Christ Lutheran Church seeks to be a Growing, grace centered Church Reaching out to all people Actively impacting our Community, our world and ourselves through an Evolving and relevant faith that reflects the love of Christ. DaySpring MAY 2015 THIS MONTH: Youth Leadership Excursion© TEAM NIGHT Tuesday, May 11, 7 pm COUNCIL MEETING Sponsored by Tuesday, May 19, 7 pm Christ Lutheran Hellertown CCT Date: Sunday, May 31 Tuesday, May 12, 7 pm PRAYER SHAWL Wednesday, May 6 & May 20, 7 pm LAST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL May 17 Time: 12 Noon – ::00 PM It’s Festival Time! Sign-Up Now, Space is limited to 16 participants GGrades -12 Wednesday, May 13 Saturday, May 16, 6— PM The Leadership Excursion© is an engaging Have You Heard? You can listen to Pastor Phil’s SERMONS on our web site. Click on the Communications tab, then Sermons. Or click here to go to the page. Christ Lutheran 69 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 18055 What is the Leadership Excursion? workshop that includes group discussion and team activities in a fun outdoor environment. The Leadership Excursion is designed to stimulate thinking, cultivate insights and develop leadership perspective. Click here for flyer. Connections for the Journey Parts equals the Whole, but truthfully it’s responsible for connecting people to one the connections that make those pieces a another, connecting people to the mission of whole. this church, and connecting people to God. by Pastor Phil Spohn The leadership of this church is struggling to Connections are vitally important in a W define our new organizational structure. church. In our culture we say, “It’s not what This is a good thing that I want to encour- you know but who you know”. Who you age. We’re struggling with it because it know speaks about your relationships and hen I went to school I learned that, “The Sum of the Parts equals the Whole”. Did you learn that? Cut up a blue berry pie into 8 slices, measure one of those slices and multiply it by 8 and you have “The Whole”. Today we know that might be true with numbers, but whenever we measure or analyze anything out of its context we miss something. We miss the ability to measure all the “connections” it has with its environment. Yes to some degree the Sum of the matters and we have a variety connections with others. Connecting with of opinions. Know that we are others is important within our church. Con- working to make sure the necting with others is important for our- organizational structure of selves also. We don’t live in isolation and this church will aid in the our connections or relationships with others accomplishment of our mis- is essential for life. sion. Remember you are not a slice of pie, or an I mention this, because one individual for that matter. You are part of thing we all feel is “Right” is something bigger. You are part of something our “Connections Team”. We bigger going on here, also! I hope you know are moving from the old mod- that and feel comfortable in asking ques- el of 12 teams, Evangelism, tions, getting involved, and sharing your Youth, Christian Education, perspective. In other words, Get Connected! Worship and Music etc., ….to only 6 teams. One of those 6 teams, “Connections” feels right for everyone. The connections team is I woke up this morning and noticed quietness in my mind. Hey! That little irritating Old Judge God was gone. Gone. Recently he had morphed from a sad, black-frocked stern judge into a strict and insane referee wearing a smelly black-and-white-striped shirt. Well, no crazy referee will monitor my moves today. He’s gone. I tolerated this imagined guy for over sixty years. For forty of those years I denied him, though he kept on judging me. For the last twenty years I mostly let him nag, let him be, didn’t fight with him or take him seriously. But Heaven knows he was a bother. Today he is gone. Gone! I breathe better now, feel lighter, am more present to my holy self. Ahhh. His little black-and-white self is off my inner field. His game is over. Now I can play my heart out. Mary Flannagan Come Join the Journey f you are thinking of sending your child to Volunteers Needed for Camp Work Day! camp for the first time, our Lutheran Bear Creek Camp’s annual Work YOUTH Bear Creek Camp I Church Camp, Bear Creek, offers several Day will be Saturday, May 2. ways to become acquainted with the camp. We still need more volunteers Start by visiting There are to help out! photos and video clips galore! Families are We will start with a breakfast at 8:15 invited to attend Family Camp on Memorial am and work projects starting at 9. Day Weekend. Our congregation has many Lunch will be provided and we will families who will attest to the wonderful work into the afternoon. There will $100 scholarship from Christ Lutheran be many work projects for all abili- Hellertown for each camper attending. ties and skills in preparation for $20 discount for church members because Summer Camp and we could use Try-Camp for the first graders. we have a Bear Creek Ambassador. Just your help! Come and join in on the If you plan to attend camp, please sign up on mail a coupon (posted on the bulletin fun of getting Bear Creek Camp the list located on the bulletin board across board near the church office) with your ready for summer! from the office so that others will know who paper registration or enter the code on Simply email or call the office the coupon when registering online. [email protected], First time to camp discount (not 570.472.3741 to register yourself, applicable for Try-Camp). your family or a church group! experiences their children have had at Bear 1. Creek. Programs are offered for campers completing grades 1-12, beginning with 2. is going and when. Someone may need a camp buddy or a family to carpool with. 3. Contact our ambassador Kathy Paskewicz for more information at 610-691-1790 or 4. Sibling discount. [email protected]. 5. New this year: $25 off if you bring a Bear Creek Camp and our church offers friend (up to 8 per camper!) financial assistance to families to make it More scholarship money may be available for easier to attend camp. Here is list of the families with the greatest need. discounts offered: Square Mileage to Detroit Help our Youth get to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit this Bear Creek Canoe Trip Session 3 GJuly :-11 summer! Choose an envelope from the bulletin board in the Narthex, then return it to the plate or the office. This week-long trip is for Senior Campers, Grades 9-12, and is split into two parts. Campers will develop and use their sense of adventure and outdoor living skills by spending the first half of the week, three days and two nights, canoeing on the Delaware River. The second half of the week, two days and two nights, they will live out their faith by serving those in need in Philadelphia. Cost is $575 Space is limited to 10 campers Click to REGISTER Teddy Bears Bring Smiles The youth group is selling Teddy Bears to be donated and delivered to local hospitals and rehabilitation centers to help bring some comfort and a smile to a child. Bear donations are $10 each, or 3 for $25. Donate online by clicking here. Quilt Raffle CARE GIVING G.I.F.T. at the Church Family Festival 9 pm Blood Drive (Gift-card it Forward Today) 1st prize – Queen size quilt donated Friday, May , 2:00 - ::00 pm We have all seen Angels on earth, by Quilters (photo below) Miller Keystone sole blood suppliers will be at who better the lives of those around 2nd prize – $50 Giant gift card Christ Lutheran on Friday, May 8 from 4-7 pm. Go them and give of their time and ten- 3rd prize – $50 Valley Farm gift card to and schedule your appointment der hearts to those in need. You can 4th prize – $25 Giant gift card donat- on line. If you have questions call Sandy Bender at nominate your Angel for a gift card to ed by Elaine Hunsicker 484-851-3121 or Lenore Spohn at 610-838-6718. We let them know they are loved and 2nd prize – $25 DiMaio’s gift card would be happy to schedule your appointment. appreciated. Fill out a GIFT Nomina- Drawing will be Saturday, May 16, 201: donated by the Karpas tion Form in the Narthex and drop it Donation: $1 per ticket; $5 for 6 tick- Care to Share ets. Need not be present to win! Brand new items, or in the case of medical 6th prize – Twin size quilt donated by Quilters 1. Like-new shower stool Baseball Season is JUST around the 2. Like-new green walker with attractive corner! Come join us at the Iron Pigs material (removable) carry bag Stadium on Sunday, September 6, New CVS brand True result blood sugar 2015 for the 1:35 pm game. Dugout monitoring meter start up kit Suite. $46 per ticket that includes 4. Safety arm rails for toilet buffet, non-alcoholic drinks and 5. Exercise pedals 6. Shower chair 7. 2 pair of new L/XL HeelWell 8. Soft Ease suspenders (to position foot, heal 3. We will be hosting a Saturday, June 6, 201:, am – 2 pm Christ Lutheran Church Parking Lot Spaces are $10 each (BYO tables) Benefits CLC Youth trip to Youth Gathering. Concession stand will be available. For inquiries or to reserve a space, please sign up in the narthex or contact: Lenore Spohn [email protected] or 610-838-6817 at 610-216-8310. claim an item. 610-691-5289 or [email protected] to donate or Flea Market form online. More info: call Peg Eure Baseball 2015 equipment, like new. Contact Enid Rank at Want to clear out the items you never use? in the box provided, or fill out the pressure ulcers, to treat foot drop) 9. 60 cans of Promote brand 10. Nutritional tube feeding, and feeding pump and pole for tube feed administration. Life Line Screening Thursday, May :, 201: Protect your health by finding out your risk of having a stroke by participating in the Life Line Screening that will be at Christ Lutheran Church Hellertown. Visit community-partners, or take just three minutes to learn more about Life Line Screening by watching a short three-minute video: Call 1-800-772-8260 to register for screenings, or register online. parking. Please let Alice Karpa know if you are interested in joining. Family and friends are WELCOME! Call 610-838-4843 or [email protected] MAY 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 pm N-A 10 11 TEAM NIGHT 7 pm N-A 17 18 Breakfast Buffet Baptism Sunday New Members Baptism Class 7 pm N-A 24 25 Single Service 9:30 am Closed for Memorial Day 7 pm N-A 31 1 Education Sunday 11:15 Youth Group Mtg. DaySpring Deadline 7 pm N-A Blood Drive 6 pm Weight Watch 6:15 pm Chimes 6:30 pm GIGGLES 7 pm Choir 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 12 6 pm Weight Watch 6:15 Chimes 3:45 pm Comm.Class 7 pm Choir 7 pm CCT 7 pm LVDA (SL) 19 3:45 pm Comm.Class 6 pm Weight Watch 6:15 pm Chimes 6:30 pm GIGGLES 7 pm Council 7 pm Choir 13 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 7 pm CLCT 10 am Dominoes 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 26 8 am Soup 3:45 pm Comm.Class 6 pm Weight Watch 6:15 pm Chimes 6:30 pm GIGGLES 7 pm Choir 27 28 29 8:30 am Quilters 9 am New Bethany 6 pm Zumba 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 7 pm AA 2 3:45 pm Comm.Class 6:30 pm GIGGLES 6 pm Weight Watch 6:15 pm Chimes 7 pm Choir 3 4 5 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 7 pm AA Ushers & Greeters Needed! Find out how easy it is to be an usher or greeter. Pick your Sunday ~ even if only a few times a year. Our Welcoming Team will accommodate your personal Sunday schedule. Lois Apple is eager to talk to you ~ see her in the Narthex, or call her 610-8388418, or email [email protected] Life Line Screening 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 14 FAMILY FESTIVAL 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 20 7 pm AA 15 FAMILY FESTIVAL 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 21 16 FAMILY FESTIVAL FAMILY FESTIVAL 7 pm AA 22 Food Bank Open 23 Food Bank Open 7 pm AA 30 6 Church Music Sunday Sunday, June 14, Organ Recital (after 9:30 am worship service) An organ presentation will follow worship on Sunday, June 14. A covered dish luncheon in Fellowship Hall will conclude the program. Please sign up in the Narthex. Worship Volunteer Schedule Altar Guild for Month: Kathy Paskewicz, Leanne Weirback MAY 3 10 17 Time 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am Acolyte Emma Patterson Olivia Harley Maia Merriman Lydia Apple Kurt Pepper Cantor Sharon Harley Enid Rank Gary Reinbold Linda Reinbold Norine Enot Communion Servers Alice & Mike Karpa Pastor’s Assistant Jan Weirback Readers Deborah Martin Mel Jones Jeanette Boos Anne Baum Leigh Feather Greeter Dave & Terry Long Wendy Fritchman Lois Apple Nancy Stern Lois Apple Usher Team Alice & Mike Karpa Dianne Herstich Desiree Grube David & Donna Shankweiler Chadd Hamman Richard Koehler Scott, Susan, Rober & Kathy Miller Kelly & Adam Raab Lois Apple Nursery Ursula Merriman Aaron Harley Jackie Jacoby David & Donna Amanda Borovies Shankweiler Diana & Faith Doll Katherine Paskewicz Amanda Borovies Coffee Hour Mary Ann Horvath Betty DeLeon Janice Unangst Kathryn Cawley Lee Wagner Elaine Hunsinger Louise Wagner Lorita Musselman Matt Sterner Kit Jones Gina Savant Anne Baum Jen Laub Roses Ackerman Debbie Opitz Terry Long Time 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am Acolyte Abigail Shankweiler Maya Stoeckley Avery Audet Worship Assistant Dave Long Michele Gubish Patty Jo Ivenz Communion Servers Kurt & Enid Rank Pastor’s Assistant Carolyn Raudenbush Readers Jennifer Pluim Brett Szabo Lenore Spohn Usher / Greeter Corky & Kim Blake Judy Atherholt Lois Apple Barbara & Bob Pasternak Nursery Lisa Cawley & Daughters Verity Averill Joslynn Rose Leigh Feather Joslynn Rose Powerpoint Brynne Szabo Camryn Zavacky Jamie Bodor Ron & Jan Weirbach De Del Re Donna Bergstresser 24 Memorial Day Weekend 9:30 am 31 9:30 am Thank you for volunteering. If you are unable to serve on your scheduled date, please switch with another volunteer and notify the church office at 610.838.0400. Also, please be sure to sign in when you arrive on your scheduled Sunday. to the Food Bank. BCC’s Golf Fore Kids Event Current Needs: We are asking people to do- Prayer and Encouragement June 2 nate cereal and soup for the Post Office Letter Our openings this month were led by long Carriers Food Drive on Saturday, May 9. time volunteers Dave Goerlich and Patsy Donations Shoudt. We received generous donations of food this Numbers month from: We continued to average 12 families more than Girl Scout Troop 8010, cookies, of course! a year ago. Offering greater choice and also Lower Saucon U.C.C. Christ Lutheran’s sign announcing the Food Christ Lutheran, Hellertown Bank are probably both factors helping us to Christ Lutheran, Lower Saucon better serve people in need in our community. St Luke’s, Old Williams Gardens St. Theresa’s If you have extra vegetable starts (tomatoes, St. George’s peppers, etc.), they would be welcomed by our Saucon Valley 6th Graders. Their teacher, people. You can bring them to New Jerusalem Ed Kolosky, sets a theme each week for On Saturday, May 16th or 23rd beginning at 7:30 donations: breakfast, tacos, green foods, am. Community Food Bank at New Jerusalem soups, etc. We also received generous monetary donations from the Hellertown Lions Club and from the many Giant shoppers who said, “Yes,” when asked recently if they wanted to donate Thanks for all you do! Register to Take A Swing at Helping Kids Come to Camp Join in on the annual Bear Creek Camp Golf Fore Kids Tournament and help raise money for camper scholarships! This will be a fun-filled day for duffers of all skill levels and abilities. Farewell Christ Lutheran Church has been blessed to have Anne Lawatsch serve as our office manager over these past 4 years. She has announced her resignation for August of 2015. Please be sure to thank Anne for her dedicated and con- THANK YOUS sistent service to our church. She will be missed. As time approaches we will make plans to celebrate her retirement and wish her well. Dear Members of Christ Lutheran Church ~ From Bear Creek Camp ~ Thank you for Thank you so much for letting us use your your support and Partnership! church parking lot and resources for our car From Salvation Army ~ Please accept our wash. We were able to raise funds for our From Turning Point ~ Thank you for your gratitude for your recent gift to The Salvation troop in a fun, useful, (cold), wet way! generous gift of $450.00 to Turning Point of Army. Your financial support will enable us Hopefully this small donation will help Lehigh Valley in support of our work with to provide struggling families and individu- cover the water costs. Best wishes and victims of intimate partner violence … als with clothing, food and other emergency blessings, Troop 362 providing a safety net for those in need, services. Your kindness helps bring them while helping our children learn that From ELCA ~ Thank you for your generous hope. Sincerely, Alberto Suarez respectful relationships begin with each gift to the ELCA Malaria campaign at the From Victory House ~ Thank you for your of us. In peace, Diane Zanetti end of this past year! Your gift allows for us generous donation of $730.00 from the to support dynamic projects that seek to edu- I am greatly appreciative of all the kind endowment fund. Your generosity makes a cate and empower those most impacted by words, thoughts, prayers, and other forms of difference in the lives of homeless veterans malaria across Africa. In Peace, Kelly help that my CLC church family has given and local homeless men in your community. my family with the recent passing of my To the “Kitchen Crew” ~ Thank you very We have seen over 3,500 lives changed for father, Charles Raudenbush. It is times like much for preparing and serving the the better since 1985 and you have been this that family means SO VERY much... and luncheon following my father’s service. part of that mission all along the way. my CLC family has certainly been unbelieva- We appreciate your kind words and actions. In gratitude, Pasquale DiLuzio, Jr. bly supportive. Dennis Raudenbush and family I know “Zeke” appreciated everything. Thanks, Chip Rentzheimer ONGOING EVENTS CHILDREN’S LEARNING CENTER DIRECTOR: Linda Reinbold Alcoholics Anonymous meets PHONE: (610) 838-9790 every Friday at 7:00 pm in the EMAIL: LReinbold Library. Bible Study meets every Thursday STAFF: Elizabeth Amato, at 12:15 in the Library (reading Donna Bergstresser, Isaiah) Michelle Bonfrancesco, Jessica Flok, Dominoes Meets the third Laura Housley, Mary Housley, Thursday of the month, 10:00 am Elizabeth Lees, Linda Reinbold, until 2:00 pm, stopping for a bag Felicia Trapp, Samantha Velez lunch. Dessert and beverages are provided. Help Wanted Summer Fun A temporary staff member will be needed in We are still accepting registrations for the the Baby Room starting the beginning of May Summer session from both inside and outside and running through at least August 7 to cov- the Learning Center. Summer Session is June er Liz Lees’ maternity leave. 15 - August 29. Cost is $34/day, $150/week, Must have previous experience with Infants PreSchool - School Age classes (Infant and Outreach Ministry Cook and serve and have at least 2600 documented hours Toddler Room tuition remains the same). meals at New Bethany Ministries working with children (volunteer or New contracts will have to be completed for on the fourth Wednesday of each paid). Possibility to turn into permanent the Summer. month, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. position in the Fall. Each child will need a water bottle, lunch and Send a resume, cover letter and three sunscreen with their name clearly marked. references to Linda Reinbold. “Tie sneakers” are required for the play- GIGGLES (Girls in God, Growing, Loving, eating, Sharing) meets every Tuesday at 6:30 pm in South Lounge. N-A meets every Monday at 7:00 pm in the Library. Sign up in the Narthex or contact Bruce or Connie Rice at 610-838-6775. ground and all outside activities. Soup Making for the homebound is the last Tuesday of the month at questions. Women’s Ministry Weight Watchers meets every Tuesdays, 6:30 pm, South Lounge Tuesday at 6:00 pm in Fellowship The NEW women’s ministry of Christ Lutheran Hall. Church offers women of all ages, opportunities for Zumba meets every Wednesday at friendship, personal growth, and ministry. We are 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Fee here to support women in their relationship with charged. God and each other through spiritual friendships, 8:00 am in the kitchen. Call Kim Norton at 484-426-1409 with any mentoring, modeling, and teaching each other. Women of the ELCA 26th Annual Convention of Northeastern PA Synod, to be held June 13 at Friedens Lutheran Church in Oley, PA. Topic is “Love One Another.” Contact Patty Jo Ivenz if your are interested in attending: 484-666-2296. FAITH FORMATION Baptism Class Bring your child with you and join Pastor Phil on Sunday, May 17 from 12:15 - 1:00 PM to learn about having your child baptized. It’s a great opportunity to meet other young families as well. Baptism classes will be scheduled every other month ~ call the office to sign up, or to find out about future dates. Holy Communion Classes Confirmation Orientation & Registration All fifth graders who will be making their Confirmation kick-off and orientation Holy Communion on Sunday, June 7th for students entering 7th & 8th grade and will be receiving a registration letter for a their parents will be held on June 7, 2015 4-week course that Pastor Phil will be immediately after the 9:30 am service. conducting in May. Sign up in Narthex All students are expected to call the or call the church office: 610-838-0400. church office (610-838-0400) or email [email protected] to register for confirmation. This year's Bible Study Confirmation Retreat is scheduled for Thursdays 12:1: pm September 18 – 20 at Bear Creek Camp for Join Pastor Phil in the Library and read through the Book of Isaiah. a weekend filled with fellowship, learning, worship and fun. Happy Birthday! 05/02 Savant, Regina 05/03 Varady, Gail 05/03 Ivenz, Michael 05/03 Pasternak, Robert 05/03 Hibbler, Donna 05/03 Mack, Kathy 05/03 Posh, Jason 05/03 Farb, Abbie 05/03 Shankweiler, Abigail 05/04 Opitz, Debbie 05/05 Raab, Kelly 05/06 Israel, Ethel 05/06 Enot, Norine 05/06 Clifford, Caroline 05/07 Meier, Joie 05/07 Savant, Jack 05/08 Taylor, Philip 05/08 Kulp, Grace 05/09 Schultz, Donna 05/09 Weirback, Heather 05/09 Blake, Jonathan 05/10 Miller, Kathy 05/10 Weirback, Juli 05/12 Cooney, Andrea 05/12 Fuderer, Anna 05/14 Kovacs, Barry 05/14 Milla, Mark 05/14 Werbisky, Lucas 05/14 Taylor, Patrick 05/15 Jacoby, Ronald 05/15 Banks-Beers, Sarah 05/16 Benza, Donna 05/16 Ackerman, Kayleigh 05/16 Spirk, Callie 05/17 Moran, Gloria 05/17 Fleming, Andrea 05/17 Gawronski, Conor 05/17 Doklan, Weston 05/18 Andersen, Kjell 05/18 Loller, Tracey 05/18 Szabo, Brett 05/19 Harte, Kim 05/19 Lasky, Taylor 05/20 Cawley, Lorrain 05/20 Laub, Jeffrey 05/20 Borovies, Amanda 05/21 Berkheimer, Laurie 05/21 Harley, Olivia 05/21 Harley, Jonah 05/22 Cooper, Deborah 05/23 Einherst, David 05/23 Weaver, Joseph 05/23 Eure, Peg 05/24 Kichline, Kevin 05/24 Bingaman, Tracy 05/24 Pepper, Trent 05/25 Ackerman, Rick 05/25 King, Brenda 05/27 Kubisek, Kelly 05/28 Rambo, Kathy 05/28 Cawley, Lisa 05/29 Long, Terry 05/30 Horvath, Mary Ann 05/30 Groeber, Paul 05/30 Daly, Megan 05/30 Jardel, Anthony 05/31 Mayer, Makenzie Gloria Moran will be 1 on May 1: Christ Lutheran Church Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage 69 Main Street PAID Hellertown, PA 18055 Lehigh Valley, PA 610-838-0400 Permit No. 588 Dated Material—Do Not Delay RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED COUNCIL & TEAM LEADS COUNCIL: President: Chris Kulp Vice President: Lou Savant Secretary: Alice Karpa Treasurer: Leigh Feather Chuck Bender Kim Blake John Callen Lisa Cawley Angela Drake Jackie Jacoby Jeff Koehler Gary Reinbold Isabel Stoeckley (Youth Rep) TEAMS: Caregiving: Enid Rank PASTOR: Phil Spohn Christian Education: Jennifer Pluim Children’s Learning Center: Amy Kares Evangelism: Terry Long Finance: Ann Borovies Mutual Ministry: Council Executive Team Mission: Kathie Jones Parish Life: Allison Sterner Property: Randy Raab Stewardship: Tracy & Dan Bingaman Worship & Music: Ursula Merriman Youth: Mark Stana BUSINESS MANAGER: Kelly Meyer [email protected] [email protected] LEARNING CENTER DIRECTOR: Linda Reinbold OFFICE MANAGER: Anne Lawatsch [email protected] MINISTER OF MUSIC: Stephen Wysocki [email protected] [email protected] FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR: Hilary Simon [email protected] SEXTONS: Barbara Grello, Sonny Johnson If you have a story to tell or information to share with our Church community contact Leigh Feather at (610) 570-9380
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