Name of meeting: Huddersfield District Committee Date: 17 March 2015 Title of report: Huddersfield Education Trust – Nomination of Representatives Is it likely to result in spending or saving £250k or more, or to have a significant effect on two or more electoral wards? Not Applicable Is it in the Council’s Forward Plan? Not Applicable Is it eligible for “call in” by Scrutiny? No, as it is not a decision delegated by the Executive Date signed off by Director & name David Smith 06/02/2015 Is it signed off by the Director of Resources? No financial implications Is it signed off by the Acting Assistant Director - Legal & Governance? No legal implications Cabinet member portfolio Not Applicable Electoral wards affected: Almondbury, Ashbrow, Crosland Moor & Netherton, Dalton, Greenhead, Lindley and Newsome Ward councillors consulted: Not applicable Public or private: Public 1. Purpose of report To consider nominations to determine representatives from the Council. 2. Key Points 2.1 The Director of Resources, has delegated authority to accept nominations to fill vacancies on charitable trusts and certain other trust bodies on which the Council has representation. Such nominations are referred to the relevant Area Committee for consideration. 2.2 The Huddersfield Education Charity have two Council-nominated representatives. The representatives are not required to be elected Members and are appointed for a term of 3 years. The current representatives are Councillors Calvert and Wilkinson. 2.3 Councillor Linda Wilkinson’s representation has currently expired. Calvert’s representation does not expire until 2 October 2015, however both nominations are requested to be considered by the Committee to avoid a duplicate paper being submitted later in the year. 2.4 Councillors Calvert and Wilkinson have been consulted and have indicated their willingness to be re-appointed as the Council’s representatives on the above Body. 2.5 The Huddersfield District Committee is asked to consider the information above and appoint the representatives to serve as the Council representatives on this body. 3. Implications for the Council None. 4. Consultees and their opinions Not Applicable. 5. Next steps If the nominations are agreed, these will be notified to the Huddersfield Education Charity and reported for information to Corporate Governance and Audit Committee. 6. Officer recommendations and reasons That the Committee consider the nominations to serve for the term specified. 7. Cabinet portfolio holder recommendation Not applicable. 8. Contact officer and relevant papers Alaina McGavin: 01484 221711 Email: [email protected] 9. Assistant Director responsible Julie Muscroft, Legal, Governance and Monitoring.
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