October 31, 2014 Notice of Public Hearing to consider amendments to Abbotsford Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2005; and Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014 Abbotsford Council will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 pm on November 3, 2014, in the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium, 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C., under the provisions of the Local Government Act to consider the following bylaws. At the Public Hearing, all persons who believe their interest in property is affected by these proposed bylaws will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the bylaws that are the subject of the hearing. The following is a synopsis of the bylaws amending the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw of the City of Abbotsford, and is not deemed to be an interpretation. A copy of each of the bylaws and relevant background documentation may be inspected in the Planning Services Division (2nd Floor), Abbotsford City Hall, 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C., on October 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and November 3, 2014 between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Planning Services Staff at 604-864-5510. ABBOTSFORD ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW BYLAW NO. 2405-2014 ABBOTSFORD OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 2366-2014 and ABBOTSFORD ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW BYLAW NO. 2406-2014 ABBOTSFORD OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 2361-2014 and ABBOTSFORD ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW BYLAW NO. 2403-2014 SUBJECT LANDS: 36040 Regal Parkway Comprehensive Development Four Zone (N4) PROPOSED ZONING: Urban Residential Zone (RS3) PURPOSE: If Bylaw No. 2405-2014 is adopted, the applicant proposes to rezone the property to legitimize an existing secondary suite. ABBOTSFORD ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW BYLAW NO. 2402-2014 SUBJECT LANDS: 2703, 2697, 2695, 2693, 2687, 2685, 2681 and 2679 Gladys Avenue CURRENT O.C.P. DESIGNATION: City Centre PROPOSED O.C.P. DESIGNATION: City Residential CURRENT ZONING: Urban Residential Zone (RS3) PROPOSED ZONING: Comprehensive Development Thirty-Seven Zone (N37) PURPOSE: Suburban Residential PROPOSED O.C.P. DESIGNATION: Agricultural CURRENT ZONING: Rural Residential Zone (RR) PROPOSED ZONING: Comprehensive Development Thirty-Six Zone (N36) If Bylaw No. 2361-2014 is adopted, a portion of the lands will be redesignated from Suburban Residential to Agricultural. If Zoning Bylaw No. 2403-2014 is adopted, a new Comprehensive Development Thirty-Six Zone (N36) will be created. The applicant proposes to create a five lot bareland strata subdivision, which will allow for the development of a farm equipment sales, leasing, and servicing centre. If Bylaw No. 2366-2014 is adopted, the lands will be redesignated from City Centre to City Residential. If Zoning Bylaw No. 2406-2014 is adopted, a new Comprehensive Development Thirty-Seven Zone (N37) will be created to allow the construction of a supportive housing development. Pumpkins Accepted in Compostable Waste Container 3700 block Atkinson Road, 3435 Eldridge Road and 3400 block Eldridge Road CURRENT O.C.P. DESIGNATION: PURPOSE: SUBJECT LAND: CURRENT ZONING: SUBJECT LAND: 2712 Victoria Street CURRENT ZONING: Urban Residential Zone (RS3) PROPOSED ZONING: Residential Zone (RS5) and Residential Zone (RS5-A) PURPOSE: If Bylaw No. 2402-2014 is adopted, the applicant proposes to develop a 2 lot subdivision. One of the proposed lots will be permitted to have a secondary suite. follow us on @City_Abbotsford Don’t have space in your backyard composter for your JackO-Lantern? You can still keep pumpkins out of the landfill by placing them in your curbside compostable waste container along with your food and yard waste. When setting your pumpkin in your compostable waste container, remember the following: • remove all candles; • remove any decorations, such as any plastics or metal; and • place in your re-usable compostable waste container, not into a Kraft paper bag. Pumpkins can also be taken to the Net Zero Waste Abbotsford Composting Facility and dropped off with a $1 donation to the food bank, located at 5050 Gladwin Road. October 31, 2014 Involve Abbotsford Workshops - No Cost Creating a Learning Organization Learn about the art of Kaizen, and transform your organization or group into one that is continually improving. November 5, 2014 - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Matsqui Centennial Auditorium For more information or to register, visit: www.abbotsfordinvite.ca/involve or call at 604-557-1464 or email [email protected]. Abbotsford International Airport Fee Revisions Beginning January 1, 2015, airport fees will be reduced due to an amendment to Abbotsford Airport Fee Bylaw No. 1297-2003. The Airport Improvement Fee will be reduced from $10 to $5 for all passengers travelling outside BC; the Bridge Loading Fee will be eliminated; and aircraft between 3,001 - 6,000 Minimum Take-Off Weight (not including commercial airlines) as well as tenants with aircraft housed at the airport, will not be charged landing fees. For a complete listing of all fees, please contact the Airport directly at 604-855-1001 or visit www.abbotsfordairport.ca. &281&,/%5,() 8SGDWHRQ$EERWVIRUG&LW\&RXQFLO0HHWLQJV 83&20,1*&281&,/0((7,1*6 1RYHPEHU ([HFXWLYH&RPPLWWHHSP 3XEOLF+HDULQJSP 5HJXODU&RXQFLOWR)ROORZ 1RYHPEHU ([HFXWLYH&RPPLWWHHSP 5HJXODU&RXQFLOSP View Live Council meetings online at www.abbotsford.ca/livecouncil View Archived Council meetings online at www.abbotsford.ca/archivecouncil
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