THE CROWN - Christ Church

The Newsletter of Christ Church Shrewsbury
Christ Church is a community committed to exploring the reality of God in today’s world
Volume XVIII Issue V
May 2015
Invitation to Ordination on May 9
By the Grace of God and with the People consenting,
the Right Reverend William Hallock Stokes, D.D.
Bishop of New Jersey
will ordain to the
Sacred Order of Deacons
in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church:
Magdalena Mary Aders
William John Balmer
Carolyn Ann Bradley
Paul Scott Chalakani
Eve Yorke Chamberlain
Naomi May Cressman
Dorothea N. Hospador
Jorge Antonely
Liriano Martinez
Chizoba Uzoamaka Nwankwo
Karen Estelle Baehr Reeman
Trisha Thorme
on Saturday, the ninth day of May
in the year of our Lord 2015
at 10 o'clock in the morning
in Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Trenton, New Jersey
Your prayers and presence are requested.
Reception follows
“I believe not because I hope it is true
but because I know it is true.”
Dear Friends,
I do not know who wrote the words you read above, but I do know this: they are the words of one of our very
own parishioners. “I believe not because I hope it is true but because I know it is true.” I want to tell you about
those words and how I came to read them.
Every year after the Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Week, after the homily and the footwashing, after the
communion and the stripping of the altar is done, the Deacon reads from Matthew’s account of Jesus in Garden
of Gethsemane (“will anyone stay awake with me?”) We then tiptoe out in the dark silence of that somber
night. Or at least, most of us do.
But some remain. Some do stay awake with our Lord and pray. All through the night they stay and pray. Each
year I place a notebook in front of the Altar of Repose; the cover reads “A Maundy Thursday Journal”. Each
person who sits watch is invited to write down their observations, their prayers, their reflections. Each year
after that vigil I type them up and return them to the Journal. If you are fortunate to participate in the Maundy
Thursday Vigil you can read the annual reflections that go back ten seasons to the year 2006 when the Journal
I love typing those reflections. The thoughts and prayers that are uttered in the darkness of that fateful night are
so poignant, so revealing. They speak of desires and love for others and betray the faith of simple, everyday
Christians. Like this one, the first recorded for this year:
I always try to come to this service and stay an hour to pray and be with my friend ____ . Tonight I met a
woman who came to service. She’s fighting cancer as I did many years ago. We talked and shared. I pray she
will be comforted and get strength from our Lord. I pray for all of us. Please pray.
Would you ever guess that keeping vigil in the church would present such an opportunity to share your faith
journey with a stranger? Did our vigil-keeper ever think this would happen on her watch? It gives me hope,
renews my faith. A lot more going on there than one would think!
Sometime the prayers reveal the inner struggles of the person praying. Like the entry that began,
As I keep vigil, I am reminded of the need to slow down – “pace myself”, as my coworker is always reminding –
and not rush through everything. When I slow down, and my thoughts are calmer, it is so much easier to hear
the “still small voice”. That “voice” has never misled me. I know that God loves me, and wants what is best for
I think that one could have been written by me. Or for me. What about you?
And sometimes the words exude a kind of wisdom that sinks right into my heart. Things like,
I believe not because I hope it is true but because I know it is true. Could it be said any better than that?
I love Christ Church. I love the faith that is so evident in this place. I love the thought of prayers being said by
our faithful – even when we may be unaware of them. And I love that each prayer, each thought, each
reflection, is a mirror of my own prayers and thoughts and reflections. And I believe not because I hope it is
true but because I know it is true.
Mother Lisa+
Please advise us of any changes in your home
address, email address or any phone number(s).
Let us know so we can also keep our
records/database up to date. Please send us an
email or call the Church Office at 732-741-2220.
On Sunday, April 12th at the 10 am service
Liam Barger and Rachel and Veronica Giannone
received the sacrament of Holy Baptism and were
welcomed into the church. We rejoice with them
and their families!
Emerson, Ava, Jay Czarnecki, Amy, Brett Risser,
Becky Cuthbert, Marjorie, Jean Bye and family,
Meriwether Schmid, Ron Johnson, Pete, Sam Scott,
Sue, Joan Hall, Lucy, Fr. Rob+, Dory Reagan, Don,
Adam David, Charie Miller, Clete, Debbie
Shouldis, Thomas J. Graham, Richard Brugger, Sr.,
Alexandra, Maryanne Lawrence, Allen, Sally
Cooper, Brennan Maclean, Allen, Joe, Rose, John,
Keith, Jacob, Lucy, Monet, Maryann Citro, Harriet
Clare Shaner, Roy, Cynthia Lovekin-Coviello, and
for all who serve our country here and abroad,
especially Traver, Michael, Bo, Dennis, Matthew,
Travis “TJ” Wilson, the 114th Infantry of the NJ
National Guard and 1st. Lts. James and Thomas
Nanci Beatus Smith
April 18, 1931 – April 16, 2015
Louise Emily Aders
January 17, 1926- April 25, 2015
A memorial service will be held at Christ Church,
Saturday, May 30th at 4PM
May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed
rest in peace, and let light perpetual shine upon them.
Please note: The Prayer List is updated on a continual basis.
The people will be kept on for three months and then
removed. (Please get consent before adding a name to the list.)
If you would like a person to be added, simply call the Church
Office and leave your name, their first and last name; please
specify if you do not want their last name published in the
bulletin, and when appropriate, who the person is and the
nature of their condition.
(*) indicates member of CCS
*Carolyn, *Matthew, *Irwin Rapolla, *Shirley,
*Ruthann, *Chrissy Maber, *Mignon Williams,
*Linda States, *Cassie Reagan, *Phil Ryser, *Rick,
*Diane, *Kate DiLiberto, *Zack Roberts, *Heidi
Gall, *John Smalls, *Ron Knoth, *Susan Folta,
*Jenny Lovekin, *Jennifer, Michael Schiavo, Doris
Rainwater, Patrick Donohoe, Jeffrey, Jake, Joan,
Loren James, John Veil, Jennifer Turner, Tina,
Debbie Ambrogio,
Harriett, Pam, Lisa, Ana
Cisneros, Chris, Mora Hanley, Ian Hay, Josh, Mark
Schiavo, Breanne, Omar, Dave, Chuck, Pete and Jill
Biddle, Anne, Meghan Ryan, Christopher, Brady,
Cindy, John and John David Meade, Gerardo,
Reverend Milton Holmes, Patrick Larsen, Trevin,
Heddy Napoletano, Fred Blozen, Lou, William
Thank you for your time and
*Thank you to Phyllis Edwards, Maureen Kilroy
and Lynn Marengo for volunteering their time in
helping with the Holy Week bulletins.
*Thank you to all who helped to make our Easter
Egg Hunt a success.
Christ Church Angels to the rescue:
We are grateful for the prompt response to last
month's request for a dehumidifier for downstairs in
the Parish House. The dehumidifier is on loan until
we are able replace and up-grade the two oiled fired
furnaces with new and efficient natural gas
furnaces. Once installed, the new units will be able
to efficiently control heat, cooling and humidity
After a good dusting and cleaning we now have a
battery powered portable electric board to add
music to the Summertime Parking Lot Prayers when
they begin again on Saturday evenings. After the
regraveling, and thanks to the April Saturday
workday crew, the worship area has experienced a
real "face lift". We are very fortunate to have
Brother Richard Biernacki to lead us most
Saturdays during the summer.
Don’t forget May 10th!
Girls’ Friendly Society
Mother-Daughter Retreat Weekend
Friday, May 1, 2015 - Saturday, May 2, 2015
Grove Hall, Ocean Grove NJ.
Deacons Ordination
Saturday, May 9, 2015 - 10:00 am
Trinity Cathedral, 801 West State
Street, Trenton
After three years of study, three Christ Church
Parishioners; Magdalena Aders, Bill Balmer
and Karen Reeman, will be ordained to the
Deaconate on Saturday, May 9th.
I encourage our entire Parish family to attend
this very, very important event in their lives and in ours! If you would like to carpool with
us, we will be leaving the Christ Church
parking lot at 8:15am on Saturday, May 9th.
Please call the church office or sign up on the
list on the Parish Hall bulletin board.
The Following Day: Sunday, May 10th
at the 10:00am service
We will have all three newly-ordained
deacons with us at worship.
Come celebrate with us!
We will host a potluck meal
following the service. A sign up
list is also on the Parish Hall
bulletin board.
Breakfast is Served!
A snowy Tuesday kept us from getting together last
February for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake
Supper – but it has been rescheduled for Sunday,
May 17th. GFS is teaming up with our youth to
prepare the meal; breakfast will be served at 9am
and again at 11:15am. Hope you come enjoy a
delicious meal – and do be generous - All proceeds
will go to benefit the Casie Kerr Scholarship Fund.
*Casie Kerr Scholarship Fund - This Scholarship Fund is
a special fund established many years ago to award
graduating seniors from Christ Church for service done in
the parish. It was given its current name to honor one of
our high school students, Casie Kerr, who died in a car
accident in August 2000. I encourage all our parishioners
to contribute to this fund. It is our way of giving special
thanksgiving for the life and ministry of our children and
it reminds them that we are still a source of support to
them as they leave this place to further their studies.
Mother Lisa
Training for Children and Youth Ministries
If you are considering working with our children
and/or youth, you must take the Sexual Misconduct
Awareness Class offered by the Diocese. There is a
class on Saturday May 23 in Keansburg. I believe
there is one earlier in Pt. Pleasant Beach. For those
who want to take the class or are in need of recertification, information can be found on the
Diocesan website.
Youth Sunday soon upon us
Sunday, June 14th will be Youth Sunday.
Plan to be there to support our children & youth.
We switch to our summer schedule that Sunday so
mark your calendar for the earlier start time - 9:00
In Rememberance of your beloved
Deceased Veteran
Once again this year, we are adding a new dimension to
our Memorial Day tradition. During the regular 10:00am
service, we are publishing a list of the names of any
deceased veterans you would like to name. We ask you
to submit the name and rank and arm of service to the
church office by May 17th to be included. We are also
asking for a minimum donation of $10.00, which will be
placed in the Cemetery Fund to continue the work we do
right here in our own graveyard.
Christ Church Honors Interred
Veterans from the French and
Indian War to World War II
Sunday, May 24th 10:00 am
The parish will hold its annual Cemetery Memorial
Service, including the reading of the veterans
interred in the graveyard on Sunday, May 26th after
the 10 a.m. service. These veterans span the eras
from the French and Indian War to World War II.
This event will occur about 11 a.m. in the
churchyard at the southeast corner of the church.
There will be a short performance of patriotic
Refreshments will be served afterwards in the
parish hall. Open to all with no charge.
(Please PRINT neatly)
Requested by:
Pledge # ____________________
Offering $ ___________________________
Please make checks payable to “Christ Church
Cemetery Fund”
Offering must be received by Sunday, May 17
Weekend in Old Monmouth
W.O.M. is a once a year event in which historic
sites agree to be open for visitors to drop in and see
the sites of their choice. As a result we will have the
church open on Saturday, May 2, from 10-5 and
Sunday, May 5, from noon to 5. To enhance the
experience and as part of this celebration we will
again be placing a number of our Historic Objects
on display in the church for visitors to see. These
include the Book of Common Prayer given to the
church by the last Royal Governor of New Jersey ,
William Franklin (yes, Benjamin Franklin’s son)
and a 17th century deed of land between native
Americans and William Leeds. Why not stop by
and see us!
Christ Church will be holding our annual Flea
Market, in conjunction with Shrewsbury Borough
Wide Yard Sale, on Saturday, May 30th, from 9AM
until 3PM. In advance of this special day, there will
be a Pre-View Party on Friday, May 29th at 6pm.
Special pricing. Special Food. Special Music.
All for the price of $10pp.
“Spring Cleaning” - Please save your trinkets and
treasures for us! All proceeds to benefit Christ
Church. When the event is over, the Borough will
remove all unsold items the following Wednesday.
What better way to recycle?
Chairperson needed!!
We need you! We need a Chairperson to help
coordinate the event. We have the committee,
we just need the person to direct us. Contact
the Church Office for more information.
Second Saturday Workday
Our May Second Saturday Work Day is canceled...
With Water on vacation and the Second Saturday
being the same day as the very special Deacon
Ordination in Trenton the May Second Saturday
Work Day is canceled. Our next work day will be
June 13th at 10:00 AM through 4:00 PM. Please
plan to lend a hand for an hour or two in June. A
simple and nutritious lunch is always provided.
Thank you for your help!
Walter Dein, property chair
Moravian Pies
We still have a few of our all-chicken Moravian
pies on hand in the freezer, so if you would like
one, do stop by the church office. Price is $12.00 a
pie - 4 hefty servings. Remember your satisfaction
is guaranteed - We want to hear from you! Good or
bad! If for any reason you are not completely
satisfied you can return it your pie for a refund or
Communion Class
On April 11th several children and their parents
gathered for communion class. With the help of
Jeanine Reeman, PJ Reyes, Walter Dein and me,
Mother Lisa led the class in a day full of activities:
Lessons, songs, crafts, baking and games for the
purpose of teaching our children about the
sacrament of communion and why it is important.
At the church the children practiced their newlylearned “receiving” skills and rules of church
The program was attended by Abby & Cassandra
Murphy, Paul, Jennifer, Rachel & Veronica
Giannone, Julie & Dash Cassidy, Matthew, Joshua,
Olivia, Chris & Tara Dunford. It’s such a good
feeling to see our little ones Kneeling up at the altar.
Isn’t it?
Faithfully, Sue Napoletano
Easter Egg Hunt
Many “eggs-uberant”, “eggs-cited” youngsters
combed our cemetery on Easter Sunday morning in
search of easter eggs and especially for the Alleluia
Eggs. Alexander Lawrence & Trevor Van
Valkenburg found them. For their efforts they were
awarded the treasured lamb cake. All were so
beautiful the boys had trouble deciding which one
to pick. Not to mention the fact we had an extra
Lamb cake this year that was awarded to Rachel
Giannone. I say, not to “baaaaahd”.
Many thanks to the parishioners who supplied all
the filled eggs, candy and other treats for filling. I
didn’t see one youngster whose bag was not
overflowing. Thanks to Marie Maber whose artistry
adorned the Alleluia Eggs once again and to Carla
Navallo, Donna Devlin, the Dunford Family and
Beth Immerman who baked the beautiful and
yummy-looking Lamb Cakes.
And not least, much appreciation to all my bunny
helpers who hid the eggs without whose help I’d
still probably be roaming the cemetery hiding them
—there were that many!!! Kudos to a very
generous congregation.
The Egg Hunt is a wonderful tradition of Christ
Church! I am truly blessed to have your continuing
support for this Ministry.
Rejoicefully, Sue Napoletano
Eggstravaganza Update
Any youngsters or Youth who have not received
your chocolate Easter egg, I have one with your
name on it - compliments of Gerry & Lynn
Marengo. Let’s see if we can connect on a Sunday
morning so I can give it to you. It’s too delicious
to pass up!
We may yet have a few eggs for sale. If you think
you missed out, you may be in a little bit 0’luck.
See me.
We would like to know what your plans are after
you’ve graduated. Tell us what you will be doing
or where you will attending school so we can
publish it in the “June” issue of the Crown. Email
or drop off a note to the Church Office by Friday,
May 22nd.
We will be finalizing the July and August lay
ministry schedules. In an effort to try to make sure
all the ministries are covered during the summer
months we ask that you look over your schedules
NOW and inform us of any dates you and your
family will NOT BE available. If we know in
advance we will be able to eliminate the process of
finding replacements! A reminder that once the
schedule has been distributed YOU are responsible
for finding a replacement or someone to
switch/trade dates with. Please notify the office of
any arrangements/changes you have made. If you
have trouble finding a replacement/trade, you may
also (as soon as possible) Email the church office
for additional help. We will circulate an Email to
help you to find a replacement and advise you of
our findings. Thanks so much.
COFFEE HOUR is a cherished part of
Sunday worship here at Christ Church. It is an
opportunity to relax, socialize and enjoy a good cup
of coffee. But coffee hour doesn’t just magically
happen and in order to keep this tradition alive and
well more volunteers are needed. My heartfelt
thanks go out to those who have so graciously
helped out in the past, many of whom have signed
up not once or twice but several times in order to
fill the gap. If you enjoy coming to coffee hour
please sign up for one Sunday. There is always an
experienced hand to help you navigate the kitchen
and I am in the process of stocking some “goodies”
in the kitchen freezer just in case. Coffee hour does
not need to be elaborate or time consuming. Don’t
pass up a great opportunity to get involved, chat a
little and have a good time. The sign-up sheet is
hanging outside the kitchen just waiting for your
name. Thank you all so much, Rita Saible.
In an effort to expand our invitational messages to
our parishioners and friends, a message regarding
services and events is frequently added to our
church Facebook account. When you see a message
regarding events or services, please consider
“sharing” the message by reposting to your contacts
and friends. We may find that those we know will
be interested in attending, even if they are not
members at this time. Also, if you have any other
ideas to expand our exposure to the community
please let me know your thoughts. We are a
friendly, inclusive church community, and we
would love to reach out to those who may be
looking for a service to attend, or who may want to
attend some of our events.
Elaine Feyereisen
Did You Know?
Stories of Christ Church History
by: Robert M. Kelly, Jr.
Parish Historian
Did You Know….
That our graveyard continues to provide a
remarkable historical treasure illuminating our
History and often the history of the broader
community around us. A good example of this latter
is the story of Judge John Grimke the prominent
South Carolinian interred in our graveyard in 1819.
(This story was told in the January 2015 issue of the
Crown.) But there is more graveyard news. One
thinks that a graveyard is a space where not much
happens. On a daily basis that certainly is true but
when looking over almost 300 years there is a lot to
discover. The graveayrd is peaceful on the surface
but teeming with life when one looks.
Trevor Kirkpatick has been studying the graveyard
for over a quarter of a century. This began in 1998
when he worked with David Podmajersky to
esatblish an alphabetized list of graveyard interees
on a genealogical web site, complete with
gravestone photographs. This web site is Trevor’s role in this initiative
was to provide information about the individuals
while David did the photogrpahy and web site
work. Trevor had done a graveyard study for his
Boy Scout Eagle project years earlier and never lost
interest in the topic. After the web site work, Trevor
continued what could best be described as the
Genealogy of the Graveyard. He was Christ
Church’s de facto Graveyard Historian. For those of
us who have done family genealogy work, we know
what a long and serpentine effort that can be. It is
unimaginable to do this for a potential collection of
individuals totalling 1300. His work has been
performed by examining paper records and has been
accelerating with the increasing amount of
information on-line. A good example of this is the
complete set of Red Bank Register newspaper
editions from 1878-1991. Trevor has been capturing
his learnings in a document that he recently sent me.
This document is almost 300 pages long rich with
genealogical information of our graveyard
residents!! More and more information keeps
surfacing as threads are discovered and pursued.
Here are some examples.
John J. Wheeler (1825-1886) was a very
important hotel man managing hotels in
NYC, Freehold, and Eatontown
Many people came to the shore area during
the summers in the 1800's. Those families
were buried in the cemetery like the
VanVliets, Gillespies, Gingis, DeCoppet to
name a few who lived and worked in New
Reverend William B. Otis (1848-1877) was
a good friend of President Grant. He also
appears to have worked later for the
Government as a naturalist including
traveling to Alaska to study whales!
William Gunn Shepherd (1878-1933) was a
war correspondent during the First World
War and wrote articles for the United Press
in Washington DC. He wrote a book
"Confessions of a War Correspondent" that
is still available. He wrote for Harpers
Weekly and some other magazines before
his death in 1929. His son, daughter-in-law
and wife are buried with him.
Trevor researched his family back to his
grandparents and found some of their obits.
His trips overseas are quite interesting with
what he saw and experienced during the
war. He was nearly killed many times and
ends his book with some references to Post
Traumatic Syndrome which was not
recognized at that time. Trevor also found
his passport applications with photos of him
and his wife and their son when he was a
baby. He was also the first reporter to see
and report on the great Washington Square
fire at the textile factory that killed many
people in NY. Just by chance he was in a
store across the street when the fire broke
out and he stayed on the phone with his
editor giving him a minute by minute report
on what he was witnessing.
These are fascinating historical miscellanies that
extract life from the graveyard.
Another graveyard perspective is the data that is available by looking at and analyzing the graveyard database.
Here are two charts that show some perspectives of the graveyard. One depicts the number of interments for
each year in which there were burials. The second graphs the number of people who died at a certain age. Both
charts are through the year 2000.
Count of Deaths by Year
The final graveyard-related item is about an upcoming conference. Parish Historian Robert Kelly is on a four
member panel discussing the following topic, “What the Ghosts Tell Us”: Preserving New Jersey’s
Churchyards”. That conference will discuss the importance of effecting this preservation to improve our shared
history. The graveyard at our church will be an example of the learnings that can be harvested by preserving and
researching historic churchyards. The session is in the morning on June 3rd and the conference is being held in
Mount Laurel.
Robert M. Kelly, Jr.
Parish Historian
Blessings Shared
Parish Finance Update
(March 2015)
Year to Date Totals
Total Income
Total Expense
Net Income
$ 42,031
$ 46,392
$ 59,140
$ Over Budget
------------ -----------------$ 1,078
$ (360)
$ 41,831
$ (200)
$ 52,077
$ (5,685)
$ 63,695
$ (4,555)
$ (11,618)
$ (1,130)
1. The financials show that YTD, we have spent $12,748 more than we have received in income from
pledges, plate and all other income sources.
2. Our current budget shows that our net income is $5,685 less than budgeted year to date..
3. Our current expenses are running $4,555 less than budgeted. Note that a deficit in expenses means we are
under budget in terms of our expenses which helps our overall deficit.
4. Our initial budget included a transfer from the Endowment investments in March. The transfer will actually
be shown in the April financials.
Thank you for your continued support of Christ Church.
Respectfully Submitted
Gerry Marengo - Treasurer
Helpful Hints from the counters!
If you are a few weeks behind on your pledge, there is no need to write a separate check for each week (unless
you want too) one check is absolutely fine. No need to tape your envelope shut, just licking that one little
section really keeps you envelope closed and safe and we won't rip the envelope when we are trying to open it.
You don't need to write your name on your envelope, the number on the envelope indicates who it is from. And,
FYI, if you pledge but requested no envelopes, then you have a "500" number assigned to you. We do send out
quarterly statements, but if you ever want to know if you are up to date or not, just e-mail the office and our
treasure will get back to you with your status.
Ministry Institute
Diocese of New Jersey
A Center for Christian Formation, Spirituality, Ministry Learning, and Development
Workshops-Retreats-Courses-Conferences For Everyone in the Diocese of New Jersey
To learn about courses and/or to register visit their web site at and click Ministry Institute
Episcopal Church website
From the Diocese: Good News in the Garden State: Our Weekly Newsletter
Every week, we’re happy to share Good News in the Garden State with you, our weekly newsletter featuring a
message from Bishop Stokes and news and events from the Diocese; additionally, we include events from our
150 churches in New Jersey, and links to articles around the web with new perspectives and happenings
throughout the Episcopal Church. Copy and paste this link so that you too can sign up to receive this weekly
Donations for the Annual Flea Market
We are looking forward to a successful fundraiser and we appreciate your
donations of time and items for sale. We would like to offer some
guidance for donating items to sell and we thank you for your
1. All Items should be cleaned or wiped down. We are not expecting items to
look like new, but a cursory cleaning will make it easier for our volunteers to
handle the items and also make them more appealing for sale.
2. Any clothing items should be clean … we’re not looking for dry cleaning and
pressing … at least maybe one rinse and dry cycle to make them look and
smell fresh.
3. Make sure any children’s toys or games have all the parts.
4. Let us know what you feel the values of your items are. We want to make sure
we don’t sell an item for $2.00 that may have a legitimate value of $50 or
5. We know the axiom that says one person’s junk is another person’s treasure,
but let’s not be fanatics … if it’s broken, moldy and looks like trash, it
probably is … please give us items that we can sell or donate and throw the
trash out.
May 2015
Holy Eucharist
Adult Bible Study
Holy Eucharist
Church School**
Office closed
Meditation Group
Mother’s Day
Office closed
Holy Eucharist
Adult Bible Study
Holy Eucharist
– Pot Luck
Church School**
Clergy lectionary
group – library
7:00 PM
Finance Meeting
Meditation Group
Holy Eucharist
Adult Bible Study
Pancake Breakfast
Holy Eucharist
Church School**
Office closed
Peak of the Week lunch
Clergy lectionary
group – library
Weekend Old
6:30PM - EFM - Rectory
7-9PM - Knitting Pearls
@ Perky’s
AA Meeting
AA Meeting
Meditation Group
Holy Eucharist
Adult Bible Study
Holy Eucharist &
Memorial Day
Service honoring
Church School**
Office closed
Memorial Day
AA meeting
Weekend Old
Rector’s day off
Diaconate Ordination
Leighton Band Rental
AA meeting
Covenant House
Night of
Broadway Stars
Rector’s day off
St. Gregory’s Choir
AA meeting
6:30PM - EFM - Rectory
7-9PM - Knitting Pearls
@ Perky’s
AA Meeting
6:30PM - EFM - Rectory
7-9PM - Knitting Pearls
@ Perky’s
AA Meeting
AA meeting
Rector’s day off
St. Gregory’s Choir
AA meeting
9:30AM - 11:15AM
Peak of the Week- P.H.
Meditation Group
9:30AM - 11:15AM
Peak of the Week- P.H.
6:30PM - EFM - Rectory
7-9PM - Knitting Pearls
@ Perky’s
AA Meeting
St. Gregory’s Choir
9:30AM - 11:15AM
Peak of the Week- P.H.
Clergy lectionary
group – library
AA meeting
Rector’s day off
St. Gregory’s Choir
AA Meeting
Flea Market
Flea Market
Louise Aders
Memorial Service
Holy Eucharist
Adult Bible Study
Holy Eucharist
Church School**
**CHURCH SCHOOL 9:50AM – 10:40AM - Lower Church School (Pre-K - 4th grade) After Communion - Middle Church School (Grades 5 - 8th)
After the service - Upper Church School (Grades 9 -12th)
Christ Church Shrewsbury
380 Sycamore Avenue
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
[email protected]
The Communications Team reminds you to check the web site for current parish news.
"Be friends with Christ Church Shrewsbury" and then invite your friends to be our friend so
we all can be informed and connected to events in our community.
The Reverend Lisa S. Mitchell, Rector
The Reverend Mary Frances Schjonberg, Priest Associate
The Reverend Victoria Cuff, Deacon
Chris Psolka, Organist/Choirmaster
Casey Surgent, Office Administrator
Jeff Veil, Sexton
Elaine Feyereisen - Senior Warden, Communications
D. Roderick Webster - Junior Warden
Julie Sinn Cassidy – Young Family Initiative (y-fi)
Walter Dein - Property
Corey Folta – Fundraising
Peggy James - Stewardship
Sue Napoletano - Christian Formation
Rita Saible – Parish Life
Sarah Schmid – Commission Support
Rachele Spencer Mikita - Outreach
Patrice Thornton - Membership
Treasurer—Gerry Marengo
Asst. Treasurer--Lynn Marengo
Vestry Clerk – Nancy Stewart
Photo: Jeff Veil
Blessed Easter
photo: Mark Lawrence