First United Methodist Church ● Clover, SC April 2015 From the Pastor April Worship April 2nd Christian Seder Meal @ 7:00 pm in the Missions and Fellowship Center (RSVP) Come share in this Passover Meal from the Jewish Tradition and reflect on the context in which Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist. Thanks to Charlotte, Denise, Becky and others for helping set this up. April 3rd Good Friday Tenebrae Service @ 7:00 pm Come share in the Passion Readings, the stripping of the church, the extinguishing of candles and reflection on the cross. Thanks to the Altar Guild, Meg, Confirmands and others helping to implement this service. Mission: We, the congregation, in humble and selfless service to God, will go forth joyfully, empowered and enabled by the Holy Spirit, to seek out, welcome, accept, and nurture persons to become faithful and effective disciples for Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday 7:00 am Easter Sunrise Service Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy warm biscuits after the service. 8:30 am and 11:00 am Traditional Easter Morning Worship 10:50 am Contemporary Easter Worship April 12th 8:30 am and 11:00 am Come share in our 2015 Confirmation Sunday where within the service we bring new Christians into the church through pledges, confirmations and the laying on of hands. Mentors are asked to participate in the laying on of hands during the service. We are entering into a Season of Easter which is the Season of HOPE and New Life. May we never forget to live as Easter People offering Grace, Peace, Love, Life and Hope to those around us! Happy Easter, Rev. Tommy Wilkes Holy Week Services Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 8:30 and 11:00 services At 10:45 - children and adults who are willing - gather in the church lobby for the Procession of the Palms to the sanctuary front steps. As the children and choir process, the congregation is encouraged to wave their palm branches signifying the triumphant entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. Community Worship Service March 29th at 6:30 pm here at FUMC Join us as a number of churches and their pastors participate in this time of worship together. The offering will be split between God’s Kitchen and Clover Area Assistance Center. Maundy Thursday April 2, 2015 7:00 pm in the Missions and Fellowship Center We will sponsor a Christian Seder Service this year. It will celebrate the Jewish Seder Service which was the context in which Jesus instituted the Eucharist. There will be a full Seder Meal served at this event, although it should not be viewed as a meal, but rather a symbolic rendering of Deliverance and Passover. In other words, eat before or after because you will not get enough food to fill you up at this meal. We need to get a head count, so please reserve a space for this service by contacting the office. Good Friday April 3, 2015 7:00 pm Tenebrae Service in the sanctuary Join us as we move through the readings of the Passion of the Christ. This service will be instituted mostly by the Confirmands and by the extinguishing of candles and moments of reflection. We will also be stripping the church as a symbolic gesture of death on the cross of Calvary. Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 7:00 am Sunrise Service on parking lot lawn Bring a lawn chair. Biscuit breakfast provided by the United Methodist Men to follow in the Missions & Fellowship Center. 8:30 Early Service* 9:45 Sunday School 10:50 Genesis Contemporary Service (Missions & Fellowship Center)* 11:00 Traditional Easter Sunday Service* * Communion will be served. Childcare will be provided for each of the services except Sunrise Service. Forever Young APRIL 20 -23 Epworth by the Sea on St. Simon’s Island & Savannah, GA! We are looking forward to 3 nights in a lovely hotel at Epworth by the Sea Conference and Retreat Center on St. Simon's Island, GA, with a view of the Intercoastal Waterway and the historic Fredricka River! This is an all-inclusive stay, with full daily meals, historic Trolley Tours of both the island and the city, visits to the famous Arthur J. Moore Methodist Museum and Library, Wesley’s historic preaching posts on St. Simon’s Island, a Riverboat Cruise along the Savannah River, and lunch at Paula Dean's Lady and Sons Restaurant! We have at least 30 folks registered for this fantastic Spring venture! The full package is only $300 per person. We currently have space for two more people to join us!!! Final payment in full is due April 15. Contact Rev. Meg Wilkes ASAP if you think you may be interested!!! [email protected] 222-3496 ext.16 Future events to look forward to…. The Forever Young Yard Sale ~ Fri. and Sat. May 15 &16 Newberry Opera House’s “9 To 5” ~ Sat. June 20 Lake Junaluska’s Festival of Wisdom and Grace ~ July 27-30 “Meet and Eat” Covered Dish Meal ~ Thursday August 27 The Annual Springmaid Beach Retreat ~ September 21-24 Explorations in Antiquity Center ~ October 22-23 (tentative) NarroWay Productions’ The Real Christmas Story ~ Nov. 19 Lake Junaluska’s An Appalachian Christmas ~ Dec. 11-13 Welcome to the 2015 First United Methodist Church VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL!! THAILAND TREK July 19 -23 5:30pm – 8:00pm First a light supper, then a full evening of celebration and sharing God’s love here and all over the world! Visit to Watch the videos ~ learn more about this cross culture VBS adventure! Listen to the music that we will be enjoying all week long this summer! REGISTER NOW! On the web: (Thailand Trek link) or Direct link: thailandtrekkies By phone: 803-222-3496 ext.16 Rev. Meg Wilkes By email: Contact Rev. Meg Wilkes [email protected] In Person @ FUMC: Registration forms available in the Church office, on the children’s bulletin board in the lobby, or in Rev. Meg Wilkes’ office . BIG (Believers in God) ages preschool – 5th grade 4/1 4/8 4/15 4/22 4/29 5/6 5/13 5/20 Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30 No BIG meeting - enjoy spring break I AM the True Vine! I AM the Way, the Truth & the Life I AM the Resurrection! Love, Joy, Peace PRAY and PLAY Patience, Kindness, Generosity Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control Tweens Sundays 5:00 – 6:30 March 29 (5th Sunday Sabbath—No Tweens) April 5 April 12 April 19 Happy Easter! No Tweens I AM The Resurrection Fruit of the SPIRIT (Love, Joy, Peace) MISSION - TBA April 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 TWEENS Fruit of the SPIRIT (Patience, Kindness, Generosity) Fruit of the SPIRIT (Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control) ROAD TRIP - Whitewater Center Beginning in April, after our I AM series, the children of BIG and Tweens will finish out the school year celebrating the FRUIT of the SPIRIT!! Easter Celebration & Egg Hunt Hippity Hoppity….. Easter’s on its way! You are INVITED! Saturday, April 4th 10:30am -12:00 noon We hope you will bring your children and their friends to enjoy our church & community wide Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt!! FUMC loves to tell the story of the Resurrection of Jesus again and again at this wonderful church-sponsored event! Please join us at the church for a joyful morning of crafts, treats and egg hunting ! New this year….Enjoy our beautiful flowered Easter cross, a special Easter video made for children by children, learning to be a “Good Neighbor,” making Good News Easter cards for our homebound members, family and friends, and a sing-a-long! Remember to bring your Easter baskets! It’s TIME to Register for ASBURY HILLS SUMMER CAMP!! Visit for more info and to register for camp! Contact Rev. Meg Wilkes for info about church sponsorship. [email protected] Please make it your priority to attend the 11:00 service on April 12 in support and recognition of the following young people who will confirm their baptism and their membership in the life of the Christ’s Church as they confess and celebrate their faith in Jesus Christ! Alexis Bono Megan Bono Jacob Burton Lauren Deal Hayley Dixon Madeline Keller Lofton Livingston Luke McCarter Katie Wise All mentors and family members are invited to participate in the service of Confirmation! Yard Sale Yard Sale at the Church on May 15 &16 Please remember to save your items large and small - for the yard sale on Friday, May 15 and Saturday, May 16. You will be able to drop off your items at the church starting on Sunday, May 10. Watch for more information in the upcoming weeks. The Clover Salkehatchie camp is scheduled for July 11-18. Please pray that God will lead us as He sees. The Lord is in control and I will follow His lead. Last year I did not think there would be a Clover camp, but the Lord said there would be. It was a small camp, but mighty in the Spirit and God's love. Pray for the Clover camp as we begin preparing for this year. Thank you to each one of you who supported the Salkehatchie Wonderful Wednesday. A special thank you to those who helped. Evelyn Cameron He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: “The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.” Luke 24:6-7 ● ● A reminder that United Methodist Women will host the "Festival of Tables" ladies luncheon on June 6, 2015. Tables can be reserved for $5.00 each, and to date 12 decorated tables have been scheduled. Last year we had 14 tables. Guest tickets are $7.00 each. If you would like to reserve a table, please contact Grace White (222-7528) or Linda Abernathy (222-7591). We look forward to a successful and fun event! Festival Festival ofof Tables Tables Rebekah Circle will meet on April 14 at 7:00 pm with Pam Cato. Those Who Serve April 2015 Lay Readers Ushers 8:30 Bryan Killian-Head Usher Ralph Miller Daryl Pierzinski Devin Pierzinski 11:00 Wade Shores-Head Usher Bill Whitesides Rand Gordon Alan Abernathy 11:00 April 5 Denise Bono April 12 Geoff Dubiski April 19 Bob Grindle April 26 Windy Bartee Greeters 8:30 LobbyDelores Vanhook (April 12,19,26), Kay Killian (April 5) Sanctuary- Judy Miller ElevatorSusan Killian 11:00 LobbyTodd Hughes (April 12,19,26), Margaret Bowman (April 5) Sanctuary- Suzanne Thompson (April 12,19), Alan Abernathy (April 5,26) ElevatorJackie Abernathy 8:30 4/5 4/12 4/19 4/26 Sarah Robinson, Hope Long Allyson English, Hope Long Susan Killian, Hope Long Evelyn Cameron, Hope Long 10:50/11:00 Janet Harding, Christine Payseur, Hope Long Karen Burton, Missy Whitley, Emily Westcott Chris Wilson, Kim Wise, Hope Long Ann Grindle, Brandy Bell, Hope Long F I R S T U NI T E D M E TH O DI S T CHURCH ● CLOVER, SC 124 Bethel St. Clover, SC 29710 (803) 222-3496 FUMC Staff Reverend Tommy Wilkes, Senior Pastor – [email protected] Reverend Brandon Lazarus, Associate Pastor – [email protected] Reverend J. Richard Gibson, Pastor Emeritus Reverend Meg Wilkes, Minister of Christian Educ. & Spiritual Formation – [email protected] Josh Wall, Director of Music Ministries – [email protected] Tim Gunn, Director of Youth Ministries – [email protected] Christine Payseur, Church Business / Technical Coordinator – [email protected] Shirley M. Davis, Administrative Assistant / Financial Secretary – [email protected] Natasha Bilousova, Pianist Tracie Kite, Sexton - [email protected] Hope Long, Nursery Care Worker / Coordinator Sue Gover, Lay Leader Merilyn Cain, Wade Shores, Suzanne Thompson, Conference Lay Members 13 8 : 3 0 a m - Youth Praise Band 9 : 4 5 a m - Confirmation - 6th Grade Sunday 5 p m - A2J Youth (See Youth School Class Calendar) 5 p m - Tween's 12 6 : 3 0 p m - Boy Scouts - Rm 104 6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Scouts Pack Meeting - MFC 6 : 3 0 p m - Girl Scouts - Sr High Youth Room 7 p m - Admin Council 6 p m - Trustees - 104 5 p m - A2J Youth (See Youth Calendar) 5 p m - Tween's 3 p m - Youth Praise Band 27 9:30am - Staff Meeting 26 6 : 3 0 p m - Boy Scouts - Rm 104 6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Scouts - Rm's - 207, 209, 211 & 6 2 :1320 p m - Daisy Scouts - Jr. High Class 6 : 3 0 p m - Girl Scouts - Sr High Youth Room Forever Young - Bus 20 6 : 3 0 p m - Boy Scouts - Rm 104 6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Scouts - Rm's - 207, 209, 211 & 6 2 :1320 p m - Girl Scouts - Sr High Youth Room 7 p m - Martha Circle 1 1 a m - Staff Meeting Tween's Bus 7 p m - UMM - MFC 8 : 3 0 a m - Youth Praise Band 1 2 : 1 5 p m - Newcomer's Coffee 5 p m - A2J Youth (See Youth Calendar) 5 p m - Tween's 19 5 p m - A2J Youth (See Youth Calendar) 5 p m - Tween's 3 p m - Youth Praise Band Thomas Jefferson's Birthday 1 0 a m - Esther Circle - 104 6 : 3 0 p m - Boy Scouts - Rm 104 6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Scouts - Rm's - 207, 209, 211 & 6 2 :1320 p m - Daisy Scouts - Jr. High Class 6 : 3 0 p m - Girl Scouts - Sr High Youth Room 6 : 3 0 p m - Scouts - Pack 1280 Committee Mtg - Library Confirmation Sunday Church Closed 6 5 7 a m - Sunrise Service 30 29 Mon Easter Sunday Sun 14 7 : 3 0 a m - Youth Breakfast 28 5 p m - Clover Rotary Pancake Dinner 7 p m - Finance Committee Rm 104 7 : 3 0 a m - Youth Breakfast 21 7 p m - Evangelism Meeting - Rm 104 7 p m - Rebekah Circle 7 : 3 0 a m - Youth Breakfast 6 : 4 5 p m - Missions - 104 7 31 7 : 3 0 a m - Youth Breakfast Tue Clover FUMC Annual Calendar, Contacts, Holidays in United States 8 1 15 22 29 7 p m - Choir Rehearsal 6 : 3 0 p m - Youth Fellowship 6 : 3 0 p m - BIG 6 : 3 0 a m - Men's Prayer Breakfast 5:45pm - Dinner 7 p m - Choir Rehearsal 6 : 3 0 p m - Youth Fellowship 6 : 3 0 p m - BIG 6 : 3 0 a m - Men's Prayer Breakfast 5:45pm - Dinner 7 p m - Choir Rehearsal 6 : 3 0 p m - Youth Fellowship 6 : 3 0 p m - BIG 6 : 3 0 a m - Men's Prayer Breakfast 5:45pm - Dinner 7 p m - Choir Rehearsal 6 : 3 0 p m - Youth Fellowship 6 : 3 0 p m - BIG 6 : 3 0 a m - Men's Prayer Breakfast 5:45pm - Dinner 6 : 3 0 a m - Men's Prayer Breakfast 7 p m - Choir Rehearsal Wed 7 p m - Maundy Thursday Service Thu 30 23 16 9 2 3 1 24 17 10 7 p m - Good Friday Service Fri 4 25 18 2 Marriage Enrichment - MFC 9 a m - Food Distribution 1 2 p m - Hope Long - MFC 11 1 0 : 3 0 a m - Easter Egg Hunt - Church Sat Apr 2015 (Eastern Time) 6 Ann Loftis 13 Bobby Abernathy 20 Maddie Ames Hollis Smith Josh Wall 27 Tony Hourihan Jane Turpin Seth Wilkes Kimberlee Huffstetler 5 Larry McFadden 12 Nick Barattini Mike Bono Anniversaries: Shelly and Daryl Pierzinski 19 Becky Pinkston Mike Summerlin 26 Sam Cain Alex Corson Anniversary: Bill & Delores Vanhook Myra Drennan Mon Sun 28 Todd Ames Shannon Amick Caxton Beaty Kim Britton Leslee Falls Lengyel Anniversaries: Larry and Debbie McKenzie 21 Sarah Claire Eleazer 14 Jim Hayes Susan Little Ivey 7 Tanner Whitley Anniversaries: Judy and Ralph Miller Tue 29 Sheila Monday Randi Payseur Randy Wallace Karen Stallings Anniversaries: Maggie and Bill Amrhein 22 Cathy Barattini Ella Hall David Pettigrew 15 Shane Blackwood Jerry Killian Taylor Thornburg Sharon Young 30 Jean Alsobrooks Sarah Biggers Drew Gordon 23 Bret Bragg Brooks Wofford Micah Sherwood Kaitlin Winslow 16 Jennifer Hodges 9 MacKenzie Gallien Paul Skinnell 2 Adam Allen 1 Hunter Dann Jeannine Wyatt 8 David Edwards Olivia Garver Roland Myers Thu Wed 24 Amy Adams Lake Bartee Margaret McCarter 17 LaNelle Lawton Alex Smith Anniversaries: Elizabeth and Bill Bartee 10 Evan Edmunds Wesley Lyda Nathan Stewart Devon Wise 3 Greyson Garver Stephanie Jackson Jimmy McGilberry Virginia Stanton Anniversaries: Shanna and Mark Stanton Fri April Birthdays and Anniversaries 25 18 John Austin King Barb Millay Annastin Gunn 11 Kate Barattini Ashley Forehand Robert Gibson Anniversaries: Jane and Alan Robinson 4 Ritchie Brandon Doc Curtin Kirkie Gibson Hugh Robinson Sat
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