CABINET Meeting date: From: 26 March 2015 Corporate Director – Resources TRANSPORT FOR THE NORTH - COUNTY COUNCIL ENGAGEMENT 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Transport for the North (TfN) is a new body that brings together the core city regions across the North of England to develop a coherent strategic transport plan for the area, seeking to transform the North’s economic infrastructure and help maximise the region’s growth potential. 1.2 It is led by the city regions that made up One North: Greater Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield and Newcastle, together with Hull and the Humber, working in collaboration with the Department for Transport, Highways Agency, Network Rail, and HS2 Ltd. These organisations form the TfN Partnership Board. 1.3 Cumbria County Council has been invited to join the TfN Regional Reference Group which consists of those Local Authorities outside of the Partnership Board. The Regional Reference Group will be the primary method for engaging with all transport authorities across the North. 1.4 The Partnership Board are charged with developing an Interim Report by March 2015 that will set out a robust case for investment in transport infrastructure as well as an agreed appraisal framework for agreeing a prioritised list of projects. 1.5 The Interim Report is also expected to set out proposals around the concept of a ‘Northern Powerhouse’ that will outline the way in which the North can collaborate around Connectivity, Science & Research, Culture and City Governance. It is important that Cumbria has a role in shaping these discussions to ensure that the benefits that the county can bring to both the regional and national economy are fully realised. 2.0 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS 2.1 Transport infrastructure plays a critical role in Cumbria, connecting people and places as well as promoting economic growth. It is essential that connectivity both within Cumbria as well as outside the county is improved in order to drive forward the aims and objectives in the Council’s Economic Ambition Plan as well as the Local Enterprise Partnership’s Strategic Economic Plan. 2.2 A well-connected local transport network contributes towards a number of Council Plan priorities, including; To enable communities to live safely and shape services locally To promote health and wellbeing, and tackle poverty To protect and enhance Cumbria’s world class environment To provide safe and well maintained roads and an effective transport network To promote sustainable economic growth, and create jobs 3.0 RECOMMENDATION 3.1 That Cabinet nominate the Cabinet Member Highways and Transportation to sit on the Transport for the North Regional Reference Group. ADVICE OF CORPORATE DIRECTOR – RESOURCES 4.0 BACKGROUND 4.1 In July 2014 the Chairman of HS2 Ltd Sir David Higgins, published his ‘HS2 Plus’ report. In it, he argued that poor connectivity both to and within the North, acts as a considerable barrier to economic growth. He highlighted that lower per capita infrastructure investment in the region compared to London and the South East prevented the North, and in particular it’s Core Cities, from realising their economic potential. 4.2 In response, the Core Cities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Newcastle and Sheffield published the ‘One North’ document which outlined their intentions to work together to develop a coherent regional transport plan. This document outlines an intention to better realise the economic potential of the northern cities through increased connectivity into and within the region. 4.3 In November 2014, Sir David released a final report ‘Rebalancing Britain; From HS2 Towards a National Transport Strategy’ with recommendations that included building on the ‘One North’ document through aligning the Local Authorities from the five key cities together under a single body – Transport for the North. 4.4 On 12th January 2015, the Transport for the North Partnership Board met for the first time with its membership including; Greater Manchester Liverpool City Region Sheffield City Region Leeds City Region Hull and Humber Department for Transport HS2 Ltd Network Rail Highways Agency 4.5 The Partnership Board is tasked with producing an Interim Report by March 2015 that will set out the case for transport investment to support economic growth in the North, underpinned by robust economic analysis. The report is expected by 18th March. This report will inform the development of the 2019/20 Road Investment Strategy as well as containing broad options for a proposed HS3. The report will outline a shared appraisal framework and approach for agreeing a comprehensive transport plan based on potential economic impact. 4.6 In addition to the Partnership Board, a Transport for the North Regional Reference Group has also been established. This group includes representatives from the Board as well as leaders from the remaining transport authorities in the north. The suggestion is that membership of the group is at Council Leader level and the Council has been invited to sit on this group accordingly. Membership will be reviewed on an annual basis and there is an expectation that Regional Reference Groups will be established at varying levels including strategic, operational and technical. The interim Terms of Reference for the Partnership Board is attached as Appendix 1. 4.7 Whilst the current proposals are focussed on improving connectivity into and between the primary northern cities, representatives from other Local Authorities have been keen to stress the need for Transport for the North to serve the whole of the region and have highlighted the dependence of rural economies on highways. The current position is that locally-specific issues should continue to be addressed through the Local Transport Plan process, whilst Transport for the North should focus on regionally relevant schemes. 4.8 Procedures to formally establish Transport for the North and its working arrangements will continue during the preparation of the March 2015 Interim Report. A dedicated Governance and Devolution workstream group is charged with completing this. At this time, there is little information on how this is progressing, and details regarding the governance arrangements have yet to emerge. Terms of reference and clear governance arrangements are likely to emerge in the Autumn. The IPPR report published on 5th March 2015 (entitled Transport for the North – a blueprint for devolving and integrating transport powers in England) offers some further insight into potential governance arrangements and timescales for the development of Transport for the North as a constituted body. 4.9 It is also not yet clear what the Interim Report will request in terms of funding and powers. It is conceivable that in line with the devolved powers being sought through the Rail North Proposal as well as those that the Greater Manchester Combined Authority will receive, the Transport for the North Partnership Board will request a much greater say the way in which major transport scheme funding is prioritised and allocated in the area. The recent IPPR report refers to devolved budgets and powers. 4.10 It is proposed that the Transport for the North proposals are aligned with and complement the Rail North developments that are currently further advanced. Cabinet agreed at its meeting in February to become a member of Rail North Ltd and the Association of Rail North Partner Authorities. 4.11 Transport for the North, through the production of the Interim Report has also been tasked with considering the creation of a ‘Northern Powerhouse’. This concept was first introduced by the Chancellor George Osborne in July 2014. The Chancellor’s original speech highlighted the need for the North to collaborate and raise its offer around four primary areas; Connectivity, Science and Research, Culture and City Government. The Chancellor pointed out that through improving connectivity between the Core Cities, a single viable jobs market could be created, significantly increasing the pool of skilled labour and consequently productivity. 4.12 Given the breadth and potential strategic importance of the Northern Powerhouse concept, it will be important that the views and aspirations of Cumbria are fully integrated into discussions. It will be important that the County is able to ensure that any proposals generated through Transport for the North and a Northern Powerhouse do not divert investment aimed at enhancing and protecting these assets to other parts of the region. 4.13 It is also important that the need to improve connectivity both within and to those areas more remote from the City Regions, such as Cumbria, is promoted in order to ensure that they are able to maximise their contribution to both regional and national economic growth. Through early engagement in the Transport for the North Regional Reference Group, there is an opportunity for the County Council to have a role in shaping the discussions around the Northern Powerhouse. 5.0 OPTIONS 5.1 Cabinet could chose to agree to be a member of the Regional Reference Group which would allow the Council to articulate its views on the emerging Transport for the North proposals and ensure that we are fully engaged in shaping the development of the Northern Powerhouse going forward. 5.2 Cabinet could elect not to engage in the Transport for the North Regional Reference Group at this stage and await further clarity on the proposed governance arrangements, its role and purpose, and the implications for Cumbria. 6.0 RESOURCE AND VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS 6.1 This paper recommends that the Council nominate the Cabinet Member Highways and Transportation to sit on the Transport for the North Regional Reference Group. By being a member, the County Council would be able to have a role in the shaping of infrastructure investment in the North. 6.2 The financial implications of membership of the group, at this point, are unclear, as its governance arrangements, etc are still to be agreed. The travelling expenses of the Cabinet member attending any meeting in relation to the Group would be met through the members allowances budget 7.0 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 7.1 The decision to nominate a member to this group is a Cabinet decision. 8.0 CONCLUSION 8.1 Transport for the North provides an opportunity for all Local Authorities in the north to come together to set out the infrastructure investments that are required to enable greater connectivity between the Cities to promote economic growth. 8.2 Although the proposals currently focus on developments around Core Cities, there is a need to ensure that Cumbria is both in a position to benefit where possible from investment elsewhere and safeguard much needed funding to improve the county’s own strategic infrastructure. 8.3 The arrangements with regard to Transport for the North are emerging and there is an opportunity for the County Council to engage in the Regional Reference Group as the arrangements develop. Dominic Donnini Corporate Director - Resources 15/03/15 APPENDICES Appendix 1 - Transport for the North Partnership Board Interim Terms of Reference Electoral Division(s): All of Cumbria * Please remove whichever option is not applicable Executive Decision Key Decision Yes* No* If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? N/A* No* If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained? Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? If so, give details below. N/A* No* Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been undertaken? N/A* Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A* N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Corporate Director has obtained the necessary approvals. PREVIOUS RELEVANT COUNCIL OR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS [including Local Committees] No previous decisions CONSIDERATION BY OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny. BACKGROUND PAPERS One North – A Proposition for and Interconnected North (July 2014) Hs2 Plus – Sir David Higgins (July 2014) RESPONSIBLE CABINET MEMBER Cllr Keith Little - Cabinet Member Highways and Transportation REPORT AUTHOR Contact: Corinne Watson, 07970729968, [email protected]
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