MEETING NOTICE FOR THE CITY OF HUBBARD TUESDAY MARCH 17, 2015 ............................................................................................................................................................ PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: HOLUM, ANDERSON, NICHOLS, ESTES, NELSON ............................................................................................................................................................ The Hubbard Planning Commission will meet for a planning meeting at the Hubbard City Hall at 6:30 p.m. The City will, upon request, endeavor to arrange for the following services to be provided. Since these services must be scheduled with outside service providers, it is important to allow as much lead time as possible. Please notify the City of your need by 4:00 p.m. on the Monday preceding the meeting date. Χ Qualified sign language interpreters for persons with speech or hearing impairments; and Χ Qualified bilingual interpreters; and Χ Assisting listening devices for persons with impaired hearing. Additional agenda items may be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to the meeting. Please contact the City Recorder, Vickie L. Nogle, MMC, at 981-9633. (TTY / Voice 1-800-735-2900) SEE ATTACHED AGENDA Posted 3/11/2015 4:00 p.m. Vickie L. Nogle, MMC Director of Admin/City Recorder CITY OF HUBBARD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015 - 6:30 PM LOCATION: HUBBARD CITY HALL 3720 2ND STREET, HUBBARD 1) CALL TO ORDER. a) Flag Salute. 2) SWEARING IN OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER. a) Glen Holum for the term ending December 31, 2017. 3) APPOINT CHAIR. 4) APPOINT VICE-CHAIR. 5) APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 16, 2014, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES. 6) PUBLIC HEARINGS. a) Sojourn Properties – DR #2015-01 and VA #2015-01 to construct 52 unit motor home storage facility and variance request to side and rear setback requirements. (41W34BB 600). 7) DISCUSSION TO RENAME A PORTION OF 9TH STREET. 8) ADJOURNMENT. (Next Planning Commission meeting April 21, 2015) CITY OF HUBBARD PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 CALL TO ORDER. The Hubbard Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by the Planning Commission Chairman Glenn Holum at the City Hall, 3720 2nd Street, Hubbard. Planning Commission Present: Nelson. Glenn Holum, Harold Anderson, Dan Estes, Kevin Planning Commission Excused Absence: Byron Nichols. Staff Present: City Recorder Vickie Nogle; City Planner Jim Jacks, MWVCOG; Administrative Assistant Lucy Astorga. FLAG SALUTE. Planning Commission Chairman Glenn Holum led the group in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. SWEARING IN OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER. Director of Administration/City Recorder Vickie Nogle swore in Planning Commissioner Kevin Nelson, with term ending December 31, 2017. APPOINT VICE-CHAIR. MSA/Planning Commissioner Dan Estes/Planning Commissioner Kevin Nelson moved to appoint Harold Anderson as Planning Commission Vice-Chair. Planning Commissioners Glenn Holum, Dan Estes, Harold Anderson, and Kevin Nelson were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 19, 2014, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. MSA/Planning Commissioner Dan Estes/Planning Commissioner Harold Anderson moved to approve the minutes as presented. Planning Commissioners Glenn Holum, Dan Estes, Harold Anderson, and Kevin Nelson were in favor. Motion passed. PUBLIC HEARING. SUBDIVISION #2014-01 & VARIANCE #2014-01 – TO SUBDIVIDE 17.52 ACRES INTO 37 LOTS. CONCURRENT VARIANCE TO ADJUST THE COLLECTOR ROAD STANDARDS TO ALLOW INTERSECTION SPACING OF ABOUT 230 FEET BETWEEN ANFISA AND “A” STREET WHERE 400 FEET IS REQUIRED (41W28D 400 & 41W28DD 1800, I & E CONSTRUCTION, INC. (KARL IVANOV)). Planning Commission Chairman Glenn Holum opened the Public Hearing. City Planner Jim Jacks asked if there were any declarations of bias, conflict of interest, or ex parte contact. There were none. J. Jacks read the legislative hearing statement. J. Jacks summarized the staff report, saying the property was the subject of a subdivision application in 2008, and the current proposed development is very similar to the one from 2008. He pointed out that a condition of approval was to have the owner either dedicate or provide an PAGE 2 – PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 easement for a 20 foot-wide portion of land so a multiuse path can be constructed at a later date. Another condition of approval was to rename the street “Anfisa” due to the confusion in pronunciation. J. Jacks said recommends the second sentence of Condition of Approval #34 be removed, as proposed streets won’t be near wetlands. J. Jacks reported the Variance is being requested because the City’s code states collector and intersecting streets be at least 400 feet apart from other streets. In this case, the intersection of 10th Street (collector street) and A Street is only approximately 230 feet from Anfisa Street. Mark Grenz, 1155 13th Street SE, Salem, Multitech Engineering, representative of owner, said the homes will have fairly good-sized lots and had no problems with the conditions of approval, as clarified by J. Jacks. G. Holum asked what the timeline was for construction. M. Grenz replied the owner would like to get started as soon as possible. G. Holum opened the meeting to proponents. There were none. G. Holum opened the meeting to opponents. Marlys Peterson, 2389 A Street, Hubbard, explained she’s not against the project, but the staff report was not available for review seven days prior to the meeting, and because of that, was formally asking for a continuation of the applications. Director of Administration/City Recorder Vickie Nogle clarified the staff report was available to the public at City Hall on September 9, 2014, and published on the City’s website on September 11, 2014. M. Peterson stated she was out of town and only had access to the staff report online. She said her engineer wanted to review the surveyor information, as there were discrepancies between her pins and the ones placed by Azimuth Surveyors. J. Jacks told M. Peterson her surveyor could contact the applicant and reminded her the pins are not required to be driven into the ground until the City and County have reviewed their placement and the final plat is recorded at the County. Planning Commissioner Dan Estes asked M. Peterson if she’d asked about the survey when it was done in 2008. M. Peterson responded she was out of town then too and she sent a letter to the City but never heard back, then the application was dropped. Linda Kleczynski, 2409 A Street, Hubbard, reported the staff report was available on September 9, 2014, at City Hall. PAGE 3 – PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 Ken Kleczynski, 2409 A Street, Hubbard, asked if the survey shows the older pins on the existing houses needed to be moved and property lines shifted, who would pay for moving fences and landscaping, etc. J. Jacks reported the City has no control over where survey pins are placed and it’s the County Surveyor who accepts the final plat. Debbie Bean, 3632 Oakridge Lane, Hubbard, asked about the congestion generated by the new subdivision, as it would access Pacific Highway 99E at A Street or D Street. Bob Thurman, 2387 A Street, Hubbard, asked if there would be any incurred costs or increased taxes to the neighboring homes because of the new development. Larry Anfilofieff, 3812 10th Street, Hubbard, commented the new development would put a lot more traffic on 10th Street and suggested putting speed bumps on it. He stated he doesn’t want construction staging on 10th Street and if the applicant damages the street at all, he wants him to fix it. Melody McLaren, 2232 Allan Avenue, Hubbard, asked if the applicant would be installing sidewalks on A Street. M. Grenz said he would try to address all the voiced concerns. He said if the surveys show discrepancies, they will be resolved, and doesn’t foresee shifting anybody’s property lines. M. Grenz reported there won’t be any financial impacts on neighbors. Planning Commissioner Harold Anderson asked M. Grenz to address the congestion issue. M. Grenz said because there’s only 37 lots, they didn’t have to do a Traffic Impact Analysis because there is a collector street available. He stated he can’t say what will happen regarding construction traffic on 10th Street, but it won’t be used as a staging area. Julie Lemon, 2192 Allan Avenue, Hubbard, commented the park/green space area proposed by the applicant is inhabited by transients. M. Grenz clarified he never said the green space would be used as a park, but that it would still be open to the public. He added that area would be used for the multiuse path and hoped the new homes would help eliminate the transients. G. Holum closed the public comment portion of the meeting. MSA/Planning Commissioner Dan Estes/Planning Commissioner Kevin Nelson moved to approve Subdivision #2014-01 and Variance #2014-01 as amended, removing the second sentence of Condition of Approval 34, so the condition reads: “A wetland delineation report shall be submitted to the city before or concurrent with the submittal of construction plans for the sewer, water, storm drainage and streets for the subdivision. Planning Commissioners Glenn Holum, Dan Estes, Harold Anderson, and Kevin Nelson were in favor. Motion passed. PAGE 4 – PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 ADJOURNMENT. (The next scheduled Planning Commission Meeting will be October 21, 2014, at 6:30 p.m.) MSA/Planning Commissioner Dan Estes/Planning Commissioner Kevin Nelson moved to adjourn the meeting. Planning Commissioners Glenn Holum, Harold Anderson, Kevin Nelson, and Dan Estes were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Glenn Holum, Planning Commission Chairman ATTEST: Vickie L. Nogle, MMC, Director of Administration/City Recorder , Recording _____________________________ Lucy T. Astorga, Admin Asst. Transcribing ME EMO O DATE: March 6, 2015 TO: Hu ubbard Planning Commissiion FROM: Joseph Shearerr, City Plannerr HEARING DATE: March 17, 2015 5 REQUEST: Co onsideration o of street renaaming for the portion of 9tth Street which connects to o the no orthwestern tterminus of A Allan Street On Septem mber 16, 201 14, the Planning Commissio on approved a subdivission at the no orthwest term minus of A Street for applicant I & E Constru uction, Inc. (Karl Ivanov). TThe applicant continuess to fulfill the conditions off approval approved by the Planning Commissiion, and on February 26, 2 2015 City staff met with the applicant’s team for a pre‐con nstruction meeting. The appro oved subdivission includes tthe extension n of 10th Street norrtheasterly to o connect to tthe southwessterly stub of 9th Streett, and should necessitate rrenaming the e short, approximately 1/2 blocck of 9th Stre eet from its in ntersection with Allan n Avenue southwesterly to o the stub of 9 9th Street. The subdiivision plat exxcerpt shows the subject lo ocation. Oregon Revised Statute 227.120 pre esents the prrocedure for renaming a street, and d requires a finding from th he Planning Commission that the renaming is in n the best inte erest of the city and th he six mile arrea. Upon receiving such a recommendation, the City Council w will hold a public hearing on the question. Grreens at Mill Creeek, SUB/VAR 20014‐01 The appliccable statue is included be elow. 227.12 20 Procedure e and approva al for renamin ng streets. W Within six milees of the limits ts of any city, the commissio on [a Plannin ng Commissio on presumably], if there is one, or if no ssuch commisssion legally exxists, then the ccity engineer, shall recomm mend to the ccity council th e renaming oof any existing g street, highway or road, o other than a ccounty road or state highw way, if in the juudgment of tthe commissio on, or if no su uch commissio on legally exissts, then in th he judgment o of the city enggineer, such rrenaming is in n the best inteerest of the cityy and the six m mile area. Upon receiving ssuch recomm mendation thee council shalll afford perso ons particularrly interested,, and the general public, an opportunityy to be heard, d, at a time an nd place to bee specified iin a notice of f hearing publlished in a newspaper of g eneral circulaation within tthe municipality and the siix mile area n not less than o once within th he week priorr to the week within which h the hearing is to be held. A After such opp portunity for h hearing has b been affordedd, the city couuncil by ordina ance shall ren name the street or highway in accordance with the recommendation or by resolution shall reject the recommendation. A certified copy of each such ordinance shall be filed for record with the county clerk or recorder, and a like copy shall be filed with the county assessor and county surveyor. The county surveyor shall enter the new names of such streets and roads in red ink on the county surveyor’s copy of any filed plat and tracing thereof which may be affected, together with appropriate notations concerning the same. The original plat may not be corrected or changed after it is recorded with the county clerk. [Amended by 2001 c.173 §4] Once the Council conducts the hearing they would pass an ordinance renaming the street. Finally, the City would “file” [I think it means record the ordinance] with the County Clerk, County Assessor and County Surveyor. Before it is submitted for City approval, the final plat for the Greens at Mill Creek subdivision would also be updated to reflect the change. I respectfully request that the Planning Commission consider this issue and, if agreeing that the renaming is in the best interest of the city and the surrounding six mile area, vote to recommend the renaming to the City Council for their consideration. Sample motion language could consist of something like the following: I move to recommend to the City Council the renaming of the approximately 120’ remnant portion of 9th Street which intersects Allan Avenue. Renaming this remnant street as 10th Street is in the best interest of the city and the surrounding six mile area.
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