Call for Women Artists Who Live or Work in San Mateo County Theme and Eligibility: "Women’s View – 2015,” the 11th Annual San Mateo County Women’s Art Show, is open to women artists who live in San Mateo County or are employed by the County of San Mateo. Artists are encouraged to submit artwork that exemplifies their personal views of the world. Entry: Up to two (2) wall-hung artworks per artist will be accepted if they meet the following criteria for eligibility: Works have not been shown previously in the Community or Caldwell Galleries and must not be older than 5 years old. Artist delivers her works, along with application and entry fee, to 400 County Center, Redwood City on Monday, March 2, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (No late works will be accepted.) Minimum size of finished work is 18” on any one side with a maximum of 36” on any one side. Maximum depth is 3” and maximum weight is 30 lbs. per piece. Artist signs a release of liability (see next page). Works are dry, framed (wrap canvases are fine), and wired for hanging (NO Saw Tooth). Works are labeled on the back with the artist's name, address, phone number, and price (use “NFS” for “not for sale”). Work contains no images of nudity, religion, politics or violence due to the nature of public business conducted at 400 County Center. Artist pays $10.00 entry fee per entry either by cash or check made payable to “San Mateo County Arts Commission“. Artist provides an optional brief statement (maximum 50 words) about each entry on how the work speaks to the theme “Women’s View”, in addition to artist name, art title, medium and price (or NFS) for each work entered, by email to Boris Koodrin, County Galleries Curator, at [email protected] no later than Feb. 23. Awards Presentation: There will be no artist reception, however the winners will be notified and invited to accept their awards in person at a Board of Supervisor’s meeting in March. Exhibit will show from Tuesday, March 3 through Wednesday, April 29, 2015. The Caldwell and Community Galleries are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Pickup of Artwork: Artist (or a designated person in place of artist) must pick up her art on Thursday, April 30, 2015 from the Caldwell Gallery, 400 County Center, Redwood City. There are no facilities to store artwork. Bring Exhibitor’s Record Receipt. Awards: Up to three (3) $100 awards and three (3) Honorable Mention awards to be determined by a jury. Placement of Work: Art will be installed at both the Caldwell Gallery (main lobby) and the Community Gallery (downstairs near café) at the discretion of the jurors and the curator. Questions: Contact Boris Koordrin, Curator for the San Mateo County Arts Commission, at [email protected] or (650)296-0622 (email preferred). The show is co-sponsored by the San Mateo County Arts Commission and the Commission on the Status of Women in recognition of the designation of March as Women’s History Month. “Women’s View – 2015” Exhibitor Record Fill out this sheet completely (please print legibly). Up to two works may be submitted for an entry fee of $10 per work. Artist Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Entry #1: Title of Work: ______________________________________________________________ Medium: __________________________________________ Price: _______ Not for Sale ________ Entry #2: Title of Work: ________________________________________________ Medium: __________________________________________ Price: _______ Not for Sale ________ Entry Fees Rec’d: $10 for one entry or $20 for two (circle one)/check _______cash______ Phone number where you can be reached: ______________________(cell)_____________________ Address: Street/Apt. No.: ____________________________________________________________ City and Zip Code: __________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________________ Pls. provide a brief statement (max. 50 words) about each entry and how the work speaks to the theme “Women’s View”: ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ To be completed by receiving staff: Condition of Piece: ______________________________________________________ Artist’s Initials: __________ Waiver of Liability: All possible care of the work will be taken. However, the County Commission on the Status of Women and the County Arts Commission will not be held responsible for theft or damage while work is being exhibited in the Caldwell Gallery or Community Gallery. Artist’s Signature _________________________________________________ KEEP THIS RECEIPT – YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE THIS RECEIPT TO PICK UP ART WORK: Artist Name: ______________________________________ Entry No.’s:___________________________
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