March 2015 PAWPRINTS In this issue: UPCOMING! The Prez Sez... by Joe De Mott ▶G e n e r a l M e m b e r s h i p Mee/ng: Wednesday, March 18, 7:00, at the Longhorn Cafe’, 17625 Blanco Rd. Come early to order and mingle! The program for the March m e e C n g w i l l b e t h e announcement of the TSC Pre-‐Select CommiJee’s picks for the 2015-‐2016 trips. We will also elect our new Board! ▶ Happy Hour/Dine Out on Thursday, March. 26, 5:30, at Luce Ristorante & Enoteca, 11255 Huebner Rd. We will be on the paCo it the weather is nice… if not, we’ll be inside! Max Says: May your paws make happy tracks in many snows! Can you believe it's March, and another ski season is coming to a close? That's not to say that there isn't fun still to be had with your ski club: We've got a group leaving to ski Heavenly at Lake Tahoe on March 14th. They are hoping for one of Heavenly's "Miraculous March" snow storms to pound the mountain before their arrival. Many in the group, however, are more focused on hitting the casinos than the slopes. Odds are this group will have fun no matter what! Our membership meeting is March 18th at Longhorn Cafe. It's an important meeting at which we elect our officers, and we also let our 3 delegates to the April 10-12 Texas Ski Council Bid Fest know our preferences for next season's destinations. Be there or be square--or be in Heavenly! (Some club members will be skiing that day. We tried to change the meeting date, but the party room was booked. However, Roni has agreed to voice the preferences of our Heavenly members.) Luce Ristorante is a favorite gathering spot, and our Hospitality Director, Alice Gallegos, has booked a happy hour there for Thursday, March 26th. Hope to see everyone, although I understand that some members have enrolled in a Thursday night Italian class to get ready for the TSC trip that our Nonna Carlson will be leading to Tuscany in the fall. Nonna still had a few spots left if you want to do this trip, but you need to let her know right away. In bocca al lupo! FROM THE DESK OF TRAVEL DIRECTOR, MELISSA WIGHT A big thank you to our great Trip Leaders who volunteer to lead our ski and “other” trips! This season has proven to be a fabulous ski season, with good participation! As you participate in the remaining trips of your choice, you might want to spend some time picking the brains of your trip leaders, and learn from them that you, also, can be a trip leader… and plan to be in charge of a trip in the 2015-2016 season! There is only one trip left this year: Summer Expedition - Tuscany, Italy - Sept 24 - Oct 3, 2015 Trip Leader: Nonna Carlson [email protected] 210-887-7965 Only 4 spots left on this trip! Be sure to come to the March meeting to let your TSC Bid Fest delegates know your preferences of the trips selected by the pre-Select Committeee! Melissa NOMINATING COMMITTEE’S PROPOSED SLATE : President: Joe De Mott Vice President/TSC Rep: Secretary: Christine Augustine Norma Jean Hurtado Treasurer: Karen Halloran Travel Director: Heidi Quast Membership Director: Program Director: Publicity Director: Webmaster: Lynn Carter Pancho Malakoff Hospitality Director: Newsletter: Mike Plunkett Alice Gallegos Joyce Schones Linda Raymer TSC BID MEETING APRIL 10-12, 2015 Each year, the Texas Ski Council holds an annual meeting at which delegates from all of the TSC member clubs vote (as directed by their respective clubs’ memberships) on the trips for the coming travel season. This year, we are fortunate that San Antonio has again been chosen as the site for that meeting. While our club is allowed three voting delegates (already designated for this year), anyone who is a member of Club St. Bernard invited to attend the “Bid Fest” to hear about the trips that are up for voting, and to experience first-hand how the TSC works and how trips are chosen. In addition, the TSC is always looking for volunteers to step up into a leadership role in the TSC, so if you’re at all interested in being a part of the governance of that “governing body”, you are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in attending, or just want more information, please contact Club St. Bernard’s VPTSC Representative, John Bearor, at 210-705-4825 or email [email protected] before you do anything else! Registration for the TSC Bid Meeting is now available on line!! You can go to and click on 2015 Bid Meeting to get the links! The 2015 Bid Meeting will be April 10-12, 2015 at the Drury Plaza Hotel, 105 S. Saint Mary’s, San Antonio, TX 78205. To receive the Texas Ski Council Rate Reservation must be made by March 18, 2015. You can call and make reservations at 1-800-325-0720 and refer to Group number 2213602 or use the following link: . NEW FRIDAY EVENT Our pre-‐Bid Mee,ng ac,vity will be a charity event benefi9ng the TSC Youth Founda,on. So join TSC members in TEEing IT UP FOR CHARITY at San Antonio’s TOP GOLF loca,on for a new and fun ” golfing” experience! Anyone can play Top Golf, from aspiring pros to never-‐ever golfers. All you have to do is swing a club and try to hit your micro-‐chipped balls into dartboard-‐like targets. It's compe,,ve! Its loads of fun no maUer your golfing experience! Compe,,ons (for those so inclined) will be played and the rest of us can try it out, take pictures, laugh, and relax! Price includes the game (don’t need to bring you own clubs), membership, and 6 people per bay to maximize the fun! Alcohol and food available for purchase. Pool tables and Shuffle Boards are also available. All profits from this event with go to the TSC Youth Founda,on. For ques,ons contact Shannon Owen at [email protected] . Not familiar with Top Golf—check it out by going to hUp://‐antonio/ DELEGATE AND GUEST REGISTRATION: Jan Ferrell is heading up the Delegate and Guest RegistraCon and can be reached at [email protected] . To register for the event go to the following link: hUp:// TUSCANY, ITALY SEPT 24 - OCT. 3, 2015 Collette & Texas Ski Council presents Discover Tuscany 24 September—3 October 2015 Highlights….. Rome Assisi Basilica of St. Francis Montecatini Terme Siena San Gimignano Winery Tour Florence Tuscan Feast Pre-Trip: Cinque Terre Post-Trip: Rome 10 Days 13 Meals 8 Breakfasts 5 Dinners* 1st Class and Deluxe Hotel Accommodations Door to Door pick up within a 50-mile radius** Roundtrip airfare*** Sightseeing All baggage handling (1 bag per person) Services of a professional tour guide Transportation via deluxe air-conditioned motorcoach Optional Tours Travel Waiver Insurance Available Single Supplement Available For More Information Trip Leader: Nonna Carlson Email: [email protected] Phone: 210-887-7965 Reserve your space today, only 6 spaces left! HURRY! ONLY 4 SPACES LEFT!!! * Enjoy regional wines with every included dinner. ** At least 2 people required for pickup unless paying single supplement. ***If you purchase an air inclusive package, your airfare will be quoted inclusive of all fuel, taxes and fees. Your rates are subject to change until paid in full. TUSCANY, SEPT. 2015… LAST CALL !! It seemed like only yesterday we learned about the 2015 TSC Summer Expedition to Tuscany, Italy. Now here we are just a little over 6 months until our departure. Before you know it September will be here and we will be on our way. Currently we have 12 members who are signed up for the trip but we do have space for 4 more. If you have been procrastinating you need to act now! March 24th is our seat reduction date. So what does that mean? It means two things. First, the price of the tour will go up $250 so instead of our price of $3882 based on double occupancy, the tour will cost $4132. Secondly, Collette will no longer be holding those 4 airline seats for us. This means that those airline seats are available on a first come first serve basis. While you can certainly sign up for the tour after March 24th, you will pay the additional $250 for the tour and you may also pay an additional amount for air because air rates can vary after the seat reduction date and Collette may not be able to get the seat back at the same rate. Contact me now if you want to join us for our trip to Italy. You can email me at [email protected] or call me at 210-887-7965. Nonna Carlson Trip Leader WE’RE ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Please join us on Facebook, where you can post photos and check on events, and! 2014-2015 PACK LEADERS President: Joe De Mott Vice President/TSC Rep: John Bearor Secretary: Norma Jean Hurtado Treasurer: Karen Halloran Travel Director: Melissa Wight Membership Director: Mike Plunkett Program Director: Lynn Carter Publicity Director: Linda McMillion Hospitality Director: Alice Gallegos Newsletter: Roni Engelke Webmaster: Linda Raymer TASTY TIDBITS…!!! Paws Together for March Birthday Dogs Judy Godinez 2 Mark Aubin 3 Ann Trabal 15 Brian Ward 18 Claire Coffey 24 Sylvia Wesley 25 Club St. Bernard always welcomes new members! Contact Mike Plunkett, Membership Director, at [email protected] or 210-646-6636 You can also request that a prospective member be sent a Pawprints newsletter: Contact Pawprints Editor: Roni Engelke [email protected] Intrepid Leaders of the Pack 2014 - 2015 President: Joe De Mott Vice Pres./TSC Del: John Bearor Secretary: Norma Jean Hurtado Treasurer: Karen Halloran Travel Director: Melissa Wight Membership Dir.: Mike Plunkett Publicity Dir.: Linda McMillion Program Director: Lynn Carter Hospitality Dir. Alice Gallegos SPONSORS, WE THANK YOU! CLUB ST. BERNARD MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ww P.O. BOX 6655, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78209 Note: Please send in the Membership Application Form with your dues payment whether you are a current or new member. This way we can update all of our information. Please include your EMAIL address, if you have one, so that periodically we can send out announcements and reminders of Club activities. Web site: NAME: ________________ Last First MI Birthday (Month/Day) Last First MI Birthday Last First MI Birthday Last First MI Birthday Last First MI Birthday Last First MI Birthday SPOUSE: CHILDREN: ____ ADDRESS: ( ) Home Phone ( ) Work Phone ( ) Cell Phone Street City State Zip E-MAIL: YOUR OCCUPATION: SPOUSES OCCUPATION: SKIING ABILITY (Please Circle): Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert MEMBERSHIP FEES: Individuals: $40 Family/Couple: $65 Dependent children may be included in a Family Membership. Discount (renewals only) of $5 per membership if paid before October 1. Please make checks payable to: Mail check and form to: CLUB ST. BERNARD P.O. Box 6655 San Antonio, Texas 78209 MEMBERSHIP DISCLAIMER: By accepting membership in the Club, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Club St. Bernard or any of its Officers from any liability or damages from sickness, death or personal injuries which may arise as a result of membership in the Club, participating in Club activities or travel with any tour or event the Club may sponsor. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Signature Date of form: 06/01/2010 FOR CLUB USE ONLY: Date Membership Paid: Received By: Date Amount Received: $
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