LITURGICAL MINISTRY – Oct 26, 2014 Sacristan: Anne Bergh Coordinator of Ministries: Mary Bachar Lector: Beth Huschle / Bernie Eischens Commentator: Bonnie Trucke MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Body of Christ: Carol Marchand Blood of Christ: Bob & Barb Mullan Lori O, Kim H Greeters/Gifts: Joan Benson Bertina Hanson Terri Derby Servers: Adam Olson / Jarrett Merschman Ushers: Frank Bergh / Chuck Galli LITURGICAL MINISTRY – Nov. 2 Sacristan: Adeline Beltz Coordinator of Ministries: Connie Riewer Lector: Carol Marchand / Leroy Riewer Commentator: Cea Arneson MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Body of Christ: Clarissa Dowhower Blood of Christ: Paul D, Gail St. G Lori O, Matt H Greeters/Gifts: Al & Margaret Rusch Molly Carter Servers: Zerian & Zavior Franck Ushers: Pat Hammer / John Gregory LITURGICAL MINISTRY – Nov. 8 -Hunters Mass *Note date change Sacristan: Lee Tobkin Coordinator of Ministries: Bertina Hanson Lector: Art Tobkin-both readings Commentator: Frank Bergh MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Body of Christ: Art Tobkin Blood of Christ: Beth M, Lee Tobkin Greeters/Gifts: Bernie & Alice Eischens Janet Schafer Servers: Hannah & Mekah Agnes Ushers: Bernie E / Tony Schmitz “Whoever sacrifices to any god, save to the Lord only, shall be utterly destroyed.” – Exodus 22:20 Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status or some personal possession greater than your love for God? If so, you may want to pay attention to the scripture reading because you are not going to like the outcome. The good newsit’s not too late to put God first in your life. Sunday Offering October 19, 2014 Adults Loose Children World Mission Loose Total $ 4,207.00 128.00 37.55 192.00 64.00 $4,628.55 THE WORD OF THE LORD Lectors who will be doing the Readings next week, please not the readings specified for the All Souls Day. Reading for next Sunday, Nov 2 First Reading: Wis 3:1-9 Psalm: 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6, Second Readings: Romans 6:3-9 Gospel: John 6:37-40 SIGN UP SHEET FOR SUNDAY HOSPITALITY Each Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. Mass there will be hospitality for those who wish to stay and visit with their fellow parishioners. The purpose is to build community. In order to have this run smoothly there will be a calendar in the Parish Hall kitchen for you to sign up for the Sunday you would like to help provide the hospitality and get the coffee/juice ready. The committee is asking that there be at least 2 couples/families per Sunday. If you have any questions, please contact Matt & Beth Huschle 218-779-2873 or Clarissa Dowhower at 218-556-5520. Thank you. Please pick up your raffle tickets. They are at the front & back of Church. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Stewardship Bits 10 Red Lake Ave. N.W. PO Box 67, Bagley, MN 56621 OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, PRAY FOR US We are to be authentic evangelists, that is, the central gospel message is also to be the center of our own preaching, so that all may clearly hear that they can be saved from the sins that depress and cripple their spirit, and can live a new life in God in his light. It is the one righteous act of the one man Jesus Christ on the cross that does this for us, when we believe and personally trust in him. The message about this is the basic gospel message that we are to preach to the nations. Love & Life Blurbs: Year of Marriage “…the Church is called upon to offer support and guidance, wherever she be, in faithfulness to the Lord’s mandate to proclaim the beauty of family love. The Holy Father encouraged everyone to look with hope to the future and recommended a manner of acting which preserves and fosters love within the family, namely, by saying “Can I? May I?, humility to ask forgiveness.” Preface to the Instrumentum laboris for: II General Assembly October 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Parish Office: 694-6416 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: PARISH STAFF: Pastor: Fr. Manny Sundaram, 218-431-1224 E-Mail: [email protected] Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator - Louann McGlynn 218-281-7895 [email protected] Religious Formation Coordinator: Clarissa Dowhower 218-556-5520 Pastoral Council Chair: Marianne Trcka - 694-2137 Trustees: Mary Bachar - 694-2111 Chuck Galli – 694-6261 Secretary: Terri Derby 694-6386 (In office: Tuesday & Thursday) St. Joseph Adoration: Tuesday, Noon – 6PM Thurs., Oct 30, No Mass Sun., Nov 2, at 10:30 AM Holy Mass Leonard Shereck+ St. Mary's Adoration: Wed, 12 Noon – 8:30PM Wed., Oct. 29, No Mass Fri., Oct 31, 11:30 AM Holy Mass Tom Killian+ Sun., Nov 2, at 8:45 AM Holy Mass For all the deceased members of both parishes The Janitor position is open if anyone is interested. 6-8 hours per week depending upon funerals & weddings. Those who are interested, please feel free to apply for the job. You may obtain job description from the parish office. We sincerely thank Sherri & her crew for the excellent job. FAITH FORMATION November 2, 9, 16 Sundays: K-6th Grade: 9 AM Music, 9:30 – 10:25 Class, 10:30 Mass Release Time- every Wednesday there is school through April 29th, 2015. If your child is in First Grade through 6th grade: please send a note to the school office to release them for sessions. Clarissa will pick up the young people at 1 pm and return them to school in time to ride the bus home. 7th through 12th Grade: Each Wednesday evening 5:30 supper, 6PM to 7:30 PM Class. Parents and Parish family are welcome to participate. ARISE The final six week session of ARISE is set to begin the week of October 5th. Groups will meet Sunday at 9:00 AM, Tuesday at 6:30 PM, and Thursday morning at 10:00 AM. Please notify Bonnie Trucke 694-2271 or Dianna Bromaghin 6942514 if you plan to attend. You will get the books at class. All are welcome, old members and new. LIGHT HOUSE MEDIA CDs: How many of us make use of the Light House Media Cds, which are very Catholic down to earth, my dear friends? They are for you! Let us use those Cds and learn more about our faith. If you come across any other good CDs please let us know and we can order it. Northwoods Caregivers –Bagley 2nd Tuesday, 5-6:30 PM Faith Lutheran Church, 32 Bagley Ave. NW We will meet in the church Library Sponsored by a grant from Land of the Dancing Sky area Agency on Aging For Info. Call Carol Priest 218-333-8265 or 888-534-4432 Next St. Ann’s Guild Mtg. Nov. 18 at 2 PM * Deer Hunters Mass is Nov 8, at 7:30PM “Lord, Your Word is a Lamp for my feet, a Light to my Path.” Psalm 119:105. We Have started the Bible Study for Adults on 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of every month. In November it will be on 5th & 19th, at 6 -7:30 PM. This year’s topic will be: “Catholicism – A Journey to the Heart of our Faith,” by Fr. Robert Barron, a DVD presentation. Next time we will deal with chapter three: Those who like to participate, please join us on at 5:30 for light supper before we begin our classes. May God Bless You! CATHEDRAL HARVEST FESTIVAL Come Join Us! All are Welcome! Sunday, October 26, 2014 Serving 11:00 AM – 3:00PM Knights of Columbus Walleye Fish Fry or Ham Dinner, Country Store, Bingo, Silent Auction, Raffles, Candy/Fudge, and more booths. Dinner and some booths hosted at adjoining Mount Saint Benedict due to ongoing renovations. $11.00 – 9 –Adult, 5.00 Children ages 3-8 Under 3 Free Cathedral Church, 702 Summit Ave., Crookston ONE DAY RETREAT FOR ST. MARY'S AND ST. JOSEPH PARISHES: The Topic for the Retreat is: Blessed are the Married: The Beatitudes as a guide for Christian Marriage (Matthew 5: 1-12). Presented by Dr. Mark and Julie Krejci. It will take place at St. Mary's church,Fosston, on Saturday, Nov. 22, starting with checking-in at 8: 15 AM. It will be concluded at 5:00 PM with the HOLY MASS, which can be considered as your Sunday obligation Mass. Let us benefit from this retreat. We hope to see you all! The Beatitudes will guide couples on this retreat as they consider how to enrich their marital lives. Couples will see how the Beatitudes can deepen and strengthen their on-going marital sacrament and time in prayer will be used for reflection on the Beatitudes and Christian marriage. As the day progresses, the presenters will reflect on the connection between each Beatitude and how they are connected to specific aspects of healthy marital living. Couples will consider such things as listening, communication, empathy, forgiveness, and how to keep marriage and Christ at the center of life. Mark and Julie Krejci have been married for 30 years and are members of St. Joseph’s Parish in Moorhead, Minnesota. They both have their graduate degrees in Counseling Psychology from the University of Notre Dame. Mark is a professor of psychology at Concordia College and is in the Deacon Formation Program for the Diocese of Crookston and Julie is a school counselor in the Fargo Public Schools. CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL & HEALING PRAYER SERVICE: We shall have Catholic Charismatic Renewal & Healing Prayer Service on Sunday, Nov. 16th, at St. Joseph's Church, Bagley as a joint-parish event. It will start at noon and be over by 4:00 PM. There will be light lunch provided at 11:30 AM. IT will be conducted by Brendan Case from Arizona. To know more about him, please visit his website ( It is a rare and wonderful opportunity to renew ourselves in the Spirit of the Lord and be healed in the Lord, our Savior. Let us benefit from it. There will be more detail in the next week's bulletin. God bless! Tuesday, October 28: “Bombing the Big Bog and Bemidji Naval Base WWII”. Doug Easthouse Learn about the history of the Big Bog as a target range in the 40’s & 50’s, including the use of the naval air base in Bemidji, We will discuss some of the military events that have occurred on Upper Red Lake and the Red Lake Peatlands. Mr. Easthouse researched primary sources in the Waskish area for this interesting recording of history during and after World War II. All are Welcome. ALL: Adventures in Lifelong Learning is organized exclusively to provide opportunities for continued lifelong learning in the Bemidji area. It is intended that ALL programs will assist participants to improve their critical thinking skills and appreciate the diversity of human experience through presentation. FALL, 2014 ALL: Meets Tuesdays, September 23November 11, 2014: 10-11:30 am at Beltrami Electric Roger Spiry Community Room, 4111 Technology Dr NW. Come Join Us! All are Welcome! SAFETY MEASURES TAKEN AT THE VOTIVE CANDLE STAND "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" Ps. 34: 18. Dear friends, Some of us asked, "Is it safe to light the candles in the votive candle stand or should we put it off when we leave the church?" It was discussed at our last Pastoral Council meeting. All the safety measures, prescribed by the Diocesan insurance policy, has been taken care of and therefore it is safe to light the candles and leave it to extinguish by itself. We request you not to allow your kids near the votive candle stand. If they want to light candles, let the parents or the guardians be with them. After lighting the candle, please place the used matchstick inside the glass container kept on the stand. Let us make use of this opportunity to offer our prayers and petitions to the Lord, who "hears the cry of the poor", as Ps. 34: 6 says. God bless.
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