COTM Nominations Letter - College of Occupational Therapists of

April 1, 2015
Dear Fellow Members:
As the COTM Nominations Coordinator, it is my pleasure to ask you to consider identifying
yourself or someone else to serve on the COTM Council. COTM has three vacant Council
positions for the coming year. The term is for three years.
Enclosed, please find a nomination form. Whether nominating yourself or another occupational
therapist, please consider the following information:
 Practising and non-practising members are eligible to stand for election. All candidates
must have practised in Canada for at least two complete years as of October 21, 2015
(regardless of EFT). This includes Grads of 2013.
 COTM will pay travel expenses incurred on behalf of the Council, so please consider
putting your name forward even if you live outside of Winnipeg; Council meetings are
also accessible via conference call.
 Nominations, including those that are self-initiated, require that all sections of the form be
 Prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM), all COTM members will be mailed a list of
nominees, a brief description of the nominees’ qualifications, and a mail-in ballot.
Because of the mail-in ballot procedure, all nominations must be received by August
15, 2015 (but due to weekend you would have until August 17th). Nominations cannot
be accepted from the floor of the AGM.
As a Council member, I understand the demands of a hectic schedule. However, consider the
rewards of professionally growing, networking with other occupational therapists and
organizations, impacting your profession and serving the people of Manitoba. Not to mention,
the opportunity to work with some great people!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Sheryl Singer O.T. Reg. (MB)
COTM Nominations Coordinator
Phone (w): 204.787.2786 or (h) 204.885.7347
E: [email protected]
College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba
7 - 120 Maryland Street
Phone: (204) 957-1214
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Fax: (204) 775-2340
R3G 1L1
[email protected]