CoQuitlam For Council April 2, 2015 Our file: 08-3360-20/12 015411RZ/l Doc#: I919222.V6 To: From: City Manager General Manager Planning and Development Subject: Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4527,2015 to Amend the Industrial Zones and Further Refinement to the CS-l Service Commercial and A-3 Agricultural and Resource Zones (12 015411RZ) For: Council V Recommendation: That Council: 1. Rescind first reading given to City ofCoquitlam Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4527, 2015; 2. Give first reading to City ofCoquitlam Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4527, 2015; and 3. Refer By/owA/o. 4527, 2015 to Public Hearing. Report Purpose: Based on further stakeholder input and analysis regarding the Industrial Zones Review, staff are requesting Council rescind first reading for Zo/i//i^ Amendment Bylaw No. 4527. 2015, originally received on February 2, 2015, in order to consider changes to the CS-l Service Commercial zone parking requirements for mini-warehouses, and permitted uses in the A-3 Agricultural and Resource and B-1 Business Enterprise zones. Should Council support these changes, a new first reading of this Zoning Amendment Bylaw is required to have these proposed changes to the City's industrial zones proceed to Public Hearing. The accompanying Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw No. 4522, 2015, which was brought forward concurrently to update the OCP in support of proposed changes to the City's industrial zones, received first reading from Council on February 2, 2015 (see Attachment 1for the original staff report considered by Council). There are no changes to this OCP Amendment Bylaw, and provided that Council gives first reading to the updated Zoning Amendment Bylaw attached to this report, both of these OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws (Nos. 4522 and 4527) will be presented together at an upcoming Public Hearing. Strategic Goal: The Industrial Zones Review pertains to the City's strategic goals of expanding local Jobs and prosperity. The proposed Stage 2 amendments to the City's industrial zones were also identified for completion as part of the Business Improvements/Outdated Rules program. Page 2 April 2, 2015 Background: On February 2, 2015, Council gave first reading to the City ofCoquitlam Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4522,2015 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4527,2015. The associated Council report is attached for Council's information (Attachment l). At this time, due to further stakeholder input and analysis, staff are requesting that Council rescind first reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 and give first reading to an updated version of Bylaw No. 4527, which now includes new proposed changes to the Service Commercial parking requirement for mini-warehouses and permitted uses in the A-3 Agricultural and Resource and B-1 Business Enterprise zones. As the proposed changes to Bylaw No. 4527,2015 affect use, the Local Government Act requires a new initial reading of the Bylaw - and referral to Public Hearing. Discussion/Analysis: Zoning Bylaw The changes proposed to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 are summarized as follows: • Off-street Parking Requirements - Mini-warehouses: Bylaw No. 4527,2015, if adopted, would permit a mini-warehouse use in the CS-l Seryice Commercial zone. The original bylaw did not include off-street parking requirements for this use in the CS-i zone. The revised Bylaw proposes a parking requirement of one space per lOOm^ of gross floor area, the same rate applied for all industrial uses, as well as mini-warehouse uses permitted in the M-1 General Industrial zone. • B-l Bi/s/wessEwferpmeZowe; The original bylaw iriadvertently omitted three existing uses currently permitted at 277 Schoolhouse Street, at the southeast corner of Schoolhouse Street and Booth Avenue. This site is currently zoned M6 "Schoolhouse Street Area" and has a broad range of uses that have been permitted over the years. The site is proposed to be rezoned to B-l Business Enterprise and the revised bylaw proposes to include the following uses in the B-l zone, limited to this site: o Personal services, limited to physio, speech, and neurological therapy; o Retail sale, leasing, rental, servicing and repair of automobiles; and o Accessory unenclosed storage uses. • A-3 Agricultural and Resource Zone: Several permitted uses in the M-4 Asphalt and Concrete Plant zone were not incorporated in the original Bylaw No. 4527. Air of these uses were intended to be "transferred" to the A-3 zone, but limited to the M-4 zoned sites located on Pipeline Road as the M-4 zone would be deleted from the Zoning Bylaw and the sites will be rezoned to A-3. As a result, the revised bylaw proposes to include the following additional permitted uses specifically for these sites under the A-3 zone: o Manufacture of cast concrete products, as a permitted//idustr/c//use; o Accessory washing, servicing and repair of motor vehicles associated with the business conducting a permitted Industrial use; and o Accessory retail, limited to the retail sale of asphalt and concrete or related products. File#:08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#: 1919222.v6 Page 3 April 2, 2015 Discussion/Analysis cont'd/ Zoning Bylaw cont'd/ A-3 Agncuiturai and Resource Zone cont'd/ Further, it has been requested by a representative of one of the M-4 property owners that additional regulations from the M-4 zone with respect to lot size and setbacks also be "transferred" to the'A-3 zone for these sites. Therefore, the following revisions are proposed: o Add a minimum lot size for an industrial use of 2,000 m^for the above mentioned properties; . o Remove minimum building setbacks for the rear lot line, interior side lot line, and wells or streams for industrial uses commensurate with the current M-4 zone regulations; o Add minimum building setbacks for accessory caretaker, accessory residential and accessory produce sales. (The building setback for accessory residential and accessory produce sales are currently in the A-3 zone but were inadvertently removed in By/owA/o. 4527, 20l5.j • Housekeeping - Offices and Personal Service: The zones have been updated to italicize "office" and "personal service" uses where they appear in the Zoning Bylaw, as these terms would be defined under Bylaw No. 4527. Additional Information Requested by Council: At the February 2, 2015 Council meeting, several questions were asked regarding the original Bylaw No. 4527, which also pertains to the proposed Bylaw attached to this report. Staff are providing responses to these questions. 1. Why will mini-warehouse be permitted in the proposed M-l zone? How will this support the intensification of sites? Mini-warehouse is a permitted use in the proposed M-l zone because the use meets the intent of the zone, which includes storing and warehousing. There is increasing demand for mini-warehouse space in Metro Vancouver, as more multi-family units, including townhouses and apartments, are built with limited storage space. Moreover, a significant share of the mini-warehouse space is used by small businesses, notably contractors and wholesalers, to store equipment, materials and supplies. As a result, mini-warehouses support industrial businesses as well as the general public, making them an important part of the local economy even if they are not high employment generators. There has been some interest shown regarding constructing mini-warehouses to a greater intensity, such as multi-storey buildings. During the Industrial Zones Review public consultation, two property owners inquired about the potential to redevelop their site with mini-warehouses. It is noted that the CS-l zone would permit two-storey mini-warehouses. In addition, staff are currently processing a Development Permit application to construct a twostorey mini-warehouse building in Southwest Coquitlam with a proposed density (floor area ratio) of 0.59. File #: 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#: 1919222.V6 Page 4 April 2, 2015 Additional Information Requested by Council cont'd/ 2. Can the accessory retail sale of alcoholic beverages be permitted in the M-2 and B-l zone? Staff have prepared a separate report addressing craft breweries, craft distilleries and recent changes in Provincial liquor licensing regulations to respond to this question. Bylaw No. 4527, 2015: Revised Bylaw No. 4527,2015 (Attachment 2) has been prepared for Council's consideration. Financial Implications: There are no immediate financial implications; however, it is anticipated that this bylaw amendment will support the City's long-term employment objectives and strengthen local industrial businesses. Conclusion: Staff support rescinding first reading and giving a new first reading of the updated Bylaw No. 4527,2015 for the following reasons: • The changes are consistent with the objectives of the Industrial Zone Review; • The revisions update the Zoning Bylaw to include off-street parking provision for mini-warehouses and existing site-specific uses in the B-l zone; and • The amendments transfer Zoning Bylaw provisions from the existing M-A zone to the proposed A-3 zone. Staff recommend that Council give first reading to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 and that this Bylaw be referred to Public Hearing. A/K J.L Mclnt^ re, MClP, RPP KW/lmc/ns / Attachments: 1. First Reading Report dated January 26, 2015 (without attachments) (Doc# 1837073.V6) 2. BylawNo.4527, 2015 (Doc #1838159.V4); Schedule A (Doc# 1856530.V5); Schedule B (Doc# l856575.v3); Schedule C (Doc# I857150.v4); Schedule D - Map Sheets 1to 10 (Doc# 1857263) This report was prepared by Karen Wong, Development Planner and reviewed by Carl Johannsen, Acting Manager Development Services. File#: 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#: 1919222.v6 ATTACHMENT 1 January 26, 2015 Our file: 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/1 08-3360-20/14008703 OC/1 Doc#: 1837073.V6 - To: From: City Manager General Manager Planning and Development Subject: Citywide Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4522,2015 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4$27> 2015 to Amend the Industrial Zones and CS-l Service Commercial Zone (14 008703 OC; 12 015411RZ) For: Council Recommendation: That Council; , 1. G\ye fwstread'mgto City of Cociuitlam Official Community Amendment Bylaw No. 4522, 2015. 2. Give first reading to City ofCoquitiam Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4527, 2015; . 3. In accordance with the Locc?/Government Act; Council consider Bylaw No. 4522, 2015, in conjunction with City of Coquitiam 2014 Five-Year Financial P/an Bylaw No. 4451, 2013 and the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan; and ' . : ^ 4. Refer Ey/avyNos. 4522 and 4527, 2015 to Public Hearing. Report Purpose: This report discusses proposed Stage 2 amendments to the City's industrial zones, including reducing the number of zones from nine to three, and presents Official Community Plan arid Zoning Amendment Bylaws for Council's consideration of first reading and referral to Public Hearing. , Strategic Goal: This initiative pertains to the City's strategic goals of expanding local jobs and local prosperity and achieving excellence in City governance. The proposed Stage 2 amendments to the City's industrial zones were also identified for completion as part of the Business Improvements/Outdated Rules program. Executive Summary: The City's industrial zones are being streamlined in two stages, with the objective of making the zones easier to administer, more flexible for users and more responsive to the changing needs of Cpquitlam's business community. Stage 1, completed in September 2011, involved extensive revisions to the existing nine industrial zones. Stage 2 has Involved creating three new zones to replace the current nine industrial zones. Page 2 January 25, 2015 Executive Summary cont'dA A comprehensive analysis was completed applying one of the proposed three zones to every property in the City currently Classified within an Industrial (M) zone. One of the key objectives in assigning the hew zones waste minimize, to the degree reasonably possible, the number of legally non-conforming uses that would result. With Council's concurrence at its December 2,2013 Council-in-Committee (CIC) meeting, a comprehensive consultation process with affected industrial property owners and business operators, real estate brokers, developers, and other parties was undertaken to gain their input on both the details of the three new zones and how they are proposed to be applied on a propertyspecific basis. Based on the feedback received from this consultation, staff made some revisions to the three zones, but the overall intent remains as reported to Council at the December 2, 2013 CIC meeting. Also as part of this initiative, fifteen (15) properties are proposed to move from industrial to service commercial zoning in recognition of their current uses and location. As a result, amendments to the C5-1 Service Commercial zone are also required to ensure an appropriate fit for the affected businesses. Implementing the new industrial zones also requires amendments to some OCP policies and land use maps; In addition to the extensive consultation with affected industrial property owners and business operators, the City placed newspaper advertisements inviting written comment by December 17, 2014 and sent letters to the City of New Westminster, Metro Vancouver, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce, Urban Development lnstitute (UDI), and NAIOP Cornmercial Real Estate Development Association, to meet Section 879 of the toco/GovemmenMct requirements pertaining to OCP amendments. Comments received from consultation indicate general support for the proposed Bylavv amendrhents. Based on this, staff are now recommending that Council give first reading to OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 4522, 2015 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 and that the Bylaws be referred to Public Hearing. Background: This report to Council and the proposed amending bylaws are the result of a multi-year process that has involved extensive technical analysis and^a comprehensive public consultation program. Industrial Land Strategy In April 2007, the City completed an Industrialland Strategy which discussed the declining supply of industrial land in Metro Vancouver and emphasized the importance of preserving and intensifying Coquitlam's industrial land base to help ensure a strong and diverse local economy. The Strategy included a survey of industrial businesses in Coquitlam to better understand their operating characteristics (e.g., what they do, number of employees, market served), their needs, and how they perceive Coquitlam as a location for their operations. File #: 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc #; 1837073.V6 Page 3 January 26,2015 Background cont'd/ Industrial Land Strategy cont'd/ One of the conclusions of the Strategy was that Coquitlam's nine industrial zones were no longer meeting the needs of a growing number of existing and prospective industrial businesses in a changing economy. To help ensure that Coquitlam remains competitive as a location, the Strategy recommended that there be a comprehensive review of the industrial zones, including exploring the potential to reduce the number of zones to a smaller and more broadly applicable set of zones. Council concurred with this recommendation and directed staff to undertake an Industrial Zone Review. Industrial Vacancy and Lease Rates Since the Strategy was completed, industrial vacancy rates have continued to decline and commensurate with the lower vacancy rates, lease rates have increased. Data compiled by Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Real Estate Brokers indicates that the industrial flobrspace vacancy rate in Coquitlam, as of the second quarter of 2014, was 3.53%, whereas the average industrial floorspace vacancy rate for 2013 was 5 31%. Over the lO-year period of 2005 to 2014, average lease rates per sq.ft. of industrial floorspace increased from $7.00 to $8.25. These statistics, however, only tell part of the story. The availability of high quality modern industrial floorspace for lease or purchase is in even more scarce supply and lease rates are higher, making it a challenge for some businesses seeking industrial land to locate or expand in Coquitlam. Colliers International projects the vacancy rate for industrial floorspace in the Metro Vancouver region will decline from about 3.9% as of the fourth quarter 2014 to about 3.6% by third quarter.2045 (Metro Vancouver Industrial Market Report - Third and Fourth-Quarter 2014). The Colliers' report also notes that, "as availability in Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam continues to fall, tenants seeking spaces larger than 20,000 sq.ft. will find limited options" (Metro Vahcouverlndustrial Market Report - Third Quarter 2014). Industrial Zone Review' Stages In recognition of the complexity of the technical analysis required, as well as the extent of public consultation to be undertaken, the Industrial Zone Review was divided into two stages. Stagelinvolved extensive revision to the existing nine industrial zones and was completed in September 2011 with Council adoption of the associated OCP and Zoning amending bylaws. The Zoning Bylaw amendments included adding new definitions and amending existing definitions of permitted uses to provide clearer and more concise language for improved administration of the Bylaw, and provide a broader range of permitted industrial to facilitate industrial business development within the City's industrial areas. Proposed New Zones Since Stage 1completion, further review was completed to consolidate the existing nine industrial zones, three proposed new zones: File #: 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/1 Doc #: I837073.v6 Page 4 January 26,2015 Background cont'd/ ' Proposed New Zones cont'd/ a M-l Cjencr«j/ /ndustr/a/: Permits all types of industrial uses, including manufacturing, storage, distributing, wholesaling and recycling of goods, materials and similar items. Activities on the site, including production and storage, can take place either within a building or outside, depending on the nature of the business. Only limited commercial uses that support industrial activities are permitted, such as contractor services, trade schools, and industrial equipment retail sale, rental and service; » M-2/ndMSfr/o/SMsmesj; Permits most types of industrial uses, but activities have to be enclosed except.for accessory outdoor storage, which Is permitted atthe rear of buildings. Commercial uses are limited to those supportive of industrial operations, such as engineering services, building trade contractors, janitorial services, security guard and patrol services. Accessory retail for the sale of goods manufactured on the same lot also a permitted use. This zone is intended to be primarily applied in areas where M-i zoning would be inappropriate because of proximity to residential or other non-compatible uses; and, « B-l Business Enterprise: Permits most types of industrial uses, as long as they are wholly enclosed within a building, general office uses, commercial recreation uses, and accessory retail uses. Grocery stores and restaurants of limited size are permitted, with the intent that they primarily serve the needs of adjacent industrial businesses and workers. This zone has been applied to properties currently zoned M-8 Retail and Industrial and primarily located along United Boulevard. The M-S zone permits large format {i.e., "big box") household goods and business goods retail. Staff then u ndertook a detailed, analysis of where each of these three zones should be applied to the 345 existing industrial zoned properties using specific criteria, including current use, adjacent land uses, and conformity with OCP policies. Not all current industrial-zoned properties were assigned one of the three new zones. Fifteen (15) properties were identified as a better fit in the CS-i Service Commercial zone due to the types of licensed businesses (e.g., automotive service and repair) on the properties and location. It was also concluded that two sites (1530 and 1536 Pipeline Road) that are currently zoned iy\-4 Asphalt and Concrete Plant Industrial should be rezoned to A-3 Agricultural and Resource rather than being put into one of the three new Industrial zones. These two sites have an OCP land use designation of Resource, not Industrial, but currently have concrete and asphalt batching plant uses in addition to resource extraction uses (i.e., quarry). Staff are proposing to permit concrete and asphalt batching limited to these two properties in the A-3 zone. The findings of most of the Stage 2 analysis were reported to Council at the December 2, 2013 CIC meeting. With Council's concurrence, a comprehensive consultation process with affected industrial property owners and businesses, real estate brokers, developers and the general public was then undertaken to gain their input on both the proposed three new zones and how they are proposed to be applied on a property-specific basis. ' File#: 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#; I837073.v6 Pages January 26, 2015 Background confd/ r Proposed New Zones cont'd/ Breweries, Accessory Retail Sales and Alcoholic Beverages Sales As noted above, accessory retail is a permitted use in both the M-2 Industrial Business and B-2 Business Enterprise zones. However, the Zoning Bylaw currently excludes the sale of alcoholic beverages as an accessory retail use in a number of commercial and industrial zones and this same exclusion is carried over to the new zones. This nieans, for example, that a brewery is a permitted use in the three proposed industrial zones since it is a form of production, but would not for now include the retail sale of the product on the premises in the form of either a tasting room selling product by the glass or off-sales to the general public picking product up from the brewery. Staff note a number of cottage breweries have emerged throughout the Lower Mainland in recentyearsthat have a retail component, including two that have recently opened in neighbouring Port Moody. Hence, not permitting retail sales in a situation such as this is contrary to the prevailing trend in a period of rapidly changing provincial liquor policies and makes Coquitlam less attractive as a location for cottage breweries. Relating this situation to Coqultlam's current Liquor Licensing Policy, Council adopted a new policy on November 18,2013 and, at that tinhe, staff committed to keeping Council informed of any substantive changes to provincial liquor policies and the implications for Coquitlam and its adopted policy. Staff are currently researching the recent major changes to provincial liquor policies and will be reporting to Council in the next several months on all the changes and what they mean for Coquitlam and its current Liquor Licensing Policy, including related zoning regulations. As a result, staff recommend that brewery tasting room/off sales issue be considered within the broader comprehensive context of all liquor policy changes being implemented by the Province and what it may mean for Coquitlam rather than considering the issue of the accessory retail sale of alcoholic beverages in industrial zones in isolation. Proposed Bylaw Amendments: 1. OCR Amendment Bylaw No. 4522,2015 - In order to implement the three new zones, a number of OCP text and rnap amendments are required (Attachment 3). Some of these amendments are simple or housekeeping items . to remove text and map schedule references to the existing nine zones and replace them with references to the new zones. There are also more significant amendment^ which are summarized below: 9 Removethe "Highway Retail" land use designation that corresponded with the M-8 Retail and Jndustrial zone and replace it with a new land use designation "Business Enterprise", to correspond with the new B-1 Business Enterprise zone. 9 Add the three new zones (M-l General Industrial, M-2 Industrial Business and B-1 Business Enterprise) as corresponding zones to the "Industrial" and "Business Enterprise" land use designations. • File#:08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#; 1837073.V6 Page 6 January 26,2615 Proposed Bylaw Amendments cont'd/ 1. OCP Amendment Bylaw No, 4522,2015 cont'd/ • ® Add policies that outline the intent and conditions of use for each of the Industrial and Business Enterprise land use designations (defined/described below) and the three new corresponding zones which implement these designations. Both the Business Enterprise and the Industrial land uses support existing OCR policies to encourage an adequate supply of industrial lands (CWOCP Chapter 5 Objective 1and 2) and ensure a healthy economy (SWCAP 2.2 Objectives Employment Land Uses). The intent of the land use designations is summarized as follows: o Bwjmess£wterpr/se: Accommodates light industrial, office and limited commercial uses. The land Use designation is generally applied to a limited number of properties along United Boulevard where many of Coquitlam's large format household goods retailers are located. These lands are unlikely to convert back to industrial uses and it is recognized that there is the potential on these properties for'higher and better' employment-generating land uses. ' o Accommodates a range of industrial uses that provide opportunities for goods production, distribution, repair, warehousing, and supporting functions. The corresponding zones for this land use designation are M-i General lndustrial and AA-2 Industrial Business, which are intended to support and retain industrial uses. Policies for Industrial designated lands encourage the intensification and renevyal of industrial uses. Revise Schedule D to the Southwest Coquitlam Area Plan to limit the B-l zone to the areas along United Boulevard, as outlined on the Schedule. As mentioned, the new B-l zone would be applied primarily where large format retailers are currently located on United Boulevard. The Intent is to facilitate ® potential opportunities for more diverse and intensive employment generating land uses on these sites, though the existing large format retail will continue to be a permitted land uses. Redesignate properties by changing the OCP land use designation (Attachment i) to be consistent with the new zones assigned to a property including redesignating: o 22 properties from Highway Retail Industrial to Business Enterprise; Q 4 properties from Industrial to Business Enterprise; and o 15 properties from Industrial to Service Commercial. Attachment 1provides a reference map set outlining all the properties that are proposed to be redesignated. 2, Zoning Amendment Bylaw No.4527*2015'The Zoning By\aw amendments (Attachment 4) would: ® delete the existing nine industrial zones and add the three proposed new zones to the text of the Zoning Bylaw; • rezone 345 properties under one ofthe current nine industrial zones to one of the three new zones or the existing CS-1 Service Commercial zone (Attachment 4 - Schedule A -Maps); » add new definitions and revise two existing definitions; and « add parking requirements for each of the new zones. " ; File#;08-3350-20/12015411,RZ/l Doc#; 1837073.V6 Page? January 26, 2015 Proposed Bylaw Amendments cont'd/ 2. Zoning Amendment Bylaw No» 4527,2015 cont'd/ The intent and details of the three new zones remains generally consistent with what was presented to Council at the December 2013 Council-in-Gommittee meeting. However, some modifications have been made to the zones and are as follows: o While the setback, lot coverage and height regulations of the M-i General Industrial zone remain sihiilar to the current zone, mini-warehouses would be permitted as a use in all M-l zoned properties since the use complies with the intent of the M-1 zone. The draft M-i zone also introduces a density ' maximum notto exceed a gro^s floor area of 1.5 times the lot area. Currently, there is no specific density maximum in the industrial zones, though density is indirectly limited by a maximum lot coverage, building setbacks to property lines and maximum building height Staff are proposing to add density maximums into the three new zones, commehsurate with other more intensive Industrial and business zones in the region, in keeping with the findings of the industrial land strategy. o Restaurants and specialty food retail, up to a maximum of 85m^ gross floor area, are permitted in the B-l zone. The purpose of this maximum size is to maintain the predominantly industrial nature of the area. Restaurants of thissize are intended to be ancillary uses that serve the businesses and workers in industrial areas: Restaurants larger than 85m^ are accommodated in nearby service cornmercial and commercial zones. o The maximum density permitted in the B-l zone shall not exceed a gross floor . of 2.0 times the lot area, with a maximum height of eight (8) storeys. o The M-2 Industrial Business zone introduces a density maximum not to exceed a gross floor area of 1.5 times the lot area and a lot coverage maximum of 60% whereas the current M-2, M-3, M-8 and M-9 zones do not specify a density or lot coverage maximum. p The current M-2 and M-3 zones have a maximum height of three (3) storeys vyhile the new M-2 zone proposes a maximum height of six (6) storeys similar to the current M-6 zone. The setbacks for the new M-2 zone remain unchanged from the current zones. o Medical Marljuana Grow Operations (MMGOs) are currently permitted in the Zoning Bylaw under the M-3 Special Industrial zone subject to conditions of use. These conditions include that the MMGO must be the only principal use on the lot, the use must be enclosed within a building, and it must have a permit issued by the Federal Government. MMGOs may raise safety, health and odour concerns and therefore potential land use conflicts, particularly where industrial areas are located in close proximity to residential areas. To address potential concerns, an additional regulation is proposed that requires a minimum of 300 metres between any parcel of land where an MMGO is a permitted use and a parcel of land zoned for residential use, place ofworship, park, or public school. This limiting distance is similar to the current limiting distance for liquor stores and accessory liquor stores in the City's Zoning Bylaw. With the proposed restrictions and regulations, just one (l) parcel in the City would permit MMGOs located on the northwest corner of Fawcett Road and Hartley Avenue. File #: 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#: 1837073.V6 Pages January 26,2015 Proposed Bylaw Amendments cont'd/ 2. Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4527^ 2015 cont'd/ Based upon input from several property owners and business operators, minor new amendments are now proposed for the A-3 and CS-l zones that were not previously reported to Council; , o A-3 Agricultural and Resource Zone; As noted earlier, in the December 2, 2013 CIC report, two sites currently zoned M-4 Asphalt and Concrete Plant Industrial (1530 and 1536 Pipeline Road) were proposed to be rezoned to A-3. Two additional properties (1700 and 1740 Pipeline Road) have been identified that operate concrete and asphalt batching plants and are also currently zoned M-4. To acknowledge and accommodate these current uses, the A-3 zone will permit but limit the concrete and asphalt batching plants uses to the existing sites with M-4 zoning. Staff met with the property owners of these sites to discuss this proposed approach and they appear to have no concerns. o CS-l Service Commercial Zone - In the CS-l zone, the existing permitted uses have been clarified to make the zone easier to administer. Mini-warehouses and commercial recreation uses have been added to the permitted uses since these uses meet the intent of the CS-l zone and are a ppropriately located along major transportation routes. In addition, the maximum building height is recommended to be increased from 7.6 metres toil metres, but would still limit the maximum height to one storey. The exception would be for miniwarehouses which would have a maximum two-storey limit This exception Is intended to encourage greater efficiency of storage use in the CS-l zone. Further, the intent of Increasing the building height is to accommodate the higher ceiling typically required for many newer service commercial uses, including commercial recreation uses. 3. Definitions - Further to the work conducted in Stage l, the following revisions and additions to the Interpretations Section of the Zoning Bylaw will provide greater clarity with respect to permitted uses: , . NeW'Definitions: . " "Accessory UnenclosedStorage'* subordinate to a principal use, is added to clarify what uses would be permitted as outdoor storage. » "Controcfor Scrv/ce" including landscaping, concrete, logging, electrical, excavation, drilling, carpentry, drywall, flooring, roofing, heating and plumbing or similar services of a construction nature is added to define the scope of services that are considered to be part of a contractor service business. This use will be permitted in all three of the new industrial zones. » "/nrfu5fr/ci/£<jw/pmewf'including machinery, mechanical equipment, or vehicles exceeding a gross vehicle weight rating of 4,500 kilograms, typically used in construction, manufacturing, assembling and processing operations or agricultural production is added to consolidate and clarify the uses considered industrial equipment. The retail sale, rental and servicing of industrial equipment will be a permitted use in the M-1 zone. " "Oj5f7cc" activities means a commercial use in which business, clerical, or professional activities are conducted that do not include the sale of goods from the premises nor personal service uses. File #; 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#: 1837073.V6 • . Page 9 January 26, 2015 Proposed Bylaw Amendments cbnt'd/ 3. Dc//mt/ons cont'd/ New Definitions cont'd/ " "PersonalService'* includes uses such as health care practitioners, hair salons, . aestheticians, photography studios, shoe and watch repairs, dry cleaners and laundries. These uses are considered a commercial use that provides for personal needs of a person and the definition is added only to make a clear distinction between personal service use and an office use. « Depot" is a facility used for collecting, sorting and redistributing recyclable materials. This use is added to provide clarity in regards to the operations and uses permitted, and is permitted in the M-1 and M-2 zones. Revised Definitions: • "Acces5o#yC<irefoJlfer"is amended by deleting the term "Accessory Employee Residential" and replacing it with "Accessory Caretaker". The amended definition is consistent with terms used by many other municipalities in the region. ® "Industrial Office** is amended to add reference to the new Business Enterprise zone and to clarify that industrial offices can operate within this new zone. 4. Parking Reguirements - Staff reviewed parking generation rates for the uses proposed in each of the three new zones with a number of data sources, including the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Parking Generation Manual. The parking requirement for industrial uses in the current nine Industrial zones is one space per lOOm^ of gross floor area, which is consistent with the parking rates for industrial uses in many other Metro Vancouver municipalities. Consequently, this standard will remain the same for the uses in the new M-1 and M-2 zones. However, in the B-l zone, non-industrial uses including commercial recreation, grocery stores, office, restaurants, and specialty food retailers are recommended to have a parkingrequirement of one space per 40m' of gross floor area. This is the same rate applied to these uses elsewhere in Coquitjam and reflect the greater parking demand associated with these types of commercial uses. 5. Sign Bylaw Amendments - The proposed OCR and Zoning Bylaw amendments will also trigger the need for housekeeping amendments to the City's Sign Bylaw to remove references to the existing nine industrial zones {Section 14.0 - Signs Permitted in Industrial Zones). A separate report will be brought forward to Council at a later date to remove the references to the existing nine zones and replace the text with the three new zones. , 6. Public Consultation - Staff consulted with a wide range of stakeholders to obtain comments oh the proposed bylaw changes above including property and business owners affected by the proposed zoning changes, industrial real estate brokers, NAIOR, Urban Development Institute (UDI), and the Tri-Cities Charhber of Commerce. This consultation process included the following key elements: " Mail-out: Staff mailed approximately l,4G0 letters on July 2, 2014 to each of the affected industrial property owners and business operators and other parties. The letter summarized the proposed zone changes and included a copy of the three draft zones, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet, and a Comment sheet. > . File#; 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#: 1837073.V6 Page 10 January 26, 2015 Proposed Bylaw Amendments cont'd/ 6, Public Consultation coviVdi/ • We£»s/fc: A webpage accessible on the City's website provided information regarding the review, past staff reports to Council, the draft zones, zoning maps showing existing and proposed industrial zone changes, a FAQ sheet, a comment sheet, a link to subscribe to e-mail updates (i.e., e-mail list-serv), and a staff contact for obtaining additional informatlon. Two e-mail updates were sent to the list-serv to highlight opportunities to provide input: o 2014: an e-mailto the e-niaillist-serv was sent describing the different options to provide input (e-mail updates, comment forms and staff contact information) and an overview of the review, o lu/y 23,2014: a reminder update was sent with details for the July 24, 2014 public information meeting. a PiiW/cM/ormflf/ow /Weef/rtjS?: An information meeting was held on July 24, 2014 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Hard Rock Casino on United Boulevard. The intent of the meieting was for interested parties to review information on display boards and in handouts, ask questions and provide verbal and written feedback. Forty-five (45) people attended the meeting. a Presentation to TrhCities Chamber of Commerce: Staff presented a summary of the proposed changes to the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce - Public Policy ; Committee on July 17,2014. Staff answered questions and invited members tosubmit additional comments after the meeting on the proposed changes. » Meetings: For properties moving from an AA zone to the CS-1 zone, staff: o personally contacted property Owners to discuss future plans for each individual property; o met and discussed the amendments with several individual property owners to clarify and provide relevant zone information; and o addressed and resolved for the most part the concerns raised. « Early and Ongoing Consultation: Public consuItation consistent with Section 879 of the loco/Governwent Act concluded on Decernber 17, 2014. . Notifications were sent to the City of New Westminster, Metro Vancouver, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, UDI, Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce and NAIOP for comment. 7, Swrnmory of Feet/£«7c^f - In total, the City received 70 comment forms, e-mails, telephone calls and faxes during the consultation period from April 2014 to August 2014. Staff responded to each item received. With regard to the Section 879 consultation, staff received responses from NAIOP, UDI, Metro Vancouver, and Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce (Attachment 2). The comments received from the public consultation were generally favourable and helpful, including some input that caused staff to further analyze and refine the zones, although noneof the refinements changed the intent of the zones and how they would be applied. A summary of the input is as follows: File#:08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#: I837073.v6 Page 11 January 26,2015 Proposed Bylaw Amendmeints cont'd/ 7' Summary of Feedback cont'd/ o , Ctoy/cof/ononOro/fZoffCS: These clarifieations included both general and site specific questions, including what new zone is being proposed for a site or business, whether existing uses will be in compliance with the new zones, the impacts of zone changes on current businesses or properties, the proposed regulations related to the zone, and the objective and purpose of the review. . o Staff Response: Staff provided an explanation of the purpose of the Industrial Zones Review, the intent of each of the three new zones, the regulations of use, and the research undertaken to determine the use(5) on each property and advised whether the use fits within the proposed zone. Assessment and Tax Implications: Inquiries received focused on whether there will be an increase to property assessment values and municipal tax rates. o Staff Response: Staff advised that propertv classes and values are independently determined on an annual basis by the British Columbia Assessment Authority (BCAA). These classes and values are based on a numberof factors {current use, market forces, parcel size/shape, adjacent uses, etc.), and zoning is only one factor among many considered. The City relies upon the classes and values set by BCAA in applying its tax rates each year to each property in Coquitlam. The relevant classes for nearly all properties In the three new zones are the same as for the nine existing zones: product changes from beginning to end process (e.g., manufacturing is in this category), and - Business (Class 6): storage and retail (e.g., warehouse, offices, retail, wholesale). There is a minimal difference between the City's Class 5 and Class 6 tax rates (13.4008 vs. 13.4033 respectively). B Processfor the Industrial Zones Review: Inquiries were regarding the target dates for reporting to Council and the Public Hearing. • o Staff Response: Staff indicated that the anticipated timeline was late 2014/early 2015 for reporting to Council, including Council consideration . of first reading of the bylaws, and thatthe City website would be updated accordingly. B Support for the Industrial Zones Review: Comments noted that the new zones and theproposed changes would allow businesses to grow. 8. Changes Based on Public Input - Staff revised the draft zones to the degree reasonably possible to accommodate the feedback received and to even further reduce the number of legal non-conforming uses. Key additional amendments have been made as a result of the consulfation process include: Mini-warehouse has been added as a permitted use in the M-l and CS-l zones because this use complies with the intent of these two zones. ® Contractor Services have been added as a permitted use in the B-i zone because this use is consistent with other uses in the zone. File#: 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/l Doc#: I837073.y6 Page 12 January 26,2015 8. Changes Based on Publiclnput cont'd/ ® » Accessory Health Care andAthletic Rehabiiitathn and Treatment Services, Exclusive to a CommercialRecreation Use have been added as an accessory use to a commercial recreation use because the use is compatible and supportive of the principal comwerc/a/recrecjf/on use. Three sites were re-assigned to a new zone where the new zone would better encompass the current use and future plans for the property. Bylaw Nos. 4522 and 4527,2015: Based on feedback that indicates general support for the proposed OCR and Zoning Bylaw changes, OCR Amendment Bylaw No. 4522,2015 (Attachment 3) and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 (Attachment 4) have been prepared for Gouncil's consideration: Bylaw Nos. 4522 and 4527,2015 cont'd/ ® Bylaw No; 4522, 2015 would amend policy in the Citywide OCR, Southwest Coquitlam Area Plan, Maillardville Neighbourhood Plan and the City Centre Area Plan, and redesignate the properties as outlined in Schedule A to the Bylaw; « Bylaw No. 4527,2015 would delete the existing nine industrial zones in their entirety, add three new zones and six new definitions, revise two existing definitions, add parking requirements for each of the new zones, amend some regulations for the A-3 and CS-i zones, and rezone the properties outlined in Schedule D to the Bylaw. Financial Implications: There are no immediate financial implications; however, it is hoped that these bylavy amendments will support the City's long-term employment objectives and strengthen local industrial businesses. Conclusion: Theproposed OCR and Zoning Bylaw changes represent a significant overhaul of the City's industrial zones. The proposed three new zones will help ensure that Coquitlam remains competitive as a location for new and existing business operators by allowing more intensive use of industrial land and a broader range of permitted uses. Streamlining the zones will also make their administration by the City much more efficient. Based on this and consolidation feedback that indicates general support, staff recommend that Council give first reading to Bylaw Nos. 4522 and 4527, 2015 and that these Bylaws be referred to Public Hearing. J.L Mdntyre, MClP, RPP KW/EV/^/lmc .File#;08-3360-20/12015411 RZ/l Doc#: I837073v6 Page 13 January 26, 2015 Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. . OCR Land Use Map Amendment Properties (Sheets 1to 6) Section 879 Public Comments Bylaw No. 4522, 2015 (Doc #ia230l8v2; Schedules A to E -Maps) Bylaw No.45.27, 2015 (Doc #1838159; Schedules A to D) This report was prepared by Karen Wong, Development Planner, Eric Vance. Planning Gonsultanty and Erica Tiffany, Supervisor Development Planning, and reviewed by David Munro, Manager Economic Development, Kathleen Vincent, Manager Corporate Communications and Carl Johannsen, Acting Manager Development Services, : File #: 08-3360-20/12 015411 RZ/1 Doc #: I837073.v6 ATTACHMENT 2 CoQuitlam ""'"'"VvS BYLAW NO. 4527, 2015 A Bylaw to amend the "City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw No. 3P00,1996" and amending Bylaws WHEREAS certain changes are necessary for the clarification and effective and efficient operation of Bylaw No. 3000,1996 and amending Bylaws, in accordance with the Local Government Act, R.S.B.C., 1996, c. 323; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Coquitlarn in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Name of Bylaw This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the as the "City of Coquitlam Zoning Amendment Bylaw No 4527, 2015". 2. Zoning Bylaw No. 3000,1996, as amended, is further amended as follows: A. PART 2 INTERPRETATION, Section 201 Definitions is amended by deleting "Accessory Employee Residential". B. PART 2 INTERPRETATION, Section 201 Definitions is amended by adding, in alphabetical order, the following new definitions: " ACC5SS0/?Y CA/?fTA/Cf/? means the use for the accommodation of one or more employees of a business conducted on the same/of." " ACCESSORY UNENCLOSED STORAGE means the outdoor storage of goods or materials utilized by the principal use on a/of." " CONTRACTOR SERVICE means a use that provides for building and road construction services including landscaping, concrete, logging, electrical, excavation, drilling, carpentry, drywall, flooring, roofing, heating and plumbing or similar services of a Construction nature which require on-site storage and/or warehouse space." "7/V/7l/5T/?/A/. £OL//PMfA/7" means machinery or mechanical equipment, or vehicles exceeding a ^ross ve/i/c/e we/^/if rating of 4,500 kilograms, all of which are typically used in construction, manufacturing, assembling and processing operations or agricultural production." " OFFICE means a commercial use in which business, clerical, or professional activities are conducted that do not include the sale of goods from the premises and includes /ndusf/'/o/ ojy/ce uses, but does not include persona/serv/ce uses." " PERSONAL SERVICE means a commercial use which provides for personal needs of the person and includes health care practitioners, hair salons, aestheticians, photography studios, shoe and watch repairs, dry cleaners and laundries." " RECYCLING DEPOT means a facility used for collecting, sorting and redistributing recyclable materials." . File'.#: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: 1838159.V4 12 015411 RZ Page 2 CITY OF COQUITLAM BYLAW NO. 4527, 2015 C. PART 2 INTERPRETATION, Section 201 Definitions is artiended by replacing the existing text with the following; " INDUSTRIAL OFFICE means a use in which business, clerical, or professional activities are conducted in an Industrial and Business Enterprise zone, limited to the following uses: architectural and engineering services, data processing and related services, janitorial services, laboratories, labour organization, scientific and technical research, development and test facilities, and security guard and patrol services." D. PART 3 BASIC PROVISIONS, Section 302 Zones is amended by deleting the Short Form and Zone Designations from "M-1 General Industrial" to "M-9 Light Industrial" and replacing it with the following: "Short Form M-l IV\-2 B-l Zone Designation General Industrial Industrial Business Business Enterprise" E. PART 5 GENERAL REGULATIONS, Section 503 Uses Prohibited in All Zones, subsection (7) (a) (ii) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(ii) F. in an M-l, M-2 or B-l zone;" PART 5 GENERAL REGULATIONS, Section 503 Uses Prohibited in All Zones, subsection (?) (b) (ii) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(ii) in an M-l, M-2 or B-l zone;" G. PART 7 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING, GENERAL REGULATIONS, Section 706 Number of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces, sub-section (2) Commercial is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "(2) Commercial (a) 1space per Ad Except: Grocery Stores with a gross Floor area of more than of gross floor area .1 space per 30 m^ of gross floor area 325 m'^, and flea markets (b) Mini-warehouses l space per 100 m^ of gross floor area (c) Public houses l space perlOm^ of gross floor area (d) Tourist Accommodation uses i space per sleeping unit, or dwelling unit (e) Assembly uses permitted in Commercial and Service Commercial Zones 1space per 30 m^ of gross floor area Except: (i) Child-minding services, schools, youth/senior centres (ii) Casino Gaming lspace per 40 m^ of ^ross/Zoor area l space perlOm^ of gross floor area File#:09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: 1838159.V4 12 015411 RZ Pages CITY OF COOUITLAM BYLAW NO. 4527, 2015 (f) Commercial and Civic uses permitted in the C-4 and C-7 zones (excludes: park use) (g) Commerc/fl/uses permitted in a Business (B) zone Except: (i) Commercial recreation, grocery store, office, restaurant, specialty food retail (h) Commercial uses permitted in an Industrial (M) zone"' 1 space per 45 floor area of gross lspace per 100 m^ of ^ross/Zoorflreo ispace per 40 of gross floor area lspace per 100 m^ of gross floor area H. PART 7 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING, GENERAL REGULATIONS, Section 706 Number of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces, sub-section (3) Industrial is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(3) I. J. Industrial lspace per 100 m^ of ^ross/Zoororeo" PARTS AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ZONES, Section 801A-3 Agricultural and Resource is deleted in its entirety and replaced by Schedule "A" to this Bylaw. PART 12 APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL ZONES, Section 1207 RM-5 Multi-Storey High Density . Apartment Residential sub-section (2) (b)(vi) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(vi) office, and" K. PART 12 APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL ZONES, Section 1208 RM-6 Multi-Storey High Density Apartment Residential sub-section (2) (b)(vi) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(vi) office, and" L PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1501C-1 Local Commercial sub-section (2) is amended by replacing the existing text "Office" with the following: "(f) bj5f/ce, as limited under sub-section (3)(d)" M. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1501C-1 Local Commercial sub-section (3)(d) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(d) an oj^f/ce use must be located on the second floor" File#: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: 1838159.V4 12 015411 RZ Page 4 CITY OF COOUITLAM BYLAW NO. 4527, 2015 N. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1502 C-2 General Commercial sub-section (2)(d) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(d) , personal service, \nc\udmg commercial schools," O. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1502 C-2 General Commercial sub-section (2)(g) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(d) office;" : P. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1503 C-3 Medical Commercial sub-section (2)(a) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(a) personal service, limited to: physician, dentist or other person authorized by law to practice medicine or healing;" . , 0. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1503 C-3 Medical Commercial sub-section (2)(b) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(b) oj5^'ce, limited to: lawyer, architect, land surveyor or engineer, or person of similar profession, not including real estate, insurance or financial bus/ness offices;" R. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1504 C-4 City Centre Commercial sub-section (2)(d) is amended by replacing the existing text with the follovying: "(d) persono/serv/ce, including commerc/o/schools;" S. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1504 C-4 City Centre Commercial sub-section (2)(g) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(g) office;" T. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1504 C-4 City Centre Commercial sub-section (9)(a)(i) is amended by replacing the existingtext with the following: "(i) office;" U. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1504 C-4 City Centre Commercial sub-section (9)(c)(ii) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(ii)^ V. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1505 C-5 Community Commercial sub-section (2)(d) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(d) persono/serv/ce, including commerc/a/schools;" W. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1505 C-5 Community Commercial sub-section (2)(g) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(g) officer File#: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: 1838159.V4 12 015411. RZ Page 5 CITY OF COOUITLAM BYLAW NO. 4527, 2015 X. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1507 C-7 Transit Village Commercial sub-section (2)(e) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following; "(d) personal service, mdud'mg commercial schools;" Y. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1507 C-7 Transit Village Commercial sub-section (2)(h) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(h) office;" Z. PART 15 COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1507 C-7 Transit Village Commercial sub-section (2)(i) is amended by deleted in its entirety and the subsequent sub-sections are relettered accordingly. AA. PART 16 SERVICE COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 1601 CS-1 Service Commercial is deleted ' in its entirety and replaced by Schedule "B" to this Bylaw. .( '' ' "' '• BB. PART 19 INDUSTRIAL ZONES is deleted in its entirety and replaced by Schedule "C" to . this Bylaw. CC. PART 20 INSTITUTIONAL ZONES, Section 2001 P-1 Civic Institutional sub-section (2)(b) is amended by replacing the existing text with the following: "(b) persona/serv/ce, limited to physiotherapist." DD.PART 21 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Section 2006 CD-I Comprehensive Development Zone sub-section (2) is amended by replacing the existing text "office" with the following: . "officeEE. Schedule A shaW be amended as foWovjs: "The properties within the areas outlined in black on the attached maps and marked Schedule "D" to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 shall be rezoned as indicated." M. Schedule "F", Schoolhouse Street M-6 Area is deleted in its entirety. . READ A FIRST TIME this day of ,2015. CONSIDERED AT PUBLIC HEARING this dayof ,2015. READ A SECOND TIME this dayof ,2015. READ A THIRD TIME this dayof ,2015. READ A FOURTH AND FINAL TIME, and the Seal of the Corporation affixed this day of , 2015. MAYOR CLERK File#:09-3900-20/4527/1. Doc#: I838l59.v4 12 015411 RZ Schedule "A" to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 PART 8 AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ZONES 801 A-3 (1) Agricultural and Resource Intent This zone provides for and/-esoiyrce uses as well as limited residential uses on large acreage lots. Provision is made for the keeping of animals. (2) Permitted Uses The following uses and no others are permitted in this zone: Principal uses: , ... • (a) yAgr/cty/fiyra/, as limited under sub-section {3)(f); (b) /?esotyrce, as limited under sub-section (3)(b); (c) One-family residential; (d) as limited under sub-section (3)(a) and (3)(e); r - Accessory uses: (a) Accessory advertising; (b) Accessory off-street loading; (c) Accessory off-street parking; (d) Accesso/yres/denf/d/, as limited under sub-section (3)(e); (e) Accessory corefflker, as limited under sub-section {3)(c) and (3)(e); (f) Accessoryproduceso/es, as limited under sub-section (3)(d); (g) Accessory unenclosed storage. (2A) Additional Permitted Uses The following uses and no others are permitted in this zone: Principal uses: (a) //7diysfr/o/, limited to: (i) batch plants for concrete and asphalt; and (ii) manufacture of cast concrete products; and as further limited under Section (3A). Accessory uses: (a) Accessory oj5f7ce, as lirnited under Section {3A); (b) Accessory washing, servicing and repair of motor vehicles associated with the business conducting a permitted/ndusfr/o/ use as limited by Section (2A)(a), at the locations specified in Section (3A); (c) Accessoryreto/7, limited to the retail sale of asphalt and concrete or related products, as limited under Section (3A). File #;09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: 1856530.V6 12 015411 RZ Schedule "A" to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 (3) Conditions of Use (a) A boarding use \s not permitted except in conjunction with a cnefamily residential use and must not accommodate more than four boarders. (b) A resource use involving the storage of motor vehicles and equipment is permitted only on a/of: (i) (ii) (iii) (c) No more than one dwelling unit for accessory caretaker use is permitted per lot (d) The//oor area used for accessory produce sales use must not exceed 12 m^. (e) The following uses are not permitted on a lot having an area less than 8.1hectares: (i) (ii)' (iii) (f) (3A) occupied by a resource use; abutting a lot occupied by a resource use-, or formerly occupied by a resource use. boarding; accessory residential; accessory caretaker. An agricultural use does not include medical marijuana grow operation. Additional Conditions of Use (a) Industrial, limited to batch plants for concrete and asphalt, and manufacture of cast concrete products, accessory office and Parcel Identifier No. Address 009-238-239 001-486-233 002-629-861 008-385-882 002-160-960 1530 Pipeline Road 002-151-995 File#:09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: I856530.v6 12015411 RZ 1536 Pipeline Road 1700 Pipeline Road 1739 Pipeline Road 1750 Pipeline Road 1760 Pipeline Road Schedule "A" to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 (b) (4) (5) Conditions of Use in Section 3 applicable to/ndust/'/o/use do not apply to the locations listed in this Section (3A). Lot Size (a) The minimum/of size is 8.1hectares. (b) Notwithstanding (a), the minimum lot size for an industrial use, as limited by Section (2A) at the locations specified in Section (3A), is 2,000 m2. Density Not applicable in this zone. (6) Lot Coverage (a) All bw/Vd/Vj^s andst/'L/ctiv/'estogether must not exceed a/of coverage of 30%. (b) In addition to (a), buildings and structures for the specific uses set out below must not exceed the corresponding lot coverages set out below: Use Maximum Lot Coverage Agricultural Resource One-family residential Accessory residential Accessory caretaker (7) Buildings Per Lot For each of the uses set out below, no more than one structiv/'e for that use is permitted per/of: (a) (b) (c) (8) 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% or One-family residential Accessory caretaker Accessory produce sales Setbacks (a) Buildings and structures for the following uses must be sited no closer than the corresponding setbacks from lot lines, bodies of water and other uses as set out below: File#:09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: I856530.v6 12015411 RZ Schedule "A" to Front Rear Lot Lot Line Line (metres) (metres) Use Agricultural Interior Side Lot Line (metres) Exterior Side Lot Line (metres) Wells or Streams (metres) One-Family Residential or Accessory caretaker Buildings (metres) 30 30 60 15 15 30 30 15 15 15 30 15 30 30 30 60 30 30 One-Family Residential 7.6 1.8 - - - 7.6 7.6 - 3.8 Industrial Accessory caretaker, Accessory residential, Accessory produce sales 7.6 - - 7.6 7.6 1.5 3.0 Resource Agricultural, involving mushroom growing or the keeping of swine, poultry or fur-bearing animals (b) (9) 3.0 The above setbacks are subject to increase under section 518, 519 and 523 of this bylaw. Location of Uses Not applicable in this zone. (lO) Height Buildings and structures for the uses set out below must not exceed the heights set out below: Uses One-family residential Accessory residential Accessory caretaker Accessory produce sales (11) Maximum Height 11 metres 11 metres 11 metres 11 metres Building Size Not applicable in this zone. (12) Off-Street Parking and Loading The regulations under Part 7 apply. i (13) Other Regulations The regulations under Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6 apply. File #; 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: I856530.v6 12 015411 RZ Schedule "B" to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 PART 16 SERVICE COMMiERCIAL ZONES 1601 CS-1 (1) Service Commercial Intent This zone provides for most types of service commercial and related uses requiring large lots, location along major transportation routes, and large areas for storage and handling of materials, goods, and equipment (2) Permitted Uses Principal uses: Commerc/o/, limited to: (a) Retail sales, limited to: (i) auctions, as limited under sub-section (3)(a); (ii) building supplies; (i) bus/ness goods, as limited under sub-section (3)(b); (ii) electronic goods, as limited under sub-section (3)(b); (iii) . //eo mor/ret, as limited under sub-section (3)(a) and (c); (iv) garden supplies and machinery, and related parts and accessories; fvii) bousebo/d^oods, as limited under sub-section (3)(b); (viii) //quor stores, as limited under sub-section (3)(e), and (f); (ix) motor vehicles, tra/7ers, campers, boats, bicycles and related parts, supplies and accessories; (x) personal goods, limited to sporting goods and toys. (b) Service, limited to: (i) banking, as limited under sub-section (3)(d); (i) building repair and maintenance services; (ii) beveroqecontamer return centre, as limited under sub-section (3)(a); (iii) commercial recreation-, (iv) dry-cleaning and laundry services; (v) e/ectron/cco/Zect/on/oc/V/ty, as limited under sub-section (3)(a); 1 File#: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: 1856575.V3 12 015411 RZ Schedule "B" to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 1601 GS-l Service Commercial (vi) . . entertainment, recreational and fitness facilities, excludes: amusement arcades un\ess spe(:\f\ca\\y permitted in this Part, and excludes: cos/no e/ectro/i/c^omm^, nightclubs, dance halls, bingo facilities and cabarets; (vii) food and drinking services, limited to: a. restaurants b. drive-in restaurants c. public houses d. food service contractors e. caterers (viii) funeral services; (ix) laboratories for dental, optical or medical materials. (x) mini-warehouse; (xi) pet care services, as limited under sub-section (3)(a); (xii) personal services, limited to health care practitioners, as limited under sub-section (3)(k); (xiii) printing and related support services; (xiv) publishing; (xv) real estate office; (xvi) rental services, limited to: a. building equipment, b. business goods, c. household goods, d. garden equipment; e. motor vehicles, trailers, campers, boats, bicycles (xvii) repair, maintenance, servicing of motor vehicles, trailers, campers, boats, and bicycles; (xviii) studios for radio broadcasting, television broadcasting and recording; (xix) taxi services. (c) ToL/r/stacco/nmoc/ot/on, not including accommodation intents, trailers, mobile homes, camper vehicles or recreational vehicles, and as further limited under sub-section (3)(i). fxtem/Ve rec/'ecrf/or?, not including firing ranges. Pwb//c serv/ce, as limited under sub-section (3)(l) Semcesfc7f/o/7, as limited under sub-section {3){h) 2 File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: 1856575.V3 12 015411 RZ Schedule "B" to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 1601 CS-1 Service Commercial Accessory Uses, limited to: . (a) Accessory advertising (b) Accessory amusement arcade, as \\m\tedi under sub-section (3){m) (c) Accessory//guor stores, as limited under sub-section (3){e) and (g) (d) Accessory off-street parking (e) Accessory off-street loading (f) Accessory unenclosed storage (g) Accessory retail, exclusive to a service station use and limited to non-alcoholic beverages, confections, \ce, tobacco products, and goods dispensed from vending machines (h) Accesso/yve/7d/r7^cort, as limited under the "City of Coquitlam Street Vending and Special Event Vending Bylaw," currently in force • (i) Accesso/y vend/rj^ veh/c/e, as limited under the "City of Coquitlam Street Vending and Special Event Vending Bylaw," currently in force (3) Conditions of Use (a) Thefollowing uses must be enclosed within a building: (i) auctions (ii) beverage container return centre (iii) electronic collectionfacility - (iv) flea market (v) pet care services (b) Retail sales of householdgoods, business goods and electronic goods must be a minimum gross//oor oreo of 500 m^ for each bus/ness, for any such use. (c) Each individual stall/table area for a//ea mor/cef must be a minimum 93 m^. (d) Banking uses must be a minimum gross/Zoororeo of 500 m2; (e) A liquor store or accessory liquor store Is permitted only if the use is located a minimum 300 m from: (i) (ii) (iii) another Z/guor store or accessory Z/guor store and the parcel on which it is located; or a site designated as "school" in the Citywide Official Community Plan; or the bu/Zd/ng centre of a public place of religious worship exempted by the British Columbia Assessment Authority under Section 339 (l)(g) of the tocoZ Government Act; or • • 3 File#: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: I856575.v3 12 015411 RZ Schedule "B"to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 1601 C5-i Service Comrnercial (iv) (f) A liquor store: (1) (ii) (g) a park boundary as set out in Schedule E. must only permit public access from the exterior of the buiiciing] must not permit public access from within the liquor store to other uses within the same buiiciing. An accessory liquor store: (i) (ii) must not have a grossfloor area larger than 186 m^; and must be located within or immediately abutting a public house and in no case can the area of the accessory liquor store portion exceed the area of the public house open to the public, nor can the area of the public house open to the public contain less than 87 m^ of gross floor area. (h) For service station use, fuel must be dispensed by personnel of the bus/ness retailing the fuel. (i) No more than one sleeping or c/we/Z/V?^ for tGwr/sf accommodation may be provided for each 90 m^ of lot area used for tourist accommodation use. (]) A beverage container return centre is limited to a maximum gross floor area of 280 m^. (k) Personal services, limited to health care practitioners are permitted only at the following location: Strata Plan No. Address BCS3928 228 Schoolhouse (I) A pL/bZ/cserv/ce use is only permitted when: (i) enclosed within a bu/ZcZ/n^; and (ii) there is no storefront. (m) Accessory amusement arcade: (i) is permitted only when accessory to and operated in conjunction with a movie theatre or an indoor children's play centre; (ii) is limited to 10% of the gross floor area of the business; (iii) includes omuse/rjentmocb/nesthat are token-operated only; and (iv) shall not have an independent direct access from the exterior of the bu/ZrZ/n^. File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: .I856575.v3 12 015411 RZ Schedule "B" to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 CS-l 1601 (4) Service Ccmrriercial Lot Size The uses set out below are not permitted on lots having areas less than the corresponding areas set out below; Uses Commercial Service station Tourist accommodation Extensive recreation (5) 925 1,390 2,320 4,000 Density (a) (6) Minimum Lot Size jm^) All buildings and structures must not exceed a grossfloor area of 0.6 times the lot area. ^ Lot Coverage All buildings and structures together must not exceed a lot coverage of 55%. (7) Buildings Per Lot See Part 5, Section 512 of this bylaw. (8) Setbacks (a) Buildings and structures for the uses must be sited no closer than the corresponding setbacks from lot lines set out below: Front Lot Line (metres) Exterior Side Lot Line (metres) Rear Lot Line Abutting Street (metres) Rear Lot Line Abutting Lane (metres) Any Other Lot Lines (metres) All buildings and structures 7.6 3.0 7.6 1.2 - Buildings for service station use 12.0 3.0 7.6 1.2 Service station pump island or canopy 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Use 4.5 File#:09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: 1856575.V3 12 015411 RZ Schedule "B" to Bylaw No. 4527, 2015 1601 (9) CS-1 Service Commercial (b) Despite paragraph (a), no wall or portion pf a wall with a balcony^ window, or door with a window to a habitable room of a dwelling unit may be sited closer than 7.6 metres to the nearest/oMihe. (c) Where the/ot is adjacent to a/ot zoned for res/(fent/c?/use and designated for residential in an Official Community Plan, a minimum 3 metres widd suitably landscaped area must be installed along the lot line opposite or abutting the adjacent lot, exceptthatthe width of this landscaped area is reduced to 1.2 metres where a street or /une separates the two/ofs. (d) the above setbacks are subject to increase under Sections 518, 519 and 523 and decrease under Section 514 of this bylaw. Location of Uses ^ (10) Not applicable in this zone. Height Buildings and structures must not exceed a height of il.o metre and one (l) storey, except for a m/m-worehduse use which must not exceed a height of ll.O metres and two (2) storeys. (12) Off-Street Parking and Loading The regulations under Part 7 apply. u (13) other Regulations The regulations under f'aH; 2, Part 3; Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 14 apply. • . : : 6 File #: 09-3900-20/45.27/1 Doc #: 1856575.V3 12 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 PART 18 BUSINESS ENTERPRISE ZONE 1801 B-i Business Enterprise (1) Intent The zone provides for most types of/nofL/st/'/c?/uses, oj5f/ce uses/ co/r?merc/o//ecreot/on uses and commerc/o/uses which support industrial activities. (2) Permitted Uses Principal uses, limited to the following, and as further limited.uhder sub-section {3)(a): Commerc/c?/, limited to: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) : bL//7d/r?^ SL/pp//es, as limited under sub-section (3)(b); child-minding service, as limited under sub-section (3)(c); commercial recreation; contractor service; grocerystore, as limited under sub-section (3){d); industrial office; household goods and bws/ness goods, retail sale and rental, as limited under sub-section (3){e); (h) office; ' (i) persona/serv/ces, limited to physio, speech, and neurological therapy as limited under sub-section (3){f); restaurant asiimited under sub-section (3)(d); retail, sale, leasing, rental, servicing and repair of automobiles, as limited under sub-section (3){g); specialty food retail, as limited under sub-section (3)(d): and trade school. (j) (k) (I) (m) ' • • ; Industrial, except: (a) batch plants for concrete and asphalt; (b) manufacture of concrete products; and (c) recycling, processing, or salvaging of motor vehicles. Public service ' Accessory Use, limited to: (a) ; Accessory advertising File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: 1857150.V412 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 B-l Business Enterprise 1801 (3) (b). Accessory health care and.athletic rehabilitation and treatment services, exclusive to a commerc/£7/recreot/on use (c) Accessory oj5f/ce, as limited under sub-section {3){a) (d) Accessory off-street parking {e) Accpsory off-street loading (f) Accessory retail, as limited under sub-section (3)(a) and excluding the sale of alcoholic beverages (g) Accessory unenclosed storage, as limited under sub-section (3)(g). and (i) (h) Accessory vending cart, as limited under the "City of Coquitlam Street Vending and Special Event Vending Bylaw," currently in force (i) Accessory vending vehicle, as limited under the "City of Coquitlam Street Vending and Special Event Vending Bylaw," currently in force Conditions of Use (a) All permitted principal uses, accessory office and accessory retail uses mustbe enclosed within a building. (b) A building supplies use is only permitted at the following location: Parcel Identifier No. 1900 United Boulevard 018-605-460 (c) A child-minding service use is permitted only at the following location: Parcel Identifier No, Address 277 Schoolhouse Street (1550 Booth Avenue) 008-596-352 (d) Address Grocery store, restaurant and specialtyfood retail uses must not exceed a maximum^ross floor area of 85 m^ except a restaurant use of up to 150 m^ and specialtyfood retail use of up to 210 m^ which is permitted only at the following location: Parcel Identifier No. 028-371-798 Address 1988 United Boulevard File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: 1857150.V4 12 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 B-l Business Enterprise 1801 (e) Household goods and business goods, retail sale and rental, must be a minimum of gross floor area of 500 m^for any business, for any such use. (f) Personal services, limited to physio, speech, and neurological therapy is permitted only at the following location: Address Parcel Identifier No. 277 Schoolhouse Street (1580 - 1582 Booth Avenue) 008-596-352 (g) (i) (4) Parcel Identifier No. Address 018-623-719 018-470-424 008-596-352 1751 United Boulevard 1881 United Boulevard 277 Schoolhouse Street (273 - 287 Schoolhouse Street, 1520 - 1594 Booth Avenue) Accessory unenclosed storage where permitted under (g), above, must be the located on land which is (i) surfaced with an asphalt, concrete or other dust-free surface; and (ii) where abutting a street or lane or adjacent to a residential use, must be bounded by an opaque screening not less thanl.B metres high. Lot5lze (a) (5) Retail sale, leasing, rental, servicing and repair of automobiles and accessory unenclosed storage is permitted only at the following location: Not applicable in this zone. Density All buildings and structures together shall not exceed a grossfloor area of 2.0 times the/of oreu; File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: I857150.v412 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 45i7> 2015 1801 B-1 Business Enterprise (6) Lot Coverage Not applicable in this zone. (7) Buildings Per Lot ; One ortnore principal buildings may be located on 3 lot. (8) Setbacks (a) Buildings and structures for the uses must be sited no closer than the corresponding setbacks from/of lines set out below: Uses Buildings and Structures All buildings and structures (b) (9) Lot Lines Along a Street (metres) Rear Lot Line abutting an Industrial or Business zone (metres) Rear Lot Line abutting all other zones (metres) 7.6 - 7:6 ... V Interior Side Lot Line all other zones (metres) 3.0 . The above setbacks are subject to increase under sections 5i8, 519, and 523 and decrease under section 514 of this bylaw. Location of Uses Not applicable in this zone. (10) Interior Side Lot Line abutting an Industrial or Business zone (metres) ^ Height Buildings and structures itiust not exceed aheightofe\ght {S) storeys. (11) Building Size Not applicable in this zone. (12) Off-Street Parking and Loading The regulations under Part 7 apply. File #:09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: I857l50.v412 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 1801 B-l Business Enterprise (13) Other Regulations The regulations under Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6 apply. 5 File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: 1857150.V412 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 PART 19 INDUSTRIAL ZONES 1901 M-1 General Industrial (1) Intent This zone provides for all types of industrial uses, which generally include manufacturing, storing, distributing, wholesaling and recycling of goods, materials or similar items. Only commerc/fl/uses which support /ndustr/c?/activities are permitted. (2) Permitted Uses Principal uses: (a) Commerc/c?/, limited to: (i) autobody repair, (ii) contractor service; (iii) mini-warehouse; . (iv) recycling depot; (v) />7dL/str/fl/ e<7u/pment retail sale, rental and servicing; (vij (vii) recreational vehicle retaW sale, rental, servicing, as limited under sub-section (3)(a); trade school; (viii) transportation terminal. (b) Industrial (c) Public service (d) SemceStot/o/1, as limited under sub-section (3){b). /Accesso/y L/ses, limited to: ; ^ (a) Accessory advertising (b) Accessory office (c) Accessory off-street loading {d) Accessory off-street parking (e) Accessory caretaker, as limited under sub-section (3)(c) and (4)(a) (f) >4cces5ory L/nenc/osed storage, as limited under sub-section (3)(d) File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: I857150.v4 12 015411 RZ Schedule "C"to Bylaw No4527, 2015. M-l Cenerai Industrial 1901 (3) (g) Accessory as limited under the "City of Coquitlam Street Vending and Special Event Vending Bylaw," currently in force. (h) Accessory vending vehicle, as limited under the "City of Coquitlam Street Vending and Special Event Vending Bylaw," currently in force. Conditions of Use (a) (b) /?ecrec7t/or7fl/Ye/7/c/e retail sale, rental, servicing, is permitted only Parcel Identifier No. Address 015-973-417 32 Fawcett Road A service.station us,e\ (i) (ii) (c) An accessory caretaker use: (i) (ii) (iii) (d) is limited to sales and services to motor vehicles exceeding a gross vehicle weight rating of 4,500 kilograms, and commercial vehicles licensed under Division 3 of Part 20 of the Local Government Act; and must have fuel dispensed by the personnel of the business retailing the fuel or, when in a cardlock or key operated service, by a driver or passenger of the motor vehicle being fuelled. must be located within the principal building on the lot, must not exceed a maximum//oorc7refl of 60 m^; and is limited to one per/of. An unenclosed principal storage use and an accessory unenclosed storage use: (i) (ii) is permitted only where the land upon which it is located is surfaced with asphalt, concrete or other dust-free surface; and where abutting a sfreef or/oA7e or adjacent to ares/denf/fl/ use, must be bounded by an opaque screening not less than 1.8 metres high. File #; 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: I857156.v412 015411 RZ Schedule "C"to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 M-l General Industrial 1901 Lot Size (4) (a) (5) Not applicable in this zone, except; , (i) an accessory caretoA'er use is not permitted on a/of having an area less than 8,100 m2. Density All ^uMn^s and structures together shall not exceed a cross//oor area of 1-5 times the/ot area. (6) LotCoverage Not applicable in this zone., (?) Buildings Per Lot One or more principal buildings may be located on a lot (8) Setbacks (a) SuMn^s, structures and uses must be sited no closer than the corresponding setbacks from/ot lines as set out below: Uses Buildings and Structures All buildings and structures Unenclosed and Accessory unenclosed storage (b) Rear Lot Line abutting .. an Industrial or Business zone (metres) Rear Lot Line abutting all otherzones (metres) Interior Side Lot Line abutting an Industrial or Business zone (metres) Interior Side Lot Line abutting all other zones (metres) 7.6 7,6 - 3.0 7.6 7.6 3.0 - Lot Lines Along a Street. (metres) . The above setbacks are subject to increase under sections 518, 519 and 523 and decrease under section 514 of this bylaw. File#: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#; I857150.v412 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 1901 M-l General Industrial (9) Location of Uses Not applicable in this zone. (10) Height The stored goods or materia Is,T?w/7c//>7^s and structures set out below must not exceed the corresponding/7e/^Ms: (11) Use Buildings Maximum Height Six (6) storeys Structures 19 metres Stored goods or materials, other than Modular containers 3.7 metres Stored modular containers 8.8 metres Building Size Not applicable in this zbne. (12) Off-Street Parking and Loading The regulations under Part 7 apply. (13) Other Regulations The regulations under Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6 apply. File #,; 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: 1857150.V4 12 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 PART19 INDUSTRIAL ZONES 1902 M-2 Industrial Business (1) Intent The zone provides formost types of/ndustr/a/uses and some commerc/a/ uses limited to uses with an industrial character. (2) Permitted Uses Principal uses, limited to the following, and as further limited under sub section (3)(a); (a) Commerc/c?/, lirhited to: (i) contractor service; (ii) industrial off ice; (iii) learning disability treatment ceritre, as limited under sub section {3)(b); (iv) recycling depot; (v) resfourant as limited under sub-section {3){c); (vi) spec/a/^/bodreta//, as limited under sub-section (3)(c); and (vii) trade school. (b) Industrial, except: (i) batch plants for concrete and asphalt; (ii) manufacture of concrete products; and (iii) recycling, processing, or salvaging of motor vehicles. (c) Medical marijuana grow operation, as limited under sub-section {3)(d). (d) Public service. Accessory Uses, limited to: (a) Accessory advertising (b) /Accessory careta/rer, as limited under sub-section (3)(e) and (4)(a) (c) /Accessory oj5fvce, as limited under sub-section (3)(a) (d) Accessory off-street parking (e) Accessory off-street loading . • 10 File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: 1857150.V4 12 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 M-2 industrial Business 1902 (3) (f) Accessory retail, as limited under sub-siection (3)(a), excluding the sale of alcoholic beverages (g) Accessory unenclosed storage, as limited under sub-section (3)(f) (h) Accessory vending cart, as limited under the "Gity of Coquitlam Street Vending and Special Event Vending Bylaw," currently in force (i) Accessory vending vehicle, as limited under the "City of Coquitlam Street Vending and Special Event Vending Bylaw," currently in force Conditions of Use (a) All permitted principal uses, accessory office and accessory retail uses must be enclosed within a building. (b) A learning disability treatment centre is permitted only at the following location: Strata Plan No. Address LMS1496 Unit 112 - 250 Schoolhouse Street (c) Restaurant uses and specialtyfood retail uses must not exceed a maximum grossfloor area of SSm^. (d) Medical Marijuana Grovv Operation use: (i) must be the only principal use on the lot on which it is 7 located; (ii) must be a minimum distance of 300 m from land zoned for residential use, places of worship, park or public school; and (iii) must be enclosed within a building, unless a license has been issued by the Federal Government specifically allowing an outdoor medical marijuana grow operation. (e) An accessory caretaker use: (i) must be located within the principal building on a lot; (ii) must not exceed a maximum//oor(3rea of 60 m^; (iii) is limited to one per/ot. 11 File #: og-3900-20/4527/1 Doc#: I857150.v412 015411 RZ Schedule "C" to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 M-2 Industrial Business 1902 (f) An accessory unenclosed storage use must be located to the rear of the front face of the building; (i) is permitted only where the land upon which it is located is (ii) surfaced with an asphalt, concrete or other dust-free surface; and where abutting a street or lane or adjacent to a residential (iii) use, must be bounded by an opaque screening not less than 1.8 metres high. Lot Size (4) (a) (5) Not applicable in this zone, except: (i) an accessory caretaker use is not permitted on a lot having an area less than 8,100 m^. Density All buildings and structures together shall not exceed a gross floor area of 1.5 times the/of areo. (6) Lot Coveragie Not applicable in this zone. (7) Buildings Per Lot One or more principal buildings may be located on a lot. (8) Setbacks (a) Uses Buildings and Structures^ All buildings and structures Su/VcZ/ngs and structures for the uses must be sited no closer than the corresponding setbacks from/ot lines set out below: Lot Lines alonga Street (metres) Rear Lot Line abutting an Industrial or Business zone (metres) 7.6 - Rear Lot Line abutting all other zones (metres) Interior Side Lot Line abutting an Industrial or Business zone (metres) Interior Side Lot Line all other . zones (metres) 7.6 - 3.0 12 File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: I857150.v4 12 015411.RZ Schedule "C"to Bylaw No 4527, 2015 1902 M-2 Industrial Business (b) (9) The above setbacks are subjectto increase under section 518, 519 and 523 and decrease under section 514 of this bylaw. Location of Uses Not applicable in this zone. (10) Height Buildings and structures must not exceed a height of six (6) storeys. (11) Building Size Not applicable in this zone. " (12) Off-Street Parking and Loading See Part 7 of this bylaw. (13) Other Regulations The regulations in Part 2, Part 3^ Part 4. Part 5 and Part 6 apply. 13 File #: 09-3900-20/4527/1 Doc #: 1857150.V4 12 015411 RZ yfy. I-:: r- j UtLtb i Kt MVC ^^GHWAY INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOLIDATION N 0 50 100 150 200 1—i-j-j—LJ. 1 I I I I I I I. I 1. .1 1 1 1 1 Metres Doc# 1857263 i\ ^ M ^ > Location Map SCHEDULE'D'TO BYLAW No. 4527,2015 Map Sheet: 1 of 10 City of Coquitlam UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 Date Printed: January 20, 2015 rs^ ? P-5\ INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOLIDATION N 0 50 100 150 200 1•••.I.•••I••••I.••.I Metres A Location Map SCHEDULE 'D' TO BYLAW No. 4527,2015 Map Sheet:2 of 10 City of Coquitiam UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 Date Printed: January 20, 2015 J^ l....JJ4.i..i,... ll,.J,.,'fLM„.H ALDERSON AVE I INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOLIDATION N 0 50 100 Metres 150 200 A Location Map SCHEDULE 'D' TO BYLAW No. 4527,2015 Map Sheet:3 of 10 City of Coquitlam UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 Date Printed: January 20, 2015 INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOLIDATION N 0 50 100 Metres 150 200 A Location Map SCHEDULE'D'TO BYLAW No. 4527,2015 Map Sheet:4 of 10 City of Coqultlam UTM Zone 10. NAD 83 Date Printed: January 20, 2015 INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOLIDATION N 50 100 Metres 150 200 A Location Map SCHEDULE" TO BYLAW No. 4527,2015 Map Sheet:5 of 10 City of Coquitlam UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 Date Printed: January 20, 2015 M-2 A] ;; VI-2 RKM 39 _y Vi HARTtErAyE/- M-2 F OGERS^ M-1 M-2 INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOLIDATION N 0 50 100 150 200 1•• I •I.•• • I • ••.I• •I • I Metres A Location Map SCHEDULE 'D' TO BYLAW No. 4527,2015 Map Sheet:6 of 10 City of Coquitlam UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 Date Printed: January 20, 2015 INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOLIDATION N 0 50 100 150 200 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Metres A Location Map SCHEDULE 'D' TO BYimi No. 4527,2015 Map Sheet: 7 of 10 City of Coquitlam UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 Date Printed: January 20, 2015 SCHEDULE 'D' TO BYLAW No. 4527,2015 INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOLIDATION N 0 50 1 I t • • I • I 100 Metres 150 200 I . I I I I A Map Sheet: 8 of 10 City of Coquitlam UTMZonelO, NAD 83 Date Printed; January 20, 2015 SCHEDULE 'D' TO BYLAW No. 4527,2015 INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOUDATION N 0 50 100 150 1 1 * 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I.I 1 Metres A 200 J\ Jf\A r \ Map Sheet: 9 of 10 City of Coquitlam UTM ZonelO, NAD 83 Date Printed: January 20, 2015 ^4-1 -T.ii.-L ISCHEDULE U TO BYLAW No. 4527,2015 Location Map INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONSOLIDATION City of Coquitiam N 0 50 1 .... 1 100 • 1 150 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Metres Date Printed: January 20, 2015 J\ \ ^M r •- -• UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 i\ 200 Map Sheet: 10 of 10 \ f li+lsrrs
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