S E R V I C I N G T H E C A F E cafe biz expo I N D U S T R Y 23-24 maY 2015 EX PO 23-24 MAY 2015 Brisbane convention & Exhibition Centre www.cafeculture.com/cafe-biz S p e c i a l o f f e r fo r c o b aa m e m b e r s COBAA are proud to partner of the upcoming Cafe Biz Expo which will be held at the Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre on May 23rd & 24th. During the event COBAA will be conducting workshops designed to educate and help cafe owners. This alignment has provided opportunities for COBAA members to participate in the event and engage with key industry. Cafe Biz is a national event which attracts attendance from a broad spectrum of attendees including cafe owners, baristas, chefs, coffee trainers, coffee roasters, purchasing managers and new starters. An exciting to the addition to Cafe Biz in 2015 is the 'Worlds Richest Barista Competition' which has a $50,000 prize pool. Brisbane has an amazing cafe scene supported by some of Australia's leading specialty coffee businesses and growing gourmet food offerings. Key to this growth has been the population boom in Southern Queensland, which has geographically joined 6 major areas: Northern NSW, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich and Toowoomba. It is estimated that there is over 20,000 coffee service across the state. A n e x c lu s i v e m e m b e r o f f e r i s ava i l a b l e t o COB A A m e m b e r s t o pa rt i c i pat e i n t h e u p c o m i n g Ca f e B i z E x p o : Ristretto Package $ 2,500 +gst ME m b e r s s p e c i a l STAND I NClusi on s • 2m x 2m exhibitor stand • Workshop / presentation opportunity in the COBAA theatre • Promotion via COBAA digital network (including Enews & social media) • Exhibitor listing on Cafe Culture website • 2 invitations to Cafe Biz networking functions Back Wall (Full length side walls not included) • 2.4mH Velcro compatible fabric covered back wall and wall support in black *wall support are black and protrude approx 500mm into stand space Fascia Sign • Aluminium frame with black fascia board and orange lettering • Company names will be installed on each open aisle fascia • Lettering will be computer cut vinyl in Orange on the fascia board • Each sign will be a maximum of 30 UPPERCASE characters including spaces stand upgrade 3m x 3m Power • 10 amp - All stands will be supplied with 10 amp power Flooring • Concrete d #22 e Stan sampl Stand sample T o B o o k y o u r s pac e o r d i s c u s s y o u r r e q u i r e m e n t s c o n tac t Dav i d Pa r n h a m o n 0 4 2 3 2 0 0 2 0 6 o r e n q u i r i e s @ c o b aa . c o m . au P. (02) 93 80 5559 F. ( 02) 6583 71 69 E. e nquir ie s @ c o b a a .c om .au P O BOX 5 8 , P OT TS P O I N T N S W 1 3 3 5 W. w w w.CO B A A .c o m .au #23
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