DATE: February 4, 2015 TO: All members of the NMAAA organization FROM: Deborah Gouldsmith, Secretary RE: Call of Nominations for two Board Officer Position vacancies As the Secretary, one of my duties is to post a Call of Nominations of Officers for two Board Officer positions each whose term concludes with the Annual NMAAA Conference March 6, 2015 in Las Cruces, NM at the Dona Ana Community College (DACC). The duties, as outlined by the NMAAA Constitution will follow for these two positions: Vice President of Communications, currently held by Susan Grimes from San Juan College (a two-year institution) Secretary, currently held by Deborah Gouldsmith from NMSU (a four-year institution). The current NMAAA Executive Board is requesting that if you are interested in one of these positions that you notify Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos, President, via email [email protected] no later than Monday, February 23, 2015 with a current resume and a short biography. The biography should include information about yourself, what Institution you are from and your title as well as how long you have serving in that capacity. It should also state why you are interested in the position and a list of any other professional offices you have held in any organizations that you have been a member of and for how long. The Nominations will be posted to the NMAAA website by February 27, 2015 for the membership to review in preparation for the Election to be held at the Business Meeting during the Annual Conference on Friday, March 6, 2015. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 575-646-3404 or via email [email protected] or contact Thomasinia at 505-424-9185 or via email [email protected]. Thank you and I hope you will consider serving on the Executive Board as an officer. It helps strengthen our commitment to serving all students attending higher education institutions in New Mexico. I hope to see you all in March! Deborah Gouldsmith Article VII – Executive Committee Section 7.02 Tenure a. All officers must be members in good standing. b. No more than two members from the same institution/campus may serve as officers at the same time. c. No officer may be succeeded in the same office by a member from the same institution/campus. d. Every effort shall be made to have at least one officer each from a public four- year institution, a community or junior college and a private institution. e. Members shall serve for a term of two years and may serve not more than three consecutive terms in any capacity on the Executive Committee. f. No member may hold more than one seat on the Executive Committee at one time. Article VIII – Officers Section 8.01 Composition d. Vice President for Membership/Treasurer (election held every even year); Vice President for Communication (election held every odd year); Secretary (election held every odd year) Section 8.03 Duties and Responsibilities Vice President for Communications a. Solicit contributions for association publications. b. Prepare and distribute publications at least once per annual term of office. c. Maintain the NMAAA listserv. d. Develop and maintain the website Secretary a. Keep records of all meetings of the association and it’s Executive Committee. b. Maintain a current copy of the NMAAA constitution. c. Give notice to all members of regular and special meetings. d. Assist the President in facilitating the election process. e. Maintain records and documents for the organization.
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