PTO General Meeting April 15, 2015 Meeting called to order at approximately 9:05 a.m. by Tracey Gray, CRPTO President. PTO Board Member Attendees: x Tracey Gray, President x Lainie Angus, Past President Dana Hutchings, Treasurer x Suzanne Winkel, Assistant Treasurer x Jennifer Wetzler, Assistant Treasurer x Fay Ziton, VP Fundraising x Rochelle Gabriel, Co-VP Events x x x x x x x x x Marnie Medress, Co-VP Events Stephanie Halvorson, Co-VP Events Emily D’Ambrosio, VP Volunteer Coordinator Lora Whooley, Co-VP Campus Support Shawn Smith, Co-VP Campus Support Dana Schibel, VP Communication Tina Smith, Secretary Mindy Graham, Co-VP Middle School Volunteer Coordinator Kelley Carter-Hecht, Co-VP Middle School Volunteer Coordinator Others in attendance: Christine Deaton, Starr Crist, Shannon Stych, Jamey Pugh, Tammy McGreevy, Parween Abdali, Cari Hemmert, April McCracken, Tammy Harpt, Michelle Otsot, Bryant Holcomb, Ms. DeFeyter, and Matt Patzlaff, among others. I. Welcome: Tracey Gray welcomed attendees and thanked those who helped with last month’s Art/Garden Walk. She also announced that Mr. Patzlaff is not at school as he and his wife have welcomed their second daughter; so congratulations are in order! Conversely, Ms. DeFyter is out caring for an ill family member; so any positive thoughts sent her way are appreciated. Tracey then announced that there are two parent spots available on Site Council. This is a two-year commitment, with Monday afternoon (after school) meetings. More information is available on the Copper Ridge website. II. Update and Q&A with Administration: Dr. Otstot relayed a message from the Safety committee: reminder to parents, there is no cell phone use permitted in the school parking lot during pick-up/drop-off. She then discussed last night’s School Board meeting. Administration and teachers have been analyzing gaps in the K-5 English/Language Arts program. Information regarding this analysis was presented at the meeting, and there was a unanimous recommendation that Core Knowledge for Phonics be purchased for K-2. With respect to grades 3-5, the unanimous recommendation was not to purchase additional curriculum, but to more effectively utilize existing curriculum, with any additional funds to be spent on technology. Vendor presentations for grades 3-5 curriculum were focused on soon-to-be obsolete paper/pencil methodology, with no focus on digital learning. Dr. Otstot then announced that there will be a STEM showcase at school on Wednesday May 6, from 9:15-10:15. The school will be open to all families in the community, and the children will be giving presentations showcasing what they have learned in science, technology and math. The May PTO meeting will be at 10:15, immediately following the STEM showcase. 1 As of 2016, April 15 (not December 31) will be the new deadline for tax credit donations. III. Teacher Appreciation Week: Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4-May 8. Emily D’Ambrosio clarified that this is not customarily when class funds are used for a big year-end teacher gift. Rather, teachers should be honored with acts of kindness and small tokens of appreciation. Consistent with long-standing Copper Ridge tradition, Tuesday May 5th will be Flower Day, where each child in elementary school is asked to bring a single flower for the teacher. Teacher’s doors will be decorated on Monday, PTO will provide lunch for teachers on Tuesday, Dr. Otstot will provide lunch on Wednesday, and Thursday/Friday activities will be determined at the classroom level. There was a brief discussion of how to handle Teacher Appreciation Week at the middle school level, as middle school participation is historically lax. Middle school coordinators Mindy Graham and Kelley Hecht will email middle school room moms. IV. Treasurer Update: Fun Run collections are currently at $45,000 ($50,000 was budgeted). V. Next Year’s Board: The Call for Nominations has been finalized and will be posted in the PTO room for two weeks, in compliance with the PTO Bylaws. The vote will be conducted at the May 6 meeting. Ballots will be available at the May meeting, or at any time prior to in the PTO room. There will be an Executive Board meeting on Monday, April 20, at which Dr. Otstot will make her funding requests for the 2015/2016 school year. The proposed budget will be presented and voted on at the May 6 meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:36 a.m. Minutes submitted by: Tina Smith, Secretary Tina Smith /e/ Approved by: Tracey Gray /e/ Tracey Gray, 2014-2015 CRPTO President 2
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