THIS SUNDAY’S READINGS NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Sunday of Lent THE PATRICIAN First Reading: Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 As long as First Reading: Genesis: 9:8-15 I will recall the he is unclean, he must live alone, outside the covenant between myself and you...the waters camp. shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. Second Reading: Corinthians 10:31-11:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Second Reading: Peter 3:18-22 The water of the flood is a type of baptism which saves you now. Gospel: Mark 1:40-45 The leprosy left him and he was cured. Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 He was tempted by Satan, and the angels looked after him. Caritas Lent Appeal 2015 - Our theme “Light a Fire in the Heart of the World” comes from Pope Francis’ letter Evangelii Gaudium, which asks us to be witnesses at all times and in all places to the joy of the Gospel. A set of envelopes and a Lenten calendar is included with your newsletter this week Your support of this Lent appeal enables Caritas to respond to the needs of many who are poor and vulnerable in our world. ROSTERS—21/22 FEBRUARY 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM WELCOMERS COMMENTATORS MINISTERS OF THE WORD F Haughey H Loader A MacLean A.T Corderoy Samoan Group Filipino Group J Hardie Samoan Group Filipino Group ALTAR SERVERS MINISTERS OF COMMUNION OFFERTORY/COLLECTION J & N McDonald, F Hardie I Kelekolio, M & P Kelly J Tanaki, M Jago, B & C McCauley S Burgess M Fletcher & M Lotter Samoan Group Filipino Group ALTAR LINEN MONEY COUNTERS CHURCH CLEANERS M Swanson L Neville, V Lankshear, B Moran,C Richardson D & J Garrick FLOWERS CHILDRENS LITURGY 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH RELIGIOUS IN WAINUIOMATA Sr. Therese Couderc DOLC (04) 564 4159 WEBSITE: PARISH OFFICE: Maria Ashkettle E-MAIL: [email protected] Secretary: 9:00—4:00 pm PHONE: (04) 970 8405 Office Hours: Mon/Thursday PARISH PRIEST: Fr Marlon Maylon SVD RESIDENT PRIESTS: Fr. Albano Da Costa, SVD ST. CLAUDINE THEVENET PRIMARY SCHOOL: Sue Jury (04) 939 9189 Fr. Bernard Espiritu, SVD Principal: Parish of The Holy Spirit—Te Wairua Tapu “We are a Faith Community that strives to welcome all in Jesus Christ” A hands-on Religion The leper in the gospel (Mk. 1, 4045) reveals how desperate he had become by openly entering a town in order to seek Jesus’ help. He confronted Jesus and said to him, "If Jesus' encounter with the leper certainly affirms this fact. Today we need to let the church be the church, the body of Christ in the midst of the world. We need to carry on the you choose, you can make me hands-on ministry that Jesus inauguclean."(v.40) I would imagine that rated. the crowd around Jesus fell silent. They all gazed at him and wanted to I heard a story about a statue of see what he was going to do. They Christ in a church in Europe that was probably said, "One thing he would hit by a bomb during World War II. never do is touch him." Then they They dug up the statue and discovremembered that in his previous ered that it was undamaged except healing incidents he did touch those for the hands that had been broken who were sick. "Would he now risk off. They hired a sculptor to replace such a thing?" they murmured one to the hands. Finally, they decided to another. What made this an electrify- leave it like it was as a reminder to ing moment was the fact that they the people that Christ has no hands never knew what Jesus was going to but ours to do his work. "Jesus do. According to the gospel, Jesus stretched out his hands and touched stretched out his hand and touched him." him and said to him: “I do choose. Be made clean!”(v.41). 6 Stanley St, Wainuiomata ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday after Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 5:00—5:30 pm BAPTISM, MARRIAGE, FUNERALS: By Appointment Please Contact the Parish Office MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil Mass: Sunday: WEEKDAYS: Monday –Thursday Friday: DIVINE WORD MISSIONARIES (SVD) 6:00 pm 8:30 and 10:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am When Jesus was confronted with human need were not his characteristic traits but compassion, concern and action were. For Jesus religion was a hands-on affair. The church is not only the church of the eye where the sacraments are enacted for the faithful to see and experience. But the Fr. Marlon Peter Maylon, SVD church is also the church of the out- Parish of the Holy Spirit, Te Wairua Tapu stretched helping hand. In Galilee Parish Priest 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time— Liturgical Year B—15th February 2015 St Patrick’s Church Events HOLY SPIRIT—TE WAIRUA TAPU The office for the new parish will be in Petone—41 Britannica Street, (Sacred Heart Church) phone 971 7885 Mass times for Weekends Eastbourne Saturday Vigil 5.30pm Sunday 9.30am (children's Mass once a month) Petone Sunday 9.30am & 5.30pm Waiwhetu Sunday 8.00am & 10.00am Wainuiomata Saturday vigil 6.00pm Sunday 8.30am & 10.00am LAST WEEKS COLLECTION Offerings Given $751.50 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. ANNIVERSARIES This week at all Masses we remember and pray for the souls of Keith Barnes, Johnny Johnson, William Douglas, Paepae Smith and Nancy Davies whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace. MINISTRY ROSTERS If you are involved in the Altar Linen ministry and the Money Counters ministry could you The Inaugural Mass for the new parish will be please pick up your new roster from the table at the back of the church this weekend. Celebrated on Sunday March 8th at 11.00am at Sacred Heart College Auditorium, Lower Hutt. PRAYER OFFERINGS AT OUR LADY'S ALTAR There will be a 6.00pm Mass in Eastbourne and 5.30pm in Petone and Wainuiomata on Offerings to this devotion are given to the this day. Pontifical Mission Societies—Missionz. A total of $203.30 was given to Fr Bernard, ASH WEDNESDAY—18 FEBRUARY svd last week. Thank you for supporting this devotion so generously. We will have two services on this day. First, will be our regular 9.00am Mass. Second, at 7.30pm, here in our church. We will join with Holy Trinity Anglican parish for an Ecumenical Service. BIBLE STUDY Every Thursday evening at 7.00pm in the church. ROSARY There will be no rosary this week due to Ash Wednesday. Please note that during Lent the Rosary will be prayed at Brian & Anne Watt’s place—19 Hay Street—every Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome. ROADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT The weekly devotion of the Blessed Sacrament is every Tuesday 10-am-2.00pm. CONGRATULATIONS The Parish congratulates Maurie and Bev Tansey on the very special occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary Our very best wishes and may God bless you both. Other Events Our Lady of the Rosary foyer, 61 Waiwhetu Rd, 7-9pm.Week 1 19 February Introduction to Miracles. Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women invites all women to their first meeting of the year Saturday February 21st 1.15-3.30pm at Connolly hall Guildford Terrace (off Hill St) Thorndon. The Speaker is Val Morrison – New Beginnings Enquiries Sandra 475 5541 Holy Hour You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tuesday 24 February beginning at 7.30pm in the Cathedral chapel to pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life. This Holy Hour will include prayers, Scripture, times of silence and concluding with Benediction "What do you know about St Ignatius of followed by supper. Loyola?" Healing Service Come and be informed and entertained with There will be a Healing Service with Fr John an illustrated presentation by Bridget Rea on Thursday, 5 March, in Sacred Heart Taumoepeau at Pa Maria, 78 Hobson St, Thorndon, on Saturday 21 Feb, from 2.30 - 4 Cathedral beginning at 8pm (please note the later time). All are welcome. Come and pm. All welcome! experience the healing touch of Jesus. RSVP to Patricia Kane Christian Life Community Aotearoa T. 475 8837 or Liturgical Reception for Cardinal Dew: [email protected] 2015 AT THE GROVE This year the Marist Brothers’ community in Lower Hutt, The Grove, is operating as a “Champagnat Partnership Community”. The aim is to have 3 Brothers and 3 Lay People living in partnership on an equal footing, sharing responsibilities and planning initiatives. The community will have a commitment to personal and community prayer, hospitality and an outreach of service to disadvantaged people. Currently there is a vacancy for a male and female, aged 20 or over. For further information, contact: Br Doug Dawick: (04) 972.6926 or 021.258.1484 or [email protected] To welcome Cardinal John back from Rome following his appointment to the College of Cardinals. There will be a reception at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hill St, Thorndon, Wellington, at 6pm on Friday, 6th of March. This will begin with a time of prayer (Evening Prayer of the Church) followed by light refreshments. All are welcome. NOTICE BOARD Annual Mission Fair of Sisters of St Peter Claver 40 days for Life & Lent Sunday 15th February 2.30pm-4.30pm Connolly hall, Hill St, Thorndon Holy land Pilgrimage Sept/Oct 2015 Prolife Facts Job opportunity –youth pastoral worker for Communio 2015 Holy Trinity Parish—Wellington East “The Miracles of Jesus” presented in six parts Theology on Tap Sun 22 February 2015 by Br Kieran Fenn on the Thursdays of Lent. WE PRAY AT ALL MASSES FOR: GUITAR LESSONS Junior Acoustic Guitar tuition available. Guitar provided when starting. Please phone Bridget 564 4621 or 0223240152 WAY OF THE CROSS/STATIONS OF THE CROSS All are invited to reflect on Jesus journey towards our salvation every Friday during Lent at 7.00pm in our church. Anne (Wanganui); Clair Bancilon, Aileen Barwell, Margaret Blake, Kylie Boswell, Keith Brown, Pauline Cassey, Jane & James Davies (Tauranga), Dominar Dulce, Fagaiava Family, Bridget Forde (Ire), Paul Gregan, Robert Gregory, Moya Groves, Terry Hauge, Henderson Family, Len Houldsworth, Jo Hutchinson, Mele Jago, Senia Kelekolio, Kieran, Keelan Gus Lauvi, Maria, Sr Mary, Mary Logan, Liua Family, Margaret Miller, Joan Nabbs, Tyson Perez, Sene Rasmussen, Jasiah Snopko, Starla Spargo, Maurie Tansey, Margaret Tinney, Keven Upton, Theresa Va’a, Filipina Vaka, Pauline Vella, William Weijers, Hanny & Wim Zwart. **Win Watson **=addition this week If you, a member of your family, a friend or fellow parishioner is sick and would like the Parish to pray for them, please telephone Bev Moran 970 7646 for the name to be put on the list.
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