CORPUS CHRISTI BOSCOMBE NEWSLETTER Fr Denis Blackledge SJ (425286), Fr David Gornall SJ (425286) Fr Kevin Fox SJ (436724), Fr Tony Horan SJ (436721) 18 St James’s Square, Boscombe BH5 2BX Tel: 425286 Parish Administrator: Sandra Cook Finance Administrator: Georgie Lockyer (Normal office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) Parish Office email: [email protected] Fr Denis email: [email protected] Website: Parish Centre/Hall Bookings: Aidan Foy Tel: 07775868253 Email: [email protected] OUR PARISH MOTTO IS “ONLY JESUS” We are part of Pastoral Area 21 (Bournemouth) in the Diocese of Portsmouth - CHURCH PARISH PRIEST/CLERGY TEL SUNDAY MASS TIMES CORPUS CHRISTI See above 6.00pm vigil, 9.30am, 11.00am, 5.00pm ANNUNCIATION, Charminster ST EDMUND CAMPION, Castlepoint Fr Bernardine Nsom Deacon Barry Jennings 513369 11.00am, 6.30pm, 9.00am OUR LADY IMMACULATE, Westbourne Fr Bill Wilson 764027 9.00am, 11.00am SACRED HEART, Bournemouth Fr Bruce Barnes Deacon Roger Carr-Jones 551013 5.00pm vigil, 8.00am, 10.30am, 4.00pm 428451 Royal Bournemouth Hospital / Christchurch Hospital chaplain: Non–urgent matters, please ring the Chaplaincy Office directly on 01202 704221. Urgent, or out-of-hours, the Catholic duty Chaplain may be contacted via Switchboard on 01202 303626. Poole Hospital chaplain: Deacon McConville 01202 442167 (leave message) or 01202 665511 (Page RC chaplain) TRIPLE NEWSLETTER 29th March, 5th & 12th April PALM SUNDAY Year B 29th March 2015 As Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem sitting on a donkey, with the crowds cheering him and fluttering their palm branches, we come once more to the most important week of our Church’s year. In ancient days Holy Week was called “The Great Week”, for it brings us face-to-face with Jesus, who gives himself completely on our behalf. The Week contains the key aspects of our Christian faith, centring on the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. Before the week is out that cheering of the crowd turns to jeering, and perhaps you and I need to be honest with our own self and see how we might well have reacted at the time. The blood-curdling moments of the crowd scenes on Good Friday give us pause for thought, for it turns into mob violence, with blood-lust at its heart. Maybe that’s why the Church each year gives us the full story of the Passion on Palm Sunday, sometimes known as Passion Sunday. There’s no short-cut to resurrection, and it only comes via the total self-giving of Jesus in the most awful way Romans reserved for certain types of criminals. Yet here is Jesus, the innocent one. PALMS will be blessed and distributed at each Mass this weekend. CHRISM MASS on Tuesday 31st March 11am in St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth. Each year during Holy Week the Bishop of each Diocese blesses the sacred oils that will be used in every parish of his Diocese during the whole year. There are three oils. Oil of Catechumens – the Greek word for those preparing for Baptism – is given only at Baptism. The Oil of the Sick is used for individuals of all ages and conditions who are ill. It is a very flexible sacrament, used in a variety of circumstances. [By the way, we need to get out of our heads the fact that the old term “extreme unction” has nothing to do with being about to die – it simply means oiling the “extremes” of the human body, which used to be head, hands and feet. Nowadays only head and hands are anointed.] The Oil of Chrism is used at Baptism, at Confirmation, and at Priestly Ordination. It has extra perfume added to it whilst it is being blessed by the Bishop, and all priests present join in the prayer of blessing. In addition, at the Chrism Mass, all the priests of each Diocese gather together to concelebrate Mass with their Bishop. They also renew their priestly promises at a very moving moment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘HEARTS ON FIRE’ OPEN MEETING Wednesday 1st April from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in the Parish Centre. Are you interested in sharing your thoughts on how best to nurture and support our growing Parish Community? You are warmly invited to this evening where ideas will be shared and reflected upon as we begin the preparation for our Summer 'Hearts on Fire' Mission Week which commences on Saturday 25th July. HOF Team JOURNEY IN FAITH (RCIA) Final preparation meeting and practice at 7.30pm Monday 30th March in Church. CORPUS CHRISTI SCHOOL LENTEN SERVICE in church at 1.30pm on Monday 30th March. YOUTH HOLY HOUR All welcome. Wednesday 1st April 6.00 - 7.00pm in church. Organised by the Youth Council. MAKE SURE TO TAKE HOME YOUR EASTER CARD that includes services for HOLY WEEK AND EASTER MAUNDY THURSDAY Jesus gave us all a new commandment, a new “mandatum”, the Latin word. Hence we get “Maundy”. Isn’t it fascinating that this day is remembered for the washing of his disciples’ feet, when so often we concentrate on the gift of the Eucharist on this very day? Jesus gives us that strong reminder that Eucharist means nothing unless it is soaked in service of our neighbour. We begin the “Sacred Triduum” – the three days now that lead us to Easter Day – with this double reminder of the source and summit of our Christian faith and life which the Eucharist is, and the essential consequence of Eucharist properly understood, which is loving service of our neighbour. I have a vision and desire of celebrating a Eucharist in our church when all will have an opportunity both to wash another’s feet, and to have their own feet washed by someone else in the congregation. That way we’d really begin to “get” the message of this wondrous night! But “night” is only just beginning. What follows is the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemani – which means the garden of the olive press. Jesus will experience being squeezed to the pips, as it were, and it’s a good thing for everyone to spend some time, ideally an hour, in church or at home, remembering all our sisters and brothers currently under the cosh for simply being Christian; or remembering those we know and love who are going through some form of “hell” in their own lives just now. GOOD FRIDAY What a strange title to give to this day! It seems anything but good! We have to step back and be able to gaze quietly at Jesus on the Cross, pinned there simply out of total love for each single one of us. If I had my way, I’d simply have a quiet service face-to-face with Jesus on the cross, with no readings, just sheer silence. And give folk an opportunity to kiss the cross and the crucified. As it is, we have a wordy hour, when we have readings leading up to the Passion in St John’s Gospel. Plus we have ten intercessions for a variety of needs. There is no mass, yet we are able to come to communion. My advice for this day is to pick up any one of the passion narratives in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, and go through it very slowly, as if it were a love letter from our loving God written just for you. Because that’s exactly what it actually is! HOLY SATURDAY This day when Jesus is in the tomb is often forgotten, not least because in our hectic post-Christian world in Britain it’s a Bank Holiday Weekend, and it’s a normal Saturday for many who have to work. It’s getting more and more difficult to have “a tomb day” – or even a tomb hour! The reason why we keep Saturday each week as a special day for our Lady Mary is because she, as Mother of Jesus, kept this original Holy Saturday – the Passover Sabbath – as a loyal servant of Jesus, when all his male disciples had fled the scene! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOOD FRIDAY SPECIAL CHILDREN’S PASSION SERVICE This will be led by Rev Neil Houlton, Vicar at St Andrew’s, along with Fr Denis, at 10.30am, and will last about half an hour. GOOD FRIDAY ADULT PASSION SERVICE Please note that the 3pm Good Friday Service is not suitable for small children, as it is an hour or more of rather a lot of readings. Adoration of the Cross will take place at the end of the 3pm Service, and at any time after that until Stations of the Cross at 7pm; then immediately after Stations. CANDLELIT TAIZÉ MEDITATION Good Friday, 3rd April, at 7.30pm in Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Douglas Road, Southbourne. An hour of meditative singing, silence and readings by candlelight. All welcome. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS The role of Eucharist Ministers is to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass's but the most important requirement of this ministry is to visit our sick and housebound parishioner in their homes and bring Holy Communion. We have small teams and commitment would be to visit once every two weeks. If you would like to be considered for this ministry or discuss please contact Fr Denis, Fr David or Aidan Foy [07775868253] EUCHARISTIC MINSTERS Please pick up your new rota from the BACK Sacristy (opposite the new room). Also a reminder that you are all are asked to attend Mass of Last Supper 2nd April at 7.30pm to renew your commitment and be commissioned. Thank you. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, WELCOME MINISTERS AND ALTAR SERVERS for Easter Services. Please sign up on the sheets on the table in the church porch. EASTER 2015 HOLY WEEK LOCAL RETREAT The Handmaids of the Sacred Heart are offering young people 18 to 35, an international shared experience this Holy Week, 2nd - 5th April in the Convent, Parkwood Road. Sleeping bag required. Cost £38. For details contact Sr Sarah-Anne [email protected] Tel: 020 8650 6313. CTIB EASTER FAMILY FUN DAY Sat 4th April 11 - 4pm Organised by Friends of Boscombe Chine Gardens. This fun day is an opportunity for our local churches to reach out to both locals and visitors, socially with information, prayer & family activities. This year it will replace our annual Good Friday Walk of Witness which is proving increasingly difficult to be effective. If you would like to support then contact: [email protected] or [email protected] or 01202 396026 THE ROAD TO GOLGOTHA REFLECTIONS 30th March 7pm at St Peter’s Church, Bournemouth Centre. A free evening exploring the music from The Road To Golgotha, led by Richard McLester. EASTER EASTER VIGIL We begin outside in the dark. New fire is started, and blessed. A fresh Easter candle is blessed and lit to the sound of a triple echo sung out as we process into an unlit church: “Christ our Light!” The ancient stories are told once more, new members are welcomed as they’re baptised or received into full communion. All present renew their Baptismal promises. And the Easter Eucharist fills the night with its brightness. The eclipse of Holy Week is over; light shines once more. The Paschal Candle, representing Jesus the Light of our World, takes its pride of place in the sanctuary. We exit church as a renewed and refreshed Easter people, with “Alleluia!” on our lips! EASTER VIGIL We shall warmly welcome Abou Boubacar Baro at the Easter Vigil, when he will be baptised, confirmed and receive Our Blessed Lord in the Holy Eucharist. EASTER SUNDAY 5th April All we believe about Jesus, dead and risen, is taken on trust. We trust the experience of those first friends and followers of Jesus, and the early Christian writings they left behind which tell their incredible story. Dead men don’t rise! Yet Jesus did. After the full force of the Easter Vigil, there’s a quieter aspect during the celebration at daybreak and during the day. But there’s a whole week given over to this central, key moment of the Resurrection of Jesus. If you can’t get to Mass each day during this amazing Easter week, try to read and ponder the Gospel scenes given each day. You’ll encounter Jesus at times almost teasing those he meets with his risen presence. Goodness knows how you and I’d have been, if we’d been among those first folk to know and experience the risen Lord Jesus. I’m glad we’ve got a variety of individuals who seem to have hesitated, or needed much encouragement as they carried on their pilgrim journey of faith. QUIET HOLY HOUR, led by Fr Denis on Easter Sunday at 3.30pm PARISH OFFICE will be closed w/c 6th April (Office also closed on bank holidays). Wishing all our parishioners a very Happy Easter from Georgie, Sandra and Aidan. SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER - LOW SUNDAY, DIVINE MERCY DAY 12th April Thank the good Lord for Thomas! Without questioning and doubt, most folk wouldn’t cope with religion! Your faith and mine develops if doubts are handled with courage and faced humbly. All of us are on a journey of faith, and as life goes on the questions can multiply for individuals. Sometimes it can seem very dark, and all seems up for grabs and rather questionable. That is a normal process for many people, and is not something to worry about. If that great lady, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta experienced such times, why shouldn’t you or I? I love the way Jesus deals with Thomas: he makes him wait a week, which must have seemed like an eternity to him when all his other friends seemed so sure. Then there’s the pretty awesome moment when Thomas is invited to touch the wounds, a great privilege indeed! You and I don’t have that literal privilege of physical touch, but we’ve two thousand years of Christian experience to fall back on. And plenty of individuals now considered officially as Saints in the Church went through dark times. Today is also Divine Mercy Sunday, when we remember that our God is a God of boundless mercy and compassion, who has proved his total love for each by the gift of his own Son, Jesus, crucified and risen. It’s a good day to read that wonderful chapter eight of St Paul’s Letter to the Romans, which ends with an amazing hymn of gratitude to our compassionate and merciful Lord. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OPEN MEETING FOR WELCOMERS, COLLECTORS & CHILDREN’S LITURGY TEAM Tuesday 14th April at 7.30pm in Parish Centre. Would ALL current helpers as Welcomers, Collectors and Children’s Liturgy please attend the meeting. Warm thanks to Sharon McAndrew, who has looked after the Welcomers’ Rota for the past few years. Sharon is now stepping down. We’ll be revamping the system of Welcoming, and need more volunteers, please, to offer themselves for this important ministry. So please do come along. We also need to sharpen up our system – or lack of it! – for Collectors at all masses. And we need more volunteers for this ministry, please. If individuals from each of the mass times would come along and offer themselves, that would be great! As you know, every other Sunday at the 9.30am Family Mass we offer a Children’s Liturgy, which will take place now in the new Memorial Room. At present we’re down to four volunteers for this important ministry, and we need at least another four individuals to volunteer for this. Please come along and offer yourself. You’ll need DBS clearance for this if you haven’t already got it. PPC meeting on Wednesday 15th April 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. OFFICIAL OPENING OF OUR NEW MEMORIAL MEETING ROOM will take place at 3pm on Sunday 19th April with a simple service and blessing in the room itself, followed by light refreshments in our Parish Centre. All are more than welcome to attend. VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE (Although still a work in progress!) NEXT IGNATIAN DAY on Saturday April 18th - Meeting the Risen Lord. We begin at 10.30 for 11am and finish at 4.15pm in St.Joseph’s parish centre, Christchurch. Remember to bring a packed lunch. YOUTH COUNCIL will be organising a Youth Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace at 6.00pm Mass on Sunday 19th April. The Youth Council was set up by Will Hince, the previous Youth Worker for both PA’s, and the Council has endeavoured to continue to work for and with the local youth. It is made up of young people from local parishes. If you wish to know more or join them, email: [email protected] CHICKEN & CHIP SOCIAL EVENING on Saturday 25th April 7pm for 7.30pm in Parish Centre. Tickets: Adults £5 children £4. Organised by Corpus Christi Social Committee, proceeds to church funds. Tickets available from 29th March after all Sunday Masses or from Win Merricks on 01202 393108. BOSCOMBE ANGELS - a practical caring presence at night in Boscombe - are urgently requiring 4 sleeping bags. We would be grateful if anyone can help. Email [email protected] or call Kate 01202 396026. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER is a weekend away at Park Place (Wickham, near Fareham, Hampshire) from 19-21 June, to explore and to enliven your relationship, bringing you closer and deepening your commitment to your lifetime together. The weekend is presented from a Catholic Christian perspective but any married couple is welcome to attend. For information and online booking visit or contact Chris & Mary Farrall – 02380 275401. SIGNIFICANT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 2015 Are you celebrating a big wedding anniversary (25th, 30th, 40th, 50th. 60th+) this year? Bishop Philip invites you to the Significant Wedding Anniversaries Mass at 11am on Sat 27th June, at St Bede’s Church, Basingstoke (light lunch will follow). Any queries email: [email protected] or apply online at: CATHOLIC SINGLES is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please tel. 0161 941 3498, visit the website or email [email protected] DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND led by Bishop Philip 22 Nov – 2 Dec 2015. £1560 per person sharing fully inclusive. With Tangney Tours. Contact Deacon Iain on 01534 725963 or [email protected] . WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 21st July - 2nd August 2016 Bishop Philip and team will be taking a coach of young people from our diocese to Poland for the next World Youth Day in 2016 with Pope Francis. Guide price £995. Apply online at Limited places. PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE 2015 (14 – 21 Sept). From Gatwick South. Cost £534 per shared room, half board basis. Contact Barry & Jo Henwood (01202 398216) or [email protected] see poster DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will be from 21st to 28th August. For information and a booking form, please contact Kathy Franey 01202 304159. PUGLIA RETREAT 9 -19 September 2015 with Fr Geoff Wheaton SJ. Jesus in Scripture, Jesus in Art. Organised with Retreats Beyond Dover - See poster for more details. REPOSITORY We have a stock of Easter Cards & a wide selection of books & religious gifts. Please pop in! LONDON MARATHON Lucy Hewitt, a parishioner, is running the London marathon on the 26th April in aid of the Clic Sargent charity, who support children with cancer and their families. Her target is £1800. If you would like to sponsor her for any amount, go to her justgiving page at Thank you. WEEKLY OFFERING BOXES If you have signed up for an annual box of giving envelopes, or have been regularly using the yellow visitor envelopes, please pick up your box from the table in the church porch. If you can’t find your box, or would like a box, please contact the Finance Office. LOOK OUT FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF PORTSMOUTH PEOPLE. TAKE ONE HOME TODAY!!! STANDING ORDERS (Can be Gift Aided) Setting up a standing order. The details you will need are the parish bank details, which are: Sort code 30-93-04. Parish Account number: 01786041. (“It’s so easy to do!!”) GIFT AID CLAIMED THIS WEEK: £ 206.44 WE COULD HAVE CLAIMED AN ADDITIONAL £ 183.78 ON LOOSE COLLECTION. MONEY BACK FROM THE GOVERNMENT!! If you are a UK taxpayer please consider Gift Aiding your donation, so parish can reclaim 25p for every £1 donated eg: your gift of £10 becomes £12.50! To join the Gift Aid scheme, please give contact details to Georgie in the office. Or use the yellow GA envelopes (back of church). WEEKLY COLLECTION from recent week. Thank you! SPECIAL COL: STANDING GIFT AID ENVS LOOSE ENVS PLATE clergy assistance ORDERS Society of Jesus Reg. Charity No. 230165 Diocese of Portsmouth Reg. Charity No. 246871 £ 4663.76 £ 146.00 £ 825.75 £79.00 £ 735.12 TOTAL Wk £2200 Target £ 1785.87 -- £ 414.13
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