Edgerton United Methodist Church 112 Albion St., Edgerton, WI 53534 608-884-6931 May 2014 edgertonunitedmethodist.org Missions Committee Invites You to Help With Ingathering 2014 Learning Day at Annual Conference: Monday, June 23 The Missions Committee has set a goal to complete 24 MMDC Layette Kits for this year’s Annual Conference Ingathering. The layette kits consist of: Marriott Madison West (Middleton) ALL are welcome! It’s FREE! • • • • • • • 6 cloth diapers (3 ply birdseye, NEW) 2 undershirts or onesies 2 baby washcloths 2 gowns or sleepers 2 diaper pins 1 sweater 2 receiving blankets (NOT quilted or knitted) Bundle items inside the blankets and secure with diapers pins. Shipping donation is $1 per kit. Baby sweaters: A knitting pattern for baby sweaters suitable for the layette kit (OR as a separate donation) is available online at midwestmissiondc.org. If you’d like to assemble a complete kit yourself, please feel free to do so! However, if you would like to purchase just a portion of the kit, the Missions Committee has created a tag board with separate items for you to purchase and return to the church. Just take a tag (or two, or three…) from the board located in the back of the sanctuary and buy the items on the tag! If you would rather not shop for the items yourself, we are also taking donations toward items and for the cost of shipping. There is a beautifully decorated can (thanks Olivia Bauer!) near the tag board where you can place your donation. No amount is too small! We will come together on Monday, June 23 to focus on our Conference vision of every congregation, charge and circuit becoming transformational centers of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. This learning day is open to everyone in the Conference and runs from 9am—3pm. Every participant will leave with resources for use in the local church to help launch our conferencewide fruit-producing strategy. There is no charge for attending this event! Our opening session will have greetings from Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, a keynote from Director of Connectional Ministries Dan Dick. The morning workshops include Christian Unity, Evangelism, Missions, and How to Reach New People. The afternoon workshops include Community Organizing, Worship in the World, Spiritual Formation, How to Reach New People, and Leadership Lab for Youth (and Youth Leaders). You may attend all or part of the day. While you are welcome to drop in on Monday, it would be a great help to planning if you preregister by visiting the website at www.tinyurl.com/WACMON14 or by calling 1888-240-7328. You will be asked to pre-register for the workshops during the registration process. You may purchase lunch ($15) tickets during registration, if you wish. We hope to see you there! 1 PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com Edgerton United Methodist Church 112 Albion St., Edgerton, WI 53534 608-884-6931 Change the World: Walk to Defeat ALS It’s not too late to make a donation or register to walk with Team EUMC as we celebrate Change the World Weekend by participating in the Walk to Defeat ALS on May 10, 2014. The walk begins in Lion’s Beach Park in Janesville at 10 AM. (Check in starts at 8:30 AM). If you are interested in walking or want more information about how to donate online, please visit our church website at www.edgertonunitedmethodist.org and click on the banner that appears at the top of the home page. Or, call Beth Krebs-Smith in the church office at (608) 884-6931. If you would like to drop a donation off at the church, please do so by May 7 so that we can bring it to the walk with us. You can make checks out to the church—please write “als walk” in the memo. We are walking in memory of Dorothy Zych (Steven Zych’s mother) and in honor of Marilyn Krebs-Zubrod (Beth Krebs-Smith’s mother). Free Knitting Class Offered On May 14 at 6 PM, the Stitchin’ Time knitters will be offering a basic knitting class in the Fireplace Room. Come and learn the beginning stitches so that you can make a simple scarf. Participants should bring a pair of size 10 or 10 ½ knitting needles and worsted weight or larger yarn (look for a 4 or 5 on the wrapper). If you find you enjoy knitting (or any other kind of needlework), Stitchin’ Time normally meets the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM. It’s an informal fellowship group that spends some time working on projects while chatting with friends. Everyone is welcome! May 2014 edgertonunitedmethodist.org Youth Group Update The year is winding down! Our final Youth Group meeting will be on May 14, which will be the knitting class offered by the Stitchin’ Time group. Youth who are interested in knitting should bring their own yarn and knitting needles. See the “Free Knitting Class Offered” article for more information. Youth who are attending the Youth Rock mission trip will be receiving more details as the date draws nearer. We will plan to have a short meeting in July before the trip to cover any final details. At this time, we are still in need of a male chaperone to attend. The mission trip dates are July 13-19. United Methodist Women There will be no meeting in May. Instead, some of our members will be attending a Spiritual Growth Retreat at the Willerup UMC in Cambridge. On June 4th there will be a joint luncheon with the Milton UMW. Let Sherrie Cottrell or Nancy Dickinson know it you are interested in attending. There will be a Saturday Women’s One Day Retreat in Lake Geneva. More details will be available as the event draws closer. Our next UMW meeting will be August 2. Joy Circle meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month in Fellowship Hall at 1PM. Everyone is welcome The UMW presented a check to the church to help cover the cost of childcare for the 10:30 AM service on Sunday and during Bible study classes held during the week. 2 Edgerton United Methodist Church 112 Albion St., Edgerton, WI 53534 608-884-6931 Give Willingly. A Stewardship Message from the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation May 2014 edgertonunitedmethodist.org For every 50 members who might give 50%, or $300 of their $600 refund to the ministry of Christ and the church, we would anticipate an additional $15,000 for mission and ministry! “…all that is mine is yours.” Luke 15:31b I often hear, “We can’t wait for our tax refund to come back!” And I want to ask, “What will you do with it when you receive it?” One blogger on the internet asked others: “If and when you receive a tax refund do you plan to a) spend it; b) save it; or c) pay an existing debt?” The first person to reply said, “Maybe we’ll create a 4th option. Gift it.” Would you consider giving all or a portion of your tax refund this year as a charitable gift? By providing additional charitable gifts to our churches, our camps, and our United Methodist mission projects throughout the state, you know these dollars will be put to good use. Imagine if the average person in our congregations received a $600 refund. If everyone tithed their refund, we could expect our churches to receive $60 per member. For every 50 members, we might expect to receive an additional $3,000 this year for mission and ministry. In some churches, that would be an additional monthly apportionment payment! One church I talked with recently indicated that their snow plowing bills alone were $1000/month this year. We want and need our church parking lots to be as clear of snow and ice as possible so we can enter safely to worship and grow in our faith. Imagine what an extra $3,000 would do to help this congregation meet their goals. What ministries could your congregation enhance or begin with an additional $3,000 or more this year? In the parable of the lost son, we have two sons and their father who struggle with a stewardship challenge. The father says to the younger son, “all that is mine is yours.” God tells us the same thing. Will we use God’s gifts wisely? – Jean Ehnert Nicholas Camperships Available If your child or youth is interested in attending a United Methodist camp this summer, the Memorials Committee will once again have $100 camperships available to church members. Each youth or child is eligible for one campership per summer. Families may also apply for a campership to attend a family camp. Applications are available through the church office and on the “Newsletters & Forms” page of the church website at www.edgertonunitedmethodist.org. They are due by Memorial Day, May 26. Camperships are made possible by donations made in memory of Jack Kaufman and Helen Extrom. Memorials Committee Work will be starting soon on the installation of two large screen TVs in the sanctuary. The Trustees have been working on the necessary electrical outlets. Thanks to the Trustees for their assistance with this project. Lawn Mowing We are in need of people to sign up to mow the church lawn. If you’re able to help, please sign up in the church sanctuary or call the church office to choose your week. The church will provide the lawn mower and gas. 3 Edgerton United Methodist Church 112 Albion St., Edgerton, WI 53534 608-884-6931 May Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthdays 3 Barb Gausman Jim Zych 7 Patty Nowak Steven Zych 8 Shelby Fahlgren 9 Tony DeWar 23 Michael Fisher 24 Stevie Hanewall Mellanie Peterson 25 Annette Peterson 31 Jenna Linsley Wayne Skau Anniversaries 14 Nathaniel & Becki Fischer 17 David & Cindy Schultz 18 Kevin & Gina Masanz 22 John & Margaret Tadder 23 Mike & Sandra Linsley 28 Mark & Barb Gausman May 2014 edgertonunitedmethodist.org August 3 through Thursday, August 7. The theme is Workshop of Wonder. It’s a really fun construction theme with lots of gears, tools, and bright colors. We are, of course, always looking for volunteers. If you’re interested in helping create decorations, leading a station, or helping in the kitchen, please talk to Beth Krebs-Smith or Michele Davis. BBQ & Ice Cream Social The BBQ & Ice Cream Social will take place on May 19th from 5-7 p.m. The menu includes BBQ, beans, bread & butter pickles, ice cream, and many varieties of homemade pie. The cost is $8 with pie, $7 without pie (but who doesn’t want pie?), and $4 for children 6 and under. Pie makers: If you’d like to donate a delicious homemade pie or two, please talk to Jo Peterson. Shhhh! AP Testing Graduation Sunday, May 18 Know a high school or college graduate that you would like to honor? Please invite them to attend Graduation Sunday on May 18, first or second service, for a special addition to our worship service that will honor the completion of their degree! Please let the church know their names and information about their education and future plans as soon as possible, but by May 12 for their name to be included in the bulletin. Kids Club Wraps Up The Year…and VBS Preparation Begins Kids Club is coming to a close for the school year. The final Kids Club will be on May 21st. Stay tuned for information about this year’s VBS program! VBS will take place from Sunday, We’re happy to once again host the Advanced Placement (AP) testing for the Edgerton High School. These tests are very important to the students as they determine whether or not the students will be eligible for college credit. During testing, we ask that you be especially quiet when visiting the church. There will be no access to Fellowship Hall or the kitchen during testing times. The testing schedule is as follows: • Monday, May 5th all day (exam at 8am and 12pm) • Wednesday, May 7th 8am until 12:30pm • Thursday, May 8th 8am until 12:30pm • Friday, May 9th 12pm until 4pm • Monday, May 12th 8am until 12:30pm • Wednesday, May 14th 8am until 12:30pm Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! 4 Sunday 4 9 AM Worship 10 AM Fellowship 10:30 AM Worship 11 Mother’s Day 9 AM Worship 10 AM Fellowship 10:30 AM Worship 18 Graduation Sunday 9 AM Worship 10 AM Fellowship 10 AM Trustees Mtg. 10:30 AM Worship 12 PM Confirmation 25 9 AM Worship 10 AM Fellowship 10:30 AM Worship Monday 5 8 AM-3:30 PM AP Testing 12 8 AM-1 PM AP Testing 19 5 PM – 7 PM BBQ & Ice Cream Social 26 Memorial Day Wednesday 1 9 11:30 AM-3:30 PM AP Testing 2 17 10 10 AM ALS Walk at Lions Beach Park in Janesville (team check in 99:30AM) 3 Saturday 8 8 AM-1 PM AP Testing 16 24 Friday 6 10 AM Coffee Time 7 8 AM-1 PM AP Testing 10 AM Playgroup 5:30 PM Potluck 6 PM Worship 6 PM Kids Club 15 23 31 12 PM Confirmation Thursday 13 10 AM Coffee Time 14 8 AM-1 PM AP Testing 10 AM Playgroup 5:30 PM Potluck 6 PM Kids Club 6 PM Stitchin Time Knitting Class 6 PM Worship 7 PM Finance 22 30 Tuesday 20 10 AM Coffee Time 6 PM MADD Support Group 21 10 AM Playgroup 1 PM Joy Circle 4 PM Memorials 5:30 PM Potluck 6 PM Worship 6 PM Kids Club 7 PM Admin. Council 29 May 2014 27 10 AM Coffee Time 28 10 AM Playgroup 5:30 PM Potluck 6 PM Worship UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 112 ALBION ST. EDGERTON, WI 53534 (608) 884-6931 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED May 2014 We’re on the Web! www.edgertonunitedmethodist.org Email us at: [email protected] Worship Times Sundays: 9 AM 10:30 AM Wednesdays: 6:00 PM Office Hours 8:30 to 11:30 AM M, Tu, Th, F 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Wed
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