Christ King Parish Wauwatosa, WI Christ King Parish Wauwatosa, WI March 2015 March29, 22nd, 2015 Christ King Parish Wauwatosa, WI March 22nd, 2015 2 Christ King Parish CHURCH CALENDAR Reminder: for Palm Sunday Masses Come to the Gym First Saturday, March 28th Mass for the Lord’s Day JH 4:30 PM †John C. Lochbaum (Jim & Mary Manto) Sunday, March 29th Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord PB 8:00 AM For Parishioners of Christ King PB 10:30 AM †Gerald Emmerich (Gerald Ward) 6:00 PM Tosa Trio Youth Ministry Mass at St. Pius X Monday, March 30th Monday of Holy Week 7:35 AM Daily Rosary PB 8:00 AM †Kathie O’Brien Daily (Family) Tuesday, March 31st Tuesday of Holy Week 7:35 AM Daily Rosary 8:00 AM †Mary Klein (Virginia Randolph) No Reconciliation Period this Evening 7:00 PM Family Rosary — Use 91st St. Entrance Wednesday, April 1st Wednesday of Holy Week 7:35 AM Daily Rosary RT 8:00 AM †James Johnston (Family) Holy Thursday, April 2nd Mass of the Lord’s Supper PB 7:00 PM †Joanne O’Brien (Family) Good Friday, April 3rd Friday of the Passion of the Lord PB 3:00 PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion First Saturday, April 4th Holy Saturday No Reconciliation Period this Morning 1:00 PM Blessing of Food Easter Vigil PB 8:00 PM Intention to be Determined Easter Sunday, April 5th Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord JH 8:00 AM For Parishioners of Christ King PB 10:30 AM †Carol Higgins (Jim Higgins Family) PB=Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki JH=Very Rev. John Hemsing RT=Rev. Russ Tikalsky Blessing of Food The Polish custom of Święconka, the blessing of Easter food and wine, has become a tradition here at Christ King. Easter foods are symbolic of our liberation from the dietery laws of the Old Testament as well as from the Church’s Lenten fasting laws. Food and Easter baskets will be blessed at Christ King on Holy Saturday at 1:00 PM. THIS WEEK Sun. 29 Parish Library Open, both Masses Wed. 1 The Gospel at Breakfast, 7:00 AM, Contact Ray Clark at 262-628-7470 Thu. 2 Men’s Ministry, doors open at 5:45 AM, breakfast and meeting begin at 6:00 AM, Parish Center Sun. 5 EASTER SUNDAY COMING UP AT CHRIST KING Apr. Apr. 13 Common Meeting Night, 6:30 PM, Church 16 Simply the Word Discipleship Study Begins, also April 23rd, 30th and May 7th. Apr. 17-18 Called and Gifted Workshop Session 2, Friday 7:00-9:00 PM and Saturday 8:30 AM-12:00 Noon May 18 Common Meeting Night, 6:30 PM, Church Pray for the Sick Please pray for the following with acute health problems this week and for all those in nursing homes and those with continuing health concerns: Austin Sobczak, Cheryl Bausch, Will Jauch, Kathi Burwell, Antonia Studenec, Joan Bielefeld, Elaine Fernando, Eli Anderson, Maureen Ivans, Sharon Jensen, Barbara Tyler, Frank Kohler, Don Hanbury, Tom Stepp, Steven Neitzke, Michael Harvey, Brian Higgins, Janice Higgins, Teagan Lane, Craig Baker, Jimmy Higgins, Jane Gamez, Carol Machulak, Ruth Murphy, Lois Dries, Savanna Heltemes, Ray Palmieri, Doug Shears, Dolores Schendt, Fr. Luke Strand, Angeline Garner, Margie Makal, Ann K. Reconciliation Schedule Please note that there will be no period for Individual Reconciliation this Tuesday evening or Holy Saturday Morning. Readings Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2: 6-11/Mk 14:1-15:47 Monday: Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33,36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9/Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Ex 12:1-8,11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13-53:12/Heb 4:14-16;5:7-9/Jn 18:1-19:42 Saturday: Gn 1:1-2:2/Gn 22:1-18/Ex 14:15-15:1/Is 54: 5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15,32-4:4/Ez 36:1617,18-28/Rom 6:3-11/Mk 16:1-7 Next Sunday: Acts 10:34,37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6-8/Jn 20: 1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 3 Financial Report Area Holy Week / Easter Schedules Week #37 (Weekend of March 28th/29th) Regular Stewardship .............................................. $ 21,180.85 Offertory ................................................................ $ 743.45 Total for Week ....................................................... $ 21,924.30 For your convenience, Holy Week / Easter services at our neighborhood parishes are as follows: Good Friday Collection St. Pius X Holy Thursday............................................. 7:00 PM Good Friday ................................................ 7:00 PM Holy Saturday Easter Vigil ......................... 8:00 PM Easter Sunday ..................... 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM The special collection on Good Friday is for the shrines and people of the Holy Land. Few places in the world are as precious to Catholics as the holy places where Jesus Christ, our Savior walked and taught...lived and died. The work done by the Franciscan Friars for the pilgrims, the native Christians and the poor of every faith depends in great part on your generous support. Mother of Good Counsel Holy Thursday............................................. 7:00 PM Good Friday ................................................ 1:00 PM Holy Saturday Easter Vigil ......................... 8:00 PM Easter Sunday ........................................... 10:00 AM Year to Date Total.................................................. $ 999,163.37 Office Hours The Parish Office will close for the day at 12:00 Noon on Good Friday. The office will be closed all day on Monday, April 6th. Please plan your business accordingly. St. Bernard Holy Thursday............................................. 6:30 PM Good Friday ................................................ 1:00 PM Holy Saturday Blessing of Food .............. 11:00 AM Holy Saturday Easter Vigil ......................... 7:30 PM Easter Sunday ..................... 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Hungering for Seeds of Home school. “It was the perfect way to use my passion to create nutritious meals for people in need.” We follow Jesus this week on our Lenten journey as he enters into Jerusalem, a community he knew well. CRS Rice Bowl asks us, too, to prayerfully enter into our own communities, to find those who are hungry and thirsty, who need our help. How does our Lenten journey motivate us to serve those we encounter in our daily lives? Lois and her fellow volunteers make a special effort to ensure the meals are nutritious, knowing that for many guests, it’s the only time they’re able to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Served at every meal is a salad made with fresh greens from the Garden of Feedin’ just outside the center. Albany’s Story of Hope The community garden outside the Sister Maureen Joyce Center was once an abandoned lot in a low-income neighborhood in Albany, New York. Today, it provides fresh fruits and vegetables to the center’s soup kitchen, where nearly 130 people gather three times a week for a lunch made from scratch by volunteers like Lois Keefrider. Lois praises the Garden of Feedin’ and the fresh produce it provides. But for the people she serves, it’s about more than the food. “It’s a whole-community aspect of being around the table,” says Lois. “Many of these people are homeless and this is their home, this is their family.” The abandoned-lot-turned-fruitful-garden is a symbol of the center’s mission: to bring hope—and a home—to neighbors who are struggling. Whether they’ve just lost their job, or have been battling an addiction for years, everyone and anyone is welcome. “There is no requirement to walk in the door,” says Lois, who began volunteering as a chef in 2007 to fulfill requirements for culinary But the garden is more than a place to grow food; it brightens up a neighborhood composed of concrete, abandoned lots, addiction and unemployment. “These people’s lives are so difficult-in a way that my sons and I can never fathom,” says Maria Barbieri, whose teenaged sons, Charlie and Michael, started the Garden of Feedin.’ “The idea that we can, in some tiny way, communicate with them that they matter, that their neighborhood matters and that they deserve to have beauty outside their window just like everyone else—that is important to me.” In addition to the soup kitchen and community garden, the Sister Maureen Joyce Center houses a food pantry that supplies 300 households per month with nutritious food and cooking supplies. Young families with children are able to obtain diapers, formula, clothing and strollers at Mary’s Corner, the center’s ministry for young families. The Sister Maureen Joyce Center receives funding from CRS Rice Bowl donations—from the 25 percent designated for local use by the Diocese of Albany’s CRS Rice Bowl collection. Faith, service and stewardship Triduum See the insert in today’s bulletin with details on the Triduum, the most important liturgical days of the year. Are you willing to give this time to the Lord? Please be present for some or all of these three sacred days. Some Words of Thanks for the Auction Last Saturday the parish’s main social event, our parish auction, took place at the Peck Pavilion at the Zoo. I hope in the future you will consider attending as the event is really spectacular. Most importantly, it is “fun.” There are many ways to raise money, but to have the broad spectrum of parishioners present as we did on Saturday, and for all to have a really relaxed and enjoyable time, is hard to grasp. The fun atmosphere is most important to me. On top of that, it is an important fundraiser for the mission of the parish. We will know totals later, after the bills are paid. I am happy to report that the spontaneous “raise the paddle” ask in the middle of the auction resulted in an additional $35,000 toward a special concrete project that is both important for the parish and has been stubborn to get moving. The money last year handled an important roof repair, saving us money long-term. This year’s ask was to finally upgrade our web presence through a high quality, well thought out combined parish website. Additional funds will be used to continue to update our parish technology infrastructure for increased efficiency in communication and work, and to provide the best educational options available for our children. Thanks for all who supported that special request and I’m glad we’ve addressed a long standing problem head on. Thank you to Elissa and Brandon Bowlin for chairing the event, along with many volunteers who worked very hard. And thanks to all of you who attended and supported this event. It certainly was our parish at one of our better moments. See you at Mass, Fr. Phillip Simply the word Simply the WORD Catholic Scripture Study What are you doing about your call to live as Jesus’ disciple? Do you know what you should be doing about your call to live as Jesus’ disciple? Simply the WORD is offering a four-week Scripture study in which we will learn about Jesus’ call to discipleship, and how it applies to each of us. In this short study, entitled Jesus’ Disciple—Me, Myself, and I, we will explore Jesus’ discipleship call as explained in the Gospel of St. Luke. The dates for our Discipleship Study are Thursday April 16, 23, 30, and May 7. Simply the WORD’s morning session meets Thursday mornings from 9:15-11:00 am, and our evening session is from 6:30-8:15pm. We meet in the Christ King Parish Center 2604 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa (enter on 91st street through the double white doors north of the Church). Newcomers are welcome to join us for this short exploration of Jesus’ call to be His disciple. To register, or for more information, contact Cindy Schmidt [email protected] or 414.476.2413 (current Simply the WORD participants need not re-register). Hunger Taskforce 75 Minutes of Service – Hunger Taskforce Stockbox build Last Fall we had information and signups for these Hunger Task Force projects. The dates were changed due to availability. Our first night for this will be taking place on April 14th from 5-8 PM. The second date is May 7th from 5-8 PM. We need between 15 – 25 volunteers on both nights to help build food stock boxes for seniors. This is for 12 and over and must be able to lift 30 pounds. I will be contacting those families that signed up in the fall. Please call or email me if you are interested in helping us for this event. Human Concerns - Steve Obscherning – 414559-9146 or [email protected] Called and Gifted Workshops Called & Gifted: Discerning Charisms God has given you a special set of gifts; do you know what they are? Shouldn’t you want to know what they are? The Called & Gifted workshop will give you the opportunity to discern and explore your unique spiritual gifts. A Called & Gifted workshop will be held Fri-Sat April 17/18. When: Session 2 Friday, April 17, 7:00-9:00pm and Saturday, April 18, 8:30am-noon Where: Christ King Parish Center Cost: $20.00 Registration: Registration for each session is limited to 30 participants. Register at [email protected] or 414-258-2604. Questions: Contact Cindy [email protected] or 414-476-2413 Schmidt, schmidtcyn- Holy Thursday Food Donation As in previous years, all parishioners attending the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday are encouraged to bring with them a non-perishable food item that will be collected in baskets at both entrances and will then be presented with the rest of the gifts in the offertory procession. This food will then be donated to the food pantry in our community. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Triduum If the liturgical year can be compared to a wedding ring worn to remember our covenant with Christ, the Triduum would be its jewel! We celebrate the mystery of Christ crucified, buried into oblivion, then risen into inextinguishable light. For this three day celebration, time stands still, the boundaries between past, present, and future dissolve. On Easter Eve, light is created, Isaac’s life is spared, and the Red Sea opens as we keep vigil to welcome Christ risen from the dead. Come!! Bring friends! April 2nd, Holy Thursday Mass at 7 pm April 3rd, Good Friday Service at 3 pm April 4th, Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00 pm April 5th, Easter Sunday Masses at 8:00 & 10:30 am The experience is unforgettable! Annual Lenten food drive Our Lenten food drive will run through Sunday, March 29th. The donations will be delivered to the Wauwatosa Community Food Pantry. This organization is always in need of non-perishable food items such as canned fruits and vegetables, soups and protein items such as tuna, peanut butter, pasta and beef stew. As in the past, please place your items in the front of church by the altar of the Blessed Mother. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 6 Volunteer Opportunities Sojourner Family Peace Center See You at Mass! Mar. 27th-29th Confirmation Retreat II: Info for parents. Depart by bus Friday 6:15 PM from Christ King parking lot. Return to Christ King parking lot Sunday by 12:45 PM. Please pray for the retreat team and participants. Next Up! Mass with Class on March 29th, April 19th and 26th. Parish Appeals for the Mission Trip to the Appalachian Mountain Range March 7th & 8th started at Christ King (the Tosa Trio Teens thank you!!) March 14th and 15th at St. Bernard March 21st and 22nd at St. Pius X Lenten Outreach Project Capuchin Hygiene Bags, collection ends March 29th. See items for donation at Questions? Please call Barb at 414-322-0298 or e-mail [email protected] or visit Weekend for Separated / Divorced April 17th-19th, Schoenstatt Retreat Center in Waukesha Designed to help each participant embark on a new phase of life. It is an opportunity for divorced persons to pause and examine their lives — their strong points and weaknesses, their hurts, disappointments, joys and frustrations. It is a weekend of involvement. $150 cost includes five meals and lodging for the weekend (financial assistance available). Register by April 10th by calling 414-758-2201 or visit Mass of Chrism This Tuesday, March 31st, at 7:30 PM the Church of Southeastern Wisconsin gathers to celebrate the Mass of Chrism, a special liturgy at which Archbishop Listecki blesses the Oils of the Sick and Catechumens, and consecrates the Oil of Chrism. This year’s celebration at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist will also be available via live steam by visiting Women and men are needed days, evenings and weekends to volunteer at Sojourner Family Peace Center. There are opportunities to volunteer on the Domestic Violence Hotline, with battered women and their children at their shelter, Sojourner Truth House, with children at Belle Resource Center, and various other opportunities. A minimum of three hours each week for six months is requested. A 16 1/2 hour evening training program begins on April 14th and continues on April 16th, 21st, 23rd, 28th and 30th from 5:30 to 8:15 PM. All evenings are required. For further information, call 933-2722 by April 3rd. Reach Out Reach In Reach Out Reach In, July 12th through 17th, is a unique opportunity for teens ages 15-18 to roll up their sleeves and dig into the good work being done by community organizations that meet the needs of the poor and vulnerable within the Archdiocese. Teens serve others, experience community, learn and pray together. Scholarships are available. To learn more, contact Mary Osep at 414-541-9470, ext 15, or visit March 29, 2015 7 Sacraments Baptism: Please call the Rectory about the baptism preparatory session, which must be completed before the baptism. Arrangements should be made several months in advance. An explanation of sponsor requirements is available at the Rectory. Reconciliation: Individual Confessions are heard in church at 9:00 AM each Saturday and Thursday nights at 6:00 PM (unless otherwise noted). Marriage: Please make arrangements with a parish priest at least one year in advance because of preparation requirements. Tri-Parish Collaboration Christ King is fortunate to work in collaboration with two other Wauwatosa parishes to coordinate our activities and maximize our resources. They are: St. Pius X, 2506 Wauwatosa Ave., 414-453-3875 Weekend Masses: Sat. 5:00 PM; Sun. 8:00 & 10:15 AM Weekday Masses: Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat., 4:00-4:30 PM St. Bernard, 7474 Harwood Ave., 414-258-4320 Weekend Masses: Sat. 4:00 PM; Sun. 8:00 & 10:00 AM Weekday Masses: Mon., Tue., Wed. & Fri. 8:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. 3:00 PM Christ King Parish Offices 2604 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa WI 53226 Phone: 414-258-2604 Fax: 414-258-1993 Parish website: E-mail: [email protected] Pastor: ......................................... Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki, ext. 20 Parish Deacon: ............................... Rev. Deacon John A. Ebel, ext. 18 Director of Administrative Services: ........... Kathleen Grasse, ext. 12 Director of Finance: ............................................... Ron Braier, ext. 34 Director of Liturgical Music:................................ Bill Lieven, ext. 22 Director of Liturgy: ........................................ Maggie Pernice, ext. 23 Director of Formation for Children:................ Abigail Kohal, ext. 33 Daytime Secretaries (8:30 AM-5:00 PM): .......... Ann Murtha, ext. 10 .... Shelley Harrington, ext. 10 Evening Secretary (5:00-9:00 PM): ....................... Bill Meyer, ext. 17 Becoming Catholic…. Have you ever thought about taking the next step? Perhaps you have never been part of a Christian community or never been baptized, but now you have felt drawn to begin this journey of faith in Jesus Christ. Perhaps you’ve been baptized and raised in another Christian tradition, but now you want to continue your life of faith in the Catholic Church ... or at least explore what that means. If either of these describes you, we would very much like to hear from you. We want to listen to your story of faith or non-faith, answer your questions, and share with you the beauty, truth, and wonder of the Catholic faith. If you want to know more, please contact the Parish Office at 414-258-2604. Christ King School 414-258-4160 2646 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa 53226 School Website: Principal:.............................................................. Dr. Kevin F. Hughes Youth Ministry 414-322-0298 Director of Youth Ministry:............................................... Barb Abler SPRED (Special Religious Development) 414-607-7008 Chairperson: ........................ Eileen Wingenter, [email protected] Greater Tosa Interfaith 414-453-5750 Director: ........................................................................... Diane Euting
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