Christ Lutheran Church seeks to be a Growing, grace centered Church Reaching out to all people Actively impacting our Community, our world and ourselves through an Evolving and relevant faith that reflects the love of Christ. DaySpring MARCH 2015 THIS MONTH: DAYLIGHT SAVINGS March 8 TEAM NIGHT March 9, 7 pm COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, March 17, 7 pm PRAYER SHAWL Monday, March 9, 7 pm CCT Tuesday, March 10, 7 pm LENTEN SPEAKERS Feb 22: Kelly Meyer March 1: Tracy Bingamen March 8: Chris Kulp March 15: Deborah Wysocki March 22: Jayne Rohach Christ Lutheran 69 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 18055 Lenten Soup Suppers SOUP AT 6 PM | SERVICE AT 7 PM THEME: VERSES THAT TRANSFORM March 4: Christ Lutheran Hellertown March 11: Lower Saucon Church of Christ March 18: First United Church of Christ March 25: New Jerusalem Lutheran Sign up to bring soup/bread on March 4th Connections for the Journey by Pastor Phil Spohn L ike my new DaySpring title? I’m just getting into the power of this new tech- nology we call the internet. Facebook, Twitter, blogs, podcasts…it is amazing the infor- net iceberg and who knows what humanity will be like due to the WWW’s power to connect people and ideas. Will our church be transformed? Transformed, yes! But, there is a place and always will be a place, for face to face spiritual communities. A place of bricks and mortar. God made us to interact in person. mation out there. AND it’s at our finger I am confident in our church council. It is tips…literally. amazing the ideas and energy I presently Here at church we live with the old structure of bricks and mortar. In the old days you opened up shop and people stopped by for what you sold. Today you open up shop in the WWW, the World Wide Web and you don’t need a storefront, times for opening and closing, and as long as you speak the language of the internet, you get visitors from experience. This church is on a journey. I am on a journey. If you have time to listen to a transformational podcast, listen to episode 2 of Rob Bell’s Podcast, “The River, the Mountain, and You”. He describes the Journey I see Christians experiencing with in this church. It’s been my own journey, and it’s one our Church is pursuing. Exciting! around the world. This information age some So be prepared for change. Change that will might say started with the printing press. invigorate, help us be more authentic, real Once books could be assembled and distrib- and relevant. We are on to something here. uted, ideas shared around the world, human- Join the journey. Bible Study THURSDAYS 12:15 PM Join Pastor Phil in the Library and read through the Book of Isaiah. ity transformed. We are at the tip of the inter- BEHIND the SCENES with Kelly Meyer C team initiatives, responsible par- ducting a survey of member interests. Patty ties, timelines and milestones. will keep you informed as our volunteer Council will now assume overall efforts evolve. responsibility for plan imple- Budget Support – As approved at our an- hange is taking place at Christ Heller- mentation. Council members have been as- nual meeting, our 2015 budget for contribu- town! With the adoption of our faith signed leadership responsibility for specific tions and donations is $430,000. This equates statement, the vote to support our 2015 initiatives and will be working with teams to to $8,270 per week. For the 8 weeks ending budget, the presentation of our strategic achieve plan objectives. Church members February 22, we have collected $46,787 v. a plan, the election of our new council, and the will be provided monthly progress updates budget of $66,160 for a shortfall of $19,373. support of our congregation…we are jump- by Council President, Chris Kulp. Part of our contribution shortfall is attribut- ing into 2015 with energy, purpose, momen- Property Maintenance – Trees by the road able to bad weather which reduced atten- tum and focus. Something is happening at are trimmed, painting continues, carpet and dance on several Sundays. If you can’t at- Christ Hellertown. I feel we are responding flooring is on order, and our playground tend, please remember to make up your con- to God’s plan for us…as I know you do. We shade solution is in progress. Lighting and tribution the following week. Your support is are now on the Journey! We are now chal- electrical work is next to be scheduled. Our critical if we are going to move forward with lenged to make our plans work. church will look beautiful this spring. achieving our strategic goals. KEY ITEMS Volunteer Coordination – Patty Ivenz is That’s it for this month’s update. Let me Strategic Planning – The team met 2/9 to pulling things together as our church volun- know if you have any questions. Again…I stage the implementation of the strategic teer coordinator. In addition to developing a want to thank our staff and volunteers for all plan. We reviewed tools that will be used to volunteer data base that includes time and of your hard work! track overall plan progress and individual talent survey information, she will be con- Bear Creek Camp I YOUTH f you are thinking of sending your child to galore! Families are invited to attend Family Camp Square Mileage to Detroit on Memorial Day Weekend. The camp staff would Help our Youth get to the National also be glad to take families on a tour, just call the Youth Gathering in Detroit this sum- camp office to make a reservation. A representative mer! Choose an envelope from the camp for the first time, our Lutheran Church Camp, Bear Creek, offers several ways to become acquainted with the camp. Start by visiting There are photos and video clips from the camp will be visiting our church and bulletin board in the Narthex, then speaking at both services and during Sunday return it to the plate or the office. school on March 8. Additionally, our congregation has many families who will attest to the wonderful experiences their children have had at Bear Creek. Programs are offered for campers completing grades 1-12, beginning with Try-Camp for the first graders. If you plan to attend camp, please sign up on the list located on the bulletin board across from the office so that others will know who is going and when. Someone may need a camp buddy or a family to carpool with. Experienced campers may be willing to share their stories with first time campers as well. Contact our ambassador Kathy Paskewicz for more information at 610691-1790 or [email protected]. Did you know that Bear Creek Camp and our church offer financial assistance to families to make it easier to attend camp? Here is list of the discounts offered: 1. Early Bird Registration - ends on March 1. 2. $100 scholarship from Christ Lutheran Hellertown for each camper attending. 3. Church members also qualify for a $20 discount because we have a Bear Creek Ambassador. Just mail a coupon (posted on the bulletin board near the church office) with your paper registration or enter the code on the coupon when registering online. 4. First time to camp discount (not applicable for Try-Camp). 5. Sibling discount. 6. New this year: $25 off if you bring a friend (up to 8 per camper!) More scholarship money may be available for families with the greatest need. Baskets & Bags Bingo SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST, 2:00 PM Fellowship Hall | Tickets: $20.00 advance, $28.00 at the door | Food Concessions | Benefits Detroit Youth Gathering Would you like to fill a basket or bag with prizes? See Lorita Mussleman for details. Donations accepted. We will do the shopping! Teddy Bears Bring Smiles The youth group is selling Teddy Bears to be donated and delivered to local hospitals and rehabilitation centers to help bring some comfort and a smile to a child. Bear donation: $10 each, or 3 for $25. Donate online by clicking here. The Confirmation Class visited Brith Shaloam Synagogue in Allentown on January 23. MARCH 2015 SUN 1 BINGO 2 pm 8 Daylight Savings starts MON Thrivent Breakfast 29 4-6 pm Youth Group Meeting THU FRI 3 4 5 6 6 pm Weight Watch 6:30 pm GIGGLES 8:30 am Quilters 7 pm N-A 7 pm AA 7 pm Choir 6 pm Soup (FH) 7 pm Service 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 9 10 11 12 13 TEAM NIGHT 6 pm Weight Watch 7 pm Choir 7 pm LVDA 7 pm CCT 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 6 pm Soup/Service 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 7 pm AA 17 18 19 20 6 pm Weight Watch 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 6 pm Soup/Service 7 pm CLCT 10 am Dominoes 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 7 pm Scout Pack Meeting 25 8:30 am Quilters 9 am New Bethany 6 pm Zumba 6 pm Soup/Service 26 27 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 6 pm Meeting 7 pm AA (FH) 16 Baptism Sunday Breakfast Buffet 12:15 Baptism Class 2 pm Party (FH) 22 WED 2 7 pm N-A 15 TUE DaySpring Deadline 6:30 pm GIGGLES 7 pm N-A 23 24 7 pm Lichner Class 7 pm N-A 6 pm Weight Watch 30 31 8 am Soup 1 2 3 6:30 pm GIGGLES 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 12:15 Bible Study 7 pm Maundy Thursday Service 7 pm Good Friday Service 7 pm AA 7 pm Lichner Class 7 pm N-A 7 pm Choir 6 pm Weight Watch 7 pm Choir ONGOING EVENTS Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:00 pm in the Library. Bible Study meets every Thursday at 12:15 in the Library (reading Isaiah) Dominoes Meets the third Thursday of the month, 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, stopping for a bag lunch. Dessert and beverages are provided. N-A meets every Monday at 7:00 pm in the Library. Outreach Ministry Cook and serve meals at New Bethany Ministries on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Sign up in the Narthex or contact Bruce or Connie Rice at 610-838-6775. Soup Making for the homebound is the last Tuesday of the month at 8:00 am in the kitchen. Call Kim Norton at 484-426-1409 with any questions. Weight Watchers meets every Tuesday at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Zumba meets every Wednesday at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Fee charged. 7 14 9:30 am Zumba 7 pm Choir 7 pm Council 6:30 pm GIGGLES SAT 21 Party (FH) 7 pm AA 28 9-3 Car Wash 9:30 am Zumba 4 Party (FH) In case of bad weather, please check the following to confirm if services will commence. Call the church office at 610-838-0400 for an automated message. Log onto WFMZ website to check closures. Check channel 69 for closures. Above all, please use your judgment driving in bad weather. If you are scheduled to volunteer for a service but cannot make it in due to road conditions, please contact your committee leader and an alternate on your team. Worship Volunteer Schedule Altar Guild for Month: Kathy Paskewicz, Leeanne Weirback, Donna Shankweiler MARCH 1 8 15 22 29 Time 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am Acolyte Emma Patterson Marissa Harley Joy Lin Kulp Ryan Salmon Lydia Apple Cantor Norine Enot Sandy Bender Ann Borovies Jeanette Boos Randy Raab Communion Servers De & John Del Re Pastor’s Assistant Joe Meier Readers Dyvonne Nevil De Del Re Shirley Leidich Kathie Jones Deborah Martin Greeter Wendy Fritchman Lois Apple Dave & Terry Long Lois Apple Nancy Stern Usher Team Joe Meier Judy Meier Wendy Fritchman Noah Weaver Alice & Mike Karpa Dianne Herstich Desiree Grube David & Donna Shankweiler Chadd Hamman Richard Koehler Ron & Jan Weirbach De Del Re Donna Bergstresser Scott, Susan, Kelly & Adam Raab Jackie Jacoby Aaron Harley David & Donna Shankweiler Diana & Faith Doll Amy Kares Aaron Harley Ursula Merriman Marissa Harley Chris Nagy Ursula Merriman Shirley Leidich Mary Ann Horvath Betty DeLeon Janice Unangst Kathryn Cawley Elaine Hunsinger Lorita Musselman Kit Jones Lee & Louise Wagner Matt Sterner Nursery Coffee Hour Time 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am Acolyte Avery Audet Aaron Grogg Erik Pluim Olivia Jackson Erik Pluim Worship Assistant Dennis Raudenbush Lou Savant Lenore Spohn Louise Wagner Anne Baum Kevin Gough Michele Gubish Corky Blake Patty Jo Ivenz Kurt Rank De Del Re Linda Rose Barbara & Bob Pasternak Corky & Kim Blake Clouser Family Chris & Carter Myers Savant Family Nursery Lisa Cawley & Daughters Katherine Paskewicz Veronica Rohach Stephanie Chambers Verity Averill & Daughters Joslynn Rose Leigh Feather Veronica Rohach Powerpoint Ryan Copeman Zach Appel Grant Clouser Joy Lin Kulp Communion Servers Kjell Andersen Brett Szabo Pastor’s Assistant Lenore Spohn Readers Usher / Greeter Olivia Jackson Thank you for volunteering. If you are unable to serve on your scheduled date, please switch with another volunteer and notify the church office at 610.838.0400. Also, please be sure to sign in when you arrive on your scheduled Sunday. New Member Class Are you interested in becoming a member of Christ Lutheran Church? We will be having a New Member class where you will learn about the history of the church, Lutheran beliefs, the mission of Christ Lutheran CARE GIVING Care to Share G.I.F.T. Brand new items, or in the case of medical equip- (Gift-card it Forward Today) ment, like new. Contact Enid Rank at 610-691-5289 or [email protected] to donate or claim an item. 1. Like-new shower stool 2. Like-new green walker with attractive material carry bag attached (bag is removable) 3. Church, and about the opportunities We have all seen Angels on earth, who better the lives of those around them and give of their time and ten- New CVS brand True result blood sugar der hearts to those in need. You can monitoring meter start up kit you have to serve on the different 4. Safety arm rails for toilet nominate your Angel for a gift card to ministry teams. If interested, sign up 5. Exercise pedals let them know they are loved and on the bulletin board, contact Pastor 6. Shower chair appreciated. Fill out a GIFT Nomina- Phil, or call the church office at 7. 2 pair of new L/XL HeelWell tion Form in the Narthex and drop it 610-838-0400. 8. Soft Ease suspenders (to position foot, heal in the box provided, or fill out the Please note the following dates: Wednesday, April 22 – New Member Class, 7 to 9 pm, 9. pressure ulcers, to treat foot drop) form online. More info: call Peg Eure 60 cans of Promote brand at 610-216-8310. 10. nutritional tube feeding, and feeding pump and pole for tube feed administration. church library Saturday, May 2 – Social at Pastor Phil’s, 7 to 9 pm Sunday, May 17 – New Member Sunday* *On that day, at the service of your choice, you will be received as a member. There will be a Welcome Reception between the services. BISHOP’S LETTER “WHOA! DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING!” Jewish, Hindu, Islam. Enliven your “Soul Spirit” and find rest in the midst of your busyness. Led by Rev. Synod the Synod the Committee of Deans. Now, it’s time to talk to as many as possible about Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod Lutherans being Hey, the three had just gone unleashed in the name of Jesus up a mountain with Jesus. Christ. MARCH 23, 30 & APRIL 6, 13 FROM 7:00 - 8:00 PM traditions: Christian, Buddhist, Sufi, unleashed in ministry; I’ve talked to the John said when they saw Jesus transfigured. Monday Nights with Rev. Dr. Tom Lichner of sacred stories from various faith November Bishop’s Conference about being That’s my guess at what Peter, James, and Who knew? Meditative reading and discussion Also, I've talked to rostered leaders at the To do that, I'll be hosting a webi- Which brings me to the 2015 nar for all rostered leaders of this Synod Assembly. (Didn’t see synod on Wednesday, February that coming, did you?) 25, at 10:30 a.m. You’re invited! In response to my election at It's about Assembly2015 - and the 2014 assembly, I said that being unleashed for the sake of if called to serve again as the gospel. If you cannot partici- bishop, I want it to be a min- pate on the 25th, join the repeat istry unleashed. So, I’m try- webinar on Thursday, February ing to make good on that 26, at 7:00 p.m. commitment. Then, perhaps in early April, I expect to host How? By talking with an ad hoc group that's a third webinar for you and the voting mem- helping me relate my “unleashed” commit- bers attending the assembly with you. ment to Assembly2015 (May 29 and 30 at Sam Zeiser hosting a webinar!? Definitely Santander Arena, Reading). The group has didn’t see that coming! generated surprising, amazing, creative ideas. Dr. Tom Lichner, a Lutheran Pastor Each time we talk, I find myself saying, for 38 years. Sign up, please. “Whoa! Didn’t see that coming!” Anyway, let's talk. Yours in Christ, Samuel R. Zeiser Community Food Bank at New Jerusalem CURRENT NEEDS: CEREAL, CHUNKY SOUPS, PANCAKE MIX & SYRUP, AND CANNED POTATOES. Baptism Class troop had been faithful Monday night packers and we are glad that they have decided to help out again with our new system. (The two old guys who had been doing the set-up are espe- Bring your child with you and join cially grateful.) Pastor Phil on Sunday, March 15 Prayer and Encouragement from 12:15 - 1:00 pm to learn about We are still looking for pastors from the Hel- having your child baptized. It’s a lertown Area Ministerium churches to share a great opportunity to meet other Youth Power word of encouragement or lead us in a prayer young families as well. Baptism We received a very large donation of food for just a few minutes to start us off on distri- classes will be scheduled every other from the Saucon Valley High School Honor bution days. If you are able to join us, email or month. Call the office to sign up, or Society led by Mrs. Megan Hauser, 3 carloads! call (610-346-6891) to schedule a date. to find out about future dates. We also received a large donation of food from Numbers the students in the Contemporary Issues class We served 141 families in December and 111 in in the Southern Lehigh School District. January even though we had to reschedule the The St. George’s Episcopal Youth Group has 4th Saturday because of snow. Thanks to all of decided to become regular volunteers at the you who helped to get the word out. Food Bank. They will be setting up once a Gardens month for our third Saturday of the month When you plan your garden, consider putting distribution. One group moves all the tables in an extra row of green beans or a few more and takes down the chairs and another crew tomato plants for the Food Bank. Vegetable Discounted Dorney Park and Hershey Park Tickets loads up the carts with food to be wheeled out starts are also welcome. You can drop off pro- to the tables. The St. George’s kids started in duce or plants on Saturday distribution days January and beginning this month Girl Scout beginning at 7:30 AM. The Girl Scouts are selling park tickets again this year. This is their last year, because they are all graduat- Troop 8010 led by Natalie Faroun will do the ing. If you are interested tickets, set-up for the 4th Saturday of each month. This please contact Lisa Wetzel at 610703-2290. Tickets will not be mailed until May 4th (see forms for more information). THANK YOUS Dear Pastor Phil and Funeral Luncheon To the Congregation of Christ Lutheran ~ Thanks to the following health professionals Committee Members ~ First we would like to Please accept our thanks for the surprise of who volunteered at the February BP clinic: thank Pastor Phil for the very moving and our Christmas bonuses. While completely Tracy Bingaman PAC, Kim Blake Nuclear heartfelt memorial for our father and grand- unexpected, we are delighted to accept the Cardiac Technologist BS, Dr. Donna Miller, father, Will Rambo. It was a beautiful service bonus and wish to thank you for this gener- and Enid Rank RN, BSN. Care Giving is remembering a wonderful man who will be ous gift. We appreciate your spirit of giving. looking forward to providing another oppor- missed by many. We also are extremely Yours in Christ, the Staff of the Children’s tunity to get your blood pressure screened grateful for the service provided by our fu- Learning Center later this year! Dear Elaine ~ Thank you very much for your To whom it may concern ~ I just want to kind deliveries of soup and accompanying thank you for the kindness and thoughtful- goodies. We have thoroughly enjoyed these ness of those who did not forget about us in delicious gifts from the thoughtful people at the most peaceful days of the year, Christ- CLC. We are reminded of how God cares for mas. God Bless You, Abeer Niemet (Baby us through others each time you come. God Room) neral luncheon committee. The luncheon was excellent and we really appreciated all their efforts in our time of need. They are truly a blessing for our congregation. Peace and love, Mark, Kathy, Abby and Hayley Rambo bless you! Love, Linda and Howard Baseball 2015 CHILDREN’S LEARNING CENTER Baseball Season is JUST around the corner! Come join us at the Iron Pigs Stadium on Sunday, September 6, 2015 for the 1:35 pm game. Dugout Suite. $46 per ticket that includes buffet, non-alcoholic drinks and parking. Please let Alice Karpa know if you are interested in joining. Family and friends are WELCOME! Call 610-838-4843 or [email protected]. Love, Medicine & Miracles The Psychology of Illness and the Art of Healing will be discussed by Dr. Bernie S. Siegel at a lecture at Central Moravian Church in Bethlehem on Wednesday, April 22 at 7:30 pm. $10 admission. Call 1-866-STLUKES (7858537) or visit littnerlectureseries. Thrivent Help Wanted A temporary staff member will be needed Attention Thrivent Members! If you in the Baby Room starting the beginning of currently have an account with May and running through at least August Thrivent you are invited to a FREE 7th. Liz Lees will be having her baby and information breakfast on Sunday, taking maternity leave during that time. March 22 at 9:45 in Fellowship Hall. This individual must have previous You will also be receiving an invita- experience with Infants and have at least 2600 documented hours working with children (volunteer or paid). There is a possibility this temporary position may work into something in the Fall. If you know of anyone, please have them send Linda Reinbold a resume, cover letter and three references. tion. Mark your calendar! DIRECTOR: Linda Reinbold PHONE: (610) 838-9790 EMAIL: [email protected] STAFF: Elizabeth Amato, Donna Bergstresser, Michelle Bonfrancesco, Jessica Flok, Laura Housley, Mary Housley, Elizabeth Lees, Abeer Niemet, Linda Reinbold, Felicia Trapp, Samantha Velez Join the workshop on March 3rd, 6:30 - March 31 - 6:30 - 8:30 pm - South Lounge 8:30 pm, in South Lounge to learn about A Workshop: God Colors Outside the Lines Bold Life of Faith and Katharina von Bora Diversity is not only a gift from God, it is Luther while learning more about yourself. also a trait of God. God is unpredictable. On March 10th the topic will be a book God colors outside the lines. discussion: Girl Meets God by Lauren F. Winner. Discuss the question, “How does a woman passionate about the Jewish faith April 7 - 6:30 - 8:30 pm - South Lounge Book: Girl Meets God by Lauren Winner suddenly find Jesus?” Contact Patty Jo Ivenz with any questions. March 17 - 6:30 - 8:30 pm - South Lounge I ntroducing a new group for women: The purpose of the women's ministry Workshop: Speaking Faith through Art TUESDAYS AT 6:30 PM IN SOUTH LOUNGE Explore how ones deepest convictions can of Christ Lutheran Church is to offer be expressed through art by looking at the women of all ages, opportunities for work of two Christian artists from differ- friendship, personal growth, and ministry. ent centuries. How does art inspire you or We are here to support women in their help you express what you believe? relationship with God and each other March 24 - 6:30 - 8:30 pm - South Lounge through spiritual friendships, mentoring, Book: Girl Meets God by Lauren Winner BRING A FRIEND! REACH OUT TO WOMEN EVERYWHERE! modeling, and teaching each other. Happy Birthday! 03/01 Ratushny, Donald 03/09 Mundt, Colleen 03/18 Berkheimer, Rich 03/28 Blake, Carlson 03/02 Consorti, Pat 03/09 Middleton, Sarah 03/18 Kulp, Lisa 03/28 Stauffer, Keri 03/02 Paskewicz, Mary Beth 03/10 Kovacs, Janice 03/20 Borovies, Helen 03/29 Kinker, Dana 03/03 Edge, Deborah 03/10 Austin, Danny 03/20 Farb, Amy 03/29 Gubish, Michele 03/03 Brennan, Megan 03/11 Gibson, Bonnie 03/20 Riegel, Stephen 03/29 Boss, Madden 03/03 Pasternak, Nicholas 03/12 Zellers, Emma 03/21 Salmon, Doraine 03/30 Bieler, Roderick 03/03 Nagy, Matthew 03/13 Stewart, Laurie 03/21 Nagy, Ashleigh 03/30 Ackerman, Roses 03/03 Zavacky, Colin 03/13 Reinbold, Gary 03/21 Sterner, Allison 03/30 Deppert, Glenn 03/04 Milla, Karen 03/13 Vogel, Danielle 03/21 Luancing, Maya 03/30 Macchirole, Noah 03/04 Brennan, Andrew 03/13 Shankweiler, Ryan 03/21 Rygiel, Zachary 03/04 Boss, MaKenna 03/14 Clifford, Curtis 03/22 Groeber, Kristine 03/06 Geyer, Lorraine 03/14 McMaster, Hayley 03/22 Grogg, Sarah 03/06 Nagy, Kyle 03/15 Gough, Kevin 03/23 Koller, James 03/06 Reiner, Lynzee 03/15 Flack, Wesley 03/23 Kubisek, David 03/07 Pluim, Jennifer 03/16 Johnson, Zachary 03/25 Rice, Connie 03/08 Kolumber, Mary Ann 03/16 Young, Brittanie 03/26 Raudenbush, Dennis 03/08 Meier, Christopher 03/17 Smith, Saige 03/26 Doklan III ,Frank 03/08 Riegel, Bethanne 03/17 Smith, Farrah 03/27 Horvath, Al 03/08 Posh, Dawn 03/18 Prosser, William 03/27 Long, Dave 03/08 Shankweiler, David 03/18 Varady, John 03/27 Rank, Brandon 03/08 McCarthy, Meridith 03/18 Karpa, Alice 03/27 Davila, Michael Non-Profit Org. Christ Lutheran Church U.S. Postage 69 Main Street PAID Hellertown, PA 18055 Lehigh Valley, PA 610-838-0400 Permit No. 588 Dated Material—Do Not Delay RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED COUNCIL & TEAM LEADS COUNCIL: President: Chris Kulp Vice President: Lou Savant Secretary: Alice Karpa Treasurer: Leigh Feather Chuck Bender Kim Blake John Callen Lisa Cawley Angela Drake Jackie Jacoby Jeff Koehler Gary Reinbold Isabel Stoeckley (Youth Rep) TEAMS: Caregiving: Enid Rank PASTOR: Phil Spohn Christian Education: Jennifer Pluim Children’s Learning Center: Amy Kares Evangelism: Terry Long Finance: Ann Borovies Mutual Ministry: Council Executive Team Mission: Kathie Jones Parish Life: Allison Sterner Property: Randy Raab Stewardship: Tracy & Dan Bingaman Worship & Music: Ursula Merriman Youth: Mark Stana BUSINESS MANAGER: Kelly Meyer [email protected] [email protected] LEARNING CENTER DIRECTOR: Linda Reinbold OFFICE MANAGER: Anne Lawatsch [email protected] MINISTER OF MUSIC: Stephen Wysocki [email protected] [email protected] FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR: Hilary Simon [email protected] SEXTONS: Barbara Grello, Sonny Johnson If you have a story to tell or information to share with our Church community contact Leigh Feather at (610) 570-9380
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