Dear CNC-ACS Members, The next Silver Circle (SC) meeting will

Dear CNC-ACS Members,
The next Silver Circle (SC) meeting will take place at Winston-Salem State University
on Tuesday, 7 April. The format for this meeting will be a potluck dinner (please bring
a dish to share) followed by a special presentation by Dr. Sing Muk Ng (see attached
pdf files). We are indeed fortunate to have Fulbright Scholar Dr. Ng visiting the Triad
area and available to speak to our group. As always with the SC, this promises to be a
fun, entertaining, and educational evening.
You do not have to be a SC member to attend but please bring a dish to share for the
potluck dinner. Please send RSVP’s to Robert Yokley ([email protected]) no
later than 3 April.
When: Tuesday, 7 April
Time: 6:30 PM for potluck dinner, 7:30 PM presentation by Dr. Ng.
Where: Winston-Salem State University, Wilveria B. Atkinson (WBA) Science Building,
Room 317 (potluck dinner) and Room 210 (presentation).