Activities: • President Thompson noted that Transit Lobby Day at the Oregon State Capitol should be Wednesday, April 8th and not May 8th. • Director Coy said he will not be available to attend the April 13th work session. • Director Evans said he will not be available to attend the July 13th work session. b. Upcoming Board Agenda Items: • April 13th Work Session – The Board will receive an update on Phase II of the Moving Forward project, and the coordinated plan. There will also be a review of updates made to the Board’s bylaws and the STF Advisory Committee’s bylaws in Attachment A of the Bylaws. • April 23rd Board Meeting – The Board will be asked to consider action on a contract award for eligibility determination, an amendment to the TripLink Call Center contract, and a budget amendment. c. Draft Agenda for March 26, 2015 Regular Board Meeting: • A draft of the agenda for the March 26th Board meeting was reviewed. The Board will be asked to take action on the 5310 grant application, a proclamation for APTA’s Stand Up 4 Transportation Day, an amendment to the TripLink Call Center contract, and a citizen appointment to the Budget Committee. 4. ADJOURNMENT 6:44 PM Minutes of Board Work Session Salem Area Mass Transit District March 16, 2015 – Page 3 Salem Area Mass Transit District Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting April 1st, 2015 Courthouse Square – Salem Conference Room 555 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301 MINUTES PRESENT: Members Richard Stevenson, Chair; Gary Obery, James Alderson, Terrence Pratt, Oscar Porras, Manuel Marcos (arrived 4:55 PM) ABSENT: Cynthia Jewitt, Megan Bielemeier, Michael Shields, Robin Grupper, Shaney Starr Staff Allan Pollock, General Manager; Linda Galeazzi, Executive Assistant Board Liaison Director Steve Evans, and Director Brad Coy (left 4:45 PM) Guests 1. Colleen Busch, candidate, Subdistrict #2 Board of Directors position CALL TO ORDER Mr. Stevenson called the meeting to order. 4:05 PM 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion: Moved to approve the agenda for the April 1, 2015 meeting Moved by: James Alderson Second: Oscar Porras Discussion: None Vote: Passed unanimously 4:05 PM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4:06 PM Motion: Moved to approve the Minutes for the January 14, 2015 Citizens Advisory Committee meeting with a correction to the misspelling of Terrence Pratt’s name. Moved by: James Alderson Second: Terrence Pratt Discussion: None Vote: Passed unanimously 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 4:08 PM Board members, Steve Evans and Brad Coy; and Colleen Busch, candidate for the Board of Directors position representing Subdistrict #2 were introduced. 5. ACTION ITEMS - None 4:08 PM 6. INFORMATION ITEMS 4:08 PM a. Moving Forward Project Update (Allan Pollock) Phase One of the Moving Forward service plan will be implemented on September 8, 2015. Public outreach prior to Board action to approve Phase One is done and staff is now in the marketing phase. Revised versions of the route maps and schedules are being produced and will be out by mid-summer. Minutes of Citizens Advisory Committee Salem Area Mass Transit District April 1, 2015 – Page 1 Phase Two of the Moving Forward service plan includes the addition of weekend and extended evening service will require an additional funding source. The Board is considering two options that were recommended to raise $5 million from a property tax or a payroll tax. Either option requires approval from citizens in an election. Feedback on those options has been gathered from an earlier telephone survey, from stakeholders, and the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. At their February board meeting, the Board directed Mr. Pollock to seek out additional community input. To date, an online survey is being promoted on asking respondents which funding option they could support. Open houses are scheduled in several different locations and press releases will be in the Salem Weekly, Business Journal, local newspapers and on social media. The feedback received will be presented to the Board at their May 28th meeting. By the end of Summer, the Board will then decide on a funding source to bring before the voters in November. ACTION: These findings will be reviewed by the CAC at their May 13th meeting. In response to Mr. Alderson’s question about potential delays for Routes 5, 5A and 6 to West Salem, Director Evans explained that Operations always has a backup plan for delays in general and specifically for the routes going to West Salem. b. South Salem Transit Center Update (Allan Pollock) The District received a $1 million grant from the Connect Oregon V Program through the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study (SKATS), the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Salem-Keizer area, awarded the District $350,000 contingent on their receiving a Connect Oregon V grant to cover the required local match for design and construction of the South Salem Transit Center. Parsons Brinckerhoff is preparing a proposal to submit to the Walmart Real Estate Division for the project that will be located at the southeast parking lot area on the corner of Baxter and Commercial Streets. The CAC reviewed a conceptual drawing of the transit center location that is currently a park and ride lot. Questions asked included whether there would be designated carpool parking and parking for bicycles. ACTION: The CAC will provide Mr. Pollock with written feedback prior to their May 13th meeting. c. Board Elections (Allan Pollock) There are four unopposed board member positions in the May election for Subdistricts #1/West Salem, #3/Central Salem, #5/Southeast Salem, and #7/South Salem. These are four-year terms. The Board position in Subdistrict #2/Keizer is an unexpired two-year term and there are two candidates running for that position. d. FY2015-2016 Budget (Allan Pollock) The District is in mid-season drafting the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget. It will be the sixth year in a row that the District has not had to make any cuts. The Budget Message will be presented at the May 14th Budget Committee meeting. The second meeting is May 21st and if need be, a third meeting is scheduled for June 4th. After the Budget Committee approves the proposed FY2016 Budget, it goes before the Board for adoption at their June 25th regular meeting. Miscellaneous Items (Allan Pollock) • Electronic day passes will go into effect and be implemented for use on June 1st. • The pilot project for the West Salem Connector also begins June 1st. The first six months Minutes of Citizens Advisory Committee Salem Area Mass Transit District April 1, 2015 – Page 2 of this service will be fare free. ACTION: There will be a demonstration of this service at the CAC’s May 13th meeting. (Director Coy left the meeting) 7. • The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has proposed the reinstatement of the Capitol Mall Bus Pass Program in their proposed budget request. Mr. Pollock testified twice in the legislative session about the reinstatement. Cost to the state is estimated at $500,000 annually. A decision will be made at the end of the legislative session. • The Oregon Transit Association is hosting the 2015 Transit Day at the Capitol on April 8th. Governor Kate Brown will sign a proclamation during the noon hour declaring April 9th National Transit Infrastructure Day. NEW ITEMS a. Committee Member Comments • Chair Stephenson asked if the District could look into putting four designated spots on buses for wheelchairs. There have been riders with strollers and walkers that take up the space for a wheelchair. ACTION: Mr. Pollock advised that the District can track this concern through the transit operators for their feedback. • Mr. Obery spoke about the work he has been doing with bike boulevards and greenways being set up in neighborhoods for bicycles. (Manuel Marcos arrived) • 8. Chair Stephenson said he presented the CAC annual report to the Board at their March 26th Board meeting. He also stated that since July 2014, he has been very pleased that the CAC meetings have been organized and well thought out. It was a great pleasure for him to serve on the committee. ADJOURNMENT 5:00 PM The next CAC meeting is May 13, 2015 (every second Wednesday in odd-numbered months) Minutes of Citizens Advisory Committee Salem Area Mass Transit District April 1, 2015 – Page 3
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