Deploying Citrix XenApp and Citrix XenDesktop in a verified cloud

Control and flexibility:
Deploying Citrix XenApp
and Citrix XenDesktop
in a verified cloud
Choosing the right technology infrastructure
Introducing Citrix XenApp and Citrix XenDesktop in the cloud
Engaging scalable solutions from verified providers
Boosting business value
Finding verified providers
Getting started
Choosing the right technology infrastructure
High-pressure, rapidly changing business conditions leave little room for technology solutions that
gobble your budget, staff resources and patience. Instead, you need a technology infrastructure that
excels at serving the business—a solution that is flexible, simple and cost-effective.
Unfortunately, traditional on-premise information technology:
•Is difficult to scale
Cloud technologies offer an affordable, scalable alternative, yet many
companies aren’t ready to shift their entire IT landscapes to the cloud.
Some firms want to host some business-critical applications on-premise,
•Requires hard-to-find talent to administer and manage
using their own compute resources. Yet they also want to use an
•Delays time to value due to long deployment lead times
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering—where a provider owns the
•Requires accurate estimates of required capacity, months or even
years in advance
•Demands significant upfront capital expenditures
technology equipment and takes responsibility for housing, running and
maintaining it—to host applications and desktops in the cloud. For these
firms, choosing between an all-cloud or an all on-premise solution is no
choice at all.
Citrix can help.
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Citrix XenApp and
Citrix XenDesktop
in the cloud
Citrix solutions combine the power of proven
virtualization software with the flexibility and
simplicity of the cloud. Using a new hybrid cloud
provisioning feature in Citrix XenApp and Citrix
XenDesktop, we make it easy for you to deploy
your applications and desktops in the cloud.
With your existing Citrix licenses,
you can deploy XenApp and
XenDesktop servers in the
production cloud of a verified
provider. You get peace of mind and
the option of choosing from among
the best datacenters in the world.
What BYOL means to you
With the bring-your-ownlicense (BYOL) model, you can
use your existing Citrix XenApp
or Citrix XenDesktop licenses
and purchase the infrastructure
you need directly from the
service provider.
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Engaging scalable solutions from
verified providers
Verified providers from our Citrix Ready IaaS
Cloud for XenDesktop program offer a secure
IaaS computing environment to Citrix customers.
Cloud-ready XenApp and XenDesktop solutions
allow you to intuitively virtualize applications and
provision desktops for users.
With industry-leading virtualization features, self-aware XenApp and
XenDesktop solutions expand and contract to meet your requirements.
For all IaaS public cloud deployments, capital expenditures are reduced
and agility and ROI improve because you pay only for what you need,
when you need it.
Want to deploy your server farm in the cloud? Need a cloud provider to
manage and administer parts or all of your IT infrastructure? The choice is
yours. As your needs change, the service adapts to meet your requirements.
Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp
Hybrid cloud provisioning
Web Services
Ingredients for an integrated
desktop cloud solution
Strengthening information security with virtualization
As companies embrace mobility, telecommuting and bring-your-own
devices, they must ensure enterprise security and compliance while allowing
people to optimize business productivity. Citrix desktop virtualization
solutions provide centralized control and management, flexible delivery,
policy-based control, and endpoint protection. By leveraging desktop
virtualization as a security layer, you can manage risk more effectively
while providing optimal agility to the business. Learn more about using
desktop virtualization to enhance security .
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Boosting business value
By building on the proven value of IaaS solutions, Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop in the cloud offer
significant financial, management and operational benefits.
IaaS benefits
IaaS and Citrix benefits
Enhanced operational flexibility,
choice and efficiency
Higher user satisfaction
Improved IT agility
Provision XenDesktop and XenApp workloads
Grow and change your IT infrastructure to
Build the hybrid cloud computing
faster and more efficiently using intelligent
meet evolving business needs.
infrastructure that meets your unique needs.
resource management.
Avoid having to buy more capacity to deal
Enhanced compliance
Decreased project risk
Meet regulatory mandates for data sovereignty
Deploy applications exactly where they are
with services from regional providers. Only a
needed, on-premise or in the cloud. Public
multi-cloud platform such as a Citrix solution
Avoid costs associated with ensuring
IaaS gives you the instant ability to right size
provides cloud-powered apps and desktop
uptime and maintaining compute, storage
your farm, ensuring you always have the right
delivery with capacity via a network of regional
and networking hardware or replacing
mix of capacity vs. cost. You no longer need to
providers across many sovereign locations.
old equipment.
guess at how much hardware to buy because
with sudden business spikes.
Reduced capital expenditures
Faster speed of service
Quickly meet changing demand for desktops
a public cloud already has it racked and
Increased scalability
powered on demand.
Auto-scale datacenter resources using Citrix
NetScaler for automatic cross-workload
and applications due to seasonal needs or
Maximized choice
organizational growth.
Mix and match IT infrastructure components,
blending on-premise and cloud, or choose a
Support for business transformation
cloud provider by price, feature/function,
Own less and do more with the freedom of a
location/proximity or areas of expertise.
new hybrid cloud model.
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Finding verified
No matter where you do business, we have cloud
providers that are verified by the Citrix Ready
IaaS Cloud for XenDesktop program .
The Citrix Ready designation is
awarded to third-party partners that
have successfully met our test
criteria. This certification gives our
customers added confidence in the
compatibility of the joint solution.
Choose a provider from your region
or industry, or find one with the
features that match your business
requirements infrastructure. The
choice is yours. As your needs
change, the service adapts to meet
your requirements.
See why BT Global Services
uses Citrix cloud technology
to enable pay-as-you-go
solutions that are tailored to
its customers’ needs.
Find out how MCPc uses
Citrix CloudPlatform to deploy
flexible cloud orchestration for
its customers’ workloads.
Learn how Zajil Telecom
uses Citrix CloudPlatform to
extend cloud-based capabilities
to its growing client base.
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Getting started
Learn more about verified providers
one-size-fits-all type of market, and Citrix’s ability to
in the Citrix Ready IaaS Cloud for
XenDesktop program. For more technical information about Citrix cloud
solutions, read about Citrix XenApp
The client virtualization software market is not a
and hybrid cloud provisioning
provide customers with a holistic and flexible solution
is one of the company’s greatest strengths.
with XenDesktop and XenApp.
—Worldwide Client Virtualization Software 2013 Vendor Assessment, IDC
Citrix portfolio of offerings
On IaaS
Customer IT
Customer IT
Customer or partner
Managed by IT
Managed by IT
Managed by partner
Managed by Citrix
Single tenant
Single tenant
Single or multi-tenant
Public (CloudPlatform,
Azure, Amazon)
Private, partner, public
(Azure), government*
Available today
workspace delivery with
Citrix Workspace Cloud
With Citrix Workspace Cloud,
the IT team can choose the
workspace deployment that is
right for the organization.
Workspace Cloud will enable IT
staff to create services that are
delivered on public or private
clouds, on-premise or in a hybrid
model. This gives IT leaders the
ability to make deployment
choices that will deliver the best
economics, performance and
compliance to meet technology
requirements. Find out more.
*Microsoft Azure Government
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