FREE PATTERN Design 2301 • Mini Dress

Design 2301 • Mini Dress
Size: to fit bust 82/86 cm [32/34"] and 92/97 cm
Figures before brackets apply to the smaller size,
with those for the larger size(s) inside. Only one figure applies to all sizes.
Materials: Regia Lace, 200g #06576 jaspis.
4-5mm Milward needles.
Please start all panels with the same colour of the
colour motif.Take the yarn either from the inside or
the outside of the ball as appropriate, as the balls are
wound differently during production.
Stocking stitch: knit on RS rows; purl on WS rows.
Lace pattern A: on RS rows work foll Chart A; on WS
rows purl all sts and yarnovers. At start of patt motif
is 18 sts wide, and after 35th row motif is just 16 sts
wide. Front and back: work rounds 1-46 once.
Sleeves: work rows 21-46 once.
Lace pattern B for front V-neck: on RS rows work
foll Chart B; on WS rows purl all sts and yarn-overs.
Work rows 1-60 once.
Tension: in stocking stitch: 19 sts and 27 rows, each
to 10cm. For Lace Patt A 1 motif is about 9cm wide
and 33 rows are 10cm high.
Back: cast on 111 (129) sts and work rows 1-46 of
Lace Patt foll Chart A; start as given, work motif 5 (6)
times, and end as given = 99 (115) sts at end of patt.
Cont even in st-st. For side shaping dec at each end
1 st after 10 (8) rows from patt change once, then 1
st on every 8th row 3 times and 1 st on every 4th row
3 times (then 1 st on every 6th row 2 times and 1 st
on every 4th row 8 times) = 85 (93) sts. To dec at beg
of row work edge st, then a slip dec knitways over 2
sts (= slip 1 knitways, K1, pass slipped st over); work
to 3 from end of row, then K2 tog, edge st. When work
measures 58.5cm, or after 44.5 cm (= 120 rows) stst, dec at each end for armhole shaping 1 st once,
then 1 st on every 2nd row 11 times as for side shaping = 61 (69) sts. When armhole shaping measures
20 (21)cm (= 54 (56) rows) cast off 31 sts at centre for
neck and finish each side sep.
At neck edge cast off on every 2nd row 3 sts once
and 2 sts once When work measures 80.5 (81.5)cm
cast off rem 10 (14) sts on either side for shoulders.
Front: proceed as for back except for neck. When
work measures 42 (43)cm (= 114 (116) rows) from
patt change start Lace Patt B at centre front as foll:
work edge st and 41 (45) sts in patt, yarn-over, K2
tog, work 40 (44) sts in patt and yarn-over, see 1st
row for Chart B. Cont over the centre sts with Lace
Patt B, and in st-st over the outer sts When work
measures 6.5 cm from start of Lace Patt B, or on 19th
row, cast off centre st and finish each side sep as
foll: at neck edge dec 20 sts as described. After each
59th row work 7 rows st-st over the rem 10 (14) sts
for shoulders, then when work measures 80.5 (81.5)
cm altog cast off all sts.
Sleeves (both alike): cast on 75 sts and work in Lace
Patt A rows 21-46 = 8 cm; start as given, work motif 3
times, end as given = 67 sts after 35th patt row. Cont
even in st-st. After 2 cm (= 6 rows) st-st, dec as foll:
at beg of row work edge st, then a slip dec over 2 sts;
Copyright © 2011 Coats PLC -
11 / 2011
CN = cable needle, cont = continue, dc = double crochert, dec = decrease(s), foll = follows/ing, g = grams, inc = increase(s), K = knit, LH = left hand, m = metres, mm = milimetres,
P = purl, patt = pattern, rep = repeat, resp = respective, rev st-st = reversed stocking stitch, RH = right hand, RS = right side, st(s) = stitch(es), st-st = stocking sttich, tbl = through back
of loop, tog = together, WS = wrong side
work to 3 from end of row, then K2 tog, edge st. Rep
these dec on every 2nd row 18 (20) times, and
when work measures 24 (25.5)cm altog cast off rem
29 (25) sts.
Copyright © 2011 Coats PLC -
11 / 2011
To make up: block pieces to measurements, cover
with a damp cloth and allow to dry. Close shoulder
seams, sew sleeves in position, then close sleeve
and side seams.