Master Copy Lutheran Church of the Master Inside this Issue: Pastor’s Note Pg. 2 Children’s Ministry Pg. 3 Youth Ministry Pg. 4 Let Us Pray Pg. 5 Growing Together Pg. 6 VBS Update Pg. 7 Music Ministry Pg. 7 Senior Ministry Pg. 8 Stephen Ministries Pg. 9 Women’s Ministry Pg. 10 DiscipleshipPg. 11 Thank You Pg. 12 God Sighting Pg. 12 Let’s Get Together Pg. 13 Helping Hand Pg. 14-15 Welcome Booths Pg. 16 How to Welcome Guests Pg. 17 The Foundation of the MasterPg. 18 The Board Connection Pg. 18 UpdatePg. 19 Contact Information Pg. 20 1 April 2015 Pastor’s Note “He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!” Did you ever wonder why we say this at Easter? In Luke 24, two disciples are walking along a road to a town about 7 miles outside of Jerusalem called Emmaus, talking about the events that have just happened, about Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion, his death, and the empty tomb that the women and Peter had seen. While walking, Jesus appears and talks with them, but they do not recognize him until after they have invited him to stay and eat with them. When Jesus vanishes from their sight, they immediately get up and go back to Jerusalem, where they tell all the disciples, “The Lord has risen, indeed.” Talk about a God Sighting! We don’t know where the tradition began, but the Christian church continues to celebrate the revelation of Jesus Christ’s resurrection every Easter by shouting two phrases: “He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!” At our church, you may hear us share God Sightings in Bible Studies, Worship Services, and even this newsletter. Do you have a God Sighting that you would like to share, but you want encouragement to share it? Please contact me! Or talk with any of us pastors or staff, we would love to hear your God Sighting and help you share your testimony, just as the disciples did. Christian Book Club Read 'Em and Reap Continuing with “Killing Jesus: A History” by Bill O’Reilly with Pastor Kip Tyler April 17 -- “Factory Man” by Beth Macy May 15 -- “City of Tranquil Light” by Bo Caldwell April 3 -- Not meeting April 10 -- Ch. 19 of Killing Jesus April 17 -- Ch. 1 of The Children of Abraham April 24 -- Ch. 2 of The Children of Abraham Pick up a copy of this month’s book and join us in discussion as we become closer to each other and the Lord through literature with Pastor George. 2 Children’s Ministry Calendar April 15 -- Last day of Wednesday Evening programing/Pizza Party May 3 -- Memory Awards July 20th - 24th Wednesday Programming every week through April 15th from 6-7pm at both campuses. Come check us out! Registration: $125 Held at LCM West this year! Vacation Bible School West Campus June 8th- 12th East Campus July 13th - 17th Child & Volunteer sign-up online at Volunteers needed include Station Leaders, Crew Leaders, Crew Leaders for preschoolers, Registration team, Decorating team, Photographer, Publicity coordinator, Supply coordinator. For more details, see page 7! M inist r y Appreciat io n D inner 6 : 0 0 pm Su nd ay, Apr il 2 6 t h Lu t heran Chu rch o f t he M aster, West Cam p us Thanks to all of the amazing people that have partnered with us in ministry this school year, it has been an awesome year of ministry at Lutheran Church of the Master. We’d love for our ministry partners to join us in celebration of God’s work! 3 Youth Ministry Ministry Appreciation Dinner 6pm Sunday, April 26th Lutheran Church of the Master, west Campus Thanks to all of the amazing people that have partnered with us in ministry this school year, it has been an awesome year of ministry at Lutheran Church of the Master. We’d love for our ministry partners to join us in celebration of God’s work! 8th Grade Retreat Calendar Confirmation 6:30 pm April 11 – 10:30am April 12 Start and finish at LCM-East campus April 1, 8, 15 4:45-5:30 - 1st Session 5:30-6:15 - Dinner and fellowship 6:15-7 – 2nd session (pick either the 1st or 2nd session) The night will include dinner, interviews with pastoral advisors; a couple of late night adventures, and will wrap up with worship at the 9:15 east campus traditional service. Sunday School April 12, 19, 26 from 10:30-11:20 High School – students can join any adult Bible Study, or they can become a Sunday school teaching assistant. April 26 – LCM WEST Middle School 1-3pm Floor Hockey 3-5pm on select Sundays; Contact Steve 8th Grade Retreat Summer Camps and Mission Trips April 11-12 Registration for all summer trips is now available at on the youth pages. Epicenter Trip Snapshots West Campus April 12, 19 High School Youth Group 6:30-8:30 Open Gym April 26 Middle School 1-3pm • Pine Ridge Mission Trip - June 14-20 - $200 (6th grade and older) • Costa Rica Mission Trip - July 2-12 ***FULL*** • Camp Okoboji - July 5-10 - $250 (6th-9th grade) • Quaker Ridge - July 18-25 - $250 (9th-12th grade) • Quaker Ridge Project Serve – July 17-July 25 Students that have previously attended Quaker Ridge are encouraged to consider joining the project serve team. 4 Let Us Pray We ask for God’s sweet blessing of His presence to be with those serving in our military: Brian Andig - Navy Reserves Sgt. Sean Appleby Capt. Megan (Beaty) John - USAF 1st Lt. Travis Benne - USAF Travis Bland Anthony Blum Capt. Jim Chester Bryce Christensen Andrew Enholm - Navy Daniel Day Dustin Funk - Navy Ryan Hansen Derek Holen Nathan Holen Andy Houdescheldt Samuel Jacobson - Marines Lance Cpl. James Nelson - USMC Airman Adam Nielsen - USAF Joel Knox Michael Koba Spec 4 Tray Lewis David Manley - Navy Tim Pecoraro - USMC Capt. Trevor Steen Lt. Cmdr. Keland Regan Medic Cody Stickman - Army Lt. Col. Douglas Zadow - Army (Germany) There are individuals in our congregation who Church Members in Skilled or Assisted Living Please pray for the families of those who lost loved ones this past month Arline Bagaason Lydia Beckman Joyce Roberts Erma Schnathorst Wilma Searson Vic Bjelde Tom Day are interested in mailing cards to those serving in our military. If anyone has information regarding mailing addresses and birth dates of those individuals listed to the left, please contact the church office by phone: 402-333-4444 or by email at: [email protected] Elizabeth Donelson Do You Need Prayer Carolyn Ellison Jean Hill Esther Holmes Would you like to become part of the Marlys Johnson prayer chain? Lucille Lienemann Roland Mariucci Prayer cards located at the Step Up and Serve Table in the Narthex. Marie Roth Erma Siemers Call the Church Office at 402-333-4444 or email us at [email protected] Lois Thiemann 5 Growing Together Listing of Small Groups TITLEDATETIMELOCATIONFACILITATOR Quilt Tying 1st & 3rd Mondays 9:30am E Fellowship Hall Marcy Craig Gab & Grow Every Monday 12:00pm W10-11 Shari Bevilacqua Prayer ShawlEvery Monday1:00pmE21Clara Tsai Men’s Breakfast Every Tuesday 6:30am W Narthex Pastor John Lewis Mary Elizabeth Circle Tue. April 14th 9:15am 445 S 206th Ave. Carolyn Scheer Bible Study Every Tuesday 7:30pm 15318 Hillsdale Ave. Bruce Holmquist Stephen Ministry (Eve.) 1st Tuesdays 7:00pm E21 Carolyn Scheer TGOWEvery Wednesday 9:15amWest CampusLori Mathison Koinonia1st & 3rd Weds.4:00pmE21Wanda Schurman Equip (E) 2nd & 4th Weds. 6:00pm E16 Wendy Current Horizons Wed. April 8th 10:00am E Fellowship Hall George Megard Game Day Wed. April 22nd 10:00am E Fellowship Hall George Megard *Study in Acts Every Wednesday 6:00pm E Fellowship Hall Pastor Kip Tyler Women’s Bible Study Every Wednesday 6:00pm E21 Shelly Oestmann Pr. Tyler’s Bible Study Every Thursday 9:30am E Fellowship Hall Pastor Kip Tyler 11:45am E Fellowship Hall Pastor Kip Tyler Pr. Tyler’s Bible Study LunchEvery Thursday Stephen Ministry 3rd Thursdays1:30pmE21Carolyn Scheer *Connections for Women Every Thursday 6:00pm W4 Wendy Current Mom’s Group Fri. April 10th & 24th 9:00am W4 Wendy Current Pr. George’s Bible Study Every Friday 9:30am E21 Pastor Megard “Read ‘Em & Reap” 3rd Fridays 10:30am E21 Pastor Megard Christian Book Club Every Friday 12:00pm W4 (or ask office) Pastor Kip Tyler Panera Bible Study Sat. April 4th & 18th 8:00am Oak View Panera Marcia Downs Project Fun & Fellowship Sat. April 11th 9am -10pm W10-11 Brenda Thacker Morning Adult Study Every Sunday 9:00am E21 Pastor Robert Schaff Morning Adult Study Every Sunday 10:30am E21 Rick Hughes Young Adult Study Every Sunday 10:30am W12 Jenn Johnson West Adult Bible Study Every Sunday 10:30am W5 Joyce Schilke If there are any groups that are not shown here and you would like to be, please contact the church office. We would love to have the most up-to-date listing possible each month, if there are any changes feel free to contact the church office! Thank you 6 W elcome to Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! In just a few short months, our church will be getting a mountain makeover as we begin a unique adventure at Everest VBS! Kids will worship God through songs and prayer, and discover life-changing Bible truths in fun and memorable ways. To have the best adventure possible, we need lots of volunteers who can give some time, energy, and love to the kids who will attend. So let me share a few ideas about ways you might be able to make this program a success. Please check out the following list, and then pray about where God might use you. Station Leaders: Use easy-to-follow station leader manuals and prepare one 20-minute session each day, which you will repeat with four different groups of children and crew leaders. We need leaders for the following stations: • Base Camp Sing & Play/Summit Celebration (daily opening and closing, includes leading songs) • Imagination Station (fun crafts) • Glacier Games (fun outdoor/indoor games that reinforce Bible truths) • KidVid™ Cinema (video featuring the real-life adventures of real kids and discussion) • Mountaintop Treats (kitchen help for snacktime) • Bible Expeditions (incredible, surprising explorations of Bible stories) • Preschool Peak Crew Leaders: Shepherd a mixed-age group of five elementary children through each day’s activities, and there’s no preparation! Crew Leaders for preschoolers: Be a friend and helper to a group of preschool children, again, no preparation required! Still don’t see something that interests you? We’d also love to have a… • Registration team • Decorating team • Photographer • Publicity coordinator • Supply coordinator Guess what? There are also a few spots for anyone who’s dramatically inclined! Whatever your gifts, abilities, or time commitment, we’ve got a place for you! We believe that God will use this incredible program to reach many children with the message of his love, so please prayerfully consider your role in Everest VBS. Feel free to contact me by email, phone, or in person if you have any questions. Many Blessings, Randi Hughes [email protected] 402-333-4444 or 402-218-0751 (For more information about Everest, visit vbs/everest.) Music Ministry Calling All Singers! Adult Choir Rehearsals East Campus Thursday Evenings 7 - 8:30pm Meet in the Sanctuary Sunday Morning Rehearsals 7 East Campus 8:30 - 9am Meet in the Fellowship Hall Sing for the 9:15am Service Senior Ministry Horizons We meet the second Wednesday of the month, usually at 10:00 AM, in the Fellowship Hall at East Campus. It is a time for retirees to get together for food, entertainment and fellowship. Some luncheons are catered and some are pot-luck. There is a sign up two weeks before the meeting. Come and meet some new people! Join us in May Join us This Month May 13th 10am at East Campus Dinner: Wheatfield’s potato casserole, fruit and an assortment of muffins and rolls Program: Joy Johnson Cost: $7 including dues April 8th 10am at East Campus Dinner: Fried Chicken Dinner Program: Denell & I Cost: $5 including dues Horizon Directors: Don Schuler & Jean Lindell Game Day Date April 22nd 10am - 12pm in the East Campus Fellowship Hall 8 Stephen Ministry Here at Lutheran Church of the Master, we are fortunate enough to have several opportunities to see God’s word in action. There are so many people who travel to spread the word, and many more who are doing so right here in our backyard. We welcome you to read a little about the experiences of some of our friends and neighbors in the engagement of the Word. Remember The Stephen Ministers here at Lutheran Church of the Master are available if you are going through a tough time in your life. Call the office or one of the leaders if you have any questions about the program. Gideon Cards Have you recently taken notice of the displays in the foyer that contain Gideon cards? Included are some new designs that are very appealing: Praying for You, On Your Special Day, In Sympathy, A Life Well Lived and Thanking God We will be training a new class of Stephen Ministers this fall. If you are interested in being on our Stephen Ministry team, please call and let us know. For You. There are also special envelopes that contain the necessary materials to “Make Any Card a Gideon Card.” Using these items is a great way to encourage others, and through your donations to the Gideons you can have a positive impact in the lives of people around the world. Stephen Minister’s Care: Carolyn Scheer, 402-289-4863 Dan Dankof, 402-333-2134 Kathy Rudd, 402-333-0580 Connie Davis, 402-305-0815 Stephen Center Every dollar donated through the Gideon Card Program is used for the printing and shipping of Bibles and New Testaments, and to make it possible for others around the world to have their very own copy of God’s Word. Thank you for your support! I want to thank all of you that contributed food for the March Stephen Center. It was very much appreciated by all of our 100 plus homeless. The new Stephen Center Offers so many opportunities for these people to find a new way of life and our church helps to ‘FILL THE GAP’. See also 9 -- Marilyn Stamm: 402-493-3071 where you can send E-Cards, or have the Gideons mail cards for you with your personal message. Women’s Ministry Looking for a Mother’s Day Gift for others? Maybe one for yourself? Smiles! Join us! August 28-29, 2015 Lincoln, NE Pinnacle Bank Arena (No Nebraska Football game that weekend) This is the last year of the tour, and we know it will sell out. We still have tickets available for our group block. Reserve and purchase your ticket today for the final Women of Faith Tour 2015! $85 Money can be dropped at either church office, Attention Wendy Current. Note: Due to the advance nature of this ticket purchase, some unavoidable scheduling conflicts may arise. If that is the case, we will re-purchase the ticket (s) from you to share with another. Questions: Contact Allison Tiller, Group Leader, (402-669-9518) or Wendy Current, Coordinator of Discipleship (402-333-4444). 10 Discipleship 11 God Sighting On March 7th, 62 volunteers gathered to make blankets to give to Christian Outreach Program of Elkhorn (COPE), Stephens Center, and Open Door Mission/Lydia House. These blankets, combined with those made previously by our Friday Morning Mom's Group and Connections for Women on Thursday night, came to a total of 91 (and counting) blankets for these organizations. But it isn't about the number of blankets produced. It's more about the discipleship that was happening. As a part of every blanket made, we inserted a foam heart between the pieces of fabric before they were closed, and said a prayer. For those not comfortable with coming up with one of their own, the following prayer was inserted... Dear God – Please take this blanket and wrap it around someone who needs to know your Love. Use this blanket to strengthen them, heal them, and free them of any pain they may feel. Let this blanket, with its heart inside, carry your light into their heart. Amen The Holy Spirit was with us March 7. We saw it all day long, but one special story sticks out. Miss Kennedy, who came with a Girl Scout troop, came running up to her leader and shouted, "We forgot to pray over the blanket. Can I say the prayer?" When a child asks to pray for others, I'll call that a good day for God. - Wendy Current Thank You’s Thank you to Lutheran Church of the Master for your support of the Gideon Ministry. The gifts you gave will go to nearly 350 Bibles or 1,400 New Testaments to be freely given to others. Lutheran Church of the Master is literally spreading the Word of God around the globe! Sincerely, Jon Carlson, Gideon Presenter Thank you everyone for your kindness. The pastor’s visits, flowers and cards were all well received. Also, thank you everyone, most of all, for your payers. God bless. Sincerely, Rose Butcher 12 Let’s Get Together Lutheran Women of Omaha will meet on April 14, 2015 at noon at Calvary Lutheran Church at 2941 N. 80th St. The program is “Getting to Know You.” The project is the Camp Carol Quilt Kits. Please RSVP by 5pm on April 12th to Mardelle Gocek at 402-292-1328. Lutheran Church of the Master Presents 4th Annual Spring Golf Scramble May 3rd, 2015 | 2:00 pm | Pacific Springs Golf Course $75 per Individual ____ $300 per Team of 4 ____ (Please Select One) Individual Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name _____________________________ Contact Phone # _________________________ Contact Email ___________________________________________________________________________ Sign-Up Deadline: April 29th Win prizes and drawings! Food is provided. All proceeds fund summer youth camp scholarships. “It’s all about the kids” For more information contact John Lewis at 402-333-4444 13 Helping Hand Uganda Mission Trip - The Burklund’s This summer Brad, Pam, and Breanna Burklund will be traveling to Uganda as missionaries through Show Mercy International. They will be working in village schools, orphanages, and medical clinics teaching English through Bible stories, praying over patients and helping the elderly while spreading God’s love. Wile spring cleaning. If you have extra school and craft supplies and gently used clothing items that you no longer need, would you please consider donating them to Uganda? The Burklund’s will take these items with them and put them into the hands of those truly in need, so please leave in marked bins at either East or West location by June. They would also deeply appreciate your prayers as they prepare and leave for Uganda in July. Backpacks for Lutheran World Relief If you have been blessed with the gift of sewing, Lutheran World Relief could use your set of skills in putting together easily assembled backpacks for their ongoing project. Please call Jane McGowan at 402-333-6630 to set up a time and place to pick up materials. ALTAR GUILD IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS Haiti Wood Shop We need volunteers for East & West altar guilds. It would only take about 20 hours of your time a year. We clean the altars on a Friday or Saturday morning, weekly. Set up communion the first Saturday of the month and clean up after each service on Sunday. We also decorate the church for special holidays it is usually on a Saturday. If you are interested or have any questions call Dugan Haver (402)895-3842 or e-mail at [email protected] 14 The wood shop build down in Haiti is making progress. They are moving ever-closer to completion. We were informed by Pastor Benoit they'll only need an estimated $8,000 to complete the structure. If this is a project you'd like to support, please indicate so by marking any donations as "Haiti Wood Shop". Thank you for all of your prayers and for your financial support! Sincerely, Sterling Peterson Helping Hand Coffee Assistants Needed We are seeking individuals to make the coffee for Sunday morning as well as assisting with taking care of the coffee pots and cookies after 9:15 or 10:45 worship at East. Please notify the office if you’d like to serve in this manner. Sharing the Beauty | Altar Flowers Give flowers thanking God, remembering a special person and/or celebrating a special occasion. The cost is only $25 per arrangement. You can sign up on the flower charts located at each campus [East Campus - by the East side doors. West Campus - between the office door and the kitchen]. You will be called for the dedication message you would like in the bulletin and your preferred color of flowers. You may take the flowers home after the last service. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 402-333-4444. Social Concerns Put in Welcome Center Bins South Lutheran Pantry/Iglesia Cristiana: Toothpaste, soap and tuna Project Hope: Cereal & Crackers Stephen Center: In great need of pillows, new or clean, used ones. Bring to either campus Senior Care Ministry: Share your God-given talents. Contact coordinator Char Repp, 402-234-5010 “God Will” Ministry Needs: Set of bunk beds, twin bed, dresser and a washer & dryer - all good, working condition, please. Call Anthony Yates, 402-932-5297. TV program at 9:00 PM, Sundays on Channel 22. (Immediate need for a gas stove and a gas dryer) Prayer Shawl Ministry: Someone ill, dealing with loss, trauma? Give them a prayer shawl; or learn to make one at a Monday knitting/crochet session 1- 3:00 pm at the East Campus. Call Clara Tsai at 402-630-5583. 15 WelcomeBooths Booths Welcome The LCM welcome centers are getting a new look and a fresh start. There will be three distinctive booths answering three specific questions. First, for those who are new here, have questions and are curious about the church but have no idea where to begin, the First Step booth is for you. Come, learn how to get connected at LCM and ask all the questions you need to. Just come as you are. We can’t wait to see you! Second, for those who have children and youth and want them to take the first steps to a deeper relationship with Christ, the Children and Youth booth is for you. From nursery care, to Sunday school, to youth groups, a trained volunteer will assist you. You will be asked to complete a brief form with some basic information then we will walk you to the room where your child or youth is assigned. Know that your entire family has a place in our community. Third, for those who wish to follow Christ’s example and teaching to serve by sharing in the lives of others, the Connect & Serve booth is for you. Jesus says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) We are a Church on the move. We value serving, both within the church walls and throughout the community, as a part of responding to God’s will for us. Our congregation goes beyond the walls of our two campuses because God has given us the community around us in which to serve - our community is our congregation. Come and talk with a trained volunteer, who will help you take your first steps to joining a small group, signing up for service and program opportunities or learning what God’s purpose and plan is for you. IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! We are looking for twelve followers of Christ, six for the East campus & six for the West campus that want Christ to be known in our community by serving as welcome booth volunteers. Pastor John Lewis will train, equip and work side by side with you as we engage and gather information from our community. If you have a fun personality, have the gift of hospitality and want to make a huge impact on the life of the church for less than an hour a week, talk to Pastor John Lewis. 16 John’s Page How to Welcome Guests-Part 3: Social Media and the Church Christians have always been on the forefront of communication technology. I know what you’re thinking: “yeah, right!” But bear with me for a moment. When we look in the pages of the New Testament, we see the writings of St. Paul. Do you know what he was writing with? A pen. Do you know what he was writing on? Paper (technically papyrus, but you get the point). Believe it or not, both were cutting-edge technologies back in the day. Martin Luther leveraged the moveable type printing press to get God’s Word into the hands of regular, everyday people like you and me. In fact, Luther is quoted as saying the printing press was the “highest act of God’s grace.” Foursquare denomination founder Aimee Semple McPherson felt a divine tug to use the radio broadcast to share the message of Jesus. Billy Graham is famous for his televangelism crusades. More and more Christians are embracing communication technology to further the Kingdom. From our humble beginnings, the church has always found ways to communicate the Gospel message through any and all means available. Now it’s our turn to shape the next era in church history. You have a role in determining where the church goes next and it largely depends on your response to two words: social media. You’ve seen the platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.). You’ve seen the viral videos. You may even be an active participant. But the underlying power in social media is not the technology or the platforms. The power comes from human beings connecting with one another all around the globe. For example, our website speaks to hundreds of people a week. It’s no mistake we call the first page of our websites – the Home Page. Over 81% of those who plan to worship or attend an activity at our church will look at our website first. Just like our front entrance, it wants to be welcoming and make a good first impression. Social media requires a new way of thinking. It moves the church from her position of distributor of religious instruction to a flexible community reaching out to the entire world in a moment. Like St. Paul, Luther, McPherson, and Graham, the 21st-century church has an unimaginable opportunity in social media to extend the borders of God’s Kingdom online. The methods have changed, but the message remains the same. 17 Foundation of the Master OMAHA GIVES! is your chance to assist the growth and outreach efforts of LCM’s Foundation of the Master. Wednesday, May 20, 2015, is Omaha Gives! day; one 24 hour period when anyone can go online at, and make a minimum $10 gift to the Foundation of the Master. The Foundation’s goal is to assist Lutheran Church of the Master in congregational and community outreach. Since 2008, the Foundation has provided over $140,000 in funds to specific programs and activities that are outside of LCM’s annual budget. Foundation resources have funded, for example, playground equipment for the West Campus, Alleluia Preschool start up expenses, and technology equipment for church outreach programs. Omaha Gives! is one way to help secure the future funding capability of the Foundation of the Master. Omaha Gives! was created by the Omaha Community Foundation, which has sponsored charitable giving in the Metro area since 1982. 2015 marks the third year of this innovative attempt to enhance charitable giving to Metro area nonprofit organizations. Through this online effort, the Foundation of the Master seeks your support. On May 20th, please consider making a contribution to the Foundation of the Master. Log on to Follow the instructions to create a donor account: name, email, and password, and then please give generously. Gifts donated online will ensure the Foundation’s eligibility to receive “bonus dollars” from the event that will be allocated for Foundation use. Questions about Omaha Gives! or the Foundation of the Master can be directed to Jon Carlson, Foundation Board President, at 402-333-6601. The Board Connection “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Heb. 10:24). Your Church Board has been busy with the work of our congregation. The Chapel at the West Campus is progressing nicely and is well on its way to completion. Please stop in and look at the wonderful results of some great effort by a number of our members. The Chapel will be a great worship space for the 9:15 Traditional Service, as well as for smaller weddings, funerals and other gatherings. Your Board will conduct a Retreat in April for the purpose of conducting a strategic envisioning process. Simply put, if we allow our mission statement to drive our thinking, what might our congregation look like in 5 years? 10 years? That said, a very important and key component of this envisioning process is to receive the input and wisdom from all congregation members---your Board’s desire is for our members, leaders, Pastors and staff to collaboratively establish the vision for our congregation. Your Board will schedule one or more Congregational Forums, the purpose of which is to allow our members the opportunity to discuss and dialogue among themselves what our church body should look like and how it should minister to our community in the years ahead. We covet your participation and input, so please be on the lookout for the dates and times of these forums. We expect the first forum to be held some time in May. As we approach Easter Sunday, your Board wishes your family and you a most joyous day! And, as we celebrate Christ’s victory over death and the grave and our assurance of new life in Him, we are led to proclaim with John Newton: “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.” Please let your Board know how we can serve you and pray for you. Dave Anderson Board President 18 Update Policy Reminders Friendly Reminder -- Address Changes Please be sure to let the office know of any address changes, whether it be permanent or temporary. This helps the office keep their records correct and assists with mailings. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 402-333-4444. Thank you! March’s Attendance Wednesday Night Meals March 1 -- 966 March 8 -- 752 March 15 -- 861 March 22 -- 904 March 29 -- 1,030 April 1 April 8 Lutheran Church of the Master Financial Summary Mac n’ Cheese & Salad Actual January - February 2015 Pizza & Salad Total Income: $254,411 Total Expense: $279,760 Net Income (Loss): ($25,349) April 15 Sandwiches & Chips Children & Youth Party - Food will be provided (TBD) And as always ... DESSERT! Baptisms “I am with you always, even until the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20 Collin James Rahfaldt - Baptized March 22, 2015 Dylan Marie Schuett - Baptized March 29, 2015 Have something for the Newsletter? We would love to include it in our next month’s issue. Newsletter deadline is the 15th of the prior month. Any type of notification from prayers, birth announcements, new small groups, to an event. Just email your notice to: [email protected] 19 LCM East Campus 2617 S 114th St. Omaha, NE 68154 P. 402.333.4444 | F. 402.333.4482 Ministry Staff: Kip Tyler: C.402-651-0858 H.402-334-7152 Senior Pastor April Dietz: C.402-201-3361 Associate Pastor John Lewis: C.402-598-3986 H.402-321-8232 Associate Pastor George Megard: C.402-290-9689 H.712-323-7686 Associate Pastor Wendy Current: C.402-980-9107 Coordinator of Discipleship Galen Greer: C.402-639-7265 Contemporary Music Director Steve Hemmer: C.402-689-9143 Youth & Family Ministries Randi Hughes: C.402-218-0751 Children & Family Coordinator Alleluia! Preschool / Alleluia!Kindergarten: Patty Pecoraro, Director/Teacher [email protected] C.402-578-6385 West Campus | 1200 N. 181st Court | Elkhorn, NE 68022 Sundays: Traditional Worship................................9:15 am Contemporary Worship........................9:15 am Contemporary Worship.......................10:30 am East Campus | 2617 S. 114th St. | Omaha, NE 68144 Saturday Traditional Worship..............5:30 pm Sundays: Traditional Worship................................8:00 am Traditional Worship................................9:15 am Contemporary Worship.......................10:45 am Support Staff: Anne Miller -- Adult Choir Director Connie Hacker -- Bookkeeper Shari Bevilacqua -- Church Administrator Jim McKay -- Maintenance (East) Dan Hurley -- Maintenance (West) Tasha Schellenberg -- Receptionist (East) Nikki Kotchka -- Receptionist (West) Vickie Wagner -- S.S. Superintendent (East) Tracy Schmidt -- S.S. Superintendent (West) 20
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