G azette Spring 2015 cvea A Newsletter of the College View Estates Association Utilities Undergrounding to Begin Soon by Gary Campbell, CVEA President Fasten your seatbelts everyone. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. College View Estates (CVE), our approximately 60 year old neighborhood, is finally getting some much needed and desired infrastructure updates and safety improvements. After three years of bugging the city, the large and growing bump on Mesquite, which I often called Mesquite Mountain, was finally repaired along with some cracks along the other side of the street. Unfortunately, the city swooped in without warning and closed the street while the repairs were being made causing hardships for residents south of College Gardens Court and north of Mesquite. During the construction, the only access out of the CVE and parts of Alvarado Estates was through the heavy construction work concurrently being done on College Gardens Court. Hopefully, by the time you read this, the sewer and/or water projects on College Gardens Court, Stone Court, Manhasset Drive and a portion of Hewlett Drive will be closer to completion. However, don’t expect a much needed repaving of College Gardens Court to occur until a project to underground all utilities in the neighborhood is complete. Until that happens, the city will continue to only patch rough spots on the road. At last, the long awaited and hoped for Join us at the next CVEA utility undergrounding project is scheduled meeting on Tuesday April 28 to begin. According to the latest informaat 7:00 P.M. where we will tion obtained from Councilmember Marti have a guest speaker for the Emerald’s office, trenching for the utility Undergrounding Project. undergrounding project should begin someLocation of meeting is 5111 time between July and September of this Manhasset (Cottrell residence) year. That work will take between 2-3 years to complete. (continued on page 4) Meet Your Neighbors on Hewlett Leonard and Georgina Tugman As you drive up College Gardens Court and reach the Hewlett Drive stop sign, in the home with pink trim and an American flag you’ll find this wonderful couple enjoying as Georgina says, “the most wonderful neighborhood and most fantastic neighbors.” Read all about this delightful couple on page 3. Spring Has Sprung at CACG page 2 CACC Voting Results page 2 Dan Cornthwaite Honored page 3 Beautification Efforts Recognized page 4 CVEA Big Trash Event page 4 First Friday Gatherings page 4 SDGE Reminder page 5 Save the date! Saturday June 6 CVEA Time to do some Spring cleaning and participate in the CVEA Community Yard Sale on Saturday, May 9th from 8am-Noon! To participate, contact Cliff Berkowitz at 619-933-3511 or [email protected]. Cliff will take care of all advertising and signage for the yard sale, and will provide tour maps showing which homes are participating so buyers know exactly where to go. Our last yard sale (in 2013) included about 20 homes. Let’s try to significantly increase that number this year! This is a great way to clear out unneeded items - and make some CASH! There will be follow-up collection by a non-profit organization for your items that did not sell. Date to come. Gardening Classes Victory Gardens San Diego is one of the organizations we partner with to bring classes into our garden. Victory Gardens San Diego recently taught a two Saturday morning class at our garden titled “Intro to Veggie Gardening” and a one afternoon class titled: “Container Gardening”. Future classes are being planned by them and other subject matter experts, so not to worry if you missed the most recent round. Let us know what interests you about vegetable gardening and related topics. More classes are in the planning stages and we’d love to hear from you as to what you’d like to learn! Join our email list and receive information about upcoming work parties, and exciting news as the community garden grows. Contact Henry at [email protected]. visit our website at www.collegeareagarden.org College Area Community Garden President Henry Bertram feels like a proud dad as he shows off the first crop of artichokes in late March. This plant has 6 sprouts coming up. CVE Residents Show Up in Record Numbers for CACC Elections CVE lived up to it’s legendary civic commitment March 11 by turning out in strength to vote in the College Area Community Council/Planning Board Elections. Nearly one third of the 150 College Area residents who came to vote were from CVE!! The College Area Community Council/ Planning Board is an important organization working hard to maintain and improve the quality of life in the College Area. Congratulations to the newest CACC Board member and long time local resident Susan Hopps-Tatum. The incumbents elected to the CACC board are: Jose Reynoso from Alvarado Estates Jerry Pollock from Alvarado Estates Maurize Rios from El Cerrito Terry Shirley from Mesa Colony Jim Schneider representing the Business Improvement District page 2 Also serving on the board are our very own College View Estates neighbors: Gary Campbell, Ann Cottrell, Jean Hoeger and Joe Jones. Thanks for your dedication and for all your hard work! CACC depends on community support, so if you haven’t joined, we encourage you to do so (go to www. collegearea.org) Participation is especially important in electing a board that represents our interests. Once you join you can vote in CACC/CACPB elections even if you never renew your membership, though of course we hope you will. CVEA Gazette Fall 2014 Meet Your Neighbors on Hewlett Leonard and Georgina Tugman Interview by Gary and BJ DeBusschere March 2015 In the late 50’s a young couple drove south on Hewlett Drive until a fence across the street stopped travel. The fence was just past the homes built on Manhasset Drive. Ernie Sanchez, a young medical doctor, said to his red headed wife, “Look at that lot. We must keep an eye on this one”, and by the year 1961 after selecting a home plan and after watching the sticks go up, the family moved and created a home at 5265 Hewlett Drive. Through the years Ernie and Georgina built together a very successful medical practice with Ernie recognized as being the 1st bilingual and bicultural doctor in San Diego. Georgina also was an active substitute teacher which allowed to keep an eye on the kids. Unfortunately Ernie contracted ALS and at the age of 59 passed away in 1984. They had four children. Meanwhile Leonard (Len) Tugman served in the US Navy including some remarkable experiences with the Pacific Submarine Force out of Pearl Harbor during WWII. Len early in the Pacific War discovered a method to fix the trigger in torpedoes that misfired while hitting a target. This fix saved may American lives. Len took advantage of the GI Bill following the War and attended San Diego State College (now SDSU). Len taught six graders for 13 years. Len lost his wife. They had two children. In 1987 Len and Georgina joined in marriage and again the home at 5265 Hewlett became a buzz of laughter and joy. Today Len now 94 and Georgina now 87 can be seen driving down to the DZ Adkins for a meal, sometimes more than once a day. Georgina’s red hair and Len’s warm smile beam as they drive though their wonderful neighborhood. Give them a wave as they head out to their favorite spot for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! So as you drive west on College Gardens and reach the Hewlett Drive stop sign, look forward and to the left to see a home with pink trim and American flag. There you’ll find this wonderful couple, enjoying as Georgina says, “the most wonderful neighborhood and most fantastic neighbors.” Dan Cornthwaite Honored Dan Cornthwaite, CVE neighbor and Executive Director of SDSU’s Associated Students (AS) for over 30 years was recognized for his outstanding service at the March 2015 dedication of the Dan R. Cornthwaite Fountain in the courtyard of the Prebys Aztec Student Union and establishment of the Dan R. Cornthwaite Future Leaders Fund. Current and past AS leaders raised over $50,000 to be used to enhance and further the leadership opportunities of Associated Students leaders now and in the future. Dan was the first Executive Director of AS at SDSU serving from 1982 until his retirement in 2012. Most of us do not know much about AS, even though we may take advantage of its facilities. The Associated Students is a California notfor-profit corporation serving San Diego State University and provides programs, services and facilities for students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests of the university that contribute to the primary educational mission of SDSU. Working through the elected and appointed student leaders at SDSU, AS operates the Viejas Arena, Aztec Recreation Center, SDSU Children’s Center, Aztec Aquaplex, Open Air Theatre, the Mission Bay Aquatic Center, and the newly opened Conrad B. Prebys Aztec Student Union. The AS operates without the benefit of public funds or tax dollars and employs more than 1,000 persons, primarily SDSU students. The Executive Director serves as the chief full-time executive of the organization who works closely with the student leadership, university administration and related community partners. page 3 CVEA Gazette Fall 2014 CVEA Beautification Efforts Recognized Periodically, the College View Estates Association Beautification Committee recognizes neighbors within our community who have improved their front yards, thus enhancing the whole community. On behalf of CVEA, we would like to thank all of the recipients for your beautification efforts in helping make College View Estates a lovely place to live. Listed below are some of our neighbors who have been given a Certificate of Recognition: Bixel Drive: John Neves College Gardens Court: Jason Cook & Nicolette Meo-Cook, Lyndy and Juan Pablo Cuevas, Michael Noonan & Tara Ward, Joanne Querin, Leonard & Corinne Naiman Drover Drive: Chris & Michelle Schultz Penny Place: Carlos & Evelina Jaime Remington Road: Gary Ellenor & Alex Castenedo, Nam Dang & Catherine Luong, Ron Sperry & Jim Burford, John & Julianna Timmerman Saxon Street: Phil & Rebecca Koo On behalf of CVEA, we would like to thank all of the recipients for your beautification efforts in helping make College View Estates a lovely place to live. Utilities Undergrounding (continued from page 1) The undergrounding itself is expected to take 2 years. After that, new streetlights and handicapped curb ramps will be installed. Once those projects are done, the streets will be assessed to determine whether new paving or slurry sealing is required to complete the project. The final street repairs should be completed in late 2017 or early 2018. If the work recently done on College Gardens Court is any indication, these will be trying times for our neighborhood, especially when major access streets like Remington Road and College Gardens Court are under construction. Residents, CVE Board Members and Officers made many calls and emails to the city regarding numerous problems with poor notifications and communications, lack of road closure signage, access for residents of the street, poorly parked and poorly marked construction materials and equipment, etc. We are grateful for Councilmember Emerald’s office providing assistance in improving many of these situations. Undoubtedly, there will be inconveniences and issues during such a massive utilities undergrounding project also. However, when complete, CVE will be even more beautiful and safe and our major utilities will be much less likely to suffer breakages and interruptions of service. College View Estates Association now meets quarterly, on the last Tuesday of January, April, July and October. Contact any board member for meeting location, which is always at a neighbor’s home. page 4 { First Friday Socials } CVE neighbors have been gathering informally in the late afternoon on the first Friday of each month. Nancy Kavanaugh and Kevin McCully, Drover, have kindly opened their yard (living room when it is cold or wet) giving us another opportunity to socialize informally with our wonderful neighbors. Thank you Kevin and Nancy! CVE TRASH EVENT CVEA will have its own special trash collection for big items (as big as furniture or dishwashers) on June 17. Flyers to be distributed with more info. CVEA Gazette Fall 2014 CVEA Officers and Committee Heads s posing as of individual s am sc to t stealing. inder: Be aler houses and to ce an SDG&E Rem tr en ing loyees, gain SDG&E emp s: p ti e arked uniform s thes SDG&E send g a SDG&E m rin ea w is n card perso identification * Make sure cle lay a SDG&E p is d company vehi d to ke n ar so m E & G D S * Ask per in a customers sure they are does not ask E & G D S . d * Check to en if aske e the house * NEVER leav or ed nd t meter work e unatte mplete smar to leave hous co to ors s ct or ra ct nt s. But co hire contra ncy program ie SDG&E does ation fic ic ef tif gy en id er carry n on en ey io th at d rm an fo in es e m provid ave their ho g a visit from stomers to le e not expectin ar or e never ask cu ic rv se t called for k If you have no tification. to ensure wor request iden to re su 0-411-7343 e 80 b 1at E & SDG&E G SD spicious call . If you are su d in your area te uc nd co ng ei b is currently CVEA Hospitality Patrick Hanson, CVEA’s Vice President and Hospitality chair, plays an important role in our neighborhood. He personally welcomes newcomers to CVE with a card and information about the community. He also delivers cards on behalf of CVEA to neighbors who are sick, have welcomed a new baby or lost a family member. Please let Patrick know of these events when you first hear of them. Contact Patrick at 265-0892 or [email protected]. CVEA’s Website – collegeviewestates.org College View Estates website is a wonderful source of “how to“ and who to call information, as well as other helpful resources such as neighbor recommended service providers. General information about CVE, CVEA and the College Area including CVEA memberhip info and an event calendar, and interesting history about our community and association. Please send any suggestions for additional content to our webmaster, Nancy Kavanaugh, at [email protected]. page 5 President Gary Campbell 255-3584 [email protected] Vice President Patrick Hanson 265-0892 [email protected] Treasurer Beverly Butler 287-3847 [email protected] Secretary Ann Cottrell 583-7003 [email protected] Recording Secretary Lisa Vickers 252-5064 [email protected] Beautification Joe Jones 582-8532 [email protected] Hospitality Patrick Hanson 265-0892 [email protected] Code Compliance [email protected] Board Member-at-Large Henry Bertram 287-3847 [email protected] Webmaster Nancy Kavanaugh 582-9132 [email protected] Important Phone Numbers & Websites San Diego Police Non-emergency 531-2000 SDPD College Area Contact: Officer Adam McElroy, Community Relations Officer (858) 495-7971 [email protected] SDSU Police 594-1991 SDSU Police Community Relations Officer Mark Peterson 594-1447 [email protected] Fire Department non-emergency 533-4400 Residential Stickers (small white hexagon for rear view mirror) Nancy Lopez 594-5937 Neighborhood Code Compliance 236-5500 College Area Community Council (CACC) collegeneighborhoods.com CACC CENRP Code Enforcement and Nuisance Rental Property Committee [email protected] (report code violations and on-going nuisance behavior) Building Records Dept. 446-5200 (to see if work has a permit) Council Member Marti Emerald (District 9) 236-6677 [email protected] 236-6699 Chris Pearson [email protected] National Conflict Resolution Center 238-2400 (for mediation) Street Division 527-7500 (streets, traffic signals, sidewalks, parkway trees) Vehicle Abatement (858) 495-7856 (abandoned or inoperative vehicles in yard or street) Environmental Services (858) 492-5055 (litter, trash) Weed Abatement 533-4411 Police non-emergency 531-2000 Call this number to complain about noise, a mini-dorm party, or any other police non-emergency. To formalize the complaint, give your name to the dispatcher on the phone. All names are confidential and will not be released to the offending party. CVEA Gazette Fall 2014
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