March—April 2015 A Note from the Board We will be phasing out the printing of the newsletter and many of our other formerly printed materials, including the Hebrew School donor booklet, during the coming year. If you would like to continue receiving the newsletter and other important information from us, please be sure to send your email address with a note to “please add me to the email distribution list” to: [email protected] — Ahavath Achim Board of Directors Inside this issue Regular Services and Classes Ask the Rabbi ................. 2 Mincha/Maariv, Friday nights, 7:00 PM Community Seder .......... 4 Shacharit, Saturdays, 9:00 AM Annual Raffle.................. 5 Talmud Class, Tuesdays, 6:30 PM Hebrew School ............... 6 Yoga, Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:00 AM, $10 per class Crash Course in Hebrew Reading, Wednesdays, 6:15 PM From the President ........ 3 A Youthful Holiday ......... 7 Upcoming Events ........... 8 Donors ........................... 9 Yahrzeit .......................... 10-15 Contact Us...................... 16 Ask the Rabbi Can you tell me about the terms chametz and kitniyot? In addition to avoiding leavened bread, Jews are also supposed to avoid foods made with wheat, barley, rye, spelt or oats - unless those foods are labeled "kosher for Passover." The reason these grains can be eaten under some circumstances is that the rabbis determined foods containing these grains must be cooked in 18 minutes or less in order to be considered kosher for Passover. They felt that was just enough time to prevent any natural leavening in the grains from making food rise. "Kosher for Passover" foods are made with flour that is specifically prepared for Passover consumption and are usually made under the supervision of a rabbi. All five of these forbidden grains are collectively called "chametz." "Kosher for Passover" foods are made with flour that is specifically prepared for Passover Passover Kitniot In the Ashkenazi tradition there are additional foods that are usually forbidden during Passover. These foods are called "kitniot" (pronounced kitneeh-oat) and include: rice, millet, corn and legumes like beans and lentils. These foods are off limits because the rabbis determined they violated the principle of ma'arit ayin. This principle means that Jews should avoid even the appearance of impropriety. In the case of Passover, kitniot can be ground up and cooked with like flour, so they should be avoided. In Sephardic communities kitniot are eaten during Passover. It is also not uncommon for vegetarians who identify as Ashkenazi Jews to follow the Sephardic tradition during Passover - it's tough to be a vegetarian during Passover if chametz and kitniot are off the table! 2 A Message from the President - James Seger With warmer weather just around the corner, I want to remind you of some exciting events we have planned for this Spring… in March, one in April, and one in June. March 13th is Friday night Shabbot Across America which will include a great homemade pizza dinner for all. April 4th is a Saturday night...2nd seder night…..reserved for our annual Community seder at the synagogue. Like last year, this will include a fully catered traditional Passover seder dinner and, of course, a terrific seder program for all ages led by Rabbi Alter. And finally, June 7th has been set aside for our gala celebration of Rabbi Alter’s 60th birthday and 20th year with us in Colchester. How can anyone pass up any of these special activities?? And later in the summer watch for the dates of our annual chicken barbeque and golf tournament, both of which need your support to help us manage our financial balance sheet. We’re almost ready to roll out our new electronic phone tree system that Laurie Robinson has worked so long and hard with to procure and tailor to our specific needs. In addition to that communication aid, remember that you can keep up with all the latest news and happenings at our synagogue through checking our website and following us on Facebook. Russ Melmed continues to do a fantastic job with our electronic newsletter and I hope everyone enjoys reading all the great news that’s happening in our synagogue. Be sure to send Helen your email address if you haven’t done so already. Remember that we continually strive to increase our membership to ensure our future. You can play an important role in helping us grow by having an open eye and open ear for friends and relatives looking to join an exciting and active synagogue organization. Please support our Shabbot minyonim and our many and varied social events throughout the year. Feel free to let us know what you’d like to see at Ahavath Achim. Be well, Jimmy 3 Please join us for the second night Catered Community Passover Seder A night of tradition and togetherness Featuring Rabbi Ken Alter as our Seder leader Date: Saturday, April 4 Time: 6:00 PM Where: Congregation Ahavath Achim Enjoy a delicious catered dinner of: Matzo Ball Soup, gefilte fish with horseradish, roasted chicken with herb matzo stuffing, vegetable, potato kugel, a chocolate decadence dessert and other traditional Passover Seder fare COST: Member: Adult…………$21 kids 6-13….$10 Non-Member: Adult….$25 kids 6-13….$13 All kids 5 and under FREE FILL OUT THE BOTTOM PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PREPAID RESERVATION TO THE SYNAGOGUE OFFICE BY Tuesday, March 24, 2015 ALL CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT For more information, please contact the synagogue office at (860) 537-2809 Name: I/WE WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE PASSOVER SEDER Date: # of adults attending: member _______ non-member_______ # of kids 6-13 attending: member_______ non-member_______ # of kids 5 and under attending:_______ Phone number: Amount Enclosed: Are you able to help before or after the Seder? Yes _______ No_______ 4 Annual Raffle!! April 4th, 2015 Once again we will be holding our annual congregation raffle. All proceeds go towards benefiting the congregation budget. The drawing will be held on April 4th. Each ticket is $10.00 Prizes are as follows: First Prize: Apple iPad Air 2 Second Prize: Microsoft Xbox 1 Third Prize: $200 Gift Card to Citgo Food Bag Fourth Prize: $100 Gift Card to Toyo Asian Fusion Fifth Prize: $100 Gift Card to Nunu’s Bistro 5 The aleph and bet classes have had a busy winter and have been working hard to learn and review their letters. Through aleph-bet bingo, scavenger hunts, and games that get our students moving and actively learning, they are close to the end of the alphabet! Our classes have also experienced a variety of holidays through special crafts, stories, games, and we even tried new foods! When we aren't practicing our letters we are busy traveling to Israel where we learn about life in Israel through videos, activities and our emissaries who are able to tell us their own stories from when they were young. There's so much to do and I can't wait to see what spring will bring us! Hillary Goldstein and Chelsea Kranc The third and fourth grade students are doing very well and are on target despite the harsh winter and cancellations. The goal for both classes in Hebrew is to learn the prayers for the Friday night service. With the assistance of their parents at home, they practice and read beautifully. We have covered Jewish ethics, discussed the weekly Torah portion, and learned about the holidays as well as celebrating them. They eagerly look forward to the arts and crafts and foods associated with the holidays, and enjoy watching an occasional Judaic video. We are fortunate to once again have two delightful and talented emissaries that continue to enrich our students with a “taste” of Israel through their programing. I am grateful for my two motivated and compassionate helpers this year, Madison and Shira. They have been excellent with the students. Our goal is for your children to have a positive and fun experience as they go through Hebrew school. With our devoted staff, Rabbi Alter and wonderful school board, I believe we are on the right track. Morah Fran Our fifth and sixth graders are having an extraordinary year. We have enhanced our standard curriculum with topics the students have asked for. The fifth graders have already progressed through the Torah service and have moved on to the Mussaf prayers. They most enjoy our indepth Torah discussions, often stumping me with questions that show great insight. Because of their excellent progress we have found time to discuss more biblical history and Judaic culture. Our sixth graders have finished all of our required prayers and are now working on the Haftorah blessings. This will give them a head start going into their B’nai mitzvah class next year. At our student’s request, we have begun working on conversational Hebrew in the sixth grade. If this works out, we may offer more of this in the future. Both classes are viewing and discussing a PBS documentary entitled “The Jewish Americans”. This is an historical video that displays the Jewish experience from New Amsterdam to the present day. We are not only progressing well in both classes, but we are also having fun. I look forward to accomplishing much more this year. Mr. H 6 A Youthful Holiday The highlight of Passover, the seder, revolves around the children. The entire Haggadah is a response to the questions asked by the children. And the Haggadah is quite specific about the message we are to give our children, providing tailor-made responses for four different types of children. In fact, despite the importance of education, and though we certainly make a point of gathering the children for the menorah lighting, and Purim just wouldn't be the same without the masquerading children, only Passover requires the participation of the youth, and actually makes them the featured center of attention. Perhaps one of the reasons for this extra attention is because while we are intended to teach our children a certain message on every holiday, on Passover we are supposed to take a message from our children. And perhaps this is because we are trying to reenact the Exodus, a time which symbolized our nation's youth. Adults may have a monopoly on maturity, experience and wisdom, but in the realm of truth they have much to learn from the young. Because adults lead such complex lives, their decisions are inevitably colored by many factors: how will this affect my career, my family, my vacation plans or social status? Youth on the other hand naturally seek truth, and when they find it -- or when they think they found it-- they will leave all behind and follow their inner compass. There's nothing binding them to any one particular course, so they are ready at the drop of a hat to change course. On Passover, the Jews exhibited a youthful disposition. They were willing to leave behind their previous lifestyle, homeland and habits, to chase the truth in a barren desert. In our personal lives we, too, seek liberation. We wish to experience true freedom, to escape the many bonds of habit and nature which limit us. The lesson we learn from Passover is that to experience liberation we must reconnect with our inner child. As long as we refuse to make the big leap, to completely disengage from our past, we will never be truly free. This is especially true with regard to our pursuit of spirituality. Leading a truly spiritual life demands the courage to make a complete reversal -- to follow God "into the desert," leaving behind a lifestyle that we may have been comfortable (but not happy) with, and jumping into God's embrace through complete dedication to His Torah and Mitzvot. It's great to be an adult with maturity, wisdom and experience. But it's only worth it if these qualities assist us -- instead of impeding us -- in our quest for freedom. Chag Pesach samech to you and your family. Have a great Passover celebration 7 The above was accessed from on 3/3/2015 Upcoming Events Purim Party with DJ and food Saturday, March 7th, 6 P.M. Shabbat Across America Friday, March 13th, Service 6 P.M. Dinner 7 P.M. Purim Carnival with Magician Sunday, March 8th 10 A.M.—12 P.M. Book Club: “Gone Girl” Sunday, March 15th, 10:30 A.M. Hebrew School Model Seder Sunday, March 29th, 10-11 A.M. Fast of Firstborn Service, Siyum and Breakfast Friday, April 3rd, 7 A.M. No Friday evening Service on Friday, April 3-First Seder Community Seder Saturday, April 4th, 6 P.M., Raffle 8 P.M. Yizkor Service Saturday, April 11th Your Simcha at Ahavth Achim Please consider celebrating your next birthday, anniversary, or other simcha at Ahavath Achim. For information about using the social hall, please call Buy Stop & Shop Gift Cards and Support Your Congregation $50 Stop & Shop gift cards are available through the Ahavath Achim office. For every $5000 of these cards we sell, Ahavath Achim keeps 5%. Please call the office at: 537-2809 to make a purchase. 8 Yahrzeit Donations Donors IN MEMORY OF Joseph Broder……………………………….…….. Fannie Broder Abe Carson…………………………………….……. Morris Levita Thank You Sheila & Sumner Einhorn & Family…..…. David Sherman and Ida Winiker Roni & Jake Finkelstein……………………..… Rochelle Finkelstein Joseph Fleischmann…………………………..… Marci Rosenfeld Karen D. Gambolati…………………….………. Ernest M. Loew Bruce Goldstein……………………………..……. Tobe Leia Goldstein Renne Goldstein & Family…………..………. Sarah Brumel and Alfred Goldstein Patti & Harvey Gould……………………..……. Eli Orbuch Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Kaback…………….…….. Dr. Stuart Kaback Dr. Arnold Levine…………………….………….. Stuart Levine Florence Liebman……………………….………. Shirley Moskowitz and Harold Liebman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Liverant………….………. Ruth Peck, Philip Liverant and Samuel Liverant Goldie Liverant………………………………….… Murray Narotsky, Ruth Peck and Philip Liverant Maxine C. Mindel…………………………….….. Louis & Sadie Schwartz Susan, John, Byron & Andrew Murray…. Harold Liebman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schwartz……….…….. Robert & Shirley Meisel, Aaron Schwartz and Hyman Schwartz Ethel Shapiro………………………………….…… Isadore Levine Henny M. Simon……………………….…………. Abram Markiewicz Betty Weisman……………………….…………… Yetta Scott Basia Wittenberg………………………….…….. Esther Below 9 March-April Yahrzeits * Name Abraham Alpert Rochelle Finkelstein Family Leah/Shvrski Dave Levine Lena London Family Wolf/Shvrski Samuel Grant David Woltag Paula Greenbaum Sadie Liebman Jacob Bregman Lena Fakterowitz Jacob Cohen Regina Block Hyman Schwartz Rose Jaffe Rebecca Meisler Mollie Schneider Harriet Carson Samuel Liverant Dr. Irwin Israel Max J. Seger Jacob Berman Fannie Epstein Louis Heimowitz Edward Agranovitch Molly Cohen Hebrew Hebrew Gregorian Month Date Month Adar 10 March Adar 10 March Adar 10 March Adar 10 March Adar 10 March Adar 10 March Adar 11 March Adar 11 March Adar 11 March Adar 11 March Adar 12 March Adar 12 March Adar 13 March Adar 14 March Adar 14 March Adar 15 March Adar 15 March Adar March 15 Adar March 16 Adar March 16 Adar March 17 Adar March 17 Adar March 18 Adar March 18 Adar March 18 Adar March 19 Adar 19 March Gregorian Date 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 * Note: Members will be mailed an official reminder of their loved one’s upcoming yahrzeit 10 March-April Yahrzeits * Name Thelma Cohn Henrich Hirchmann Bessie Etta Levin Sam Turkewitz Dr. Samuel Jaffe Celia Scott Minnie Elpus William Podberesky Ilsa Mayer Silver Sophie Turetzky Rebecca Burstein Jacob Levine Rose Perls Arby Solomon Arthur Falk Joseph Felner Samuel Rutchick Isaac Solomon Rose Steinberg Leah Berman Clara Mindel Benjamin Neleber Morris Shiff Carol Chemerynski Mary Hellar Sara Brook Messinger Ann Plitnick Hebrew Hebrew Gregorian Month Date Month Adar March 19 Adar March 19 Adar March 19 Adar March 20 Adar March 21 Adar March 22 Adar March 23 Adar March 23 Adar March 23 Adar March 23 Adar March 24 Adar March 24 Adar March 24 Adar March 24 Adar March 25 Adar March 25 Adar March 25 Adar March 25 Adar March 25 Adar March 26 Adar March 26 Adar March 26 Adar March 26 Adar March 27 Adar March 27 Adar March 27 Adar 27 March Gregorian Date 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 * Note: Members will be mailed an official reminder of their loved one’s upcoming yahrzeit 11 March-April Yahrzeits * Name Mary Jane Scott Rose Shedroff Lena Bokoff Abraham Einhorn Louis Garbich Sol Gertner Abraham Jaffe Betty Minch Jennie Singer Fannie Goldstein David Lejfer David Levine Esther Levine Shirley Marks George Cutler Abraham Dember Harry Morgenstein Beatrice Rosenberg Sophie Schwartz Clara Sherman Berel Zheutlin Sara Schulman Mitchell Simon Morris Plitnick Joseph London Abraham Savin Mary Wolpo Hebrew Hebrew Gregorian Month Date Month Adar March 27 Adar March 27 Adar March 28 Adar March 28 Adar March 28 Adar March 28 Adar March 28 Adar March 28 Adar March 28 Adar March 29 Adar March 29 Adar March 29 Adar March 29 Adar March 29 Nissan March 1 Nissan March 1 Nissan March 1 Nissan March 1 Nissan March 1 Nissan March 1 Nissan March 1 Nissan March 2 Nissan March 4 Nissan March 5 Nissan March 6 Nissan March 7 Nissan March 7 Gregorian Date 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 24 25 26 27 27 * Note: Members will be mailed an official reminder of their loved one’s upcoming yahrzeit 12 March-April Yahrzeits * Name Pincus Cutler Daniel “Zadel” Goldberg Joseph Weiner Bethany Hillsberg Risa Hillsberg Nathan Liverant Samuel Liverant Lena Adle David Gottlieb Edith Kupper Chane Schulman Max Wolf Edna Schwartz Harry Feldman Celia Dember Hyman Minkin Natalie Bender Kalman Berman Isaac Horowitz Sara Feiden Corinne Hurwitz Berl Lejfer Ronald Scott Rosenfeld Samuel Solomon Evelyn Stern Bessie Gordon Sadie Jackter Hebrew Hebrew Gregorian Month Date Month Nissan March 8 Nissan March 8 Nissan March 8 Nissan March 9 Nissan March 9 Nissan March 9 Nissan March 9 Nissan March 10 Nissan March 11 Nissan March 11 Nissan March 11 Nissan March 11 Nissan April 13 Nissan April 14 Nissan April 15 Nissan April 15 Nissan April 16 Nissan April 16 Nissan April 16 Nissan April 17 Nissan April 17 Nissan April 18 Nissan April 18 Nissan April 18 Nissan April 18 Nissan April 19 19 Nissan April Gregorian Date 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 31 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 * Note: Members will be mailed an official reminder of their loved one’s upcoming yahrzeit 13 March-April Yahrzeits * Name Ludwig Rosenbaum Bessie Kantor Nelson Stern Bessie Horowitz David Aaron Liebman Isidore Mintz Morris Schuster Susan Gail Siegel George Levy Israel Lew Philip Goroshnik Samuel Stern Frank Falk Frances Miller Ruth Ribicoff John Goldschmidt Jenny Rosenbaum Eva Strick Ida Levine Mary Dinerstein Rebecca Meisner Zofia Micengendler Barnet Rabinowitz Morris Rosenthal Joseph Samuel Balaban Jack Lazinsk Jack Solomon Hebrew Hebrew Gregorian Month Date Month Nissan April 19 Nissan April 20 Nissan April 20 Nissan April 21 Nissan April 21 Nissan April 22 Nissan April 22 Nissan April 22 Nissan April 24 Nissan April 24 Nissan April 25 Nissan April 26 Nissan April 27 Nissan April 28 Nissan April 28 Nissan April 29 Nissan April 29 Nissan April 29 Iyar April 1 Iyar April 2 Iyar April 2 Iyar April 2 Iyar April 2 Iyar April 2 Iyar April 3 Iyar April 3 3 Iyar April Gregorian Date 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 18 18 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 * Note: Members will be mailed an official reminder of their loved one’s upcoming yahrzeit 14 March-April Yahrzeits * Name Barnet Maiofes Elaine Slopak Rebecca Falk Laura Hartley William Messinger Samuel Slavkin Dora Cutler Vivan (Cohen) Jung Tillie Miller Jennie Goldberg Selman Joseph J. Udin Hy Levine Samuel Katz David Schneider Max Garbich Hershel Gilbert Hyman Brook Bernard Goldberg Hebrew Hebrew Gregorian Month Date Month Iyar April 5 Iyar April 5 Iyar April 6 Iyar April 6 Iyar April 6 Iyar April 6 Iyar April 7 Iyar April 7 Iyar April 7 Iyar April 7 Iyar April 7 Iyar April 8 Iyar April 9 Iyar April 9 Iyar April 10 Iyar April 10 Iyar April 11 Iyar April 11 Gregorian Date 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 * Note: Members will be mailed an official reminder of their loved one’s upcoming yahrzeit 15 Please contact us, we would love to hear from you! 84 Lebanon Avenue, Colchester, Connecticut Phone: (860) 537-2809 Fax: (860) 537-2832 Rabbi Office Hours Monday: 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Thursday: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Friday: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Secretary Office Hours Tuesday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m E-Mail Contacts Rabbi Alter: [email protected] President: [email protected] Information: [email protected] Secretary: [email protected] Webmaster: [email protected] Newsletter: [email protected] 16
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