The Frozen Mukluk Local Monthly News from Faro, Yukon Vol. 5 Issue 2 FEBRUARY 2013 In This Issue; Faro RCMP Faro Library Town of Faro Health Centre Small Business Employment Interest Groups HERE FISHY FISHY FISHY ICE FISHING IN COMFORT: you’re doin’ it right! Classifieds Announcements Blasts from the Past Faro Bible Chapel EMS Arctic Edge Skating Club Sylvains Aviation Services Lots More!! PLEASE BEAR WITH US….! We will get there….honest! The unprecedented snowfall in January (and then some more cold weather to boot) has caused a slowup in our ability to get all the snow cleared in a manner to which many Faro residents may be accustomed. We actually ran out of places to pile all the darn stuff. But we will get all the hydrants and all the garbage containers cleaned out. Roads, laneways and publicly accessed areas come first. Then there are all the other places. But it will be done!. Jim McLachlan Manager of Operations Town of Faro Quote of the Month; “Spring passes and one remembers one's innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one's exuberance. Autumn passes and one remembers one's reverence. Winter passes and one remembers one's perseverance.” Yoko Ono February 18, 1933) Japanese artist and peace activist, known for her marriage to John Lennon (1969–1980) and her work in avant-garde art, music and filmmaking INTERESTING HEALTH FACTS HEALTH CENTRE NEWS WALK-IN SICK CLINIC: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 11:30 am 3:00 to 4:00 pm PUBLIC HEALTH HOURS (please make appointment) Monday to Friday 1:00 to 3:00 pm February 22 – CLOSED Heritage Day February 25 – Open regular hours Only EMERGENCY needs will be seen after regular hours. Call 994-4444 DOCTOR SERVICES: Next doctor clinics: Dr. BousquetFebruary 5, 7 & 8th Dr. BousquetFebruary 25, 28, & March 1st Bring ALL of your current medications with you when you come to see the doctor or you will be sent home to get them. Call 994-4444 to book appointments. Do you have a new number for your Post Office Box? Please let us know, so we can update your file. Flu shots are still available for those of you that missed them earlier. There is still influenza going around the Yukon. Protect yourself & those you love. 1 out of every 5 Canadian adults has high blood pressure Over a third of these people don’t know they have problem, because they don’t feel sick. Among those who are aware of their condition, close to half of them don’t follow any treatment, often because they don’t experience any symptoms. High blood pressure works silently until problems show up. Serious problems like a heart attack or a stroke. Thankfully, changes in lifestyle habits and in some cases taking medication can help control high blood pressure. Anyone can suffer from high blood pressure, male or female; young or old; calm or tense. The problems shows up more often in people who: have a family history of high blood pressure are older than 40 years old are overweight drink too much alcohol eat too much salt have high cholesterol are diabetic smoke do little or no physical activity take birth control pills have a kidney or thyroid gland disease 4 WINNING STATEGIES OF CONTROLLING YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE 1. 2. 3. 4. Eat Healthy Be Active (30 min) On Most Days Maintain or Reduce Your Weight Do Not Smoke Cutting Back on Salt Limit your intake of foods that are high in sodium (salt) such as: Restaurant food, fast food, & ready to eat meals Smoked or salty meats: bacon, ham deli, sausages, etc. Canned or dehydrated soup, sauce or broth Salted crackers, chips or nuts. Use a small amount of salt in your cooking leave the salt shaker off of the table. Most people will use it out of habit rather than a taste thing. Bring out the flavor of your foods with herbs, spices, garlic, ginger pepper or citrus juice & zests. (From Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada) If you wish to learn more about your blood pressure & whether or not you have high blood pressure, please contact the Health Center. From the Folks Who Help You to Be Healthy. Forever Faro Project Update The Forever Faro planning process is underway to guide our community into the future. It will update our Official Community Plan (OCP) and our Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), and also create a new strategic plan for the Town. Thanks to those who took the survey! From a preliminary look at the results, it is clear that we love our town! We especially love the people, natural beauty, safety and affordable housing. We also heard about the things you’d like to see change, including: addressing the empty buildings, increasing the population and supporting local businesses. We will be working with the survey results to help inform the development of the ICSP and OCP. Thanks again for taking the time to provide input! Next public engagement opportunities We are planning in-person public engagement events for late February. Focus groups and a drop-in community workshop will be held to gather additional public input into the vision and plan for Faro’s future. For event details, please connect to Forever Faro using the options below, or watch for a mail flyer mid-February. (867) 994-2728 follow the link to the project page DID YOU KNOW? Comparing the month of November 2012 with November 2011, the year-over-year rate of inflation in Whitehorse (1.8%) was 1.0 percentage point higher than the rate of inflation in Canada (0.8%). In the third quarter of 2012, Yukon experienced a net gain of 206 people through migration; the majority of which occurred through interprovincial migration (+130), and the balance (+76) through international migration. www/ ForeverFaro February 2012 HISTORICAL WEATHER: Max Temp: + 5,4 C Max Temp.rdDate: February 3 2012 Min. Temp: -25.5 C Min Temp Date: February 26th 2012 Faro Yukon @FaroYukon Need a Reason to Celebrate in FEBRUARY? SORRY WE MISSED YOU.... Faro Mine Closure Aboriginal Engineering Faro Fire Department Yukon Zinc Golden Predator we’d love to hear from you for the MARCH issue!! [email protected] Precipitation: 00.0 mm Cool website of the month: Even though it’s based in the US, it’s still a neat site to go get the dirty on products, services, and major corporations! Feb 2 nd World Wetlands Day, Groundhog Day th Feb 10 Chinese New Year th Feb 4 World Cancer Day th Feb 6 Waitangi Day (New Zealand) th Feb 8 Boy Scout Day th Feb 14 Valentine’s Day th Feb 15 Gumdrop Day th Feb 19 Chocolate Mint Day th Feb 18 Presidents Day (USA) nd Feb 22 Heritage Day (Yukon!) th Feb 26 Pistachio Day FEBRUARY MONTH: Heart Month American History Month Black History Month Dental HealthndMonth Hero week (2 week) Friendship week (3rdrd week) Wildlife week (3 week) Calling on Young Videographers to Inspire Others in Anti-Drug Video Contest Yukon, Crime Prevention, Crime Reduction, Aboriginal Policing Services, Community Policing Services 2013-01-23 15:38 PST The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is holding a contest, calling for the submission of videos made by teens for teens that promote a drug-free lifestyle. The winning videos will be shown in schools as part of the new RCMP Canadian Champions youth engagement initiative. The prizes for the winning videos are Canadian Olympic hockey jerseys signed by Sidney Crosby, Toronto Blue Jays T-shirts signed by Brett Lawrie and Adam Loewen, and iPod Touch’s. The contest is open to anyone in Grades 7 to 12 across Canada. Videos must be between 30 and 60 seconds in length and can be in English or French. Videos could address the benefits of being drug free; the successes and accomplishments achieved as a result of being drug free; tips on dealing with peer pressure; or what inspires you to stay drug free. This is a way young people could have a real impact – a positive impact – on their peers and have a lot of fun doing it, says Sgt. Keith MacKinnon, of the RCMP Drugs and Organized Crime Awareness Service (DOCAS) in Nova Scotia where the Canadian Champions program was initiated. The winners will get bragging rights and we will post a link to their video on the RCMP website.The contest is part of the Canadian Champions program, which offers youth a variety of information and tools to make informed choices and become ambassadors of a drug-free lifestyle. A central component of the program are a 26-minute English video and a 25-minute French video that feature 19 well-known Canadian athletes and celebrities speaking about the importance of being drug free including NHL’er Sidney Crosby, World Champion diver Alexandre Despatie, Hockey Night in Canada commentator Don Cherry, singer Mitsou Gélinas and Toronto Blue Jay Brett Lawrie. There is also an online teaching guide to assist educators in discussing the issues raised by the video and engaging with youth about drugs. The goal is to send a powerful message to help youth rise above peer pressure and become champions of their own lives as well as in the lives of others in their schools and communities. The video contest closes April 28, 2013. For full contest rules and submission information, visit: For more information on the Canadian Champions initiative or to view the celebrity video, visit: Released by Cpl. R. Dwayne Latham Youth Strategist Yukon RCMP 4100 - 4th Ave., Whitehorse, YT., Y1A 1H5 Office: (867) 667-5505 Email: [email protected] Arctic Edge Skating Club News Happy February everyone! We are happy to be a part of the Faro Skate-a thon coming up February 9th in partenership with the Faro Mad Sled Dogs hockey club! Please come out and support you local kids with a fundraiser breakfast at the rink starting at 10am and fun times skating laps with the kids! Our skaters are continuing to progress through levels of the CanSkate program and i am still awaiting the arrival of our merit badges and ribbons! Thanks for your patience in this matter! As soon as they come the children will receive them! A huge thanks to the continued support of my CanSkate assistants especially Emily Grantham!! We also had to say a sad skating goodbye to Dana Bekk who is off on an Australian adventure! We miss you Dana and will see you on the ice next year! Yours on the ICE!!! Michelle Lynch Head Coach Arctic Edge Skating Club Do you LOVE The Frozen Mukluk? Show your love by being a sponsor! Cost is between $35 & $55 depending on weight of each issue at the Post Office If you would like to sponsor an issue, send us an email: thefrozenmukluk@gmail. com USELESS FACTS FARO MAD SLED DOG HOCKEY NEWS I want to begin by extending a very tardy but hardy thank you to all of the folks that helped out with the Pelly River Hockey Challenge in early December. We had 78 youth from Watson Lake, Ross River, Carmacks and Pelly Crossing plus coaches and chaperones come to work with our kids and coaches. It would be impossible to host an event of this magnitude without the selfless contributions made by so many of our local people. Whether you helped with fundraising, baking, prep work, cooking, serving, cleaning and/or kid supervision it all made for a remarkable experience for everyone involved. Thank you! * Only 3% water of the earth is fresh, rest 97% salted. Of that 3%, over 2% is frozen in ice sheets and glaciers. Means less than 1% fresh water is found in lakes, rivers and underground. Our bottle drive early in January was also a huge success with the hockey team and skating club jointly raising $970.00. Thanks to Peter Kazda for supervising the sorting and counting and to the Town for allowing us use of the arena for the event. * The word "Arctic" comes from the ancient Greek Arktikos, or "country of the great bear." Though the Greeks had no knowledge of the polar bear, they named the region after the constellation Ursus Major, the Great Bear, found in the Northern Sky. While regular practices and games are ongoing there is still more to come. The Arctic Edge Skating Club and the Mad Sled Dogs are gearing up for the annual Skate-a-thon. Be sure to note the date on your calendar. * www.wonderfulinfo. com Saturday February 9th Skate-A-Thon and Breakfast @the Arena 10a.m. Come and enjoy a hot breakfast and then work off some of those calories by helping the kids to skate those laps or cheering the skaters on. Last year we almost made it to 1200. When the kids come canvassing , know that every dollar you contribute results in another lap around the rink. Hope to see you there. DEL VAN GORDER FEBRUARY MAIL OUT SPONSOR: SCHOOL NEWS Thanks to all of you that came out to see our Winter Concert and breakfasted with us for Family Literacy Day in late January. It was great seeing so many people attend! DVG is pleased to be hosting a concert by Juno award winner Normal Foote on Thursday, February 7th at 2:30 pm in the gym. All members of the public are invited to attend this free event. Some bio background (courtesy of Wikipedia): Norman is an internationally acclaimed musician, songwriter, and comedian for all ages. Originally from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, he is best known for his songwriting, outrageous props, and off beat sense of humor in children's music and live performance. He has been nominated for four Juno Awards for Best Children's Album in 1990, 1993, 2001, and won in 2010. Norman has received critical acclaim for his clever songs and engaging concert performances. He has written for Walt Disney Records, Shari Lewis, CBC's syndicated TV show Scoop and Doozie, KOBA's production of Nelvana's Little Bear Live and Backyardigans Live. Parents and community are reminded about our upcoming four day long weekend this month. The school will be closed from Friday, Feb 22nd to Monday, Feb 25th. Spring Break also begins the following Monday (March 4th) and goes to Friday March 15th. The school's Kids in Action Store (run by the Gr 3-5 class) is looking for donations and more customers! If you have any gently used items (especially toys and children's books) that you would like to donate, please bring these by the school. The store is open from 2:30-3:30 on Wednesdays. All proceeds go to charities selected by the Grade 3-5 class. DVG is looking for a drama coach to put on a short one act play with a small group of interested students. Please contact Angela Magon (Principal) in the school office (994-2760) if you have a couple of hours a week to put into this. We are also looking for a cross country running coach to start when we can see pavement again. If you are interested in taking students on a run once a week after school later in the school year, please let us know. DVG will be hosting the first of this year's lecture series at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, Feb 20th in the library. Principal Angela Magon will be giving a 30-40 minute talk entitled: The Brain and Learning: Does Gender Matter? This inter-active lecture is geared towards teens and adults of all ages who are wanting to learn more about how and why we learn the way we do. Refreshments will be provided. Hope to see you come out! This issue’s mail out was sponsored by: MAGUNDY RIVER TRANSPORT!! Thanks Wolf Eberlein **If you would like to sponsor an issue, send us an email: [email protected] EDITORS NOTES..... You would think that this far North, February would be a time of hibernation for most folks, but I don’t really see that happening here.... As we all recover from the recent cold snap(s) and ENDLESS snow falls, there’s lots to do this month in Faro, and don’t forget the Yukon Quest, Rendezvous, Hockey tournaments, Heritage Day events, Super Bowl Sunday, Valentines’ day, Groundhog day, and all the rest! As we get more and more daylight, I put my mind to start up gardening indoors, which really makes me feel encouraged that Spring will come...sooner or later....which all hangs on the very scientific advice of a certain groundhog of course. Have a great Valentine’s day folks! Happy Birthday Dad, Heather IMPORTANT NUMBERS FIRE 994-2222 AMBULANCE 994-4444 RCMP 994-5555 FARO RCMP DETACHMENT February Already??!! Thank you and congratulations to Zachary Bekk. Zachary apprehended the Faro RCMP’s most wanted Garden Gnome. Zach found him fishing without a license in the Faro Post Office and returned the gnome to the Faro Detachment and collected his prize....good eye Zach!! Keep up the good work. Faro RCMP are certain the Garden Gnome will be at it again this month, please help a child under the age of 12 to return him to Detachment for a reward. As with any crime the more eyes watching and people working together, the more effectively we can solve problems. RCMP have noticed an increase in careless driving. This becomes more common as the winter moves on. Slippery conditions make it easy to slide through stop signs and slip out of your intended lane as you go around corners. Please take special care at intersections and keep your speed down. Winter can be a lot of fun. We have all suffered through the cold this winter but let’s get moving this February. The Recreation Department offers a full slate of activities for all ages and the area has more than enough outdoor pursuits to keep us all active...remember those new year’s resolutions and get out and active!! We’ll see you there. A few reminders about snowmobiles as we head into warmer weather... If you’re traveling on a public road you must be a licensed driver. Your snowmobile must be registered, insured and you must wear a helmet. If you’re not traveling on a public road we ask you to do so safely and exercise common sense. The trails are not very wide so be mindful of your speed and the possibility of oncoming traffic, skiers or others enjoying the outdoors. As always, remember a snowmobile is a motor vehicle. Alcohol and motor vehicles do not mix. The same rules apply to your snowmobile that apply to your car or truck, whether you’re riding on the roads or the trails. Have a great Super Bowl Sunday but if you’re planning on having a few drinks please leave your car at home. Be safe and have fun. Have a fun and safe February!!! ***************************************************************************************** To contact Faro RCMP in an emergency, call 994-5555 or 1-867-667-5555. These calls will be answered by Whitehorse OCC who will have officers respond to the call. For general inquiries in the community, call 994-2677. If there is no answer, please phone 994-5555 and an officer will be contacted. Faro Detachment would like to remind members of the community about our Emergency Phone located at the front entrance to the Detachment. This phone line is connected directly to Whitehorse RCMP dispatch. The caller only has to hold the phone to their ear and someone from Whitehorse Dispatch will answer. This will ensure a quicker response from Faro RCMP members. BLAST FROM THE PAST Do you remember milestones in Faro’s history? Have old pictures of Faro you would like to share? [email protected] LOCAL Services Michel Dupont Aviation Services FARO AIRPORT STATS FOR JANUARY 2013 Maximum average temperature……......-14.6c Maximum recorded temperature…….......4.7c Minimum average temperature……......-21.5c Minimum recorded temperature…….....-40.8c Freezing rain…………………………….............1.8mm Snowfall………………………………................64.4cm Measured water equivalent………….......71.8mm Aircraft movements 20 THE SHED - FOLD AND CODE The Shed is available 24/7 for anyone who wants to leave and/or take good used clothing. Please do not smoke in the shed; the odour penetrates the clothes and smoking can be a fire hazard. Thanks to those who have taken time to fold and code clothes from the box. Hours: MONDAY – FRIDAY 8:30 – 5:30 SATURDAY 8:30 – 12:30 Sat Friendship Feasts is a made in Faro program, it is not affiliated with Social Services, the Faro Health Centre, or any government program. If you are able to make a meal for a family once in a while, please get yourself on the Friendship Feast list. You may get called once in 6 months. To receive meals, you just need to nominate yourself or someone who you know needs meals. Generally, Friendship Feasts provides meals when there has been a death or other hardship in the family, when someone is recovering from an operation or sickness, or when a family brings home a new baby. Getting involved in Friendship Feasts is a great way to get involved in our community and to meet people in town in a meaningful way. If you are not on the list, please call KARA WENT at 994-3114 to sign yourself up! We are always looking for new folks who are able to provide a meal. If you would appreciate meals or you would like to nominate someone for meals, please call KARA to set it up. Passport Applications Available It’s a great help. A big thank you to whoever has been helping to keep The Shed neat and tidy. It is greatly appreciated. If anyone is willing to take some items to the Salvation Army on a trip to Whitehorse, please contact the Bakers at 994-2442. About once a month we remove some of the items that have been there for a while. Thanks. RECYCLING CENTRE Faro Bottle will be on call during the winter time. Please call Peter anytime at 994-3022 for appointment. Please visit for up to date information on all activities relating to the Faro Mine Complex. Subscribe to the RSS feed at the website. When news items are posted on the site, they are automatically be sent to your email address. FARO COMMUNITY LIBRARY 994-2684 Librarians: Michelle Vainio & Julia Salo Hours Tuesday Wednesday 5 – 7 p.m. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Thursday & Friday Saturday 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Family Literacy Day Thank you to DVG School for hosting such a great event. The pancake breakfast hit the spot! We enjoyed providing the stories in the library—thanks Heather G. and Tim; what a bunch of engaging children we have in Faro. North of 50 Play Time Are you at least 50 years old? Would you like to have someone else make lunch for you and have no dishes to wash? Then come out on Wednesday, February 6 from noon until 2 p.m. for North of 50 Play Time. The library will provide lunch. There will be games (some good laughs), conversation, and internet available. Let us know your ideas for what you would like to see happen on Wednesday afternoons at the library. Youth Saturdays Youth Saturdays are starting up on February 16 with crafts, games, computer-time, and some tasty snacks. From noon until 2 p.m. is your time; give us your ideas and we will see what we can do. You guys are awesome; we love having you come down to the library! Family Literacy Time Come out for an enjoyable evening on Thursday, February 21 from 6 – 8 p.m. We will be having literacy games, snacks, and prizes. Bring your family; bring a friend, or two. Let’s have some fun! Tot Story Time This energetic hour is on from 11 a.m. – noon on Wednesdays. It is suitable for ages up to four (with caregiver). Stories and crafts provided. If you would like your child to have a snack, please bring it with you; this is a nut-fee facility. Themes for February February 6 – Muffins and Moose February 13 – Valentines February 20 – Faces February 27 – Animal Sounds (bring a favourite stuffed animal) Thank you to Lorraine Wilcox for a superb job done as the coordinator of story time. Now that the youngest is getting older, we are looking for a new dynamic person. Please call or come down to the library if you are interested. Craft/Material/Wool/Yarn Exchange/Sale Have craft supplies that you’re not using? Looking for a small piece of material to finish a project? Well come on in to the library on Saturday, February 16 at 1 p.m. and see if you can find something to trade or buy. Bring all your extras or unused items and see if you can go home with something new! There’s still a few weeks of winter left, time enough to complete a few more projects! See you all here! Bring a friend or two, coffee will be on! Craft Books Galore to peruse! Come by the Library to ‘check out’ some of our new books! Department of Environment There sure has been a lot of snow this winter! The extreme conditions we have been having make it hard for moose and caribou to get around in the bush, so they will be seeking easier routes. Keep an eye out for them when travelling on the highways. Also, for people out with snowmobiles, be very cautious when crossing ice, as the warm weather we have been having has created over-flow in a lot of areas. For anyone interested in viewing the Fannin Sheep, a snowshoe out to Van Gorder Falls or a drive out to the Fingers Site could prove to be a worthwhile venture to see these guys. We would also like to remind hunters that Bison season is CLOSED right now in the Bison Management Area. It will re-open Feb. 15th. For more info contact any Environment office. Enjoy the snow Faro Housing Office Will be CLOSED until further notice For any questions regarding Yukon Housing issues – phone - 1-800-661-0408 ext # 5759 and they will redirect your call. FOR MAINTENANCE EMERGENCIES call Bill Wood - Cell # 332-1337 We apologize for any inconvenience this closure may cause. Business COMMUNITY 524 Maynard Crescent 5 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms Living Room / Entertainment Room / Dining Room Games Room / Workout Room / Den / Office Full kitchen facilities Self-serve breakfast foods included 1-867-332-9011 NEW BUSINESS IN FARO! Fully furnished 3 bedroom, 1 bath vacation rental! Newly furnished 3 bedroom, 1 bath townhouse style condo. Includes full kitchen, washer & dryer and so much more! Daily, weekly and monthly rates. Call 867-332-2402 or e-mail [email protected] Check out our website for more info and pictures: Handyman Service call 994-2100 HEALTH PRODUCTS Visit and read the testimonials that have helped other people by using the products. Call FYI 403-345-7788 (collect when placing your order). Pilgrim's Landscaping & Snow Removal BOBCAT RENTAL AVAILABLE FOR: SNOW REMOVAL $ 30.00 TO $ 50.00 PER DRIVEWAY (depending on size of driveway) LANDSCAPING, POST HOLE AUGER CALL FOR MORE INFO KEITH OR DEB 994-3101 DISCOVERY STORE/FARO HARDWARE WINTER HOURS EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2012 Monday to Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sundays & Holidays: CLOSED Truck Arrivals: Wednesday Order Day: Friday by 4:00 Pick up Day: Thursday Please! *Phone Cards *Building Products * Lotto*Fresh Produce *Dairy CALL US FOR SPECIAL ORDERS AND CASELOTS @ 994-2470 FARO STUDIO RESTAURANT OPEN 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM DAILY NORTH OF 60 MASSAGE THERAPY VALENTINES DAY/CHINESE NEW YEAR SMORG Therapeutic & relaxation massage Located at 507 Douglas Drive Now taking appointments FEBRUARY 14TH Phone 994-2226 2 SEATINGS @ 4:30PM & 7:00 PM (RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED) 994-3133 FARO STUDIO LOUNGE HOURS: Monday – Saturday 4 – 8 pm (based on demand after 8 pm) (Closed Sunday) * Phone Cards * Bank Machine Cost: $70.00/hr $40.00/30 min Covered by most extended Health Care Plans Michelle Lynch Registered Massage Therapist [email protected] REIKI Reiki is a healing technique used for relaxation, stress reduction and for balance of the chakras in the body. It is a non-invasive procedure that has been compared to a relaxing massage. The healing takes place when the practitioner uses “life force energy” in a concentrated manner and directs it into the patient’s body. It does not involve any pain, and in most cases, removes any existing pain from the body. Call Barb McMahon for a session of physical and emotional reiki healing at 994-3016. For a catalogue or info on hosting a party call Tracy Sawicki 867 332 5502/867 994 2444 AVON Helen Wagantall 994-3277 BONNIE BOWNESS 994-2429 “ The First in Synthetics” Chris Wilkinson 994-3289 HELEN WAGANTALL 994-3277 Ph: 994-2080 Cell: (867) 332-1530 Fax: 994-2060 Email: [email protected] General Delivery Faro YT Y0B1K0 AURORA HONEY & BERRIES - 100 % NATURAL, unpasteurized honey – Clover & Alfalfa blend. Taking reserves for 6.7 and 10 pound food grade pails. Wild Mountain Cranberries & Bueberries. Went North Creations Went North Creations has a large selection of leather and fur mittens, mukluks, hats, hair accessories and key chains. Stop in at 530 Douglass Drive (the red house) to see what is for sale. Call Kara 994-3114 Contact [email protected] or Call 867-393-1992 TD Canada Trust Faro Agency Monday to Friday 12:15 pm to 3:15 pm Effective February 3, 2013 we will still accept pennies but will no longer use them. Drop into the Branch for penny rollers if you would like to cash in your stash! WILD FUR FOR SALE CALL MAD MIKE @ 867-969-2800 OR [email protected] WIDE VARIETY FAIR PRICES Town of faro COUNCIL MEETS Tuesday, February 5th 2013@ 7:00 pm Agenda Items must be received by: Thursday, January 30th 2013 COUNCIL MEETS Tuesday, February 19th 2013 7:00 pm Agenda Items must be received by: th Thursday, February 14 2013 Come to Council. We have Coffee on! HOME OWNERS GRANT DEADLINE The Application Deadline for claiming the 2012 Home Owners Grant is February 15, 2013. Applications must include proof of payment in full of the taxes payable in respect of the eligible residence for the taxation year in which the application is made. LICENSES AND TAGS ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS!!!!! The *NEW* Town of Faro website includes a local business directory If you would like your business featured in the directory, please contact; Erica @ 994-2728 or [email protected] you can now purchase your 2013 Business License and Dog Tags; be ready to start the New Year on the right foot or paw. Inter-Municipal Business Licenses Inter-Municipal Business License allow companies to do business in more than one Yukon Municipality. Purchase a 2013 business license in your “home” municipality and then purchase an Inter-Municipal License at any municipal office. REMINDER: We have a drop box in our front door for payments! No cash please. TOWN OF FARO SNOW PLOWING PRIORITY SNOW CLEARING OPERATIONS During our snow clearing operations on Faro streets this winter, it would be very much appreciated, wherever possible, if vehicles could be parked in your own driveways, or perhaps the one across the street. It makes our job so much easier for the efficient removal of snow if this task is not impeded by parked vehicles. Thank you! (Highlighted Map version can be seen on the Town of Faro website) Priority Areas Section #1 Priority Areas Section #2 7-Maynard Cres. & 1-Campbell St. From Dawson Dr. Ladue Dr. To Mitchell Rd Intersection 8-Ross Rd 9-McQuesten Rd 2-Campbell St. & Lorna Blvd 10-Lapie Cres. 3-Dawson Dr. 11-Hoole, Harper, & 4-Douglas Dr. & Yates Cres. Mayo Sts. 5-Ogilvie Cres. 12-Rose Cres. 6-Kitza 13- Sheldon Rd Priority Areas Section #3 14-Tintina Subdivision 15-Parking Areas: Solar Complex, Post Office 16- Parking areas: Nursing Station, Bell Ave., 17- Parking areas: RCMP, Churches REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE 606 Yates Crescent 4 Bedrooms, 2 ½ Baths, Rec Room $110,000 Please call 994-3222 FOR SALE 4 bedroom, 1 ½ Bath, 2800 SQ FT open concept home had a NEW roof added in 2010. Lot 11 Tintina Subdivision, Faro - $185,000 5 acres of paradise surrounded by wilderness just outside of the beautiful community of Faro. This well kept & updated log home has a newer tin roof, new appliances in 2008, recently installed oil/wood RSF 85 heating system & 1000 gal water holding tank with updated plumbing. The open concept features hardwood floors, double Jacuzzi tub & separate shower & double sinks in a bathroom lined with cedar, wood/coal cook stove in kitchen, spiral staircase leading to master bedroom and a covered porch for those warm summer nights. This property comes with many out buildings, internet & satellite system. With too many features to list, this property needs to be seen to be fully appreciated. 622 Yates Crescent The Home has just had a complete Make Over with both Baths & Kitchen having NEW flooring, NEW counter tops, & NEW Sinks & Faucets, & NEW flooring in entry way as well. For more information contact Mark Griffis The Home has been completely repainted upstairs & down. The lower level has a 13ft X 34ft HUGE Workout Room, Game Room area or you decide. Email: [email protected] This home offers Great Views, a Quiet street, & a HUGE Private Fenced back yard. Office Phone: 867-667-2514 ext 23 Cell: 867-334-8313 Home Phone: 867-668-6300 Fax: 867-667-7132 $134,000 Call For More Details. 867-994-2401 CONTACT: Keith and Debbie Carreau Box 610, Faro, Yukon Y0B 1K0 Telephone 867-994-3101 Real Estate listings If you have a property for sale and would like to add it to the website, please contact [email protected] or at the Town Office with information on the property (pictures are good, too.) $198,500 Call 867-994-3322 Motivated to sell FOR RENT! 3 bedroom, 1 bath unit! Newly painted and new flooring – 3 bedroom, 1 bath middle triplex unit. Looking for long-term rental. Nonsmoking, no pets. Rent $550/month plus utilities. Also security deposit. Call 406-640-0299 or e-mail [email protected] for more info. REAL ESTATE TRIPLEX FOR SALE! DO YOU WANT TO HAVE SOMEONE ELSE PAY YOUR MORTGAGE? Spacious, newly renovated Triplex for sale in Faro, Yukon with GREAT rental income! Get away from it all and have your own unit! Unit 1 – Fully furnished, 3 bedroom, 1 bath townhouse style vacation rental Unit 2 – Newly repainted and new flooring – 3 bedroom, 1 bath unit Unit 3 – 3 bedroom, 1 bath unit with long-term renter Check out our website for more information:!for-sale Call 406-640-0299 or e-mail [email protected] House for Sale – Tintina Subdivision Lot #1 House is situated on five acres and includes a cabin, large shed, and basic horse paddock. This open plan home, with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, is approximately 2200 square feet, with an open plan kitchen, large terrace, brand new gas boiler for water, and a large, very effective woodstove in the main room. The purchase price is $98,500. The house is also available for rent (minimum of 2-year rental) for $500/month, with terms to be worked out by mutual consent of owner and interested party. In case of rental, the cabin on the property would not be included. The successful tenants would be responsible for supplying their own furnishings. References, first and last month’s rent, and a security deposit would be required. For more information on the house, contact Stefan at [email protected]. HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath with full basement. Nice yard with deck that overlooks golf course. $400 per month. First, last and deposit. Renter pays heat and utilities as well as normal upkeep. Call: 867-994-2564 or 867-994-2750 HOUSE FOR RENT 3 Bedroom House For more information please contact: Trevor Piercey @ 780-805-5687 Sarah Bowers @ 867-994-3445 780-805-9195 Classifieds FOR SALE WANTED Looking for a place to rent as soon as possible. I FOR SALE - READY TO GO!! $ 25000.00 O B O Both truck and 5th wheel have extensive work Call Bernie for further info 867 994 3322 Email [email protected] WANTED TO RENT space for a 16 foot boat – total length 20 feet with motor and trailer. Space can be covered or uncovered. Secure would be nice – Tom – 994-2728 have two children, and am currently employed in Ross River. Looking for rent to own, if possible. Please call 332-0002. FOR SALE 1997 Northland Camper North/South Queen Bed Great Condition $5500.00 994-2006 FOR SALE 3120 Husqvarna saw and "Wood Bug" style mill...$1000.00 Please call Tina or Ray at 994~2103 (and please leave a message if no one’s there.)... GIVE AWAY! Remington game master 30.06,pump, 2 clips, approx. 20 rounds ammo, soft case, cleaning kit. 600.00 OBO Bernie 994-3322 email [email protected] FOR SALE mid 90's 15 HP 2 Stroke Mariner outboard motor with long leg. Runs great and comes with new upgraded plastic gas tank. Serviced regularly by Joe's Small Engine Repair in Whitehorse. $700 obo I also have a nice little 1032 Lowe Jon Boat for sale comes with all you need to fish, too many extras to list. Also has an electric motor, charger and 2 batteries. Great little 1 man car topper. $850 obo Call 994-2722 FOR SALE Assorted cards... some with animals, some with flowers.... most blank inside - $4.00 each or 3 for $10.00 or 6 for 20.00 WANTED I am looking for ice cream buckets (4L) with lids please. Kara 994-3114 1999 Chevy Tracker Good Condition - $5000.00 OBO For more information contact: Trevor Piercey @ Anyone interested in two junked International Scouts, please come and remove them from my back yard. They are FREE!!! For more info, please contact Leithe Minder 994-2079 FOR SALE Lots & lots of VINTAGE NANCY DREW HARDCOVER MYSTERY NOVELS $4 each or a “deal” for all of them! Call Sandy @ 9942012 FOR SALE 48” x 48” Window (Low “E”) Call 994-2100 FOR SALE 780-805-5687 Sarah Bowers @ 867-994-3445 or 780-805-9195 Dell desk top computer, 21" flat top monitor, web cam, printer, computer desk, $ 350.00 Bernie 994-3322 [email protected] FOR SALE Men's size 7 sorel boots never been worn Pd 125.00 sell for 85.00 call Bernie @867-994-3322 [email protected] A variety of knitted items for sale Afghans: all sizes, patterns & colours. Call Pauline @ 9942662 for viewing *Custom items also available Place your Ad anytime for the MARCH Edition; *Buy *Swap *Rent *Babysit *Sell *Rides *Pets *Wanted *Yard sales *Volunteers IT’S FREE!!! [email protected] *Please remember to delete your Old ads too!!!! WANTED BUY - SELL The Magons are looking for a medium sized, gently-used deep freezer. Please contact Angela or Mario at 994-2223 if you have one to sell. TRADE - GIVE AWAY YARD SALES Do you have stuff to sell/trade/give away? Are you on facebook? One half of all Yukon communities have buy & sell pages on facebook. Now Faro has one too, with 117 members See ya there!!!!! FOR SALE The Magons are also selling a 3 year old PC computer and monitor. Offered at $200 obo. Please contact Mario Magon at 994-2223 for details. FOR SALE Cross Country Skis – Boots & Ski Poles For Sale Cheap Call 994-2233 For more information Other great places to find stuff ONGOING GARAGE SALE! MANY MANY MANY TREASURES, TOOLS, ETC CALL FOR INFORMATION AND VIEWING. ERNIE WAGANTALL 994-2474 www.facebook/Whitehorse Buy & Sell Weird classified ads from around the internetz ! Employment opportunities What’s goin’ on? FARO SEARCH & RESCUE Faro SAR Recruiting-Information Rally Arctic Edge Skating Club & Faro Mad Sled Dogs February 9th, 2013 Sportsman's Lounge 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm SKATE – A – THON & HOT BREAKFAST FARO STUDIO RESTAURANT (Coffee & Tea provided) OPEN 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM DAILY SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9, 2013 @ THE ARENA 10a.m. TOY LENDING LIBRARY DEL VAN GORDER SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING FEB 4TH, 7:00 IN THE STAFF ROOM. ALL ARE WELCOME Toy lending library is available for all parents of kids 0-6. Come to Faro Library and check out the selection of almost 60 toys! VALENTINES DAY/CHINESE NEW YEAR SMORG FEBRUARY 14TH 2 SEATINGS @ 4:30PM & 7:00 PM (RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED) 994-3133 TD Canada Trust Faro Agency Effective February 3, 2013 we will still accept pennies but will no longer use them. Drop into the Branch for penny rollers if you would like to cash in your stash! CONCERT AT DVG SCHOOL DVG is pleased to be hosting a concert by Juno award winner Normal Foote Thursday, February 7th 2:30 pm in the gym. All members of the public are invited to attend this free event. Some bio background (courtesy of Wikipedia): Norman is an internationally acclaimed musician, songwriter, and comedian for all ages. Originally from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, he is best known for his songwriting, outrageous props, and off beat sense of humor in children's music and live performance. He has been nominated for four Juno Awards for Best Children's Album in 1990, 1993, 2001, and won in 2010. Norman has received critical acclaim for his clever songs and engaging concert performances. He has written for Walt Disney Records, Shari Lewis, CBC's syndicated TV show Scoop and Doozie, KOBA's production of Nelvana's Little Bear Live and Backyardigans Live. LECTURE SERIES DVG will be hosting the first of this year's lecture series 7:00 pm Wednesday, Feb 20th in the library Principal Angela Magon will be giving a 30-40 minute talk entitled: The Brain and Learning: Does Gender Matter? This interactive lecture is geared towards teens and adults of all ages who are wanting to learn more about how and why we learn the way we do. Refreshments will be provided. DVG is looking for a drama coach to put on a short one act play with a small group of interested students. Please contact Angela Magon (Principal) in the school office (994-2760) if you have a couple of hours a week to put into this. We are also looking for a cross country running coach to start when we can see pavement again. If you are interested in taking students on a run once a week after school later in the school year, please let us know. KIDS IN ACTION STORE (run by the Gr 3-5 class) Is looking for donations and more customers! If you have any gently used items (especially toys and children's books) that you would like to donate, FRIENDSHIP FEASTS IS LOOKING TO RECRUIT MORE AMAZING VOLUNTEERS! As a volunteer, you would be asked to cook a meal for a family or individual who could really use a kind act during a time of need. You would be called upon just a couple of times a year to help out. Meals do not have to be fancy or 12 courses- something simple! We have never had a recipient unhappy with a meal yet! Please call Kara at 994-3114 for more information or email [email protected] please bring these by the school. The store is open from 2:30-3:30 on Wednesdays. All proceeds go to charities selected by the Grade 3-5 class. New Year’s Resolution to be more fit? Try the weight room! For more information and membership details Call the Faro Recreation Centre Prepare now for industry employment this spring. 994-2375 Tuesdays-Saturdays Red Cross Emergency Medical Responder $895 Feb 4-8 & Feb 11-15 | Mon-Fri x2 8:30-5:30 | Recognized as an equivalent to OFA 3 Prerequisite: Current Standard First Aid/CPR-C certification Red Cross Emergency Medical Responder recertification $500 Feb 4-8 & Feb 11-15 | Mon-Fri x2 8:30-5:30 | Prerequisite: Current Emergency Medical Responder certification EMR IS THE PREREQUISITE FOR THE NEW PCP PROGRAM. Do you have an event or activity you would like to promote? Send it along! [email protected] FARO BIBLE CHAPEL 11:00 am Sunday Services All are welcome. Pastor Ted Baker 994-2442 God's Valentine: "God demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." FARO CAMPUS Faro Community Campus Committee and the Board of Governors would like to extend an invitation to persons interested in sitting of the Faro Campus Committee For more information please contact: Peter Kazda 994-3022 Julia Salo 994-2021 The Challenge will surprise you in 2013! Youth across Canada will soon be invited to express what Canada means to them by using new artistic media and have the chance to win great prizes! Come back soon for all the details of the contest. CBC’s Dragons’ Den is coming to Yukon! Open auditions are coming to Whitehorse on, Wednesday, February 6th from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Westmark Whitehorse, Conference Room #5, 201 Wood Street. miscellaneous February 14th is named after the patron saint, St. Valentine, and we celebrate this day with the exchange of candy, flowers, cards, and gifts as a token of affection to our loved ones. The history of this day is very sketchy but it does appear to derive from Christian and Roman traditions. The story I like dates from the third century when Rome was ruled by the Emperor Claudius II. The Emperor outlawed marriages for young men as he felt single men made better soldiers than men who were married. A priest, named St. Valentine, didn't agree with the Emperor and married young lovers in secret. When the Emperor discovered what St. Valentine was doing, he sentenced him to death. While St. Valentine was in prison, waiting to be put to death, he met and fell in love with the jailor's daughter. Before he died he sent her a love letter and signed it "From your Valentine". This expression is still used today and St. Valentine is now best remembered as a romantic and heroic figure. This tale reaffirms our desire to romantically celebrate Valentine's Day. And chocolate, with its aura of being an aphrodisiac, becomes the perfect gift to give or receive from our mate. So strong was the Aztec's belief of chocolate's power as an aphrodisiac that their emperor, Montezuma, used to drink upwards of 50 cups of chocolate per day. It also became very popular in Spain when Hernando Cortés brought it back from his voyage to the New World in the 16th century. Aristocratic ladies loved to start their mornings with a cup of chocolate and would even instruct their servants to bring them a cup during Mass. To welcome this Valentine's Day why not start the morning as Montezuma did, with a cup of hot chocolate. Whether you make it with just milk or with a combination of milk and coffee, it is delicious tasting and will leave you with a warm glow. 2 cups (480 ml) milk 3 ounces (90 grams) semisweet chocolate, chopped 1 ounce (30 grams) milk chocolate, chopped 1 teaspoon granulated white sugar, or to taste (optional) Place the milk, semisweet chocolate, milk chocolate, and sugar (if using), in a saucepan over medium heat and whisk periodically until the mixture just reaches the boiling point. Remove from heat and if more foam is desired, use a wire whisk or hand held immersion blender to whip the hot chocolate. Pour the hot chocolate into two cups and garnish with a dollop of whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa powder or grated chocolate, if desired. *Preparation time 10 minutes. TOP 10 VALENTINE GIFTS TOP 10 VALENTINE Read more: FOR MEN GIFTS FOR WOMEN Look up! February 10 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 07:20 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere. February 25 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 20:26 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Snow Moon because the heaviest snows usually fell during this time of the year. Since hunting is difficult, this moon has also been known by some tribes as the Full Hunger Moon. 1)Martini shaker 2) New Wallet 3) GPS system 4) Netflix subscription 5) New T-shirts 6) Lingerie 7) Mail Order Meat 8) Beer 9) A tailored suit 10) Big Screen TV *I looked up the meat thing on #7– yes, it’s true; 1) Flowers 2) Chocolate 3) Week-end getaway 4) Body care gift basket 5) Date night 6) Lingerie 7) Pictures & frames 8) Jewelry 9) Dinner cooked 10) Maid Service TOP 10 VALENTINES MOVIES GUYS WILL ACTUALLY WATCH 1) The Princess Bride 2) Groundhog day 3) Love Jones 4) Big Fish 5) Blade Runner 6) Jerry Maguire 7) The Apartment 8) Knocked up 9) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 10)Something Wild ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements Please submit your announcements by the 28th of each Month to; Tina Freake st (Feb.1 ) Harold Boehm Betty Murphy (Feb. 9th ) (Feb. 15th ) Gary Kimpinksi (Feb. 22nd) [email protected] If possible, limit your announcements to 20 words or less. BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday Aquarius: January 20 – February 18 Happy 5th Birthday Quillian! (February 10th ) Love Hunter and Cavan. BIRTHS MEMORIALS THANK YOU WELCOME HOME Happy Birthday Grandpa Neil Lots of love & kisses from your favorite little girl Taylor xoxoxoxo GRADUATION [email protected] Or, send them on facebook: The Frozen Mukluk has a page! Happy Birthday Pisces February 19 – March 20 IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS IN FEBRUARY…. BABY SHOWERS GET WELL Happy 4th Birthday Alex! (February 22nd ) Love Hunter and Cavan. HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!!! Happy Valentines to Leithe, Akilah and Willis! As long as the sun shines on snow, my love for you will always grow! Love Kathryn, Aisha and Jason! Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. FEBRUARY CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS Feb. 01 1901 Clark Gable Feb. 02 1882 James Joyce 1947 Farah Fawcett Feb. 04 1948 Alice Cooper Feb. 06 1945 Bob Marley 1911 Ronald Reagan 1919 Zsa Zsa Gabor Feb.08 1828 Jules Verne Feb.09 1914 Gypsy Rose Lee Feb. 10 1955 Greg Norman Feb. 11 1926 Leslie Neilsen Feb. 12 1809 Abraham Lincoln Feb. 14 1944 Carl Bernstein, 1913 Jimmy Hoffa Feb. 21 1933 Nina Simone Feb. 22 1949 Niki Lauda, 1974 Drew Barrymore Feb. 25 1841 Pierre Auguste Renoir Feb. 26 1829 Levi Strauss, 1846 William Cody, 1932 Johnnie Cash Feb 27 1902 John Steinbeck Happy 4th Birthday to our favorite little boy on February 22!! We love you Alex! Love Mommy, Daddy, Josie, and Lily!! Happy Birthday Dad! Keith Carreau and Pilgrim's Landscaping and Snow Removal would like to thank all Faroites for their patience while snow removal and delivering of firewood to various locations, is being done around the community, greatly appreciated. I would like to announce that I have resigned from my job as Housing Manager for Faro and Ross River. I would like to express my thanks to all the tenants and contractors. I am going to miss you all! SANDY Thanks to everyone who submitted this Month! February CALENDAR The Frozen Mukluk Tear-away Fridge calendar Sunday DO YOU HAVE AN EVENT FOR THE MARCH CALENDAR? Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Information 4 Pucks & Sticks 7-8pm Youth Group Meeting 7 pm Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant 5 Dr. Bousquet @ FHC DVG School Council 7pm 6 7 Story-time @ Library 11-12 Dr. Bousquet @ FHC Carpet Bowling 1:00-3:00pm Canskate 4:00 – 5:30 Carpet Bowling 1:00-3:00pm Ski Workshop Figure Skating 5:30 – 6:15 Concert @ DVG 2:30pm Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) Public Skate 1-3pm Art Workshop 7pm Public Skate 4:005:30pm is subject to change. Please call for more info: 994-2375 3 Friday 1 *Rec Centre Archery 4:00-5:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm Adult Floor Hockey (7:30 – 9:00) Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) Archery 4:00-5:00 pm Dr. Bousquet @ FHC Public Skate 4:005:30pm Pucks & Sticks 7-8pm BYTE Workshop 2:30-4:30 pm Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant Youth Group Meeting 7 pm Badminton (7:30 – 9:00 pm) 11 12 13 Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) Archery 4:00-5:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm Public Skate 1-3pm Carpet Bowling 1:00-3:00pm Public Skate 4:00-5:30pm Badminton (7:30 – 9:00 pm) 17 18 Public Skate 1-3pm 19 Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) Archery 4:00-5:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm Carpet Bowling 1:00-3:00pm Public Skate 4:00-5:30pm Council meets @ 7pm Badminton (7:30 – 9:00 pm) 24 Public Skate 1-3pm 25 Dr. Bousquet @ FHC 26 Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) Archery 4:00-5:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm Carpet Bowling 1:00-3:00pm Public Skate 4:00-5:30pm Badminton (7:30 – 9:00 pm) Karaoke Night @ Studio Lounge SKATE-ATHON & Breakfast @ 10 am @ Arena Valentine Card Workshop 2:304:30 Faro SAR Recruiting/Info session Sportsman’s Lounge 1:30 – 4:00 pm Foodsafe Level 1 9-5pm @ Yukon College Council meets @ 7pm 10 Public Skate 1-3pm 9 8 Public Skate 4:00-5:30pm Saturday 2 Story-time @ Library 11-12 14 15 Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) Canskate 4:00 – 5:30 Figure Skating 5:30 – 6:15 Carpet Bowling 1:00-3:00pm Archery 4:00-5:00 pm Adult Floor Hockey (7:30 – 9:00) Valentine/Chinese New Year Smorg @ Studio 4:30 & 7:00 pm 20 21 Story-time @ Library 11-12 Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) DVG Lecture Series @ Library 7 pm Carpet Bowling 1:00-3:00pm Canskate 4:00 – 5:30 Figure Skating 5:30 – 6:15 Archery 4:00-5:00 pm Story-time @ Library 11-12 Canskate 4:00 – 5:30 Figure Skating 5:30 – 6:15 Adult Floor Hockey (7:30 – 9:00) Yukon College Dinner @ Sportsmans 5:308:00pm Pucks & Sticks 7-8pm Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant (MOST OFFICES CLOSED) Public Skate 4:005:30pm Youth Group Ski Trip Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant 28 Dr. Bousquet @ FHC Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) Carpet Bowling 1:00-3:00pm Archery 4:00-5:00 pm Craft Exchange @ Library 1:00pm Public Skate 1-3pm 22 23 HERITAGE DAY Public Skate Pucks & Sticks 7-8pm Adult Floor Hockey (7:30 – 9:00) 27 Public Skate 4:005:30pm 16 1-3pm Youth Group Ski Trip
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