MATH 5713 Section: 001 Topology II MWF 11:50 – 12:40 KIMP 308 Spring 2015 Prof. Matthew Clay Homework 8 – Solution 1. Use the Meyer–Vietoris sequence to compute the homology of the Klein bottle RP2 #RP2 . Proof. We decompose the Klein bottle RP2 #RP2 = A ∪ B as the union of two M¨obius bands glued together along their boundary circles. As the M¨obius band deformation retracts onto its central circle, H2 (A) = H2 (B) = H2 (S 1 ) = 0. Thus using reduced homology, the relevant part of the Mayer–Vietoris sequence is: ϕ ψ 0 → H2 (RP2 #RP2 ) → H1 (A ∩ B)→H1 (A) ⊕ H1 (B)→H1 (RP2 #RP2 ) → 0 The group H1 (A ∩ B) is isomorphic to Z and H1 (A) ⊕ H1 (B) is isomorphic to Z ⊕ Z. Using these identifications we have ϕ(n) = (2n, −2n). In particular ϕ is injective and so H2 (RP2 #RP2 ) = 0. Thus H1 (RP2 #RP2 ) is isomorphic to H1 (A) ⊕ H1 (B) modulo the image of ϕ. Since {(1, 0), (1, −1)} is a basis for Z ⊕ Z, we see that H1 (RP2 #RP2 ) is isomorphic to Z ⊕ Z2 . As RP2 #RP2 is pathconnected, H0 (RP2 #RP2 ) = 0. 2. Let X be the quotient of the unit cube obtained by identifying opposite faces via a one-quarter twist. (See Exercise 14 in Section 1.2). Compute the homology groups Hn (X). Proof. Refer to Figure 1 for the labeling of the cells in X. Additionally, we label the front/back 2–cell by A, the top/bottom 2–cell by B and the left/right 2–cell by C. c d b u v a Figure 1: The space X in Problem 2. Denote the cellular i–chain group by Ki (X). Thus K0 (X) = Z2 , K1 (X) = Z4 , K2 (X) = Z3 and K3 (X) = Z. Order the bases of Ki (X) using alphabetical order. With these conventions, the cellular boundary maps are represented by: 1 1 1 0 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 d3 = 0 d2 = d1 = 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 0 1 1 −1 1 All of the following claims are justified by using integer row and column operations on these matrices. The image of d1 is spanned by v −u and hence H0 (X) = Z. As a basis for the kernel of d1 we can use {a + b + c + d, b + c, c + d}; as a basis for the image of d2 we can use {a + b + c + d, 2(b + c), 2(c + d)}. Therefore H1 (X) = Z2 ⊕ Z2 . Since d2 is injective, H2 (X) = 0. Finally as d3 is the zero map, H3 (X) = Z. 3. If a finite CW complex X is the union of two subcomplexes A and B show that χ(X) = χ(A) + χ(B) − χ(A ∩ B). Proof. First observe that if: 0 → Cn → Cn−1 → · · · C0 → 0 P is an exact sequence of abelian groups then (−1)i rank Ci = 0. Indeed, this follows by induction. For the case n = 0, if 0 → C0 → 0 is exact then C0 = 0 and so rank(C0 ) = 0. Applying induction to the exact sequence of length n: 0 → Cn−1 im Cn → Cn−2 → · · · C0 → 0 we have that: 0= = = n−2 X i=0 n−2 X i=0 n−2 X (−1)i rank Ci + (−1)n−1 rank Cn−1 im Cn (−1)i rank Ci + (−1)n−1 (rank Cn−1 − rank im Cn ) (−1)i rank Ci + (−1)n−1 (rank Cn−1 − rank Cn ) i=0 = n X (−1)i rank Ci i=0 as claimed. The equality between the second and third line comes as the map Cn → Cn−1 is injective. Applying this observation to the Mayer–Vietoris sequence for X = A ∪ B we have: X 0= (−1)i (rank Hi (A ∩ B) − rank Hi (A) ⊕ Hi (B) + rank Hi (X)) i X X X = (−1)i rank Hi (A ∩ B) − (−1)i (rank Hi (A) + rank Hi (B)) + (−1)i rank Hi (X) i i i = χ(A ∩ B) − (χ(A) + χ(B)) + χ(X) from which the statement follows. 4. For finite CW complexes X and Y show that χ(X × Y ) = χ(X)χ(Y ). 2 Proof. The product X × Y has a product CW structure consisting of m–cells of the form eiα × em−i β where eiα ranges over the i–cells of X and em−i ranges over the (m − i)–cells of Y , 0 ≤ i ≤ m. Thus: β χ(X × Y ) = X = X (−1)m (#m–cells in X × Y ) m m (−1) m = (#i–cells in X)(#(m − i)–cells in Y ) i=0 m XX m m X (−1)i (#i–cells in X) · (−1)m−i (#(m − i)–cells in Y ) i=0 ! = X (−1)m (#m–cells in X) m · ! X (−1)m (#m–cells in Y ) m = χ(X)χ(Y ). e → X an n–sheeted covering space, show that χ(X) e = 5. For X a finite CW complex and p : X nχ(X). Conclude that if Sg covers Sh then g = n(h − 1) + 1 for some n ∈ N. (Previously we have shown that if g = n(h − 1) + 1 then there exists an n–sheeted cover Sg → Sh . See Example 1.41 in Section 1.3.) e → X has a CW structure consisting of m–cells em where em Proof. The covering space p : X α α,i ` m . Specifically, the characteristic map e ) = ranges over the m–cells of X, 1 ≤ i ≤ n and p−1 (em α i α,i m e is the lift of Φα : (Dαm , 0) → (X, Φα (0)) to the covering space p : (X, e Φi (0)) → Φα,i : Dα,i → X α e is n (X, Φα (0)) where p−1 (Φα (0)) = {Φ1α (0), . . . , Φnα (0)}. Therefore the number of m–cells in X e = nχ(X). times the number of m–cells in X. It follows that χ(X) Hence if Sg covers Sh then for some n ∈ N, we have 2 − 2g = χ(Sg ) = nχ(Sh ) = 2n − 2nh. Dividing by 2 and rearranging we have g = n(h − 1) + 1. 3
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