OPENING DOORS TO STEM TEACHING WITH A LEARNING ASSISTANT PROGRAM Program Leaders: Debra Poese, Carolyn Schick LA – “Learning Assistant” An LA is an undergraduate student who is paid to work with a faculty mentor assisIng in a STEM classroom with the goal of encouraging the LA to consider a career in STEM teaching (especially K-‐12). ¨ LAs develop a one-‐on-‐one relaIonship with their faculty mentor Learning Assistant Alliance hRp:// Funding Paid PosiIons: J ¤ LA pay is $800/semester The NSF grant requires that LAs be U.S. ciIzens, permanent residents or refugee aliens. Typical LA Assignments and DuIes Typically 6 hours/week of LA duIes Assist in the lab ¨ Give in-‐class mini presentaIons ¨ Provide in-‐class guidance (flipped classrooms) ¨ Lead review sessions ¨ Assist in computer/math lab ¨ Hold office hours ¨ Assist with STEM camps for K-‐12 programs ¨ LAs in AcIon LA program at Montgomery College ¤ 30-‐35 LAs each semester ¤ All STEM departments represented: biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, math, physics (preparatory to upper level courses) ¤ LA OrientaIon and tutor training at beginning of semester ¤ Mid-‐semester LA dinner gathering ¤ LA t-‐shirts and cerIficates Learning Assistant PerspecIves One thing you’ve learned so far while being an LA: I saw myself through students when they struggle understanding the material. It feels so good to help them understand the material. CollaboraIons with 4-‐year schools ¨ An LA at a community college transfers and becomes an LA at a 4-‐year school Acknowledgments/Project Personnel Principal Inves<gator: Debra Poese, Director, School of EducaIon; Professor, MathemaIcs Co-‐Principal Inves<gators: John Hamman, Professor/Chair, Department of MathemaIcs Barbara Hoberman, Professor, Department of Biology Eugene Li, Professor, Department of Physics/Engineering/Geosciences Darrin Campen, InstrucIonal Dean, EducaIon and Social Sciences Project Coordinator: Carolyn Schick, STEM Faculty Advisor [email protected] Thanks to all the MC faculty mentors and the LAs for making this program successful! This program is supported by a capacity building grant from the NaIonal Science FoundaIon under the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, Award No. 1239965. (2012-‐2015)
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