Cornerstone 20/20 Vision To Reach & Teach To reach people with the gospel of Christ (Evangelism) To teach people to become like Christ (Discipleship) Giving to Cornerstone To Train & Equip To train and develop gifts in people To equip and resource people to utilise those gifts To Serve & Send To serve using our gifts within the Church To send people out locally and globally Please read the notes below before completing the Gift Aid declaration: 1 You can cancel this declaration at any time by notifying the Church Office. 2 You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that Cornerstone reclaims on your donations in the tax year (currently 25p for each £1 you give). 3 If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and / or capital gains equal to the tax that Cornerstone reclaims, you can cancel your declaration (see note 1). 4 If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self-Assessment return. 5 If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, contact the Church Office, or ask your local tax office for leaflet IR113 Gift Aid. 6 If you are married and both pay tax, two separate declarations will need to be made if you wish us to collect tax from both of you. 7 IMPORTANT! Please notify the Church Office if you change your name or address. Castle Boulevard Nottingham, NG7 1FP T: 0115 9588 711 E: [email protected] W: Your Partnership with Us: Cornerstone relies entirely on the giving of its members and regular attendees to finance its ministries and mission. Gifts to the general fund are used to support all the ministries of the church. The General Fund Giving by Standing Order One of the best ways to give is by standing order. This means that your giving to the Lord’s work comes first and is regular and consistent. It also reduces the administration for the church and for you. Please fill in the mandate below and return to the Church Office. Within 30 days, your mandate will be activated. Standing Order Mandate: To: the Manager _____________________________ Bank Address ________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Please credit the account of: Cornerstone Evangelical Church at the Co-operative Bank, 4-5 Exchange Walk, Nottingham Sort Code: 08-90-74; Account No: 50003947 With the sum of £_____________________________ On the _____ day of ______ of the year __________ And thereafter at monthly intervals until further notice. Please use the reference: General Fund This is in addition to any existing standing order in my name with Cornerstone Evangelical Church. Thank you. Signed ____________________ Date ____________ “Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.” - 1 Chronicles 29:14 The ministries at Cornerstone depend on the giving of our members and regular attendees. The church needs over £9000 per week to meet its commitments both home and abroad. Giving to the Lord’s work at Cornerstone. Your gift will be used for: Evangelism, children’s work, youth programmes, international mission, outreach to international students, pastoral care, social concern, teaching, training, gifts to worldwide ministries and to managing, organising, housing and caring for these ministries. Tax Efficient Giving Gift Aid is a government scheme whereby charities are able to reclaim basic-rate income tax payable on gifts received. This means Cornerstone receives an extra 25p for every pound you give. To qualify your giving for Gift Aid, simply fill out the following form. If you are not a regular contributor to Cornerstone, please fill out the form anyway, as it applies to any and every gift. This is a very important part of the church’s income and is money that is due to us. If you are a UK tax payer please help by filling in this form and returning it to the church office. Please pray about your giving and about tithing. If you are not yet giving a full tithe (one tenth of your salary) or if you have been giving only a portion of your tithe to Cornerstone, may we urge you to revise your giving and fill in this form. Donor Details: Plan your giving. We should set aside money for God when we receive our income, rather than giving whatever might be left at the end of the month. ___________________________________________ Give regularly. A bank standing order is a most convenient and helpful way to give. It helps you not to miss your giving, and it helps the church to budget. God’s faithfulness to us. A few years ago at a church meeting, one of the Elders said that when God gives us work to do in His service, He ensures that the church will have the necessary funds to do that work. We take that to heart and move forward, trusting in Him—and He has never failed. Thank you for your part in the work of the gospel worldwide. Full Name __________________________________ Address ____________________________________ _______________________Postcode ____________ Please tick one box as applicable: Please treat all donations I have made to Cornerstone Evangelical Church, Nottingham since 6th April 2005, and all subsequent donations until further notice, as Gift Aid giving. I have recently become a taxpayer. Please treat all donations I make to Cornerstone Evangelical Church, Nottingham from the date of this declaration, and all subsequent donations until further notice, as Gift Aid giving. Signed ____________________ Date ____________ Account Name(s) _____________________________ Account Number _____________________________ Building Beyond our own Lives: Sort Code ___________________________________ For 40 years, Cornerstone has grown numerically and spiritually as a church. We trust God to continue to develop us as a centre for biblical teaching, fellowship and mission at home and abroad. Please send this form directly to your bank or return it to the Cornerstone Church office. The General Fund Please turn this leaflet over to read the Gift Aid notes before completing this Gift Aid declaration.
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