proposed updated By-Laws - Cook – Dupage Beekeepers Association

Cook-DuPage Beekeepers Association, Inc. Constitution
(Revised, TBD)
Proposed Final for Vote
Article I - Name
This organization shall be known as the Cook-DuPage Beekeepers Association (hereafter
referred to as the Association). Its principal place of business shall be Cook and DuPage
counties in Illinois, though not restricted to members of these counties.
Article II - Objectives
Section 1. The objectives of the Association shall be to promote the general interests of
bee culture and the production and use of honey and other apiary products. These are
accomplished by the education and socialization of its membership and the education of
and promotion to the public.
Section 2. The Association is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, which is non-partisan and
non-sectarian. Any funds accumulated shall be used to further the objectives of the
Article III - Membership
Section 1. Any person interested in apiculture may become a member of the association
upon payment of annual dues.
Section 2. Any spouse and/or minor child of a member may become a member upon
payment of respective annual dues. Members under 16 years of age shall have all
privileges of membership, except the right to vote, to make a second or motions, or to serve
as officers or directors.
Section 3. The Executive board shall set the rates for annual dues of (1) single
membership: (2) spouse of member: (3) minor child of member: (4) family membership (to
include member, spouse or minor children). These rates become effective when ratified by
majority of the voting members at the next regular meeting. These rates will include the
dues for the Illinois State Beekeepers Association. The cost of the state membership shall
coincide with the State Association By-laws regarding dues.
Section 4. Membership shall run from January 1 through December 31 on an annual
basis. Dues become payable on January 1 of each year. A member three (3) months in
arrears in payment ceases to be a member.
Section 5. The privileges of a member to vote, hold office if elected, to view a copy of the
Constitution and By-laws on the CDBA website, to receive the electronic link of the official
newsletter of the Association, the "Buzz,” and to attend general meetings with guest
Section 6. Any person, who has been a member of the Association for a period of twenty
(20) years, whether continuous or accumulative, is eligible to become an honorary member.
Such determination, which may include other considerations, shall be made by unanimous
vote of the executive board. Once officially designated, such a member will enjoy lifetime
honorary membership in the Association with full privileges without further dues. Such
recipients will be recognized at the annual banquet. An announcement will be made as to
who will receive honorary memberships for the following upcoming years.
Section 7. Any person who acts as the presenter/guest speaker at a scheduled
Association meeting will receive an honorary Association membership for the upcoming
calendar year.
Article IV - Organization
Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Newsletter Coordinator, Webmaster, Historian, Education Manager, Sergeant At
Arms, Director and Host or Hostess. The same person may be elected to hold any
combination of the offices of Secretary, Treasurer and Newsletter Coordinator if
circumstances so dictate. The term of office shall be for one (1) year or until a successor is
elected and installed.
Section 2. Four Directors shall be elected to serve for a three (3) year term or until their
successors are elected and installed. The term of office of the Directors shall be arranged
so that one (1) Director is elected each year. The immediate outgoing President shall
automatically become an honorary Director, without voting power, to guide, assist and
counsel the Executive Board for a period of one (1) year.
Section 3. The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Coordinator,
Webmaster, Historian, Education Manager, Sergeant At Arms, Host or Hostess and four
(4) Directors shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 4. Vacancies in office by death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by
appointment of the president and ratified by the Executive Board; and the appointee shall
hold office until the next election.
Article V - Amendments
Section 1. The constitution and its by-laws may be amended at any meeting by two-thirds
(2/3) majority of all votes by members present providing thirty (30) days’ notice has been
given to each member of the Association. Such notice, when placed in the United States
Mail, shall be official. The constitution and its by-laws will be posted to the official website.
An announcement that the board will vote on updates to said documents must be made in
the newsletter and at the regularly scheduled Association meeting 30 days prior to the vote.
Cook-DuPage Beekeepers Association By-Laws
Article I - Election of Officers and Directors
Section 1. The president shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3)
members prior to the May meeting. This committee shall be composed of members who
are not interested in becoming officers or directors. The Secretary shall report the names of
the Nominating Committee in the newsletter announcing the summer meeting, and the
President shall announce the names at that meeting.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall report to the membership at the September
meeting nominating one (1) candidate for each office. Additional names of candidates may
be added to the slate from the floor at the time of election. Candidates nominated from the
floor must be present at the election. This meeting shall be held at the regular meeting
place on the regular meeting date. If this is not possible, the election shall be held at a
place as centrally located as possible. The Secretary's announcement of this meeting shall
specify that the election of officers shall take place at the September meeting and shall
state the location of the meeting.
Section 3. When there are two (2) or more nominations for an office, the election shall be
by secret ballot. However, when there is only one (1) nomination for the particular office, a
voice vote may be held. The winning candidate shall be the one who receives a majority of
the votes cast by members present at the September meeting. If no candidate receives a
majority vote, a second vote shall be cast on the two (2) candidates receiving the highest
number of votes.
Section 4. The term of office shall be from January 1 through December 31. Newly
elected officers shall be installed at the annual meeting and banquet but shall assume
official duties January 1 of the following fiscal year. Retiring officers and directors shall
acquaint the incoming officers and directors with their duties and assist where possible to
ensure a smooth transition.
Article II - Duties of Officers and Directors
Section 1. President. It shall be the duties of the President to preside and preserve
order at all meetings of the Association; to provide a suitable and central location for regular
scheduled and special meetings of the Association; to schedule regular and special
meetings of the Executive Board; to appoint committees including nominating committee; to
call for reports of officers, directors and committees; to appoint a registered agent to file the
yearly not-for-profit status with the Secretary of the State of Illinois; to put to vote all motions
regularly seconded; to appoint clerks and tellers to count the votes at all elections; to
denote the signatories on the Association bank account, to decide upon all questions of
order guided by Robert's "Rules of Order;" to assure that the constitution and by-laws are
adhered to; and to lead the Association toward the fulfillment of its objectives.
Section 2. Vice-President. The Vice President shall preside at meetings when the President is
not in attendance and shall also pursue those duties and responsibilities as the president shall
direct. The Vice President shall succeed to the presidency for the remainder of the unexpired
period in the event that office is vacated.
Section 3. Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to record and report all proceedings
of the Association and preserve all papers belonging to the same; to cause the constitution and
by-laws to be printed and maintained in electronic format as directed by the Executive Board
and provide such for the Webmaster to post on the Association website. It shall also be the duty
of the Secretary to be custodian of all property belonging to the Association; to rent or loan this
property to any group or individual only with the consent of the Executive Board secured at a
meeting of such; to present a detailed inventory of such property to the membership at the
September meeting. The Secretary may delegate custodial care of certain pieces of equipment
and items owned by the Association as seems appropriate. The Secretary shall be responsible
for sending information regarding meetings to the National and State magazines and to the local
newspapers. At general meetings, the Secretary must provide the minutes of any pertinent
business discussed at the previous board meeting.
Section 4. Newsletter Coordinator. It shall be the duty of the Newsletter Coordinator to
gather information necessary to compose the Association publication known as the “Buzz.” The
Newsletter Coordinator shall have this information emailed to Association members eight (8)
days before each meeting. He/she shall also ensure the newsletter is made available on the
Association website by coordinating with the Webmaster.
Section 5. Webmaster. It shall be the duty of the Webmaster to secure internet hosting
service for the Association website. The Webmaster may also create the website or contract
with outside service providers to have the website produced and maintained. Content for the
website will be proposed by the Webmaster and approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 6. Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive annual, local and State
dues; to record the name, address, phone number, and email address of each member in the
membership book; to submit a mailing list to the Secretary; to notify the Secretary of any
member three (3) months in arrears of payment of dues. The Treasurer shall also be
responsible for processing membership subscriptions to beekeeping publications.
The Treasurer shall deposit all monies connected with the Association in a bank approved by
the Executive Board; to record all monies received and disbursed; to pay by check, as soon as
possible, all bills owed by the Association; to report all monies received and disbursed at each
regular meeting; to submit in writing an annual financial summary for the previous year at the
February meeting.
Section 7. Historian. It shall be the duty of the Historian to compile, maintain, and preserve
in suitable book form, all history pertaining to the Association; to display said book at the April
meeting and the annual Banquet for viewing by members and guests.
Section 8. Host or Hostess. It shall be the duties of the Host or Hostess to appoint assistants;
organize the "potluck" refreshments at the meetings; prepare the decorations and menu for the
Annual banquet; plan and supervise food preparations and decoration for the Annual Banquet
and to be accountable for all Association properties used in conjunction with the duties of the
Host or Hostess.
Section 9. Education Manager. Under the general supervision of the Executive Board the
Education Manager shall order and maintain a supply of books and related items for the
availability of the membership. The Education Manager may request operating cash and shall
turn in meeting receipts to the Treasurer for deposit.
Section 10. Sergeant at Arms. It shall be the duty of the Sergeant at Arms, under the
direction of the presiding officers, to maintain order and decorum among the members
and all persons present at meetings and may even expel persons from the meeting if
necessary. The Sergeant at Arms shall act as doorkeeper and is responsible for
admitting only eligible persons. He or she shall also act as usher, direct other ushers,
and be generally responsible for the comfort and convenience of the assembly. It is the
duty of the Sergeant at Arms to arrange the meeting equipment, such as chairs, table
and audio/visual.
Section 11. Directors. It shall be the duty of Directors to provide the board with
organizational leadership and advisement; organize and coordinate committees;
formulate and oversee policies and procedures. The Directors shall provide oversight of
program planning and evaluation; review reports and assist with financial management,
including adoption and oversight of the budget; and assist with fundraising and general
outreach. Directors ensure growth of membership and work toward preventing loss of
membership by promoting the Association.
Article III – Compensation of Board Members
No officer shall receive compensation for any service rendered to this club in his/her
official capacity. Officers may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses.
Article IV – Duties of Outgoing Board Members
It shall be the responsibility of all outgoing board members to provide a knowledge
transfer, as well as any pertinent passwords, materials or general information to the
newly elected/posted board member.
Article V- Annual Meeting and Banquet
The Annual Meeting and Banquet of the Association shall be held in October and shall
include the installation of officers and directors.
Article VI - Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall begin January 1 and end December 31.
Article VII - Meeting Procedures
Section 1. The meeting of the Association shall be, as far as practical, governed by the
following order of business:
Call to order
Reading of minutes of the last board meeting
Treasurer's financial report
Secretary's report on correspondence
Report of committees
Introduction of new members and guests
Unfinished business
New business
Election of officers and one new director (Sept. meeting)
The above order of business may be changed for any meeting by direction of the President.
Section 2. The monthly meetings of the Association shall be, as far as practical, governed
by the following order and content:
Meeting Information
No Meeting
Indoor meeting
Treasurer's Report
Indoor meeting
Package installation demonstration
Bee Package Raffle
Indoor meeting
Historian's display
Indoor meeting
Nominating committee announced
No meeting
No meeting
DuPage Country Fair honey display and sales booth
No meeting
Illinois state fair honey display
Indoor meeting
Election of officers Secretary's report of property and
Annual Banquet
Installation of Officers
Historian's display
Indoor meeting
No meeting
The above order and content of monthly meetings may be changed at the discretion of the
Executive Board.
(updated 4/10/15)