Community Presbyterian Church Celebration

Welcome to
Welcome First Time and Returning Guests
Community Presbyterian Church
Please fill out a Welcome Card and place it in the offering plate, sharing
any specific prayer concerns so our pastoral staff can pray for you by
name. After the service, you’re invited to visit the Welcome Cart to learn
more about our dynamic church. We’re glad you’re here!
May 17, 2015
Sunday Morning for Children
Childcare 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
(Magnolia Room opposite Sanctuary entrance)
Super Sunday School (PreK 3—5th grade) 9:30 to 10:30 AM
Today is the LAST day of Super S.S.—Annual Field Day!
Super S.S. will resume on Sunday 8/23 at 9:30 AM.
PLEASE NOTE: Summer Kids’ Room (Ages 3 through 6 ONLY)
Sundays, 5/24 thru 8/16 during 10:00 AM Summer Worship ONLY
Order of Worship
VBS 2015
is in
Wait List Status
The VBS Needs List can be found
in the Narthex and church office.
Donations can be placed in the
buckets in the Narthex.
Thank you for your support!
Top Ten List
What are the most needed items
at the Community Hope Center?
1. Shampoo (family size)
2. Baby wipes
3. Baby cereal
4. Pasta
Day Camp for rising K—5th grade
6/29 to 8/14
Mon—Fri, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Register in the church office.
5. Pasta sauce
6. Shelf stable milk
7. Canned carrots
8. Pancake mix (just add water)
To view the specific service times, please refer to
“Orders of Worship for All Services” on the Homepage.
“And this is the Story: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.”
1 John 5:11
Community Presbyterian Church is a family of Christ followers
committed to experiencing and sharing Jesus Christ.
Schedule of Services
Sunday Worship:
9. Syrup
9:30 AM Contemporary Service
10.Peanut butter
Please place your donations in
the Narthex. Thank you!
8:15 AM Traditional Service
11:00 AM Blended Service
Sunday School:
9:30 AM
Thursday Worship: 7:30 PM Contemporary Service
Recent Prayer Requests
 Michael Madden, friend of Hather Robbins, health concerns
 Family of Elmer Kreiling, brother-in-law of Babe Plante, on their loss
 Lisa Bruce, friend of Leena Potts, personal concerns
Recent Prayer Requests are posted here for three weeks. A complete
Prayer Request list is also available. To submit a prayer request or be
added to the weekly prayer distribution list, please contact
[email protected] or call the church office.
Please see the “Sunday Morning for Children” section for childcare information.
511 Celebration Avenue, Celebration, FL 34747
[email protected]
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
A Note from Jeremy Young, Director of Student Ministries
Congratulations to the Class of 2015!
Walk fearlessly into the future
knowing that God is with you every step of the way!
Bryce Ballantine
Emily Carter
Kathryn Churchwell
Jordan Goodless
Alejandro Hernandez
Annalise Irvine
Brooke Jones
Tiffany Labiakh-True
Caitlin Mouen
Grafton Mouen
Catalina Penagos
Cassidy Schad
Rachel Slater
Mija Sunnarborg
Hannah Swanson
Rafiela Wagoner
Ryan Wanzek
Karleigh Wetzel
Shelby Willis
Beginning Next Week Sunday service times will be:
8:00 AM
8:45 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Traditional Service—Sanctuary
Breakfast & Fellowship—Expansion
Sunday School—St. Andrew Room
Blended Service—Sanctuary
Regular service times will resume on August 23.
Attention Ladies Do you ever get a "gift with
purchase" at your favorite cosmetic counter but
only use three out of five items? What do you do
with the other two? For those less fortunate,
lipstick or mascara is a luxury. You can put these
items to great use...for the ladies who are helped
at the Community Hope Center! Please drop off your unused cosmetics
in the Narthex during the next two Sundays, May 24 and 31. Questions?
Contact Jill at [email protected]. Thank you for helping others shine!
We honor our Confirmation Class of 2015!
You have put so much investigation into the application of God’s Word in
your lives. Continue to pursue Christ with this intensity.
Adriana Bahena
Colin Campbell
Kathryn Churchwell
Max Figueras
Allyson Hazlett
Joshua Kodosky
Cassidy Lousey
Alexia Mercedes
Brandon Rego
Justin Sayles
Carter Wanzek
Dylon Wetzel
Alejandra Bahena
Sarah Carter
Griffin Ewing
Gavin Garcia
Jones Hobgood
Shelby Kreceman
Kamren Martin
Luke Moore
Kristen Rego
Madison Sayles
Keziah Wanzek
Zoie Zelmanski
Tanya Bahena
Remington Childress
Tate Ewing
Annie Grinnals
Dawson Hulme
Colin Lewis
Emily Menia
Devon Pedalino
Isabelle Saenz
Avery Searcy
Ryan Wanzek
Read the Bible
through the Year
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the “Bump in the Road” quilting
group for making beautiful prayer quilts for all the graduates.
Thank you for donating your time and talents.
5/17 Acts 24:10-27
Judges 21
Psalm 46
5/18 Acts 25
Ruth 1-2
Psalm 47
5/19 Acts 26:1-18
Ruth 3-4
Psalm 48
5/20 Acts 26:19-32
1 Samuel 1:1-2:10
Psalm 49
5/21 Acts 27:1-12
1 Samuel 2:11-36
Psalm 50
5/22 Acts 27:13-44
1 Samuel 3
Psalm 51
5/23 Acts 28:1-16
1 Samuel 4-5
Psalm 52
Come beat the summer heat as we watch “Frozen.”
Pancakes, Eggs and YOU Volunteers are needed to
help prepare and serve breakfast in the summer.
WHEN? Sunday mornings, May 24—August 16 at
8:00 AM. HOW? It’s easy. You don’t have to be an
expert chef. We’ll show you exactly what to do.
WHO? Contact Shawnna Childress at
[email protected] or call the church
office to select a date. WHAT? This is a fun way to
volunteer a few hours of your time. You don’t even
need to bring a spatula...just a smile!
Ladies are Invited Come join the WOW (With Other
Women) life group for a potluck this Saturday, May
23 at 5:00 PM. For more information, contact
Sherry Peck at [email protected]
or Connie Small at [email protected].
Bacon Bash! Hey, students from The Edge, Infinity, alumni,
and rising sixth graders! Come to our end-of-the-year
celebration on Monday, May 25 at 7:00 PM in the Expansion
for all the bacon and pancakes you can eat. There will be a
massive waterslide, DJ and karaoke at this awesome party!
This Week at Community Presbyterian Church
Sunday 5/17
8:15 AM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
4:30 PM
6:30 PM
Traditions: Traditional Worship—Sanctuary
Reach: Contemporary Worship—Sanctuary
Adult Sunday School—St. Andrew Room
The Bridge: Blended Worship—Sanctuary
Parent Trap—St. Andrew Room
Youth Graduates Luncheon—Expansion
Parent Trap—Expansion
A Time for Prayer—Sanctuary
Monday 5/18
8:00 AM
3:40 PM
5:15 PM
7:00 PM
HWF—Entire Campus
Weight Watchers—Conference Room
The Edge—Expansion
Tuesday 5/19
6:15 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
3:40 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Men’s Conversation—St. Andrew Room
Al-Anon—St. Andrew Room
Staff Meeting—Conference Room
HWF—Entire Campus
Unchained Life Group—Church Lawn
Sanctuary Choir—Sanctuary
Wednesday 5/20
8:00 AM
3:00 PM
HWF—Entire Campus
7:00 PM
Getting Through Life’s Losses—Conference Room
7:00 PM
Quilting Group—St. Andrew Room
7:00 PM
Thursday 5/21
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
3:40 PM
7:30 PM
Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study—St. Andrew Room
HWF—Entire Campus
Night of Worship—Sanctuary
Friday 5/22
8:00 AM
1:00 PM
3:40 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Ties that Bind—Conference Room
HWF—Entire Campus
Handbells—Conference Room
Roots—St. Andrew Room
Saturday 5/23
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
Men’s Saturday Morning Fellowship—St. Andrew Room
5:00 PM
WOW (With Other Women) Potluck
Preschool: Monday—Friday
Community Hope Center: Monday—Thursday (call 321-677-0245 for an appointment)
Flowers this week are given by the Martin Family
in memory of Pearson Martin.