Read the Church Newsletter Here

Christ Lutheran Church seeks to be a
Growing, grace centered Church
Reaching out to all people
Actively impacting our
Community, our world and ourselves through an
Evolving and relevant faith
that reflects the love of Christ.
you make are right for you. Space is
limited. Please contact Donna at
610-807-9513 to reserve a space.
February 2, 7 pm
Tuesday, February 17, 7 pm
Baseball 2015
February 18, 7 pm
Fast from judgment, Feast on compassion
Fast from greed, Feast on sharing
Fast from scarcity, Feast on abundance
Fast from fear, Feast on peace
Fast from lies, Feast on truth
Fast from gossip, Feast on praise
Fast from anxiety, Feast on patience
Fast from evil, Feast on kindness
New Council
John Callen, Angela Drake,
Isabel Stoeckley (Youth Rep)
Fast from apathy, Feast on engagement
Social Security
Fast from discontent, Feast on gratitude
Strategize to Maximize
Fast from noise, Feast on silence
On Thursday, February 5, you are invited
to attend this free Thrivent presentation
and dinner at The Meadows at 6 pm to
learn how to navigate the Social Security
landscape, and to make sure the choices
Fast from discouragement, Feast on hope
Fast from hatred, Feast on love.
~ Ann Kristin Haldors Fontaine
Christ Lutheran
69 Main Street,
Hellertown, PA 18055
Baseball Season is JUST around the corner!
Come join us at the Iron Pigs Stadium on
Sunday, September 6, 2015 for the 1:35 pm
game. Dugout Suite. $46 per ticket that
includes buffet, non-alcoholic drinks and
parking. Please let Alice Karpa know if you
are interested in joining. Family and friends
are WELCOME! Call 610-838-4843 or
[email protected].
Medicine &
The Psychology of Illness and the Art of
Healing will be discussed by Dr. Bernie S.
Siegel at a lecture at Central Moravian
Church in Bethlehem on Wednesday,
April 22 at 7:30 pm. $10 admission.
Call 1-866-STLUKES (785-8537) or visit
“It doesn't make any difference what you believe, unless
you become like the God you worship. Belief is Cheap
and Action is Real.” - Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM
with Kelly Meyer
“There is no such thing as a good hand-me-down
religion. To be vital, to be the best of which we are
capable, our religion must be a wholly personal one,
forged entirely through the fire of our questioning and
doubting in the crucible of our own experience of
reality.” - M Scott Peck, the Road Less Traveled
“Society itself is made possible by voluntary compliance
with the unenforceable.” - Robin Meyer. “Saving Jesus from
the Church.” Pg 173.
Pastor Phil’s
A few
often like to reflect on
quotes. I am a quote
collector and what follows are
my collected quotes from 2014.
The Dalai Lama was once asked what surprised him most
about humanity. He answered, “Man.”
Then he went on to explain, “He sacrifices his health in
order to make money. Then he sacrifices his money in
order to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious
about the future that he doesn’t enjoy the present; the
result being that he does not live in the present or the
future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he
dies having never really lived.”
I usually like to publish them in
“Repetition makes us feel secure and variation makes us
the January newsletter, but
feel free.” - Poet Robert Hass
due to our very important
“Prayer is sitting in the silence until it silences us,
congregational meeting on
choosing gratitude until we are grateful, and praising
January 18, I postponed until
God until we ourselves are a constant act of praise.”
this month. Please feel free to
- Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM
contact me with quotes. I am
always looking for saying for
the LED sign out front!
“Life ends when you stop dreaming...
Hope ends when you stop believing...
Love ends when you stop caring...
I start with a quote from a Jesuit
And Friendship ends when you stop sharing!”
Priest, Father Richard Rohr.
- Source unknown
This quote focuses me on this
year ahead for Christ Lutheran.
At our Congregational meeting
“Religion is lived by people who are afraid of hell.
Spirituality is lived by people who have been through
hell and come out enlightened.” - Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM
we adopted a bold statement
of faith, but our beliefs are
meaningless without actions.
Phil’s Class
I’m excited about what God is
FEBRUARY 4 & 11, 7 PM
doing in our midst as we seek
“Why Did Jesus, Moses, the
Buddha, and Mohammed
Cross the Road?: Christian
Identity in a Multi-Faith
World” by Brian McLaren
to be the light of Christ in our
Community. Let’s make the
most of 2015.
Enjoy the quotes.
Join Pastor Phil as we
discuss this book Wednesday nights, 7 - 9 pm in the
church library.
Bible Study
Join Pastor Phil in the
Library and read
through the Book of
Know the Code
If you’re ever in the hospital,
please use Christ Lutheran’s
code: 209
ime flies…especially with so
much life and activity taking
place here at Christ Lutheran
Hellertown. We’re quickly moving
through the cold days and long nights
of winter...spring is on the way!
Here’s what’s going on behind
the scenes:
Strategic Planning – The team is now
focused on implementation of the goals
defined in our strategic plan. Our next
meetings will define specific action
plans, responsible parties and timelines
to ensure we establish momentum and
execute effectively. We will keep you
fully informed.
Volunteer Coordination - Patty Ivenz
is operating in full swing as our church
volunteer coordinator. She is developing a volunteer data base to include
time and talent survey information.
Make sure you talk to her or send a
note if you are interested in helping
out. Patty isn’t shy…so, don’t be
surprised if she gives you a call to
help fill a specific need.
Property Maintenance – We have
completed our computer and office
furniture upgrades and roof replacement. Our next major project is to replace the carpet in the sanctuary and
worn flooring in our common areas.
Materials have been ordered and
scheduling will take place shortly.
Budget Support – As approved at our
annual meeting, our 2015 budget for
contributions and donations is
$430,000. This equates to $8,270 per
week. For the first three weeks of
January, we have collected $19,606 vs.
a budget of $24,810 for a shortfall of
$5,204. Thank you for your continued
support…it is critical if we are to move
forward with our plans for the future!
That’s it for this month’s update. Let
me know if you have any questions.
Again…I want to thank our staff and
volunteers for their dedication and
hard work.
8:30 am Quilters
6 pm Zumba
7 pm Phil’s Class
12:15 Bible Study
5:30 pm Quilters
7 pm Praise Team
7 pm AA
7 pm N-A
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm Choir
Council & Team
Scout Sunday
Conf. Class
Noon—1:30 PM
7 pm N-A
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm Choir
7 pm LVDA
7 pm CCT
8:30 am Quilters
6 pm Zumba
7 pm Phil’s Class
12:15 Bible Study
5:30 pm Quilters
7 pm Praise Team
7 pm AA
Souper Bowl
Baptism Sunday
Party (FH)
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm Choir
7 pm Council
7 pm N-A
Ash Wednesday
7 pm service
6 pm Zumba
Youth Group
Meeting (4-6 pm)
7 pm N-A
8 am Soup
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm Choir
8:30 am Quilters
9 am New Bethany
6 pm Zumba
6 pm Soup/Service
2 pm Bingo
7 pm N-A
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm Choir
Bible Study meets every
Thursday at 12:15 in the
Library (reading Isaiah)
Dominoes Meets the third
Thursday of the month, 10:00
am until 2:00 pm, stopping for
a bag lunch. Dessert and
beverages are provided.
N-A meets every Monday
at 7:00 pm in the Library.
Outreach Ministry Cook and
serve meals at New Bethany
Ministries on the fourth
Wednesday of each month,
7 pm AA
8:30 am Quilters
6 pm Zumba
6 pm Soup/Service
12:15 Bible Study
5:30 pm Quilters
7 pm Praise Team
7 pm AA
from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Sign
up in the Narthex or contact
Bruce or Connie Rice at
Soup Making for the
homebound is the last
Tuesday of the month at 8:00
am in the kitchen. Call Kim
Norton at 484-426-1409 with
any questions.
Weight Watchers meets
every Tuesday at 6:00 pm
in Fellowship Hall.
Zumba meets every
Wednesday at 6:00 pm in
Fellowship Hall. Fee charged.
Derby (FH)
7 pm AA
12:15 Bible Study
5:30 pm Quilters
7 pm Praise Team
Alcoholics Anonymous
meets every Friday at 7:00 pm
in the Library.
10 am Dominoes
12:15 Bible Study
5:30 Quilters
7 pm Praise Team
7 pm LVDA (FH)
Party (FH)
9:30 am Zumba
In case of bad weather,
please check the following to confirm if services will commence.
Call the church office at 610-838-0400 for an automated message.
Log onto WFMZ website to check closures. Check channel 69
for closures.
Above all, please use
your judgment driving in bad weather. If
you are scheduled to
volunteer for a service
but cannot make it in
due to road conditions, please contact
your committee leader
and an alternate on
your team.
Worship Volunteer Schedule
Altar Guild for Month: Alice Karpa, Connie Rice, Roses Ackerman
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
Zach Appel
Ryan Salmon
Madison Apple
Joy Lin Kulp
Carolyn Raudenbush
Sharon Harley
Marissa Harley
Linda Reinbold
Ann & Rick Borovies
Pastor’s Assistant
Al Horvath
Leigh Feather
Dennis Raudenbush
Dave Long
Jeanette Boos
Lois Apple
Lois Apple
Al Horvath
Nancy Stern
Ron & Jan Weirbach
De Del Re
Donna Bergstresser
Scott, Susan, Kelly,
& Adam Raab
Chris Kulp
Joy Lin Kulp
Jeff & Kim Kluska
Don Boreman
Vince Murante
Tim & Leigh Feather
David & Donna Shankweiler
Diana & Faith Doll
Amy Kares
Marissa Harley
Ursula Merriman
Amanda Borovies
Lee & Louise Wagner
Matt Sterner
Gina Savant
Anne Baum
Brenda King
Roses Ackerman
Debbie Opitz
Usher Team
Coffee Hour
Worship Assistant
Pastor’s Assistant
11:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 AM
Julia Rose
Kurt Pepper
Brynne Szabo
Maya Stoeckley
Shirley Leidich
Dave Long
Enid Rank
Kurt Rank
Kurt & Enid Rank
Sue Gruver
Mary Ann Horvath
Jennifer Pluim
Lou Savant
Angela Drake
Usher / Greeter
The Savant Family
April & Joslynn Rose
Lois Apple
Ron Zelko
Judy Atherholt
Lois Apple
Lisa Cawley &
Verity Averill
Veronica Rohach
Leigh Feather
Joslynn Rose
Amber & Rich Smith
Ash Wednesday: February 18, 2015
Pastor’s Assistant:
Communion Servers:
Olivia Jackson
Gary Reinbold
Linda Reinbold
Donna Bergstresser, Joyce Staats
February 25
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
Christ Lutheran of Lower Saucon
Christ Lutheran Hellertown
Lower Saucon Church of Christ
First United Church of Christ
New Jerusalem Lutheran
Welcome Our Newest Members!
Clockwise from top left: Rachel & Chris
Anthony, children: Addison & Mason;
Nancy DeVogel; Dan Fitel; David & Monica
Willard; Laurie Stewart; Alice & Christopher
Myers, children: Zachary, Brynn, Lauren,
Carter, Colby, Nicholas.
Turn Marriage Vows into Marriage “Wows”!
hen is the last time the two of
2015 Pennsylvania Weekends:
you did something to enrich and
March 13-15, 2015 at the lovely Sheraton
are limited,
revitalize your marriage? Make 2015 the
Pittsburgh Airport Hotel located in a
so sign up
year you resolve to take time to spend a
peaceful setting 6 miles from the
today to
weekend learning how to make your mar-
Pittsburgh Airport.
ensure that
riage a more
intimate, loving, Christian union. Lutheran
Marriage Encounter Weekends run from
Friday night at 8 pm to Sunday at 4 pm
April 10-12, 2015 at Toftrees Golf Resort
and Conference Center nestled in 1500
wooded acres in State College, PA.
you can attend the
weekend of
your choice.
and are designed to enrich all marriages.
September 18-20, 2015 at Spruce Lake
There is a $45 per couple registration fee;
Retreat Center, Canadensis, PA—brand-
the website: and
plus toward the end of the weekend, you
new, motel-style building on Spruce Lake
register using your credit card or marking
will be given an opportunity to make a
in the heart of the Pocono Mountains—
the option to mail in a check. For ques-
confidential contribution toward continua-
an hour north of Allentown.
tions, or if you would like a brochure with
tion of the program. Two nights lodging,
October 16-18, 2015 in Lancaster, PA,
registration form mailed to you, contact
5 meals for each of you, and all supplies
at the newly-renovated Heritage Hotel
Pennsylvania Directors of Lutheran
are included.
Lancaster, home of the unique tree-house-
Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie
inspired restaurant, Loxley’s.
Schamber, at 724-325-3166 or email:
Simply go to
[email protected].
Help Wanted
A temporary staff member will be needed in
the Baby Room starting the beginning of May
and running through at least August 7th. Liz
Lees will be having her baby and taking
maternity leave during that time.
This individual must have previous
experience with Infants and have at least 2600
DIRECTOR: Linda Reinbold
to Detroit
documented hours working with children
PHONE: (610) 838-9790
(volunteer or paid). There is a possibility this
STAFF: Elizabeth Amato
temporary position may work into something
Donna Bergstresser
in the Fall.
Michelle Bonfrancesco
If you know of anyone, please have them
Jessica Flok
Help our Youth get to the National
send Linda Reinbold a resume, cover letter
Laura Housley
Youth Gathering in Detroit this sum-
and three references.
Mary Housley
mer! Choose an envelope from the
for CLC
Elizabeth Lees
bulletin board in the Narthex, then
return it to the plate or the office.
Baskets &
Bags Bingo
Save your ink and toner cartridges and put
them in the box in the lower level by the CLC
Bulletin Board.
Jennifer Mertus
Abeer Niemet
Linda Reinbold
Felicia Trapp
Samantha Velez
Fellowship Hall | Tickets: $20.00
advance, $28.00 at the door | Food
Concessions | Benefits Detroit
Youth Gathering
Care to Share
Would you like to fill a basket or bag
Brand new items, or in the case of medical equip-
with prizes? See Lorita Mussleman
ment, like new. Contact Enid Rank at 610-691-5289
for details. Donations accepted. We
or [email protected] to donate or claim an item.
will do the shopping!
Like-new shower stool
(Gift-card it
Forward Today)
Like-new green walker with attractive material
Teddy Bears
Bring Smiles
carry bag attached (bag is removable)
New CVS brand True result blood sugar
monitoring meter start up kit
Safety arm rails for toilet
Exercise pedals
Shower chair
local hospitals and rehabilitation
2 pair of new L/XL HeelWell
centers to help bring some comfort
Soft Ease suspenders (to position foot, heal
The youth group is selling Teddy
Bears to be donated and delivered to
and a smile to a child. Bear dona-
pressure ulcers, to treat foot drop)
tion: $10 each, or 3 for $25.
Donate online by clicking here.
10. nutritional tube feeding, and feeding pump
60 cans of Promote brand
and pole for tube feed administration.
We have all seen Angels on earth,
who better the lives of those around
them and give of their time and tender hearts to those in need. You can
nominate your Angel for a gift card to
let them know they are loved and
appreciated. Fill out a GIFT Nomination Form in the Narthex and drop it
in the box provided, or fill out the
form online. More info: call Peg Eure
at 610-216-8310.
Dear Quilters ~ I want to thank you for the
goodies that Lois brings to us. We enjoy
around the world...we do more together
beautiful quilt you gave me! It reminds me
her company and my husband enjoys her
than any one of us could ever do alone. In
of a little bit of home every time I see it. I
knowledge of baseball. Thank you all
Christ’s service, Rev. Daniel Rift
actually needed to use it for the 1st time the
again, Dorothy and Lou Seeds
other night! I don’t miss the cold at all! You
are very special ladies always thinking of
others. Please know that I will always cherish your quilt and my memories of all of
you. Merry Christmas! May it be filled with
unspeakable joy and a New Year filled
with such love! Love, Peg
better place — thanks to you. Your recent
you so much for the prayer shawl my
gift of $750 to the ELCA Malaria Campaign
mother received during her stay at St.
is helping to change lives in 13 countries in
Luke’s Hospice House. It was comforting
Africa. Thank you for your faithful sup-
to know she was covered and wrapped in a
port. In Christ’s service, Jessica Hacker
garment so filled with love and prayers.
Your ministry touched her and us, and is
To Steve Wysocki and his singers ~ My
much appreciated. Thank you for your
husband and I would like to thank you for
kindness, and we will continue to treasure
the lovely Christmas carol singing at our
the shawl as a reminder of her final days
home in the front yard. We enjoyed it very
with us. Cheryl Robson, daughter of Virginia
much, not only the singing, but the music
Kocher, Easton, PA
from the “keyboard” too. P.S. Some of my
neighbors called to tell me they enjoyed the
caroling too! Thanks again. Also, we want
to thank the “soup ladies” for the soup
From ELCA ~ The world is becoming a
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ ~ Thank
Dear G.I.F.T.Ministry ~ I would like to
thank you very much for my nomination as
a “Quiet Angel.” It was overwhelming to
receive such a wonderful honor and a very
gracious gift card. It will be put in good
use!! As always it is a pleasure to serve on
the altar guild and to help with other min-
From ELCA ~ Thank you for your recent
istries that Christ Lutheran is enables us to
gift of $150 to ELCA World Hunger. Your
do. Many thanks again and God’s peace to
faithful support makes a difference for
all. Leanne
families and communities in need all
Happy Birthday!
02/01 Freibolin, Bart
02/10 Doklan, Jenna
02/17 Laub, Gloria
02/25 Blasco, Anthony
02/01 Sterner, Matthew
02/10 Paskewicz, Michael
02/17 Laub, Mathew
02/25 Rhodes, Shane
02/01 Musselman, Brianna
02/11 Van Buren, Denise
02/18 Spohn, Philip
02/26 Kubisek, Andrew
02/01 Copeman, Ryan
02/11 Rosati, Hannah
02/18 Edge, Alan
02/27 Koehler, Richard
02/02 Paskewicz, Katherine
02/12 Musselman, Lorita
02/18 Groeber, Jillian
02/27 Snyder, Chris
02/02 Ravier, Elizabeth
02/12 Ackerman, Steven
02/18 Groeber, Jenna
02/27 Flores, Amy
02/05 Weirback, Cheryl
02/12 Koehler, Jackson
02/19 Rice, Bruce
02/27 Laslo, Jamie
02/05 Young, Glenn
02/13 Petrucelli, Kevin
02/19 Brennan, Debra
02/27 Rubery, Nathan
02/05 Reily, Shania
02/13 Weirback, Joshua
02/19 Jackson, Kathy
02/28 Sterner, Samuel
02/05 Jackson, Connor
02/13 Schultz, Brennan
02/19 Kovacs, Carrie
02/06 Meier, Judy
02/13 Spirk, Colin
02/20 Bodor, Pearl
02/06 Gerlach, Michael
02/14 Spohn, Lenore
02/20 Szabo, Sharon
02/06 Folenta, Emily
02/14 Ivenz, Brittany
02/20 Jones, Michael
Meryl Reiss will be
02/07 Herstich, Anthony
02/15 Bergstresser, William
02/22 Rank, Kristopher
93 on Feb. 24.
02/07 Kneller, Susan
02/15 Raudenbush, Carolyn
02/23 Savant, Matthew
02/07 Consorti, Kristin
02/16 Smith, Amber
02/24 Reiss, Meryl
02/08 Rentzheimer, Karl
02/16 Appel, Zachary
02/24 Musselman, Herbert
02/08 Grube, Desiree
02/16 Smith, Amber
02/24 Nuss, Kathleen
02/08 Martin, Terry
02/17 Horvath, Joyce
02/24 Porterfield, Baylee
02/09 Flack, Kelly
02/17 Patterson, B.J.
02/25 Unangst, Janice
Non-Profit Org.
Christ Lutheran Church
U.S. Postage
69 Main Street
Hellertown, PA 18055
Lehigh Valley, PA
Permit No. 588
Dated Material—Do Not Delay
President: Chris Kulp
Vice President: Lou Savant
Secretary: Alice Karpa
Treasurer: Leigh Feather
Chuck Bender
Kim Blake
John Callen
Lisa Cawley
Angela Drake
Jackie Jacoby
Jeff Koehler
Gary Reinbold
Isabel Stoeckley (Youth Rep)
Caregiving: Enid Rank
PASTOR: Phil Spohn
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Christian Education:
Jennifer Pluim
Children’s Learning Center:
Amy Kares
Evangelism: Terry Long
Finance: Ann Borovies
Mutual Ministry:
Council Executive Team
Mission: Kathie Jones
Parish Life: Allison Sterner
Property: Randy Raab
Tracy & Dan Bingaman
Worship & Music:
Ursula Merriman
Youth: Mark Stana
[email protected]
(Monday & Thursday afternoon appointments)
MINISTER OF MUSIC: Stephen Wysocki
[email protected]
SEXTONS: Barbara Grello, Sonny Johnson
If you have a story to tell or information to share with our Church community contact Leigh Feather at (610) 570-9380