NINCDS COLLABORATIVE PERINATAL PROJECT A User's Guide to the Project and Data Volume II: Project Study forms and Documentation of Transfer to Computerized Data Items in Master File Part C: Pathological Exams and Autopsies December 1983 Prepared for the National Institute of Neurologkal and Communicative Disorders and Stroke under Contract 2311105150 0Ba1telle Padfic Northwest Laboratories Reproduced at the National Archives I r This tt'J)Of1 wOK pr~.:red by B.met&. ~ •n ~ccount of tpemored te.t'Jtch "'ivltiti, ~•ther Spomor nor &.neol&. nor •ny penon "'*"~ on ll.h•lf of eitht!t: MAUS .J\NY WAIIIIANn ott ttiNUIHIAnoN. lZNISS CHI IMPUID. with tnpoc!!(:lto th~ «, compt...meM, or UHfulNU of theo lnform•don c:ont.tint'd in this report. or '"" th~ uw of .,.,. infGftn.t· tion•.tpp.N.tlut, proceu. or C:GMf)CKtlion dKdOM!d In rhii repcm may not infrlnte Ffv.ttefy ownt'd rishts; or ~ssumM •n~ lilb4filfM with 'ftf34!<1IO the uw of. or for ch""'ft retUk ~ ln(l ffom the uw of, •nv infCHm.ttton. app.atMui•.woceu, or cornprolttion diie:IOM'd In this r~t. Reproduced at the National Archives NINCDS COLLABORATIVE PERINATAL PROJECT: A USER 1 S GUIDE TO THE PROJECT AND DATA Volume II. Project Study Forms and Documentation of Transfer to Computerized Data Items in Master File Part C. Pathological Exams and Autopsies NR Hinds A Brix JS Littlefield CR Watson December 1983 Prepared for National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke under Contract 2311105150 Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories Richland, Washington 99352 Reproduced at the National Archives Reproduced at the National Archives INTRODUCTION DOCUMENT OBJECTIVES AND READER ASSUMPTIONS Volume II, Project Study Forms and Documentation of Transfer to Computerized Data Items in Master File, provides researchers with detailed documentation for how data were collected, coded and stored on the data base. Volume II will help investigators decide: if data were collected in a suitable way for addressing particular research questions; if revision of forms affected the collection of specific data items; if data were coded on master, variable or work files, or are available only on microfilm. The reader is assumed to be the principal investigator for a project in which data from the data base will be used. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE Because of its size, this volume is divided into ten separate parts, each containing material on a group of forms related by subject. Each part groups together similar study forms. Generally, a part covers a single time period. The parts do not correspond exactly to the hierarchical classification structure described in Volume I. The parts of Volume II include: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Prenatal Record and Medical History Labor and Delivery Pathological Exams and Autopsies Family and Socioeconomic History Neonatal Exams and Observations Pediatric and Neurological Exams, Four Months - One Year Pediatric Neurological Exams, Seven Years Psychological Exams, Eight Months Psychological Exams, Four Years and Seven Years Speech, Language and Hearing Exams, Three Years and Eight Years (Final) This part of Volume II contains Part C: Pathological Exams and Autopsies and includes Forms PATH-1, PATH-2 and PATH-3. II.C.iii Reproduced at the National Archives To allow easy access to the data as they appear on the master file, all documentation for each form or form grouping representing a card series on the master file is identified by form number appearing at the bottom of each page. Forms are arranged in what may appear to be illogical numerical order in some cases, but the arrangement presented here ties forms and their revisions together and allows an investigator to trace an item through all revision cycles. Thus, in Part A of Volume II, OB-42 follows OB-9 and OB-10 appears next to OB-44 and OB-45. (For an explanation of how the master file was organized to result in this ordering, see the next section of the Introduction.) All material related to a form is organized as a single unit within each part of Volume II. The material included for each form is given below in the order it appears: • Descriptive Summary of Form. Includes purpose of form, history of use, revisions and location of records stored on Master File. A table is provided for each form (except those on microfilm only) showing the number of records available for each revision. • Data Items Referencing Form. A list of all data items in computer files originating from form. List ordered by data item identification with reference to item number on form. • Form. Copy of last revision of form. • Form item numbers linked to data items. A list organized by form item numbers of all computerized data items originating from the form. • Definition of codes. Coding instructions detailing the codes assigned to each computerized data item from the form. • Master File Card Image. File card. Illustrates transfer of data on form to Master • Instructions for Completing Form. The instructions used by study personnel to complete the form for each case. • Earlier Forms or Manuals. Copies of earlier versions of forms or manuals that were used during the study. MASTER FILE ORGANIZATION AND REVISION OF FORMS Some understanding of how the master file was organized should aid investigators who want to trace the entry of data into computerized study files. The numbering system used both on forms and cards provides information on how data may be retrieved from the master file. Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.iv Forms The first forms used in the study were the OB forms; as a consequence, this group of forms underwent the most revision. At first glance, it appears that forms disappear from the file and reappear in strange or bewildering places. In actuality, revisions were made according to a specific method. Two types of revision and subsequent recodes appear in the master file, both of which appear in the OB series. In the first type of revision, radical changes in the concept of a form created a need for new coding in the computer file. Form OB-9, for example, was replaced by forms OB-40 (an optional form retained by the institution), OB-42, and OB-43 in April 1962. Data for earlier patients were recorded on OB-9 and entered on cards 1309, 2309, 3309 and 4309 of the master file; after April 1962, data was recorded on OB-42 and OB-43 and were entered on cards 0342, 1343 and 2343 of the master file. In the second type of revision, the Collaborative Perinatal Task Force considered revisions important enough to warrant the distinction of a new form number, but considered the data for both forms to be similar enough to allow combining of data from both the old and new forms on the same card series. An example of this type of revision is form OB-35, replaced by OB-57 in April 1962. Records for both OB-35 and OB-57 are entered on cards 0357, 1357, 2357, 3357, 4357, and 5357 in the master file. In assigning numbers to forms and their revisions, designers of the study followed a plan: prenatal records, history, and summaries of the prenatal period received numbers 1 through 15; when revised, these forms were assigned numbers in the forties. Labor and hospital records appeared on the 30 series of forms. When these forms were revised, they were assigned numbers in the fifties. Some OB data in the master file were abstracted by NINCDS staff members from forms filled out at the hospital. Cards derived from this procedure were designated as coming from forms ADM-49, 50 and 51 (which were actually ABSTRACT SHEETS). Autopsy protocol and laboratory exams of the placenta were recorded on forms PATH-1, PATH-2 and PATH-3. Forms for recording family health history and genetic information during pregnancy also received a fair amount of revision. Early records appear on forms FHH-1,2,3 and 4. With revisions in April 1963, form SE-1 replaces part of FHH-1 and FHH-3; FHH-2, FHH-4 and parts of FHH-1 and FHH-3 were replaced by II.C.v Reproduced at the National Archives forms GEN-5 through GEN-8 in May 1961. Form FHH-9, initiated in November 1965 for collection of socioeconomic data at time the child was seven years of age, was not replaced or revised. The PED series of forms underwent little revision. Records for newborn babies appeared in PED-1 through PED-8; records for children up to age one and interval records were placed on PED-10 through PED-29. Seven year records were included in the series numbered PED-74 and up. Only one pediatrics form was radically revised: PED-7 was replaced by PED-8 in March 1963. No replacements occur in the PS series, where results of psychological and speech, language and hearing tests were recorded. The PS forms are divided into distinct groups based on time of testing and subject of testing. Psychological testing occurred at 8 months, 4 years and 7 years; speech, language and hearing exams were administered at ages 3 and 8. Only the 8 month psychological examination underwent substantial revisions. Master File Card Number and NINDB Case Number Rationale Computer cards for each NCPP study form are numbered to reflect their origin and possible revisions. Card numbers are assigned to identify the type of data (subject), the presence of multiple cards in a series, NCPP study form and form revisions. The first five digits of each card on the master file are the card number. The study forms and card numbers are given in Figure 1. The first fourteen columns of each master file computer card contain the master file card number and the NINDB case number. Table 1 identifies the function of each of these columns. Column 1 identifies multiple cards in a series. It contains a zero for cards unique to a particular form (that is, no other cards are present), for example OB-3, or for cards where repetitive data are contained. Cards for OB-2 are an example of this second type; no new categories of information are included on successive cards, but previous births in excess of four must be recorded on an add-on card. For card series where data entered are unique to a card and more than one card is required to complete the series, a 11 111 is used to designate the first card, for example OB-5. OB-57, PATH-2 and PED-14 are exceptions to these rules. Reproduced at the National Archives Reproduced at the National Archives AA-1 08-2 083 08-4 08-5 088 081 08·8 089 IRepl.:ld by 08 43) 01·10 OB-15 08·JJ I Replaced by 08-451 08-34 IRitplaced by 08-551 0835.08-57 08Je 0831 08·38 (A0.. 491 (ADM-SOI fADM-511 08-42 08-43 ....... ....... n < ...... 0844 f~tll Vttit ...... 08-45 fReplacn 08-101 08-55 (Replecn 08-341 0858 08 51-52 08·58 08·00 FHH 1.3 IReplaced by SE H SE·l FH!-19 fRepl.:n FHH I, 31 GEN-5 8 PE0-6 PED 7 PEDB PS-1-5 PS-10.17 PEO 10 PEO 11 PED 12 PEO 14 PEO 75 PE0-78 •New Cerd Types ••on DNB copy of the mnter dlt• tale only PS·:Ie PS-20-25 FIGURE 1. PS-l0-38 PS-4045 Cards on the Master Data File •peo-n TABLE 1. Derivation of Master File Card Number and NINDB Case Number. Columns Contents Master File Card Number card identifier general subject matter form number revision code NINDB Case Number collaborating institution type of patient selection gravida identification number order of the pregnancy identifies child or gravida 1 2 3-4 5 6-7 8 9-12 13 14 The second digit on the card reveals the general subject matter covered by data on the card. All cards containing information pertaining to obstetrics, for example, are designated by a "3" in column 2; family histories are designated by a 11 511 ; pathology with a 11 211 ; pediatrics, with a 11 411 ; and psychological testing with a "1". Columns three and four reveal the form number. In the case of forms where old and new forms having different numbers are included together, the number of the latest form appears on the master file. This rule does not apply to data abstracted from several forms by NINCDS staff (ADM forms). Column 5 of the card contains a revision code indicating which form or combination of forms was used in arriving at data on a particular card. A typical card will have one to three revision codes, with a zero indicating the first version of a form and "1", "2 11 , and "3" indicating later revisions. As a rule, revision codes used on cards differ from card to card; investigators should check the definition of codes provided in Volume II to determine the meaning of revision codes used. Each woman and child studied in the project received a unique case number (NINDB case number) composed of nine digits, recorded in columns 6 through 14 of all master file cards. The case number identified the institution, the mother and the child. The first two digits represented the collaborating institution (see Table 2). The third digit indicated the type of patient Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.viii selection. A ''1" was used for patients selected for the central core study; a "6 11 indicated that a patient had been transferred from one institution to another, and a 11 7" indicated that the patient was part of a special study undertaken by the collaborating institution. The fourth through seventh digits were used to identify the gravida, while the eighth digit identified the order of the pregnancy of a given gravida in the project. The ninth digit was used to identify the gravida or child of the pregnancy; "9" indicated the gravida, "0" indicated the child of a single birth, "1" indicated the first child of a multiple birth, "2" indicated the second child of a multiple birth, etc. TABLE 2. Collaborating Institutions and Their Code Number (Columns six and seven of all master file cards.) OS - Boston, Massachusetts Harvard Medical School Boston Lying-In Hospital Children's Hospital Medical Center 10 - Buffalo 1 New York Onivers1ty of Buffalo Children's Hospital 15 - New Orleans, Louisiana Char1ty Hospital Tulane University School of Medicine Medical Center Louisiana State University 50 - Minneapolis, Minnesota University of Minnesota Hospital Health Sciences Center 55 - New York, New York New York Medical College Metropolitan Hospital 60 - Portland, Oregon University of Oregon Medical School 66 - Philadelphia~ Pennsylvania University o Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Hospital The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 32 - New York, New York Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center 71 - Providence, Rhode Island 37 - Baltimore, Mar~land The Johns Hopk1ns University School of Medicine The Johns Hopkins Hospital 82 - Memphis 1 Tennessee Univers1ty of Tennessee College of Medicine Gailor Hospital Brown University Child Study Center 45 - Richmond, Virginia Virginia Commonwealth University Medical College of Virginia Reproduced at the National Archives II. C. ix Data Item Identification and Naming The NCPP data base contains over 6700 different data items and blank filler locations on computer files. We have assigned each of these a unique identification and a terse, stylized name. Because names were chosen to facilitate use of this guide, they do not duplicate names used by NINDB during the active phase of the project. Users should consult appropriate documentation before using data items from the master, variable or work files (Volumes II, III and IV). The data item identifiers consist of 11 characters. At the far left are four unique numbers that were assigned sequentially. The next character is always a period and is followed by up to six characters. For data items on the master file, these characters describe the data collection form from which a data item was derived; for data items on the variable (VAR) or work (WXX) files, these characters indicate the appropriate file. If the right side is less than six characters, periods are inserted as shown in these examples: 850 .. OB-34 3650.PATH-3 5223 .... VAR 6340 ... W-10 an an an an item item item item from OB-34; on the master file from PATH-3; on the master file on the variable file on work file 10, Rupture of Membranes We assigned the numbers sequentially as they appear in Volume V. For the master file, we followed the order in which the cards would be found within an NINDB case. All card columns are accounted for by one of our data item identifications. For the variable and work files, the numbers were assigned in the order that data items appear within a case. We categorized each data item according to the person to whom the data refer, by the time of measurement and/or the time to which the item applies and by general type or subject area (Table 3). Then we assigned names to the data items using the following guidelines: • The name and the three associated categories had to stand alone they must describe the data item out of context. • The first word in the data item name had to be an important or key word when all names were listed alphabetically as in Volumes VI and VII. Thus 11 Cry, abnormal 11 was used rather than 11 abnormal cry 11 because a Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.x researcher is more likely to look for this item under 11 C11 than under 11 11 A in an alphabetic list. • Secondary key words were preceded with a semicolon11 to facilitate preparation of the permuted index. For example, abruptio; placenta 11 wi 11 be found under both the 11 A11 and 11 P11 portion of Volume VI. t Qualifying words are delimited by commas and will not appear as keywords in Volume VI. Thus 11 abruptio; placenta, degree 11 will not be found in the 11 011 section. • If medical terminology or usage has changed since the study was conducted, modern terms may be included and will be enclosed in brackets. Thus 11 mongolism; [Down's syndrome] 11 will appear under both the 11 M11 and 11 011 portions of Volume VI. • If measurement units are associated with a data item name, they are enclosed in parentheses and placed at the end of the name as in 11 Birthdate {yr) ... • The categories {person, time and subject) are appended to the right of the data item name. Definitions for each category used in naming data items are given in Table 4 at the end of this introduction. Additional information is found in Chapter 4 of Volume I. Data item names thus assigned are terse and highly stylized; as we have already indicated, they are not the names used by NINDB during the active phase of the project. Our aim was to develop standardized names that would stand alone. These names are intended to facilitate a user's search for data items potentially useful in a research project. Before an item is used, a researcher should consult its complete description. For a data item from the master files, e.g., 850 .. 08-34, the data item should be traced to the appropriate study form, e.g., OB-34, located in Volume II. A variable file data item, e.g., 5223 ..•• VAR, is traced to Volume III, where it is defined and its original source given. A data item from a work file is traced to Volume IV for its description. Some data items contained in the indexes may include the notation 11 00 NOT USE. 11 These items are either inaccurate or an alternative data item is available that gives better information. Users will find more appropriate data items by consulting one of the indexes to the data items {Volumes, V, VI and VI I). Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.xi Tables of Data Items: Column Headings For each form, two sets of computer generated pages list all data items in either the master, variable or work files derived from this form. These lists enable a user to track form items to computerized data items listed in other volumes of the User's Guide and vice versa. The computer listings have the following information. Column Heading Description DATA ITEM ID A unique identifier for this data item. See Data Item Identification and Naming above for details. ITEM ON FORM An identifier used on the NCPP study form to identify the question or group of questions which was used to generate this data item. CARD NUM Identifies the master file this data item is located. Card Number and NINDB Case above for a description of FROM Beginning card column for this data item. TO Ending card column for this data item. DATA ITEM NAME Terse stylized name for this data item. See Data Item Identification and Naming above for details. card on which See Master File Number Rationale card number. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS By examining the tables provided for each, investigators will be able to determine which computer files contain data of interest. For data contained in the variable file, see Volume III of this guide; for data contained in work files, see Volume IV. Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.xii TABLE 3. Abbreviations for Person, Time and Subject Categories Person Time Subject Mother Father Placenta Fetus Child MSurrogate Family Sibship Ceneral Preconception Registration Prenatal Admission Intrapartum Delivery Post Partum Neonatal Four month Eight month One year Three year Four year Seven year Eight year Administrative Anesthesia Clin. Impression Cl i ni ca 1 Lab Current Pregnancy Environ. Exposure Events Hearing Hospitalizations Language Linkage Malformations Diag. & Cond. Med. History Medications Neurological Exam Observations Pathology Phys i ca 1 Exam Procedure Psych. Exam Reproductive Hist. Serology Socioecon. Info Speech Vision Work History X-ray Summary Cyn. History Special Studies Fam/Cenetic Hist. SLH Exam Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.xiii TABLE 4. Definition of Person, Time and Subject Categories PERSON DEFINITION Mother Study registrant bearing the "study pregnancy"; biologic mother of the "study chi 1d"; gravida. Father Biologic father of the study child or study pregnancy; in the case of socioeconomic data, this category may indicate either the "father of baby" (not necessari 1y husband of the mother) or the "husband" (not necessarily re1ated biologically to the study child). Placenta The organ of metabolic and gaseous interchange between the fetus and mother; also included in this category are gross and microscopic pathologic data from examination of the umbilical cord. Fetus Conceptus; the product of conception including the embryonic stage, i.e., from conception to the moment of birth. Child Product of the study pregnancy from the moment of birth onward; study child. M Surrogate Person or persons substituting for the mother of a study child, e.g., adoptive parents, foster parents or guardian. Family Person or persons biologically related to the mother or father of the study child. Sibship Child or children having one or both of the same biologic parents as the study child; siblings; half siblings; full siblings. Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.xiv TABLE 4. Definition of Person, Time and Subject Categories (Cont.) TIME DEFINITION General Data with no pertinent time period or data pertaining to more than one time period. Preconception Data pertaining to the period prior to conception of the study pregnancy. Registration Data collected at the time of study mother's registration in the study. Prenatal Data pertaining to the period from conception of the study pregnancy to delivery of the study child. Admission Data collected at the time of study mother's admission to the hospital for delivery of the study child. Intrapartum Data pertaining to the period from admission for delivery or onset of labor to delivery of the study child. Delivery Data pertaining to the time period during which delivery of the study child occurred. Post Partum Data (pertaining to the study mother) collected during the period immediately following birth of the study child. Neonatal Data pertaining to the study child during the period from birth to one month of age; the majority of these data were collected prior to or at the time a study child was discharged from the hospital. Four Month Data collected at the time of the four month examination of the study child. Eight Month Data collected at the time of the eight month examination of the study child. One Year Data collected at the time of the one year examination of the study child. Three Year Data collected at the time of the three year examination of the study child. Four Year Data collected at the time of the four year examination of the study child. Seven Year Data collected at the time of the seven year examination of the study child. Eight Year Data collected at the time of the eight year examination of the study child. Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.xv TABLE 4. Definition of Person, Time and Subject Categories (Cont.) SUBJECT DEFINITION Administrative Data pertaining to the administrative aspects of the study. Anesthesia Data on medications and procedures used to obtain anesthesia. Cl in. Impression Impression of abnormality or dysfunction gained by an examiner following evaluation of clinical signs and symptoms and including a subjective component. Clinical Lab Data obtained from laboratory examination of clinical specimens. Current Pregnancy Personal data and medically relevant information pertaining to the study pregnancy for which the mother is enrolled. Environ. Exposure Data on exposure to occupational or other environmental entities or hazards. Events Data related to a specific event, occurrence or incidence. Hearing Data obtained from examination and testing of hearing function. Hospitalizations Data on specific hospital admissions or the number of hospitalizations. Language Data obtained from examination and testing of language function. Linkage Data on the genetic relationships of family members to the study mother, father or child. Malformations Data on the conditions in which failure of normal development has resulted in abnormal physical traits existing at the time of birth. Diag. & Cond. Data on specific diagnoses or conditions obtained from past medical history or examination during the study. Med. History Data obtained from the study participant or medical records relevant to past or current medical diagnoses or conditions. Medications Data on drugs or medications used. Neurological Exam Data obtained from observation and physical examination of the central nervous system. Observations Data obtained from observations not categorized elsewhere. Pathology Data obtained from clinical and anatomical pathological examination. Physical Exam Data obtained from physical examination of the study participant. Procedure Data relating to specific procedures performed on the study participant prior to or during the period of enrollment in the study. Psych. Exam Data obtained from the psychological examinations and observations. Reproduced at the National Archives I I. C. xvi TABLE 4. Definition of Person, Time and Subject Categories. (Cont.) SUBJECT DEFINITION Reproductive Hi st. Data pertaining to the outcome of pregnancies prior to and or during the period of enrollment in the study. Serology Data obtained from the laboratory examination of serum by specific immunologic methods. Socioecon. Info Data related to the social and economic characteristics and environment of the study participant. Speech Data obtained from examination and observation of speech function. Vision Data obtained from examination of the eyes. Work History Data pertaining to occupation and employment prior to and during the period of enrollment in the study. X-Ray Data on diagnostic x rays and diagnostic or therapeutic radiological procedures. Summary Data presented as a summary of data collected and recorded elsewhere. Gyn. History Medical history specifically related to the female genital tract, reproductive physiology and endocrinology. Special Studies Data pertaining to participation in other special organized studies conducted during the period of enrollment in the study. Fam/Genetic Hi st. Data on the medical histories of family members genetically related to the study child. SLH Exam Data obtained from the speech, language and hearing examinations not specifically or exclusively related to one of these areas. Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.xvii Reproduced at the National Archives CONTENTS PATH-1 Placental Exam - Gross II.C.l PATH-2 Placental Exam - Microscopic II.C.31 PATH-3 Autopsy Protocol I I. C. 53 Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.xix Reproduced at the National Archives PATH-1 Placental Examination - Gross Form PATH-1 was used to provide precise and detailed information about the gross appearance of the placenta and how it might relate to the outcome of the pregnancy for both mother and infant. THe form was implemented in July 1959 and was not revised. Data from PATH-1 were keypunched onto cards 1201 and 2201 in the master file (Table PATH-1.1). TABLE PATH-1.1 Cards and Data Records by Revision for Form PATH-1 CARD REV. NUMBER NO. CARD NAME PATH-1: Dimensions, Cord, Memrane and Fetal Surface NUMBER RECORDS 1201 2 3 47,290 1,488 48,778 PATH-1: Maternal Surface, Cut Surface 2201 2 3 47,177 1,493 48,670 tota I for form Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.l 97,448 PA'IH-1 Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.2 PATH-1 Reproduced at the National Archives Oata items Reterencin~ DATA UF.N 1TE114 JN FJRM TO 48 ••••••• 49 ••••••• .. w H H () "iO.PATH•1 2 ~1.PATH•1 3 3 3 Form PATH•l, Placental Fx~m - Gross CARD NUM 1201 1201 1201 1201 1201 1701 1201 1201 1201 1201 1701 1201 1201 1201 1201 1201 1201 12ot FROM 1 6 TO DAfA trF.M NAME 5 Card number (sequence, foru tvoe, form number, revision number) 14 NTNOB case number 21 22 1201 1201 1201 1201 11.01 1201 1201 1201 1201 51 52 51 16 PatholoovJ ornss, 20 Patholoov: oross, 22 P~tholonvJ orns~, 24 P~tholo~v: qrnss, 7b Patholonv: nrnss, 11 ~atholooy; nross; 78 PatholonyJ qross; 79 Patholonv: oross; 30 Patholo~y; qross; 12 P~tholo~y; oross; 34 Patholoov: oross; 36 Patholooy; qross; 17 P~tholoovJ nross; 38 Patholoqy; nrossr 41 P~tholoqy; qrnss; 43 Patholoqy; oross; to placental 44 Patholooy; nross; 45 Patholoqy; orossr 46 Patholooy; orossr 47 Patholoov: ornss; 48 Patholoqy; oross; 49 PathoJoqy; oross; 50 Patholonv: nross; 51 Patholoov: oross; 52 Patholoov: nross; ~3 Patholoov: oross; 76.PATH•t 23 1201 54 55 Patholoov: oross; •embranes an~ fetal surface, shortest distance 71.PATH•1 24 1201 56 78.PATH•1 79.PATH•1 RO.PATH•1 25 26 27 1201 1201 57 5R 11.01 5Q A1.PATH•t 28 1201 60 R2.PATH•1 Rl.PArH•I 2q 30 1201 1201 62 "2.PATf.l•t 5l.PATH-1 54.PATH•t 55.PATH•1 56.PATH•1 57.PATH•1 58.PATH-1 7 8 ~9.PATH-1 9 60.PATH•I f)1.PTITH•1 fi2.PATH•t fi3.PATif•t 64.PATH•1 65.PIITH•1 9 9 9 66.PATH•t 67.PATH•1 fi8.PUH•1 69.PATH•1 70.PATH•I 1l.PAIH•1 12.PATH•I 73.PArH•t 14.PATH•1 75.PATH•1 13 14 15 lfi 17 3 5 6 12 13 19 20 1201 15 17 21 23 2"i 27 2R 29 31l 31 33 3'5 37 3R H 41 44 45 46 47 4q 4Q so exa~inatlon bV ti1e ~ate C~o> 1ate (d~y) date Cvr> ~esiqnatlon of placenta, plurality placenta, labeled at ~ellverv placenta, fused placenta, anastomosis present olacenta, 1tmenslons, laroest diameter Ccm) placenta, jl~ensions, s~allest dia•eter (em) placenta, dluensions, tnic~ness Ccml placenta, shape placenta, description placenta, lenoth Ccm) placenta, shortest distance fro• cord, Insertion marqin Ccm) placenta, type of insertion placenta, n~mber of vessels placenta, true ~not placenta, color placenta, fro7.en sections ta~en 1embranes and fetal surface, description ~embranes and fetal surface, me~branes complete ~embranes and fetal surface, decidual necrosis •embranes and fetal surface, •e•branes edeMatous we~branes an~ fetal surface, insertion of ~embranes i ~ 61 frnm edge of 56 PatholoqyJ ornss; surface 57 PAtholoov: oross; 58 Patholoov: ornss: 59 P~tholoqy: ~ross; suhchorionlc 60 Patholoqy; qross: vessels 61 Patholo~v: oross; ~2 Patholonv: nross: rupture to Placental mar~ln <c•l ~embranes and fetal surface, color of fetal ~embranes •e~branes and fetal surface, opacity of membranes ani tetal surface, subchorionic fibrins uembranes anj fetal surface, description of fibrin ~e•branes and fetal surface, thro•bosed fetal •embranes and fetal surface, a•nion nodosuM ~embranes anj fetal surface, cysts Reproduced at the National Archives ~ata Items RPterencl~Q DATA ITEM TrEM Jill TO FJRM R4.PATH•l 3t 85 ••••••• Ab.PATH•t fit 7 • •••••• AB ••••••• A9. PATH•l CIO.PATH•t IJt.PATH•t ll2.PATH•t form PATH•l, CIIRO NUM 1201 11.01 1201 2201 2201 2201 fROM 61 67 71 1 6 Pl~cent3l P.x~~ - Gross TO OATil TfEM NAME 66 PittholOilY: Qross; ~e~branes anj tet8l surf8ce, weiqht (Q~S) 72 I:Hank AO Patholoqv: qross; olacenta 11entification nu~ber 5 Card number (sequence, 14 NtNnR c8se for~ type, form number, revision nu~ber) nu~ber to; 15 Patholoqy; qross; ~aternal surf8ce, intact/lacerated 2201 11\ 16 Patholoqy; qross; 1~terna1 surf~ce, co~pleteness 17 surt~ce, lit 17 Patholoqy; qross; 19 PittholOQVf Qross; (em) ~aternal 3fi 2201 2201 ~aternal surface, depressed area, total nu•ber depresse~ area, size, lenqth IJ3.PIITH•1 3fi 2101 20 21 Patholoavr qross; •eternal surface, depressed area, slae, width 9t.PA TH•1 CJS.PATH•1 CI&.PATH•1 J1 2201 22 38 JIJ 2201 2201 24 H H IJ7.PATH•t ]CI 2201 26 () CI8.PIITH•1 H 2201 2A 99.PArH•I 40 2201 30 100.PIITH•1 40 2201 32 lOl.PIITH•I tn:.!.PATH•t 10l.PATH•1 104.PATH•t lOS.PATH•t 10b.PATH•1 107.PATH•I 43 41 41 2201 2201 34 36 2201 2201 37 2201 2201 H 40 41 108.PATH•I tn9.PATH•I 44 44 2201 2201 42 41 22 Pfttholoavr aross; •atPrnal surface, depressed area, apparent cause 2J P8tholo1vr aross; •eternal surt8ce, ne•orrnaqe, aqe 25 P~tholoavl qross; ~8ternal surface, he•orrna~e, slze, laraest di8mPter (Cm) 27 P~tholoQy; oross; maternal surface, hemorrh!~e, slze, sMallest 1iameter (C~) 1.9 PathoJoqy; aross; ~eternal surtace, hemorrhage, size, thic~ness (em) 31 PAtholoqy; aross; •sternal surface, hemorrhage retroplacental shortest ~lstance trou peripheral edae he•orrh8~e to placental m8r~tn <c•1 33 Patholo1v: arnss; •at~rnal surface, hemorrnsge retro•e•br8nes snortest ~lstance tro1 oerloheral ed~e ne•orrha~e to placental mar1tn (em) 35 Patholoav: aross: cut surfa~e infarcts, tot!l nu•ber 16 Patholoqy; aross; cut surface, Infarcts, oink/red, •ar~in8l 37 PBtholoqy; aross: cut surface, Infarcts, oink/red, not mar~inal 18 P~tholoov: aross: cut surface, Infarcts, vellowlwnlte, marginal 19 Patholoqy; qross; cut surface, tnfarcts, vellowlwhlte, not ~8r~inal 40 PatholoQVJ aross; cut surface, infarcts, pink/red, unknown location 41 Patholoqy; oross; cut surface, Infarcts, yellow/white, unknown location 42 Patholoav: Qross; cot surface, inf8rcts, unknown color, maralnal 43 P~tholoqy; aross; cut sorface, Infarcts, un~nown color, not 110.PATH•t 44 2201 44 44 11l.PIITH•1 1t2.PATH•1 lll.PIITH-1 114.PIITH•1 45 46 47 4R . •~ ~ I ....... 33 H 35 44 44 44 44 Ccm) 2201 23 311 2201 4'5 2201 46 47 4R 2201 2701 ~arqlnal P~tholooy: ~ross: cut surface, location 45 Patholooy: aross; cut surface, 46 Pathotoav: qross; cut surface, 47 P~tholoay: ~ross; cut surface, 48 P~tholoav: aross; cut surface, infarcts, un~no•n color, unknown Infarcts, slze (em) Infarcts, ~aternal floor color CJnststencv Reproduced at the National Archives . H H (') 0 l.11 nata lte~s Referencl~g For~ PATH-1, Pl~cental rx~n - Gross nr.M DllfA lTI!:M Jill TO F"JRM 115.PAfH-t 116. PATH-I 48 lt7.PATH-t CARO NUM FROI4 TO DA fA llEM NAME 2?.01 2201 49 49 51 P~tholo~y; ~0 50 2101 52 52 1 t8.PUH-1 51 2201 53 53 119.PATH•I 52 2201 54 54 120.PATH-1 53 2201 55 55 1'-l.PATH•t 122.PIITH•1 12l.PUH•1 124.PATH•1 125.PATH-t 12b.PATH•t 127.PIITH•1 54 55 56 511 5q 60 5 2201 2201 2201 2201 2201 2201 2201 56 57 56 ~rossJ cut surf~ce, intervillous thrombosis, total number la~tnated Patholooy; oross; cut surface, Intervillous thrombosis, number laminated In •arginal sinus P~tholoov: oross1 cut surface, Intervillous thrombosis, total number not la•inated P~tholooy: ~ross; cut surface, Intervillous thrombosis, number not laminated in maroinaJ sinus P~tholooy; oross; cut surface, tumor P~tholoov: oross; cut surface, hydatid chanqe Patholoay; oross; cut snrface, true cvsts Patholoov: oross, exam was done -ith knowledge of case PathoJooy; oross, special studies PathoJooy; oross, other abnor•allties Patholoqy; oross: desiqnatton of Placenta, olurality »lanK P~tholooy; aross, placenta tdentiflcatton number P~thoJooy; oross; nembranPs and fetal surface, color of fetal surface Patholoov; oross: membranes and fetal surface, decidual necrosis P~tholooy; oross; membranes and fetal surface, decidual necrosis (yes, no, unKno-n) Patholo~y; oross; membranes and tetal surface, insertion of membranes Patholooy; oross: membranes and tetal surface, weight; placenta Cqms) P~thoJoay; oross: nembranes and fetal surface, weight, cataoortaed Patholooy; oross; cord, type ot tnsertton, membranous, deqree Patholooy; oross: cord, tvoe ot l~sertion, me•oranous I P~tholoqy; orossJ cut surface, calcification ~ross; cut surface, intervillous thrombosis, total nu•bPr ~7 511 ~8 59 60 59 61 62 63 72 80 518 62 P~tholoov: 129.PIITH-1 5l60 •••• VAR 24 &1 64 H 51 A !'il61 •••• VAR Sl62 •••• VAR 20 20 51q S20 519 520 Sl6l •••• VAR 22 "\21 521 5364 •••• VAR 31 52? 525 5365 •••• VAR 5J66 •••• VAR 53f;7 • ••• VAR 31 13 11 "'i26 5211 52q 527 528 529 5l68 •••• VAR 5J69 •••• VAR 14 45 530 S31 510 PatholoQy; cord, arteries, number 511 PAtholoov: oross; cut surface, tnfarcts, site 1?8 ••••••• 2?.0 t 2201 non~emhranous ~~ 1. PATIENT'S IDENTII'ICATION COL,..JZD-t ....... P1..ACEHTAL EXAMINATION - GROSS of- •---~ 1....... INSTRUCTIONS, (I) F'w- - Ia 16.5 CM.- ....... ( . . . . . . ._ , . . . 20 .....,. (2) Pl• ......... when ...mtnN. (3) An efttry Ia r~ub·H f• ••_,. for tw'n• only. (4) O.ecrtM all at.nonMiltlea In tfte .,... et ....._fill .-a .h. .t. (5) c................ it......,.._ ,,.,.,. . . . . . ., 3 . . . . . . . . . . ., . .......... - · · ,..u•.-,......... 2. GADS$ EXAMINATION liT 3. TIMI! : DATE AM; Me. ; .,_: i i PM; v- .,._of -ltl,le ~...... • 3S- ....., 6. I.AII!I.ED AT DELY. 7. PLACENTAS I'USED 4. MUI. TIPI.I! BIATHI , ................ 5. DESIGNATION 01' PLACENTA DESCAIIII!D ON TNII I'OIIM 9 Twlo A 9 y TwM 8 c-... OtNr Mooltl... Blrtlo I. II' F'USED PI.ACENTAS, IS ANASTOMOSIS PAES!NT? 0a N• 01 Y.. Da IJMMweoloeol (Ve.. elo - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In - 1 ) . - - - - ...._, 1••11-t.t .,._, te ...-y, .... , . - - . • .-ry .. ¥elft• .._. • ' - ef ............ II. CORD 13. SHOin'UT DIITANCI I'IIOM CDIID INIIIITIDN TO PLACENTAL MAIIGIM 12. LENGTH OF' CORD (P_...,. . ......_. . . . . . . . . ,Iuaeny ---- IMH pl..:ea) 14. NUMBI!A 01' Y (P_I_.) av•• 9"'___ ........_ 9 " ' - (If ..,................... •-HIM .. - ' ! 11. MI!._IIAMU AND I'ITAL SURI'ACE 20. DI!CIDUAI. NECIIOSII 21. MI._IIAMES ID MATDUS ' ·-· ONetT. _..., 9~=-' ~-... 22. INSERTION 01' -RANIS ( . - twe If .."Jell y ,._...,., 9 c - , 1 _ y C l _ l _ ,.. fiNe c;JY.. 2L SHOIITI!ST DIITAMCa JIRCIIII EDGI 01' RUPTUIIE TO PI.AC!MTAL MARGIN 9 9 - 9 _,.....,.,._ 9a...cs-lfrl Bl- 26. SUBCHORIONIC I'IBAIM : 27. :, O N • - D~ nMIIoolo ~-••i._T 29. AMNION NODOSUM 9 ...... CjJ- "-- C? a fiDifloee T 31. WEIGHT 30. CYSTS iTJN• 9Not- 9':::;(0.. 33. SURI'ACE : li;J ~ 25. OPACITY 01' MIMaltANU 24. COLOR 01' I'!TAL SUIII'ACI CT·----~----0.. D.MATIIINALSUII'ACI . 01•'-' O L ' 35. DEPRI!SSED ARIA ~N- yPN- 31. HEMORRHAGE N... 0 R - =:: i : 36. IF PRI!SENT 37. AI'I'ARIMTL Y CAUSED BY SI••---X----i 9~=- c;JOI!t.C-MI 0 014 ; 39. SIZI! ' X , (!loatlc) a ~Pirm'i CL.-..at_.I-.)(Siiiiii) ox. 9_._ t:;Jilo*n ; 4Q. SHORTEST DISTANCE PROM PERIPHERAL EDGI! 01' : HEMORRHAGE TO I'I.ACINTAL MARGIN _ _ _ _• X (Kw;;;at ...: C[JL.-tt•,...••l•••r•l CjlL...,I•rwt••• ....._. 41. CUT SURI'ACE '2· I NII'ARCTS, (If n. . . wriN (J in oH blon61:a) -'3. Pink-Red ln'-cta No. ,....._1 i ..._ Yei'-"Whllw ...- . No. Net 11111'111••1----- i ..... ......._____ ~~~~ He. Net,._...,.,_____ ... MATIIIMAL I'LOOIIIMI'AIICTS (oo ·-·-In ONet- 0"'--CD•••IMI 0 .q. CONSISTENCY 47. COLOR Q NOitl'lal 0 0 I (9. INTERVILLOUS SO. Totol -11 ' UnuauaUy light ( ... le) n.,..._ THROMBOSIS: (If ..... _,,. 0 lo lhdtt~~Nd 54. TUMOR :;:Nota..,. 55. HYDATID CHANGE yNoto- ColloboratiYe R"•rch p.,inatol Roa..rch B,...dl, NINDB. NIH Bothoaft 14, t.W. Reproduced at the National Archives oil~-~ in,_.,,........ ____ 51. No. 1••......_.. y=-~ 1---- : 52. TeNt ne. -! ftet S6. TIIUi! CYSTS (In ,.. ....,........"". 53. He. ,.. ·-~ --~(If-· write II.C.6 0) (PATH· I) "•a11 o, 2 PA'IH-1 57. PATIENT'S IDENTI~ICA TION PUCEHTAt EXAMIHATIOH-GROSS (ContlnuH) 51. GROSS EXAMINATION WA$ DONI! WITH KNOWLEDGE THAT; CJCIInlnl c_.•• ot outc.... fer QCIInlal cowa• • outc- ,_ 1 . . . . . . , _ . , . . , . . , . ., , . _ . . , a ,..._., ...-., ....a..... a 59. $PI!CIAL $TUDII!$o D Ph•-ohy D I Vlrol..y J: D 0 D Hl.....,_iotry • I (SPMiel stNM) 60. PRI!SI!NCI! 01' OTNI!R ABNORIIALITII!S D N e o - - l l t i e o - - ...._ ·-lfleol • ..._ D OWl"' .. .._IMp of "'• .... • Dtlooe (4eoorllteJ A..._ l l t i M - - ...... ·-lfleol ...... ' 61. DI!SC:RIPTION 01' A8NORIIALITII!S C:HI!C:KI!D AND OTNI!R PI!RTINI!NT FINDING$. IDI!NTII'V I!ACH C:DIIIII!NT IIY TNI! C:Ditiii!I'DNDING NUIIBI!R. Cell--11 . ..._. ~~-·--I4,1&W. --. Reproduced at the National Archives (PATH-1) II.C.7 I'AOC 2 OP 2 PA'IH-1 Reproduced at the National Archives form Item FnRM 10 IfF: Ill CAI<O NUfll f'ROIII t2Q.PATH-1 2201 t16.PATH•l 2201 H 50 1201 17.01 1201 1201 1201 1201 1201 1201 2201 1201 120t 120t 1201 1201 1201 1201 120t 1201 4Q 5366 •••• v•R 6"\.P.TH•1 120t "\2A 42 t3 66.PATH•l 5168 •••• VAR 67.PATH•1 6R.PATH•1 bQ.PA'I'H•1 70.PATH•l 72.PATH•l H.PATH•l 53&1 •• •. VAR 5lb2 •••• VAR 1201 44 510 1201 1201 1201 1201 1201 1201 45 1 5 5 6 7 8 9 q q 9 t2 14 14 IS lb t7 19 20 ~ flAT A tl t3 3 1 I ....... 1TE._ ON to nata Items on PATH-1, J] 3 •(") •(X) lin~ed 7t.PUH•1 86.PATH•l 63.PATH•1 50.PATH•1 SJ.PATH•l 52.PATH•l 54.PATH•1 51.PA'I'H•l 127.PATH•l 55.PATH•1 56.PA'I'H•1 57.PA'I'H•1 5A.PATH•1 59.PATH•l 60.PATH•l b1.PATH•1 62.PA'I'H•1 64.PATH•1 5367 •••• VAR 2 H H ~umbers 20 20 21 n 22 74.PATH·l 1201 75.PATH•l 1201 Slbl •••• VAR 7l lA 1'5 21 21 2'5 1'7 bl 27 28 29 JO 31 H ]5 37 39 529 46 47 4!1 50 51 SlQ 520 52 51 521 TO Plac~ntal ~Kam- ;ross DATA JTF:M NAME !10 Patl'lolortv: aross, placenta fjentification nu~ber "i1 Patholooy; aross; cut surfsce, lnterv111ous thrombosis, total number 49 Patholoav: aross; ~embranes and tetal surface, description 90 Patholoav: cuoss; placenta t~entificatlon number 18 Patholoay: aross; placenta, description 16 Patholoay; oross, examination bV 24 Patholoav: aross, date (day) 22 Patholoav: nross, date Cmo) 26 Patholoay: oross, date (yr) 20 Patholoqy; aross, time 63 ~~tholoayr aross1 designation of placenta, pluralitY 27 Patholoav: nross1 destgnatton of Placenta, Plurall tv 28 Patholoay: arossr placenta, labeled at delivery 29 Patholoay: arossr placenta, fusej 30 Patholoayr aross1 placenta, anastomosis present 32 Patholoay: qross; placenta, dimensions, laraest dJa•eter Ccm) 14 Patholoav: aross: placenta, df~ensions, smallest dla~eter (CII) 36 Patholoay: aross; placenta, dimensions, thickness (Cm) 37 Patholoay: aross1 placenta, shape 41 Patholoav: aross1 placenta, lenath (em) 529 Patholoqy; Qross; cord, tvoe of insertion, •e•branous I non:PPmhranous 528 Patholoav: aross~ cord, tVDf' Of insertion, 'lelllbranous, dearee 43 Plttholoav: aross~ placenta, shortest distance fro• cord, insertion to placental ~araln <em) 44 PAtholoqy: aross; placenta, type of insertion 530 Patholoqv: cord, arteries, number 45 P"--tholoavr qross~ plilcenta, number of Vf'SSels 46 Patholoqy: qross; Pl<tcenta, true knot 47 Patholoav: aross; placenta, color 48 Patholoav: tJross; place11ta, frozen sections ta~en so Patholoqy: aross; ~e~branf'S and fetal surface, 111embranes complete 51 Patholoay; qross; :nembranes and fetal surface, decidual necrosis 519 Patholoav: qross; 11embranf's a11d fetal surface, decidual necrosis 570 f>atholoav: 11ross: 11embranes and fetal surface, decidual necrosis (yf'S, no, unknootn) 52 Patholoay; aross; :nembr!lnes and fetal surface, meMbranes ede•atous 51 Patholoqy; aross; :nembranes and fetal surface, Insertion of membranes 521 Patholoav: aross; ne'llbranes and fetal surface, fnsertton of mernbranes Reproduced at the National Archives Porm flAT A ON IrF:M FOH~ 10 NIIM FRO"' 24 77 .PATH•1 1201 56 56 51A 518 5360 •••• VAR 25 2& 27 7B.PATH•1 1201 7Q.PATH•1 1201 BO.PATH-1 1201 57 SA 5Q 58 28 B1.PATH•1 1201 60 60 29 30 31 31 112.PATH•1 1201 113.PATH•1 1201 84.PATH•1 1201 53&5 •••• VAR 5364 •••• VAR b1 &2 61 62 6b 527 5?.5 H 34 &1 526 522 ~7 ~9 15 3b 8Q.PATH•1 90.PATH•l 91.PATH•l 92.PATH•1 2201 2201 2201 2201 16 17 lR 15 16 17 19 3& 93.PATH•1 2201 20 21 37 311 39 94.PATH•1 2201 95.PATH•l 2201 96.PATH•1 2201 22 23 24 22 23 25 )9 97.PATH•1 2201 26 7.7 39 9A.PATH•1 2201 29 29 40 100.PATH•1 2201 32 33 40 9Q.PATH•1 2201 30 31 34 35 36 37 40 43 43 43 44 101.PATH•1 102.PATH•1 103.PATH•1 106.PATH•1 2201 2201 2201 ;not 1~ 36 37 40 OA rA HEM NAME 'fO ~5 (') ~ross CARD 54 31 i.!.. ITEM 76.PATH•1 1201 H H •1.0 NumbPrs linked to nata Items on PATH-1, Placental F:Kam - ?3 24 . Ite~ Patholoay: aross; from e~~e of Patholo1y: aross; surface P~tholoay; aross; surface Patholoav: ~ross; Patholoay; aross; Patholoav: aross; suhchoriontc Patholoav: aross; vessels Patholoav: aross; Patholoay: aross; Patholoay: aross; Patholoqy; aross; Patholoay; aross; Cams) Patholoav: aross; Patholoqy; aross; Patholoav; aross; Patholoay; aross; Ccm) ~e~br~nes a"d fet8l surface, shortest ~lstance rupture to placental mar~ln (em) ~embranes and fetal surface, color of fetal 1e~branes and fetal surface, color of fetal 1embranes and ~e~branes a"j •e~branes and fibrin ~e~branes and ~embranes nembranes 1embranes 1embranes 1embranes ani and and anj and fetal surface, opacity of membranes tetal surfa~e, subchorionic tlbrlns fetal surface, description of fetal surface, thrombosed fetal fetal fetal fetal fetal fetal surf~ce, surface, surface, surface, surface, amnion nodosnm cysts weight (qms) weiqht, cetaqortaed weight; Placenta maternal surface, intactllacerate1 maternal surface, co•pleteness maternal surface, depressed area, total number ~eternal surfac~, depressed area, slae, lenqth ~ross; maternal surface, depressed area, slae, width (em) Patholoay: aross; maternal surtace, depressed area, aoparent cause Patholoay; aross; maternal surface, hemorrnaqe, aqe Patholoay; aross; ~eternal surface, hemorrhaqe, stze, larqest diameter (c~) Patholoay; aross; maternal surface, he~orrhage, size, s•allest ~lameter (en) Patholoav: aross; maternal surface, hemorrhaqe, size, thicKness (em) Patholoqy; aross; ~at~rnal surface, hemorrhaqe retromembranes shortest ~fstance fron peripheral edge hemorrna~e to placental ~arqtn (em) Patholoay; aross; maternal surface, hemorrhaqe retroolacental ·shortest ~fstance fron oerfpheral edae hemorrha~e to placental margfn (em) Patholoav: aross; cut surface infarcts, total number Patholoay; aross; cut surf~ce, Infarcts, pink/red, marqinal Patholoav; aross; cut s"rface, Infarcts, Pink/red, not marginal Patholoay; qross; cut surface, Infarcts, pink/red, unknown location PAtholo~v; Reproduced at the National Archives F"or'll Item IIIUIIIbE"fS liniCE"d to nata Items on PATH-1, 42 44 44 104.PATH•1 2201 10S.PATH•l 2101 107.PATH•1 2201 3ft H 41 S36Q.,,.VAR 2201 2201 220t 2?0t 2201 2201 531 45 41) 47 48 50 111.PUH•l 112,PATH•l J l),PATH•l 115,PA'I'tt•1 114,PATH•l 117,PATH•1 51 119,PATH•i 2201 51 52 111J,PATH•1 220t 54 SJ 120. PATH•l 2201 5~ 54 'i5 56 'ill l21,PATH•1 127,PATH•1 123,PATH•l 124.PATH•1 12'i,PATH•l 126.PATI1•1 f)O I fROM 110.PATH•1 2201 'i9 ~..... CAkO NtiM 44 47 411 0 10 4l 45 45 4b •...... IrF"M 10A.PATH•1 2201 10q.PATH•l :not 44 H H PATA ON fOR"' 44 44 44 •(") ITE"' 2201 2201 2201 2201 2201 2201 4Q 48 52 56 57 511 SIJ bO b:? rn PlacE"nt:~l E"Ka'll - :;ross DA fA JfEM NAMF. 42 P~ttholoqy; tJross; cut surf:~ce, tnfarcts, unknown color, 11arqinal 43 Patholo<ly; <1ross; cut surf:tce, tnfarcts, unknown color, not margln/\1 44 Patholoqy; 11ross; cut surf :tee, fnfarcts, unknown color, unlcnown location 38 PatholoC'Iy; qross: cut surf:~ce, Infarcts, vello;,lwhlte, 11arqtna1 39 Patholooy; <1ross: cut surf:tce, fnfarcts, vellow/whlte, not marqinal 41 Patholoqy; qross; cut surface, fnfarcts, vellow/wnite, unknown location S'H Patholoqy; <tross; cut surface, Infarcts, size 45 Patholoqy; 11ross; cut surf:.ce, Infarcts, size (em> 46 Patholoqy; 11ross; cut surface, infarcts, 'llaternal floor 47 1>atholo11y; 11ross; cut surf!lce, color 49 Patholoqy; qross; cut surt:.ce, CAlclflcllltlon 48 Patholoqy; qross; c:ut surface, consistency S2 PRtholoqy; ctross; cut surface, Intervillous thro•bosis, total number la:ninate::l 53 Plltholoqy; 11rnss: cut surface, tntervtllous thrombosis, number laminate~ In marqinal sinus 'S4 P/\thololly; qross; cut surface, Intervillous throllbosls, total nu111ber not lalllnated ~5 Plltholoov: QrO&SI cut surface, Intervillous throllbosls, nu11ber not laminated ln marolnal sinus ~6 Patholoqy; qross; cut surface, tu111or 'i7 Piltholoqy; qrnss: cut surf:~ce, hydat:ld chsnqe 511 Patholoav: oross: cut snrf:tce, true cvsts S9 P~ttl'loloay; ctross, exam was done with knowledge of case 61 Patholoqy; oross, special sturlies 62 Patholooy; Qross, other abnorlllalltlE"s DEFINr:riON OF CODES PLACENTAL EXAliDT.ATION - GROSS FOR14 PATH 1 CARD 1.2012 CARD 12013 CP..RD COLUNN ~ Card Number Code: 1 1 2. Form Number Code: 201 2-4 3· Revision Number Code: 2 - Form dated: 7/59 (Revised coding 1965) 3 - Placental l 5 .J... , Lt-. 1-TTIJDB Item 1 Nine-digit number for Patient Identification Code: As given 5· Examimtion By 15-16 Item 2 Code: See attachment "Examiners", ,::?ages?ATH 1 - 1.2 & 13 6. Ti.!ne Item 3 Code: 0001-24cO - As giYen in hours and minutes based on 24 h~ clock 9999 - 17-20 UDkn~vn 1· Date Item 3 Six-digit code for: Month (cols. 21-22) Day (cols. 23-24) ~ (col~. 25-26) Code: As given 99 - Month, Day and/or Year Unknown 21-26 8. Desi~tion ?f Placenta Item 5 Code: 0 - Single birth 1 - First of multiple 2 - Second of multiple 3 - Third of multiple 4 - Fourth of cultiple 27 9· 1 ed s.t 28 Itez:1 6 Code: C - No l - Yes 9 - Unknown. Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.ll PA'IH-1 DEFINITION OF CODES (cozrtinued) ?ORN PATEl Cari 12012 Card 12013 CJ..R::J ?J::ELD COLt.;"NN 10. Placenta Fused Item 7 Code: Same as in Field 9 29 u. Anastomosis Present Item 8 Code: Same as in Field 9 30 12. Dil:nensi ::ms Item 9 31-36 code for: Largest Diameter (cols. 31-32) Smallest Di~eter (cols. 33-34) Code for each two columns: 01-50 - As given in ems. 97 - Multi-lobed 98 - More than one set of dimensions 99 - Unknown Thickness (cols. 35-36) Code: 01-95 - As given in tezrths of ems. 96 - 9.6 ems. or more 97 - Multi-lobed 98 - More than one set of dimensions 99 - Unknown SL~-digit Item 10 Code: 1 - Non-partite 2 - Bipartite 3 - Tripartite 4 - Succenturiate 5 - Membranous placenta 6 - Crescent shaped 8 - Irregular shape 9 - Unknown 37 CORD 14. Descri!ltion Code: 0 - No description 1 - Edema 2 - Maceration 3 - Several pieces of cord sent 4 - Ua.n-ow 5 - Flat 6 - Soft 38 9 - Unknown Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.l2 PATH-1 DEFINITION OF CODES (c~ntinued) FORM PATH l Card 12012 Card 12013 CARD COLL.OO-T 15. length Item l2 C~de: 16. 39-41 001-200 - As given in ems. 999 - Unkn~wn Sh~rtest Placental Item 13 C~de: 00 01-20 99 17. Distance Margin - At margin - As given in ems. - Unkn~wn T;rne ~f Inserti~n Item 13 Code: 0 - Marginal. 1 - Not membranous 2 - Membran~us 9- 18. fr~m C~rd Inserti~n t~ 44 Unkn~ Number ~f Vessels Item 14 C~de: 2 - 45 Tw~ 3 - Three 8 - other 9 - Unkn~wn 19. 20. True Y"..not Item 15 C~de: 0 - No 1 - Yes 9 - Unknown 46 C~l~r 47 It"eml6 Code: 0 - Normal 1 - Green 2 -Yell~ 3 - Purple 8 - Other 9 - Unknown 21. Taken Item 17 C~de: Same as in Field 19 48 ~zen Secti~n II.C.l3 Reproduced at the National Archives PA' DEFINITION OF CODES ( c~IItinued) FORM PATH 1 Card 1.2012 Ca.r::l. 12013 CARr COLill,lN :?IELD MEMBRANES AND FETAL SURFACE 22. DescrintiQn Code: 0 - No descripti~n 1 Squamous meta~lasia 2 Amnion not available 3 Velament~s vessels 8 - other 9 - Unknown 23. Me!! Como1ete Item 19 Code: Same as in Field 19 50 24. Decidual Necr~sis Item 20 Code: 0 - Not seen grossly l - Presezrt, not massive 2 - Presezrt, massive 8 - other 51 9 - Unknown 25. Membranes Sdema.tous Item 21 Code: 0 - Uo l - Yes 2 - Possibly 9 - Unknown 52 26. Inserti~n of M~ranes Item 22 Code: l - Marginal 2 - Circumma.rginate 3 - Combination of codes 4 - Circumvallate 5 Combination of c~des 6 - Combination of c~des 7 Combination of codes 9 Unknown 53 - 27. l and 2 land 4 2 and 4 1, 2 and 4 Sh~rtest Distance From Edge of Ru-oture to Placental ~!argin Item 23 Code: 00 - At margin 01-30 - As given in ems. 'IT - ~~Iem.branes not ru]?tured 99 - Reproduced at the National Archives 54-55 Unkn~;,;·n II.C.l4 PA'IH-1 "GEFI!UTION OF CODES (c:;,ntinued) PATH 1 Card 2.2012 FORM Card 12013 CJl.PJ) COLlJ1-lN ?BLD 28. ~f Fetal Surface Item 24 Code: 1 - Blue-gray 2 - Green C~1~r 3 - 4 - C~mbinati~n ~f codes 1 and 2 Br~'WUish-yell~w 5 - Combination of codes 1 and 4 of codes 2 and 4 7 - Combination of codes l, 2 and 4 8 - Other 9 - UnknO"WU 6 - C~mbination 29. Ooacity ~f Membranes Item 25 Code: 0 - Not O!laque 1 - Q:9aque 2 - Partially O!laque 9 - UnknO"WU 57 30. Fibrin Item 26 Code: 0 - Hot seen Present, not massive 1 2 - Present, massive 58 Sub-Chori~nic 9 - UilknO"WU 31. Descrinti~n ~f Sub-Ch~ri~nic Item 27 C~de: 0 1 2 3 9 32. 33. Fibrin 59 - No sub-chorionic fibrin - Patchy - Diffuse - Combination ~f c~des 1 and 2 -Unknow"D. Thrombosed Item 28 Code: 0 1 9 - 60 Fetal Vessels Not seen Present Unkno"WU Amnion Nodosum !tem 29 C~de: Same as in Field 32 Reproduced at the National Archives 61 II.C.lS PNIH-1 DEFINITION OF CODES (c~ntinued) FORM PATH :. Car:i l2Cl2 Car:i l2Cl3 O.ED COLU:·I!T 34. Cysts Item 30 C~de: 0 - Not seen l-7 - As given 8 - 8 ~r more, numer~us 9 - Unknown 62 35· Weisz:ht Item 31 C~de: 0001-2000 As given in gms • 9999 - Unknown 63-66 Blank 67-72 37· * p1 acenta Number C::::~de: Instituti::::~n ideiitificati::::~n* as giYen 8 Blanks - None rep~rted ftny c~mbinati::::~n ::::~f blanks permitted in alpha and numeric codes "'ith c::::~ls. 76-80. II.C.l6 Reproduced at the National Archives 73-80 PA'm-1 DEFniiTION OF CODES (c~trtinued) FORM PATH 1 Card 22012 Card 22013 CARD COLUMN 1. Card Number Code: 2 2. Basic Data Code: Same as in 1 c~ls. 2-14 2-14 of card 1 MATERNAL SURFACE 3· Surface Item 33 Code: 1 - Intact 2 - Lacerated 9 - Unknown 15 4. Comoleteness Item 24 Code: 1 - Complete 16 2 - Inc~mplete 9 - Unknown 5. De"Oressed Area 17-22 Items 35-37 Six-digit code for: Total Number (col. 17) Code: 0 - None 1- One 2 - Two or more 3 - Present,number unknown (ReY. "3" onJ.y) 9 - Unknown Size: Length (c~ls. 18-19) Size: Width (cols. 20-21) Code for each two c~lumns: QQ - Not a"'"'licable 01-~ - As given A-o"Oar~&-c2~~~1. 22) Code: 0 1 2 3 - Not applicable - Hemorrhage - Atrophy or In:farct - Combination of c~des 4 - other (Rev. 3 only) 5 - Combination of c~des 6 - Combination of codes 7 - Combination of c~des 1 and 2 1 and 4 2 and 4 1, 2 and 4 9 - Unknown NOTE: O's in entire field= no depressed area II.C.l7 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-1 FORH P.o..TH l Card 22012 Card 22013 DEFINITION OF CODES (continued) CARD COLUMN 6. 23-33 Hemorrhab1:e Items 38-40 Eleven-digit code for: ~ (col. 23) Code: 0 - None '1- Recent, elastic 2 Old, firm 3 - Combination of codes 1 and 2 8 - Hemorrhage present but age uneyecified 9 - Unknown Size: Largest Diameter (cols. 24-25) Size: SmallestDiameter (cols. 26-27) Size: Thickness (cols. 28-29) Code for each two columns: 00 - Not applicable 01-98 - As given 99 - Unknown Shortest Distance from Peri-oheral Edge of Hemorrhage to Placental Margin: Retro-ola.cental (cols. 30-31) Retr~embranous (cols. 32-33) Code for each two columns: 00 - Not applicable 01-20 - As given in ems. TI - Less than 0. 5 ems. 98 - Hemorrhage present but distance llilkn~ 99 NOI'E: Uuknown 0' s in entire field = no hemorrhage present CUT SURFACE 7· Infarcts Items 43-45 Twelve-digit code for: T~al Number (cols. 34-35) Code: 00 - None 01-96 - As given 97 - 97 or more 98·- Too numerous to count 99 - 34-45 Unknown Pink-Red: Marginal (co~- 36) Pink-Red: Not ~.fa.rginal (col. 37) II.C.l8 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-1 DEFINITION OF CODES (c~ntinued) FORM PATH 1 FELD Card 22012 C;ord 22013 CARD COLill-lN 7· Infarcts (c~ntinued) Yell~wish-White: ~erginal (c~l. 38) Yell~wish-White: N~ ~ergina1 (c~l. 39) C~de f~r 0 - each 34-45 c~lumn: N~ne 1-7 - As given 8 - 8 ~r more, t~o numer~s to c~unt 9 - Unknown Pink-Red: Unknown l~cati~n (c~1. 4o) Yell~,•-'Wnite: Unkn~ 2.~cati~n (c~l. 41) Unknown Co1~r: ~~rgina1 (c~l. 42) Unknown C~1~r: N~ ~~rgina1 (c~l. 43) Un_~own C~lor: Unknown location (c~1. 44) Code for each c~1umn: 0- N~e 1-7 - As given 8 - 8 or more 9 - Unknown Size (col. 45) - - 0- Not applicable 1 -All infarcts less than 3 ems. 2 - At least one infarct measures 3 or more ems. 9 - Unknown 8. l-~terna.l. FJ o~r Infarcts Item 46 Code: 0 - N~ seen 1 - Present 9 - Unknown 46 9· Co1~r 47 Item 47 Code: 0 - Normal 1 - Unusually light 2 - Unusually dark 3 - Combination of 8 - other 9 - Unknown 10. c~des 1 and 2 Consistency Item 48 Code: 1 - Firm 2 - Sp~ngy 3 4 - 48 Combinati~n ~f ~~des S~:ft 1 and 2 9 - Unknown II.C.l9 Reproduced at the National Archives PAm-1 DEFINITION OF CODES (continued) FOfu\1 PATE 1 Card 22012 Card 22013 CARD COL\.J}ffi' u. Ca1cificati:Jn Item 48 Code: 0 - None 1 - Maternal surface only 2 - Throughout 9 - Unknown 12. Interril1~s Thrombosis Items 50-53 Six-digit code for: ~ (co1s. 50-51) Code: 00 - None 01-56 - As given 97 - 97 or more 98 - Too numerous to count 99 - Unknown T:lta1 thlmber Ieminated (col. Number Laminated in Marginal Sinus (col. Total Number Not Laminated (col. Number Not Laminated in Mar!Zinal Sinus (col. C:lde for each column: 0 - None 1-7 - As given 8 - 8 or more, too numerous to count 9 - Unknown l3. Tumor Item 54 Code: Same as in Field 8 14. Hydatid Change Item 55 Code: Same as in Field 8 15. ~· ~sts Code: 16. 52) 53) 54) 55) 57 Same as in Field 12, col. 52 Gross Examination Done With Kn=wle4ge That Item 58 Code: 1 - Clinical outcome normal 2 - Clinical outcome abnormal 3 - No knowledge of case 9 - Unknovn II.C.20 Reproduced at the National Archives 50-55 59 PA'!li-1 DEFINITION OF CCDES (continued) FOF.M PATH l Ca!"d 220:..2 Card 22013 CARD COLUMN 17. Special Studies Item 59 Two-digit code for: Photography', V'irologz or Histochemistry (col. 60) Code: 0 - None 1 - Photography only 2 - Virology only 3 - Combination of codes 1 and 2 4 - Histochemistry 5 - Combination of codes 1 and 4 6 - Combination of codes 2 and 4 7 - Combination of codes 1, 2 and 4 60-61 9 - Unknown ~(col. 61) Code: 0 - None 1 - Bacterial culture 2 - Other than bacterial culture 3 - Combination of codes 1 and 2 9 - Unknown 18. Other Abnormalities Item 6o Code: 0 - No 1 -Yes 9 62 -Unknown 19. Designation of Placenta Item 5 Code: 0 - Single Bi.-th 1 - First of Multiple 2 - Second of Multiple 3 - Third of Multiple 4 - Fourth of Multiple 63 20. Blank 64-72 21. Placenta Number Code: Institution identification* as given 8 Blanks - None reported 73-80 * Any combination of alpha and numeric codes ~ith blanks pe~tted in cols. 76-80. Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.21 PAm-1 PLA~L EXAMINATION - GROSS EXAMINERS 05 - Boston 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 ll l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Benirschke Driscoll J.K. Potter Craig Bradford Leoindas Cury or Kury Favara Aires Alvardo McCoombs Mechanic Gibson Santos Amicic Paci Raslavicus Deligiosi Saber rNb.yte 23 Laga. 24 Ma.lou.f 25 Hedley 99 Unknown 10 - Buffalo 01 02 03 04 05 o6 07 08 09 10 99 0' Sullivan Aq_uino Froehlich Legnami Lehoczky Aterman Harrod Abaci Darwish Unknown Reproduced at the National Archives 15 - Charity 01 Johnson 02 Burch 03 Gilmer 04 Foley 05 Rosal 06 Elliott 01 Medawa.r ·08 Beck 09 Melton 10 Meek 99 Unknown 31 - Columbia 01 02 03 04 05 99 Blanc Kaufman Goetz Navarro Richard Unknown 37 - Johns Hopkins 01 Gruenwald 02 Brown 03 Lane 04 Kramer 05 Hannibal o6 Nicastri 01 Linthicum 08 Beitnott 09 Bloodwell 10 McCall 11 Lee l2 Clowry 13 Pusch 14 Esterly 15 Hutchins 1.6 Ebert 17 Haghighi 18 Patterson 19 Haller 20 Benson 21 Porro 22 Berman II.C.22 PA'IH-1 PLACENTAL EXAMINATION - GROSS EXAMINERS 37 - Johns Honk:.ns 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 h.l 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 99 Frederick Bamby Simonsen Rieumont Bransf'ord WL MacLeod Cornell Caplan Jacobs Wasserman O'Quinn Hingson Lewis Henjyoji Zerins Taylor Brazendale Rogers Goldman Russo Wasnich Wheeler Mancini Pelham Laubscher Singer Curtin Gray Wilson Vitsky Leiby Siegal WDZ Ziererink Tole Brammer Abraham Houghtlaling Johnson Hall Addma.n te.vis Shelley Elliot-c Baens Woodward Unknown (cont.) 45 - Virginia 01 Belter 02 Richart 03 Martin 04 Calle 05 Bates o6 Davis 07 Nakoneczna 08 Ishizaki 09 Friedrick 99 Un.kno•..m 50 - Minnesota 01 Burke 02 Swa.llen 03 Woolf'rey 04 Goodlin 99 Unknown 55 - New York Medical 01 diBlasi Cempo Kim 03 o4 Sedlis 05 Sonnenblick o6 Mabairas 07 Stone 08 Gugliucci 09 Murphy 10 Asima.kopulos 11 Saphier 12 Derry 13 Kapusta 14 Smith 15 Fabricant 16 Brenner 17 Caturani 18 Seigal 19 Vansom 20 Olivo 21 Yatvin 22 Schwartz 23 Wasserwald 2h. Aneckstei!l 25 Ortiz 26 Dacosta 02 II.C.23 Reproduced at the National Archives (cont.) PA'IH-1 P!ACEN'I!AL EXAMnTATION - GROSS EXAMTilERS (cont.) 55 - New Y:Jrk .Medical (cant.) 66 - Pennsylvania (cont.) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 99 60 - Oregon 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 99 01 Fujikura 71 - Providence 02 03 o4 05 o6 07 08 99 09 10 66 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Kandemir Breyan Clemendor Pineda Cal.noy Lim McCartin Vasq_uez Pal.!ller Lef:'(owi ~z Unknown Emig Berro~h Philp Gourley Welllngs P'lropst Evans Unknown Waterman Napier - Penns.zlvania Ziel Scarano Sharpe Lerner Baker Chatten Knauer Gonzalez Muniz Schiller Hausman Weidmann Schultze Frederick Pendleton Lane Beatty Seidel 19 Vakil zcr tmmrao Reproduced at the National Archives Prompiti Francis Ba.roff Lipkin Sumerson Stanitski Longo Crane Decker Olen sz E.D.E. Unknown 01 Song 02 03 o4 05 o6 07 99 Anderson Grace Freeman Mald Robinson Fethiere Unknown 82 - Tennessee 01 Johnson 02 Greer 03 Pitzer 04 Brown 05 Crocher o6 Bowers 07 Fuste o8 C.A .c. 09 T.A.B. 10 A.B. l l Manzano l2 Blumenfeld 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 II.C.24 Smith Ainsworth Wise ThreL'-<eld RHA Bushaw (see Sainz ?lJ.\ I P.MH-1 • \:! .l. N 3 ~H:I id I ~o;r"I:L ~"''· Q:l'i> 1\~T.Olt::l lJII"IOil @ !'" 1----~,~ ~ l!ii 0 c:.J l!; f--"ll'(/1/,~-...;- l!t I~ .I 3 w\.l• .... .... :: :: - . .. 5! 5! lA ,. 1... 1: I 1 Jar I>< ! • I -I .. ! ""! • i .. I .. , ... • I I .. P.A!l'H-1 - 16 Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.25 PATH-1 Reproduced at the National Archives PLACENTAL EXAMINATION - GROSS FOIN PATII-1 t:T&P.. *' 11 WtJ~ _:j 0 l) .follM .3" w~ 39 140 1 43 1 44 t4~~48 R X t"--VTT 4 ~ I• 1 • , "u n n uiJS",;,;,." 10 1lziziza zs zaz1 l! J! » ,, n ,4,. u » u'i l! tt •1 n n •• n tt ' ' u t!ii 1- ~lERNAL 1- i , • .n H H •1\) 0'1 1-' ~' ·- s ' I_!_ CARD[] • :f: 2201 NIN)B:t 11-1 CUT SURfACE ~PREmDI A~ ~------~~~~~~ ~ • SURFACE ~.- ~:~...... ;'*"'"...... ....... .. =Ill~ \t 0: l-' '::2 uJ 0 ~ I 1 I• u" n " •• ~ 7! 1\h 7!7! 1~ n_ 11}' ec ~ .....I PLACENTAL EXAMINATION-GROSS (For Form PATH-1, Dated 7-59) PURPOSE. The purpose of this examination is to provide precise and detailed information about the gross appearance of the placenta and how it may relate to the outcome of the pregnancy . for both mother and infant. Report the infor mation on PATH-I, Placental Examination Gross. ORDER OF EXAMINATION. For the sake of con venience and thoroughness, the order of the examination is to conform in so far as possible with the order of items as they appear oo the form. EXAMINER'S LACK OF BIAS. In so far as pos sible, the examiner should have no kuowledge of the course or outccme of the pregnancy until this form has been completed. WHEN TO USE THIS FORM. This form is to be used in every case in which the crown-nDDp length is 16.5 centimeters or more (gestational age 20 weeks or more), and. in those cases in which the placenta is intact when the fetus is less than 16.5 centimeters crown-nDDp. DESCRIPTION OF ABNORMALITIES. All abnor malities are to be described in the space pro vided at the bottom of the form. This includes those abaormalities which are not specifically mentioned in the form. If the space at the bottom of the form is not sufficient, additional pages may be added. Wherever possible, in clude the item number with the description of the abaormality. METHODS OP PREPARING SECTIONS. At least three sections ar-e to be prepared: cord, membrane roll, and placenta. In cases of twins, a section of the dividing membranes should also be prepared. In addition, sections of all significant gross abaormalities are to be prepared. SECTION OF DIVIDING MEMBRANE OF TWINS. In fused placentas the first step after in spection and measuring of the length of the cord, etc., should be to remove a square of membranes from the area which divides the In other words, the two aauu0111c sacs. dividing membranes are identified and a section is cut through them. This section of mem branes is then rolled by means of forceps and the roll is placed in fixative. After 24 hows, it is trimmed so that a jelly-roll-like structure is obtained for histologic examination. SECJ'IOH OF UMBILICAL CORD. At the end of the gross examination of the umbilical· cord, the ccxd is cut at a point two centimeters from the fetal surface and a section of the middle portion of the cord is placed in fixative . This segment should be approximately three to four centimeters in length and after proper fixation, a section should be trimmed from its center. PREPARATION OF MEMBRANE ROLL. After inspection of the membranes, a segment is cut out measuring approximately ·ten centimeters in length and five centimeters in width, start ing at the point of rupture and proceding to wards the margin of the placenta and including a very small piece of marginal placenta. Care must be taken that the amnion is not stripped off in this procedure. This section of mem branes is then rolled by means of forceps aud the roll is placed in fixative. After 24 hours, it is trimmed so that a jelly-roll-like structure is obtained for histologic examination. SECTION OF PUCENTA. After complete section ing aud inspection of the cut surfaces of the placenta, select a representative block of placental tissue. Such a block is preferably three to four centimeters wide, spanning the entire thickness of the placenta aud including the fetal surface with some large fetal blood vessels. It must be handled carefully lest it disrupt in the center. It should be chosen from the central portions of the placenta, some three or four centimeters away from the in sertion of the cord, and it should be placed in fixative immediately. Abnormal areas, such as tumors, intervillous thromboses, and occasional infarcts, should be sampled as indicated. It is not deemed advisable to section all infarcts. However, it is suggested that cysts aud intervillous thromboses and any other unusual structures be sampled fcx his tologic observation. The choice of fixative is left to the individual institution. 1.._1, Patient ldentlflcatl011. As a minimum, enter the patient's name by addressograph ex other method. lte. 2, Gross Exa111inatl• By. status of examiner. ,.._ 3, Ti.. and Date. of the examination. Enter name and Enter the time and date January 1960 Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.27 P.Am-1 PLACENTAL EXAMINATION- GROSS (Coa't) PATH-I 7-59 Item 4, Multiple Births. In cases of multiple birtha, 35 millimeter Kodachrome photographs of the placenta must be submitted with the prococol. Each fetus is to be designated A, B, etc., with regard to order of birth and a separate form is to be used for each fetus evea if the placentas are fused. In cases of fuaed placen• tas, all entries after Item 13 refer to that portion of the placenta con t&iniag tbe fetal circulatory district of the fetus whose desig nation appears on the form. If the farm is being used for a single birth, leave Iteaa S-8 blank. lte111 5, !)eslgnatlon of Placnta DescriMci • tills F-. If the multiple binh has two _.bers enter the designatioo of the placenta of the twin described on this form. If the desipatioaa have not as yet been assigned on the basis of binh order, they are to be arbitrarily usigued at this time. If this multiple birth has mare than two members, check box • other •ltiple binhs• and enter in space at the bottaaa of the form the number of fetuses and their desig nation. Item 6, Labeled at Dellwry. Self-explautcry. Item 7, Placentas Fused. Enter •yes• or •r110• in this space. Fill out a separate form for each fetus in either case. lte111 8, If Fused Placentas, Is Pte sent. In cases of fused placentas, the safest way to identify anastomoses is by injectioo of a colored medium into the placenta. Isolate areas of JI'Obable anastomoses anddisaectooe small surface vessel which leads into this district. Then isolate this vessel, iuert a cannula with a ball tip, tying a small tie be bind this ball tip and inject either air or }X'eferably a colored dye. White or greea dyes (e.g., a light green saline solutioo) provide better contrast than blue or red dyes ud are mare }X'actical than the use of plastic ia jectioo materials. Large anastomoses -y be identified readily by moving the po.sibly I iquid blood in this large vessel frae oae placental district to the other. Check appo }X'iate box and describe anast01110ees ia tbe space provided at the bott9m of the fan~o Ia dicate whether anastomoses are lll'ta'y to anery, vein to vein, or artery to veia. Note size of anastomoses, etc. lte111 9, Dl-nslons. The thickness is meuurecl at the center of the placental tiss. by pierc- ing it with a knitting needle on which centi meter marks have been inscribed. lte. 10, Shape. Check aP}X'opriate box. If shape is other than round or oval, describe in Item 61. lte.a 11, Card. This section refers to the exami natioa of the umbilical cord. If abnormalities are present other than those specified, de scribe them in Item 61. lt.. 12, Length of Cord. Measure and enter the length of the cord left on the placenta plus any loose pieces. The pediatrician will measure the length of the cord left on the baby so that a total length may eventually be obtained. lte.a 13, Shortest Distance fr. . Card Insertion to Placental Margin. Reccrd this distance in ceutimeters. Check box with regard to type of insenioo. I a memlxanous insenioa is present, describe the course and integrity of the large fetal vessels from the insenion of the cord aloog the membranes onto the placenta. roper lt.. 14, Nu111ber of Vessels. Self-explautory. lt.. 15, True Knot In Cord. Check aP}X'O}X'iate box. In the presence of true lmots, this seg meat of the umbilical cord should be fixed in toto and sectioas should be placed at the ends of the knot and through its center to observe possible thrombosis in some of the blood vessels. lt.. 16, Color of Cord. Check &PJI'opriate box. If color is abnormal, describe in Item 61. In clude some impression as to possible etiology of abnormal coloration. lte. 17, Froun Section Taken. Check appropriate box. lt.. 18, M..n•• and Fetal Surfaces. If ab normalities are present other than those specified, describe them in Item 61. This is to be especially emphasized in the case of spaatueoas hemorrhage of the fetal surface. lt.. 19, Me.ln•s Ca.plete. Self-explanatory. lt..20, Dechl•l Necrosis. This refers to changes in the decidua capaularis. January 1960 II.C.28 Reproduced at the National Archives PATH-1 PATH-I 7-59 PLACENTAL EXAMINATION -GROSS (Con't) Item 21, Membranes Edematous. Self-e.xplanatcry. Item 22, Insertion of Membranes. If the insertion is partial, then check two boxes to describe it properly and note in the space at the bottom of the form the proportion of each type of in sertion, (e.g., in case of partial circumvallate insertion, check circumvallate and marginal and then note at the bottom of the· form the propcrtion of the periphery of the placenta occupied by each type of insertion). Jr.'. 23, Shortest Distance from Edge Gf Rupture to Placental Margin. If the rupture is at the margin cr through the body of the placenta, enter •o• and describe in Item 61. lte• 24 1 Color Gf tho Fetal Surface. Self-explana tcry. Item 25 1 Opacity Gf Membranes. Self-explanatory. ltot. 261 Subchorionic Fibrin. This entry refers to the quantity of fibrin present. · lte• 271 This entry refers to the distribution of fibrin present. Ito• 281 Thrombosed Fetal Vessels. This does· not include clots which famed after birth. If thrombosed vessels are present, note in Item 61, the type of vessel, 1ts size and the pre ~ence cr absence of degenerative changes in its walls. Also describe the thrombus and give an estimate of its age. Ito• 29 1 Amnion Nodosum. If present, include in Item 61 a general description as to size, num ber and colcr of the Ito• 301 Cysts. If present, describe in Item 61. Note the number, size, locatiOD, and type, of cootents. Especially note the presence cr absence of bemcrrhage into the cyst. Ito• 31 1 Weight Gf Entire Placenta Loss Cord, Me..bra... 1 ancl Largo Clots. Reccrd in grams. In cases of fused twin placentas the placenta is to be cut aloog the approximate cleavage plane of fetal circulatory districts. The weight entered is to be that of the fetus whose designation appears on this form. Item 32 1 MatomGI Surface. If abncrmalities are present other than those specified, describe them in Item 61. • Item 33 and 34, Surface. Self-explanatcry. Item 35 1 Depressed area. If •none• is checked, leave items 36 and 37 blank. Item 36 1 If Pr..ont. State largest diameter and smallest diameter. Item 371 Ap...,.atly Caused By. If cause is known and is not hemcrrhage, atrophy, cr infarct, check ·~ cr •unknown• cause and give cause in a note in Item 61. It•• 38 1 tto.orrhago. If •none• is checked fer Item 38, then Items 39 and 40 are to be left blank. If mae than one hemcrrhage of signi ficant size is present, then the largest one is to be described in Items 38 - 40 and similar information is to be provided for others of significance in Item 61. Item 391 Size. Self-explanatcry. Ito• 40, Shortest Distance from Peripheral Edge Gf Ho~M~Thage to Placental Margin. Measure the shortest distance from the edge of the hemorrhage to the placental margin and check either cr both boxes as applicable. Ito• 41 1 Cut s-faco. If abnormalities are present other than those specified, describe them in Item 61. Ito• 42, Infarcts. Give number of infarcts according to colcr, in Items 43 and 44 if present. If none are present, write •o• in both blanks in Items 43 and 44. Also check box labeled •not applicable• in Item 45. Ito• 43, Plnlc-Rod Infarcts. Self-explanatcry . • Ito• 441 Yell--White Infarcts. Self-explanatcry. Item 45 1 Size .f lllfarcts. All infarcts more than 3 centimeters in largest diameter must be de scribed in Item 61. The distribution of these infarcts should be noted and may be entered in a sketch of the placenta. Ito• 461 Maternal Floor Infarcts. This refers to areas where the maternal surface is yellowish, very firm, and thickened. On section of these areas, the major portico of the villous tissue is normal, but the flocr is apparently infarcted. If such an infarct is present, describe it in the space provided at the bottom of the fcrm with regard to its size and location. The January 1960 II.C.29 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-1 PLACENTAL EXAMINATION -GROSS (C~'t) PATH-1 7-S9 fis~:~ures which normally divide the ••ternal• cotyledon& are often absent in this coadition. If the fissures are absent, this sbould be noted in the description. Item 56, Tr.ue Cysts (In Substance). Enter number present. If none, write •o". Describe each cyst in Item 61 with regard to size, location and type of contents. Especially note pre sence or absence of hemorrhage into the cyst. , Item 47, Color. This refers to the color of the cut surface. Item 48, Consistency. Self-explanatory. Item 49, Intervillous Thrombosis. If none are ob served, write •o• in Items SO- S3. Item 50, Total Number Laminated. lte. 57, Patient Identification. As a minimum, enter the patient's name by addressograph or ' other method. 1.._ 58, Gross Examination was Done with the Knowledge That: Self-explanatory. Self-explana tory. Item 59, Special Studies. Describe any studies other than those choices specified on the Item 51, Number Laminated in Mlll'li•l SiRus. farm. •Photography" does not refer to routine photography of multiple birth placentas. Self-explanatory. Item 52, Total Number not Laminatecl. Self-expla natory. Item 60, Pr.sence of Other Abnormalities. Check appropriate box with regard to the presence or absence of abnormalities other than those specifically mentioned in the form. Item 53, Number not Laminated In Mlutl•l Shws. Self-explanatory. Item 54, Tumor. If present, describe in ltea 61 with regard to type, size, location, shape, color, Item 61, Description of Abnormalities. In this space, all those abnormalities previously noted and all those abnormalities not specifically noted in the form are to be described. When ever possible include the item number with tbe description of the abnormality. consistency, etc. If preaeat, dacribe in Item 61 with regard to appearance aad extent. Item 55, Hydatid Change. January 1960 II.C.30 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-1 PATH-2 Placental Examination - Microscopic Form PATH-2 provided precise, detailed information about the microscopic appearance of the placenta and how the placenta might relate to the outcome of the pregnancy for both mother and infant. The form was implemented into the study in November 1959; it was not revised. Data from PATH-2 were coded onto card 1202 of the master file (Table PATH-2.1). TABLE PATH-2.1 Cards and Data Records by Revision for Form PATH-2 CARD NUMBER CARD NAME PATH-2: Cord, Membranes, Decidua, Terminal VIlli REV. NO. NUMBER RECORDS 1202 2 49,799 49,799 total for form Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.31 49,799 PA'IH-2 II.C.32 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-2 Reproduced at the National Archives Data Items Referencing Form PATH•2, DATil .. H H (') w w ~ I N Plac~ntal F.xam - M1cros. TtF.M ITE114 JN TO F"JRM 110 ••••••• 111 ••••••• 132.PATH•2 1H.PATH•2 1l4.PAfH•2 115.PATH•2 136.PATH•2 1l7.PATH•2 llB.PATH-2 2 3 3 3 4 5 8 1H.PATH•2 C~Rn NUM FROM 1102 1202 1 6 1202 1202 15 17 llJ 21 23 170'2 1202 1?.02 1202 24 1207 25 9 1?.02 26 140.PATH-2 10 1?02 27 14l.PAT"f•2 142.PATH•2 143.PATII•2 144.PATII•?. 11 12 15 16 1202 1202 1202 29 1?.0? 31 145.PATH•2 17 1?.02 3? 146.PATH•2 lR 1202 31 147.PATH•2 20 120?. 3i 148.PATH•2 21 1202 15 149.PATH•2 22 1?0? 31> 1!i0.PATH·2 23 1?0'2 37 151~PAT1i•2 24 1?.02 3A 1"i2.PATH•2 25 1202 3Q 2R ]0 1'\3.P~TH•2 27 1'202 154.PATH·1. 155.PATH•2 1R 2Q 1207 1202 40 4?. 44 1';6.PAfH•?. 157.PATH•2 1!i8.PAfH•2 l2 3l 34 1202 1202 1?.02 45 46 47 TO DAtA JfEM NAMF. 5 Car1 numbPr (SeQuence, forn typP, form nu~oer, revision number) t4 NlNOB casP number 16 Patholoayr ~icroscooic, ex~mination by 18 Patholoayr microscoPic, 1ate f~o) '20 PatholoOYJ microscooic, 1ate (1ay) 22 P~tholoay; ~icroscooic, oate (yr) ?.3 PatholoQyr mtcroscoolc, jesl1natton of Placenta, plurality 24 Patholoav: microscopic, a~nton available for examination ?.5 Patholoay; microscopic; corrt, neutrophilic tnflltratlon, umbilical vein ?.& PatholoayJ microscoolc; corrt, neutrophilic Infiltration, umbilical artery ?.7 Patho\oay; microscopic; cord, neutrophilic tnflltratlon, cor1 substance 28 PatholoayJ microscopic; cord, thrombosis of vessels 29 PatholoQYJ microscopic; cord, nu~ber of u~bllical arteries 30 Patho\oay; microscopic; menhranes, epttheliue of amnion, necrosis 31 Patholoov: microscoPic; ~e~branes, epithelium of amnion, squamous metaolasta 32 P~tholoay; microscopic; menhranes, epithelium of amnion, amnion no1osum 33 PatholoQy; m1rroscoo1c; ~enbranes, epltheliu' of smnton, bacterial colon iPs 34 ~atholoovr microscoolc; nenbranes, neutroohllfc Infiltration, nembrane roll, amnton 15 P~tholoay; mlcroscooic: nenhranes, neutroontlic infiltration, membrane roll, chorion 1& Patholoavr microscoPic; nenhranes, neutroohlllc Infiltration, Placental surtacP, amnton 17 Patholoay; microscopic; ~enbranes, neutrophilic 1nf1ltrat1on, olacPntal surface, chJrton 3Y PAtholoQv; mirroscopic; nenhranes, neutroPhilic infiltration, fetal surface vessels 19 Patholoav: microscopic; ~enbranes, fetal surface vascular changes, other 41 Patholoay: microscopic: nenbranes, macrophsqes in amnion or chorion 43 PatholoQy: microscopic; ne~hranes, macrophaqes in decidua 44 Patholoov: microscoolc; menbranes, class. of dividing •e~branes o• twfn placentas 45 Patholoay; microscopic: de=idual vessels, thro•bosis 46 PatholoQVJ microscootc; dectdual vessels, fibrinoid 47 Patholoav: mir.roscooic; de=ldual vessels, atherome Reproduced at the National Archives natd Items RPferenring form PATH-2, PlacPntal In:ro~ ]OJ TD F'JRI4 CARO Nlf14 FR0"4 411 H 5fl 5t 1'i9.PATH-? 160.PATI-I-2 161.PATI-I•2 1f;2.PIITI-J•? 40 1207 1202 1202 1202 1fi3.PIITI-f-7 41 1?02 57 1fi4.PATH•7 42 1?.0? 51 165.PATH-?. 16b.PATH•2 44 45 1202 11.02 54 55 lfi7.PAT1t•2 46 1202 56 tU.PATH•? 48 1202 57 1-t 1-t 169.PATH•7 49 1202 511 (') 170.PATH•?. 171.PATH•2 172.PIITH•7 17l.PATH•2 174 • PAT If • 7 17S.PIITH•2 17&.PATH•2 50 52 5'l 54 55 56 57 l'-0'2 1'202 120?. 1202 120?. 1?0?. 1202 171.PATH•2 178.PATH-2 58 61-62 179.PIITH•2 63 1AO.~ATH-2 •w ~ - ~tcros. I f I'M l>I\TA . ~xam 3,; 37 38 53 &I) 61 &?. TO DA fA 18 Patholoay: mtcroscoptc: microscopic; 50 Patholoav: microscopic; 51 Patholo~y; microscoPic; marqln 52 Patholoov: microscopic; caPsularts 53 P~tholooy; microscopic; basalis 54 Patholoovl Microscopic; 55 Patholoav: •icroscoolc; caosularts 56 P~tholoayr •tcroscootc: basalis 57 Patholoovr •tcroscootc: deposition 58 Patholoavl mtcroscoptc; cnanoe 'i9 Patholoav: •tcroscoptc: 60 P~thoJo1v: mtcroscoplc; 61 Patholoqv: mtcroscoplcJ 62 Patholoqy: microscootc; 49 P~tholoay; 64 63 P~tholoav: mi~roscoplc; 64 Patholoav: mtcroscootc: 6'; ~~ 1?.02 1202 66 66 b7 fi8 1202 1202 {)Q 64 69 70 1'll.PATH•7 65 1202 7t lRl.PI\TH-2 66 67 17.0?. 1202 17.02 17 1RJ.PATH·7 63 70 Patholoav: microscopic; circulation Patholoav: mtcroscootc; Patholoav: micrnscoplc; villous Infarction P~tholoqv: microscooic: Patholoqv: mi~roscooic; trF.M NAME necrosis, mar~ln jpcfdual necrosis, capsularls decfd~al necrosis, basalts decidua, neutroPhilic infiltration at jectd~al neutrophilic infiltration ln dectd~a, jecldua, neutrophilic infiltration In decf~ua, ly•phocytlc Infiltration at •argln decidua, Jy•phocytlc Infiltration in jecJjua, Jy•phocytlc lnflltratlon ln ~ecldua, .cytotrophoblast of colu•ns, flbrln dectdua, cytotrophoblast of columns, cystic decidua, terminal terminal terminal terminal tPrmin~l termi~al syncytium, nuclear clumptnq villi, L~~qnans' laver villi, Hofbauer cells villi, stro~al fibrosis villi, patholoqtcal edema villi, mtcro Infarcts villi, nucleated RRC ln fetal terminal villi, melanin intervillous space, thrombi an~ adjacent intervillous space, marqinal sinus thro•bl intervillous space, slcklfna: maternal hlOO~ ~ I N 1A4••••••• 73 74 micros~opic; intPrvillous space, apparent\maturitv of Placenta 72 Patholoav: microscopic: exam 1one wlth kno~le~~e of case 73 P~tholo~v: microscoPic; otner ~bnormalities present 71 Patholoqy: RO ~lank 510 PatholoclV; cord, arteries, number 'i361l •••• VAR 'il70 •••• VAR 5J11 •••• VAR 12 27 27 532 534 514 Patholoav: m!croscooic: me1branes, macrophaqes tn amnion or chorion 'i372 •••• VAR 537J •••• VAR 28 5.)'; 536 Patholo'lv: microscoolc; 5.)0 513 Patholoqy; microscooic: (yes, no, 537 ~e1branes, macrophaqes In amnion or chorion ~nknown) nPnbranPs, macrophaqes tn decl1ua 537 Patholoav: microscopic: nenbranes, macrophaqes In decidua <ves, no, unknown) Reproduced at the National Archives Oata Ite~s R~ferencinq ~xam - ~tcros. Ttr.M DATA ITE'4 JN TO F'JIHC 5374 •••• VAI? Form PATH•2, Plecental 20 CARD NIIM FRUI4 ·ro OAfA ItEM NAMr;: 53R 518 microscoolc: ~enbrAnes, neutroonlllc lnflltratlon, roll, amnion PAthoJoqy; microscoolc: ~enbr~nes, neutroonlllc lnflltratlon, me~brane roll, amnion (yes, no, unkno-n) Patholoqy; microscopic: neabranes, neutropnlllc lnflltratlon, Placental surface, amnJon P~tholooy; microscopic; ~e•branes, neutroonlllc lnflltratlon, Placental surface, a~~fon (yes, no, unknown) PAtholooy: microscoolc; menbr~nes, neutroonlllc lnflltratlon, me~brane roll, chorlo~ Patholooy; mtcroscoolc; ~enbranes, neutroonlllc lnflltratlon, membrane roll, chorlo~ <ves, no, unknown) PAtholooy; micrnscoolc; cord, neutroPhilic infiltration, u~blllcal vetn Patholooy; micrnscooic; cor~. neutrophilic Infiltration, u~billcal vetn <ves, no, unknown) P~tholooy: ~embrane . H H (') •w l11 ~ I t-.J 537S •••• VAR 20 53q 5J9 537& •••• VAR 22 540 540 '5377 • ••• VAR 27. 54t 541 537B •••• VAR 21 542 542 '5379 •••• VAR 21 541 543 53RO •••• VAR 8 544 544 '53Al •••• VAR 8 545 545 11 59 • ·-------------· PLACEHTAL EXAMINATION-MICROSCOPIC ~~ f/.l.U...~~ '!.~S<'J~t..':fo..':.,•.;;-;;, :;M:f) '.:'!::.:: t':! qu,red fot every item exce~t those fw twina onty. (3) DftcriH oil abnorft'IOiitiea in the space ot bott. . of sheet. (4) e....,.,. at l•at -· 3 sections; cord, ....,.brane roll, oncl plocentw. (5) UM looll pelnt 3. DATE D.., j Y ' 1 2. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION BY: Mo.; . 5. WAS AMNION AVAILABLE FOR EXAMINATION 4. DESIGNATION OF PLACENTA DESCRIBED ON THIS FORM 9 c;J Single Birth 9 Twin A Twin B 9:;:8":;::: (l......lfy lool-) ! yHo yY•s 6. CORD i9. u..m..l A....., 7. NEUTROPHILIC IHFIL TRA TION 8. U. .ilicol Vein 9 9 ......... t:;J Slight Not • - •I 00 0 r1 Morlcecl 2 Slight 0 0 Not - 0 Slight t Morlcecl • 12. HUMBER OF UMBILICAL ARTERIES 11. THROMBOSIS OF VESSELS Not ,.... Pre...,t (De-liMo) 9 I 0. Cwcl Sulostence 0I Net s..., 9 9 ~One Two 13. MIMBRANIS 14. EPITHELIUM OF AMNION 15. Necro•is Not ,..., ~ Present : 16. s.,.._ --~loaio r; ; 9 19. NEUTROPHILIC INFIL TRATIOH OF: 20. Amnion ol M e - • Roll 9 Not ,..., y Slight 9 9 Net - 9 p,....., • : 21. Cheri• ol ~ Rell Monl.ecl : 9 9 Hat - t 9 Slltht 9 • I 9 Present 22. Amnion ol P i a - l Surloce Not s - 0 Slight 0 Markee! 0 1 9 ~Slight Hat seon c;J Not •..., :0 Morlcecl 24. F.,.l Surfece Venels 23. Ch..ion ol Plac..,tel StWioce 0 Nat • - 0 Slight 0 Morlcecl 0 18. 8actwiol Coloniea 17.A-IonNooiM yNatseon Present 2 -loecl 25. OTHER FETAL SURFACE VASCULAR CHANGES 9 None y c;J Thr_._is "-ala 9 o.t- (0.-'lool 26. MACROPHAGE$ 27. In AIN"'Ion or Chori• :::::; Not .... O Pre•ent (conMiinint l l ~...., (conNifto t nopig.,...t) T lott_i_). 28. In Oecidue Not ,..., 0 0 o Pres-t (contelnint no plg....,t) t f l Pr.aeat (c•tein- CJ Pre•ent (contoinint unknown T i"! h-aiclwin) I pig.,...t) n ...._ r1 ,.,._, (contein- T n (c...tain'"' " - • l....ln) lftt - 1 - 1 T I p,....., (conteinint unknoWft pi-t) 29. TWIN PLACENTAS OHL Y • CLASSIFY DIVIDING MEMBRANES CJ Monoamnionic-Monochorionic o (No dividing -ranes pre...,t) T 30. DECIDUA 31. VESSELS (of lntect, non-otic- ol<l•hl•t 32. Thr-iooois , 33. Fillri-hl r l Not ••- 0 Preo-t ::J Unable te • r1 Net s..., 0 Pre•0 1 a e.a,UIIte :0 1 35. NECROSIS 36. At Margin Not morlcecl 9 9 ' 39, NEUTROPHILIC INFILTRATION •o. At Margin C 0 Not - 0 Slight t 0 : o • 43. L. YMPHOCYTIC INFIL. TRATIOH 44. At Mo,.ln Not ,..., Slltht Marlcecl 9 9 Av.,... 9 o Ao•-• 0 t p,....,, I"' Slight r1 Morlcecl T 1 9 1 p,....,, t Q N-1 (clum,.. on 30!5 ol villi) 154. STROMAL FIBROSIS n 0 0 Nat - CJ Unable to e.aluote Morkecl 2 Slight 1 t p,....,, (D..crlbe) 0 t 0 Markee! 2 1"" Leu..,_ 9 =-;.' ..':'ante 0 t 0 Exceaoive 1.. t - plac-te PATHOLOGICAL EDEMA Net ..... 0 Pr•• o t (Descriloe) 0 157, HUCLEATI!D RBC IH FETAL CIRCU-~51- MELANIN LA TIOH 0 Net 0 p,....,, 0 Nat s..., Collob. .tive R:ea-rcft P•ineNI R. . _rch Bnnch, NINDB, NIH B......... U,Mol. :::J Slight :::J Morlcecl 1 2 (PATH-2) II.C.36 Reproduced at the National Archives :~.In a... us Nat • ..., 0 I 51. TIIIIMIMAL VILLI o 2 1 :0 0 Marked t :42.1n Baealls ; r1 Net •..., CJ Slight :o Unable to evaluate 2 0 o 1 0 Preaent 1 50. SYHCYTIUM-HUCLEAR CLUMPING HOFBAUER CELU n F - D ~~~any 56. MICRO INFARCTS (oo speclllecl in - • I ) 0 Net s..., ::J 0 •~eluate !xceaaive 52. LANGHANS' LAYER 0 z : 45. Ill c._..... : r1 Nat • - 0 Slltht •T t 9 •1· CYTOTROPHOBLAST OF COLUMNS 48. Fibrin Depesitlon c;:::J 0 C : 38. In BaiCIIIo Unule to; 0 Not morkecl 0 : 41. In C.peuleria :0 Net - Merlcecl 34.Ath.. CJ Not seen o Unable to e.aluete 2 •' 37. In :. r1 Net -"eel r1 Merlcecl 0 1 =.:..te Y Monl.ecl 0 Unknown Page 1 oi2 PA'lli-2 I •5 PLACENTAL EXAMINATION-MICROSCOPIC (Continued) 60. INTERVILLOUS SPACE 61. INTERVILLOUS THROMBI 0 Not 0 Pre-, RBC I n 0 0 ,.,._, 6%. IP THROMBI PRESENT 0 No eoliocent viii- RBC "--yaeol o 2 63. MARGINAL SINUS THROMBI 0 Not 0 RBC l-et p,.-, 0 I u....., 0 Prea-, RBC he.elyaeol 2 65. APPARENT MATURITY OF PLACENTA 0 20 __... 0 20.27 • . - . • 0 1 Aoll- viii•• lnNrctlon .... 037--··· 0211-36 ...... • 66. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION WAS CONE WITH KNOWLEDGE THAT• 0 Cllnlcol •-•• .,. - · - f• 0 Cllnlcol •-•• « - - I« , IIIOthw.,. belly - • - 1 a IIIOthw • boby - • olon-1 67. PRESENCE OF OTHER ABNORMALITIES 0 No obn-lltloo oth... then tiloao ·-lfleol • ...._ 0 lnfarctt011 • ..,. 64 SICKLING ( - 1 bl....) ONotnoteol OPrea o , 0 0 • With no kn_l..... of tho coao Abn--lltloa otilw ..,_ tiloao •-lfleol ot. 1 6L DESCRIPTION OF ABNORMALITIES CHECKED AND OTHER PERTINENT FINDINGS. IDENTIFY EACH COMMENT BY THE CORRESPONDING ITEM NUMBER. ,~···~ 69. PINAL DIAGNOSIS USE Collobwotl- R....rch Pwinotol Roaoorch Brenc:ll, NINDB, NIH Bothe.... 14, Mol. (PA TH·2) II.C.37 Reproduced at the National Archives Pov• 2 of 2 PATH-2 Reproduced at the National Archives Form Ite~ ~umbers link~d ITE-. DATA ON IfF."' to Oata Items on CARO NUM 537 517 tl2 • PATH•2 120? t34.PUH•2 1202 tH.PATH•2 1202 15 l'l 11 t6 20 1702 2'1 120? 11.02 A 135.PATH•2 tl6.PATH•2 1l7.PATH•2 1 38.PATH•2 23 24 25 A 5l80 •••• VAR 544 544 A 5l8t •••• VIIR 545 545 microscopic; ~e~branPs, macrophaqes fn decidua <ves, no, unknown) Patholoqy; mtcroscoptc, examination bV Patholoqy; microscopic, date Cday) Patholoqy; mtcroscootc, date <~o) Patholooy; mlcroscoo1c, date <vr> Patholoov: mlcroscootc, dest~ndtion of placenta, pluralitv Patholooy; mtcroscootc, a~nton available for examination Patholoav: microscopic; cord, neutroohillc Infiltration, umbilical veln Patholoav: microscopic; cord, neutroohlllc 1nf1ltrat1on, u•blllcal veln Patholoav: microscopic; cord, neutrophilic infiltration, UMbilical vein (yes, no, unknown) P~tholoav: ~lcroscootc; cord, neutrophilic Infiltration, umbilical artery Patholoay; microscootc; cord, neutrophilic infiltration, cord suhstance Patholoav: mtcroscoolc; cord, thrombosis of vessels Patholooy; cord, arteries, number Patholoav: microscoolcl cor~. nu•ber of u•blllcal arteries PathoJoav: mtcroscoolc: membranes, eplthellU~ of amnion, necrosis Patholoay; microscopic; ~Pnbran~s, ~plthellum of ~mnion, squa~ous 2 1 1 1 4 5 1202 F'R0114 18 22 23 24 25 P~tholoqy: CJ 1 J~. PATH•2 1202 26 26 10 140. PATH•2 1202 27 27 11 12 141 .PATH•2 1202 Sl&R •••• VIIR 2A ';)0 t:l 15 29 lb t42.PATH•2 1202 t4l.PATH•2 1?02 144.PATH•2 1?02 28 530 29 10 17 t45.PATH•2 1?02 32 12 Patholooy; mlrr~scooic; ~~'hranes, epithellu~ ttl 146.PATH•2 1202 H nodosum 33 PathoJoqy; microscopic; me~branes, epithelium of amnion, bacterial () 00 ~tcros. DATA TTEH NAMF. ID SJ7J •••• V-R • •w PlacPntal F.Kam - TO FOR"'' 1-f 1-f PAT~·2, JO 31 31 metaol~sla of amnion, amnion coloni~s 20 ~ I N 141.PATH•2 1202 34 20 5174 ••• • V"R 5JR 20 5375 •••• VIIR 539 21 5178 •••• VAR 542 21 t4R.PATH•2 120?. 35 21 537Q •••• VIIR '543 22 5376 •••• VIIR 540 14 Patholoqy; microscopic; me~br~nes, neutrophilic membrane roll, amnion 538 Patholoqy; microscooic; me~branes, neutroohlllc membrane roll, amnfon 539 Patholoqy; microscopic; membranes, neutroPhilic membrane roll, amnion (yes, no, unknown) 542 Patholoay; mlcroscooic; membranPs, neutrophilic membrane roll, chorion 15 Patholoqy; microscooic; me~branes, neutrophilic membrane roll, chorion 543 Patholoov: microscopic; me•branes, neutroPhilic membrane roll, chorion (yes, no, unknown) 540 P~tholoqy; microscopic; membranes, neutrophilic placental surt~ce, amnion intlltratton, lnfiltratlon, infiltration, intlltratlon, infiltration, lnfiltratlon, 1nftltrat1on, Reproduced at the National Archives For~ Item Numbers linked to nata Items on PATH-2, ITEM ON FOHM 22 ?.2 . H H (') •w 1.0 OATA Il'F.M CAHO NUM FROM 149.PAT1i•2 11.02 36 10 5177 •••• VAR 541 ?.3 150.PATH•2 1202 37 ?4 151.PATH•2 1?0?. 38 25 152.PATH•2 1?0? 39 1.7 1.1 27 1Sl.PATH•2 1202 5170 •••• VAR 517t •••• VAR 532 534 ?.1:1 1.1:1 29 5372 •••• VAR 154.PATH•2 120?. 155.PATH•2 1?01. 12 H H lb H )II 40 156.PATH•2 157.PATH•2 159.PATH•l 159.PATti•2 1&0.PATH•2 1b1.PATH•2 1&1..PATH•2 11.02 1?0?. 1?02 1202 11.01. 11.02 1202 40 535 42 44 4'5 46 47 49 4Q 50 51 Placent~l EK8m - TO ~fcros. OA U 16 Patholoay: ~icroscoplc; olacental surf8ce, 541 Patholooy; mtcroscooic; Placental surface, 17 Patholony: mlcroscoolc; ol~centa1 surface, 18 Patholoay: mlcroscoolc: surface vessels 19 Patholoay; microscooic; other 41 Patholony; microscopic: 513 Patho\oay: microscopic: 514 Patholoay; microscopic; £yes, no, unkno-n) 516 Patholoay; microscooic; 43 Patholoay; microscooic: 44 Patholoay; microscopic; t-In placentas 45 Patholoay: microscoolc; 46 P~tholoqy: mtcroscoric; 47 Patholoay: microscoPic; 48 Patholooy: ~lcroscooic; 49 Patholooy: mtcroscoolc; ~o P~tholoay: ~icroscoplc; 51 Patholoay; ~icroscooic; T fF.M NAME me~branes, neutrophilic infiltration, amnion me~branes, neutrophilic infiltration, amnion (yes, no, unknown) me~branes, neutroohlllc infiltration, chorion me~branes, neutrophilic infiltration, fetal ~e~branes, fetal surface vascular changes, ne~branes, ~enbranes, macrophaaes In amnion or chorion macrophaaes in amnion or chorion nenbranes, macrophaaes In amnion or chorion ~enbranes, macroohaaes In decidua membranes, macrophages in decidua membranes, class. of divldln~ membranes of jectdual vessels, thrombosis vessels, fibrinoid decidual vessels, atherome decidual necrosis, margin decl~ual necrosis, capsularls decidual necrosis, basalis decidua, neutrophilic Infiltration at dect~ual ~araln i ~ 41 16l.PATH•2 1202 52 ~2 42 164.PATH•2 1202 5) ~3 44 45 165.PATH•2 120?. 1&6.PATH•l 1202 54 55 S4 46 167.PATH•2 1202 56 56 41:1 1&8.PATH•2 1202 57 57 49 169.PATH•2 1202 SA 58 o;o 52 t70.PATH•2 17t.PATH•2 172.PATH•2 t73.PATH•2 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 53 S4 1202 1202 1202 1202 55 59 P~tholoay; mtcroscootc; capsular1s Patholooy; microscopic; basalis Patholoay; microscooic; Pat~oloay; microscopic; capsular is Patholoay; microscopic; basalis Patholoay: mlcroscoolc; deposition Patholoay; mlcroscoolc; chanoe Pat~oloay: microscopic: Patholooy: mlcroscoolc; Patholooy; mlcrnscoolc: Patholoay; mtcroscooic; decidua, neutroPhilic infiltration in decidu~, neutroPhilic infiltration tn decidua, lymphocytic infiltration at margin decl~ua, lymphocytic Infiltration In decidua, lyMphocytic Infiltration In decidua, cvtotroohobl8st of columns, fibrin decidua, cytotrophoblast of columns, cystic decidua, terminal terminal terminal syncytiuM, nuclear clumplnq villi, Langhans' laver v1111, Hofbauer cells villi, stromal fibrosis Reproduced at the National Archives Form Item H H •() •~ 0 i I N ~umbers linked to nata Items on PATH-2, Placental f.xam - ITEM llUA ON IrEM FOR"' Ill CARD NIIM FROM 55 56 57 174.P~TH•2 1202 t75.PATH•2 1202 1 76.PATH•2 1202 61 64 65 58 61-62 1 77. PATH•2 1202 17R.P~TH•2 1202 66 b7 63 64 t7q.p~TH•2 1202 180.PUH•2 1202 6q 70 65 181. PATH•2 1202 71 6b 67 182.PUH•2 1202 t8J.PATH•2 1202 72 71 rn 63 Plltholooy: microscopic: 64 P.:ttholoov: microscopic: 65 Patholooy: microscopic: circulation 66 Patholooy: microscopic: fi8 Patholooy: microscopic: villous Infarction 69 Patholoov: microscopic: 70 Patholoqy: microscopic: blood 71 Plltholooy: mlcroscooic; Placenta 72 Patholoov: Mlcroseopicl 73 PRtholoayJ Mlcroseooie: ~teras. DA U lfF.M N AMF. terminal villi, pathological ede•a terminal villi, micro infarcts terminal villi, nucleated RBC in fetal terminal villi, melanin intervillous space, thrombi and ad1acent intP.rVillous space, marginal sinus throMbi intervillous space, slckltnq: Maternal lntervlllous space, apparent Maturity of exam oth~r with kno•ledoe of case abnorMalities present ~one DEFTITITICN CF CCDES ?LACEll'TAL n~.l-!:!TAT:ON - :•!:i:CROSCCPIC FORM PATH-2 CARD 12022 CARD COLUMN FIELD Card Number Code: 1 1 2. Form Number Code: 202 2-4 3· Revision Number rt Code: 2 - Form dated: ~/59 (Revised coding 1965) 4. NTIIDB Number Item 1 Nine-digit DUmber for Patient Identification Code: As given 6-14 5· Microsco~i= Examination By Item 2 Code: See "Examiners" - 12012 card, pages 12-13 15-16 6. Date Item 3 Six-digit code for: MOnth (cols. 17-18) Day (eels. 19-20) Year (cols. 21-22) Code: As given 99 - MOnth, Day and/or Year Unknow. 17-22 7· Desi~t!on 23 8. Item Code: of P~acenta 0 1 2 3 4 - 9 -Unknown Single birth First of Multiple Second of Multiple Third of Multiple Fourth of Multiple Amnion Available for Examination Item 5 Code: 0 -No 1 - Yes - not further ~ualified 2 - Yes - roll only 3 - Yes - fetal or placental surface only 9 - Unl:alow. II.C.41 Reproduced at the National Archives 24 PA'!H-2 DEFDTITION OF CODES (continued) FORM PATE-2 Card l2022 CARD COLL'MN CORD 9· Neutronhilic Infiltr~tion Items 8, 9 and 10 Three-digit code for: Umbilical Vein (col. 25) Umbilical .Arterz (col. 26) Cord Substance (col. 27) Code for each column: 0 - ~Tot seen l - Slight 2 - Marked 3 - Combination of codes 1 and 2, moderate 9 - UnknoWD. 25-27 :o. Thrombosis of Vessels Item ll Code: 0 - Not seen 1 - Present 28 9 ll. UnknoWD. NUmber of Umbilical Arteries Item 1.2 Code: 1 - One 29 2 -Two 9 - UnknoWD. MEMBRANES l2. Enithelium of Amnion :tems 15, :6, 17 and 18 Four-digit code for: Necrosis (col. 30) Code: 0 - Not seen l - Present not qualified fUrther 2 - Pre sen:t - slight 3 - Present - marked 9 -Unknown Squamous Meta"Olasia (col. 31) Amnion Nodosum (col. 32) Bacterial Colonies (col. 33) Code for each column: Same as in Field 10 II.C.42 Reproduced at the National Archives 30-33 PA'IH-2 DEFDTITION OF CODES (continued) FORM PATH-2 Card J2022 CARD COLUNN 13. Neutronhilic Inf~1tration of: Items 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 Five-digit code for: Amnion of Membrane Roll Chorion of Membrane Roll -~ion of Placental Surface Chorion of Placental Surface Fetal Surface Vessels Code for each column: Same as in Field 9 34-38 (col. (col. (col. (col. (col. 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 14. Other Fetal Surface Vascular Changes Item 25 Code: 0 - N::lne 1 - Thrombosis 2 - Necrosis 3 - Combination of codes 1 and 2 4 - Other than specified above 5 - Combination of codes 1 and 4 6 - Combination of codes 2 and 4 7 - Combination of codes 1, 2 and 4 39 15. Ma.cronhage Item; 27 and 28 Fbur-digit code for: In Amnion or Chorion ( co1s. In Decidua (cols. Code for each tva columns: 00 - Not seen 01 - Containing no pigment 02 - Containillg meconium 03 - Combination of codes 01 and 02 04 - Containing hemosiderin 05 - Combination of codes 01 end 04 06 - Combination of codes 02 and 04 01 - Combination of codes 01, 02 and 08 - Containing unknown pigment 09 - Combination of codes 01 and 08 10 - Combination of codes 02 and 08 11 Combination of codes 01, 02 and J2 - Combination of codes 04 and 08 13 - Combination of codes 01, 04 and 14 - Combination of codes 02, 04 -<>nd 15 - Combination of codes 01, 02, 04 4o-43 9 - U:ckoown 99 - 4o-41) 42-43) 04 08 08 08 and 08 Unlmo•.ro. Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.43 PNIH-2 DEFINIT~U OF CODES (continued) FOP.M ?A...""R-2 Ca:::.-d 12022 C.APJ) F3LD 16. COLUHN ~::.assification of Dividing Membranes of T-win Placentas Item 29 Code: 0 - Single birth l - ~llOa.mniotic - monochoriomc 2 - Diamniotic - dichorionic 3 - Diamniotic - mollOchorionic 8 - Other than t-.rins 9 - '!Jn.known DECIDUA 17. Vessels Items 32, 33 and 34 Three-digit code for: Thrombosis (col. 45) Fibrinoid (col. 46) Atheroma (col. 47) Code for each column: 0 - Not seen l - Present 2 - Unable to determine 45-47 9 - Unknown 18. Necrosis Items 36, 37 and 38 Three-digit code for: At Margin (col. 48) In Cansularis (col. 49) In Basalis (col. 50) Code for each column: 0 - Not marked 1 - Marked 2 - Unable to determine 9 19. 48-50 Un.lalown Neutrotohilic Infiltration Items , 41 and 42 Three-digit code for: At Margin (col. 51) In Cansularis (col. 52) In Basalis (col. 53) Code for each column: Same as ~ Field 9 II.C.44 Reproduced at the National Archives 51-53 PA'IH-2 DEFnriTION OF CODES (contiDlled) FOR.\1 PATH-2 Card ::!...2022 CARD COLUMN 20. Locmphocytic Infiltration Items 45 and 46 Three-digit code for: (col. 54) At Margin In Ca-o sulari s (col. 55) In Basalis (col. 56) Code for each colWIIIl: Same as in Field 9 21. of Columns Items 48 and 49 T-wo-digit co de for: Fibrin De-oositicn (col. 57) Code: 0 - Not seen 1 - Average 44; 9ytot~-ohcblast 2 - 57-58 Elccessi~re 3 4 8 9 - Combination of codes 1 and 2 - !ess than average - Unable to determine - tiUlmown Cystic Change (col. 58) Code: 0 - Not seen 1 - Presen-t 8 - Unable to determine 9 22. Unknow"ll. Syncytium. - Nuclear Clumc:!.ng Item 50 Co de : 1 - Uo I'll'l81. 2 - !ess than normal for ter.n placenta 3 - Excessive for ter.n placenta 4 - Excessive in parts 8 - Unable to determine 9 - 59 Uilla:lc•m. TERMINAL VILLI 24. Ianghens' Layer Item 52 Code: Same as in Fi.eld 10 60 H'o f'bauer Cells 61 Item 53 Code: 1 - Few 2 - MaDy 9 - Unk:nown Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.45 PA'IH-2 :8EFINITICN OF CODES (continued) ?ORM PAT:S:-2 Card 12022 25- St:-o::nal Fibrosis Item 54 Code: 0 - riot seen 1 - Present - act qualified fUrther 2 - Present - rare 3 - Present - ~ 8 - Unable to determine 62 9 - UDkilcwn 26. ?atholoaical Ede::na Item 55 Code: Same as in Field 25 63 27. Micro Infarcts Item 56 Code: Same as in Field 25 64 28. Nucleated RBC in Fetal Circulation Item 57 Code: Same as in Field 25 29. ~.elanin Item 58 Code: Same as in Field 66 9 lll'l'ERVILIDUS SPACE 30. Ictervillous Thrombi and AdJacent ViLlous Infarction Items 61 and ~ Code: 00 - Not seen 10 - RBC intact and no adjacent villous seen ll - RBC intact and adjacent villous seen 12 - Combination of codes 10 and ll 20 - RBC hemolyzed and DO adJacent villous seen 21 - RBC hemclxz,ed: and adjacent villous seen 22 - Combination of codes 20 and 21 30 - Combination of codes 10 and 20 31 - Combination of codes 11 and 21 32 - Combination of codes l2 and 22 67-68 99 - Unknown 31. Marginal Sinus Th."'""mbi Item 63 Code: 0 - Not seen 1 - 3BC intact 2 - RBC he!!!Olyzed 3 - Combination of cedes 1 and 2 9 - Unknown Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.46 PA'IH-2 DEFmiTION OF CODES (continued) FOR..\1 PATH-2 Card l2022 -F!SLD CARD COLul-lN 32. Matern.a.J. Bl.ood Item Code: Same as in Field 211 col. 58 70 33· A"onarent Maturity of Placenta n Item 65 1 - Under 20 -.reeks 2 - 20-27 ·..reeks 3 - 28-36 weeks 4 - 37 ~eeks or over 8 - OUable to determine Code: 9 - Unlclowu 34. Microsconic Examination Was Done With Knowledge That 66 Item Code: 72 0 - :rk:l lalowledge 1 - Normal outcome for mther or baby 2 - Abt10r:nal outcome for mther or baby 9 - Unknown 35· Presence of Other .<lliDOr!!!a.lities Item Code: 67 73 Same as in Field 10 Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.47 PA'IH-2 <t: ~ A (,) G ...... ;::. ~ 0 (,) t'J ...0 S13$SSI\ (,) ...... :::;: IC\J ....!.. ~~ O<t: ...... 0.... gE i£ &§ ,...., c.J) u.J S39t~Hd~'4W z c::r: a::= ~ UJ ::!0 M0\.1.ij'U.~M'! '0 11 lHcUMJJBN ~ d +' ~ Q) (.l ~ ,...., c.. Reproduced at the National Archives <niO~ II.C.48 PNIH-2 PLACENTAL EXAMINATION-MICROSCOPIC (For Form PATH-2, Dated 11-59) PURPOSE. The purpose of this examination is to provide precise, detailed informatioa about the microscopic appearance of the placenta and how it may relate to the outcome of the · pregnancy for both mother and infant. Report the informatioa on PATH-2, Placental Ex aminatioa - Microscopic. ORDER OF EXAMINATION. For the sake of coo venience and thoroughness, the order of the examinatioa is to coaform in so far as pos sible with the order of items as they appear on the form. EXAMINER'S LACK OF BIAS. Insofar as poa silile, the examiner should have no knowledge of course or outcome of the pregnancy until this form has been completed. WHEN TO USE THIS FORM. This form is to be used in every case in which the crown-rump length is 16.5 centimeters or more (gestational age 20 weeks or more), and in those cases in which the placenta is intact when the fetus is less than 16.5 centimeters crown-rump. EXAMINATION OF SECTIONS. During the course of this examination, at least three sectioaa cord1 membrane roll, and placenta - should be examined. The methods for the preparation of these aectioaa are outlined in Pathology Manual, PHS-3222-1, Placental Examinatioa -Gross. DESCRIPTION OF ABNORMALITIES. All ab normalities are to be described in Item 68. This includes those abnormalities which are not specifically mentiooed in the form. Wherever possible, the item number corres ponding to the abnormality should be in cluded with the descriptioa of the abnormality. If the space at the bottom of the sheet is not sufficient, additiooal pages may be added. MULTIPLE BIRTHS. In cases of multiple births, a separate form is to be prepared for the placenta of each fetus. Item 3, Date. Enter date of examination. Item 4, Designation of Placenta Described on this Form. Check the appropriate box. In cases of multiple births with more than two mem bers, check box •other multiple births" and enter in Item 68 the number of fetuses an~ the designation of the fetus whose placenta is described in this form. lte111 5, Was Amnion Available for Examination. Self-explanatory. Item 6, Cord. If abnormalities are present other than those specified, describe them in Item 68. In particular, if any special sections have been taken during the course of the gross examinatioa, describe these fully. IteM 7, Neutrophilic Infiltration. Self-explanatory. lte111 8, Umbilical Vein. Self-explanatory. lte111 9, Umbilical Artery. Self-explanatory. 1.._ 10, Cord Substance. Self-explanatory. lte111 11, Thr0111bosis of Vessels. If present, describe in Item 68 the age of the thrombus, the size of the vessel and the presence or absence of degenerative changes in the wall of the vessel. lte111 12, Number of Umbilical Arteries. planatory. Self-ex lte111 13, Membro-s. Self-explanatory. lte111 14, Epithelium of Amnion. Self-explanatory. Item 15, Necrosis. If present, describe in Item 68 with regard to degree and extent. lte• 16, Squam-• Metaplasia. Sel£<xplan:atory. ltelll 17, Amnioa Nodosom. Self-explr.natory. lte111 18, Bacterial Col011i es. If present, describe these morphologically, insofar as is possible, in Item 68. INSTRUCTIONS lte111 1, Patiellt Identification. As a mm1mum, enter the patient's name by addressograph or other method. lte• 19, Neutrophilic Infiltration of. Self-explana tory. lte111 2, Microscopic Exa111ination By. and status of examiner. lte• 20, Amnion of Membrane Roll. Self-explana tory. F.nter name J:1nu:ary Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.49 1960 PA'IH-2 PtACENTAL EXAMINATION- MICROSCOPIC (Coa't) PATH-2 11-59 Self~xplaaa 1.... 38, In Basalis. This refers to necrosis in the decidua basalis. Item 22, Amnion of Placental Surface. planatory. Self~x 1..•39, ~eutrophilic Infiltration. Self-explanatory. Item 23, Chorion of Placental Surface. planatory. Self~x Item 21, Chorion of Membrane Roll. tory. 1.... 40, At Mar!Jin. Self-explanatory. Item 24, Fetal Surface Vessels. 1.... 41, In Capsularis. Self-explanatory. Self~xplaaatory. a...... Item 25, Other Fetal Surface Vascular Check the proper box. If chauges are preseat, describe them in Item 68. Item 26, Macrophages. Self~xplauatory. Item 27, In Amnion or Chorion. Self~xplaaatory. Item 28, In Decidua. Self-explaaatory. Item 29, Twin Placentas Only - Classify DIYidiRt Membranes. Fill out this item only in the case of twins. If this is a multiple birth, of more thau t.vo members, leave this blak aud describe all the dividing membraues in Item 68. Indicate the relatioaahip of the fetus described on this form to the other members of the birth insofar as the dividing meabranes are concerned. · lte• 30, Decidua. If abnormalities are preseat other thau those specified describe tllem in Item 68. Item 31, VesHis. These must be observecl in in tact, non-necrotic areas of decidua. lte• 32, Thr-bosis. If present, describe in Item 68 with regard to age, e.rtent, and whether ar not the lumen of the vessel is a.~mJWed. 1... 42, In Basalis. Self-explanatory. 1... 43, LYftlphacytic Infiltration. Self-explanatory. 1.... ..U, At Mllrgin. Self-explanatory. 1... 45, In Capsularis. Self-explanatory. 1... 46, In Basalis. Self-explauatory. 1... 47, Cytotropl.oblaat of ColuMns. Self-expla a.atory. 1... 48, Fllwin Deposition. This refers to the fibrin or fibrinoid deposits which occur in cytotrophoblast cells as term is approached. 1... 49, Cystic Change. These may form within the trophoblastic columns. If the change is present, check. the proper box. lte• 50, Syacyti. .-Nuclear Clu•ping. At term, approximately 3~ of all terminal fetal villi have a syncytial bud attached to their sur face. Using this as a normal, check the proper box with regard to syncytial nuclear clumping in the placenta under examination. 1... 51, TerJ~~inal Villi. If abnormalities other thau those sr.cified are present, describe them in Item 6 . .... 52, La..hana Layer. Self-explanatory. Item 33, Fllwineid. If present, describe in Item 68 with regard to extent and presence ar ab sence of luminal narrowing. 1.... 34, A..__. If present, describe in Item 68 with regard to extent and presence ar ab sence of luminal a.arrowing. IteM 35, Necrosis. Self-explaaatory. lte• 36, At Mllrgin. This refers to a.ecroais at tbe margin of the placenta. · Item 37, In Capsularis. This refers to iD the decidua basalis. .... 53, HaAauer Calla. Self-explanatory. •... 54, Str-1 Filwoais. If present, describe in Item 68 with regard to degree aud distribution. I..• 55, Pathological Ed-. If present, describe in Item 68 with regard to extent and distri buticxa aud roughly estimate what proportion of villi appear to be involved. lte• 56, Mlcroinfarcta. Microinfarcts are small aceas of incipient degeneration of placental tissue which form a distinct histologic lesion although they ~aunot be seea. grossly. Most January 1960 II.C.SO Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-2 PLACENTAL EXAMINATION- MICROSCOPIC (Con't) PATH-2 11-59 often terminal villi are closely packed in a microinfarct and often they appear to be agglutinated by inflammatory cells or de generated epithelium. The blood vessels are apparently obliterated. lt.• 57, Nucleated RBC In Fetal Circulation. Self-explanatory. · lte• 58, M.lanin. This pigment may be present within, and next to, calcium deposits, in fibrin masses, in the thickened granular base ment membrane of villi, and rarely in Hofbauer cells. It is yellowish-brown in colCX'. lt.• 59, Patient Identification. As a minimum, enter the patient's name by addressograph or other method. lte. 60, lntervill011s SpacH. If abnormalities other than those specified are present, de scribe them in Item 68. lt.• 61, lntervill... If nucleated red blood cells are seen in the substance of such a thrombus, this should be noted in Item 68. lt.• 62, If Thrombi PY.sent. Self-explanatCX'f. lt.• 63, Mlqinal Sin• ThrOMbi. Self-explanatCX'f. lt.m 64, Sickling (Maternal Blood). Self-explana tory. Item 65, Apparent Maturity of Placenta. Self expl&natCX'f. If question arises as to the criteria to be used in this estimation, the examiner is referred to pages 14 and 15 of the revised form of The Examination of the Placenta by Dr. Kurt Benirschke. Item 66, Microscopic Examination Was Done with Knowledge That. Self-explanatory. lt.m 67, Presence of Other Abnarma IIties. Check the appropriate box with respect to presence of abnormalities other than those specifically mentioned in the form. lt.m 68, Description of Abnormalities. In this space, all those abnormalities previously noted and all those abnCX'malities not specifi cally mentioned in this form are to be de scribed. Whenever possible, include the item number with the description of the abnormality.· . Item 69, Final Diagnosis. Self-explanatory. lt.• 70, Do ~ot Use. This box is to be used by central office of Collaborative Research for coding. 1anuary 1960 II.C.Sl Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-2 II.C.52 Reproduced at the National Archives PATH-3 Autopsy Protocol Form PATH-3 was used to provide information obtained from autopsies of deceased infants or children. Implemented into the study in August 1961, the form was never revised. Data from PATH-3 were punched onto three cards of the master file (Table PATH-3.1). TABLE PATH-3.1 Cards and Data Records by Revision for Form PATH-3 Rev. No. Number Records 1203 1 28,329 Weights of Organs 2203 1 3,083 Summary of Conditions 4203 1 2,172 total for form ' 33,584 Card Name Card Number PATH-3: Diagnoses PATH-3: PATH 3: II.C.53 Reproduced at the National Archives PATH-3 II.C.54 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-3 Reproduced at the National Archives nata Items Referencing Form PATH•], Autoosv Protocol .. H H (") U1 U1 ~ I w DATil lTEIIol TrFM JIV TO F')RI4 3647 ••••••• 3648 ••••••• 1649.PATH•1 36'50.PATH•J 1&"i1.PATH•3 3b"i2.PATH•1 3&5l.PATH•1 3654.PATH•J 3655.PATH•1 3b56.PATH•3 lb"7.PATH•'l 3b58.PI'fH•'l 36'59.PATH•l 3660.PATH•3 3&fo1.PAfH•3 3662.PAIH•3 3663.PATH•1 3664.PATH•J 36fo5.PATH•1 3&fo6.PATH•l 361)7.PATH•J ]b68 ••••••• 3669.PAIH•l lb70 ••••••• 1b71.PAIH•3 3672 ••••••• 3673.PATH•3 1674 ••••••• 1675.PAIH•J 167&.PATH•J 3671.PATH•1 3&78.PHH•3 3b79.PATH•l 36RO.PATH•l 3&111 ••••••• loR:.~ ••••••• 3b11J ••••••• 36R4.PATH•J 36R!).PATH•1 36fi6.PATH•1 3&117.PATH•l 1&R8.PATH•3 CARll NUM 1201 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1201 1?03 1203 1203 1?03 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1101 1203 1203 1203 1201 1201 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1?.03 1203 1203 1201 2?.01 .2203 2203 2203 2203 2203 2203 rRO"' t 6 15 1Q 20 22 24 2R 2Q JO 31 36 3R 40 42 41 4'5 47 4Q 50 52 56 57 f>1 &1 66 b7 7t 72 n 74 75 7fl 71 7R t 6 1'; JQ 20 22 24 DA U TO TrF.M NAME 5 Card number <sequence, torn type, form number, revlslon number) ~JNOB case number Autopsy: lab accession numoer Autopsy: event tyoe Autopsy: qestatton at birth (w~s) Autopsy: age ~t de3th, postnatal Autopsy: hirth wef~ht (qms) Autopsy: sex Autopsy: race Autopsy: race, source of infor~atfon Autopsy: wefqht at autopsy C~ms) Autopsy: orosector Autopsy: mlcroscoP1c done bY Autopsy: edttor Autopsy: brain ~isposition 44 Autopsy: patholo~ist, coder 4& Autopsy: ~iagnosis: anatomic, tor abortion 48 Autopsy: ~laqnosls, jerfvej fro~ qross, micro, etc. 49 Autopsy: ~iaqnosis, derivej from PlAcenta, mother, father, etc. 51 Autopsy: ~i~gnosls, sequence number 55 Autopsy; ~iagnosls, topoqr!ohtc, SNOP 14 18 19 21 23 27 28 29 JO 35 37 39 41 42 5& Blan~ 60 Autopsy: ~laqnosis, norpholo~fc, BlanK 65 Autopsy: ~laqnosis, etiolo~fc, SNnP ~~ 66 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 RO Autopsy: diAgnosis, tunctfonal, SNOP Rl3n~ Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy; diaqnosis, topoqraohfc, deviations diagnosis, norpnolo~ic, deviations ~iagnosts, etlplo~ic, deviations diagnosis, functional, jevfatlons diagnosis, deqree of Involvement diagnosis, later9litv Blan~ 5 Card 14 19 19 21 13 SNOP Blan~ nu~ber (sequence, for~ typP, torm NTNDB case number Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: 11 Autopsy: lab accession number event, type aestatton at blrtn <w~s) age at je3th, oostnatal hirth wel~ht nu~oer, revision number) Reproduced at the National Archives nata Items DIITII JN TD F'JRM HOO.PATH-3 370I.P1Tff-J l702.PATH-3 3703.PATH-3 .n •U1 0'1 ~ I w 3704.PATH-1 3705.PATH-3 HO&.PATH-3 1707 .PATH-3 3708 ••••••• 3709 ••••••• 3710 ••••••• Htl.PAJH-1 371 2.PAJH-J 311 J.PATH-1 3714.PATH-1 371 S.PATH-3 371 &.PATH-3 3717.PATH-J J718.PATH-3 3719.PATH-1 3720.PATH-1 3721.PATH-1 3712.PATH-3 3723.PATH-3 17 ?4. PAT r• •1 1715 ••••••• rorm PATH-3, Autoosv Protocol Trf.M ITE~ 3bA9.PATH•3 lb90.PATH-1 3b91.PATH-3 3b92.PATH-3 3693.PIITH•3 3b94.PATH-1 3b95.PIIfH-3 3b96.PATI••l 3697.PATH-3 3698.PUff-3 3699.PATH-J H H Reter~ncln~ CARO NUM 2203 2203 2203 2201 2201 2203 2203 21.03 2203 2203 FRUIIII 2A 2Q 30 H 3fi 40 45 47 49 52 2703 so; 2201 220] Sit 62 64 2203 2201 220] 67 70 2'203 2203 2203 74 2203 4203 7A t 6 15 lf\ 17 t'70l UOl t?.03 t203 4'703 4203 4201 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4'203 4203 4203 4203 n 71 lR 1Q 20 21 2?. 21 24 25 26 2R 30 32 TO DArA JfEfll NAME ?8 Alltopsy: sex Autopsy; race Autopsy: placenta, weight Cams> Autopsy: lengtn: cro•n rumo Cc~) Autopsy: length: crown heel Cc~) 44 Autopsy: weight, at autopsy ca~s) 4b Autopsy: wetqht: tny~us Caws) 48 Autopsy; weight: heart (g~sl 51 Autopsy: weight: tun~, rtgnt Cgmsl 54 Autopsy; welghtr lung, left Cams> 57 Autopsy: weight: spleen Caws) 61 Autopsy: wetghtl liver famsl 63 Autnpsyr welqhtr a~rena1s Ca•s> 66 Autopsy: welghtr kl1ney, rtant C~ms) 69 AUtopsy: welghtr kl~ney, left (q.s) 73 Autopsy: wetghtr brain (gms) 74 wetahts, how recor1e1 76 Autopsy: hours since death 77 State of hody when recelvP.j AO Blank 5 car~ number cseauence, for1 type, form number, revision number> 14 NIND8 case nu•ber 15 Autopsy summary: maceration, 1earee 16 Autopsy summary: •alformattons, lethality 17 Autopsy summary: ~alformatlons, 1ajor 18 Autopsy s•1m111ary; 'llaltormatlons, nfnor 19 Autopsy summary; hyaline membrane 20 Autopsy summary: oneumonla, otner than Interstitial or viral 21 Autopsy summary: @rythroblastosls fetalls ?.2 Autopsy summary; lunq, atelectasis 23 Autopsy summary, Pulmonary hemorrhaqe 24 Autopsy summaryJ oetecntae, ott1er than subdural/subcapsulae ?5 Autopsy su•maryJ he•orrhaqes, subdural or subcapsular 27 Autopsy sum111aryr conditions, otner, first 29 Autopsy summary; condttfons, other, second 31 Autopsy sum111ary: conjitions, other, third RO Blank ?9 32 35 39 1. PATIENT 1DENT1F1CAT10N AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 2. FINAL DIAGNOSIS MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATIO'I OF BRAIN GROSS SECTIO'IING OF BRAIN 01NCLUDED 0 OEXCLUDED INCLUDED 0 COL. COOE I EXCLUDED ' 6-14 IS 16 17 I 18.19 20 ~ I • 21-22! ' 23-26; 27.30 i 1 35.3al I ! i 39-42/ I I ' ! 43-461 i! 51-541' I ss.sai i I : 59.62/ i 63-661 67-701 .I c2ndd I u:~ CO&..&...t.eO.. ATIV . . . . . . A .. CH P.:RINATAL FIIESIEA .. CH ... ANCH. NtH. NINO • • IETHESOA 14. MO. Reproduced at the National Archives I PATH-3 II.C.57 1a.o, PA'IH-3 ~-~~"-•u•-• 1. PATIENT IDENTIFICATION AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 3. FINAL NOTE (Dioau. .l..,a.S..,._) C OL.L.Aaollt AT IV& lltS.SKA .. C ... PallttNATAL lltCSIEAIItC:H a .. ANCHo aK.THaSOA 14. MDo PATH-3 ,... , NIM 0 NINOa II.C.58 Reproduced at the National Archives PATH-3 ..., I'· PATIENT coL.A.-uaz-a AUTOPSY PROTOCOL : 7. TIME OF AUTOPSY 6. DATE OF AUTOPSY 13. LENGTH l'r. Day (24 hour clock) Yr. D•Y 8. DATE OF DEATH ltfo. I •5. AUTOPSY NO. ! 4. PROSECTOR Mo. lO.AGE 9. TIME OF DEATH (24 , _ , clocld I l.MALE QABNORMAL 1 3. UNDETERMINED (..,a) I i l.WHITE I. YES OX 2. FEMALE liS. RACE CRCINN RLNP:__ _ _ _ _ _ __ CROWN HEEL---------------(LonQor) FOOT_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 112. WEIGHT 11. SEX 14. STILLBIRTH (-o) 16. SKIN QNORMAL IDENTIFICATION i 2. NO 2. NEGRO 3.0THER _____________________ I I. MACERATION SLIGHT 2. MACERATION MODERATE 3. MACERATION SEVERE 4. EDEMA, GENERALIZED 5. EDEMA, LOCALIZED 6. POOR TURGOR 7. PALLOR B. ICTERUS 9. CYANOSIS, GENERALIZED 10. CYANOSIS, LOCALIZED QNOT EXAMINED IX 11. HE~RHAGES 12. MEC()IIUM STAINING, FRESH 13. ABNORMAL PIGMENTATION 14. SIGNS OF WEIGHT LOSS 15. SCALING 16. SCLEREMA 17. NAILS 18. FORCEPS MARK 19. CORD MARK 20. NEEDLE PUNCTURE MARK 21. WOUNDS 22. SCARS 23. HAIR COLOR---------- 24. BODY HAIR 25. DERMATOSES 26. TUMORS 27. MALFORMATIONS 28. OTHER 17. EXTERNAL LYMPH NODES QNORMAL OX QABNORMAL , QNOT EXAMINED ox COI.l.A80JIItATIVC liiiCSCA(IIICH PI!JIItiNATAL.. liiiii:S&AJIII:CH 8(111ANCH. NIH. NINO. SIETHIESOA 14. MD. PATH-3 ,••• ., II.C.59 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-3 11. PATIENT AUTOPSY PROTOCOL IDENTIFICATION I 18. HEAD AND NECK QNORMAL OX QABNORMAL I QNOT EXAMINED OX 1. DCCIPITO FRONTAL CIRCUMFERENCE 2. FACIES 3. CAPUT -----------------c~ 4.MOLOING 5. PUPILS 6. IRIS COLOR 7. EYE, OTHER 8. EARS, PINNAE 9. EARS, AUDITORY CANAL 10. NARES 11. CHOANA 12.MOUTH 13. TONGUE 14. PALATE 15. TEETH 16. MANDIBLE 17. NECK 18. ANENCEPHALY 19. MALF~MATIONS 20. OTHER 19. CHEST QNORMAL ox QABN~MAL I QNDT EXAMINED ox 1. CIRCUMFERENCE AT NIPPLE LINE 2. SYMMETRY -----------------C~ 3. NIPPLES 4. MALFORMATION 5.0THER 20. ABDOMEN ON~MAL ox OABN<RMAL I 0 NOT EXAMINED ox 1. CIRCUMFERENCE OF ABDOMEN AT UMBILICUS 3. COLOR OF UMBILICAL CORD 4. INFLAMMATION OF UMBILICAL CORD -------------------~ 5. HERNIAS OPTIONAL. MBASURBMBNTS 6. OMPHALOCELE 2. UMBILICAL STUMP 7. MALFORMATIONS 8. OTHERS LENGTH ---------------CM. COL.L.AeO.-ATIVIE IIIIESIEA"C:H PK,.INATAL. AIESIIlA .. CH IS"ANCH, NIH, 81ETHI:SDA. PATH-3 ,.,_., NINO. 14, MO. II.C.60 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-3 I'· PATIENT IDENTIFICATION I AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 21. BACK CJNORMAL QABNORMAL 1 0>< 0 NOT EXAMINED '" 1. CURVATURE OF SPINAL COLUMN 2. SPINA BIF IDA 3. MENINGO-MYELOCELE 4. OTHER MALFORMATICJIIS 5. OTHER 22. GENITALIA CJNORMAL Ol< CJABNORMAL 1 23. ANUS CJNORMAL CJABNORMAL Ol< 1 24. EXTREMITIES CJNORMAL ox CJNOT EXAMINED 1. VULVA 2. URETHRAL ORIFICE 3. VAGINA 4. PEtiiS CIRCUMCISED 5. PENIS 6. TESTIS UNDESCENDED 7. TESTES 8. MALFORMATION 9. OTHER '" 1. PATENCY 2. POSITION 3. FISTULA 4. MALFORMATION 5. OTHER CJNOT EXAMINED "' 1. MUSCLE MASS QABNORMAL CJNOT EXAt;IINEO 2. NUMBER OF FINGER~ 3. NUMBER OF TOES 4. MALFORMATION 5.0THER '" 25. OiEST WALL QHORMAL ox RIGHTO LEFT[ CJABNORMAL 1 4.EOEMA 5. t.t.JSCLE 6. BREASTS Cl NOT EXAMINED IX 1. PNEUMOTHORAX, LEFT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,cc. 2. PNEUMOTHORAX, RIGHT CC. OPTIONAL /IIBASURBMBNTS 3.SUBCUTANEOUS FAT, THICKNESS·--------- COLL.AaOJtATIVII ftKS.ARCH ~-NNiiTAL JtESCARCH ...ANCH, NIH, NIND• •liTH.. lOA I~ PATH-3 ,,.., MD. II.C.61 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-3 1. PATIENT IDENTIFICATION AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 26. ABDOMEN, INTERNAL QNORMAL QABNORMAL OK 1 QNOT EXAMINED OK !.SUBCUTANEOUS FAT AT UMBILCUS ---------CM. 2. CONTENTS _ _ _ _ ____,cc. 12. ABDOMINAL MUSCULATURE 13. SITUS 3. DIAPHRAGM LEFT: _ _ _TH RIB, I. C. SPACE 14. RIGHT UMBILICAL ARTERY ABSENT RIGHT: TH RIB, I. C. SPACE OPTIONAL MEASUREMENTS 4. ROOT OF MESENTERY._ _ _ CM, 5. RADIUS OF MESENTERY._ _ _CM. 6. LIVER EXTENDS 15. LEFT UMBILICAL ARTERY ABSENT 16. URACHUS 17. UMBILICAL VEIN 18. FLUID CONTENT CM. 19. FLUID COLOR AND ASPECT BELOW COSTAL MARGIN IN RIGHT 20. GASEOUS CONTENT MID CLAVICULAR LINE 7. LIVER MARGIN _ _ _ _ _ CM. IN 21. PERITONEAL SURFACE DULLNESS 22. ADHESIONS MIDUNE 23. PERFORATED VISCUS 8. LIVER DISAPPEARS UNDER LEFT COSTAL 24. DIAPHRAGM, HERNIA 25. DIAPHRAGM, EVENTRATION MARGIN CM. FROM MIDLINE 9. GALL BLADDER EXTENDS CM. 26. INTERNAL GENITALIA 27. MALFORMATION BELOW LIVER EDGE 10. SPLEEN EXTENOS,_ _ _ _,CM. BELOW 28. OTHER COSTAL MARGIN 11. BLADDER EXTENOS,----CM. ABOVE PUBIS 27. CHEST, INTERNAL QNORMAL QABNORMAL OK 1 1. FLUID CONTENT 0 NOT EXAMINED "" RIGHT PLEURAL CAVITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. PLEURAL SURFACE 8. MEDIASTINUM cc. 2. FLUD CONTENT LEFT PLEURAL CAVITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CC. 3. PERICAROIAL CONTENT 9. PERICARDIAL SURFACE 10. THYMUS 11.SUP. V.CAVA 12. LEFT SUP. V. CAVA CC. 4. THYMUS WT. - - - - - - - - GMS. OPTIONAL MEASUREMENTS S. CARD10-THORACIC RATIO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CM.I.-----CM. 6. THYMUS MAX. DIAMETERS: _ _ X - - X -----CMS· COL.L.A.OIIIIAn VK. IIII:SKAIIICH Plt! .. fNATAL. IIIII:.KAIIIICH B .. ANCH. NIH. HIND. BKTHII:SDA 1•• PATH-3 ,... , MD. Reproduced at the National Archives 13. ABN. VESSELS, DIAPHRAGM 14. MALFORMATION 15. OTHER II.C.62 PATH-3 ,1. PATIENT IDENTIFICATION AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 28. HEART & GREAT VESSELS QNORMAL OX QABNORMAL I QNOT EXAMINED IX 19. RIGHT ATRIUM 1. HEART WEIGHTr_ _ _ _ _ _ GMS. 2. HEART & LUNG WEIGHT_ _ _ _ _ _ _ GMS. 20. COR~ARY SINUS 21. SUPERIOR VENA CAVA (IF MALFORMATIONS PRESENT) 22. INFERIOR VENA CAVA 3. DEFECT OF VALVE OF FORAMEN OVALE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23. FOSSA OVA LIS 24. FORAMEN OVALE, CLOSURE c~ 4. TRICUSPID VALVE CIRC. _ _ _ _ _ CM. 25. TRICUSPID VALVE 5. PULMONARY VALVE CIRC. 6. THICKNESS RIGHT VENTRICLE CM. CM. 26. TRICUSPID ATRESIA 7. MITRAL VALVE CIRC. CM. 27. RIGHT VENTRICLE 8. AORTIC VALVE CIRC. CM. 9. THICKNESS LEFT VENTRICLE CM. 28. VENTRICULAR SEPTUM 29. PULMONARY INFUNDIBULAR STENOSIS 30. PULMONARY VALVE STENOSIS 10. ATRIAL SEPTUM (SEPTUM SECUNDUM 31. PULMONARY VALVE ATRESIA DEFECT) M. 11. VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT 32. PULMONARY ARTERY 33. LEFT ATRIUM 34. PULMONARY VEIN DRAINAGE A-V Co.IMUNIS TYPE - - - - - - C M . 12. VENTR. SEPTAL DEFECT 35. MITRAL VALVE MEMBRANOU CM. 13. VENTR. SEPTAL DEFECT MUSCULAR 36. MITRAL A TRES lA 37. LEFT VENTRICLE -----CM. 38. AORTIC VALVE 39. AORTIC ATRESIA OPTIONAL lriEitSUREMI!NTS 14. FOSSA OVALIS DIAMETER-----CM. 15. FCRAMEN OVALE PATENT FOR PROSE 40.AORTA 41. CORONARY ARTERIES 42. COARCTATI~ OF AORTA - - - - - C M . I N DIAMETER 16. CIRCUMFERENCE OF LARGER OF LEFT CCMAON 43. RIGHT AORTIC ARCH CAROTID OR SUBCLAVIAN-----CM. 44. ANOMALOUS GREAT VESSELS 17. CIRCUMFERENCE OF AORTIC ISTHMUS-----eM. 18. MAX. CIRC. DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS CM. 45. PATENT DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS 46. ENDOCARDIUM 47. MYOCARDIUM 48. MALFORMATION 49. OTHER COLLAaOftATIVW: III:KI&AJitCH PEJitiNATAL fiiCSilAJitCH B.. ANCH. NIHo NIN-;)8 PATH-3 ,... , a&TH&IOA 14. MO. II.C.63 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-3 ... , c: 01.. "-aazz-a 1. PATIENT IDENTIFICATION AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 29. LUNGS ONORMAL ox OABNORMAL t 0 NOT EXAMINED ox I. WT. RIGHT LUNG GMS. 2. WT. LEFT LUNG >.MS. 3. NUMBER OF LOBES, RIGHT_ _, LEFT_ _ 30. SPLEEN ONORMAL ox 1. WT. SPLEEN OABNORMAL t 4. RIGHT LUNG DOES NOT FLOAT IN WATER S. LEFT LUNG DOES NOT FLOAT 6. RT. LUNG 7. LT. LUNG 8. AERATION 9. CUT SURFACE 10. CONSISTENCY 11. PLEURAL LYMPHATICS 12. EMPHYSEMA 13. INTERSTITIAL EMPHYSEMA 14. PLEURA 15. BRONCHI 16. BRONCHIAL MUCOSA 17. BRONCHIAL CONTENT 18. MALFORMATION 19. OTHER 0.,. NOT EXAMINED -------'GMS. 3. CAPSULE 4. SUPERNUMERARY S. MULTIPLE 6. ABSENT 7. CONSISTENCY 8. CUT SURFACE 9. MALFORMATION 10. OTHER OP.170NAL MEASUREMENTS 2. SIZE _ _ ,. _ _ ,. _ _CMS. 31. LIVER ONORMAL ox 0 ABNORMAL t 0 NOT EXAMINED '" 1. WT. L I V E R - - - - - - - GMS. 8. CAPSULE 9. PORTAL VEIN 10. UMBILICAL VEIN 11. DUCTUS VENOSUS 12. CUT SURFACE 13. CONSISTENCY 14. TWO TONE LIVER COLOR RT. _ _ COLOR LT. _ _ 15. GALL BLADDER 16. BILIARY TREE 17. BILE COLOR_ _ 18. MALFORMATION 19. OTHER OPTIONAL MEASUREMENTS 2. SIZE_,._,.__CMS. 3. CIRC. DUCTUS VENOSUS _ _ _ _ _ _ CM. 4. SPHINCTER (PORTAL END) OF DUCTUS, DIAMETER CM. S. PORTAL SINUS CIRC. _ _ _ _ _ _ _CM. 6. RT. PORTAL V. CIRC. 7. BILE _ _ _ _ _ _ CC. CM. C:OI.I...AIIOIIIATIVIl PIII!.CAIIIC:H PATH-3 PEfUNATAL. _.IE.SIEAfltCH I!IIIIANCH. NIH. NINOII I!IETHIIE.SDA ··• WO. II.C.64 Reproduced at the National Archives CO-ell PATH-3 1. PATIENT IDENTIFICATION AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 32, PANCREAS QNORMAL ox QABNORMAL 1 QNOT EXAMINED IX 2. SHAPE 3. ACCESSORY 4. CUT SURFACE COLOR S. CUT SURFACE LOBULATION 6. CONSISTENCY 7. MALFORMATION 8. OTHER OPTIONAL MBASUR&IBN'n 1. PANCREAS Size...__,.__,. -CMS. 33. G. I. TRACT QNORMAL ox QABNORMAL 1 0 NOT EXAMINED IX OPTIONAl. MBASURBMBNn I. 2. 3. 4. STOM. CONT·------..1.~" 1C, (APPROX.) JEJ.-ILEUM LENGTH CMS. LG. BOWEL LENGTH CMS. JEJ.-ILEUM MAX. DIAM. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _MM. S. LG. BOWEL MAX. DIAM. 34. ADRENALS QNORMAL ox QABNORMAL 1 MM. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. 18. ESOPH. EROSION ESOPH. ULCERS ESOPH. HEMORRHAGE ESOPH. FISTULA STOM. ASPECT STOM. CONTENT STOM. MUCOSA STOM. EROSION STOM. ULCERS STOM. MUSC. DEFECTS STOM. HYPERTROPHY PYLORUS DUODENAL ATRESIA .. 0 NOT EXAMINED AMPULLA PATENCY JEJ.-l LEAL ATRESIA JEJ.-ILEAL CONTENT JEJ.-ILEAL MUCOSA MECKELS DIVER TIC PEYERS PATCHES COLON CONTENT COLON MUCOSA MEGACOLON APPENDIX ATRESIA OF COLON OR RECTUM 30. MALFORMATION 31. OTHER 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. ADRENAL WEIGHT (COMBINEDl------GMS. 2. OUTER CORTEX THICKNESS MM. 3. INNER CORTEX THICKNESS MM. C:OLL.AaO"ATIYI& "CSIEARCH CUT SURFACE OUTER CORTEX CUT SURFACE INNER CORTEX MEDULLA MALFORMATION OTHER PATH-3 ~IE.UNATAL. IIICS&AIIICH aRANCH, NIH, NINOB eCTHUDA 14. WO, II.C.65 Reproduced at the National Archives 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. ,... , PMH-3 ... , I. P.t.TIENT IDENTIFIC.t.TlON COLR-3222-J AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 35. KIDNEYS 0 NeftMAL ox 0 .t.BNORW.L 1 0 NOT EX.t.MINED tx I. WT. RT. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Gt.G. 2. WT. LT. 5. C.o\PSULE 6. FET.t.L LOBUL.t.TlON 7. CYSTS 8. PELVIS 9. URETERS 10. VESSELS 11. CeftTEX 12. PYR.t.MIDS 13. C.o\LYCES 14. VEINS 15. W.LFORW.TlON 16. OTHER GMS. OP1TOHAL MEASUREMBNTS 3. SIZE RT. _ _ ,. _ _ ,. _ _CM. 4. SIZE LT • - " - - " _ _CM. 36. BL.t.ODER 0 NeftW.L ox 0 .t.BNORM.t.L 1 0 NOT EX.t.MINED ox 1. CONTENT 2. MUCOS.t. 3. W.t.LL 4. URETER.t.L CftiFICES S. URETHR.t. 6. VERUMONT.t.NUM 7. W.LFORW.TION 8. OTHER 37. PROST.t.TE C NORM.t.L ox 0 .t.BNORMAL 1 0 ox NOT EU.MINED OP1TOHAL MEASUREMENTS I. Dl.t.METER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MM. 2. M.t.LFORM.t. TlON 3. OTHER 38. TESTES ONORW.L ox 0 .t.BNORMAL 1 0 ox NOT EX.t.MIN!D OPT10HAL MEASUREMENTS I. SIZE RT._ _ ,. _ _ x--NM. 2. SIZE LT. _ _,._ _ x--NM. 4. CUT SURF.t.CE 5. POSITION 6. HEMORRH.t.GE 7. W.LFCftW.TlON 8. OTHER 3. WEIGHT COMBINED'----------'GMS. COLL..AeO~~tATIVE llti!SIEA"CH P!:RINATAL. fltiUI:AfltCH . . . ANCH. NIH. NINCa SKTHIESDA t•• ""'0• PATH-3 II.C.66 Reproduced at the National Archives '"""" PA'IH-3 11. PATIENT IDENTIFICATION I AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 39, OVARIES ONCRMAL ox OABNORMAL 0 NOT EXAMINED IX I 1, WEIGHT CG.ABINED-------GM!i. OPTIONAL MEASUREMI!KI'S 4. SURFACE 5. CUT SURFACE 6. CYSTS 7, MALFORMATION 2. SIZE R T · - - • - - x - M M . 3. SIZE LT -•--•--MM. 8. OTHER 40, UTERUS AND TUBES 0 NCRMAL 0 OX ABNCRMAL I 0 NOT EXAMINED IX 1. UTERUS MALFORMATI~ 2. UTERUS OTHER 3. TUBES MALFORMATION 4. TUBES OTHER 41. DIAPHRAGM ONCRMAL OABNCRMAL OX 0 NOT EXAMINED IX I 1. ANOMALOUS MUSCULAR DISTRIBUTION 2. MA.LFCRMATION 3. OTHER 42. LYMPH NODES 0 NCRMAL OX 0 ABNORMAL I 0 NOT EXAMINED ox 1. LYMPHADENOPATHY 2. CUT SURFACE 3. MALFCRMA Tl~ 4. OTHER COLL.ABO"ATIVE "IESIEARCH PERINATAL RESEARCH aRANCH, NIH, NINDa PATH-3 ,._.u e&THESOA 14, MO. II.C.67 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-3 j1. PATIENT IDENTIFICATION I I I AUTOPSY PROTOCAL 43. DESCENDING AORTA AND MAJOR BRANCHES 0 NORMAL ox 0 ABNORMAL , 0 NOT EXAMINED ex I. ABNORMAL BRANCHES 2. THORACIC 3. ABDOMINAL 4. INTIMA 5. MALFORMATION 6. OTHER 44. INFERIOR VENA CAVA AND MAJOR BRANCHES :::J NORMAL w ABNORMAL OX 0 NOT EXAMINED IIX 1 I. THROMBOSIS 2. MALFORMATION 3. OTHER 45. NECK ORGANS 0 NORMAL OX 0 ABNORMAL 1 0 NOT EXAMINED ox I. THYROID WGT. _ _ _ _ _ _ GMS. 3. PARATHYROIDS OPTIONAL. MEASUREMENTS 4. SUBLINGUAL GLANDS 2. THYROID S I Z E - - • - - • - - C M . 5. SUBMANDIBULAR GLANDS 6. PAROTID GLAND 7. THYROID 8. PHARYNGEAL MUCOSA 9. LARYNGEAL MUCOSA 10. LARYNGEAL CONTENT II. TRACHEAL MUCOSA 12. TRACHEAL CONTENTS 13. MALFORMATION 14. OTHER PATH-3 COL.l..ABOfiiiATtYC flllltSEAfiiiCH PERINATAL. flllltSEAIIICH IIJIItANCH. NIH. NINDB BETHIESDA MO. <a-et) t•• Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.68 PA'IH-3 C OL.A -.1222-.1 1. PATIENT 1DENT1F1CATlON 1-<11 AUTOPSY PROTOCOL 46. BONE QNORMAL ... QABNORMAL 1 ... QNOT EXAMINED 1. RIB CDSTDCHONDRDL.JUNCT 2. CANCELLClJS 3. CORTEX 4.MARRON 5. MALFORMATION. 6. OTHER 47.MUSCLE QNORMAL ... QABNORMAL 1 ... QNOT EXAMINED !.SYMMETRY 2. MOISTNESS 3. COLOR 4. DEVELOPMENT 5. MALFORMATION 6. OTHER 48. SCALP, SKULL AND SPINAL CORD QNORMAL QABNORMAL QNOT EXAMINED OX 1 IX 1. BRAIN WE1GHT·------GMS. 2. ANT. FONT X --CM. 3. POST FONT. _ _ _ X _ _CM, 4. CAPUT SUCCADENUM S. CEPHALOHEMA TOMA 6. SCALP WoUNDS 7. SUTURES 8. FONTANELLE BULGING 9. FONTANELLES 10. BONES 11. FRACTURE 12. DURA 13. CSF 14. SUBDURAL BLOOD 15. FALX 16. TENTORIUM 17. DURAL SINUS 18. VEIN OF GALEN 19. LEPTOMENINGES 20. SYMMETRY OF HEMISPHERES 21. BASE OF SKULL 22. PITUITARY 23. MIDDLE EARS 24. SPINAL CANAL 25. EXTRADURAL BLOOD IN SPINE 26. MALFORMATION 27. OTHER 49. BRAIN QCUT LOCALLY ... QSENT TO NINOB 1 QMACERATED, NO FURTHER EXAMINATION • ... QNO PERMISSION COLLABO,.ATIVI: .. UCARCH PE .. INATAL "I:III:ANCH B .. ANCH. NtH. NINOB SII:THIESDA 14• MD. PATH-3 II.C.69 Reproduced at the National Archives <e-on PA'lli-3 .... 1. PATIENT IDENTIFICATION C OL.R-3Z22-31 AUTOPSY PROTOCOL SO. BACTERIOLOGY QNORMAL QGRO.VTH ox (NO GR ONTH) , QNOT D(JojE ox 1. ~1ST ORGANISMS Fll.JND SMEAR CULTURE VNG HEART B~ SPSEN LIVER I 51. VIROLOGY i:JNORMAL QGROWTH , ox QNOT DONE 1. LIST ORGANS EXAMINED ox 52. PHOTOGRAPHS QTAKEN QNOT TAKEN 1. LIST PHOTOS TAKEN 53. X-RAYS QTAKEN QNOT TAKEN 1. LIST X-RAYS TAKEN COI.L.ABOfltATIV1E ,_1ESCAfltCH P1E"INATAL. "1ES1EAfltCH SfltANCH. NIH• NINO. tltETHC,CA 1•. ~0. PATH-3 II.C.70 Reproduced at the National Archives <•·•" PA'IE-3 Reproduced at the National Archives Form Item H H .• () -.J 1-' i I w ~umbers linked to nata Items on PATH-3, Autoosv Protocol ITEN ON OATA FOR14 10 CARD NUM 3722.PATH-3 372l.PATH•l l724.PUH•3 3717 .PATH•l l721 .PATH•3 3715.PATH•3 l71A .PATH-3 371t.PATH•3 3712.PATH•3 37ll.PATH•3 3714.PATH•3 3720.PATit•3 3716.PATH•3 3719.PATH•l 36117.PATH•3 3652.PATH•3 3fiBR.PATH•3 3653.PATH•3 3661.PATH•3 36H.PATH•3 3fib4.PATH•3 36b5.PATH•3 3677. PATH-3 3671 .PATH•l 3678.PATH•3 3673.PATH•3 3680.PATH•l 3676.PATH•3 3669.PATH•l 3666.PATH•3 3675.PATH•3 3667.PATH•l 3663.PATH•3 3660.PATH•3 36SO.PATH•3 368t;.PATH•l 3686.PATH•3 3651.PATH•3 3706.PATH•l 3649.PATH•3 3684.PATH•3 3693.PATH•3 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4701 4703 4203 2?.03 1203 2203 1703 12'01 1203 1201 1201 1201 1703 1203 1203 1203 1203 1201 1203 1201 1203 1203 1203 11.03 2201 2203 1203 2203 1203 2203 2203 IrF.:M FROM 26 28 30 21 25 19 22 15 16 17 11J 24 20 23 22 22 24 24 42 76 47 4Q 74 62 75 67 17 11 57 50 72 52 45 40 19 19 20 20 75 to; 15 36 TO 27 29 31 21 25 19 22 15 16 17 18 24 20 23 73 23 27 27 42 76 48 49 74 65 75 10 11 73 60 51 72 55 46 41 19 19 21 21 76 18 18 39 OA rA I fF.:I4 NA14E Autopsy summary: conditions, other, first Autopsy summary: conditions, other, secon~ Autopsy summary: conditions, other, third Autopsy summary: erythroblastosis fetalis Autopsy summary: hemorrhaqes, sub~ural or subcapsular Autopsy summary: hyalfne membrane Autopsy summary: lun~. atelectasis Autopsy summary: maceration, ~eoree Autopsy summary; malformations, lethality Autopsy summary: ~alformatlons, 1ajor Autopsy summary: ~alformations, 1inor Autopsy summary: oetechiae, oth~r than subdurallsubcapsulae Autopsy summary: oneumonla, other than tnterstltial or viral Autopsy summary; Pul~onary hemorrhaqe Autopsy: aqe at death, postnatal Autopsy: age at death, postnatal Autopsy: hirth wet~ht Autopsy: hirth wef~ht Cams) Autopsy; hrain 1lsposltton Autopsy; ~iaqnosis, deqree of involvement Autopsy; ~iaqnosis, 1erived from qross, micro, etc. Autopsy; ~iaqnosis, derivej from placenta, mother, father, etc. Autopsy; ~~~qnosls, etiolo~fc, devlattons Autopsy; ~iAqnosis, etiolo~fc, SNOP Autopsy; ~iAQnosis, functional, jeviatlons Autopsy: ~ia~nosls, functional, SNOP Autopsy: ~iaqnosls, latPrallty Autopsy: diaqnosis, ~orpholoqtc, deviations Autopsy: dlaqnosls, ~orPholoqic, SNOP Autopsy; diaqnosls, sequence number Autopsy; ~laqnosis, topoqr5Phic, ~eviatlons Autopsy: ~iagnosis, topographic, SNOP Autopsy: ~iaqnosis; anatomic, for abortion Autopsy: edttnr Autopsy: Pvent type Autopsy: evPnt, type Autopsy: oestatfon at bfrt~ (wks) Autopsy: oestatfon at btrtn (wKs> Autopsy; hours since death Autopsy: lab accession number Autopsy; lab accession numoer Autopsy: length: crown heel (em> Reproduced at the National Archives f"orm Item linKed to !'lata Items on PATfl-3, llutoosv Protocol ON !'lATA TrF.M f£1Rio! Ill ITt:lo! H H •() •-.J II.) ~ I w 3691.PATH•3 J65Q.PATtt•3 3662.PATH•3 369t.PATH•3 3658.PATH-3 365S.PATH•3 3690.PATH•3 3656.PATH•J 3654.PATH•3 3699.PATH•3 J657.PATH•3 3694.PATH•l 370l.PATH•3 J704.PATH•3 3696.PATH•l 3703.PATH•3 J102.PATH•l J100.PATH•l 369A.PATH•J J697.PATH•l 369Q.PATH•l 369S.PATH•l 3707.PATII•l 31oo;.PATH•3 CARO NliM 2203 1?03 1201 2203 1201 1?03 2201 1?.01 1203 2203 1?.03 2203 2201 2203 2203 2203 2?03 2203 2201 2203 2203 2201 2203 2203 f~OM H 311 43 30 36 2Q 29 jl') 2A 28 31 40 b2 70 47 b1 64 SA 5? 4Q 55 45 77 74 OAU TTf.M NAME TCI 15 39 44 12 l1 ?9 29 10 28 28 15 44 fil 73 48 69 66 61 '54 '51 57 46 77 74 Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: Antopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy; Autopsy; Autopsy: Autopsy; Autopsy: Autopsyr Autopsy: Autopsy: Autopsy: A11topsy; Autopsy; Autopsy; Autopsy: State of WP1Qhts, length: crown rump (ern) microscopic done oy pathologist, co:ier Placenta, wetqht (Q'IIS) prosP.ctor race race race, source of infor11atlon sex sex weight at autoPsY (~~s> weight, !It ~utopsy (qu) welqhtJ !tdrenals (<~as) welqht: brain (QIIIS) wefght; heart (~liS) weight: leldney, hft ( Q'IS) weiqht: leldney, rlqht (QIIIS) weight: liver {QIIIS) weight: lung, left (QiiS) welqht; tun~, rtcmt (;:JIIIS) weight: spleen ( rns) weight: thY 'IUS (QU) hody when recelve:i ho'f recor:te1 DEFINITION OF CODES .AUTOPSY ?ROTCCOL P.~-3 CARD 1203 DI.<\GNOSTIC CARD CARD COilJMN 1. Card Number l Code: · 1 2. Form rTumber 2-4 Code: 203 3· Revision Number Code: 5 l - Data abstracted from Auto~sy Re~ort 4. N!NDB Number Nine-digit number for Patient Identification Code: As given 6-14 5· tab Accessi':n :Jumber Code: As assigned to s~ecimen in lab. 9999 - Not applicable WX:OC * - Number assigned by Yakovlev (Warren Museum) 15-18 6. Tne of Event Code: l - Abortion, Hydatidiform Mole, Ectopic Pregnancy 2 - Stillbirth, fresh 3 - Stillbirth, macerated 4 - Livebirth 19 7- Weeks of Gestation at Birth Code: 04-50 - As given 99 - Unknown 20-21 8. Postnatal Age at Death Code: 00 - Less than 30 minutes 01 - Age 30 minutes-1 hour 02-47 - 2-47 hours 50-78 - 2-30 days (e.g. 50 22-23 =2 days, 76 = 28 days * X represents any number II.C. 73 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-3 DEFINITION OF CODES (Continued) FOFM PATH-? CARD 1203 FIELD CARD COLUMN 8. Postnatal. ~e at Death (continued) Code: 80-9- 2-ll miiths (e.g. 80 =2 22-23 months 88 = 10 ::noiiths) 91-96 - 1-6 years gr - 7 or ::zcre years 98·- Not a~p1icab1e 99 - uiJ.lalcwn 9· 3irth;:.;ei..:ht Code: As given in grams 9999 10. Sex COde: 24-27 Unknown 28 0 - Unknown, undetermined 1 - Male 2 - FemaJ.e u. Race COde: 29 1 - White 2 - Negro 4 - Puerto Rican 8 - Other 9 - Unknown 12. Source of Information of Race Code: 0 - None , not applicable 1 - Path 3 , page 7, 1tem 15 2 - Other 30 Autonsy Code: As given in grams. 31-35 ~eight ~t 99999 - Unlmown 14. Prosector See Attachment ''Prosector" II.C.74 Reproduced at the National Archives 36-37 PATH-3 DEFINITION OF CODES (Continued) FOBM PATH-3 CARD 1203 FIELD CARD COLUMN 15. Microscopic Done by: See Attachment 11M1croscopic" 38-39 16. Editor See Attachment "Editor" 40-41 17. Brain Disnosition Code: 1 - Sent to. NINDB 2 - Cut locally 3 - No further examination 4 - No permission S - Sent to Yakovlev (Warren Museum) 6 - Partial to NINDB 9 - U:cknown Coder Pathologist See Attachment 11 Pathologist" 42 19. Anatomic Diagnosis for Abortion Code: 00 - Not Applicable (Non-Abortion) 01 - Specimen composeu of villi only 02 - Ruptured empty vesicle 03 - Intact empty vesicle 04 - Nodular or cylindrical embryo 05 - Formed fetus with congenital anomalies: no autopsy done 06 - Formed fetus w1th congenital anomalies: autopsy done 07 - Stated in PED-4: no pathologic examination done 08 - Pathologic Examination done 09 - By history only 10 - Ruptured vesicle with cord stump identified ll - Cord and placenta, but not fetus , available for examination 12 - Specimen composed of decidua only 13 - Embryo identified , but -:m.known whether normal or abnormal 45-46 20. Diagnosis vas Deri•red from: Code: 01 - Gross of viscera only 02 - Gross of viscera and summary of :nicro report 03 - Gross of viscera and full micro report 47-48 18. II.C. 75 Reproduced at the National Archives PMH-3 DEFINITION OF CODES (Continued) FOFM PATH- CARD J2C3 FIELD 20. 2L 22. 23. CARD COLUMN Diagnosis was Derived from: (continued) 47-48 Code: 04 - 3+ gross of brain 05 - 4+ micro of brain 06 - Combination of other than above 07 - Inadequate data (information fraa PED-4, death certificate, abstract of protocol., etc.) 08 - Path-l and Psth-2 09 -Not applicable (materna~, sib~ings, father, rehtive, etc.) 10 - Narrative Path report for abortion l l - Placenta Diagnosis derived from summary of PATH-3 Diagnosis is That of: 49 Code: l - Offspring 2 - Mother (obstetrical) 3 - Placenta 4 - Siblings 5 -Father 6 - Other relative 7 - Maternal. death Number Assigned to Diagnosis 50-51 Code: 00:99 - As given DIAGNOSES 52-71 Topographic Diagnosis ( cols. 52-56)* Refer to 11 Systematized Ncmencature of Pstho~ogy" for codes M?rphologic Diagnosis (cols. 57-61)* Refer to "Systematized Naaencl.ature of Pathology" for codes Etiologic Diagnosis (cola. 62-~ Refer to "Systematized Naaenclature of Pathology" :f'or codes Functional Diagnosis (co~s. 67-71~ Refer to "Systematized Nomenclature of Pathology" :f'or codes * 201S • 56 , 61 1 66 and n are blank. II.C.76 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'!H-3 DEFINITION OF CODES (Continued) roRM PATH-3 Card 1203 C.ARD COLUMN 24. DEVIATIONS 72-75 Deviation from Tbpogra~hic Dia2nosis (col. 72) Code: 0 - No deviation 1 - Upgrading of diagnosis 2 - Downgrading of dia.gno sis 3 - Location adjacent to specific organ Deviation from Mo~holo~ic Diagnosis (col. 73) Code: 0 - No deviation 1 - Upgrading ':lf diagnosis, :partial 2 - Do'W'Ilgl"ading 0 f di a.gilO sis j with aoo 1 in cola. 56-59 indicates death due to unlalown cause 3 - Diagnosis unverified by PRB slide review 4 - Remote, by history 5 - Diagnosiiic variance based on PRB slide review Deviation from Etiolo~ic Diagnosis (col. 74) Code: 0 - No deviation 1 - Upgrading of diagnosis, ~artial 2 - Downgrading of diagnosis 4 - Remote, by hi~~ry Deviation from Functional Diagnosis (col. 75) Code: 0 - No deviation 1 - Upgrading of diagnosis, :partial 2 - Downgrading of diagnosis 3 - Diagnosis unverified by PRB slide review 4 - Re:mte, by history 5 - Diagnosis variance based on PRB slide reviev 25. Degree of Involvement Code: 0 - Unspecified 1 - Slight 2 - Moderate 3 - Severe or marked 4 - Nbt applicable 76 26. laterality Code: 0 - Unspecified 1 - Right 2 - Left 3 - Bilateral 4 - Not applicable 71 IDTE: A card is punched for each diagnosis. repeated on each card. Reproduced at the National Archives II.C. 77 Card cola. 1-46 are PA'm-3 DEFTIITTION OF CODES (Continued) FOFM PATH-3 TflEIGRT C.AF.D CARD 2203 FIELD CARD COIIJMN l. Card Number 1 Code: 2 2. Basic Data 2-29 Same as in cols. 2-29 of Card 1 3· 4. Placenta Weight Code: As given in grams 998 - 998 grams and over 999 - Unknown, not available Crown-R~ Length 30-32 33-35 Code: As given to tenths of em. 989 - 98.9 ems • and aver 999 - Unknown 5· Cro•Nn-Eeel Length Code: As given to tenths of em.. 36-39 Body Weight at Autopsy 4o-44 9989 - 998.9 ems. and aver 9999 - Unla1own 6. Code: As given in grams 99999 - 7- (]nknown Thymus Wei.~Iht Code: As given· in grams 00 - UIJder 0. 5 grams 45-46 98 - 98 grams or aver 99 -Unknown 8. Heart ~.J'ei.>tht Code: As given i~ 47-48 grams CO ~ Under 0.5 gr~rs, 98 - 98 grems :lr mre 99 - Unkl:l;:)wn ~~mbined N~t~ ~'~gs II.C.78 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'lll-3 DE!i'llUTION OF CODES (Continued) FOFM PAm-3 WEIGHT CARD CARD 22C3 CARD COIIJMN 9· for Lururs and or Eeart Code: As given 1n gxoams 000 - Under 0.5 grams 998 - 998 grams or more 999- 10. Unknmm Left Lung Weight Code: As given in gTams 000 - Combined with right lung and/or heart, under 0. 5 grams 998 - 998 grams or over 999 - ll. Spleen Weight Code: As given in grams 000 - Under 0. 5 grams 998 - 998 grams or over Liver Code: Weight As given in grams 0000 - Under 0. 5 grams . 9998 - 9998 grams or over 14. 15. 64-66 Unk:nmm Left Kidney Weight Code: As given in. gz""l"1S 000 - Combined with right kidney, under 0.5 grams 998 - 998 grams 999 - Unknown 67-69 or over II.C. 79 Reproduced at the National Archives 62-63 Unk:nmm Right Kidney Weight or Combined Kidney T.¥eight Code: As given in grams 000 - Under 0 • 5 grams 998 - 998 grams or over 999 - 58-61 Unk:nmm Adrenals Weight Code: As given in gi""'...J:IlS 00 - Under 0. 5 grams 98 - 98 grams or over 99 - 55-57 Unknow. 9999 13. 52-54 Unknow. 999 - 12. 49-51 PA'!B-3 .SEF:C~ICN 0? CODES (Continued.) FORM PA::H-3 WEIGHT CAF.D Card. 2203 FIELD 16. CARD COIDMN Brain. Weight Cod.e: As given. in grams 0000 - Under 0.5 grams 9998 - 9998 grams or over 9999 - 17. 70-73 Unknown now Weights Were Recorded Code: 1 - All paired organs weighed separate~ except adrenals 2 - Lungs combined 3 - Kidneys combined 4 - Heart and lungs combined 5 - Combination of codes 2 and 3 6 - Lungs combined 'With organs other than heart 7 - Conbination o'Z codes 3 s.nd 4 8 - Other organ combination 9 -Unknown 18. Int~ra1 From Death to Autopsy in Hours Code: 00 - Less than one hour in-96 - As given in hours 97 - 97 hours ar over. 98 - Uot applicable T5-76 99 -Unknown 19. State of Body When Received for Autopsy Code: 1 - Unspecified, un:f'ixed or unknown 2 - Fixed or in fixative solution 3 - All organs unfixed except brain II.C.80 Reproduced at the National Archives 77 PA'IH-3 DEFINITION OF CODES (Continued) FORM PATH-3 ' JFFSPRDTG DIA.GlTC. __ .:3 Card 4203 CABD COIIJMN FIELD 1. Card Number Code: 4 l 2. Form Number Code: 203 2-4 3- Revision Number Code: l - Data Abstracted from autopsy report 5 4. NIND:S Number Nine-digit number for Patient Identification Code: As given 6-14 5. Degree of Maceration Code: 0 - Not applicable l - Slight 2 - Moderate 3 - Severe 4 - Present but degree unknown 15 6. Congenital Malformations Three-digit code for: Lethality (col. 16) Code: 0 - None l - Non-lethal 2 - Lethal 16-18 MaJor Malformation~ (col. Minor Malformations (col. Code for each column: 0 l 2 - 7- 17) l.8) None Single syAtem Multiple systems Hyaline Membrane Code: 0 - None l - Slight 2 - Moderate 3 - Present but degree unknown II.C.Bl Reproduced at the National Archives 19 PA'IH-3 DEFINITION OF CODES (Continued) FORM PAT.:!- 3 OFFSPRI:TG DLA.G:TOSIS Card 4203 CARD COLUMN 8. Pneumonia: Other than Interstitial or Viral Code: Same as in Field 7 20 9· Erythroblastosis Fetalis Code: 0 - None 1 - Present but not otherwise 2 - Hydrops 2l s~eci~ied 10. Atelectasis Code: Same as in Field 7 22 n. Pulmonary Hemorrhage Code: Same as in Field 7 23 12. Petechiae: Code: 0 1 2 3 - 4 - 513. 14. Other than Sub-Dural or Sub-Ca"Osular None S1ng.le organ Multiple organs Sub-arachanoid or intra-ventricular hemorrhage Combination of codes 1 and 3 Combination o~ codes 2 and 3 Hemorrhae;es: Sub-Dural or Sub-Ca"Osular Code: 0 - None 1 - Sub-capsular only 2 - Sub-dural only 3 - Combination of codes 1 and 2 4 - Extra-dural. only 5 - Combination of codes 1 and 4 6 - Combination of codes 2 and 4 7 - Combination of codes 1, 2, and Other Conditions Six-digit code for: First Condition (cols. 26-27) Second Condition (cols. 28-29) Third Condition (eels. 30-31) Code for each two columns: See attachment "O:t'fspring Diagnoses" page PATH-3-18 II.C.82 Reproduced at the National Archives 25 I l.j. 26-31 PA'm-3 Codes for Prosector; Micro by; Editor; and Pathcrlgy, By Hospital .;sditors Hos:Eital - 05 01 La.ten 26 27 28 29 30 31 02 03 o4 05 o6 01 08 Dekker Johnson Bha.ktaviziam Fanning El Massry Goldstein 32 Haran 33 Fox 34 Brown 35 Savena 36 Barton 31 Miranda 38 Quan 39 McCombs 40 Grover 41 Garcila.go 42 Joekin 43 Jasemovich 44 Sullivan 45 Bradford 46 de Nenicia 47 Nassiri 48 Devine 49 Hajj 50 Lauro 51 Driscoll 52 ·Shapiro 53 Fess 54 Frederick Grunberg Fletcher Gordon Laskey Meyers Froehlich Greenfield Coder - Patholosists 01 Froehlich 02 Fujikura 03 Valsamis Prosector - MicroscoEic HosEital - 05 00 Medical Examiner 01 Witzleben 02 Diamandopolulos 03 Nasongkhla o4 Takuchi 05 Vawter o6 Branch 07 Singer 08 Craig 09 Wiebanks 10 Safon ll Haim 12 Beernich 13 Massad 14 Cooper 15 Feldlila.n J.6 Richart 17 Gochberg 1.8 Yassin 19 Martin 20 Ellington 21 Beglin 22 Potter 23 Broderick 24 Raslavicus 25 Griffiths 55 56 57 58 59 6o 61 62 63 64 65 Sharp Ross Benerschke Farber Dickerson Brochin Davidson Ring Sander Soma Stauf'f'er 66 Smith 67 Cohen II.C.83 Reproduced at the National Archives ~cent.) PA'Jli-3 Prosector- Microsco~ic (cont.) Hospital- 10 rcont. 1 13 Bazavgan 14 Robinson 15 :::..o:p.ez 97 ~on Study Pathologis0 98 Micro ~ot Done Hos~ital - 15 Hosuital- 05 (cont.) 68 Aires 69 .Uvardo 70 Fung 71 ."lechanic 72 Paci 73 Deligiorgi ;4 Favara 75 Santos 76 Seradj 77 Parthenis 78 Leonidas 79 Rodriques 80 Hedley 81 0' Halloran 82 Edlow 83 King 84 Allen 85 Sato 86 Shen 87 Rananuvare 88 s-;ol'anson 89 Laga 90 '.falonf 91 C'hoi 92 ?reeman 9~ Tegtmeyer 9L. Davt 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 ll l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 95 Suh 96 Other, not elsewhere specified 97 Non-Study Pathologist 98 Micro Not Done 22 23 24 97 98 Medical Examiner Bergeron Dent Burch Gilmer Stern Halthous Foley Rosal Sculley Sternberg Froehlich Elliott Welch Smilow Smith Samuels Henderson Holcomb Medauar Simpson Frater Reed White Trueting Non-Study Pathologist Micro ~ot Done Hospital - ~1 X 00 Medical Examiner Ol Miller 02 Beans 03 Blanc 04 Chlebus 05 Kauffman o6 Devlin 07 Ores o8 ::-Tavarro 09 Rutgers 10 LeYy l l Malcolmson 12 Truscott 13 Perrin 14 CUshman 15 Dische 16 Boyer Hos-oi tal - 10 00 Medical Examiner 01 O'Sullivan 02 Terplan o~ .J Froehlich 04 Legnami 05 Lohoczky 06 Aterman 07 Harrod 08 Lukas 09 Tongco 10 Abaci u Kazi 12 Fiero II.C.84 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-3 Prosector - >licrosco-oic (cant.) HoSPital- 31 (cont.) Hos-oital- 37 (cont.) 17 Eeatrice 18 :Corsicsky 19 Glenn 20 Tovall 21. Janovski 22 Flaxman 23 Dunn 24 Kelly 25 Weir 26 Anderson 27 Godd 28 Gates 29 Froehlich 30 Bowyer 31 Perzin 32 Blechner 33 King 34 Chenault 97 Non-Study Pathologist 98 Micro Not Done 30 Johnson 31 0 r Q::.inn 32 Harper 33 Nicholson 34 Garrett 35 Wilson 36 Wilkinson 37 Leiby 38 Merrill 39 Gregg 40 Gray 41 Richmond 42 Elliott 43 Patchefsk:r 44 Hartman 45 Christian 46 Eggleston 47 !'Teill 48 Ta.nn 49 Le•rine 97 Non-Study Pathologist 98 Micro Not Done Hostlital - 37 00 Medical Examiner HoSPital - 45 00 Medical Examiner 01 Ishisaki 02 Madge 03 Calle 04 Belter 05 Bates o6 Ha.nsbarger 07 Rose 08 Diggs 09 Goodwin 10 Friedrich ll Clark 12 Richart 13 Donahue 14 Graham 15 Repass 16 Burton 17 Lardizabal 18 Richa.ny 19 Seavice 20 Burkhart 21 Nakoneczna 22 Dav·is 23 Smith 24 Daly 25 Thomas 26 Froehlich 27 Eain 28 Rogers 01 Erown 02 Gruenwald 03 rrost 04 Pusch 05 Sutton 06 Tseng 07 Boitnott 08 Nicastri 09 Jordan 10 Ha.nnil'.al 11 Norton 12 Sha.nb 13 O'Toole 14 Baens 15 Linthicum 16 Shelley 17 Carter 18 Berman 19 Clowry 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Esterly Lee Porro Robson Lane Haghighi Wheeler Patterson Hutchins Pappas Reproduced at the National Archives II.C.85 PA'IH-3 Prosector - ~1icroscopic ( cont) Hosoital- 45 (cont.) 29 Elswick 30 E'ra.ns 31 ·.~nite 32 Keely 97 Non-Study Pathologist 98 Micro Not Done Hospital - 60 00 Medical Examiner 01 Cafaro 02 Emig 03 Hunter 04 Fuj ik.ura 05 Sweeny 06 Little 07 Long 08 Lehman 09 Smith 10 Clare 11 Gelsey 12 Castro 13 Joshi 14 Vinyard 15 ?rice 16 Graham 17 Lipkin 18 Froehlich 19 Philip 20 Strunk 21 Larson 22 Gourley 23 Paff 24 Hirons 25 Sawyer 26 Thomas 27 Walker 28 Crisera 29 Rippey 30 Odell 31 Abed 32 Malison 33 Koehler 34 Hoskins 35 Evans 36 Lee 37 Lehfeldt 38 Horn 97 Non-Study Pathologist 98 Micro Not Done Hospital - 50 00 Medical ExamL~er 01 Fattah 02 Herm 03 Burke 04 Lufkin 05 Hella.n 06 Herdman 07 Guthrie 08 Eggen 09 Coe 10 Swallen 11 McKelvey 12 Froehlich 13 Golden 14 Woodburn 15 Osterberg 16 Cohen 17 Sauls 18 Gilsdorf 19 Blau 97 Non-Study Pathologist 98 Micro Not Done Hospital - 55 00 Medical Examiner 01 lli.ller 02 Salo 03 Kim 04 di Blasi 05 Shenoy 06 Cohen 07 Khan 08 Urdaneta 09 Altman 10 Domingo 11 Kish 12 Akhavan 13 Solidum 14 Mallouh 15 Froehlich 97 Non-Study Pathologist 98 i.ficro ~ot Done II.C.86 Reproduced at the National Archives PATH-3 Prosector- Microsco~ic (cont.) Hos"Cital - 66 Hos~i tal 00 Medical Examiner 01 Baker 44 Tenaztepe 02 03 04 05 o6 07 08 09 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 (cont.) 45 Siegler 46 Lewis 47 Meyers Chatten McConaghie Yakovac Colston Knayer Eriksen Amurao Frederick Piampiti Spelman Pendleton Fillinger Ka.nari Scarano Dapena Schiller Weston Muniz Sharpe Isaacs Lerner Ziel Mc(}au.ghey Pappou Gonzalez Campbell Aronson Seidel Vakil Mikat Sa. lim Weidman Schultze Viola Beatty Hausman La.hoda Zacks Crane Rose Decker Olen 48 Lee 49 O'Brien 50 Whitely 51 Helsel 52 Longo 53 Currie· 54 Lubin 55 Peck 56 Arden 57 Eisinger 58 Linsk 59 Elton 60 Francis 61 Gillespy 62 Froehlich 63 Sta.nitcki 64 Lipkin 65 Scott 97 Nsn-Study Pathologist 98 Micro Not Done Ho~ital - 71 00 Medical Examiner 01 Anderson 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 97 98 II.C.87 Reproduced at the National Archives - 66 Song Freeman Greene Deddoe Mold Robinson Seibert Froehlich Non-Study Pathologist Micro Not Done PA'IH-3 Prosec~or- Microscopic (cont.) Hos"Oital - 82 00 Medical Examiner 01 Johnson 02 Sprunt 03 Francisco 04 Essman 05 Fuste 06 Iglesias 07 Duckworth 08 Martinez 09 Coleman 10 CrRcker ll Ye:r.ea 97 Non-Study Pathologist 98 Micro ~Tot Done II.C.88 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'IH-3 OFFSPRING DIAGNOSES Code Infections 01 Meningitis 02 Septicemia 03 Interstitial Pneumonia o4 Herpes 05 Peritonitis other than meconium peritonitis o6 Aspiration Pneumonia 07 Omphalitis 08 Cellulitis 09 Rheumatic Heart Disease 10 Infections NOS Metabolic, Familial and Other Disorders 50 Glycogen Storage Disease 51 Glycogenesis 52 Dysgamma globulinemia 53 Fibrocystic Disease 54 Waterhouse - Friederichsen 55 Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome 56 Werdnig - Hoffman 57 Riley - Day Syndrome Mechanical Abnormality 60 Thrombosis, Vein of Galen 61 Thrombosis, lungs 62 Thrombosis, organs other than lungs 63 Edema. 64 Pneumothorax 65 Aspiration, NOS 66 Bleeding duodenal ulcer 67 Meconium peritonitis 68 Dehydration 69 Kernicterus 70 Sudden Unexplainable Dea 71 Meconium Staining, skin 72 Post operative State 73 Exchange transfusion 74 Intrauterine transfUsion Injuries 20 Traumatic NOS 21 Possible Birth Injury 22 Laceration, Vein of Galen 23 Tentorial Tear 24 Fracture, Extremity 25 Fracture, Skull 26 Fracture, Spine 27 Accidental Deaths 28 Lead Poisoning Anemias 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Tumors 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 L.8 4o Sickle Cell Polycythemia Hemophilia Methemoglobinemia 98 Letterer - Siwe 00 Spher9cytosis congenital Anemia NOS ABO Incomnatibility Deficiency Factor V and VII G6PD deficiencies and other specific anemias Other abnormalities No abnormalities Neuroblastoma Hepatoma Wilm' s Tumor Leukemia NOS Medulloblastoma. Astroblastoma. Neurofibroma. Hemangiol!lS. of liver or spleen or lung Granu1osa cell tumor of testis II.C.89 Reproduced at the National Archives PA'lll-3 - I~ It I~ II! Ill! ~ It ~ .= ~ ~~<I) ; bJ :;: IJ) ; ; 0 'Z ~ ;,; ~ ...:z ?t~C~Ot.L-3 :: = ?t~ o, OHcl V0\11 ! f=====:::::!EII::==~ A ; .,.,.,..,..,,4 OJ. ::: cra""'ss" lflle~~MN .,.,_, .. ~ Q ~'""' C) = ~~ I C>E-t mx ~ll: ~g . lfo..u ta ,!; il ... ... ~ • lll .. ~ ~ ... ;=: J:l Q . .... ~ Ill Ill Ill .... IC .c: tl Ill ll . ... G) "' .. lo< e - = s J! IC . !I tl § Po Ill .... 'eIll A 1ft ~ .... 0 c.,.I"C u tl < hIp~ * 3- 19 II.C.90 Reproduced at the National Archives I .. PA'!H-3 i li ~ ~ ~ '!IJNI:I,!. I~ ij!! 1!: - II! O!!fAI';II-,~If l'liiJI4"' ACJO'Iill ~g .S.LW.£.5 J.!UO.J.(I'!t/ OJ. H.LII;JC ::! ·d'aCllf 0" :<~)I \lOll~ ..~ NIWV8 .~ ~ = ~: "' ..... = li! ~ -~ ..( !IJtCZ ~~ J.:l 3"1 II ,..,.,,H .<.aNC2r)l :! ~ S,tt,s•av w s 1- - ~ :::: UJ :I ~ = .. 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