The Programme Clamber Club SPORTS

The Programme Clamber Club
Clamber Club SPORTS is a sensory motor programme that is run as an extra mural at preschools and playgroups.
Classes involve children exercising to the Clamber Club action songs, learning perceptual motor skills such as body
awareness, spatial skills, and motor planning, using exciting and unique equipment such as imported domes, animal
bean bags, rubber monkeys and frogs, hoops, elastics, a gym parachute, ribbon blankets, the hamster wheel,
catch cups, surf boards and much more. The aim is to give children a wide variety of experiences so that general
sporting skills are promoted.
Lessons are 30 minutes each with 10 children per class. There are 3 different programmes for each age group, with
40 lessons per group. The coach’s role is to lead the class, teach the lessons and make sure that each and every
child is benefitting from the programme.
• Your own car
Sports Olivedale
Janine Harriss
“The family dynamic at home has drastically
improved no more rushing means far less stress.
I am also so much happier being active again, and
I get to spend my mornings with an entertaining
bunch, there is always a little character that will
make you laugh, daily! Corporate life is for the
Sports Lonehill
Candice Pretorius
“One of the most rewarding things a SPORTS
Franchise owner can receive, is to see how a child who
may be struggling with weak core, balance or gross
motor issues, get stronger and stronger and more
confident about their own little bodies and what they
can do with them. The delight in their little faces
is priceless and makes all our hard work WORTH
WHILE. It gives us a tremendous sense of PURPOSE in our jobs!”