Victorian budget 2015-16 analysis: homelessness and housing assistance Housing and homelessness initiatives The Housing and Homelessness outputs in the 2015-16 increased 5.5 per cent from $398.9 million in 2014-15 to $420.8 million in 2015-16. This increase is primarily due to the additional funding allocated in this budget for the Equal Remuneration Order. The Budget has also allocated funding for the continuation of the seven Innovation Action Projects, for which the initial funding was to expire this year. Continuation of the seven homelessness Innovation Action Projects Upgrades and services to the Gatwick Hotel continued funding for Work and Learning Centres 2015-16 $ 9.4m 2017-18 $9.9m 2018-19 $10.3m 2019-20 $10.7m $0.2m $0.2m $0.2m $0.2m $1.6m $1.6m $1.7m $1.7m Mental health Initiatives This Budget includes funding for the restoration of funding to St Mary’s House of Welcome, Jesuit Social Services and Prahran Mission. The three drop in services had funding reduced as part of the reform of Community Mental Health Services. Social Inclusion Mental Health Support Services 2015-16 $1.2 2017-18 $1.2 2018-19 $1.3 2019-20 $1.3 Departmental Outputs The Departmental outputs show a 26 per cent reduction in the number of social housing dwellings to be acquired this financial year. This is due to limiting the sale of assets and a greater focus on renewal. This is reflected in a small reduction in the total number of social housing dwellings. There is also a significant increase in the total number of people to be assisted with Housing Establishment and this is due to increased funding for Family Violence crisis responses. 1 Total number of social housing dwellings Total social housing dwellings acquired during the year Average waiting time for public rental housing for those on early housing allocation Households assisted with Housing Establishment assistance during the year 2014-15 expected outcome 85,279 2015-2016 Target Change 85,195 -0.1% 500 371 -26% 9 months 10.5 months 16% 36000 40000 11% Capital Initiatives While the overall funding to housing in the budget was minimal the Director of Housing has a small number of capital initiatives included. Acquisition/redevelopment 12 Units East Division 21 Units North Division 23 units South Division Smaller projects statewide Total investment $3m $7.1m $8.9m $148m Completion date March Quarter 2016 March Quarter 2016 March Quarter 2016 March Quarter 2016 Other Human Services initiatives Equal Remuneration Order This budget provide $935 over four years across government to fund the community sector wage increases required as a result of the national Equal Pay case for workers employed under the Social Community Home Care and Disability Award. Family Violence initiatives - $57.9million in 2015-16 The funding of $57.9millioncombines initiatives across Justice, Child Protection, Housing and Homelessness Assistance and Premier’s Portfolios, including $20million in funding for the Family Violence Royal Commission. Funded initiatives include: $14million Family Violence fund which includes funding for 15 additional Family Violence access workers, and $6million for priorities identified throughout the Royal Commission process. $2.5m for Crisis responses and transport $2.5million in counseling services for women and children 2 Child and family services - $257million over 4 years Overall, funding to the Child and Family service area increased by 17 per cent in this budget. Key initiatives include: Continuation of the Springboard program: $21.3 million over 4 years for support, education and training for young people leaving out of home care. $48.1million over four years for ChildFIRST and Family services including 70 workers $70.8 million to meet increased demand for out of home care placement and improved financial support for carers. 3
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